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MARCH 2025

Russian Su-30SM Fighter Jet Crashes Off Syrian Coast, Both Pilots Dead (Photo)

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Russian Su-30SM Fighter Jet Crashes Off Syrian Coast, Both Pilots Dead (Photo)

This photo allegedly shows the crash site

On May 3, a Russian Su-30SM fighter jet crasshed off the coast of the Syrian province of Latakia, the Russian Defense Minister said.

“A Russian Su-30SM fighter plane crashed over the Mediterranean Sea at around 9:45 a.m. Moscow time [06:45 GMT] when gaining height after taking off from the Hmeymim airfield. Both pilots, which were fighting to save the plane until the last moment, died,” the defense ministry said in a statement.

The statement clarified that the warplane had not been shot down. According to the preliminary data, a bird strike could be a cause of the incident.

This was not the first time when a Russian plane crashed in Syria because of technical reasons. In March a Russian An-26 military transport aircraft crashed during landing at Hmeymim airfield. 33 passengers and six crew members died in the incident.

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Vincent Van Zyl

May the pilots RIP. Very sad when things like this happen

David Parker

Yes, we the people of the world need to force the scum who call themselves government to start waging peace. Demons, however, enjoy killing people. We need to institute God’s law worldwide and throw out the bureaucrats and their thugs who terrorize us and tax us and kill us in their wars of domination.

Daniel Castro

“Both pilots, which were fighting to save the plane until the last moment, died”

Sad, they should have ejected earlier.

David Parker

20-20 hindsight. If I had a penny for everything I wished I could undo, I would have a fortune in pennies (and dozens of other people would not have suffered the losses I caused them).


Why didn’t they eject?


As the article said, they were trying to save the plane. It would appear that they thought they could save it, but events turned them wrong. That happens a lot during aircraft crashes. No pilot just ejects at the first sign of trouble, it’s usually a means of last resort. And sometimes that is more clear then others.


I have a pilot’s license. If they don’t eject when reach the minimum ejection altitude. Then they risk losing both the plane and themselves. If the plane reaches that low altitude. It probably can’t be saved. So getting out would be the rational thing to do.

Roger Snellman

There has to be more to the story than this. Russian pilots are highly trained and would have ejected if they could have. Obviously the plane was sabotaged along with the pilot eject. Someone is determined to pay Russia back. Was it for their AD failures or stand downs? Could be Iran but Russia should be smart enough to keep Iranians far away from their assets. Syria, ISIS and a whole list of terrorists come to mind but how could they get that close to the jet. Who sabotaged the jet? My guess is the saboteur got physical access to the jet.

In any event our prayers should be for the pilots and their families.


This is a low altitude bird strike crash ejection using the same zero zero ejection seat as is in SU-30s. The pilot survived. The delayed engine explosion shown in the video as a result of the bird strike didn’t set off any ordinance because the plane was unarmed. The SU-30 was probably carrying munitions that could have caused a secondary explosion killing the pilots if an engine exploded as a result of damage from a bird strike:


Roger Snellman

not buying the pelican strike theory. Generally if the Russians or US for that matter bend the truth at first there is something they need to cover up.


Coming from someone like yourself who peddles a ton of Zionist propaganda, I don’t have much faith in your judgement. Plane engines catch fire and explode from bird strikes all of the time. Ordinance causing a secondary explosion on an armed war plane is a real possibility. I’ll reserve judgement on your conspiracy hypothesis until I see credible evidence to support it.

Roger Snellman

Just look at the picture. There is a mushroom cloud moving up from the water to the sky. You on the other hand are describing an explosion that would have turned the fighter into pieces part far above the water followed by those parts hitting the water over a very wide area. The cloud from the explosion would be higher up and more symmetrical as opposed to mushroom shaped. Guess that does not fit into your “nasty Jews ruined my miserable life and are responsible for everything wrong in the universe” fundamental belief. How about this theory. Those nasty Jews have been training pelicans to fly into the engines of Russian jets for the last 30 years. They have just released their secret Pelican weapon and it is unstoppable. The Jews Pelican II secret weapon has trained an army of pelicans to carry bombs in their throat pouches and drop them when signaled. If I were you I would avoid pelicans as if my life depended on it. Never forget somewhere there is a pelican with your name on it.


This S-200 with a 500 pound war head had a Jew pedophile mass rape cult’s F-16s name on it. It looks like it would make a pretty big splash to me:


Roger Snellman

Are you saying the Syrians shot down the Russian fighter with one of the S-200s Russia gave them? That has to be the most idiotic theory yet.


No idiot, I’m saying that a plane crash from missile explosion results in the plane hitting the surface intact.

Roger Snellman

Big difference between engine explosion setting off missile(s) carried under the wing and AD missile strike. At least you are backing off your claim the jet was hit by a missile.


You’re a typical lying Jew, I never said that the plane was hit by a missile. Copy and paste where I said that the plane was hit by a missile. You can’t.

Roger Snellman

Nothing wrong with having Jewish ancestors. As far as I know there are none in my family history. Genetic tests back me up. You on the other hand must have a close Jewish relative. Hitler had Jewish relatives and was probably part Jewish himself. You probably had a Jewish Uncle that used to play with you when you were young, just like Hitler.


They rape 1,000 of their cult babies every week, take their virginity, infect them with venereal disease, brain damage and murder them. And you’re ok with that, what kind of sick wack job are you? These perverts belong in jail:

“metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis. …

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”

– New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision –


David Parker

Wrong again RichardD. When a Sidewinder goes up the exhaust, the aircraft disintegrates when it explodes. Even gunfire will take an aircraft apart, granted bigger pieces as when a wing is shot off. A 20mm or 30mm cannon with explosive shells is no joke.


I’m not going to respond to all of your replies. But you’re not talking to someone who isn’t familiar with everything that you’ve written. I worked in heavy military electronics as a machinist and toolmaker when I was younger building SDI command and control components for classified projects. Some of the exotic materials that we worked with were more expensive by weight than gold.

I learned tool making from the son of a Mercedes certified master toolmaker who owned his own shop where he taught his son everything that the he knew. A Mercedes master toolmaker certification is a 17 year process involving competency in tools, dies, jigs, fixtures, patterns, gauges and molds.

His son was a former special forces operator for the US military in Vietnam. One of my great grandfathers owned and operated an 85 man foundry through both world wars making marine and aviation engine components for the military, including iron and aluminum engine blocks, and held a lot of patents. One of my brothers is a former air force officer, combat and test pilot, and aerospace engineer with underground palm print retina scan clearances.

You don’t know what the service and maintenance history of the plane that went down was. Whether it had previous damage, how many hours were on components, etc.. Those planes are flying a lot of missions and aren’t in perfect condition.

This is what happens when a missile takes off a wing. Like what could of happened in this incident. The plane stays intact except for the missing wing:


David Parker

Hats off to the machinist and tool maker! I have some vertical knee mills and a lathe and can’t make anything precision. However, I flew in the Navy and I know first hand what I am talking about. So I wish you would stick to the machining and not speculate about what “probably” happened because you do not know regardless of your very highly skilled work in manufacturing. I am still in awe of EDM. CNC precision and repeat accuracy are an absolute wonder.

But, when I say head-down in the cockpit pilot error while trying to recover from some malfunction is the most likely explanation, I am speaking from experience. I have experienced close calls – almost flying into the water and almost flying into the deck because of focus on the horizon – and I know personally how quickly and easily a situation can deteriorate. It isn’t even seconds we are talking about, milliseconds separate recovery from absolute disaster. There is nothing like a radar altimeter low altitude warning going off at night while watching tracers on the horizon to get your attention. One twitch in the wrong direction and delay in correcting and you become a burned spot on the ground or under an oil slick in the water. When I say that munitions “cooking off” and blowing the aircraft to smithereens is bullshit, that is what I mean. When that happens at all it happens in the test phases of the aircraft at Edwards or Pax River, not on the line or in the fleet. There is one and only one reason the pilots did not punch out – they were distracted and flew into the water.


