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MARCH 2025

Russian-Supplied S-300 System Becoming Operational In Syria (Satellite Image)

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3 of the S-300 aerial defense launchers deployed in Masyaf, Syria, have been documented in an erected position in a sattelite image released Israel’s ImageSat International. This may indicate that they are becoming operational.

The released image shows 3 of the 4 launchers in an upright position and the fourth covered by a camouflage net. This is the first sattelite image showing the launchers in an erected position since their arrival from Russia in October.

“Due to the current regional tension and the detected erection of the launchers it is possible that the mentioned activity indicates an increase of the operational level and alertness,” ImageSat said in its assessment of the image.

Earlier, Russian media reported that the S-300 system supplied to Syria will become combat ready in March 2019. However, it seems that this may have already happened.

Russian-Supplied S-300 System Becoming Operational In Syria (Satellite Image)

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Hmm… I thought the idea it would take months to get the system operational was declared “fake news” back when Russia started sending components over….


And second almasdar, ‘these S-300 batteries are located around the strategic city of Masyaf in the western countryside of the Hama Governorate.’ Probably to protect the troops around the Idlib de-escalation zone.

You can call me Al

Or just to teach the Syrians how to use them, tomorrow, they maybe moved.


I think they will protect the futur Idlib’s offensive of the SAA. The Green Helmets are already preparing the next chlorine farce.

Promitheas Apollonious

Green helmets?


Green zones on the map, green busses, green headchopppers, green helmets.

You can call me Al

Green vermin or Green Blobs….


That was months ago according to that article. They may have been training units. There are reports that the systems themselves were operational almost immediately. It was the SADF crews to man them that needed to be gotten in place. Which they probably are now, at least some of them.

aleksandar jakovljevic

This is so stupid positon,i think that is fake launchers,plastik or balon launchers, in Serbia in time off nato agresions,batery off air defens are change ther positions every 3 or 4 ours and sometimes eihgt times per day, becouse they call mobile launchers. That is the taktic ,or u are destroyed.( sory becouse my english)


You didn’t have the ability to attack and destroy the bases being used to attack you. Syria does. And their air defense system is much more modern and robust than your’s was. They know where most of the aircraft attacking them are 24/7. And can destroy them on the ground or in the air if they want to.


S400’s would be intercepted by Israeli Arrow Sling and Arrow 3 before being quickly destroyed by HIMARS launches and air strikes



Show me the specs, I haven’t seen them, and I’ve looked.


You also claimed S400s could intercept ICBM’s until I shoved a Physics for Dummies textbook up your ass


Provide the screen shot.


It actually can and has successfully intercepted multiple icbm in tests. with a flight ceiling of 185KM it can intercept atmospheric and exoatmospherics projectiles.



ICBM’s travel at a ceiling of 2000km+

The S400 is too slow, too short and too primitive to intercept ICBM’s

Try again


yes, I was wrong. S-500 can intercept ICBM which will be in service by 2020. Also, S-400 can still intercept the warheads with high precision (0.65-0.7) upon entry within 150 km :) so either way, it can still intercept. maybe try another big mac?


Yes you were wrong, and you were wrong again about the S500, which is also too slow and small to intercept ICBM’s. You’re wrong a lot



Nope, not a single anti-icbm from any nation can reach over 1500/2000km. whole purpose is to intercept when the missile’s within range and when the warheads make reentry. A-135 and A-235 are meant to intercept the ICBM in exoatmosphere but S-500 will be replacing that soon.


The Arrow 3 can

It’s 2 generations ahead of any low altitude ABM junk Russia is designing



lol nope :) you’re confusing 2 different things here. arrow 3 intercepts at altitudes up to 150-200km. way shorter than your claims of 1500-3000 km. wthe whole point is to intercept the icbm before it surpasses an altitude of 200km upon launch, or to intercept the warheads as they make reentry beneath 200km. Not a single anti-icbm rocket can hit anything at altitudes like 1500 or 3000km. you’re confusing flight ceiling with range. Arrow has ranges as far as 2000km but its flight altitude ceiling is less than 200km just like the A-135, A-235, S-500, etc.


nope, arrow travels under 150km altitude. it can reach targets at ranges of 2500km however. range and altitude are way different here. learn to differentiate between the two. and A-135 can hit at ranges of 1000km, A-235 will be able to hit up to 1500km and 2000km.

J Ramirez

Are you “Patriotic_White_American” or Jew ? This seams to rely upset you, I mean Jew :}

Keep it Real

Or israel Arrow sling shot system will be attacked too and will be destroyed!


Really? Just like a Syrian Tochka made it through Golan Airspace for 5 minutes before they were intercepted? Good luck, the longest range S-400 missile travels at 11,000 MPH and has a range of 400km.

aleksandar jakovljevic

Modern????? That means its faster to change positions or status in the batle,then older syistems.the problem is in DISCIPLIN OF SYRIAN SOLDERS .Pancir-s was three days on the same place ,and the oficir in them was 10 meters avay whit cigaret in maut.????????HEY DUDE….cigaret in the time of batle?????? In seryosly army ,that means military court. Disciplin ,disciplin and disciplin

Albert Pike

Good point…

Promitheas Apollonious

your english are fine, language is a tool to communicate a message and your english do just that, we understand.


Greetz Serbia ?✌

Zionism = EVIL

It is Zdravo or Здраво :)

You can call me Al

See the Greeks (Promitheas Apollonious) comment above you…. ie the newest comment so far.


Pantsir this time I think.

Zionism = EVIL

It will be more than the Pantsir that will hit the Zionists. For the first time Iran has put the cowardly Zionists on notice. Admiral Shamkhani is very close to Khamenei and echoes his views. The Zionists know that this warning is for real.

LONDON, Feb 5 (Reuters) – Thesecretary of Iran’s National Security Council warned Israel on Tuesdayof a firm and “deterrent” response if it continued attacking targets in Syria.”If these actions continue, we will activatesome calculated measures as a deterrent and as a firm and appropriateresponse to teach a lesson to the criminal and lying rulers of a dying Zionist regime,” Ali Shamkhani was quoted as saying by Fars news agency.


“Maybe next time we’ll hit back for real” — yawn. If you’re willing and able, then why not strike back the very first time you come under attack. Let’s not forget that these same Iranians delivered … wait for it … a letter to the Americans stating that their presence in E Syria would not be tolerated. Doesn’t look like the Dark Throne lost much sleep over it.

