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Russian Tactics In Occupied Ukrainian Cities: Russian Troops Entered Slavutich

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Russian Tactics In Occupied Ukrainian Cities: Russian Troops Entered Slavutich

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On March 26th, Russian forces entered the city of Slavutich in the Kiev region, located 30 kilometers to the West of Chernihiv. 

On the eve, the city was surrounded and blockaded by the Russian troops. The administration of the Kiev region confirmed that the city of Slavutich was “isolated”. Clashes were reported on the western outskirts. Several fortified positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed but no strikes have being carried out on the city.

Late on March 25, the mayor of the city confirmed that the Russian armed forces attacked a checkpoint of the AFU in Slavutich.
He added that the city was blocked and it is impossible to leave it.

Despite the fact that Russian forces have been present in the region since the first days of military operations in Ukraine and they were deployed on the vicinity of Slavutich, there was no mass evacuation from the city. Instead of securing the humanitarian corridors for civilians, local Ukrainian authorities have banned residents from leaving their homes, as the Ukrainian snipers were working in the city when the Russian military already approached Slavutich.


Despite the hysteria spread by the media showing the allegedly barbaric military actions of the Russian military in Ukrainian cities, local authorities realize that if the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not use residential areas to start bloody street battles in cities, numerous civilian casualties and catastrophic destruction can be avoided. Despite the presence of the Russian armed forces, the city administrations continue to function normally, while receiving humanitarian support from Russia. This was the case in all Ukrainian cities and towns in the eastern regions of Ukraine and around the capital that are currently under the Russian control.

On March 26, Russian forces entered Slavutich. No clashes were reported in the city. No civilian facilities were damaged.

In order to avoid any casualties, the mayor of the city agreed for negotiations. On the other hand, Ukrainian media rushed to declare that he was kidnapped.


The mayor of Slavutych, who has already been claimed assassinated by bloodthirsty Russians, appealed to the population. He confirmed that he was not in captivity, but held negotiations. He said that the local Ukrainian administration continues to work and now has to coordinate several issues, such as evacuation, with Russian troops.

He declared that local civilians could leave the city, and the delivery of humanitarian aid from Russia will be organized.

In order to demilitarize the city, the population must hand over machine guns and military weapons. Weapons should be withdrawn from all civilian facilities, an inventory should be made.

After the city is demilitarized, Russian forces will leave the city and only checkpoints will be established on the roads leading to Slavutich.

While the AFU have left Slavutich almost without fighting, civilians became the main force for the Ukrainian “media counter offensive”.

A rally was organized. Kiev officials and the media are distributing encouraging videos showing brave Ukrainian patriots protesting in the streets, declaring their fierce resistance to the Russian occupiers. They encourage people all over the country to provoke the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the streets.


In fact, Ukrainian flags are flying all over Slavutych, the footage proves that the Russian army does not react to peaceful rallies until the protesters cross the red lines. Encouraging civilians to fight the Russian army, the Kiev regime is waiting for new bloody shots from the streets of Ukrainian cities to once again show the alleged brutality of the Russian aggressors.

According to local sources and previous statements by local authorities, Ukrainian snipers were deployed in Slavutich. In the current conditions, they may have the only goal to provoke the Russian military to open fire during another “peaceful demonstration”.


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Vlad the invader

Do not date to cross my red lines!?! Brothers and sisters else will get bombed to oblivion!

Can we have victory parade now?


Point is, this Nazi idiot would not be allowed this free hate speech in Ukraine or America.

Vlad the invader

Eh, I love my independent media! Made new law yesterday for my basement muppets!


You love your independent media? No such thing in Ukraine!


I am surprised that this Nazi, Ukro-Judaic idiot can even mouth the word ‘love’.

John Tosh

You do not know the half of it…. Many Restaurant managers in the USA receive a vial of clear thick fluid from the local CIA coordinator. If an American of interest eats at one of these restaurants, a cell phone call is received by the restaurant manager who puts a few drops of this poison (organophosphate) in the person’s food or drink. The poison works in approximately 2 hours time. The person who ate the poison begins to feel strong abdominal cramps, pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, vomiting, feeling dizzy, eyes water, saliva, diarrhea. This process is repeated over and over until the American dies. The restaurant manager does not even know his poison killed somebody because the CIA follows and coordinates the poisoning of the American citizen. Every restaurant he eats at, he gets the poison until he dies.

Welcome to selective targeting of murders in the Western world. The autopsy will show the person had COVID….he died of COVID…. now you know why covid and vaccinations will never go away in the Western countries. It provides a perfect cover for CIA assassinations of US Citizens.

Peppe il Sicario

CIA agents will have to soon book a flight to another galaxy.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

I get paid more than $90 to $100 per hour for working online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this I have earned easily $10k from this without having online working skills . Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site… Here is I started…….. 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐏𝐀𝐘𝟏.𝐜𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 years ago by Darlene

Vlad the invader is earning much more than you!

Vlad the invader

Sorry, my assassination attempt with Nawalny didn’t work out.


You mean Novichoke the Russian nerve poison used to kill everybody who is not willing to be enslaved?