It’s a war zone, like I said, the plane was probably carrying munitions, that’s a no brainer. I just showed you a video of a missile exploding at contact with a wing and taking it off with the rest of the plane remaining intact.

When you start getting your facts straight, and stop ignoring prima facia evidence that contradicts your “expert” opinion. You’l do better in the credibility department.

What you’re describing is pilot error. That doesn’t prevent the other pilot from punching out. It was broad daylight as the picture shows. They knew where they were in relation to the surface. And I’ve posted several videos of Russian fighter pilots punching out just before impact and surviving.

The MOD statement said that the likely cause was a bird strike. Maybe the bird was a drone:

– Russia Says 13 Drones Used In Attack On Its Air Base, Naval Facility In Syria –


Until the flight recorder is recovered and the wreckage examined, the only official explanation is that the plane hit something that evidently damaged an engine causing the crash. The results of the follow up investigation may not be released as open source information anytime soon. It could remain classified for a long time.

David Parker

Hooray that an engine came apart on an F-18. Hooray that air-to-air and SAMs can hit a F-102 target drone. That does not constitute armament on the wings cooking off due to an engine explosion. I have never once heard of a wing mounted bomb or missile or rocket “cooking off” due to an engine fire or disintegration. You and your Star Wars private pilot imagination. There probably is no flight recorder installed in the Su-30. This isn’t a civilian airliner with hordes of attorneys waiting to sue the operator. And for sure the Russian Aerospace Forces are not reporting what happened to RT. As I said, there is one and only one reason the pilot and weapons officer did not punch out of this one – they were head down for whatever reason and flew into the water. The only thing I can think of that would distract them that much was a system failure that they thought they could recover from. There is no smoke trail, just the water impact, so for sure, no Star Wars spectacular engine disintegration and armament cooking off. Maybe you will design an airplane and armament that can do that, but I can tell you it won’t sell.


I’ve disproven quite a bit of what you’ve written. You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written.

There may not have been a major fire and or explosion sufficient to leave a smoke trail at the distance that the picture was taken until just prior to impact.

– One flight recorder from Russia military plane recovered in Black Sea –



David Parker

This is not an academic exercise. Kudos at calculating mach 10 into the water. Two seconds from 10,000 feet and you can be in big trouble you cannot get out of was my point. But who said the Su was at optimum glide AOA? Oh, it was you. You haven’t flown anything military, you don’t have a clue what it is like outside your Cessna 150 or whatever puddle jumper you got a license in, and you don’t know, but that doesn’t stop you from commenting. That cloud of smoke and steam is most certainly from impact and whatever resulting explosion from water ingestion into a hot engine and fuel. There is plainly no smoke trail. Hooray that the Russians have equipped their aircraft with flight recorders. You didn’t know either, you merely assumed because flight recorders are required on civilian airliners. From my point of view it is extra weight, more drain on electrical power, and a lot of extra wiring in the harnesses to keep track of power, altitude, airspeed, attitude, control positions, power setting, etc. Nice to know what happened, but don’t screw things up trying to keep track of every bit of data there is. So what does your ego require now? You aren’t a military pilot and never have been, you do not know much about systems, so why not just admit it and stick to your area of expertise which is, I presume, machining? I haven’t been in the seat for a long time, but some things do not change and it was all the wild speculation in the comments that brought me into this in the first place.


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written, I’ve disproven a lot of what you’ve written. So who knows what they’re talking about and who doesn’t?

David Parker

I have six years in the seat, you have none. You haven’t “disproven” anything. You prattle and chalk up scores about your “proofs” and “disproofs” and still don’t know anything about military flying. I have pointed out that the fan/shroud failure on that 757 or whatever it was Southwest flew was not the equivalent of a turbojet engine “explosion”, I pointed out that engines do not cause “secondary explosions of ordinance loaded on the wings” which you ignorantly posted, etc. and you come up with pictures of SAMs and air to air missiles blasting off wings as if that is some proof of anything. Bottom line is the same – you speculate spectacularly in your ignorance.


You’re lying and you know it. You wrote that ordnance going off on a wing would destroy the plane completely. I provided military proof that that’s not necessarily the case. You wrote that military engines coming apart are contained and don’t do secondary damage. I provided military proof that that’s not always the case. I could go on, but you get the point. So who’s involved in wild speculation and who’s making a rational fact and evidence based assessment of the incident?

David Parker

You are the one who said it!!! I said that was total bullshit and that is when I started correcting your spectacular fantasies. You have provided nothing. You acted as if you were some authority, I called your bluff and now you have gone through a whole string of comments trying to backtrack. Just let it go with the admission that you are not and never have been in the cockpit of anything military and don’t know what military aviation is like. It is always under orders with consequences for mistakes. Here is a cockpit view to illustrate my point about two seconds being a long time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75UgQ9E6Itk&lc=z23eg3bqdqfafnbpo04t1aokg3srfrigab3louhskofebk0h00410.1526510186813901&feature=em-comments


You’re evading the issue of having your “expert” opinion being repeatedly dispoven by credible military evidence. While you’ve disproven nothing that I’ve written.

David Parker

Except that you have not “disproven” anything and you have not presented any “proof” germane to the Su-30 pilots flying into the Med. I know they flew into the water because they did not eject. I also know they did not have some crazy death wish. Ergo, they were distracted trying to recover from some system failure and flew into the water.

“dangerous aerial acrobatics in the pilot’s seat in sub hurricane force winds, including landings”? You can’t be serious! No pilot talks such bullshit. As for your “dangerous acrobatics”, the word is aerobatics and they are only dangerous if you can’t fly. You were on a trampoline and dreaming. Meanwhile, there is a crosswind limitation for takeoff and landing and nobody but a complete idiot takes off in a hurricane or when the crosswind exceeds rudder capacity. Did you mean to say you took off your puddle jumper on a gusty day, bounced all over the runway on landing but managed to stop without wrecking the airplane? Do you think that makes you an expert? You are ridiculous. Go back to your video games and Star Wars fantasies if you can’t live in the real world.


Obviously if an engine can come apart on a fighter to blow parts all over the place, sever fuel and hydraulic lines, injure 11 people and burst the plane into flames. That’s sufficient damage to take a plane down. So disprove that.

David Parker

In the first place the Russian Su-30 pilot and weapons officer flew into the Med because they were head down for whatever reason. In the second place I am not a liar. My intent is to inform from the benefit of my experience. I have no reason to deceive anyone by my comments. In the third place I flew in the US Navy. In the fourth place you didn’t. As for Hultgreen dumping an F-18 into the water, the weapons officer always ejects first. It is a built-in sequence to protect the back seater from being roasted. Something else you would not know. Also there is no excuse for losing an F-18 due to a single engine failure on approach or otherwise. Aircraft do not just “roll” from an engine failure. Short of a hydraulic failure, they only roll when the pilot is behind the aircraft – not paying attention – and gets too slow. Kara Hultgreen belonged in the kitchen, not in an F-18 where things happen fast when they happen. Of course, the Navy had to make her a heroine for dumping $18 million or whatever into the ocean, but it is all political bullshit. Last I heard not one woman military pilot passed the physical that ALL the men are required to pass to get into that seat. Listening to that bullshit is like hearing that “a car left the road…”. Wrong! Some idiot went to sleep or drove the car off the road or pushed the car out of its envelope. It’s always the nut behind the wheel and that includes not taking care of the car – brakes, tires, steering, alignment, etc. Once again you prove you don’t have a clue why the Russians flew into the Med.


