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MARCH 2025

Russian Top General Was Photographed At De-facto Frontline Near Deir Ezzor

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Fresh photos appeared online showing Russia’s Lieutenant General Valery Asapov at a frontline on the western bank of the Euphrates near Deir Ezzor city.

On September 24, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that the general died after sustaining a “fatal injury” in the ISIS shelling near Deir Ezzor.

Most likely the photos were taken some time before the incident. According to reports, Asapov was a commander of Russian task forces in the provinces of Raqqah and Deir Ezzor.

On September 25, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov accused the United States of the death of Asapov. Ryabkov said that the tragedy is a direct result of the US two-faced policy in Syria.

Russian Top General Was Photographed At De-facto Frontline Near Deir Ezzor

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Russian Top General Was Photographed At De-facto Frontline Near Deir Ezzor

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Russian Top General Was Photographed At De-facto Frontline Near Deir Ezzor

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chris chuba

I was going to say that perhaps ISIS just had some spotters, even in the local population, who noticed a high priority target and called in a strike via cell phone but I must say that the Gen. was not especially conspicuous. To my untrained eye, it’s not even obvious to me that he’s Russian as opposed to Syrian but maybe the uniform gives that away. I would think that ISIS would prioritize Russian targets.

With cell phones you can get GSP coordinates easy enough, does anyone know if mortars can use GPS for targeting? In this day and age I would think so.


yes that’s the whole thing , the terrorists now use gps guided mortars

Mauro Craizer

Sure, US Benghazi embassy was targeted by al-Qaida mortars using GPS coordinates of embassy personnel. What do you think who gave them that info? Who gave the stand down orders? Stevens found out he was just a plant while CIA was stealing Libyan weapons and smuggling them via Turkey Incrilik air base to Syria in al-Qaida/ISIS hands. Operation name was “Timber Sycamore”, HRC & Co who orchestrated it couldn’t let Stevens to talk about his findings. HRC is a full blown sociopath and 100% cold blood murderer.


I see Stevens as 100% complicit. He knew from the start he would be working with jihadis. That’s what the enterprise was always about, and he knew it up-front.

He just belatedly realized that he got himself into a really dangerous situation. Of course, Clinton, being the full-blown sociopath and stone-cold killer that she is, didn’t give a ****.

Mauro Craizer

I highly doubt it, Clintons are killing only ppl who talk, who is staying in line and getting their share lives. Stevens died bcs he didn’t want to stay silent-no matter was he or was he not involved. Bcs HRC & Co would obliterate every single person involved by your claim.


I’m with you on everything else. But check this out from 2012:

But there’s growing evidence that U.S. agents — particularly murdered ambassador Chris Stevens — were at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to jihadist Syrian rebels.

In March 2011 Stevens became the official U.S. liaison to the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan opposition, working directly with Abdelhakim Belhadj of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group — a group that has now disbanded, with some fighters reportedly participating in the attack that took Stevens’ life.

In November 2011 The Telegraph reported that Belhadj, acting as head of the Tripoli Military Council, “met with Free Syrian Army [FSA] leaders in Istanbul and on the border with Turkey” in an effort by the new Libyan government to provide money and weapons to the growing insurgency in Syria.


Langaniso Mhlobo

WAY Back in 1997 we could clearly used GPS on cellphones to read messages as well ad coo ordinates on it.Nothing is old or new terrorist are co ordinate by Bias USA.Fuck the fat fucks organisation of USA .Fire to Fire.terrorist) promotes cunts ( USA)

John Whitehot

you must be talking about GSM. there was no GPS on the phones in ’97.

Solomon Krupacek

it is not necessary to notis high rank officer. simply bunch of russans, and fire!

Rakean Jaya

This is what Netanyahu feels about Russian, since Russian serious enough to defending Syria from Israel evil plans.

Solomon Krupacek

i am not a psychologist of netanyahu, i assume, you are also not. therefore nobody from us knows, what is thiunking bib. i wrote only about, what saw the reconnaissance of isis. guys, you are thick. you are not able to understand simply text.

