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Russian Su-35 Warplanes Rain Hell On Militant Positions In Northwest Greater Idlib (Video, Photos)

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Russian warplanes carried out on January 3 a series of airstrikes on militants’ positions in the northwestern part of Greater Idlib, despite bad weather conditions affecting the region.

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the Russian airstrikes targeted the town of Maraand in the northwestern Idlib countryside as well as the Kurd mount in the northern countryside of Lattakia.

According to photos released by opposition activists, the airstrikes were carried out by Russian Su-35 warplanes. The activists also shared a video showing one of the airstrikes which targeted the outskirt of Maraand.

Russian Su-35 Warplanes Rain Hell On Militant Positions In Northwest Greater Idlib (Video, Photos)

Click to see full-size image.

Russian Su-35 Warplanes Rain Hell On Militant Positions In Northwest Greater Idlib (Video, Photos)

Click to see full-size image.

In the last two weeks, bad weather conditions affecting Greater Idlib and the coast grounded the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces. The absence of air support has forced the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to halt its operations in southeast Idlib.

Last month, the army captured more than 40 towns and villages in the region under the cover of the SyAAF and the Aerospace Forces.

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Russia and SAA should help Iran to hit hard American troops in Syria. Time has come to send some body bags back to U.S.

Xoli Xoli

What about your ww3 threats double standard spy.


This is time for actions only now….. no more wasting time on threats…

Xoli Xoli

Does actions only apply and ww3 pause when it suits your evil desires.Why not follow advise of Russia and Iran intelligence and apply right actions.

dez nuts

I think russia and syria can agree that the Iran general plays both sides of the game. Probably happy hes gone.


what both sides of the game?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Everybody gave you dislikes and yet you just told them the truth, that’s very sad, because just like you I’m pretty sure the Russian’s won’t miss him that much at all, but I’m not so sure about Assad though, unlike the Russians he has different sentiments concerning Iran. It seems most SF readers have no idea at all about the current situation in Syria, they seem totally oblivious to the rising tensions between Iran and Russia, so when you make a valid speculation based on real facts, you get a heap of dislikes for your trouble. I suggest all the people who gave dez nuts a dislike for his/her comment, to do some google searching, the comment itself wasn’t biased propaganda, your dislikes were though.

Russian interest conflicting with Iranian interest in Syria, Russian backed militias fighting Russian backed militias in Syria/Deir ez Zor, Russians assassinating Iranian militia leaders in Syria, Iran taking control of northern Deir ez Zor, Iran and Russia vying for control of Syria Russians force Assad to fire many pro Iranian personnel from military and government institution posts, Tensions between Sunni and Iranian backed militias in Deir ez Zor, Iran causing rising resentment amongst the Sunni population of Deir ez Zor.

Even if he/she is a troll [and I have no idea whether he/she is or isn’t], dez nuts just speculated on something any sane person with any knowledge of real facts and current events might. So if you think dez nuts comment is just anti Russian, anti Iranian, or anti Syrian trolling, you’re in fact totally ignorant of the truth, and no different to the US citizens who believe Assad gases his own people with CW’s, NO DIFFERENT AT ALL. I’ve been speculating on whether or not the Russians are actually encouraging the Israelis to bomb certain Iranian targets in Syria [gasp horror], and my reasoning is this, if the Russians and Iranians are killing each other vying for more power and control in Syria, why wouldn’t the Russians be happy if the Israeli strikes were actually helping to curb Iran’s influence and power in Syria, and by default helping to maintain their own. Come back to earth Spock, the last few generations of humans have lost their ability to reason and no longer use logic, we need your help.

Azriel Herskowitz

You actually think Russia would risk a war with the US and NATO over protecting the terrorist Mullah regime? Get your mind out of fantasy land and get in touch with reality.


Russia doesn’t have to do much just give Iranians satellite data and help them logistically in preparation to reach US targets in Turd-land They are grown ups they know how to kill vermin by themselves!

You actually think that Russia believes that ANYTHING can be done with the fair play after her ambassador in Turkey was killed by “Gray Wolves”-CIA action or their airplanes downed and pilots and many officers killed by totally evil and criminal actions (acts of war) of Israel, U.S., NATO, Saudi’s and Turkey

You think that is forgotten or forgiven maybe? Only when you filthy blood is spilled that can be forgotten

Azriel Herskowitz

Sorry, but Russia isn’t going to save your beloved mullah terrorists. The regime is collapsing and the Iranian people want freedom.


So do the Palestinians from an oppressive regime.


Fuck off Zionist pig! Sick and tired talking to your kind of people!

Ricky Miller

If anything this will probably shore up support for the government in Iran. It’s classic blowback; a people can fight amongst one another like a family but let an outsider land a punch or an unforgivable insult and societies, like families, tend to close ranks.

AM Hants

You mistake the Iranians for the NED.


Lol! No no no, it’s the Palestinian people who want freedom from the “regime”.

Rüdiger Preiss

Of course, a staunch Zionist knows what the Iranian people want ??! LMFAO. It’s like Josef Goebbels knowing what’s best for you, Zionist shill

Rhodium 10

Accord a Russian web…Iran have attacked the US base of Ain Assad…

dez nuts

That is false information from what ive looked into.

Rhodium 10

Apache heli are flying over US base of taji after explosion was heard…


American Oil Workers In Iraq Exiting Country At US Government Request It seams that Americans are expecting something despite Tramps reassuring words ; “We took action last night to stop a war.”