I’m getting tired of disproving your incessant lies, disinfo and incompetency over and over again with quality, verifiable military evidence. Maybe you’re getting senile, or you’ve just been a habitual liar and incompetent all of your life. There are multiple military fighter crashes where the cause of the crash is determined by qualified military investigators to be catastrophic engine failure, not pilot error. Almost all of which involved male pilots.

“F/A-18F Super Hornet. …

The Navy jet that crashed March 14 off Florida’s coast and resulted in both crew members’ deaths was flying with only one engine as it attempted to land, according to the Naval Safety Center. …

Witnesses reported seeing a fireball and then the jet falling out of the sky into shallow water.”

– Navy jet that crashed near Key West was flying with 1 engine, document says –


“A Navy fighter jet on a training flight crashed Wednesday afternoon off the coast of Key West, Florida, killing both crew members, the Navy said. …

They ejected around 4:30 p.m. ET from the F/A-18F Super Hornet, attached to Strike Fighter Squadron 213 at Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia …

Witnesses to the crash told the Florida Keys News that they saw what looked like an explosion.

“I saw the fire and then it just dropped,” said Barbie Wilson, who described the jet bursting into flames.”

– Two killed as Navy fighter jet crashes near Key West, Florida –


– Air Force’s newest fighter gets first female pilot –


– Youngest female pilot to fly with US Air Force display team –


David Parker

Right dickhead – the controls did not respond – meaning loss of hydraulic pressure meaning eject because you just became a passenger. You haven’t disproven a thing Poindexter. The engines are designed and manufactured to stay in one piece from takeoff to landing. That they aren’t says maintenance isn’t what it should be. I can understand bad Navy maintenance, we spent our money on ships. But Air Force always had the best of everything, your list of failures says they aren’t getting good people and parts anymore. Again, you don’t have a clue why the Russians flew their Su-30 into the Med and you are too obstinate to accept that the pilot got very busy trying to recover from something and didn’t pay attention to where he was headed. Same for the weapons officer or he would have initiated command ejection.

David Parker

You continually prove that you don’t know what you are talking about. I pointed out that fan/shroud failure on the Southwest Boeing whatever it was is NOT equivalent to a turbojet “explosion”. I guess you were too busy thinking how you were going to patch your ego to notice. I pointed out that a SAM or air to air missile hitting an XF-102 drone is NOT equivalent to ordinance on the wings “cooking off”. Ditto for your ego. An F-18 engine “explosion” was obviously wonderful. Somebody in AIMD failed turbine blade inspection on that engine rebuild. However, there was nothing about ordinance “cooking off” or exploding. Another of your “facts” disproved that you seem to have overlooked. Kudos for calculating the airspeed from 10,000 feet to water impact of mach 10. But my point was that two seconds is enough inattention to set up an unrecoverable situation. An A-6 pilot and BN could not pull out of a nose down attitude after the pilot screwed up his maneuver from 3,000 feet. It did not stall, it was moving right along. It was pilot error all the way. There was nothing wrong with the A-6. The A-6 is not supersonic and is highly maneuverable but two bodies are still unrecovered under a green dye marker where they hit the water. There was a wonderful splash and steam cloud to mark the impact. Last call was from the BN “We’re not gonna make it … .” and they didn’t. That probably did not show up on your DRO either. I think you are a frustrated attorney – you like to bicker but couldn’t make it through law school so you don’t get to bill $250 an hour for your ruminations.

David Parker

It certainly would have. $18,800,000 is converted to scrap in a millisecond. We have to quit spending money on s*^t like this, cut taxes, and repair roads and bridges instead. The worst part is that I believe this constitutes “foreign aid” to Israel. They get to fly them and wreck them for free and America’s family farmers face bankruptcy every year to pay for it.


Maybe you should look at what happens when a plane looses a wing from a missile explosion before your write your madness:


Roger Snellman

You are making my case for me. None of these had the explosion footprint pictured in this article.


What is it about the plane having it’s wing blown off and hitting the water intact disproves:

“You on the other hand are describing an explosion that would have turned the fighter into pieces parts far above the water followed by those parts hitting the water over a very wide area.”

that you don’t understand?

Roger Snellman

Thought you agreed the Russian jet was not taken down by AD. Make up your mind because if it was then you cannot blame it on your favorite whipping boys the Jews. Unless they hacked the S-200 and are now controlling it for their own ends.


You’re a liar and a moron, copy and paste where I said that the Russian plane was hit by a missile.

Roger Snellman

It is late and maybe I did not remember your video. Thought you posted a bunch of video showing jets getting hit with missiles and then implying they were just like the Russian jet. My apologies.


Jews are the most persecuted, expelled, and genocided group of miscreants in history. Because they’re evil and their Talmud rabbinical cult ideology is evil. Judaism should be outlawed and the planet dejudified to create a Jew free world that will be much better for humanity.

Roger Snellman

So when Israeli fighters fly right through the AD to take out Iranian bases and ammo dumps in Syria slaughtering scores of Iranian and Hezbollah fighters you:

A. Curl up in a corner and have a good long cry B. Cut yourself C. Rant about the Jew that is banging you ex D. Can’t remember because your head feels like it is going to explode just before you blackout


Non of your replies make any sense. You’re clearly a head case.

Roger Snellman

Then tell us what do you do when Israeli fighters fly right through the AD to take out Iranian bases and ammo dumps in Syria slaughtering scores of Iranian and Hezbollah fighters?


Did they, or did they drop a swarm of glide bombs from outside Syrian airspace and one got through and hit an ammo dump? While at least one of the other targets, and possibly both were undefended. Blowing up an undefended fire station. You can add that to your cult’s long list of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Which is why one of the smallest UN members has more resolutions against it than anyone else.

Roger Snellman

So you confirm the answer is all of the above. That is exactly what I suspected.


You’re not interested in a rational fact based debate. And are evading the issues and posting a lot of nonsense and obfuscation.

David Parker

You are beating a dead horse. The Su-30 did not suffer a midair explosion from ordinance. Engine failure, hydraulic system failure, whatever the problem was, obviously the crew figured they could save the aircraft and they took half a second too long to do it. The pilot lost his situational awareness, probably from long familiarity with the aircraft, and he was in the water before they could eject. All turbine engines are “on fire” from the time they spin up and ignite the JP. They very seldom catastrophically fail. Maintenance is painstaking to the point of non-destructive testing of each and every blade in the compressor and power turbines. Your example of the Southwest flight is a fan jet, a high bypass design, like a propellor 14 feet in diameter with only the tips pushing air. Somebody f***ked up big time. It is hard to get good help these days and some FAA licensed AI is in hot water over this one.

David Parker

Right. And what type are you certified to fly? Cessnas do not have ejection seats.

Promitheas Apollonious

good question. A pilot knows he can not save what can not be saved and above the sea was no danger for civilians. I dont believe they die trying to save the plane.


If you look at the picture the accident happened almost straight off shore. Considering the speed at which aircraft travel eject a second earlier and that plane might have hit those houses instead.

Promitheas Apollonious

that be a correct assumption if the plane was returning to the airport. The only reason not to eject is low attitude.

Concrete Mike

I think your in the right boat with the low altitude . Makes sense to me

David Parker

There are many problems even with zero/zero ejection seats. For example, if the rate of descent is too high, there is no way to survive ejection. Jets glide like a rock, their stall speed is around 100 Kts, flaps up and clean, etc. They go down fast – two seconds from 10,000 feet – with a glide ration of about 1:1, and that is assuming the pilot had control. They may have been desperately trying to manually pump hydraulic pressure, who knows, such emergency systems are specific to each aircraft but very well known to the pilots. Pilots will most definitely fight to the bitter end to regain control, relight the engine in the case of flameout due to bird strike, etc. There is a strong stigma attached to damaging or losing aircraft. Even the most economically produced aircraft are very expensive and represent a lot of money taxed from the people and the pilots know it very well. They heard it from day one in training. Many will go down trying to save the aircraft if there appears to be the slightest opportunity to do so.

