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MARCH 2025

Russian Top Diplomat About Situation With White Helmets And Conflict In Syria

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Originally appeared at TASS; Translated by J.Hawk exclusively for SouthFront

TASS Interview with the Director of the New Challenges and Threats Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry I.I. Rogachev, February 19, 2019:

Q: How would you comment on the situation around the placement in Western countries of “white helmets” evacuated from Syria in July 2018? According to media reports, some of them settled in Western countries such as UK and Canada, others remain in Jordan. What is the story behind it?

Russian Top Diplomat About Situation With White Helmets And Conflict In Syria

the Director of the New Challenges and Threats Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry I.I. Rogachev

A: I’d like to remind that when Syrian forces with Russian air support cleared the south-western de-escalation zone of terrorists, including the Golan heights sector, our Western partners decided in July 2018 to evacuate the pseudo-humanitarian White Helmet activists from Syria. They were allocated Jordanian refugee camps for Syrians as a temporary measure, until the Western countries which vouched for them, including UK, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, France, and others, placed them on their own territory.

I’d like to also emphasize that unfortunately this dubious operation took place with the participation of a respected international organization, namely UNHCR, which did the actual White Helmet evacuation from Syria to Jordan. And as the Russian MFA noted at the time, any UNHCR support for the provocative operations of the “white helmets” is at best a major mistake and at worst political involvement and denial of humanitarian principles of neutrality, independence, humaneness, and impartiality. Apparently Western diplomats forced not only UNHCR but also Jordanian authorities to believe that white helmets would not stay long in Jordan. But they are there to this day.

The evacuation itself says a lot. First, it shows who really makes the decisions concerning white helmets, including both the absolutely crucial ones, such as the one to cease operations and resettle all over the world, and all the other ones as well.

Secondly, everything went perfectly smoothly right up to the last moment, namely evacuation from Jordan, which also speaks to the complete control over the organization, presence of order and discipline within its ranks, allowing it to operate stealthily and in an organized manner.

What’s interesting from my point of view is that White Helmets are not treated like other Syrian refugees, but are under a certain privileged regime. That’s how one deals with valued collaborators in a dangerous situation, people who rendered a certain sensitive favor, did their job, and now they have to be bailed out. Does it not remind one of how the US evacuated collaborating Vietnamese, Afghan interpreters, and other similar groups who, due to their collaboration with the US, did not win respect of their compatriots, to put it mildly?

Q: But something went wrong with White Helmets.

A: The initially promised 3-4 weeks to resettle White Helmets in the West proved unrealistic, in part due to their obvious criminal activities of the pseudo-humanitarians.

Russia said many times that White Helmets are provocateurs, facilitators of the most dangerous of terrorist movements, opponents of the counter-terror operations by the Syrian government supported by the Russian government. They were the producers and source of a range of cynical fakes in order to disinform the international audience, prevent Syria stabilization, and also block key humanitarian goals including the voluntary return of Syrian refugees.

It’s evident that their checkered past caused many of them to remain in Jordan without clear future prospects. The official and benign reason for their presence in Jordan is the fact that since early 2019, there were 8 children born to their families, which means it’s undesirable to move them. But we all know that’s not the real reason.

Q: So you want to say that Western sponsors of White Helmets realized they are a threat even to them?

A: No matter how hard the sponsors of this special project try to show the true nature of White Helmets, the truth about their crimes is breaking through, including thanks to independent journalists and activists. For example, the report by Maksim Grigoryev, the director of the Foundation for Studying Problems of Democracy, presented at an event opposing the White Helmets in New York on December 20, 2018, organized by Russia’s UN mission jointly with the Syrian one.

Westerners simply fear for the safety of own citizens and can’t guarantee the White Helmets they take in have no more contact with terrorists and are not terrorists themselves.

We’re talking, at a minimum, about those who facilitated terrorist activities and, at the maximum, about active members of terror organizations. Thus fear is justified. It would seem that Western partners do not wish to invite such potential threats into their countries and are trying to hand over this hot potato to one another. I won’t be surprised that in the end pseudo-humanitarians who participated in terrorist activities won’t enter any Western country but will be sent to some third country.

