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MARCH 2025

Russian Strike Hit Ukrainian Air Bases Set To Host Western Jets

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Russian Strike Hit Ukrainian Air Bases Set To Host Western Jets

File image.

The Russian military carried out early on June 27 a group strike against air bases in Ukraine which were prepared to host Western-made fighter jets, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

In a statement, the ministry said that the strike was carried out using “long-range sea-based precision weaponry, Kinzhal hypersonic air-launched ballistic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.”

“The goal of the strike has been achieved. All the assigned targets have been engaged,” it added.

Early in the morning, blasts were reported by Ukrainian media in the regions of Mykolaiv, Kherson, Dnipropetrovska and Khmelnytskyi.

The Ukrainian Air Force claimed that its air defenses shot down all 23 drones and five out of six missiles which were launched by the Russian military during the attack. However, no evidence backing these claims was presented.

Ukraine is currently preparing to receive the first of more than 80 American-made F-16 fighter jets promised by the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Belgium. France also promised to supply the country with a number of French-made Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets.

Last March, President Vlademir Putin vowed that the Russian military will destroy Western-made fighter jets in Ukraine the same way it destroyed Western-made tanks and other vehicles of Kiev forces.

The Russian group strikes conceded with another Ukrainian drone attack on Russian territory. Seven drones were shot down over Russian regions, including near Moscow, overnight, according to the Russian MoD.

“During the past night, the Kiev regime’s attempt to stage a terror attack on facilities in Russia with the use of fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles was thwarted. Russian air defense forces destroyed four drones over the Tver region, two drones over the Moscow region, and one over the Belgorod region,” the ministry said in a statement.

The main target of the attack was reportedly the Redkinsky Experimental Plant in Tver. No casualties were reported however.

“At around 4 a.m. on June 27, in the Konakovo municipal district of the Tver region, the air defense systems on duty of the Russian ministry of defense repelled another drone attack,” the Tver regional government said on Russian social media platform VKontakte. “Emergency services specialists continue to work at the site where the UAV debris fell. There were no casualties.”

The Russian military resumed group strikes against military infrastructure and affiliated power facilities in Ukraine last March in response to repeated attempts by the Kiev regime to attack civilians and infrastructure in Russia.


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no usable infrastructure to support american made garbage, no need for the aircraft itself…

Hollow Leaders of the West

what in the world were western elites thinking…that they could somehow “win” against russia in ukraine, where logistics will always favor the russians? lol…. too high on cocaine and delusions of grandeur. even a child could have told you this war was avoidable. the west has fatally over estimated itself and its abilities. now for all to see…….

Last edited 8 months ago by Hollow Leaders of the West
LGBTQ Peace Summit

western leaders are homosexuals, transgenders and all have one thing in common and that is that they are suicidal. soon their wish will be granted. the world will be a better place.


americans since wwii never really cared that much about winning conflicts. especially when it’s not their own men dying.

it’s the profit that matters and as long some rich guys still make a profit, it’s a win!


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so the west allegedly trained ukrainian pilots to fly these planes, so fresh from advanced flight school to meet up with seasoned battle proven pilots? what could possibly go wrong. who is maintaining these aircraft? ukrainians? big hmmmm on that one.


hhmmmm, training fighter pilots takes several years !!! probably the planes will be flown in by yankee and nato pilots. and then nato and yankee pilots will fly the planes to attac russia. at least there will be some leaders from nato in the air.


the msm in germany are now speculating , the “tricky” clever ukras have a super plan , to fly the jets from nato air-bases in romania and poland , launch the missiles against russians and then quickly run away back to nato countries to save their asses. indirectly believing , the russians would accept this and not shoot them over the black sea and not target the air-fields in romania and poland. what idiots!


get rid of those bases and destroy the ones in any country that host them and take out any u.s. combat drones that are flying around then declare the black sea closed airspace, that’ll blow whats left of their maggot ridden minds, just when they think they got the answers russia changes the questions, z


the black sea should have bin war zone from day 1


this is apparently a pr move. when they do actually host those aircrafts, russia will refrain from attacking them. russians are too scared to hurt western personnels. i will never understand why ukranians are still able to operate aircrafts on both land and air.


be thankful to god , russians haven’t smreally started yet and practise this patience.


congratulations on waking from your coma.

while you were out of it, russia has been killing hundreds of mercs and nato personel in ukraine.


after two years of operations in the theater how is it that ukraine has functioning aircraft let alone bases to operate them did you see the the us/nato allow iraq or libya to do this ??? but it’s nato that are the faggots ???


so both iraq and libya were backed by the greatest empire the world has ever seen? because the failed ukrainian cia project definitely is, regardless of the declining power of that empire. keep up the derp.


does anyone actually believe it will be ukrainians flying these jets? it takes a lot more then riding a simulator to be successful. it’s obvious that they will be flown by western mercenaries and from countries neighboring ukraine. russia really needs to take a close look at their own leaders for allowing it to come this far by constantly talking about red lines and then extending these lines with more talk.


its hard to verify with rutte as nato commander you can bet it will just be nato pilots and he will slush even more billions of tax euros to this bottomless pit bankrupting europeans even more. i deeply h ate rutte von der leyen and all shabos goy doing the dirty work for the jews they all deserve to be deleted from the face of the earth.