Promitheas Apollonious

I am not a fighter pilot to know all this my friend. I just reported here what my fighter pilot friends told me here and I know a lot of them. Not long ago also we lost a fighter pilot in a mirage in my country.

Thank you for the information, it helps one thinking base on reality.

Bill Wilson

Military pilots safely eject all the time while the plane is sitting/rolling along/scraping the ground. Most also have sensors that allows them to eject while flying at any angle, including upside down real close to the ground. In those cases the seats automatically adjust to fly vertically upward and when upside down make a sharp U-turn. Those have been in use for several decades.


The picture suggests a steep angle of entry.


You can set the auto pilot to ditch the plane at sea before you eject.

Bill Wilson

I see where something exploded after it entered the water.


What do think could have happened?

Promitheas Apollonious

well if it was a single engine plane then the bird story will maybe making sense. Is a twin engine plane and one that can be hit and still fly. I am not a pilot but I have many friends who are fighter plane pilots and some of them are russians. Already spoke to one of them he says he can not accept the official story.

On the other hand two pilots have die so speculating with out enough info i feel it as disrespect to them so honestly I dont know yet what to think.


Do not look for black conspiracy everywhere. It does not matter that there are two engines. The plane was in a take-off, it canceled one engine, which led to a sudden loss of height and drop to the side of killed engine. After that, everything is just an attempt (unfortunately this time unsuccessful) to save the situation.

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont do conspiracies kid. And the plane was off the cost of Latakia so is been at least 10 minutes on the air, when it happened. Check your maps and think next time you answering me.


I’m 44. I was a kid at the end of the last century.

Promitheas Apollonious

I was not referring to your age, but rather your americanized mentality..


Ја сам из Србије и ако шта мрзим, то су Американци и њихово сељачко понашање. А у ком делу мог коментара сам испољио амерички менталитет? Translate…


The news says it fell during the takeoff. Tell me the source that says he was in flight for at least 10 minutes.

Promitheas Apollonious

thinking must be not your strongest point obviously. american? As I said look at the map where the airbase is and then where the plane drop out of the sky. In couple of years you figure it out, at the speed your thinking is.


И немој да вређаш, ја тебе нисам ни у једном делу коментара увредио. Твоје понашање са вређањем упућује да си ТИ американац! Translate…

Promitheas Apollonious

no need kid. When I ask american I was referring to your mentality, not your nationality.

We are all friendlies here, even if we have a difference.. of opinion.

A word of advice learn to use your brain, before using your fingers to type and emotion. It shows you are weak and last i check thinking is not illegal yet, use it.


Па, управо сам погледао мапу и мапа показује да је авион пао недалеко од писте што сугерише, а и новости потврђују, да је авион пао током узлетања, што само по себи имплицира да нисам погрешио у свом коментару. С друге стране ти си се изгледа нашао увређен што сам написао реплику на твој коментар, па си почео да вређаш а и даље ниси поткрепио своју тврдњу да је авион био у ваздуху 10 минута пре пада. Погледај уназад моје коментаре пре него што даш процену, ја тебе нисам ни процењивао ни вређао. Жао ми је, али ниси саговорник са којим бих хтео даље да комуницирам јер су ме родитељи васпитали да у току разговора не вређам саговорника, а и не трпим саговорника који вређа. Све најбоље. Translate…

Promitheas Apollonious

now you using capital fonts. K i understand form your writing you are a Yugoslav, so I will not push it any farther. I dont need to translate what you write I may have forget due to a life time not speaking any more your language but I still can read it and understand it.

You may have hear of us, when they attack your country we was the first to stop the germans and croats attacking your villages, with the local people.

I dont know where you base that the info given on the plane that crashed is not correct. If you have information we dont have is better you post it in english so all reading here to understand what are you saying.

But that the plane was already in flight for about ten minutes I know for a fact because I already cross referenced it with my russian contacts and we come to the conclusion that either the plane fall because of what the russians say officially by a seagull, or is been hit with EMP.


Capital fonts??? It’s called grammar!

Promitheas Apollonious

no is not, is called emotional yelling on the net and is no need for that.

AG Korvin

This is a possibility, yes.

David Parker

There is no “drop to the side”. There is a yaw, which in the case of the Sukoi I would imagine is slight due the engines both being close to centerline thrust. Every military pilot is trained to instantly recover from engine failure and stalls. Every two-engine aircraft can climb single engine if the density altitude was low enough for a safe takeoff in the beginning. I have many times waved off and landed single engine in training, most of the time on hot humid days.


Su-30 is twin engine

Promitheas Apollonious

I know.


If the engine came apart, that could cause a crash. –

Promitheas Apollonious

True but they have not. And as far we found out, there was no bird either, at least the feathered type one.


Is there an update, what caused the crash?

Promitheas Apollonious

all we spoke to and are a few, from our business contacts in Russia all say that is impossible the plane to went down by a bird. Other than that we may never know. Also if you check the history of the SU 30 none ever went down or had an accident, as they told me.


This is a video showing a bird strike crash that resulted in an engine explosion and plane crash where the pilot survived using the same ejection seat as is in the SU-30. Any jet can crash from a bird strike, including SU-30s:


John Mason

SU30 has 2 engines, doubt that a flock of birds flew into both engines, what is suspicious is that the pilots didn’t eject. Pilot will always order the navigator to eject, namely because he has no control.


One engine going out can take down a plane under some circumstances. If it comes apart and or catches on fire it can damage munitions that can cause a more destructive secondary explosion. Until more information comes out, it’s unknown why the pilots didn’t eject. But a catastrophic engine failure that caused a secondary explosion is one possibility.

David Parker

Bullshit. Tell me one case where the munitions exploded due to being struck by engine parts. There are safeties on bombs and time delay fuses on missiles. Banging on them with a hammer or a flying turbine blade that might have made it through the engine casing – which is specifically designed to contain a disintegrating compressor or power turbine – is not going to cause a “secondary explosion”. The pilot and the weapons officer did not eject because they were head down trying to save the aircraft. There is nothing suspicious whatever about the crash. It is the oldest cause yet. The only question is whether the pilot erred – in which case he really would risk death to recover from his mistake – or whether some other failure so occupied the attention of the pilot and weapons officer that they were head down and lost track of their altitude.


It was daylight, they knew where they were. Ordnance with safeties and fuses cooks off as a secondary explosion all of the time. And engines coming apart do a lot of damage:

“One person was killed and seven others sustained minor injuries on a Southwest Airlines flight from New York to Dallas when an engine exploded in midair on Tuesday, shattering a window that passengers said partially sucked a woman out of the aircraft.”


– Southwest Airlines Engine Explodes in Flight, Killing a Passenger –


David Parker

Different aircraft, different engines. That is a fan jet engine, the fan came apart, fans have a diameter of some 14 feet (about 4 meters), some question of whether the shroud or the fan came apart first, and with the shroud gone there is nothing between the fan and the fuselage. The Su engines are turbojets and are aft of the munitions mounts. All the spinning parts are inside the engine casing, which is built to sustain heat, high pressure, and turbine wheel failures.



Promitheas Apollonious

I dont dispute that any plane can crash in certain circumstances but as a pilot, you would know that is one thing the speeds in an air show and another flying shorties in a war zone.

The plane was not going in almost stalling speed, but at cruising speed at least. If you look at the map where the air base is and where the plane crashed, then you know what I mean.