Q: On the bases of the White Helmets example, can we speak of presence of double standards in foreign policy?

A: Yes, that’s exactly it. What is more, one cannot claim that leading Western powers now place fighting terrorism above their own opportunistic political interests, which means international counter-terrorism cooperation is rife with selective approaches where terrorists are divided into “bad ones” and “not so bad ones”. States are forced to accept the concept of “countering violent extremism” with its dangerous elements, creating conditions to change “inconvenient” governments.

The main consideration of the Western sponsors is presenting those who perform their assigned tasks in the best possible light, creating an image of “peace emissaries”, in order to continue destabilizing the political environment under that cover.

For our part, we are determined to continue actively advancing and defending Russian foreign policy goal of ensuring that White Helmets-perpetrated crimes in Syria and attempts to deceive the international community, including through staged actions in order to place the blame for using chemical weapons to Syrian forces and any other terrorist activities, will be thoroughly investigated and turned over to law enforcement.

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White helmet are the UNHCR, UN, US, NATO Shame, they should be send to the Texas Cowboys !

Promitheas Apollonious

in what way shame ? They are by product of all the ones you mentioned. You mean are not as bad as the rest you mentioning, or just as bad?


US is running UN, UK/US is running NATO… All what they did with Israel in the Middle-East for the Seven Oil sisters is unacceptable ! A Nuremberg like Court has to occur and the responsible jailed “life times” alike the Nazis were in Spandau ! Guantanamo or St Helene Island would be convenient ! Head of States hang in Bagdad or Tripoli !

Zionism = EVIL

They are propaganda arm of the CIA, created to garner sympathy in the brainwashed west. The white helmets basically plant fake stories to make the Syrian government look bad in the western moronic public.


If interested by details showing the US/UK/France scumbags attitude !


Technical Secretariat


IN DOUMA, SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC, ON 7 APRIL 2018 https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/OPCW_Douma.pdf ============================================


L’OIAC n’a pas observé d’usage d’armes prohibées par la Syrie

L’Organisation pour l’interdiction des armes chimiques (OIAC/OPCW) a diligenté une mission d’enquête sur l’usage allégué d’arme chimique à Douma (Ghouta orientale, Syrie), le 7 avril 2018. Elle a rendu son rapport le 1er mars 2019.

L’attaque alléguée aurait été perpétrée par la République arabe syrienne « contre son propre peuple ». Elle aurait fait 48 morts selon les Casques blancs, ou 70 selon l’Observatoire syrien des Droits de l’homme, ou encore une centaine selon l’Armée de l’islam (Jaych al-Islam) qui occupe ce quartier de Damas.

La Syrie dément immédiatement avoir utilisé des armes chimiques. La Russie dépêche des experts militaires qui concluent également à l’absence d’armes chimiques et accusent le Royaume-Uni d’avoir organisé une provocation via les Casques blancs. Cependant, le président français Emmanuel Macron déclare disposer de preuves que « des armes chimiques ont été utilisées ». Le ministre des Affaires étrangères du Royaume-Uni, Boris Johnson, qualifie les allégations russes de « grotesques, bizarres et de mensonge flagrant ». Le département d’État US affirme que la Syrie a utilisé du « gaz sarin ». En définitive, les États-Unis, la France et le Royaume-Uni considèrent que le régime est « coupable » et bombardent en représailles la Syrie, le 14 avril. Ils détruisent trois sites, selon eux liés à un « programme chimique du régime », faisant seulement 3 blessés.

Selon l’Organisation pour l’interdiction des armes chimiques :

1. Aucune trace d’arme chimique interdite n’a été trouvée.

2. La mission n’a pas été autorisée par Jaych al-Islam à examiner les corps des défunts. On ignore donc quel fut leur nombre et même s’il y en a eu. Jaych al-Islam a tenu à l’écart la délégation de l’OIAC, le temps que tous les corps allégués soient brûlés.

