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MARCH 2025

Russian-Trained Forces Repel ISIS Car Bomb Attack In Syria’s Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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The ISIS Hunters of the Syrian Arab Army’s 5th Assault Corps have repelled a suicide vehicle borne improvised explosive device attack by ISIS in the Euphrates Valley, the unit’s media wing reported on January 18.

According to the report, the attack was an attempt to break the blockade imposed by government forces on ISIS units in the Homs desert.

The formation of the 5th Assault Corps was announced in November 2016 and was trained and equipped with help of the Russian military. The corps actively cooperate with Russian military advisers on the ground as well as have become well known for its links to Russian private military contractors operating in the war-torn country. MORE DETAIS

Russian-Trained Forces Repel ISIS Car Bomb Attack In Syria's Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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Russian-Trained Forces Repel ISIS Car Bomb Attack In Syria's Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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They need to start selling those badges. I want one!


They have to be earned :)

That Guy

Make one at home if you have the time for it.

Astar Roth



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