Zionism = EVIL

As you well know, I am all for instant retaliation, but Iran has been under sanctions and the worst economic embargoes for almost 40 years, has been subjected to a US and Zionist sponsored invasion by crazy Saddam, has faced terrorism and color coded CIA revolutions and has to tread carefully. It is in Syria for long term strategic interests and will remain there for a long time. Zionist agenda is to provoke and US-Iran conflict as they know that Russia will not do anything. Iranian priority is the stabilization of Syria, but from discussions with people in the know, I understand that Iran also has a limit to what it will put up with. So far Iranian losses to Zionist aggression have been minimal, but if these attacks continue Iran’s hand will be forced.


That I agree with. Given the ongoing Israeli attempts to destroy them, I think they would have to relocate every 2 hours (even it it for just a few km away from the previous location); and acquire and have logistic troops use inflatable dummies as decoy. A lot of them!

Xoli Xoli

Perfect idea

Zionism = EVIL

Interception time is around 5-10 minutes to the bring the systems to operational status if the crews are well trained and have adequate cover. The SAA should be building hardened silos and decoy pens all over the place and also create an integrated layered defence with BUKS, Pantsir S1, SA-6 and the Iranian upgraded Sayyed SA-2. From my understanding, the Iranians have passed the message via EU patsies that any further Zionist attack that causes Iranian loss of life will be responded to in force. Yesterday, for the first time 3 Iranian and Syrian transports were lined up in open space at Damascus east (military section) off-loading heavy weapons wrapped in tarps and crates, they spent almost 4 hours unloading and not a peep from Zionist scum.


Until they kill them again, and Iran does jack shit about it. It’s their move, not Israel’s

Zionism = EVIL

We shall see. Time is the best judge. I personally know the Zionist mentality, they are bullies and thugs that strut on western charity and weapons, but are scared to die. They are weaker than a spiders web.


I wouldn’t say that they are weaker… they aren’t as strong as shown of course. But they have the paranoia and fear that another holocaust will happen to them. And that drives them to behave and lash out at their neighbors in violence and call it self defense. They are driven by crazy fears which is enough to fuel their capacity to attack or defend.

Zionism = EVIL

Don’t forget that they armed to the teeth by the western taxpayers. Easy to gloat when hiding behind bigger thugs.


exactly, and with direct control over the usa/british/french governments and major banks like the rothschilds, they feel free to do anything without repercussions. And then wonder why the whole middle east and lots of the world don’t like them. I wonder why? r3tard3d kikes.

Zionism = EVIL

The parasitic Jews have done more damage to Europe than anywhere else, look at the Goldman Sachs plunder of once prosperous Greece, Italy and Spain.


Sorry but there is no excuse for their behaviour considering what they supposedly have gone through over eons they should display empathy not hatred and abuse.


If Iranians were men, they would have instantly retaliated when Israel slaughtered them like lambs at the T4 base.


Zionism = EVIL

Seriously dude, we are not taking gladiator era with men and swords. Iran is not a superpower but a medium sized embargoed state with a weak economy. It has no real powerful friends as Russia is totally undependable and Chinese are only interested in selling junk at Walmart. Iranian airforce is non-existent and they have built up a hybrid missile arsenal for defence, and do not wish for a major war that will be destructive. Iranians lost about 400,000 people when Saddam invaded and the scars are pretty deep on the psyche. The current mullah leadership is not unified and Rouhani and Zarif are weak. If they had someone like Ahmadinejad a real war veteran, then they would have responded instantly. But experience has taught me that even the weakest will eventually hit back if pushed too far.


Then don’t talk like a tough guy if you’re not prepared to back it up, son.

Zionism = EVIL

Well US has been barking for years now too and done fuckall.




Zionism = EVIL

I was talking about attacking Iran, even when it captured US sailors and shaved their heads and paraded them. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/73acd1ae613f5cf4f5f7ae7e95931b32e20b543467725c09fa07020d0711e3b5.jpg


Hussein Obama is no longer “President”




Zionism = EVIL

You think the orange fat Trump moron is any better? More Americunts have died since this Jew patsy was put in power from Afghanistan to Syria. At least if the Jews let him, he wants to end US losing wars as he said in his state of the disunion a few hours ago.


First Black Hawk shot down… At about 16:20, one of the Black Hawk helicopters, callsign Super 61 piloted by CW3 Cliff “Elvis” Wolcott and CW3 Donovan Briley, was shot down by an RPG. Both pilots were killed in the resulting crash and two of the crew chiefs were severely wounded.


Are they still crying about Iran capturing most advanced RQ170 drone. Air defence is old tech, don’t underestimate Iran at all, they have things US and the world can’t even imagine. Iranian scientist Keshe have developed a plasma tech and gave it to the world for free in 2015, don’t forget Iran had it since 2007 and is a pioneer of this tech . Just imagine Iran can go above white house or anywhere in few sec without been detected by the most advanced radars or can get intercepted. Scary thought but true. Iran is a superpower and nobody can do anything


Shortly after the assault began, Somali militia and armed civilian fighters shot down two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. The subsequent operation to secure and recover the crews of both helicopters extended the initial operation into an overnight standoff and daylight rescue operation on 4 October. The battle resulted in 18 deaths, 73 wounded and one helicopter pilot captured among the U.S. raid party and rescue forces…So weak these Rambos.


it’s always good to dream :) but know that the past no consequence attacks wont be repeated. SAA and iran will be responding this time very high chance.


It’s amusing to see Iranians forces hiding like mice when Israel bombs them to cinders. Come out to play :)


Shortly after the assault began, Somali militia and armed civilian fighters shot down two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. The subsequent operation to secure and recover the crews of both helicopters extended the initial operation into an overnight standoff and daylight rescue operation on 4 October. The battle resulted in 18 deaths, 73 wounded and one helicopter pilot captured among the U.S. raid party and rescue forces…


Serbia was an embarrassment for Russian Air defense, they shot down less than .5 % of NATOs sorties


A Russian made S-125 shot down an F-117, killing the program. You are so ignorant and full of crap PWA.