Erick Koch

Must be the most ineffective poison in world history, no one dies of it.

Critical thinking sheeple

WTF are on about bullshit

Peppe il Sicario

I have your daily ration of monkey sperm ordered ready.

Vlad the invader

Eh, you smart for Russian Army, want to join?

Erick Koch

The Finnish army wiped out 4 Ukrainian divisions during the Winter War, no problems !

Erick Koch

Thinnest book in war history : “The Ukrainian Armys Victories”—it contains zero (0) pages !


Bot. Can we not have bot comments removed? Shit I’ll admin these pages if you need someone to sift through it

Erick Koch

Ukrainians need to be bombed, yes !

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Russian tank brigade commander just shot himself. Turns out Russia has no spare part replacements for their tanks. All the spare parts for tanks had already been vultures before the war. They just had to shut down the entire base at the Belarus border. As if the Russian tanks weren’t crappy enough, now they’re just scrap metal waiting to be put out of their misery. https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/3/26/460781/

Vlad the invader

Where is AFU frontline for my tanks? Did you find it finally?


More SBU Disney news.


Andersen called. He wants you back.

Meanwhile it turns out the fake news about Kiev counter offensive is just that nothing more. In fact ukrops are surrendering en mass. The story about Russia not having enough food and fuel at kiev is also fake. They had enough food to feed you hohol trolls. On video. Keep crying.

Vlad the invader

Schoigu will take Kiev in two days!


Yeah yeah yeah u been saying that for few days now.

Vlad the invader

But honest, Schoigu promised! Oi, Schoigu got heart attack!

John Titor

Sounds like your having one, getting repeatedly humiliated must have a toll on your already fragile self-esteem :(

Arzt Injektion

61 Prisoners take today around Kiev today. No food, no water, no ammunition. Complete collapse coming.

Can you bring an evidence of this alegation thats is coming from neutral tecnical analiysts ? Because the link you just send is from a website that openly has conections with the SBU (thats the ukranian inteligence Services) so its quite obvious they are not exactly trustworthy with such alegations.


Is that the Ministry of defense of The Ucranium which posted a Vietnam era video game as proof of a shoot down of four Russian copters and then quickly took it down when they were exposed? Something to do with Cicadas singing and Palm Trees in march in Donbas.

John Titor

Man, you ukrobots will really believe anything, that’s why your the NATO media first targets. Idiots are easy to control.

Guess you’re on the verge of getting your 4th vaccine shot lmao


worthless virus ridden gay moron keep posting virus links ^

You should stop watching Ukro-Nazi Judaic Looney Tunes. They have rotted your brain


I imagine these ‘peaceful protestors’ can be escorted for processing and detention while the city is being cleared. Sort through them carefully and find out who they truly are and where they came from, then expose them.

Last edited 3 years ago by James
Vlad the invader

Gulag is prepared, no worries. Hue hue!

John Titor

Lmao, what’s up with all pro nato morons being so comically stupid ? Is that genetic or the result of your mental conditionning ?


Only “prepared GULAG” I know of is in Canada. Unfortunatetly the Ukrainians will likely be the Nazi Guards and Torturers who get employed there to repress real Canadians. Too bad all you Nazi shitheads are coming to destroy Canada when you run away.

Timmy Temperance

A responsible mayor making pragmatic decisions.

Vlad the invader

When they bow down in front of me I let them live!

Last edited 3 years ago by Vlad the invader

Sure. Why should they die for Washington’s stooges in Kiev?

Vlad the invader

Exactly, why should they use 🇺🇦 Ukraine flag 🇺🇦 if they can bow down in front of me!

Hue hue, Vlad bringing back good ol’ empire occupation!


They saving thier own life, what do you care? You just a keyboard worrier infront of your pc, maybe in the basement. They call you to come to be volunteer army, but you were scared and decided you cant live without wifi and pizza.

Vlad the invader

Saving their lives with protests against my occupation?! How dare they!

How to build Russian Empire when people don’t obey my orders!

What is this 🇺🇦 blue and yellow thing about? 🇺🇦

Ukraine uber anus

Bitch paint your butt cheeks in blue and yellow in support haha. With Zelensky picture in center 🏳‍🌈


I wipe my arse on flags of the world toilet paper.

John Titor

Wow, you’re getting more and more unhinged. You really want to be important, and everytime you fail :(


You call provocation unarmed People showing support for Their country Ukraine but I Didn’ t see one single show of support for the Russians in the so Called liberated cities. Where are the Ukrainians greeting the Russians with cheers and flowers?

Vlad the invader

They are romantic, greeting me with candles!

Oh, those are Molotov cocktails?


What’s your point? You’ll see the support after denazification. Ukraine is part of Russia. You may disagree but that’s irrelevant.

Vlad the invader

Yes, everyone who does not agree with my dictatorship will vanish in Gulag! Hue hue!


Don’t worry, Azovisis and Co will never go to the Gulag. They have a special place in Hell 😉

Vlad the invader

Yeah, Ukraine invasion doesn’t work out so good, had to put my intelligence general under house arrest week ago.

But where is the city of Hell?


You are watching the wrong channels Comrade.

Vlad the invader

Yes, watch my independent media, made new law yesterday!