If an engine failure can do sufficient damage to kill and injure people on board the aircraft, as happened in the linked story below, then it can damage munitions on a war plane to the point where they cause a secondary explosion. I’m not saying that that’s what happened, but it could explain the lack of survivors. And it’s a very plausible explanation. Until more information comes out. It’s to soon say that the Russian MOD isn’t correct based on currently available open source material.

“One person was killed and seven others sustained minor injuries on a Southwest Airlines flight from New York to Dallas when an engine exploded in midair on Tuesday, shattering a window that passengers said partially sucked a woman out of the aircraft.”


– Southwest Airlines Engine Explodes in Flight, Killing a Passenger –


David Parker

There weren’t two pilots. The weapons/navigation officer sits aft.

Promitheas Apollonious

and who said there where two pilots?

David Parker

RichardD who wants everyone to believe he knows what happened and has a lot of experience with military flight operations.

Promitheas Apollonious

And why are you telling me about what he said? If you have a problem with what someone else wrote, then you should take it with him, as I am no ones custodian here, or speak for them.

And is basic knowledge to military people, how many persons are in each type of planes. You dont have to be an expert on fighter planes to know the basics of them. Even if you have no idea about air force then google as they say is your best friend if you are not lazy to search it.

David Parker

Will you get the chip off your shoulder? You wrote: “On the other hand two pilots have die so speculating with out enough info i feel it as disrespect to them so honestly I dont know yet what to think.”. OK? The guy in back is a weapons officer. There aren’t even duplicate flight controls in the aft cockpit. He has his hands full with targeting and navigation and watching who is tracking them on radar. I don’t need Google to tell me anything about flying. I an ex-Navy and have several thousand hours pilot-in-command in several types. Meanwhile everyone agrees people getting killed right and left is a bad thing and we all wish the powers that be would kill themselves and leave the rest of us and our planet alone.


If that is the correct picture from the incident (and condolences to the families) the splash / the smoke that is so high suggests that it was an abrupt fall…. Like they didnt have control of the plane at all…like a nose dive… Maybe the ejection was jammed or they were turned upside down…


I have a pilot’s license. There are minimum ejection altitudes, regardless of plane position. Assuming that they were above it when they hit the bird, as some reports suggest, they could have gotten out safely.


Almost all airplanes, and SU-30 for sure, have zero-zero (zero altitude, zero speed) ejection seats, which means they can use seats even when airplane standing still. They did not use those seats, probably because they did not want the plane to crash into a populated area.


It wasn’t over a populated area.


Because they managed to turn the plane to the open sea. If the image is credible, it can be seen that the plane fell near the shore.


This is a low altitude bird strike crash ejection using the same zero zero ejection seat as is in SU-30s. Where the pilot changed course before ejecting to avoid civilian causalities, and he was a lot closer to civilians than the SU-30. The engine exploded as a result of the bird strike and the pilot survived:



It depends on the situation and ability of the pilot. Millions of factors. Negative factors coincided here.

David Parker

The starboard engine did not explode. It flamed out and the damage was contained within the engine casing. Which is surprising considering that frozen turkeys were shot into the intakes of T-56 turboprop engines of Lockheed Electras back in the ’50s to simulate a bird strike. The frozen turkeys caused a momentary loss of power with a momentary drop in hydraulic pressure but not a single flameout and no engine damage. The T-56 still power the C-130 and the P-3 (which is an Electra). Read all about it in _The Electra Story_ by Richard Serling. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35506146-the-electra-story

Carol Davidek-Waller

Not enough altitude?


We’ll have to wait and see.


I must admit I find it extremely hard to believe that one bird can take down a two engine fighter jet with 2 pilots on board… Maybe a mechanical fault… but it doesnt look good for future sales to admit it…


If the engine came apart, that could cause a crash.


Why would the engine come apart…does this happen often ? Never heard of an engine coming apart before….


Because it was damaged by the bird strike.

neil barron

Southwest airliner 1 week ago in the US. engine parts killed a woman passenge

David Parker

It wasn’t engine parts. It was the fan, a 14′ propeller with many blades in a shroud. Southwest will more than likely use that engine again after inspection.

David Parker

I’m betting hydraulic pressure drop and loss of control and they were trying to manually pump up the system again. Probably several cut lines spraying fluid, but by the time they figured out the backup was shot, they looked up too late, they were in the water.


I cant really say I agree with you or I don’t. I m no expert in Jet fighter engines.

David Parker

It’s RichardD who keeps coming up with spectacular scenarios and pretending he knows what happened that bugs me. He is a machinist, tool and die at that, which is actually impressive, not everyone can make precision parts, and apparently he has a pilot’s license, doubtless private. But, he keeps weighing in like he has a clue what happened. He keeps talking about engines exploding and onboard munitions exploding in midair and posting videos of that Southwest fanjet that lost the fan and shroud as if that has anything at all to do with the Su-30 flying into the water. He even posted some old videos of various missiles shooting down F-102 drones as some sort of proof that onboard munitions routinely explode and take a wing off. The guy absolutely will not admit he doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground on this one. I keep telling him, some system went haywire, the pilot and weapons officer were trying to restore it or activate a backup, and they were simply distracted and flew into the water. Whether a bird strike took out the starboard engine or whatever, the one and only reason they did not punch out in time is because they were distracted trying to save the aircraft. Oh, I have a commercial ticket, multi-engine land and rotary wing instrument rating and I am an ex-naval aviator, 1395. Anyway, it is RichardD who keeps the confusion alive and you were responding to his claim an engine exploded and I intervened.

David Parker


Daniel Miller

probably overly attached to their plane Russian pilots are very good bud i really hate it when you are overly attached to your plane and you try to save it even tho its hopeless and die anyway.

David Parker

Which is why I believe they felt they could recover the aircraft. Just head down for half a second too long. If this crew had been in Syria very long, they have flown a lot (30 sorties a day?) and were very proficient, perhaps too confident of the aircraft.



russian pilots are trying save planes to the last moments…


Sad news indeed. But considering the insanely high tempo of flight operations from Khmeinim I’m amazed that its not happening more often.

888mladen .

Only intelligible comment so far.


The Americans don’t have a lower tempo by covering their g@rbage in Eastern-Syria and IRAK..

My humble opinion is that the RUSSIAN could have opened a few BASES more in SYRIA, specially in the EAST of Damascus, to cut the nose of the NATO-planes coming from Israel via JORDAN and to have an eye on the IRAKI-border, too Short said: they aren’t enough Russians there for that mission.


China needs to get involved too.

You can call me Al

I second that.

Ivan Freely

What’s there to do for China? The fight against ISIS is practically over. All that is left is *direct* confrontation against the US/Israel. Even if China did show up, they still have to confront Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and maybe Vietnam. They got their hands full. And to make matters worse, they don’t have enough equipment such as their carrier groups, carrier strike fighters, tankers, etc…


China haw spent incredibile amounts of money in Africa on several different countries…trade deals, constructing roads, raillroads etc. They could do the same in Syria. Together with Russia. They are strategic partners with Russia, in case you didnt know, but first in Syria to do all that they ll just have to send some troops and equipment and sort the situtaion out. ISIS is NOT finished yet, they change their name and they carry on with their terrorist activities with the help of the United States og America, Saudi Arabia and Israel. And what Australia, Japan and the other countries you mentioned have to do with anything i dont know… The Chinese are building up their army constantly and really really fast. Theur base in Djibouti haw been using laser weapons to counter the American base in that same country that is about 50 or so miles to the south of their base…The Americans complained about it ! Yeah they dont have as many carriers as the USA has but thats about the only thing they lack v the yanks …on the other hand China is not trying to be the global police of the planet !