3. La mission a, au contraire, pu examiner les lieux deux semaines après l’incident, ce qui ne pose aucun problème pour retrouver des traces d’armes chimiques prohibées. Elle a constatée, sous le regard d’une foule hostile, que deux obus avaient été tirés et qu’ils auraient pu contenir un toxique chloré. Lors de ses relevés, la mission a reçu une grenade, tuant deux personnes et en blessant une troisième.

Par conséquent, le bombardement de la Syrie en représailles par les États-Unis, la France et le Royaume-Uni n’était pas seulement illégal, il était injustifié. Les Syriens attendent leurs excuses.

John Whitehot

“No matter how hard the sponsors of this special project try to show the true nature of White Helmets”

Whoops. “To hide”, not “To show”.

Zionism = EVIL

Putin and Nethanyahu agree on Syria’s partition

When President Vladimir Putin sat down with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Feb. 27, the US envoy Jared Kushner was in Ankara and two days earlier, Bashar Assad arrived in Tehran on a surprise visit. All the parties involved in Syria were on the move to break the deadlock on Syria’s future. And for the first time, Israel’s leader was given a place at the table by the Russian president.

In Moscow, Israel’s Military Intelligence chief,Maj. Gen. Tamir Hayman spread before Putin maps showing Iranian militarysites in Syria. Netanyahu’s main object in meeting Putin at this time was to prevent Iran from establishing a military presence in Syria. The Russian leader replied that both Jerusalem and Moscow have a common goal, which is “to return the situation in Syria to what it was before the eight-year long civil war.”

This was a landmark departure for both allies. Its epic significance was shouted down by Israel’s tempestuous election campaign and the attorney general’s ruling on the bribery case against the prime minister. What happened in Moscow was that Netanyahu broke with the conventional wisdom of his own intelligence chiefs, who consistently claimed that Assad had lost the war and that the IDF had destroyed 90percent of Iran’s military structures in Syria. Admitting that neither was realistic, he struck a deal with Putin for setting up a joint Russian-Israeli commission for the removal of all foreign (only Iranian and Hezbollah) forces from Syria.

For Putin this was an expected move, considering Israeli influence on Russia via Jew oligarchs. If Assad, whose regime he had supported, could fly to Tehran without a word to Moscow, Putin was ready to introduce Israel into discussions on the future of Syria. After last month’s talks with Iran’s Hassan Rouhani and Turkey’s Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi, the Russian president was bringing Netanyahu into the equation and backstabbing Syria once again.

Joe Kerr

No doubt that Jewish oligarchs still have some influence in Russia, although not as much as before Putin became leader. As well, Mossad sleeper cells could be activated to start bombing Moscow subways stations and other infrastructure (blaming Muslims, of course). Nevertheless, without Putin, Syria would’ve been another Libya already.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I am also surprised that Netanpoopoo has a place at the discussion table with Putin. It is good to see the Poopoo on a walkabout before he is locked up by his own courts. The question is: just how far will Israel go in instigating a war against Iran, manipulating all their “allies” to actually do the fighting while they hide safely behind their nuclear defence? Is this danger magnified if Israel has no influence in Syria? Is Putin trying to give Israel some feeling of influence in a United and Free Syria by encouraging the departure of the much feared Iranian forces? Why would Iran want to stay in Syria if US and head-choppers have been removed? I think clear answers will only be seen when those 15 Russian heroes have been avenged.

Astrid Watanabe

Very disappointing.

John Whitehot

this: “Putin and Nethanyahu agree on Syria’s partition”

and this:

“The Russian leader replied that both Jerusalem and Moscow have a common goal, which is “to return the situation in Syria to what it was before the eight-year long civil war.”

are in complete contradiction.


You put your zionist shit in the first line and then write a wall text so people think you are supporting it with evidence.

You have my deepest disrespect.


90% of western population are too brainwashed by their politico-media that they would not recognise the white helmets as being al qaeda stoogies, even if they personally stumbled across a white helmet CW scene staging. It is clear now that all hope is lost for the vassal populations determined to go down with their ships, even as they watch their rodent “leaders” stealing the lifeboats whilst fighting among their fellow rats.

Zionism = EVIL

Well, Jew media and its 24/7 propaganda machine has literally turned the “western populations” into shit brains. All they care about is cheap gas and cheap booze and drugs.