A single F117 shot down after 4 thousand sorties

Less than a .001 interception rate

LOL nice


Well if a Soviet S-75 or S-125 shot down your precious F-117 Stealth Bomber I don;t know what more to say. Well that said all. That 40 years old Soviet Era missile shot down your new and best stealth. Hmm. Actually this says a lot tho. And in your 4000 sorties what did you bomb a civilian areas, you poor ignorant bastards you needed a coalition of 25 states to come together and bomb a 6 million state and what did you kill all civilians just drop bombs everywhere, oh of course because you knew the locations of the Serbian S-125’s right! Wow how pathetic are you Americans are.

Zionism = EVIL

The Americunt cowards deliberately targeted the Chinese embassy in Belgrade killing 3 Chinese diplomats and wounding several others, just for spite.


Sadly, the Dragon did nothing, but it learned a lot!

Promitheas Apollonious

pathetic ……….. no they not. just scum of the earth, who need to be extinct before polluting the whole of the globe with their sickness.


You don’t know what to say because you got owned

Remember when the SU25 that “jammed the Donald Cook” got shot down by a shoulder fired rocket?

LOL just pathetic


Really? Because 5 A-10 wharthogs have been shot down by iraqi strela/iglas during gulf war and iraq war. :) Any plane flying beneath 3000 meters has a high chance of being hit by a heat seeker. Only flares/chaff can help and that is dependent on the quick reaction of the pilot, accuracy of a plane’s heat seeker detection warning, and luck.


I got owned, LMAO for what please enlight me! Disgusting Neocon or Zionists GTFO of here you troll. You the poor american, I don’t see you on your profile to watch and follow CNN or BBC you are only on SF, RT, Russia Today and RU Insider so you are really desperate to get a real Intel or you are just a pure troll, in which I recommend to South Front to ban trolls such as yourself.


He’s never been near the military, this kid is about 12.


Second Black Hawk shot down… During the wait, a second Black Hawk helicopter, callsign Super 64 and piloted by CW3 Michael Durant, was shot down by an RPG-7 at around 16:40.


It killed the program. It doesn’t matter, regarding you numbers. Think about it. A .001 interception rate ( using your numbers and I doubt they are right ) killed the F-117 program. So, when they shoot down an F-35, with a system designed in the 1960s, what effect will that have on the F-35? The same. LOL …… Very Nice.


No it didn’t lol, it was killing Russian junk in the Gulf War a few years later; no losses go figure

The S400 got humiliated by a 30 year F16, 15 dead Russians over Latakia and the cowards are too scared to confront little Israel



Look you are just a jackass talking smack. You are always nasty, you make smiles at the idea of people being violently killed and your thoughts are intellectual trash. You are a junkyard dog who is probably very far from being American.

The one who was humiliated was your beloved Mossad, with the 3 hour live broadcast from the leader of Hez, that Israel and everybody else who is trying to kill him, could do zero about. Stick with reality and try life. You might like it.

Zionism = EVIL

Not really, their air defences were weak and they fought the whole NATO airforce and the drunken fool Yeltsin backstabbed them. They barely had 5 batteries of Soviet era SA-2 Guidelines that were operational as the JNA (Yugoslav National Army) had disintegrated thanks to the treacherous Bosnians and Croat Nazis. Despite that they did bring down a “super stealth” F-117.


Always the same excuse

The systems are shit man, they’re just shit

Zionism = EVIL

You know I am fair guy and base comments on FACTS. The Russian or Soviet SAM systems and even their AAA like ZSU 23mm twin and quad (Shikla) are pretty good. It depends on the operators skills though, the Vietnamese did very well, downing over 4,700 US fixed and rotary aircraft. In the Ramadan War 1973, the Egyptians did very well with mobile SAM 6 covered by longer range SA2/3 and knocked out 60% of Zionist airforce and then the Jew Kissinger organized the biggest re-supply of depleted Phantoms and A4 Skyhawks for the losing Zionists. An American Zionist pilot once told me that they were so scared of the Russia SAMS over Sinai that some of the pilots literally had to be handcuffed to the cockpit just to get airborne.The Serbs in 1999 were fighting on multiple fronts and demonized by the Jew media and had no allies. Their population is barely 7 million, so they can hardly be expected to take on the armed might of NATO. Now Russia, Iran or China is a different story and why do you think the US or Zionist scum have not attacked any of them?


Again, Israel has killed many Iranians in Syria. The US has killed over 200 Russians and hundreds of SAA.The Russians and Iranians are cowardly pussies, but they sure talk a good game. Why haven’t these tough guys who are so big and bad respond to their blood being spilled? Because they’re intimidated and know the US and Israel never back down.

The US had total air dominance in Vietnam, losses notwithstanding the air defenses had no affect on the campaign, thus they were a failure.

Israel won the 73 war, so again the point is moot. To be fair though, Soviet systems were decent supplements, they actually worked unlike the S300/400 trash Russia has today

Zionism = EVIL

Again to be fair, US has lost every war to much weaker opponents from Korea, Vietnam to now Afghanistan. Victors don’t grovel for peace talks with Taliban. The Arabs were sold out by Sadat and now there is new realignment taking place. There is no way on earth the Zionist regime can survive in the long run. Remember the South African Apartheid regime lasted 209 years and then kaput, and they were Europeans not gutter Khazar Zionist trash. The average Americunt has a dogs life and is hardly going to fight for the Jew parasites.


If I may get a word in between the two of you, I think you’d find that the Vietnamese, Koreans, and Afghans all fought back, hard. Then of course, the Taliban leadership don’t have their children in British boarding schools, and Ho Chi Minh didn’t expect he was going to be partnering with the Americans any day now. They treated the orcs invading their countries as an enemy to be defeated–kinda makes sense if you think about it.

Perception is reality, folks. If you conceive of Americans and Israelis as untouchable demigods, they’re really not going to disabuse you of that notion.


Korea was a humiliating defeat for Communism. The North Koreans and Chinese were thrown out of South Korea with nothing but 4 million dead bodies to show for.

We won Vietnam and Afghanistan, Vietnam is a close strategic partner and Afghanistan is our Opium market

You lose again and are getting raped in Syria bitch ;)


First off if you one Korea, they wouldn’t have nukes right now :) 2nd, you’re far from winning Afghanistan, 17 years of war and taliban control over 40% of its territory LOL. awesome work!