Last edited 8 months ago by Awakend

they will escalate until there is a strategic exchange between russia and europe wiping us all out. and this is what the jews the chabad lubovich rabbis want for them to install their moschiach and stead of the world government they want us destroyed and weakend enough so all christians believe their end times prophecies its all designed that way.


unless we wake up and do what is necessary and remove the jews from our countries from our governments and institutions we are going to be exterminated. that is their plan all along all their agendas are meant to destroy us. immigration climate hoax lab designed viruses all the ways they poison us its all done to deliberatly destroy us.

Last edited 8 months ago by Awakend

russia will be shooting down some of those planes and will interogate the pilots they capture.

then we’ll know who the pilots are.

f16’s are a 49 year old design.

russian sams will take many down imho.


the main reason weapons keep on flowing through romania and poland is putin is too scared to touch the usa soldiers or bases.exactly like in syria were erdogan and biden,trump feast on syria oil.


putin biden trump xi they are all shabos goy doing the dirty work for the jews both the west and east are controlled by them. the jews want to wipe us out and they will use the east to mur der us ht tps ://w ww .bitchute.c om/video/ssuzmalduqzu/

Last edited 8 months ago by Awakend

both russia and china are controlled by the jews just as much the united states and all european countries are the jews never left that investment behind. and if you knew how many millions of us they have murderd rped they have defacto put a cap on our gene pool murdering the best of us.


the last time their agendas were probably some what delayed was when the germans were fighting back. and when we didnt accept the next ape pocks virus bill gates had designed. they realized they needed to shift their strategy. thw day russia went into ukraine the whole covid hoax ended and they shifted to the fake war narrative understand.


. all these forced jabs and certificates qr codes it was all gone when russia went into ukraine its all a setup against us. the jews run the show its their script their narrative. all these agendas are desgined by jews to destroy and mu rder us. that is why they want wa.r so they can do what their bolsheviks did to russia and china. mur der us by the millions. its us or them at this point.

Last edited 8 months ago by Awakend

we are not even allowed to name them let alone defend ourselves against them and their agendas in almost all our countries that is ill egal and will put you in prison for many years. its the jews and it always has been the jews these evil bastards are behind all these agendas and crimes against us.

Last edited 8 months ago by Awakend
inferior burger species

jews superior to cockroach ugly amerikan burger species

inferior burger species

cuz we are inferior submissive morons we need superior jew to pay us to scrub their toilet


the situation is a little bit more serious in ukraine than in syria , so i suppose , the polish and romanian air-bases will be attacked , if nato flies from there to hit russia. we are on the brink of a bigger war anyway


that is what is going to happen and what the jews want. they want this to escalate they want our young men to be forced into conscription and murder the best of us like they already have done in russia ukraine eastern europe and china. its all jews who are behind every agenda that kills and murders christians


know that aliyev with the blessing of putin erdogan and netanyahu was allowed to ethnically cleanse arthsakh 120.000 christians driven from their homes an cultural heritage destroyed. like yosef mizrachi says dont have any mercy on them 6 billion idol worshipers deserve to die according to the torah chrstians budists hindus they all deserve death penalty.


destroying churches is part of jewish doctrine. the jews who ran the soviet union did just that when they siezed power.


awakend. we all know your jewish


if usa,france ,britain and puppets were waging this war against ukraine zelenski would have capture or die long time ago.but putin make enemy clever and study russian weapons.putin tells what weapons were used.


putin is as much a young global leader at the wef as all these other shabos goy its just the other side of the jewish coin. they all do what the jews want. if he was independent all the jews from chabad lubovich would already have been kicked out of russia and their assets siezed. the jews control all important industries and mining in russia know this. they never lost power or controll after the wall came down


they just cha nged the surface while continuing to exp loit the people from behind the scenes

jens holm

taliban witchdoctor give amerikan gud ju ju–special cumdrop vaccine

Just me

there are missiles that can carry more than one politician as a warhead…….using politicians and their owners as warheads could have an effect similar to nuclear weapons. if everyone is afraid, no one will want to start a war.


more war successes in media, than what the frontline advances suggest.

jens holm

my rubber duck fly w gay potato

gestapo mctaco

strange but true…


“conceded” = “coincided.”

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