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MARCH 2025

Russian Su-35 Intercepted Turkish F-16s That Entered Syrian Airspace In Attempt To Prevent Advance On Khan Shaykhun

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Russian Su-35 Intercepted Turkish F-16s That Entered Syrian Airspace In Attempt To Prevent Advance On Khan Shaykhun


Turkish F-16 were intercepted and fled from Russian Su-35 in the air above Syria, Avio Pro reported.

The Turkish Air Force fighter jets were alerted and sent to the southern part of the Syrian province of Idlib after the Syrian Air Force struck a Turkish military convoy moving to rescue terrorists controlling the town of Khan Shaykhun.

However, according to reports, two Russian Su-35 fighter jets were scrambled from the Khmeimim air base to intercept them. The Russian pilots were able to drive Turkish combat aircraft out of the Syrian space in just a few minutes.

“Presumably, Russian Su-35S fighters have appeared in the sky of Idlib, which are keeping the Turkish F-16 from rash actions against Syrian aircraft that operate on the site of recent events.”

There are no other details that have been released. But reportedly, the Turkish fighter jets were forced to leave Syrian airspace after only 30-40 kilometers, which indicates that they either were warned in advance, or just simply saw the Russian aircraft on their radars.

Later on, a pair of Russian Su-35 fighters was spotted directly in the vicinity of the city of Khan Shaykhun.

“Su-35 fighters escort and guard the Syrian Air Force when carrying out attacks in the sky over Khan Shaykhun after threats from Turkey”

Experts do not exclude that Turkey will take all measures in the near future to strike at the positions of the Syrian military near Khan Shaykhun, since otherwise an observation post of the Turkish military, and terrorist groups allied with Turkey-backed militants will be encircled.

This avoided incident took place shortly after the Syrian Arab Army struck the Turkish convoy in greater Idlib. Turkey claimed that 3 civilians were killed and 12 were injured. Ankara further said that the convoy was bringing vital humanitarian supplies to Observation Point No. 9 and in order to keep supply routes open and prevent civilian casualties in the region.

The mentioned ‘humanitarian supplies’ included about 28 military vehicles, including at least 7 battle tanks, and was moving towards the moderate rebels (al-Qaeda-linked militants) who have been suffering against the Syrian Arab Army in recent days and weeks.

As of August 19th, the Syrian Arab Army and other pro-government forces have started storming Khan Shaykhun and cut off the M5 highway, usually used by Turkey to provide “humanitarian help” to the militants in the city.


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Nigel Maund

Turkey thwarted in playing two games at once. In this area Turkey wants its cake and eat it! Typical duplicity in politics.


“Turkey claimed that 3 civilians were killed and 12 were injured.”

Technically the Turks are correct, but they fail to mention the ‘civilians’ were members of civilian armed gangs that are classified by the UN as terrorists. :)

Nigel Maund

Good comment FG – thanks!


I doubt those Russian pilots have forgotten Turkey shooting down one of their own.

Nigel Maund

Yes but RuAF pilots are well disciplined and Putin is a master politician and strategic chess player never allowing himself the luxury of responding emotionally. “Revenge is a dish best eaten cold”..




*served cold*

But, agreed on all counts!


Putin is a piece of shit, not a master.


retarded troll blocked

Icarus Tanović

Hellen, have you picked up your humanitarian aid from Somalia, Djibouti and Yemen that has just arrived in Athens? Otherwise you’ll starve. Ask your Turkey friends for help…

Zionism = EVIL

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images //s5.cdnstatic.space/4aae57f5ed55fdd91a43cfb3174338c298b17f9e52ae95b26d54b15800ff85bb.jpg Fuck off Turkey and enjoy a fully armed SU-35 in Syria :)


my, my what a mental giant you are. same school as tonto and bacon. new computers at the clinic. lol blocked

Joe Dickson

If they weren’t on such good terms they would have shot them down. Turkey has no more cards to play, Russia has forced their hand.


Yes! They are not traitorish like Putin!

stupid is as stupid does

Fuck off you NATO pig!

Zionism = EVIL

More like a kosher Jew pig :)

Icarus Tanović

You dumb?

