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MARCH 2025

Russian Troops Established Temporary Bridge Trought Euphrates Near Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

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Russian Troops Established Temporary Bridge Trought Euphrates Near Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

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Russian troops have established a temprary bridge through the Euphrates River near Deir Ezzor city, the Russian military’s TV channel Zvezda reported on Tuesday.

According to Zvezda, the bridge was established under a constant fire from ISIS terrorists within 2 days. The Russian task force suffered no casualties.

The length of the bridge is 200 m. It allows to transfer cars, armoured vehicles and battle tanks from the western to the eastern bank of the Euphrates.

Zvezda’s article argues that the birde is established for conducting humanitarian missions and delivering aid to civilians in Deir Ezzor.

However, it’s hard to believe that the 200-m long bridge is needed for this. Especially considering the fact, that a major part of the eastern bank is still in the hands of ISIS.

Most likely, this bridge will be an important supply line for governmnet troops operating against ISIS northeast of Deir Ezzor city.

At the same time, the Russian state-run Russia 1 channel clearly says that thebridge will be used as a supply line for government troops fighting ISIS:

Screenshots from Zvezda’s video:

Russian Troops Established Temporary Bridge Trought Euphrates Near Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

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Russian Troops Established Temporary Bridge Trought Euphrates Near Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

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Russian Troops Established Temporary Bridge Trought Euphrates Near Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

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Russian Troops Established Temporary Bridge Trought Euphrates Near Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

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Russian Troops Established Temporary Bridge Trought Euphrates Near Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

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Russian Troops Established Temporary Bridge Trought Euphrates Near Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

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Russian Troops Established Temporary Bridge Trought Euphrates Near Deir Ezzor (Video, Photos)

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Zvezda’s video:

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Zainab Ali

slow and steady wins the race …. kudos to the superheroes for their tireless clean war strategies … victory will always be yours

Deo Cass

The attacks come from the US/SDF/ISIS terror coalition not from ISIS alone. Or should we say, the three terror groups are one and the same thing.

Nigel Maund

The US are terrorists – no additional proof required! The Russian evidence is convincing…………and we all knew that anyway!…. so no real suprises.


Three in one terrorist coalition.

Deo Cass

What is Russia doing? Wasting all of its and Syria’s military resources on the worthless North Eastern banks of the Euphrates! Hey Russia, Syria’s oil and gas is on the South Eastern side of Deir Ezzur not the North!


Maybe establishing a decent stronghold for future operations. Being a worthless area as you say, then the enemy shouldn’t be there, so it’s easier and safer to create a secure supply line.

jhon malakiat

the bridge will be used to transfer weapon and aminition to cut off usa backed kurd militia. its doesnt matter where the bridge will be developed.

Wahid Algiers

It is true, the oil and gas field are in the Southeastern. But the Northeastern banks will get very important to reach the Tabqa dam as well as to attack the kurds from two sides.


Hi hi,

Tabqah dam is 150 kms from DeZ, and all of those 150 kms on the north east are under SDF control where thousands of people are joining up with SDF forces. Just for policing of Raqqah city already some 3 to 5k have been trained.

Dream on like so many here are dreaming.


More ISIS propaganda..Hope you get paid well


So what has trying to destroy SDF to do with IS?

Never mentioned ISt. You are a troll, trying to confuse the issue.

Boris Kazlov

No, you are the troll, It is ISIS propaganda, since they are the same as SDF, both ZIo-murican shite.


New tactic from the many trollboys here.

Create a fake account, start ranting, namecalling and directly make your account inactive.

See : victory here below. A non active account 15 minutes after a rant. The coward.

SF : could you disable the “VICTORY” account. “he” does not exist.

Boris Kazlov

Sources, douchenazional? Or are they statements from CIA?

Brother Ma

Too late.zionato kurds got to conoco petroworks first with us help.russia syria now has to kill them or negotiate to get what is vital for syria: water and petrochem.

Boris Kazlov

Better dead


Great news. A bridge head has been established, with more to come. Supplies, equipment and personnel will now pour into eastern Syria to deal with the Jew world order terrorists and regime change secessionists from a position of strength. Congratulations!


Cut the “Jew” baiting. The main victim of Zionism is the great Jewish people whose brains have been polluted by Zionism.


Judaism is an evil baby raping cult that should be outlawed.


Not really. We better be able to differentiate between Jews on one hand and Zionism and Talmudism on the other. The same matter applies to Muslims and Wahhabis. In both cases we have an artificial religion, more like a cult that perverts everything that the original religion holds dear.

As alejoisabel wrote, the unseen victims of Zionism are the Jews and similarly, Muslims are Wahhabis victims. Dear Richard, with generalization comes error in judgment.


