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MARCH 2025

Russian Strikes Hit Kharkiv, Zhitomir And Odessa Regions In Ukraine (Video)

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Russian Strikes Hit Kharkiv, Zhitomir And Odessa Regions In Ukraine (Video)

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Russian troops continue to carry out precise strikes on military facilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including warehouses, fuel depots and strategic railway tracks.

Since the beginning of the Russian military operation, the Ukrainian military has used civilian infrastructure for military purposes. After a direct strike on the military bases of the AFU throughout Ukraine, many military bases and depots were organized in various civilian facilities. As soon as these places are discovered and destroyed by Russian missiles, Kiev officials use videos of the attacks as another fake proof of Russia’s inhumane warfare.

The use of civilian facilities for storing weapons only helps the Ukrainian military in the media, but does not protect it from Russian strikes.

On May 20, a series of strikes were carried out on their targets in different regions of Ukraine.

The Russian Armed Forces struck the city of Lozovaya in the Kharkiv region. As a result, the building of the local Palace of Culture was destroyed. The attack was presumably carried out by a Tu-22M3 long-range bomber with an X-22 cruise missile.

According to intelligence, the building was used as a temporary warehouse of weapons and ammunition, including those coming from Western countries. Judging by the video, the large explosion was a result of the detonation of the ammunition stored in the building.


An air alert has been declared on almost the entire territory of Ukraine. On the same day, the attack were reported in the Odessa and Poltava regions.

According to the footage from the Odessa region, a missile strike hit the Odessa Portside Plant.

Russian Strikes Hit Kharkiv, Zhitomir And Odessa Regions In Ukraine (Video)

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Earlier a missile strike hit the Malin railway station in the Zhytomyr region. Local residents reported that the Ukrainian air defense managed to intercept one missile, the two others reached their targets. As a result, the rail road tracks and the train with an unknown cargo were damaged.



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Last edited 2 years ago by Shannon Segura

It seems that they are able to incept about 50% of cruise missles.

Is it correct to say that Ukraine anti-air defense has greatly improved due to western weapons and training?


If I were you I would not count on it. Russians take out so-called ” Ukraine anti-air defense” as well.


314 AA units at this moment.


By any chance, do you know the breakdown of the models/types??

Last edited 2 years ago by Caesar

In 1991 it was 80 divisions of S-300P/PS (1 division or 1 complex = 2-4 batteries or 8-16 firing units), it’s up to 1000 firing units, but many of them out of order without maintenance; 1 division of slovakian S-300PMU1 (at least 4 firing units destroyed), numerous “Buk-M1” and “Wasp-AK” (“Osa”), few “Tor-M1” and modernized S-125, many units of “Shilka” and towed ZSU-23-2, hundreds of “Stingers” and “Starstreaks”. Briefings of RusMoD say about destroying of S-300, “Buk” mostly and some “Wasps”, so it’s main hardware of Kiev regime.


Thank you.


i highly doubt they intercept 50% of the incoming cruise missiles maybe 10% if lucky but the Ukrainian side lies so much how do they even know?? they are being hammered everywhere


50%? According to the MSM? Yesterday one of the ukrop ministers said that Russia uses 12-14 missiles a day. Considering how many infrastructures get destroyed, I call bullshit on that 50%.

Vlad the Imposter

Even in this case where they had air defences within range one out of three isn’t 50%.


I imagine that Ukrainian air-defence, whatever it is, covers certain fraction of the Ukrainian left-over teritory therefore your 50% does not seem to be realistic to me.


Right said “it seems”, but in reality 95% of missiles reach their targets with high precision. 5% is failures and anti-air. And you can’t intercept high-speed missiles like H-22/H-32 (~3,5-4,5M) and “Dagger” (up to 10-12M). S-500 is able to work with hyper-sound, but that outdated S-300 of first batch (S-300P/PS with 90 km range) works not so well even with sub-sonic cruise missiles. Need to have flying radar to lock and engage small targets flying right above ground or to have other radars of long-range detection like “Resonance-N”. “Buk-M1” and “Tor” is better, but their range is shorter and “Tor” (newest among all outdated iron) is small in numbers. That’s why ukro-AA has not enough time to react on missiles, even if they has a launcher in right place. Ukros prefer to not use radars permanently, because it’s like a loud shout to our planes with anti-radar missiles H-31PD (180-250 km range depending from launch height) or “Iskander” with ballistic missiles, which is used for fast strike at high-priority targets like long-range AA, high-caliber MLRS and ballistic missile complex.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

havent seen a failure so far, few intercepted kalibrs though


Me too, but nothing is perfect.

opet ja

No usable sea ports, no railway transport. Loads of weapons destroyed every day. Azovstal is done, circling of Severodonetsk also. Soon offensive toward Slavyansk and Krematorsk will follow. when it comes in few days Sevrodonetsk, Slavyansk and Krematorsk will fall with some 50000 Ukr troops. the next stop then will be Dnepr river, its east bank.


The accuracy of the missile which hit the target is frightening.

Last edited 2 years ago by Caesar

Gives the impression that the russians and the iranians ( remember when they bombed the murican base in Iraq ) are using the same satellite guidance systems.


Base in Iraq was destroyed by ballistic missiles which has no active guidance system in flight. Ballistic = free-fall. Quasi-ballistic missiles can change their trajectory a bit, but it’s not full guidance like in cruise or AA missiles. That’s why in english language free-fall shells called as rockets, except ballistic ones, and guided munition as missiles. Ballistic missiles were in use before developing global satellite systems.