Russia lost to Finland LOL


Really? Because they did keep control of large portions of eastern finland after the winter war :) face it, russia overcame the odds and defeated the most powerful military force on earth without any substantial help during ww2. And they will proudly defeat the next powerful enemy conventionally or nuclear.


Russia was already defeated by America and collapsed in the 90’s.They attempted a proxy war and were crushed, along with their Government. Kind of like what’s going on today

It’s 1-0, America leading over Russia

Your move :D


Lol, ok. Russia: Vietnam, Korea, China, Laos, Cambodia, Syria, now Lebanon, now Iraq, now Iran USA: iraq war, still fighting in afghanistan, failed to topple assad, failed to prevent nukes in north korea, weaker than the chinese military, OUT of control debt OVER 20 TRILLION lol. Russia: top 5 largest oil reserves on the planet, top 10 gold reserves, number 1 largest natural gas reserves/production on earth USA: major internal crisis/division/potential market collapses, racial issues. Russia: high approval rating president, high approval government performance, growing economy, growing conditions your mov – oh wait… you’re probably a little upset by now, right? ;)


Russia: lost to the US and collapsed


And if the US continues to stay in afghanistan any longer, you’ll be collapsing soon also lol. take the L and go home, otherwise watch your 25+ trillion debt.


You already took the L, ask nicely if you want a rematch



The Soviet Union collapsed not Russia stupid American


He’s too obese to get off the sofa, he’s just bored having to wait for his carer to arrive and change his diaper. Fact is the yanks got owned in Vietnam, currently being owned in Afghanistan by goat herders, currently being owned in Syria, technologically behind the Russians in all aspects of military equipment, oh yeah they also owe the world $20+ trillion dollars and last but not least an army full of queers, lezzo’s, trannies and those with sub 50 IQ’s. The USA is a laughing stock.

Gregory Casey

70% of entire German War effort including deployment of Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe & Waffen-SS was directed towards Eastern (Russian) Front. The combined strength of US+UK+Australia+French(???) managed to defeat the Germans on Western & Southern Fronts but Russia, standing all alone on the Eastern Front defeated the combined German + Croat Nazis + Ukrainian/Polish Nazis + Romanian Nazis + Hungarian Nazis + Czech Nazis and ran them all the way to Berlin.

Keep it Real

yes, but with 30 percent more on the eastern flank germany may have stopped the soviet union!


with all their troops focused on eastern flank during non-cold months, germany was almost unstoppable. But if germany never invaded Ukraine/Russia, they would’ve been able to repel all american/british attacks and possibly even amount a successful invasion of britain. point is germany strategically screwed up. Rommel was their best general and they sacked him.

Gregory Casey

Possibly yes but they didn’t have that 30%. They didn’t have even 3% available to them.


exactly, but we’re all supposed to believe that the usa and britain could have easily beaten germany if it wasn’t for their preoccupation on the eastern front. truth is, if germany never attacked russia and focused all their forces in france/germany, they would’ve been completely impenetrable and normandy beach landing would’ve been repelled. germany would’ve destroyed us army/british army groups. maybe germany would’ve even successfully invaded britain. who knows, but russia pummeled them and degraded their military forces badly on the eastern front before, that they could barely send any reinforcements to western front before normandy invasion. and thus they could not repel us army/british army and were pushed back from the western front. but the pivotal factor came in with vistula order and soviet push westwards towards berlin. this caused even larger german collapse on the western front. soviet russia easily did 75-85% of the effort against germany.

Gregory Casey

Precisely but unfortunately, hardly known in Europe & America. It’s almost as if the overwhelming role of Russia/USSR in the defeat of Germany has to be expunged from the human consciousness because it doesn’t suit the narrative fed to us daily by our media.

Keep it Real

The point is you just did 50 percent of the job! The USA and russia defeated germany! no one of you alone would have been able to! Germany lost a 2 front war!


Hitler’s invasion of Russia proved fatal. If it wasn’t for it, he would’ve destroyed every british/american army group in the western front and successfully recaptured northern africa. usa/britain were nothing against germany without Russia’s help on the eastern front. To give you an idea of how large scale and more vitally important the eastern front was as compared to the western front, 6 million german troops kia and 12 million soviet troops kia eastern front from 1941-1945. western front 1944 less than 700,000 german kia/wia and 500,000 american/allies kia/wia. but oh wait, MURICA! point is, Russia did at least 80-85% of the job in ww2 against nazi germany. US invasion of Normandy was only a small distraction that caused germany to spread its troops and supply lines thin. if there was no eastern front, germany would have repelled every single american/british attack and probably would’ve successfully invaded Britain. thank Russia for preventing all this.

J Ramirez

You ran from Vietnam, they kicked your ass so hard the soldiers where getting spat on by your own people when they returned home:}


We bathed in the blood of 4 million gooks, like absolute War Gods.

Americans are conquerors and we conquered them; spiritually mentally and physically

Luke Hemmming

Don’t forget the Somalis dragging those US pilots through the dust covered streets…oh what a sight to behold…the ‘supposedly’ greatest country in the world’s finest soldiers/pilots reduced to a lifeless meaty corpse dragged about by a enemy that was primitive compared to the technological might of the US…pity that technological might was been controlled by imbeciles. Bwahahaha

Gregory Casey

Still is controlled by Imbeciles!!


hahaha. The stoopid yanks were outsmarted first by the peasants and then by superior Russian aircraft and sam systems, similar situation in Afghanistan & Syria today, except they are too scared to invade Syria.


Hah pore kid = Word Bitch, its obviously that its childish someone to even waste the time with you here. Period.

Keep it Real

Strange! The USA and south Korea started the war and were close to the border with china! Somehow they end up still being North korea! Your story is missing 50 percent like always! Yes you started the war you invaded North Korea and carpet bombed them before the fairly tale beginning of the korean war in our history books! Just google it up! Always lies never truth thats uncle sam!


S-300/S-400 have never seen combat usage to date… but will be soon :) Your way of talking “moot” is the stereotype that reminds me of an overweight, uneducated m0r0n sitting somewhere arguing with people over the internet.


What gets me is why the US is operating F-22’s anywhere near Russian air defences. The Russians must be just giddy with all the elint they are getting from the Yanks and Israelis.

They get to sit there and passively watch the israelis attack Syria and the USA patrol over Syria will all manner of aircraft and drones and they haven’t had to turn on their acquisition radars once.