Zionism = EVIL

As I posted this humiliating encounter for the Turkeys in real time yesterday, the FACT is that the 2 SU-35 are far superior to the aging F-16 lightweight Americunt fighters. The Turkeys and their terrorists have lost 30% of the terror enclave in one week of SAA and Axis of Resistance operations and the new Turkey coop observation post in 10 kms north and almost at the border, that is why the dumb cowardly Turkeys were desperate enough to get 4 F-16 shot down but chickened when the powerful K-77M radar-guided missiles (known by NATO as the AA-12 Adder) lit up the F-16. I wish I had flown the SU-35 in my day, but had to contend with a Phantom.


As the Syrian Arab army advanced against Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham terrorist supported by embedded Turkish forces in the key southern Idlib town of Khan Sheikhoun, Turkish Air Force sent four F-16 fighters on Tuesday, Aug. 20 to fly over the battle scene, causing Russian two Su-35 fighters at the Khmeimim air base near Latakia to scramble in response. They warned the Turkish pilots to withdraw or else be shot down and then closed in to deploy warning flares in full sight of terrorists and Turkish military on the ground. US military sources report that the Russians accompanied their ultimatum by positioning the S-300 and S-400 air defense batteries deployed at the base at the ready. A short time later, when the Turkish air crews saw the Russian Su-35s flying alongside deploying flares, they turned tail and left Syrian air space in a hurry

https://fighterjetsworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Russian-Su-35-intercepted-Turkish-F-16s.jpg .

David Parker

Major John Boyd said the Mig-17 was superior to the F-4. What did you fly and did you ever tangle with a Phantom?

Sheep Dipper

Depends on the pilot, but yeah the Phantom wasn’t all that aerodynamic, not as maneuverable, although McDonnell Douglas did prove that if you put a powerful enough engine on a rock like the Phantom it will fly, still not much of a match for the Fresco.

David Parker

I was asking “Zionism – Evil”. That joke is Vietnam era. and it was a brick, not a rock.

Sheep Dipper

I concur whole heartedly with you Dave, and find it quite refreshing tp be on the same page for a change. As for my Phantom comment, merely parroting what I’ve heard from the pilots in the ready room while assigned as their resident air intercept controller 1982-1989, with a solid year not having to deploy as we transitioned to Tomcats, and still count as sea service! Received our last F-14 just before the release of TopGun in theaters, and what a fabulous time to be an AIC attached to a VF squadron…. damn if I ain’t hear’n Kenny Loggins in my head right now lol. Dreadfully unrealistic film tho, as I’m sure the second will be as well.



Tudor Miron

Very well said.


They are GREAT!!! May God protect them!!!


Turkish “humanitarian aid”……….there is no such a thing in my dictionary!!!!


Its similar to the CIA funded ‘relief group ‘ USAID ‘. Occasionally guns and ammo are mistakenly loaded with the Baby Milk.


or dropping toys for tots first and later on dropping cluster munitions which also look the same.

Chris P

Do you remember? The incident: Dropping Turkeys from a Helicopter, WKRP in Cincinnati did in the seventies. Look it up. ahahahaha




Icarus Tanović

There was once a terrorist name Abu USAID, but that one was eliminated. Don’t you know that Al Qaeda, Bin Laden, Al Nusra, all those names, you name them is CIA’s creation? No such thing exists in reality by it self, ol’ buddy.


Yes, I realise that.

Nigel Maund

Correct! The US and Turkey use these “humanitarian aid” converys to ferry in all sorts of military kit or other more nefarious stuff to blame Syria for using gas or other banned weapons. It’s like the Red Cross being consistently used to bring in massive amounts of funding for ISIS under the Obama Administration. I will never give anything to the Red Cross or any other NGO ever again. That’s a mugs game!

Concrete Mike

I agree on the ngo’s. They can kiss my ass, biased pricks!

stupid is as stupid does

Turkish “humanitarian aid” exists only in Jihad dictionary


If the Turkish humanitarian aid is some 30 IFVs and some 7 MBTs imagine what’s in the US humanitarian aid. LMAO.


US has unloaded 11 super carriers and stored it in Jordan.. Its how they give the PKK terrorists massive convoys of equipment in Syria.

AM Hants

Going through it pretty quickly, judging by the amount Syria has seized.