Yes I remember, Iranian misiles’ accuracies were pretty impressive as well.


Small loitering munition (suicidal drones) even more frightening, because they hunting humans at speed 100-200 km/h and can’t be seen or heard from afar. youtube.com/watch?v=qIspdkZLA6E


Where all this accuracy, descruction power and speed augmantations will end up? Criminal gangs will be able to lay their hands on them. (I imagine a new black market for the US and his allies military aids to Ukraine before long.)


As we always said in french “en plein dans le mille” -> right on the money


Yes, right in the bull’s-eye !


Good job. Direct hit


WATCH OUT.. western MSM has been actively and continuously disseminating news about the outbreak of MONKEY POX lately although nothing was presented to cause an alarm. This is nothing but a western covert operation to condition our minds that the highly pathogenic bioweapons the US agents were about to launch soon in Europe near Russian border is a natural phenomenon.


It’s not the House of Culture on fire, it’s American taxpayer money on fire!


The devil duo of US UK will both utilise everything in their power to destroy Russia at any cost knowing full well that the cheapest of the Ukrainian manpower are foolishly willing to fire whatever weapon the west delivers, soon we will see the long range missiles with pinpoint accuracy hitting Moscow including nasty and dirty bombs, devastating effects against Russia will soon get worse unless the complete defeat of kiev regime and its fascist army is achieved ASAP.


I’m glad to mentioned the UK, they are equally as evil as the US, something most people don’t understand. The English are a wicked people and if they get the opportunity they will not hesitate to turn Russia into a wasteland, just like they did to Germany. And even though the war was already won, they still could not resist to attack Dresden killing hundreds of thousands of people. If that wasn’t wicked, I don’t know what is.

Lazy Gamer

I guess EU’s hopes for a ceasefire are dashed. Russians are really bent at Odessa and Kharkiv. lol The longer this goes, the more ineffective any western aid becomes. This will be a slow and methodical dismemberment of Ukraine if nothing changes. West will have to make a decision if they will allow the new Russian acquisitions to settle and be covered by a nuclear umbrella later.


I really hope that Russia does conquer all of Novorussia, for only then will they be able to hold on to what they have taken so for. A nuclear umbrella sounds good to me. For as I have states many times before : the only language Nato understands is the language of EXTREME VIOLENCE. To take back the entire Black Sea coast is, I feel, a must for Russia now as it would make any future attacks on them from the south near impossible.


Not only Novorossia (Black and Azov sea shore from Odessa to Caucasus), but Malorossia too. Malorossia is central part with Kiev. Western parts with Galizia (Lvov) could be shared with Poland, who knows. There should not be such ugly state like Kiev regime with so called Ukraina, which means “land near the edge” or border land in rus.language. Historically there was no such state as Ukraine before 1918. Separatist project “Ukraina” must be closed, Novorossia can return to Russia immediately, other parts can be reunited later.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

I agree with you completely. Kiev and Malorussia should of course also be returned to Russia, but I wonder if Putin wants to take the war that far? Nobody seems to know. But if he doesn’t finish the job now, he may never get another change. Great comment.


Feel sad for the two civilian cars at the time of the blast, they must have felt frightened, hope young children weren’t in it. Secondly for that perfectly good building which would have taken hundreds of hours to construct and housed hundreds.

In the crumbling empire

Why is Russia targeting the building during the day? That is the type of terrorist tactics that the US uses. If the building was full of ammunition then there was no way AFU could have moved all the stuff out by night fall. So it was absolutely unnecessary to target the building during the day when there is more people around. If Russia is using the same terrorist tactics of the AFU then they are no better then the AFU Nazi’s and NATO.


Ukros used this culture center as head-quarter. It’s obvious, there will be less UGIL terrorists at night time, when they will sleep at homes. They don’t risk to sleep in barracks since barracks in Nikolaev, Yavorov etc got demolished with all sleepers inside. Now they are using schools, kindergardens and human shield as cover. They should go at field and fight as men. It’s not total war, so cities would stay untouched, if not these cowards in civil buildings with hostages.


“never trust anyone” Queen Mum.

In the crumbling empire

Why is Russia targeting the building during the day? That is the type of terrorist tactics that the US uses. If the building was full of ammunition then there was no way AFU could have moved all the stuff out by night fall. So it was absolutely unnecessary to target the building during the day when there is more people around. If Russia is using the same terrorist tactics of the AFU then they are no better then the AFU Nazi’s and NATO.

And if the AFU did have ammunition stored in the building wouldn’t there have been secondary explosions? I find it hard to believe that all of the ammunition was detonated all at the same time with just the one missile.


To be clear, the scale of the explosion from the missile in the video should not have caused such destruction as was witnessed. As has been visible in Syria when Israel destroys Iranian weapon caches, the whole cache goes up at once. Given that the munitions store here were likely rockets, or antitank munitions, it is likely that the impact set of most of the stockpile in a single blast. The remainder would have been defused by the initial explosion. It’s comparable to when controlled explosions are used to neutralize UXOs, only one erosion is needed to detonate multiple munitions.


amerikanazistan culturally and socially decayed produces morons like Sawyer poko polo etc traumatized by Russian success they are now paying LGBT escorts willing to sodomize them


That first video? Wow, fuck me, now there’s an accurate destruction cone for you! It didn’t even damage the trees right next to the target. I think next the Russians will develop a missile that can actually knock on the front door to be let in before it detonates.

Last edited 2 years ago by Terry

Slava Rossiya


Russia continue the flow of war crimes. And SF is accomplice.

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