Not only that but they downed the latest US and Israeli’s missiles and glide bombs and got to take them back to Russia to reverse engineer. The Russians have given you nothing in Syria and here you are flying your best aircraft and using your latest missiles right into their hands.

They even got an intact JASSM that they hacked and reprogrammed to fly around the desert until it ran out of fuel.

That attack was hilarious btw …. something like 70 cruise missiles to take out a vacant 4 storey commercial building and Trump says “we meant to do that”. Give me a week and an excavator and I could have done the same amount of damage and the bill would have been well under $50k. I hope to fuck that the Russians did hack your cruise missiles to land on that one building because spending hundreds of millions of taxpayers dollars on the simple destruction of a light commercial building is a very special kind of stupid.


If Israel keeps humiliating the S400 Saudi Arabia is going to cancel their orders LOL

Keep it Real

Why? The Houthi rebels are showing us that the USA systems can hit shit! Some old rockets hit their bases on daily bases.



Keep it Real

Wow some hundreds of soilders were encricled by ISIS in the destert for years! Lack of Ammo and other needs! The USA knew the position and attacked the syrian arny to help ISIS! Thank you for reminding the world who ISIS is and their air force its your uncle sams! YOU created ISIS! Its your project! And be proud of that ISIS lover! Assad killed all you scumbags! And soon they have the good stuff to fight back!

Gregory Casey

I believe that has far more to do with the intelligence and smarts of the Houthi in comparison to the stupidity of the Saudi-American-British attack-dogs ……. sorry: poodles.


BUT, it was the US destruction of Yugoslavia with stealth bombers that convinced Russia to build radar systems that could target American stealth planes. Today Russia only has to mention S400, and Americans run in fear, and the smell of excrement fills the air.

aleksandar jakovljevic

Your name is miror off your humanity,u are white and american,and everybody here knows what that means.U dont have right to speak about another countrys,or another democratis,or another white,black,yelou and red mens and womens in world.You and another like you are shame for the world.

Gregory Casey

Well said Aleksandar

Zionism = EVIL

Твој енглески је добар мој пријатељ.dobar коментар. Yes, you are correct, the launchers are mobile and need to be in hardened pens. And also should be covered by decoys. In any case, I believe that SAA and Iran are serious this time and will down a few Zionist planes in they are aggressive in Syrian airspace again. There has been very heavy Iranian, Russian and Syria transport air traffic at Damascus in the past 48 hours and Iran may have delivered the Soumar cruise missiles to SAA and Hezbollah. Time will tell, the Zionist pigs have been very quite after Sayyed Nasrallah’s message, which was clear and to the point as usual.


Serbian Air Defense did NOT lose 1 single piece of air defense during NATO bombing 1999. Because they are the most professional, smartest, experienced operators. Serbia needs S-300 to enhance and bolster their air defense plus lots of Pantsir. They will need it if albanian terrorists decide to attack or stage provocations.

Zionism = EVIL

The JNA was a very professional army that took advantage of the Yugoslav mountain topography. I have worked with Serbian engineers, they are no dummies. The problem is that whole NATO ganged up on them, a small nation of 7 million, surrounded by enemies. Russia abandoned them and they had to fight all alone and did the best they could.


hopefully this time around, Russia sends their navy and military in to help. Or even better, just send Serbia a ton of Pantsir, BUK, and S-300. This will supplement and improve their already upgraded S-125s and KUB.

Zionism = EVIL

I think Putin just handed over 7 SU-30 as the Serb MIG-29 were getting old. Serbia has internal problems and Vukic is not very popular and the CIA is spending a lot to destabilize Serbia.


There was fuck all Russia could do at the time, because Russia barely existed as a country at the time, thanks to Yeltsin. They did try something though, sending some of their peacekeepers in Bosnia to Pristina airport, just moments before the first NATO ground troops would enter. But that was mostly a token gesture.

Leslie Nielsen Junior

Hungary is not enemy of Serbia.

Pave Way IV

The USAF commanders were pretty politicized and worthless in 1999 and cried like little girls when their F-117 was shot down. But the handful of intelligent, professional ones in the USAF (long gone) had nothing but respect for 3rd Battery Commander Colonel Zoltan Dani and the 250th Air Missile Defense Brigade. One of those was Lt. Col. Dale Zelko, the pilot of that F-117. While Americans generally go out of their way to be assholes everywhere on earth, I’ll offer Col Zeiko as a noble exception:

Foes now friends: US stealth pilot and the Serb who shot him down <–link

Zelko after being shot down: “…”I thought about the Serbian SAM (surface-to-air missile) operator, imagining having a coffee and conversation with this guy, saying to him: ‘Really nice shot.’ I had this huge respect for him and the Serbian people.”

It’s a BBC article from 2012 – I simply can’t imagine them publishing anything like this today.


I reckon that if you are a true professional in your job, and since he obviously lived to tell his tell, why shouldn’t you respect your enemy? You’re trying to do your job, he’s trying to do his job, granted, the job does involve trying to kill the other guy, but that’s a means to an end, not an end in itself.

If you don’t respect your enemy you’re infinitely more likely to go down the slippery slope that leads to war crimes.


they may not be ready dude and still training! they are not going to train all these guys in 4 different places! Of course, when they are ready, they will be mobilised! u are making negative comments based on an assumption that these systems are ready! Even the news posts doesnt say for a fact they are ready! it says “they may be ready”! its just news! nobody is dumb enough to keep them in one place so a spec forces team or a saturated air attack can destroy them all!

i am sure these systems are protected by russia for now because they have russian personal training syrians there and may also be protected by Russian S-400’s!

u jumped the gun!

calm the fuck down!

And the 22 people who “liked”or “upvoted” ur comment just shows the BIAS this site is having! everyone has their head up their own ass on this site!

aleksandar jakovljevic

Trening for syrian solders its also change the positions,and i dont think any bad whit my coment ,u are angry becouse u dont want to see bad move off syrian oficirs,they most be on high level off disciplin.i see whit pancir s how they dump ,after three days on the soma place.DUMP IS HARD WORD,IT IS DISCIPLIN.