Rakean Jaya

Since i don’t believe you, yes you are Netanyahu wanna be

John Whitehot

maybe you can go to the area and look for an ear of one of the jihadist crew. then you could ask him.

Murray Smith

Defending another man’s country.

Mr. Costelol

Against a common enemy. Today, few nations stand a chance alone, but together there is hope.

Solomon Krupacek

the sad truth

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He was also defending his own country since a great many foreign ISIS and FSA are from the Russian Federation and a threat to it’s stability. This is as the US planned them to be thousands are already back in their home countries and are carrying out terrorist attacks, thanks to the US govt and CIA.

Petrus Levelleri

A true leader and a war hero. He died honourably fulfilling his duties and being an example to follow. RIP.

John Whitehot

why top general? he wasn’t in command of the Syrian theatre. He was a Lieutenant General, which iirc is the one star general rank.

You know, one thing I can’t stand is when casualties are used for this or that agenda. In fact, I can barely stand the people saying RIP here and there, it seems to me that emotionally they aren’t coherent in the slightest


Isn’t a lieutenant general a two star general rank? With one star being a brigade general?


2 Stars:


John Whitehot

yes you are correct

Tudor Miron

Here it goes like that: Major-General, Lieutenant-General, Colonel General and than Army General. As far as I know, he was in charge of Deir Azure/Raqqa deployed Russian forces.


Nobody cares about your Zionist opinion. How many Israeli generals have died in combat?

John Whitehot

good, because i don’t have a zionist opinion, you must have been dropped head down when you were a baby to label my opinion as zionist.

Solomon Krupacek

2 star general


Meanwhile US generals are in a nice tidy office with air conditioning

Solomon Krupacek

so should be

boy, i learned as officer os army in warsaw pact, the generals shold be dozens of kilometers behind frontline. this rule was also in ussr and i am sure, now, in russia, too.

Zainab Ali

so the zio satanic terrorists dream that they did good by killing resistance fighters … dream on losers … they definitely win by staying in the deepest hell

Joe Doe

I would not be surprised, if american special forces provided coordination to ISIS. It is not secrete that american special force working with ISIS in Syria.

See the link below: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-video-isis-fighter-admits-isis-forbidden-attack-kurdish-forces-deir-ezzor/

Solomon Krupacek

there was nt necessary to do. isis saw russians and fired from mortar there. simply the terrorszs had a lucky day.

Rakean Jaya

Nope, i highly believe that zionist element from US spec ops did that or IDF embedded in US army. This is Israel specialities, to make opposite side going to full blown war. Georgia, WW2, etc

Solomon Krupacek

you can believe in what you want. but until you dont have evidences, you should not spam this forum.

Samuel Boas

Then why do you spam your own guess as well then.

Solomon Krupacek

i dont sdpam. i write the truth

Rakean Jaya

Truth? you are free to believe that your word is a truth, so i suggest you to leave SF and go trolling at DEBKA.

Tudor Miron

No, he doesn’t believe that what he preaches here is truth. He knows that he’s spreading BS. Even worst than that – he knows that “Goyeems know” :)

Melotte 22


martin aguilar

Solomon the zionist traitor.

Aen RaBeon

Who else does better backstabbing and deception in making wars. Take that as an acknowledgment if anyone wants to. But I’m pretty sure it’s the jooos. Their prints are all over it and this won’t be their last.


In this day and age, any theater commander of his rank is tracked real time if possible. It would be a simple matter for CIA/Mossad operatives embedded with the SDF or Isis to relay mortar coordinates for an assassination to their proxies. They may have even done it themselves with their own team.

John Whitehot

call me crazy but for what I’ve seen he has been murdered in a US airstrike in which two A-10 were shot down and at least one pilot killed.


Why do you say that?

Tudor Miron

Do you have a link or something???

Solomon Krupacek

of course not

Rakean Jaya

how do you know? Damn you have alot of stamina for trolling in SF.

Solomon Krupacek

first put here your evidences. because the russian mod says something else. but you are sure more clever. so, here wizh you evidences!