David Parker

I will never forget the photograph of those young Armenian girls the Turks stripped naked and crucified. Erdogan and his Muslim minions would do it again if they had the power. One more reason to never give up your guns. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d71d5121e54bacbe1f961f0de3d94636eda67933277185cc8f81ba9b18a2e93.jpg


Much of this was done also by the K(T)urds.

stupid is as stupid does

Turds used to be kind of Turk police , executioners in service of Ottoman Empire. In other words the lowest scum on the Earth

stupid is as stupid does

Is this authentic photo?!?! Not from movie…or similar

David Parker

As I said, from British and American eye witnesses who managed to evade the Turkish military and travel in forbidden areas. There is no limit to the cruelty of Islamic Turks, their lust to inflict pain on helpless victims is limited only by their imagination. https://www.armenian-genocide.org/photointro.html


lol that’s from a movie

David Parker

Lol that’s history. Of course you never heard of the Armenian genocide.


It’s a movie! https://youtu.be/uTnCaW-Uo_s?t=1310

David Parker

Piss on the movie. I am talking about history and pictures from 90 years before anyone decided to make a documentary. The Turks could not prevent all the photographers from recording the genocide. This is one (1) source: http://24april1915.com/ You must be a goddam turk. Your people did their best to hide the atrocity, but you can’t suppress the truth forever. Hell is made for the demons and there’s plenty of room for you Muslim.


You provided a screenshot from a movie as historical evidence lol

David Parker

You are a bald faced liar. I have never viewed your movie. The photograph I posted is from eyewitnesses: “An American, Mrs Anna Harlowe Birge, who was travelling from Smyrna to Constantinople, wrote in November 1915: “At every station where we stopped, we came side by side with one of these trains. It was made up of cattle trucks, and the faces of little children were looking out from behind the tiny barred windows of each truck.” In her memoir, Ravished Armenia, Aurora Mardiganian described being raped and thrown into a harem. From a wealthy banking family, she was just one of thousands of Armenian girls to suffer a similar fate. Many were eventually killed and discarded. In the city of Malatia, she saw 16 girls crucified, vultures eating their corpses. “Each girl had been nailed alive upon her cross, spikes through her feet and hands,” Mardiganian wrote. “Only their hair blown by the wind covered their bodies.” In another town, she reports that the killing squads played “the game of swords” with young Armenian girls, planting their weapons in the ground and throwing their victims onto the protruding blade in sport. Elsewhere, bodies tied to each other drifted down the Euphrates. And in the Black Sea region, the Armenians were herded onto boats and then thrown overboard. In the desert regions, the Turks set up primitive gas chambers, stuffing Armenians into caves and asphyxiating them with brush fires. Everywhere, there were Armenian corpses: in lakes and rivers, in empty desert cisterns and village wells. Travellers reported that the stench of death pervaded the landscape. One Turkish gendarme told a Norwegian nurse serving in Erzincan that he had accompanied a convoy of 3,000 people. Some were summarily executed in groups along the way; those too sick or exhausted to march were killed where they fell. He concluded: “They’re all gone, finished.” By 1917, the Armenian ‘problem’, as it was described by Ottoman leaders, had been thoroughly “resolved”. Muslim families were brought in to occupy empty villages. Even after the war, the Ottoman ministers were not repentant. In 1920, they praised those responsible for the genocide, saying: “These things were done to secure the future of our homeland, which we know is greater and holier than even our own lives.””

Sheep Dipper

I’ll bet that’s your favorite photograph, probably have a copy framed and mounted where ya spank to that deviant mind of yours… yup yup, yer a special kinda twisted pervert ain’t ya Dave?

David Parker

You are the special kind of pervert. My purpose is to educate first of all and second to make as many people as possible aware that Islam is a demonic invention. Genocide is one thing, simple expedient murder, crucifixion and torture and reveling in the pain and suffering of the helpless and innocent is a specialty of that peculiar form of demonic activity characteristic of the Islamic Turks. Erdogan and his followers would do the same today if they could. Make sure they cannot is my message and if you need a little reminder, look at what they did.

Sheep Dipper

Dave, the dated politically manufactured religion that you lovingly weaponize, is an ideology that enables”othering” and a host of narcissistic mental health issues. Like anything else folks get wrapped up into, they become blind to an objective perspective. Each of the Abrahamic religions enable the same negatives, and are the root of all that is fundamentally wrong within the present geopolitical theater. Your “othering” enables division during a time when unity is necessary.

