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MARCH 2025

Russian T-90M Tanks Outshines German Leopard 2, British Challenger 2 & American Abrams: Medvedev

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Russian T-90M Tanks Outshines German Leopard 2, British Challenger 2 & American Abrams: Medvedev

T-90M. IMAGE: Uralvagonzavod

Russia’s T-90M “Proryv 3”’ main battle tank outshines German-made Leopard 2, British-made Challenger 2 and American-made Abrams tanks by its performance characteristics, Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview with Russian media outlets and users of the VKontakte social media network on March 24.

“We produce worthy types of armament, military and special hardware and weapon systems. The brand names are well known and I can mention just several of them. It is quite obvious that, say, the T-90M ‘Proryv’ is our newest tank. But, to my mind, this is the best tank in the world. In the world! It is, undoubtedly, superior to the Leopard, the Challenger or the Abrams, especially in terms of its performance characteristics and its mass,” the TASS news agency quoted Medvedev as saying.

T-90M tanks have already seen action in the course of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. Kiev forces are set to receive dozens of Leopard 2, Challenger 2 and Abrams tanks in the upcoming few weeks.

The Western-made main battle tanks are expected to face Russian T-90Ms this spring in a highly-anticipated offensive by Kiev forces.

The T-90M, which was first presented in 2017, is a heavily upgraded version of the T-90. The tank features a modernized “all welded” turret with the new advanced fire control system Kalina and the new Irbis-K gunner’s sight. The turret is also equipped with four video cameras that provide a 360° view of the environment for the commander.

The tank is armed with an upgraded 2A46M-5 125 mm smoothbore gun with a coaxial PKMT 7,62 mm machine gun as well as the UDP T05BV-1 remote weapon station with a Kord 12,7 mm machine gun.

It also features an upgraded AZ-185M2 autoloader which can be loaded with the larger and more effective armor-piercing rounds Svinets-1 and Svinets-2.

The sides and rear of the T-90M hull and turret are completely covered with Relikt new generation explosive reactive armor blocks. Relikt uses a completely new composition of explosives to achieve dynamic protection. Unlike older reactive amours, it works equally reliably against both low-velocity and high-velocity missiles, doubling protection against shaped charges and increasing anti-tank guided missile protection by 50 percent.

The tank is powered by a new 1130 hp V-92S2F engine coupled with automatic transmission. It is also equipped with an enhanced environmental control system and GLONASS satellite navigation systems.

The Uralvagonzavod company is currently mass producing the T-90M for the Russian military. It is unknown how many are currently in service. Medvedev’s remarks indicate that Russia has high confidence in the capabilities of the tank, which did prove itself on the battlefield in Ukraine.


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Nothing seems to scare Russia more than the prospect of having to fight German tanks.


Ok dipshit, how about this. Vladimir Putin is threatening the whole world with a nuclear war for his own citizens, while that puppet Zelensky the clown is begging the west for money and equipment to terrorize his own citizens.

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Last edited 1 year ago by anni
720 y. o. Big Guy SENILE sleepy Joe aka Pedo Peter

Russia won against German Panzer back in WW2, so nothing new here. Shoot yourself in the mouth

Last time, Europe was happy that Russia destroy nazi, today, they are all pro nazi bitches.


Back then most were pro nazi as well. America supported germany until the outcome of the Battle of Stalingrad.


What a joke! jew controlled america was on the side of the jew controlled ussr even before the war and when Barbarossa started it immediately started supplying USSR with all kinds of goodies without which Germany would have won .


Derp, and derp again li’l Nazi.

Icarus Tanović

Nope, they said to Germany go ahead and attack USSR, we won’t be doing anything, and then start to transfer loads and loads of equipment to USSR. That basically means two fronts from east and west and tearing Reich apart.


USSR has been provided by Western equipment? i never heard before historicaly also not confirmed in the fact americans, Henry Ford and some other politicians in usa worked together with nacis and supported them.