Ivan Freely

I’ve read an article that China is already in Syria, in terms of reconstruction, however, it was only in areas where it wasn’t contested. Unfortunately, there will be no significant reconstruction until the fighting stop, which will be awhile by your estimates. I suspect Russia also have the same mindset.

As for mentioning other nations, understand that the US and friends do not want China to get militarily involved as it would complicate their plan. So, if China did send in their military, the US will get their ‘allies’ to start up a military conflict right on China’s front door. Japan would love nothing more to piss in China’s rice bowl. Taiwan is still a sore spot which the US knows it can be used to their advantage. The situation on the Korean front is promising but anything can happen.

As for China’s military modernization, yes, I’m well aware of it as I’m actively following it, especially their naval carrier program. But, they’ll need lots of time to get acquainted with their equipment.

Benjamin Facochere

Only problem is, you’re talking about Russia not the USSR!. Russia only has a population of 146 Mio people and a GDP of ~ $ 1.5 Bio. In comparison Germany has 83 Mio people and a GDP of ~ $ 3.7 Bio. The USA has a GDP of ~ $ 19.4 Bio! I admire Russia for their international military engagement, but what I read from Russian media the military budget for Syria is already causing protests, so they’re already operating at their limit (without declaring war).

Vladimir Makarenko

Well, there are of course concerns voiced about how much it cost Russia to defend Syria. However there is a strong counterargument that Russia while spending up to $ 5 bln. in total received a total at least $15 bln in arms contracts: Russian weaponry performance was watched very closely by buyers all around the world and left many of them very impressed.

Ivan Freely

The Russians could start arming Hezbollah and Iraq with S-300.

Manuel Flores Escobar

2 jets planes in 3 years and 8 months…operating day and night!


haha, only near kuznyetsov has fallen 2

you big animal liar! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Manuel Flores Escobar

i am talking of Hymenein air base stupid!…USA has lost 10 aircraft in the last weeks!


yes, you idiot, you compere 1 airnase wit hundreds :DD

btw., usa has 11 carriers, which factor enhances the risc. ruskies are not able start from land :DDDD

russia loses more planes, if you count on 1000 planes. if also compare with fly hours or lift off, much worse.

Manuel Flores Escobar

USA has 11 carriers and need them because American continent are Isolated from Europa, Asia, Africa….while Russia is part of Europe, part of Asia and now have bases in Syria and Iran! enough to take control of the world!…do you remember the beginning of the syrian war?…Russia supplied Syria from Caspian sea to Iran-Irak-Syria..not needed Mediterranean! at the end Turkey allowed his airspace..because Turkey use Volga-don channel to supply Central Asian countries around the Caspian sea!


I wonder how many f-18s the US throws in the sea each year?

Manuel Flores Escobar

USA has the record ….the F-104 starfighter =most accident in fighterjets


i am not living in the past. today f-xy´s are better then russian planes. btw., mig-21 was similar to 104. and f-89 was mus worse than f-104, but the russian opponent also similar wrong.

John Whitehot

“i am not living in the past”


888mladen .

It was nicknamed Flying Coffin

David Parker

Widowmaker. The Bell helicopter of Korean war vintage was the Flying Coffin with the fuel tanks right behind the bubble cockpit.

888mladen .

Lockheed F-104 Starfighter Nicknames

In Germany it earned several less-charitable names due to its high accident rate, a common name being Fliegender Sarg (“Flying Coffin”). It was also called Witwenmacher (“Widowmaker”), or Erdnagel (“ground nail”), the official military term for a tent peg.[96]

Among Italian pilots its spiky design earned it the nickname Spillone (“Hatpin”), along with Bara volante (“Flying Coffin”).


Bill Wilson

So far Russia has lost 6 jets while in flight.


Yeah, but half of those came from the Kutznetsov’s air group. Not the most successful of carrier deployments. Again, considering that each aircraft in Khmeimin makes about two to three sorties a day every day, Russian losses from accidents so far have been light. All the more so if you take into consideration that before the Syrian war the West liked to make fun of the Russian air force as a joke. Not enough money, not enough flight time as their Western counterparts, its aircraft not as reliable. And we have to take into account as well that many of the aircraft in Khmeimin, SU-24’s and SU-25’s, are still from the Soviet era. So they’re probably older then the pilots who fly them.


US and Israeli migrants espionage to counter anti terrorism measures.


Study finds issues with Sukhoi-30 MKI ejection seats.


Issues With Sukhoi-30 MKI Ejection Seats, Indian Air Force Preliminary Study Says


Daniel Miller

the SU-30MKI is just a crap export version of the basic SU-30MK the SU-30SM is far more modern also if you read the article it says the pilots tryed to save the aircraft.

Daniel Castro

Which was a mistake, they shouldn’t try to save it to the point they lose their lives.

Well, I would like to think they were following protocol, and if so it means the protocol should be revisited to avoid future meaningless deaths.

David Parker

Yes, of course, but it seems apparent to me they thought they could recover and were head down in the cockpit screwing with circuit breakers, manual hydraulic pump, or trying to get the RAT to deploy, or whatever just a second too long.


export version is never crap!!!

Daniel Miller

errrr yes it is export versions of any weapons are always made to a lower standard with of build quality and technology.


lower standard =/= crap

Daniel Miller

yes it is crap m8


all right

David Parker

I don’t think so.

The export versions just don’t have the very latest radar and weapons systems. The people who can buy these aircraft aren’t exactly idiots, they have an air force, and, unless they are on the take, they want the best they can get for the money.

Daniel Miller

yes best they can get on the export market. in comparason to the domestic version the export versions are always worse.

David Parker

My point being there is no way on earth that the airframe can be built to a lesser quality than those in the Russian Aerospace Force. The fasteners – rivets, bolts, spars, skin, metallurgy, etc., are the same for all.

The only negotiating space is in how the airframe is configured with avionics and weapons systems and maybe engines.

If it wasn’t so, Sukoi, Mikoyan, Antonov, etc., would never sell a plane outside Russia.

Daniel Miller

but their is…export airframes last a shorter period of time and need more maintenance.

David Parker

I argue that the airframe doesn’t need maintenance. From the time it is assembled, the airframe from then on in only inspected for signs of fatigue and corrosion. There is no periodic maintenance to an airframe, only repair after damage.

You are suggesting two production lines, using different materials and design specs. It isn’t worth the trouble and the risk of using the inferior materials on the better airframe. I have never heard of such.

I say again, such degradation would kill export sales. People who buy military airplanes are not stupid.

Daniel Miller

how is it hard to simply not make a airframe to a lesser quality? Its quite easy and their is no need for a seperate line for that.

David Parker

Have you ever worked on a production line? Do you have any idea how many fasteners are used? Are you aware of the quality control used to establish fastener grading? Critical fasteners have to be X-ray inspected to insure there are no defects. These would be engine mounts, wing mounts, landing gear connections to the fuselage. If, as you suggest, some airframes of the type of aircraft are to be built to a lesser standard, say they are only rated for 6gs whereas the Russian Aerospace Force version will be rated to 9gs, with cheaper fasteners, weaker alloys, smaller rivets, etc., about the last thing to risk is mixing grades of fasteners and frame components from the various foundries and machine shops that supply the parts.

Aircraft manufacture is all about quality and maintaining quality. For sure, no production manager is going to risk inferior fasteners, such as a Grade 3 bolt being used where a Grade 8 or supergrade is specified for the RAF version. He won’t allow any inferior grade fasteners be shipped to the plant. He won’t allow any parts of questionable heat treat or alloy be shipped to the plant. A large part of his job is to maintain the quality of his bread and butter product.