David Parker

As if you would know.

There is one (1) and only one “Abrahamic” religion and it is Christianity. Christianity began with the faith of Adam and Eve in the Redeemer promised by God to save them and their fallen progeny from that act of cosmic treason. Your “folks” and you are “wrapped up into confusion”. The very simple fact of the matter is that God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – created the earth, the universe, living things, and mankind for his own good purpose. Relax, God has scheduled a face-to-face meeting with you and you can tell him how brilliant you are.

Sheep Dipper

You’ve got a pompous arrogance about you that fuels my return visits Dave, you are unique above and beyond the garden variety Christians I’ve grown accustomed to encountering. So whatever ya do, don’t you go change’n!

David Parker

I don’t take orders from idiots such as you.

Sheep Dipper

Dave, we are here by genetic design, a hybrid race, created by a technologically advanced off-world humanoid species, from which we inherit our petty emotionally driven behavior, amongst other imperfections. You think that you are right because its the only way in which you can deal with reality, it’s what holds you together, and probably the only thing preventing you from falling apart at the seams. Those who cling so tightly to something, do so out of fear. The truth is, that you are terrified of thinking any other way.

This is not a point to argue, it’s a behavioral observation, and final critique.

Thank you for your participation, we now have closure.


David Parker

Hilarious! “… created by an technologically advanced off-world humanoid species, … .” Since you haven’t figured it out yet, Star Wars and Star Trek, etc., are science fiction, emphasis on fiction as in not real, didn’t happen! Not that your bullshit is even remotely plausible, but plausibility is neither fact nor evidence. This is not a point rational people contest. You, not me, lean on the flimsy crutch of popular opinion. I’ll take rationality every day, especially when my paradigm conforms to physical reality and yours is pure imagination. I would say kiss my ass but that would be impolite and you wouldn’t know when to stop anyway.

Sheep Dipper

Dave, your contradictory behavior astounds me.

Sheep Dipper

Dog-gone-it Dave, must you always behave so provokingly confrontational? I mean, do you feed off the attention you generate? This self-righteous attitude of being the only one right amongst us wrongs is quite a bore, and reflects a closed mind. Why must you scapegoat on them poor Zionists too..? ain’t them Jooz where yer Old Testament comes from..? Curious, is this sandpaper-like personality of yours strictly reserved for your keyboard commando persona, or are ya actually a turd in the punchbowl of real life as well?

David Parker

I didn’t know I “generated” any attention. My only interest is in being accurate, not “self-righteous”. The Zionist is not an Old Testament Hebrew or Israelite. The Zionist has abandoned the Torah for the Talmud. Jesus condemned the Zionists of his day – the established government of Pharisees, Sadduces, Scribes, and lawyers who preyed off the people, taking widow’s homes without remorse rather that obeying God to care for widows and orphans, one example among many. There is no such thing as a “Judeo-Christian Tradition”: The only “Judeo-Christian Tradition” was the Zionists of the day relentlessly persecuting the early Christian church and also using the Romans to persecute the early church.

Nothing has changed in this regard, and ditto for the Roman Catholic institution, another anti-Christ doctrine. I don’t put on a different personality for internet comments. No one among the many people I deal with daily says I have a “sandpaper personality”. For some reason people seek me out for answers to their problems.

Sheep Dipper

I’ll respectfully pass on this, don’t wanna throw a wet blanket on this warm and fuzzy feeling from the Phantom comments lol… grain of salt Dave, I am to be taken with, perhaps a granule of sand in your case lol. Ya hold yer ground, can’t help but admire.


southern part of the Syrian province of Idlid? what is ‘Idlid’?


Is that all you got? Lol.


The keys are not near each other on keyboard. This articles are written by dummies that don’t care.

al quaida

“These” articles, not, “This” articles. It’s like you don’t even care.


True that, I don’t :)

Concrete Mike

Fuck off grammar police!


Yep, that’s all he’s got – he knows he can’t openly come out and defend al-Qeida /HTS terrorist factions in Idlib and retain any semblance of credibility – so instead he desperately resorts to trolling over typo’s. Sad case.

al quaida

Start your sentence with a capital letter.


or what? :)


That’s what is referred to as a ‘typo’. Very common in these days of direct to internet publishing.