So we should call you “Crazy Whitehot” ?

John Whitehot

call me what you will like i give a fuck


This is most interesting. Do you have any more information as to the veracity of this possibility yet ?

John Whitehot

look at the vid of the su-22 shotdown.

The plane crashing, without a wing it’s clearly an A-10C. Go look for silhouettes if you don’t know the shape.

Also, look at the object hitting the airplane. The shape of the object has been removed, only the smoke trail is visible. Zoom near the smoke trail and you’ll see that in front of it the video is blurred.

it could be the events are unrelated, but i doubt it


Do you have a link ? An A10 flew rather low over me once. It came out of nowhere then it was gone :)

John Whitehot

no. I have done my analysis on the video and pointed you at where to look. My name is whitehot for a reason.


Lieutenant General Valery Asapov died gallantly, on the field of battle, in the company of brave men. For a warrior there can be no greater honor.

Solomon Krupacek

general should not be a warrior, but soldier, officer.

John Whitehot

Soldiers are ready to give their lives for Commanders that follow them on the fields of war.

Commanders that stay hidden in their bunkers eating French cuisine are more likely to get a bullet from their own when things go south.

Solomon Krupacek

gih command member visit units behind frontline. very rare situation, when they visit in frontline. 1 times in several years. BUT NEVER visit in active, attacking phase!!! this was alpha and omega was i learned. and this is also in russian internal rules. this general pissed on the internal rules and died. harm for his country, his army. after several months you can senfd soldiers on frontline and they are capable to fight good. to get general from officer you nedd 10-15 years. already in the 2nd half f 19th century did nnot sent generals in battle lines.

John Whitehot

these aren’t operational units but military advisers.

you can cut your warsaw pact narrative now, for the above reason and also because there has been a large increase in flexibility since 20 years.

And in addition, even in warsaw pact, if a general wanted to go somewhere, he would have all the means of transportation and men to do that, without having to sweat to justify his move.

888mladen .

Agree with you however he would be a lot more of help alive than dead. I believe he knew what was his duty as a general but he preferred to rub his shoulders with the soldiers. He definitely had passion and love for his army men which eventually cost him his life.

Tudor Miron

Rest in peace brave worrior. Your Motherland remembers you. I think that Suryans will remember you with gratitude as you gave your life for libiration of their land from AngloZio scum. This pictures show a true soldier that didn’t affraid to go to front lines and get his hands dirty when needed. I bet that NATO generals can’t even think themself in situations that he’s pictured above. I bet they don’t even understand how’s it to be a father for your soldiers. A man like this thinks about himself as being one with his soldiers while western generals prefer to be part of “elites” and their soldiers for them are cannon foddler – an instrument who’s only purpose is helping them climb up the ladder of “success”.

Solomon Krupacek

unfortunately russia never handled its soldiers good and never rememberd. we in the world better remember the spilot, who was shot down by turks. putin forgot him and turkey is a big friend. shame on putin!!!

Rakean Jaya

desperation to the max. If Putin didn’t care to Israel complaints (because Israel argument is bogus, since Golan isn’t Israels), it doesn’t mean he is stupid, for me he is decent and brilliant man.

Solomon Krupacek

similar to similar :)))

Tudor Miron

Shut your dirty f$ck up!

How about this one? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e2c59fcd3ee7120cb35a4e21b786f5502dc86c717603a585df29e1350b6d3d57.jpg

And this one?


Can you read what’s written on the right side?

And how about this one?


As I said – Russia remembers its Heros.

Solomon Krupacek

this is propaganda.

Tudor Miron

Solosha, I feel sorry for you. Your posts reveal a heavy mix of hatred and envy towards Russia. That’s a heavy burden to carry.

Valery Grigoryev

propaganda of what??? this is in memory of the pilot.

Solomon Krupacek

memory of pilot is not making friendship with turks. at least not some month after this incident. animal putin! terrible russian state. also the families of fallen soldiers, the veterans live as very poor people. the russan maty rodnaya always pissed on citizens. cruel state.