Like in George Orwel’s “1984”book, a “Doublespaek” war = peace, occupation = liberation https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-urges-all-americans-depart-iraq-immediately-orders-oil-workers-out

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Yeah, were we at war with Iran and Iraq (PMU leader)??

Azriel Herskowitz

What was the civilian death count this time? And how many schools were bombed in the name of “fighting terrorism”?


Shut the fuck up you pig !


Only jihadis were killed, strange you care for civilians when Israel kills plenty in their attacks


Nine members of the family were among 34 Palestinians killed in Israeli air raids over the Gaza Strip during fighting between Israel and Islamic Jihad. Nine members of the Sawarka family were killed by four attacks over their home in Deir al-Balah. Five victims were children. The air raids killed Rasmi, his second wife Maryam, 45, and three of his 11 children – three-year-old Salim, Mohannad, 12, and three-month-old Firas. The bombing also killed Mohamed’s wife Yousra, 39, and two of their sons, Moaaz, seven, and Waseem, 13. Mohamed died on November 22 as a result of his wounds.


Based on my HTS sources on the ground, a trillion civilians, 10 billion hospitals, one thousand unicorns and two million tiny flying fairies.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Let’s see how many civilian casualties are caused by your bosses henchmen in Libya when they start fighting, and how many Libyan civilians are about to die in Turkish airstrikes when they start. You may have forgotten Mustafa so I’ll remind you, your bosses henchmen were indicted with more than a dozen ‘verified’ war crimes in just the first week of operation Peace Spring, so I’ll bet your Turkish backed SNA rack up at least two dozen in the first week of the Libyan campaign. Is your boss Erdogan getting nervous yet, Turkish backed fighters versus Russian backed fighters, that should be getting his blood pumping, and the thought of Turks killing Russian mercs fighting directly on the behalf of the Russian government has to be worrying him just a little, if he pokes the Russian bear too hard, the Russian bear might just rip the Turkey’s head off. It’ll at the least be very interesting to see how your boss does things there in Libya, on tip toe I’d suggest, but knowing your boss the way we do it’ll be more like the bull in the china shop. Can a Russian bear beat a Turkish bull in a fight? The Anatolian Black Bull weighs in at only 400 kg max, but the largest land carnivore in the world, the Russian polar bear weighs in at a massive 700kg. Get ready for fireworks Mustafa, things could get ugly in Libya soon, for Turkey that is. :]


Graham Tells Trump To ‘Crush Iranian Economy’ By Targeting Oil Refineries After Assassination


Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Looking like some mob boss. Dude ain’t shit!


Itching for 300$ barrel and collapse of U.S. economy


Graham is brain dead, need to change one word. :) Graham Tells Trump To ‘Crush WORLD Economy’ By Targeting Oil Refineries After Assassination


To “Crush first and foremost U.S. Economy before Crushing WORLD Economy” Parts of the World will survive but US…..I doubt it…

Azriel Herskowitz

BREAKING: US drone strike targets PMF convoy near Taji, Iraq killing the leader of Kata’ib al-Imam Ali. Mazel Tov :-]

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I hate to admit it Mustafa, but I think for once you may be telling the truth, I hope you’re wrong though. How’s your boss Erdogan going?


“The Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Forces confirmed the strike, saying it targeted one of its medical convoys near the stadium in Taji, north of Baghdad. The group denied any of its top leaders were killed.”

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I haven’t found out who’s replaced the 4th division in this area yet, hopefully it’s another crack division capable of withstanding the terrorists if they launch any major attacks, if they’re not a crack division the Russians and SAAF had better make sure they give them plenty of support, the terrorists here are the best of the best, the maddest of the maddest, and the cruelest of the cruel, and all of them eagre to go to heaven as martyrs. Carpet bombing would be the best solution for this area, just bomb them 24/7 for a week and then go in and mop up what’s left, the easy way to beat fanatics who want to die and go to heaven. 72 virgins each and there’s at least 65,000 and possibly nearly 100,000 terrorists in Idlib, God better start looking for virgins, there’s going to be a huge demand for them soon, 72 times 65,000 = four million six hundred and eighty thousand virgins, good luck God.

Kunta Kinte

Old video!


WWIII coming.

U.S. TERROR-BULLY RATIONAL !!! U.S. wasted billions of taxpayer dollars in Iraq; why ??? …because the U.S. invaded, killed Iraqi citizens and destroyed its country. The U.S. cannot ever give Iraq enough reimbursement money to for all the injuries and suffering Iraqi’s have endured.

SAUDI ARABIA CALLS FOR “RESTRAINT TO PREVENT AN ALL-OUT WAR”. Saudi Arabia has put themselves politically in an “adversary” position in the Middle East; and they stick out like a sore-thumb. They will receive what they have delivered.

Royal Jordanian airlines suspend its flights from/to Baghdad after U.S. killing Suleimani in Iraq.

By U.S. murdering senior Iranian official Lt. Gen. Soleimani, the U.S. has created “increased-instability” in the Middle East; all countries in the area are “on alert” !!!

The world is laughing at this Trump “cockeyed” administration; …the “clay-brains” did not think-out about this dumb plan and the future “blowback”.

New commander of the Iranian Quds Force Ismail Qaani stated: “We tell everyone be patient to see the dead bodies of Americans all over the Middle East”.



The Twittered words of SUPREME Leader Ali Khamenei filled me: Now, I comprehend 1. => The Best returns are Always obtained by Investing in Revenge 2. => Persians are genetically superior to Arabs



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