US did not support Nazi Germany in WWII. Rockefeller familly did, the very same family who runs WHO, COVID scheme, eugenics, there are too many people on Earth narrative, global warming scam etc. Rockefellers Standard oil gave Nazi Germany technological process to produce diesel from coal. IG Farben (today it is known as BASF), the main Nazi war industry complex (fuels, lubricants, explosives, rocket propellants, rubber parts) was (some say still is) joint Nazi-Rockefeller venture. Americans, if they want to free themselves from imposed marxist-trotzkist left should pay their attention to Rockefellers, not the creten-in-chief of the White House who is merely a disposable puppet. Take care of the puppeteers, the Rockefeller family, not the puppets and you will solve the problems.


Never mind that Ford was a major supplier of trucks and spare parts for the Wehrmacht.


Both of you STFU


N@zi are a khazarian invention


They managed to knock out 42,000 German tanks & SPG’s the last time they faced them so I would say “seem” is the operative word in your comment … as in “things aren’t always as they seem” or “you seem to be ignorant of Russian history” or “seems Dave is either a troll or a useful idiot”


three months later, we see that this feeling was not fear, but a longing to bury that new german junk in the same place as the german junk from 8 decades ago… and we see that the russians did it very successfully and thoroughly.

Bernard Davis

maybe you would like to rephrase that lol…


Russia aims to build 1.500 tanks this year, those lost in Ukraine are old Soviet models which will therefore be replaced gradually with recent tanks


Medvedev is a real clown. He has become a joke. He should visit a psychiatrist.


The only clowns are the cross dressing moron in Kiev masquerading as a President and the prick loco Joe who can’t go out without his carer.


Is psychiatric intervention to blame for your condition?


The only one who’s condition I can confirm for psychiatric intervention us one US Senator, Jhon Fetterman representing Pennsylvania, who is currently in a psych ward undergoing treatment.

Raptar Driver

Russia is the Arsenal of freedom.


I wouldn’t say freedom. The correct wording would be the arsenal of sovereignty and determination.


It will become the propper arsenal of democracy as was promissed by the americans after the war.

It meant USA pledged its war industry to pivot towards producing for the development of the rest of the world … they did not do it, all they did was the Marshall Plan.

Russia might do it, and China and India will join that effort.


Only dead nigger is a good nigger. Niggers are living on the most fertile amd most abundant land on Earth. Why can’t niggers feed themselves?

hayate kirino

Why does russia bring 1960 t55 out of storage then?


Why is the western bringing in leopard 1 also a 1960 tank to be fair


Einther rebuild them as infantrie support tank, like the Terminator was built out of old T-72. Or as some suggested, just have them overwatch the Dniper river and shoot landing parties trying to sneak over.


Lager leeren!

Florian Geyer

The Russian T55’s today are essentially being used as a mobile Pill Box that is well suited to support static defence lines. Historically, most nations have used old equipment, such as using old tank turrets built into the Maginot Line as artillery.


using them as artillery platforms seems their guns are pretty good still and at the same time making room in their arsenal’s


And the T54 that the Russians are using now is better than the M1 Abrams, right?


Great strawman, NAFOmosexual urinal-puck-eater. Keep up the good derp.


The Svinets-2.is a DU Armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot (APFSDS). I haven’t seen or heard them reported to having used them. Otherwise complaining the Bradleys, Marders, Leopards and Challengers using the same thing would be hypocritical.

The tank knower

Svinets-2 is a tungstan alloy projectile, not a DU


Rusko malo v uloženkách cca 16000 ks tankov!!! A to rôzne modely. Myslím, že T62 a tiež T64 majú teraz podstúpiť modernizáciu a tým pádom budú vyrovnaným súperom Nemeckým Leopardom a USA Abramsom. Stačí ich iba vybaviť modernými prvkami a trochu viac obrniť.


goat herder Taliban prove that US lgbt pervertocracy impotent

Erik Nielsen

Kremlin has not even started yet to defend their Slavic brothers in Donbass.

They are still testing and promoting new military toy technology on the battlefield from an angle never seen before.

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