John Whitehot

you are really bitter.

Solomon Krupacek

the truth is bitter.


Judge a tree by its fruits is an excellent saying everyone could use to make their lives better.


“memory of pilot is not making friendship with turks” Nobody is making friendship with the Turks. Everybody knows that the ones relly behind this where the US/NATO trying to play Russia against Turkey. If you use common sense you will see that this was the right thing to do (Putin not attacking Turkey). How do you interpret that nonw Turkey is bying defense system from Russia? That means that Turkey is giving the “keys” of its defense to Russia not NATO. Strange thing dont you tink?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The CIA requisitioned the Turkish F-16 and used a CIA merc pilot , many of the troops along with the SDF are CIA merc companies.

Valery Grigoryev

The present Russian state is not cruel – it just doesn’t care about prosperity of the Russian people. While as to the army …it does. And regarding memory of the killed pilot they are right.

martin aguilar

Zionist terrorist, you lost the war in Siria! It hurts ? go cry with mom !

Aen RaBeon

Chill.. They’re here as pricks. Dont get upset. That’s what they want.

Valery Grigoryev

They’re just stupid zombies…a lot of such people exists, unfortunately.

martin aguilar

Dirty jew


Did Russia or Putin forget? https://southfront.org/22-turkish-air-force-pilots-killed/

Aen RaBeon

Another one in their bandwagon. Where’s dutchman?

Solomon Krupacek

i know gus, i lived in socialism. i have videos, how kick soviet officers the soldiers on ground. and this system is still now in russian army.


I don’t think so. Putin knows vengeance is better served cold.

Solomon Krupacek

never seen the cold vengeance

Valery Grigoryev

E.g., in the fullness of time all Chechen rebels’ military leaders were exterminated abroad one after one during several years without any claims and advertizing. The same was done with Al-Baghdadi, Al-Shishani etc. few months ago.


The attempted putsch in Turkey some months after came in handy to push responsibility of the downing of the russian jet on the part of the military behind the putsch (maybe not without reason) and enabling Russia and Turkey to come closer.

martin aguilar

Solomon dirty jew, go and watch your chanel CNN.

Igor Dano

A russian general and he pulls on the line to help to anchor the boat? I am sure you would never see a us general, even watching it from 100 meters distance.

Solomon Krupacek

but ths is not praiseworthy thing from russians ;) rusians are stupid in this way. the internet is full of videos of russian idiots, who take high risc for nothing. unfortunately this move of the general was the same category of risc.you russians finally should grove up! ;)

Rüdiger Preiss

As a leader it also is important to motivate your troops. How are you going to do that in ballroom uniform far away from the front line?

Solomon Krupacek

no, he shold motivate the officers.

Naija Lolade

Enough of ur foolish trolling.. get lost already.. ok.. ur ideas show u re from the anglozionist mentality.. It’s different from the real world ok. So go to their sites and continue trolling there.. Crook.

Solomon Krupacek

for me, your generals fall as flies :DDD

martin aguilar

Solomon dirty zionist, you lost the war !


Unlike US generals who command from secure locations far away from combat, Russian generals lead from the battle front. How many American generals have seen combat? Certainly none as generals. They want to live to get that fat paycheck after they leave the military for some pentagon contractor. US generals collect their bribes after they leave the government.

Solomon Krupacek

the americans are clever.

Naija Lolade

shutup.. A good leader would lead from the front.. Lay good examples.. That is real ppl or the spirit that wins war.. But not cowardice pushing puppets each time… Do you know what it means when a Gen dies ?? A big loss.. Come back in the next 6 months… The whole of Syria will be back to Syrians.. That i can bet.. Ok… cos this way, you know the kind of price paid already… This is what the CIA meant in his video.. Saying Russian and Iran need to pay a price..

What he does not remember is, U.S will pay more price and has got even more to pay if the war continues. The Gen is a Hero for life…

Solomon Krupacek

bullshit! you were never in army. also the russn army rulse tell: general 40 k km behind frontlin. to lead of soldiers on frontline is the role of sergeants and captains.