Then there’s Donald Trump.


stupid is as stupid does

It is not easy task to speak bullshit all day every day and not have slip of tongue. Snarled tongue rebels and goes its own way….


You are well aware of where the HTS and Turkmen Islamist-terror factions hide, for now.


Is Avia Pro a lying Russian Jew site?

stupid is as stupid does

Or maybe, are you lying neo-NAZI Russophobe pretending to be somebody else?


Maybe you should take a chill pill. Read this article and come back and tell us all how credible they are…and the commenters are Russian: http://avia-pro.net/news/rossiyskiy-su-57-nazvali-nazvali-luzerom-sredi-f-35-i-f-22 Sure sounds like a load of horseshit to me. But, maybe because they are Russian and even maybe Jewish, wow, they are right on. Great logic. You sound no better than idiots here in the US. Jump before looking is their motto.

stupid is as stupid does

Sure that article is pure anti-Russian crap. They are ZERO credible. So it is clear they are not with good intentions toward Russians definitely.Who ever they are…I really don’t care. All the Russophobes are same to me including Russian Russophobes.

And why do you think that I follow logic of Russian=must be good?!! My deduction was not at all based on Russian language I was not even on that site properly. I didn’t even bother to verify anything on that site… Because there was practically nothing in what he has offered as “proof” of evil Jew conspiracy… If he gave article like the one you gave me now… With example like that, I could have only agree with him immediately. But he didn’t do that! Instead he kept stupidly repeating “They are Jews” ! And if they were so what? But now with that anti Russian article you gave me, that’s another story.

OK I take back what I have said to him I’ll delete my comment.


No problem. I have had my moments as well. We are all here to learn something. It’s good when we are all informed. Those that choose to digress, even after being informed are the losers. I used to be very bad about name calling when I first started commenting(frustration), as well as repeating what I thought was correct, that was not. After having my ass handed to me more than once, I have tried to learn and investigate before proving my stupidity. Hopefully I have achieved some success at that. All is well, man.

stupid is as stupid does

I’m still very good in “name calling” if I get impression that one comes to the forum for trolling . Or doing every day bot-bullshit. Than I like to be brutal sometimes.


I know the feeling. When I comment to reply to a certain ‘douchebag’ (many know who this is), I have a different tactic now…I no longer ‘reply’ directly(which is what they want), I just comment in reference and out the asshole for what he is. Oops, there I go again. Damn it! In reality though, a good argument and logic beats them every time…but venting does feel good and some deserve it(boy, do they). I have tired of trolls and now just block them all…they’re a waste of time and giving them any attention is what they want.

stupid is as stupid does

Yeah I understand your approach is more cerebral. Mine is very simple I do that for simple pleasure of doing it. I know it is not nice and probably not useful but (as you say) at least it is real fun to do it sometime… when I feel doing it. Otherwise I just ignore them, or support others terrorizing them. I suppose they are not all paid. Why those people can’t live their lives and let others to enjoy it in peace… That is beyond me. I never go to the site where I see that people are supporting things i never would ….and to do that just for trolling them or to hares them…. And I don’t like people who do that.


Want some real fun? Go to Breitbart. I and a couple others here have, just to troll the hell out of them. It was indeed fun. Popping their bubbles with facts sends them to the moon. Of course, they will ban you sooner or later… sooner in most cases. Then there is the edjumakation you receive there…you get to learn all about your ancestry, what your mother was up to and what you’ve been having sex with. All good fun.


Who owns and runs Avia Pro?


The Russians would of been like, ‘Are these dickheads serious’?

Nigel Maund

The Turk;s weren’t fool enough to take on the Su35’s of the RuAF as the consequences could have been economically disastrous at a time when Turkey is extremely vulnerable and politically increasingly unstable. This area is a political tinder – box and any small spark could quickly start a brush fire.

David Parker

You could have fooled me. The Turks did as they damn will pleased. Agreement with the US to establish a 30-40 km “safety corridor” in northern Syria???? How about Erdogan and Bolton agree to establish a 30-40 km “safety corridor” on Turkey’s southern border and move the US military there and out of Syria?