Pave Way IV

Alexsander pointed out the alternatives because he thought the placement of deployed mobile launchers – as seen in the sat imagery – was stupid. Many agreed. The article itself just says “…This may indicate that they are becoming operational…” because there was never any picture of the Syrian TELs with the cans up before. Becomming operational is not the same as live deployment or ‘running’ or combat ready, yet that’s exactly what ISI was implying. Considering that English is a second (or third) language for many here, you’re pretty quick to bitch-slap everyone for not picking up on the ‘correct’ subtle differences. Calm the fuck down.

Pave Way IV

S-300 launchers (TELs) would never be operationally deployed in real life side-by-side and that close together. If they are TELs, they’re there for training, not ‘deployed’.

The shadows also look pretty slim for a four-canister PMU-2 – these may only have one or two cannisters right now for whatever reason. The canister shadows also seem off angle from the apparent corner shadows of the buildings, but who knows. Any object of interest supposedly shown in ISI/IAI sat imagery always seems to have shadows that don’t make sense. That’s if you can ever get past the improbability of “Israel might be telling the truth” about anything. I can’t possibly squint my eyes enough to see where the canisters themselves are or how the shadows could be so straight (considering they’re running across equipment on the ground).

The Syrian crews are either just back or due from Russia soon(?). Wherever Syria deploys the launchers, they certainly won’t be all the way up in Masyaf.

Tudor Miron

I suggest that you don’t get too exited over Israeli’s Photoshop exercises. No one really knows if it’s real picture or not but we do know that they released fake pictures in the past. It is too early jumping to any conclusions at this point. Let’s see how it unfolds.


According to Wikipedia, Imagestat is a Jew company with 2 satellites launched in 2000 and 2006 by Russia. That are now being used to track and target the Russian military and it’s allies.

Nothing new here, the Jews have been killing Russians for the past 3 centuries. They are Russia’s primary enemy and an existential threat to the Russian nation and people. According to polls, most Russians are glad that so many Jews left Russia, and wish that they were all gone.

They are the primary force driving the current NATO anti Russia campaign insanity. And our planet’s and humanity’s number 1 problem. Earth would be much better off if this evil cult was outlawed and extinct.

You can call me Al



Kremlin bowed to pressure from our advisor Tommy J.!

You can call me Al

Hehehe – cheeky.Very good.


Operational until the next time it gets bombed again and goes into hiding while the Russian MOD invents a new fairytale for its failure.


Angelo Cinarelli

American bully never won a war. You cant win a war even against a bounch of afgan shepherd hahahahahahhahahahahahah!!!! just bla bla bla bla…..


But we won World War 2. Crushed the Japanese navy in a SINGLE DAY while Russian dipshits were hauling ass away from the German invasion begging the US to intervene in Europe



wow, Russia won ww2, you won only Japan


Japan was a bigger theatre of World War 2 and the Russians accounted for less than 2 percent of Japanese casualties

Just pathetic


The US spent years fighting little Japanese garrisons on little islands, whilst Russia defeated a million Japanese troops in a few weeks.


Russians accounted for less than 5 percent of Japan’s casualties


Harry Smith

Of course “Russians accounted for less than 5 percent of Japan’s casualties”. It is logic. Russian offence was so quick and unexpected, that Japan Kwantung Army surrendered in less of the month since beginning of Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation. While your marines could not take over piece of crap Iwo Jima more then month.


Wow, they invaded after the US already broke the Japanese Army Airforce and Navy and got a little pond for their “effort” while the US captured all of Japan and influence in the entire pacific

The US could have crushed Russia like a bug in 1945, they still can LOL

Harry Smith

How many Japanese planes and warships were at Iwo Jima?


So it’s the body count that matters? In that case yes the US has killed more people than any other empire before it, especially women and children.


The Russians were useless in the pacific

The US crushed the spine of the Japanese Military (their fleet) in under a year, before reducing their entire industry to ashes and rubble. Then we developed the nukes Russia copied, and unleashed the power of the Sun after routing the Japanese all across the Pacific.

The US stationed hundred of thousands of soldiers in Mainland Japan in post World War 3 occupation. Russia was left with a little sliver of land they stole after the Americans shocked the world with their atomic weapons and strangled Japan into submission


Yes the US took Japan and Korea as colonies, the US even offered North Korea to the Soviets. But being honest honorable people the Soviets refused to enslave others. Americans think that because they are immoral thugs who steal, every other country has the same gutter morals, but they don’t.


And only because Roosevelt begged Stalin not to invade Japan.


No you didn’t America has a lot of wars, but it always loses. America, the land of the loser.

Promitheas Apollonious

something we agree on.


The only war the yanks have ever won was against El Salvador. Struggled against the Japs & had to use nukes, kicked out of Vietnam, still struggling after 20 years against the goat herders of Afghanistan, Leaving Syria after getting a kicking, WW2 was a clean up, yanks were very lucky that the Russians broke the German army. Go home yankie.

J Ramirez

You didn’t win shit. The Russians won the war. All the US did is drop nuclear bombs on Japan after they had surrendered, the war was over but you got your pussy hurt and killed thousands of woman and children like you continue to do today.


We wrote the war on modern warfare while the Russians were rolling around in trenches with their dicks in eachother mouths.

And you’re correct, America invented nuclear weapons while you beaners were picking our veggies. It’s all about perspective ;)

J Ramirez

Looks like I struck a nerve ( Inbred White American)

Luke Hemmming

I wouldn’t be proud to say something like that. Millions of innocent people were killed those fateful days. Just goes to show thou how desperate the Yanks were. They had to resort to a dirty trick of a nuclear bomb to get Japan to surrender because they were getting severely butt fucked by the Japs. Just like they got butt fucked in Vietnam, Somalia and other places. And if you want to believe the ‘official story’ the US got anally reamed on 911. AND! still they are fucking each others butts in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraqi because they aren’t doing a hell of a lot of anything else in those 3 countries.


Australian and NZ troops beat off the japs while the yanks got there arses fried on some islands and due to complete demoralization and realization that they are quite useless as a military force they decide to nuke the japs after surrender. Now that tells you all.

Angelo Cinarelli

You won what? WW2? My dear read well the story. You won the ww2 thanks to the russia too. Who arrive in Berlin first? My dear Read the story.


HaHa whats up are you shitting your zio pants LOL


How is Afghanistan going after 18 years of fighting against flip-flop wearing farmers?