There is a good movie showing how the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine was built during WWII. Watch it and be bedazzled at the detail of the heat treating and quality control measures in effect then. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fo7SmNuUU4

David Parker

Do you work for Lockheed or Mikoyan? I mean do you have personal knowledge of how aircraft are built? Because you are talking about structure and that directly relates to g-loading which directly relates to wings bending on pullout and that is not tolerable in the slightest, but maybe from personal experience in the industry you know something I don’t. My Boeing mechanical engineer cousin says no way. You cannot cheat on the airframe. Every aircraft has to pass a g-load test flight (and if it doesn’t I sure wouldn’t buy it and I am do not have a shining intellect).

Daniel Miller

and what makes you think the domestic G test is the same as the export one?


There is no minimum altitude for modern ejection seats. For this category of jets, they must have been 0-0 type, which means that they can eject from 0 altitude at 0 speed, it is not ww2, but ww3 instead, and all you need is to pull the lever and forget about f**king replaceable aircraft.


these planes have thze best ejection system in the world. i am surprized, what happened?


Knowing your reputation on this forum, i’ll take your “question” as a pure provocation for start of arguing with you, which i won’t. Soon, you will have a chance to see how some Martin Baker’s ejection seats work and to compare by yourself, but by that time you will be already hidden deep in some rat hole whining and crying like a bi*ch. Enjoy this cozy afternoon, my friend.


fuck your dog, bastard hater!


Eat shit and die velocraptor

David Parker

I would not say that.

The Su-30 is an old bird and very likely had the original seat, since they tend to stay with the bird.


I really do not know the details, but already in 80ties had the best. Already in mig-29. But maybe hee is older type. :(


If you want the parachute to open there is.

David Parker

As I explained elsewhere, ejection seats, like everything else, are only effective within their operating envelope. The zero-zero seat is equipped with a rocket motor and designed to seek vertical – shoot the seat up – to the extent that the pilot can be sitting on the deck and be rocketed to an altitude where the parachute can deploy and the seat separates from the parachuting pilot. Fine and dandy. Now suppose the aircraft is in extremis, lost control, and is in a 10,000 fpm rate of descent. Even after ejection, the pilot is still in a 10,000 fpm rate of descent. It takes time for the seat to operate and the parachute to deploy. In that one second the pilot and seat already hit the ground at 600 mph. I have seen this happen on a bomb run. The pilot ejected above 1,000 feet altitude but hit the ground before the chute could deploy. But in this case of the Su-30, it is almost a foregone conclusion that the pilot and weapons officer were too busy trying to save the aircraft after some system failure, they were in level flight, but then head down in the cockpit, and they simply flew into the water. Exactly the same scenario going back over the last hundred years, thousands of pilots have flown into the water or ground because of being head down, distracted by something in the cockpit.


RIP Russian Heroes, you are in Syria to save lives and yet in the end your lives are been ended for someone else’s. May God bless your souls.


Who did the maintenance? And why didn’t the pilots catapult themselves? hard to believe taht the sits didn’t function. It has to be something else.. Besides the MAIN ISSUE = 2 lives lost for nothing, such things don’t look good :( It’s also a question of RELIABILITY of the Russian SUKHOIs That fighter is sold in INDIA and Venezuela. I guess CHINA & IRAN have it, too


Accidents do happen, it is an imperfect world.


Yep… US military plane crashed in Georgia yesterday.

AG Korvin

I would say that they tried to bring the jet away from the populated areas but the ensuing g’s in the maneuver made them unable to operate the zero/zero seats. RIP soldiers!

David Parker

There were no g’s. The problem was related to loss of power and the pilot and weapons officer were trying desperately to restart and got too busy inside the cockpit and flew into the water.

Dušan Mirić


Dušan Mirić


David Parker

Tell me one aircraft type in the entire world that has not gone down due to either pilot error or maintenance? I would say, judging from the number of daily sorties flown by the Russians, that the Sukhoi are exceptionally reliable.


Amen! Rest In Peace!


More likely it was a bird of pray aka F 22 Raptor.

Temam Machmud Gase

Russians must uproot those motherfucker-turks. Turks are similar to PROSTITUTES.

Temam Machmud Gase

Turks belong to MONGOLE north of china and NOT west-asia


far not


Further than that you mean! Just above Japan…in the Sea…

Tudor Miron

Extremely sad news. Rest in peace soldiers.


looks like the birds doesnt diffrentiate between israeli and russian


The vodkaphil russians hate water. 10x more planes fall in the sea then on the ground. in times of kuznyetsov, black sea, baltic sea, now again syria, sometimes murmansk region, pacific ocean …

but: R.I.P.

Daniel Miller

m8 you do realise that the US loses up to 5-8 planes per carryer deployment right? Its normal to lose some aircraft to crashes it happens alot when you fly as mutch as they do.


the US loses up to 5-8 planes per carryer deployment right

please an official statistics for the last 1 years.

if you know the basics of arithmetics from elementary school, you can calculate within 5 min, that your answer is



The Pentagon has denied that the recent slew of military aviation accidents constitutes a “crisis,” even as a U.S. air base in Djibouti has been forced to ground all flights over safety concerns. Four crashes within 48 hours this week have killed five U.S. service members.


With 16 service members killed in air crashes, top lawmaker says ‘readiness of the military is at a crisis point’


Washington (CNN)SevenUS service members died in four noncombat-related air crashes in just four days, prompting concern over readiness in the US military.


Through a six-month investigation, the Military Times found that accidents involving all of the military’s manned fighter, bomber, helicopter and cargo warplanes rose nearly 40 percent from fiscal years 2013 to 2017. It’s doubled for some aircraft, like the Navy and Marine Corps’ F/A-18 Hornets and Super Hornets. At least 133 service members were killed in those fiscal year 2013-2017 mishaps, according to data obtained by Military Times.

The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, released a statement Saturday saying the “readiness of the military is at a crisis point.”


these numbers are much less then in first comment, i answered. moreover, less then russian crashes calculated on 1000 planes.


hahahaha you are a retarded troll!

Daniel Miller


well it turns out its not :D you are just showing your ignorance also learn to spell.


Your article shows, you lied!

Daniel Miller

at least you can spell basic words now :D



achiles Greeko

Russky has 10000 of these toys Don´T worry

Ivan Freely

Toys are not the issue, qualified pilots is.


This is the same ejection seat as the SU-30 has: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YL1FblthxQ0




These pilots survived using the same ejection seat as in the SU-30:



“A zero-zero ejection seat is designed to safely extract upward and land its occupant from a grounded stationary position (i.e., zero altitude and zero airspeed), specifically from aircraft cockpits. The zero-zero capability was developed to help aircrews escape upward from unrecoverable emergencies during low-altitude and/or low-speed flight, as well as ground mishaps. Parachutes require a minimum altitude for opening, to give time for deceleration to a safe landing speed. Thus, prior to the introduction of zero-zero capability, ejections could only be performed above minimum altitudes and airspeeds. If the seat was to work from zero (aircraft) altitude, the seat would have to lift itself to a sufficient altitude.

These early seats fired the seat from the aircraft with a cannon, providing the high impulse needed over the very short length on the cannon barrel within the seat. This limited the total energy, and thus the additional height possible, as otherwise the high forces needed would crush the pilot.

Zero-zero technology uses small rockets to propel the seat upward to an adequate altitude and a small explosive charge to open the parachute canopy quickly for a successful parachute descent, so that proper deployment of the parachute no longer relies on airspeed and altitude. The seat cannon clears the seat from the aircraft, then the under-seat rocket pack fires to lift the seat to altitude. As the rockets fire for longer than the cannon, they do not require the same high forces. Zero-zero rocket seats also reduced forces on the pilot during any ejection, reducing injuries and spinal compression.”

– Ejection seat –


Manuel Flores Escobar

A side of seagulls can damage the two engines…anyway it seems that pilots could be doing aerial maneuvers…and a bad calculate looping has caused the accident not time for pilots to eject!..USA Deep State lovers should know that in the last weeks more than 10 US planes have crashed…the last one a C-130 of the Georgian National Guard..