Jim Bim

“moderate rebels (al-Qaeda-linked militants)” How can terrorists be moderate rebels ???

Nigel Maund

Wel said Jim and absolutely right!

Concrete Mike

I would approximate it to painting over the rust on your truck without grinding the rust off.

AM Hants

Depends if they eat the organs of their so called enemies with a knife and fork or with their hands. No difference, besides that.


Is Avia Pro a credible “news” source:

“Earlier it became known that in the last two cases of attacks on the Iranian military in Iraq, Israeli F-35 fighters took part, disguising their presence as US Air Force fighters, and, according to analysts, this is how the Israeli Air Force could strike Syrian territory, deceiving the Syrian and Russian air defense systems.”

– Iran invited Iraq to shoot down Israeli F-35s for free –



Nicely done…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Too little too late Erdogan, the SAA are like greased lightning, one minute syrialiveuamaps was showing a Turkish takeover of the contested area, but the next minute the map turned red, LOL, right in front of my eyes. The Russians are back in the game full time now, so let’s see just how well the SAA really does when it has Russia keeping the Turks at bay, they’re going to slice through the rebels like a hot knife cutting through soft butter I think.

stupid is as stupid does

We all do hope so that your prediction of future will come true. It is high time that we hear Turkish pig watching and squeaking while they watch slaughter of their Jihad piglets

David Parker

With Zionists and their CIA proxy crying in the background.

David Parker

Fighter support. Too bad the Turk was chickenshit. I would really like to see a matchup between the Su-35 and the F-16, assuming a competent Muslim pilot of which I have yet to hear of one outside Iran. Too bad Iran lost Brig. General Jalil Zandi, 8 confirmed, 3 probable in an F-14 with no supply chain. I would have liked to see some IAF pilots tangle with him after all the missiles were gone.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I hadn’t even thought about about a possible confrontation between the Su-35 and the F-16, that would have been a very interesting encounter, that’s if it had escalated, I’m sure the Russian pilots would like to show Erdogan what they really think about him killing the Russian pilot, and I know we’d all love to see how those two aircraft compare in a real life combat situation, oh well not to say it still won’t happen in the future, we may still get a chance to.


Now Putin experience the true nature of scorpion Erdogan, he will always sting you from the back. europe know it , the US knows it and Trump ignores it and everybody is to cowardly to kick him out of Nato, but he is a cheating traitor for everybody with a unjustified sick feeling of superiority.


I know from all the reports out, that this most likely did occur. This Avia.pro outfit is not one I would cite though, at least if this article on their site is an example of their expertise. Read the comments following the article as well… http://avia-pro.net/news/rossiyskiy-su-57-nazvali-nazvali-luzerom-sredi-f-35-i-f-22

I guess the west is not the only ones with questionable info sites. I believe (IIRC) this is the same site that claimed Israeli jets flew over Iran.

Pave Way IV

Avia.pro is a Russian-language aviation news site headquartered in Moscow, zman. I don’t think ‘questionable info site’ is an entirely accurate description. Repository of all undisputable, factual truth? Of course not – an ounce of skepticism and some critical thinking are always wise (at least on the internet). Pro-Russian view or bias? Somewhat, I suppose.

Note that the article they are citing is what Lenta.ru reported about an article they saw in The Aviationist. I can’t even figure out from the machine translation which publication’s ‘Russian edition’ they are referring to. Agree, this third-hand machine translation isn’t the best source. In any case, they are probably referring to this article:


The article was authored by an Italian engineering student and aviation enthusiast Stefano D’Urso. Plenty of interesting information and some commentary/opinions. The site itself was founded by an ex-Italian AF pilot David Cenciotti and is directed at English-speaking audiences. Pro-NATO? Somewhat, but not egregiously so. Russian-bashing? Hardly. It still requires engaging one’s brain to read – there’s plenty of good stuff there.

Apparently, Lenta.ru keyed in on the Su-57=loser, F-22/F-35=superior comment that Avia.Pro thought worth highlighting to its Russian audience. More appalling US/NATO arrogance as reflected in the comments. Notice that Su-57 is defended pretty enthusiastically in The Aviationist comment section as well.