And mass immigration and muslims in Europe…


Muslims mass immigration is a US/UK NATO shameless organised result on purpose to destabilise their vassal Continent


Russia to build 2 nuclear destroyers for its Navy

Russia plans to build two nuclear-powered Leader-class destroyers of project 23560 worth close to 100 billion rubles each, a source in the shipbuilding industry told TASS. It will take seven years to build one destroyer, according to preliminary estimates,” the source said.

The destroyers will have a length of 230 meters and a displacement of 20 thousand tons. “The Leader can carry over a hundred precision Tsirkon, Kalibr or Onix missiles,” the source said.

March News 2019 Naval Maritime Defense Industry

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

They would be the peace-keepers of the sea. I look forward to their passage past the English Channel and see the UK elite and lying media panic like head-less chickens.


I think that we are due to some good, happy and joyful news, ones that make you rejoice and have faith in mankind and not this type of crap we are dished up with. News such as the US bases in Syria, Iraq just not annihilated, no survivors; certain states took it upon themselves and have arrested those responsible for crimes against humanity because the UN has failed its’ mandate and mission. That the staff and crew of the US fleet in the Black Sea has fled due to its’ own safety and left behind their ships and weapons. Trump and his administration have committed mass suicide, following the Jones account. News like this would warm the heart.

Zionism = EVIL

Not if the Jew bitch Putin can help his Americunt “partners”. Russia is too weak to give any “good news”. It is now up to the Axis of Resistance to put their money where their mouth is and liberate Syria by a multiple front asymmetrical war. Putin the snivelling Jew bitch just got his marching orders from his pimp Nutter Yahoo and is creating a joint Zionist-Ruskie mechanism to “remove all foreign troops from Syria” and no mention of Americunt or Zionist occupation. Only aimed at Iran and the Shia militias who have done all the fighting against the headchoppers.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Patience, dear, patience! After the US$ collapse, no-one will want the US Evil Empire infestation in their lands. Let them all run back to their Macs and GM foods.

Zionism = EVIL

The TRILLION RUBLE (since Ruble ain’t worth crap and worth 15 cents) is that what has Russia done so far against the headchoppers in Idlib, US occupation at al-Tanf, or the total dismemberment of Syria into 3 Zones controlled by the government, Turks and the CIA sponsored SDF in eastern Euphrates. Russia has licked Erdogan’s arse as well as Nutter Yahoo’s and stopped Syria from attacking the Idlib terror enclave. Putin is a devious Jew bitch and can not be trusted by anyone.

Joe Kerr

A comprehensive report on the involvement of the White Helmets in murder and organ trading : https://www.rt.com/op-ed/449431-syria-white-helmets-organ-traders/

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

WHEN these White Helmet terrorists commit murder on UK soil, I want those government ministers responsible for this decision to be personally tried for aiding and abetting terrorism. If the Crown Prosecution Service will not prosecute, then I am sure crowdfunding will amply finance a private prosecution of these ministers in government. I expect to hear a chilling statement from the LYING UK media after the next terrorist incident “…. the perps were known to the authorities ….” AGAIN! A clear message MUST be sent to those in positions of power that collaborate with Al-Queda/IS terrorists: The British people will not tolerate more 7/7, Westminster Bridge, London Bridge, Manchester etc. I really hope MI5 and GCHQ are monitoring these comments.


Look at what happened in the Manchester Arena bombing. Cameron and May allowed this terrorist into the UK because they wanted to use him elsewhere. He killed 23 White teenagers and injured 150.

Did anything happen to Cameron or May? No

The treachery of the AngloZionist ruling class in the UK is beyond belief.


VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The ruling US/UK/EU elites know that it won’t be their kids that will be run over in the streets, bombed on the buses, trains or pop-concert venues. I am sure a pre-approved list of IS targets exists in the GCHQ to keep us Plebs in a regime of constructed fear. The moslem community in Manchester reported the bomber of the Grande concert several times but nothing was done. Why would they act when he was their “boots on the ground” in the Libyan regime change program?

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