Tommy Jensen


Promitheas Apollonious

I loaded the image in my bio metric image program and what the image show is three pillars standing straight up no vehicles. So I dont know what the israelis in their nightmares they see, but this is a bullshit image.

You can call me Al

If true, then maybe that is exactly what is was meant to be – BS !!!. SAA / Russian counter intelligence.

Promitheas Apollonious

no because this image is not the correct resolution as it comes from the satellite. Sat imaging is very high resolution and who ever see it knows exactly what they see. Beside the russians/SAA did not release the image or made any claims israelis did claiming is S300s.

John Whitehot

well, the resolution of the pics from satellites is normally reduced anyway.

nonetheless, israel has used this thing of sat pics to produce garbage photoshops and propaganda in these months, there’s no reason to exclude they did it again.

and the mental masturbation on the camo net?

i mean, if all is true, then one would probably assume that when the satellite passed, that particular launcher was still transitioned into deployment, although i think it’s just an embellishment to give the propagandistic message more weight.

John Whitehot

i tend to agree.

Promitheas Apollonious

The programs I have on my workstation, can take a very low resolution image as the one they used on the article and make it crystal clear I can even see what maybe under the covered part. So you know. This is the workstation I use. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/data-center/dgx-station/

John Whitehot

are you into some kind of graphical or network related development?

Promitheas Apollonious

I am involved in many things that have to do with advanced technology and used to also be in international business, something I stop because my country will need my peoples services once more, so I pass my position to younger people. Why?


“I am involved in many things that have to do with advanced technology” Anal dildoes?

Promitheas Apollonious

dont worry your fathers job is safe and you will inherit it the moment you learn all his tricks. maybe even become the rainbow queen he been trying to be for so many years and failed and make him happy finally.


I wish my father had owned a Greek dildo factory, I would be a rich man.

Promitheas Apollonious

become first the queen kid then you can be rich in many various ways been a royalty and all. Dont miss your calling.


Biometric image software is


Dick Von Dast'Ard

Deployed to defend Russian assets, (Masyaf, NW Syria) not going to take down Israeli or U.S. assets unless a severe provocation occurs around the Russian quadrant.


Already occurred, everyone knows Israel shot down the IL20. The S200 story was invented by CNN


But how would you know? Because CNN lies about everything and Americans are monkeys, it might be just peanuts.

Brother Thomas

Really? Let me guess: Putin told you this himself.


The report is interesting but, it is coming from Israel where information in sickly controlled, for the most part. So what is the article and photos trying to say. Propaganda at best.


This cheap Israeli BS is good enough to fool the Yankee doodles, but I doubt humans would fall for it.


OK… enlarge the image and look carefully. Do you see any launchers? I don’t. Camouflaged launcher? Where exactly is that?

This is a poor quality picture for this day and age and has signs of tampering. Assuming those shadows are real, what is casting them? I don’t see any brighter areas of “towers” lit by sunlight, as you can clearly see on every other object. This “photo” is nothing at all. Like most israel propaganda it just a bag of hot air.

Luke Hemmming

Yeah I was thinking the same. I zoomed in the picture but because it is so low resolution it is hard to see any detail that indicates what is making those shadows. And as some have said they would not put all launchers in the same vicinity either…that would be a very stupid thing to do? Maybe this is an old image from months ago, or they are dummies or something else?


thats the decoy launchers , in operations the launchers will be placed widely separate to avoid bombardment if the point defense got leakers inbound..

John Whitehot

they could be much more decoy than you are actually saying.

i guess we’ll be able to interpret this news and pics in the next days.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Maybe the 4th covered is an S-400 surprised for the invading-Jews? http://ihr.org/sites/default/files/RevisedBillboardResized.jpg


I’m not 20 anymore; yet when I want to erect something in October, I usually get it done before February. Are Russia’s “long games” really that clever? Maybe they just cause your allies to lose confidence. Wake me up when the orcs start falling out of the sky.


Or maybe you are the kind of fool this BS was designed to mislead?


I may or may not be; seldom do fools realize their foolishness. One way or another, wake me up when Syria stops being bombed with impunity.


wait and see and when the ever evil israelis turn up, maybe their gifts from the almost as evil destitute states of morons (aka usa) will fall down in a spectacular fashion and the wrecks end up east of the golan heights and the pilots falling into the hands of the syrian peasants – that will be something to watch and it would also mean the end of the repeated war crimes that the ever evil israelis been getting away with for eons, on the back of the destitute states connivance. and that is something we’ve had enough of.

discontinue israel now! send the squatters/illegal occupying force on their way to the next 5000 year diaspora. de-recognize israel and take away the rationale for israel and force it out of existence. which country in the world has any reason to accept a country that shoot boys throwing stones and operates a concentration camp, aka as Gaza, where an ethnic cleansing program is under way, where starvation and murder and land theft is an integral part of the every day.

no israel does not deserve to be a sovereign country and that is why the world needs to de-recognize it post haste.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Does this mean Putin’s received assurances from the Israelis, promising they aren’t going to target the S-300’s the next time they decide to strike targets in Syria, mmmmm maybe. Or does it mean the Russians are going to use them against the Israelis the next time the Israelis dare to attack Syria, mmmm maybe. Or does it just mean the same as usual, nothing, mmmm probably. Why hasn’t anyone made a big deal over the published reports on Israeli media that claimed that Putin had threatened to hit Israeli ground targets in retaliation for any further Israeli strikes against Syrian territory?

And why the hell are 3 or 4 launcher operating in such close proximity to each other, one successful airstrike could take them all out at the same time. This is a first for me, in all the videos I’ve ever seen of any AA systems operating, they’re all spread out in different locations, and not just for their own safety either, but also for better coverage of incoming missiles. And imagine if these 4 launchers had to respond to multiple incoming missiles and launch a missile each at the same time, there’d be just as much chance they collide with each other before they could get too far off the ground and respond to the incoming hostiles. I smell a rat somewhere, but I’m sure some wanker will try and tell me it’s just standard operating procedure and there’s nothing wrong with this image I’m seeing, every things normal, but I don’t think it is, I think it looks totally abnormal.