Naija Lolade

There is a huge difference between being wise and being Smart… Ok Even though staying clear of frontlines is nothing but a smart move. Being in frontlines is wise move. Ok.. Now the question is, how did they manage to spot him right there.. Don’t try to bring up ideas to sideline a fact here.

That fact is, in this kind of thing.. it’s obvious that, a much bigger puppet master gave his dirrect coordinates and I can also bet, the same U.S army if not even super trained CIA rocking ISIS cloths could be as accurate enough to nail him down ok.

This is what we need to be talking about ok. A real proof would just mean a world war but Putin is not like that. I have studied him over years… Again come back in the next 6 months….

Solomon Krupacek

. Being in frontlines is wise move. not

as former ofiicer i know better. and sorry, i will not waste my time for grenhorn chairscouts.

Rüdiger Preiss

hahahahahahahahahahaha! yes. sure. The covfefe in Nambia are doing so well :D! The cleverest of all has some funny hairdo – that’s about the only thing noteworthy about the American “president”.

Solomon Krupacek

mattis is etalon, not the blondie. trump was yopur favorite last year :DDDDDD

Rakean Jaya

or coward

Solomon Krupacek

or wise

take a high, unnecessary risc is tupidity, not bravery. and to bypass such risc is clever move.

Solomon Krupacek

so, there was no need of american help for isis

as i wrote yesterday, this was the mistake of russian headquarter. :( unnecessary risc.

Rakean Jaya

Agree, since ISIS got help from IDF/Mossad

Naija Lolade

U.S is the ISIS not even ISIS.. ISIS could not be sooo accurate.. Not even close to being accurate.. Rewind to the incident reported by MOD about U.S cordinating with ISIS without any fight recorded between the two.. U.S is finally coming out to officially stamp being together with ISIS. So this is U.S-ISIS done deal… I am waiting patiently to see what happens next… I am not expecting much except what has been happening, more territories gained from ISIS/US/SDF…

Solomon Krupacek

another snakebrain

Rakean Jaya

what ever you say, Bibi wanna be


The US has hand held GPS devices to mark targets. They have passed them out to some of their supported rebels. If one of those devices was in the possession of someone on the ground over across the river in the SAA beach head where the General was killed, it could have been used to give the US the info, then passed on to ISIS or SDF, the precise location of the General in real time.

Jason H. Smith

He was a three star general.

Richard M

If a general lacks the physical capacity and the situational awareness to dive into a muddy trench, alongside the ground pounders, he should stay well behind the front lines. Stars and ribbons do not deflect shrapnel.


somebody from those people around him called ISSIS/USA and then just disappeared. ahahaaa he trust Arabs, he must be so naïve that general. he trust people who stone own women.

Don't read butthurt replies

This is why some of them don’t like showing their face or being recorded/filmed like this Colonel/Commander says https://youtu.be/Wb1M1wbEj0U?t=15m21s


Perhaps he has joined his ancestors and drinking tonight in the halls of Valhalla. God speed Soldier. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e35c34844ff41b4da1f6005cd9c62916d6493e7b1bb2b2706d2475f1ab7e5849.jpg


General Valery Asapov was a true leader, RIP true hero, always being among the troops, mingling and encouraging them being accessible and easy to talk to. All great military leaders used this approach in leading troops to battle, some of them dying, others making astute observations to determine the outcome of the battle. Alexander the Great, Caesar, Gustavus Adolphus, Frederick the Great, Napoleon ……and many others were true warriors who led by example.

Modern technology makes war impersonal, however, the basic precepts of leading troops in battle have not changed. The reason NATO generals and commanders look more like politicians than warriors, is because they are politicians and know little about making war. Since WW2 US and NATO’s primary goal was to have overwhelming adavantage against the adversary, so political military leaders would not have to fry their brains devising strategy and implementing it into reality.

Aen RaBeon

Of all things, why argue with those in the same bandwagon, who’s out here not to find the truth but to belittle the efforts of forces who are against the real terrorists. They incite you and you took the bait? Cmon guys…

Amila Halpage


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