David Parker

Actually it was a Puerto Rican Air Guard C-130.

That was a very weird scene. It is beyond me how they could get that far out of balanced flight and crash one of the most reliable aircraft in the world.

Karl Patfield

So when an Israeli F-35 is grounded (not crashed) due to a bird strike. South front reports it is likely a cover story and that the plane was damaged during combat operations in Syria. However, when a Russian plane crashes utilizing the same excuse, it is taken as fact.

So this must mean the Russians are far more trustworthy than the Israelis?

Tudor Miron

The fact that “Russians are far more trustworthy than the Israelis”(c) is based on history. If you try to take this accidents in isolation and use them to prove that Israelis are trustworthy – good luck with that :)

Karl Patfield

I’m trying to prove nothing. I’m suggesting South Front has a Russian bias through this question. Good reporting trusts nothing said by any government. Time and time again, south frount is eager to accept Russian government statements at face value whilst questioning other countries statements.


I’ve found SF to be exponentially more accurate than the lying Jew media in the west that lies contentiously and is pure Zionist propaganda. Can you show SF articles, not guest articles, that are inaccurate?

Karl Patfield


I am referring to this article. The header is that Israel is trying to hide that its plane was hit by S-200 missile system. Cites “according to available information” withou a source. Concludes article with saying: “What really hit F-35?” How can south front make claims of S-200 impact on F-35 without photo evidence or citing sources. I’m not sure if this article is inaccurate, but I’d think it’s more likely F-35 is grounded because it’s stealth material is shit quality and so expensive, the bird damaged it beyond repair. That material already requires maintainence of 24 hours per 1 flying hour currently. Regardless that the F-35 is an expensive stupid airplane paid for by Americans, This article doesn’t offer enough evidence to back up the headline.

The important question: Why is there not this level of scrutiny towards Russian plane crash inccident?


According the linked article SF is simply reporting the facts:

“Syrian Defense Ministry said in its statement that government forces responded to the violation of the airspace and “directly hit one of the jets, forcing [Israeli aircraft] to retreat.” …

Few hours after the missile incident with Syria, Israeli media reported that the Israeli Air Force’s F-35 stealth multirole fighter went unserviceable as a result of an alleged bird collision during a training flight.

The incident allegedly took place “two weeks ago” but was publicly reported only on October 16. However, Israeli sources were not able to show a photo of the F-35 warplane after the “bird collision.”

Both the Syrian and Israeli governments claim that a plane was damaged. Why do you have a problem with SF reporting facts and asking reasonable questions?

Karl Patfield

I have a problem because the government spokesperson is not cited as a source. Who is this spokesperson? This person is unnamed, no information is linked for “according to available information.” Where is this information? I can’t find these statements online. Google it, I have not been able to find a Syrian claim but I also only speak English and Spanish so that’s limiting my search ability. If someone can find this evidence I would be happy. But it doesn’t seem to exist. I have a problem when SF writes headline articles based on evidence that doesnt exist. Please find this evidence for me and prove me wrong. I like SF news, so I ignored this incident. Now that similar bird strike from Russia is reported at face value I know south front is Pro Russian bias so I must unfollow. Unbiased news is the only trustworthy news. Hard to find these days


It isn’t, it was widely reported at the time and it’s linked in the article that you’re criticizing:

“The Syrian Defense Ministry released a statement saying that the Syrian Air Defense Forces responded to a violation of Syria’s airspace by Israeli warplanes.

“The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces said in a statement that at 8: 51 am on Monday Israeli warplanes violated Syria’s airspace on the border with Lebanon in Baalbek area, to which “our air defenses responded and directly hit one of the jets, forcing [the enemy] to retreat.”

The Command’s statement also said that the Israeli enemy fired at 11: 38 am a number of missiles from inside the occupied territories that hit a Syrian army position in the countryside of Damascus, resulting in material damage.

The Command warned of the “dangerous repercussions” of Israel’s repeated aggression attempts, stressing Syria’s determination to continue its war against the terrorist groups, Israel’s arm in the region,” the Syrian state-run media outlet SANA reports quoting the statement.”



Karl Patfield

Ok I see this news, but in the linked article. They quote the SANA news but where is this statement? If it is widely reported it shouldn’t be this difficult to find the quoted source. If this impact claim is to be taken as fact, there needs to be more than “quotes” around a statement. News usually requires evidence for reporting. No photos, only vague quotes with unlinked sources other than SF’s own reporting. Fact of this claim is that I CAN ONLY FIND IT ON SF. Can I trust any single source in this age of disinformation? If yes, why should I trust SF enough to use it’s own reporting as evidence?

I challenge you to convince me. I promise to read everyone’s response with an open mind. If anyone gives a fuck about the truth, try and convince me


What is it about “it was widely reported at the time” that you don’t understand? Look it up yourself.


You’re wasting my time. Straight from the government:

“The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces said in a statement that at 8: 51 am on Monday Israeli warplanes violated Syria’s airspace on the border with Lebanon in Baalbek area, to which “our air defenses responded and directly hit one of the jets, forcing [the enemy] to retreat.””

– Syrian air defenses respond to new Israeli violation –



Because what flies out of Israel is mostly bullshit. When you’ve been lied to like a million times all trust is gone. Russians or SF have a bias but they don’t have to retract every second major article they publish.


Maybe cause it has been proven in the past that the leaders of NATO have lied about ”Saddam’s nucs” …maybe cause of the twin towers excuse to declare ‘war on terror’…maybe cause of Afganistan ….Libya… It wasnt the Russians who lied about the causes / excuses of these wars…was it ?

Tudor Miron

It is obvious that SF has pro Human bias. So it happens that it goes against anglo-zio agenda.

Karl Patfield

Who are the Anglo-zionists, and what is their agenda?

Tudor Miron

Is this a rethoric question? :)


He is an effing moron Tudor, ignore the stench and it might float away !


No moron, this is not a rethoric question!


If you check people behind SF, you were surprized. ;)


Russians are liar. Haaretz is much mor trustworthy source than RT, Sputniknews, etc. And haaretz is far not the etalon of the truth.


Your brains must be brand new…………………the jews lie, they are the heavy-weight champions in lieing……………….they are murdering and maiming children in Gaza as we speak…………………..and you question the narrative……….. and the answer to your question is YES.


First thoughts are of condolences to the families of these pilots. The second, is towards the Yanki-Zionist EW which probably had some part in this. The FUKUS Brigade sending a message? A, severe birdstrike would still leave plenty of time for pilots to eject safely even if strike took place at sea level. This is Not a coincidence, two such A/C failures in almost the same location….. This is like rolling double six twice in a row, with the dice ending up in the same place on the table, both occasions…. Lightening as they say never strikes in the same place twice!


What’s an A/C failure?

AG Korvin

Bird strike was one possible explanation, but at this early stage it is only a speculation. One common accident type is what called “pompage phenomenon” in Russian and is called a “compressor stall” otherwise. It could be caused by objects sucked in but sometimes the blades of the compressor have hidden cracks and could torn off and cause a massive flame that could kill the other engine as well, because of the sudden interference in the hydraulic and fuel systems. The Su-30SM is basically a SU-27 airframe and the intakes below the airframe makes it quite possible this. The MiG-29 for example could operate with these intakes faired over, by using the upper intake nacelles, but.the Flanker needs more air as it is a much heavier jet with way higher take-off weight. My 2 cents.

Baron Von MuleBanger

It’s confirmed now,Russians can’t fly.


……………..and that you are a worthless cunt……………

Baron Von MuleBanger

Nice counter argument,pathetic kid


Memory Eternal. Vechnaya Pamyat.

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