Promitheas Apollonious

you always take for as the truth what ever you read? What is in the photo, is not S300s. Learn not to take authority as the truth, but the truth as the authority and before you waste pixel space search what you reading and use common sense.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

What don’t you understand about my comment “I think it looks totally abnormal” and “I smell a rat somewhere”. I have no idea what the images actually shows us, but I’m pretty sure they aren’t images of operational S-300’s, it’s not a configuration the Russians would ever use to deploy them in. So even if they are S-300’s, I don’t think they’re operating in a defensive deployment, perhaps it’s only some type of pre deployment testing being done on them while they’re all still on site before they’re actually deployed. I have no idea what they actually are doing, I just know what they’re not doing, and they’re not doing what normal S-300’s would do when they’re operating. That was my point if you misunderstood my original remark, and I thought I was using common sense by disputing the narrative of the article, that wrongly stated that image was of operational S-300’s, which I know for a fact would never operate like that under any circumstances. And I don’t consider that a waste of pixel space, to be honest I thought I was trying to be helpful by pointing out the obvious. Since no one else had pointed out in comments, I thought I should, just in case anybody wrongly believed the S-300’s did operate so close to each other, when in fact they never ever do Some people wouldn’t even be aware that AA systems don’t deploy in the manner the sat image showed, and perhaps my comments encouraged just a few of them check it out for themselves, and to see just how the AA systems would really deploy in a defensive configuration, which is nothing like these images show, then they might realize just like me, that it does look totally abnormal and I there is a dead rat somewhere. What you consider a waste of pixel space I consider intelligent conversation, we’re pretty much opposites aren’t we.

Promitheas Apollonious

K let me rephrase what I said. S300 have 4 missiles each vehicle. In the photo released by israel is three chimney like tubes one next to the other, not S300s batteries. Also even in the bad quality photo if you magnify it you can see there are no vehicles in front of the tubes.

This caused what I said because either you dont read what is posted and you also dont bother to search what SF is posting very often lately as fact, because if you are a news center and put articles up it means that have checked if they are for real or not. Rather than promoting stupid propaganda. So what some call intelligent conversation I call ignorant comments.

You took for granted that it is a photo that shows S300 formation. The dead rat as you calling it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I did try to magnify the image but there isn’t enough detail to discern anything much at all. At a glance the dimensions do look about right for the launch vehicles and the shadows do show some sort of deployed tube as well, so they look more like launchers than chimney stacks to me. But unlike you, I don’t dispute the assertion that this image is of the S-400 launch vehicles with their launch tubes in an upright position, I only dispute the fact they’re operating and deployed in that configuration. The dimensions in the image are EXACTLY RIGHT for the deployed launch vehicle with their tubes on the ground and ready for launch, I did take the time to chech, they are a perfect match. So personally I think you’re assertion that the images are only that of chimney stacks is ludicrous, I suggest you do some simple research, look up the length and width of a deployed S-400 [not in transit mode] and tell me the dimensions in this image and the dimensions of a deployed S-400 aren’t exactly the same. If you think for a second that this image is more likely to be a bunch of chimney stacks and not what they claim they are, deployed S-400’s with their launch tubes in an upright position, you’re not looking at the images very astutely. I suggest the image is most likely accurate and does show 4 launch vehicles, but I think they’re merely being being tested before deployment in this image, not operating in a deployed defensive configuration as the article suggests, but if you want to believe they’re just chimney stacks go ahead, that’s your prerogative. But to anyone else I suggest they check out some actual images of the S-400 deployed and check out their dimensions in a deployed position first before agreeing with Promitheas that they’re just chimney stacks, it’s much more likely to be the S-400’s. The Israeli company that provides these images is a private company, satellite images are their bread and butter, how bad for business would it be if they got caught out doing what you suggest they’re doing, even if the Israeli government begged them to I don’t think the company would oblige them, maybe if the Israeli government put a gun to their heads they might though. But I don’t think that’s the case at all, the images are most likely to be exactly what they’re claimed to be, 3 S-400 launch vehicles deployed with their launch tubes extended and another one still under cover. The real story with any issue at all is the article itself that accompanies the images, not whether or not the images themselves are genuine, I don’t dispute that at all, the issue for me is what do they really represent, active S-400’s deployed in active service, or S-400’s being tested or undergoing maintenance, repairs or improvements, that’s the story for me, but for you it’s, are they S-400’s or are they chimney stacks, and you’re just seeing just chimney stacks, not S-400’s. The last thing I see in this image are chimney stacks, and the only thing I see [now I’ve done some quick research], is the S-400’s, at least I’m 99.99% sure they are, but as I said before, you’re entitled to your opinion, but so am I, and I have to completely disagree with you.

Promitheas Apollonious

This is copy paste of my post way below.

I loaded the image in my bio metric image program and what the image show is three pillars (chimneys?) standing straight up no vehicles. So I dont know what the israelis in their nightmares see, but this is a bullshit image.

You write too much of nothing and all based on your assumption of what, you can not see. Learn to speak few word and make your point not writing a book kid.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m 55 years old and write a bible because that’s what 55 year olds do, we use a lot of words to say anything at all, it’s only the kids that use as few words as possible, and usually because they’re not mature enough to use many more than just a few words. I have a solution for you if you don’t like reading my bible length posts, just don’t read them. And I still disagree with you’re assertion they’re just chimney stacks, if you’d posted a copy of the image for all the rest of us to see and scrutinize, it would have given you some credibility, so share the image and be helpful to everyone, I’d like to know the truth. You’re telling me not to trust the image that a private Israeli company provided, and to instead trust you and your claim, without anything at all to back your assertions, I’m 55 years old and know better than to trust anyone. The length to width dimensions of the shown objects are compatible with the deployed S-400, that’s the only thing I have to justify my belief they are indeed what the sat images claim they are, copy and paste your image so the rest of us can make a judgment as well, share what you have so we can make a better assessment.


Enough with this scarecrow S-300. Shoot some real bandits with these things if they are able to. Shoot down attack initiators not their munitions otherwise to the hell with them.


Each times we listen the same lies and israeli missiles will bomb again syria to proof that russia is not serious and not able to oppose israel and USA


I hope Russia inteligence help to protect this system, and does to allow Israel to destroy it.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i heard the sound of terran missile turret from starcraft being played in my head when i read this lol :)))

El Mashi

Any plane that fires a missile to Syria, even if fired from Israel, is a violation of sovereignty, Syria vowed to retaliate from whence the origin airbase. That means that the Israeli air base will bombed in retaliation.

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