Different aircraft, different design goals, different air strategies and missions. Arguments about which is better/worse are interesting and entertaining, but only turn into absolute fact after three pitchers of beer, lots of profanity and someone eventually throwing the popcorn bowl at someone else while insulting their mother.

Tudor Miron

Check my reply to Zman. Avia pro purpose is to try and seed contempt and despise within Russians towards their country. Ridicule all Russian and prase all western. Sadly – in todays Russia it is very profitable to play anti Russia/anti Putin side in media. Internet blogers are ripping ther asses showering us with lies and anti state propaganda. Not very many noticed but right now they are in active phase of another Maydan attempt (starting from beginning of August) but it just doesn’t work the way their masters wanted it to.

Pave Way IV

I’ll take your word for it, TM. I was judging based on a quick scan of articles. Google Translate kind of mangles the titles and wording so whatever political agenda they’re pimping to Russians (in Russian) is lost on me.

Not surprised about the ham-fisted attempt to push an anti-Russian / anti-Putin agenda. The U.S. neocons and Zionists (and our original Brit teachers) put a hell of a lot of time and effort into foreign propaganda campaigns, but they all fail today for the exact same reason. They imagine that deep inside each and every Russian citizen, there is a secret little American Zionist trying to get out. We apparently just need to manufacture a Maydan (and supply a few snipers) to release that little bastard. FFS, why are the Russians resisting?


Confession: The first time there, I sort of got sidetracked on this riveting article: Why do flight attendants put their feet on the dashboard? I was disappointed that they failed to provide any proper scientific answers to that age-old mystery.

More embarrassing confession: I was admiring the stewardess-legs-on-dashboard pics but was alarmed by the aircraft type. Me: “Oh my God, they’re flying the Max 8s with the sentient MCAS. Mere mortals cannot overpower its evil stabilizer trim powers. Hit the cutout and grab that f’king trim wheel before it’s too late!”


Tudor Miron

Avia-pro is a well known zio owned fake news spreader.


You are more and more declarative fascist.




Thanks! I knew next to nothing about them. Some of the articles made me wonder. This one about the Su57 being inferior floored me.


Just excellent and right Russia decision of stopping pleasing Erdogan. This is the Russia that the World wants to see.

stupid is as stupid does

What “world”? I’ve seen some of your comments . You are one of the first to spit on Russians. And you do it often. And now you act as if they need your approval or acceptance? Why don’t we hear instead what did your NATO – Italy do for fighting Jihad? You Italians are only good in accepting Merkels refugees and being US servants


Do not confuse to spit with to criticize. The war support and behavior of Russia had changed at Idlib respect what Russia had been done before because of Russia-Turkey economical and commercial agreements. Now, after strong evidences that Russia-Turkey agreement on Idlib was a stupidity (Russia air basis in Syria are in real danger), Russia has returned to support a ground offensive on Idlib. Of course, I am talking about the world (people) not aligned to USA-Israel-NATO actions, my friend.

stupid is as stupid does

You sound like arrogant hypocrite. With friends like you Russia doesn’t need enemies. But luckily, what people like you think, is of no importance. Just go away.


You can think whatever you want about me, that is not important or relevant. I just express my opinion, as you expresses yours.

Bill Wilson

The agreement wasn’t stupid since it bought the SAA time to train the new recruits from the reconciled moderate rebel militias.


This Turkish convoy was not a reinforcements for the head-choppers, I mean what could they do against the SAA – virtually nothing. It is only big enough for a rescue attempt, but what/who were they trying to rescue? The Syrians would have none of it.

stupid is as stupid does

Not reinforcements because they are full of weapons and ammunition + some tanks. And with pending possibility to evacuate all wounded and some other Jihad big fish whose arse they want to save from the area.


I don’t think the Turks are interested in saving any jihadists from there. No, the Turks are being paid to rescue Western Special Forces operatives from the area. But the rescue failed, so now they have to die.

stupid is as stupid does

Some of those Jihad “commanders” directly work for Turk secret services. But, yes you are very probably right about that. When it comes on collecting somebody it is always those Western superstars from Western VERY special forces. They can’t permit that bomb explodes in their vicinity and blemishes their make up and pristine commando uniform.

I still doubt they’ll die now. They can sacrifice few hundred Jihadists to save one or two arseholes like that.