John Titor

Everybody knows CNN owns your brain, they filling it with crap and look how you act. Sucks to be disposable NPC.


Funny I seen videos of azov scum getting beaten the fuck up by civics when apprehended, civics shouting and begging Russian military to let them tear into them. I ain’t posting shit, go find it on telegram, there is tons of it.

And to answer your question. The media is a powerful tool to brainwash feeble minded civics into believing all sorts of things. https://fair.org/extra/how-television-sold-the-panama-invasion/

You’re all sheep, have you not had enough off C-19? While your leaders are partying it up. Still believe bin laden bombed the WOrld trade Centers? 😂 Still don’t believe that Washington and more precisely H.B. Was Leading the Financing behind woo Han? Hence c-19? Still don’t believe your own congress telling you by accident that they finance bio labs in Ukraine? Still believe Iraq had WMD? Still wanna believe that Ukraine has no nazis because a Jew is president? Hitler loved humans and so did the nazis…only problem is…who they classed as human.

Still wanna fight in someone else’s war like a pawn in a game of chess?

Get charged by western media and go volunteer dude…make sure you take selfies and post as much as possible, support Zecocainesky and his cronies since all they have is this shitty propaganda war as their only life line. If that’s gone…well…I wanna know how you feel after, knowing you supported nazis, C-19 development centres and all the other horrible shit that these psychopaths are working on.

Last edited 3 years ago by SlimSlims
Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

A vacuum bomb a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Neil Sutherland

A real ‘military’ is not a police force. Soldiers should only be seen on bases and borders. I never saw a soldier in Russia, only saw police on trains. Only saw US soldiers in Korea near the base. The whole idea of Russia occupying cities is nazi ‘west’ unicorns.


The Russian need to deploy microwave weapons in hostile area to prevent people with NAzis Ideology ftom getting to close to Russian post around town square where Russian are being posted

Peter Jennings

The Russian forces are right to take their time ensuring the innocent are provided for. We all saw the work of these Ukrainian snipers at Maidan. They don’t differfrentiate between uniforms and civilian clothing. These right-wing gangs will kill their own people as ordered to by their puppet president, washingtub, and a nato which has lost its way.


Russia should focus on the protection of their soldiers because without their presence in the region stability and peace cannot be made. Use more drones to secure the whole area and precious soldiers.


Clearly the Russian forces are unwanted there. Why would Russia attempt to liberate people who do not need to be liberated? Come on the entire motivational arsenal for this war is based on failed logics, cognitive dissonance, mental gymnastics and outright lies. There is nothing that justifies Russian military presence in Ukraine, the human cost and the blood beings spilled in this war. Russian soldiers listen to your conscience, you made an oath to defend Russia, not to be a genocidal mercenary force. You have no right to fight this war according to your own pledge

Last edited 3 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

Yes and the people of iraq “welcomed” USA

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Your friends The Zionist United States tried to liberate Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, and when the “liberators” were driven out, these countries became functional. Zionist-US Trying to liberate Libya, Iraq and Syria and in the presence of the “liberators” there is still war and unrest. When the Zionist-US-dominated government in Ukraine is overthrown, there will be peace and quiet in Ukaraina.


Russia could use anti ATGM protection devices on their armoured vehicles as they have used in Syria.

Vlad the invader

Wait what, why didn’t you say before!

Now Russian Army kaputt!!

John Titor

Once CNN kills your brain, you start living in fantasy land. I can see why you’re trying that hard, if you start thinking you’ll notice your entire live is a failure ^^


Surprised me when I didn’t see that too Again it speaks to a MISCALCULATION about the nature of the people even if they are Russian speaking


What did the mayor say?


Ukranians are so much poor that on less money they can protest for any group.


The grooming of poor Ukrainians is continued in Western border of Ukraine to send them to fight against Russia. This is the magic of pizza that Biden ate with polish soldiers to go to Ukraine to fight against Russia, become BBQ and never come again.

Arzt Injektion

Germany shifting fascist & silencing dissent voices. The “Z” symbol (literally just a letter) in Germany is to become a criminal offense.

Displaying the Z symbol will become a criminal offense in Lower Saxony and Bavaria, the Tagesschau news service reports.


if you apply to be a fighter pilot in Germany you fly for the U.S. the recruiter will ask you if you have a problem taking part in U.S. missions abroad as you will be directly taking orders from U.S. staff. Etc.

So no wonder they are charging their population into fearing the Russians fear = aggression = more recruits willing to die for a fable told by western media.

Germany’s occupation by the U.S reich never ended.

Last edited 3 years ago by SlimSlims

The sniper is the Modus Operandi MoSSaDi from the producers of springtime for MBS and the angry young beheader.


Ukraine has been deprived of a great brewery

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC


basement in US embassy in poland

“ukrainians” are all russians. they all speak russian. “ukraine” is fake.


Nationalism is a dumb look


8 years of brainwashing and that’s all the support that the Kiev junta can muster? Just goes to show that all the propaganda in the world can’t paper over the plain truth that Ukraine is a shithole country run by thieves. Slava Cocaina!

Last edited 3 years ago by Name
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