Yes, Turkish intel agents would be important for Erdo to rescue. Turkey’s economy is not good and they are not in any position to fight a shooting war on behalf of the ragatag bunch of jihadists who have failed in their mission, and have no chance of succeeding now. This is why I think the Turks will not engage Syrian Army at present time – there are no territorial gains to be had, nor any profitable ventures to be had by force of arms. This only leaves a heavily armed rescue mission, paid by someone else, as the logical choice. Apparently in the Aleppo situation the Syrians traded the foreign operatives for cash or some other price, but in E Ghouta most of the foreign operatives were killed in battle (some escaped dressed as women! Lol.). So the western powers know full well that their people most likely will not return. That’s why the hasty rescue attempt. You know “No one will be left behind” and all that stuff.

Brother Ma

Please be true. All spe ial services there in mufti should be shot once interrogated as franc tirreurs? As by law anyway!


Had to shut down Turkish pigs


I just don’t understand why Southfront calls the Terrorist of Al-Qaeda and others, MILITANTS? Why militants? They are and should be called one word that suits them the most for which they fully are that TERRORISTS. Period.

stupid is as stupid does

Just take look at the name of SouthFront Admin underneath… It is “al quaida” :-) Go figure for whom they are working for. One thing is sure they don’t work against standard MSM format of propaganda and Western censorship. I suppose they just try to survive in life, so they make compromises like majority of us…


Well said. They are also just parts of a machine, like everyone. Even though i understand those of us that have been here for years getting tired of those compromises as you call them. But it is what it is. If one has the ability to spot and understand those compromises, one can still live better with them than with MSM BS. And we all have biases, often forced up us by the systems we live in

David Parker

Where did you see that? I just looked and don’t see any “SouthFront Admin” and I got no matches on “al quaida”.

stupid is as stupid does

If you don’t see it than we are not on the same internet page………… “SouthFront Admin” because of “SouthFront” AVATAR and Admin because he is Admin not because it is written “Admin”

It is ; ”al quaida”

here-copy pasted: ——————————————————————— al quaida occupybacon • 8 hours ago

“These” articles, not, “This” articles. It’s like you don’t even care. ————————————————————————– al quaida occupybacon • 8 hours ago

Start your sentence with a capital letter.

Brother Ma

.. and the Turco liars tried to tell us they didn’t REALLY want to shoot down thrpe Russian bomber,it was” mean moslem religion of peace missionary agent in america ” pilots who decided to shoot down the bomber! Hahah!

All without Erdo’s orders. Sure.. we will believe you.


Russia is very on top of things. So much for people doubting that.

AM Hants

I love how Russia is so upto speed with timing. She never has to rush, just allow the other side to show their hand.

Hassadnah Abraham


Xoli Xoli

Poor terrorist Erdogan is wetting his under pants after seeing real resistance.

Stinky Man

I would suspect the Russians flying the SU-35 were thinking about their fellow Russian pilot killed by a Turkey flying a Turkey F-16. I think those Russian pilots were chumping a the bit to splash those filthy animals.


I guess no Russian has forget, and while partnering with Turkey may be a geopolitical neccesicty at the moment, be sure that in russia everyone remembers Russias history with Turkey.

And the modus operandi of the Turks, no matter which regime they have.


The mentioned ‘humanitarian supplies’ included about 28 military vehicles, including at least 7 battle tanks carrying rice and floor for kaboose..

stupid is as stupid does

Humanitarian of course 7 battle tanks were to be ambulances planned to be used on challenging terrain for transport of wounded HTS civilians ….


The M-60A3 tanks and APC’s where crammed full of rice, flour, medical supplies, and toys for the kids. :)


These are humanitarian tanks!

Tudor Miron

I’m sure that Su-35C was saying to himself – “Just give me a reason”.


Interesting that there is nothing prominent in the US/UK/NATO press about this…search of Google News terms, “Turkey, Syria, F-16, SU-35” brought up only English language Pravda from 9 hours ago. These actions will go almost unnoticed in these countries, excluding Turkey itself.


maybe nothing happened

stupid is as stupid does

As LGBTQZ you have copulated with your dog at the time so you wouldn’t know what have actually happened


you are really stupid

stupid is as stupid does

Oh sorry, it was you LGBTQZ mother with the dog and you were with the donkey !

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