What percentage of Jews don’t follow the Talmud? I’m not aware of any.


Minority does follow, most of the jews are normal.


Do you call an evil cult that statutory rapes 1,000 cult children a week, infects them with venereal disease, brain damages and kills them, normal? I don’t. It should be outlawed and Israel should be extinguished and replaced with Palestine.


Does the percentage matter as long as there are Jews who don’t follow Zionism and Muslims that oppose Wahhabism? I am against Zionism and Wahhabism both, so is my Jewish friend whom I know since I was a university student. Shall I hate his guts because of what Bibi and co do? This is also the case with Americans. Their government wants to ruin our lives but there are a lot of Americans opposing their government’s policies and actions.

I didn’t perform a census to know the exact number. A lot of Mizrahim don’t follow Talmud and yet some do. the same goes for Sephardim however you can find that following Talmud is more common among Ashkenazim. They are commonly called Khazars by alternate media.


Zionism doesn’t have anything to do with oral suction statutory rape. That’s mainstream Judaism and has been all along. If there’s a rabbinical school that teaches Jews and provides rituals that doesn’t condone it, I’m not aware of it. Statutory pedophile rape is Judaism. Which is one of the reasons that it’s an evil cult and not a legitimate religion and should be outlawed.

“The Talmud is the basis for all codes of Jewish law”



Great harms came from the same generalizations and it won’t stop in the future. White Supremacists, Black racists, Zionists, hardcore Hindus, Wahhabis, Ottomans, the ultra-rich, “nobles”, Fascists and religious zealots were and are generalizing all other people other than themselves and as inferiors. So far no good came out of it. But what do I know? Perhaps something nice comes out of your’s!

My core argument is that we shouldn’t lower ourselves to their level. If you don’t agree, it’s still good. We can agree on some matters and disagree on some other. As long as the argument is civilized (which has been so far) I’m happy. And by no means I intended to put you in any of these groups above, so please don’t take offence.


You’re evading the issues. Judaism is an evil cult that should be outlawed and Israel along with it.


I agree on dissolution of Israel and creation of a country based on all it’s inhabitants’ votes. I agree with your view if you are talking about Zionism and Talmudism. I don’t agree with your view if you are talking about Jews in general.

What you say helps Israel and Zionists more than harming them.


What is it about:

“”The Talmud is the basis for all codes of Jewish law”


That you don’t understand? All Jews to be Jews follow the Talmud. Your saying otherwise doesn’t make it true. You can’t reject the bible or koran or talmud and be a Christian or Muslim or Jew. Your statement doesn’t make sense.

Brother Ma

Yes i agree with you but when most dogs you see are rabid will you really risk your family’s safety by checking each one? Once bitten,twice shy! As for usa and vassals.they will also pay collectively and i feel sorry for the well meaning humane citizens like yourself and myself who will probably perish.


You are right. One can’t be too careful, I’m not going to check every one, I just hold on my pants real tight! I know there are enough Jews opposing Zionism, enough Americans not agreeing with their government and so on, therefore I will focus on the real enemy, not the American or Jewish Average Joe. Their faith or nationality doesn’t warrant my hate, their actions will. It’s in our culture and religion that everybody is innocent unless proven otherwise, but if proven… oh boy!

Brother Ma

Yes i can really see most jews crying about the gentiles getting killed because of israels past behaviour! Who are you kidding? Whether left or right ,most jews support israel benefitting out of what is happening now in this war.

Yet jerusalem will hear heartrending cries of mothers for their slain children because the Children of Israel played the harlot and turned its face from God. Read your Torah ,you will see it.

It means Israel will pay for being ans acting in world affairs evilly.


Dear Brother Ma, I’m not Jewish so the Torah is not “mine”. I’m Iranian Shi’a.

There are Jews who oppose and condemn Israel’s actions (a little search shows, they even participate in Qods day) and there are sick bastards that bring pop corn and watch the bombing of Palestinian homes like it’s entertainment and lunatics who think Israeli government actions are not tough enough. If I’m not mistaken, you suggest we ignore the first group for the actions of the latter.

When Netanyahoo offered Iranian Jews each $100k, a house and Israeli citizenship to “free” them of the Iranian oppression, they told him to shove his offer where the sun doesn’t shine and their country is not for sale. (there are a few clips in youtube).

I hope not only Israel, but any party who seeks it’s gain in other people’s livelihood and death pays dearly.

Brother Ma

I agree garga.that is why i said most jews not all jews.problem is the reasonable ones are not in power in any parliament in the world in any significant numbers.


Their brains are mostly ‘polluted’ by a sense of entitlement and greed and have been for over 2000 years. Zionism is just an excuse.

Melotte 22

The main victims of Zion scum are people of the Middle East. The sooner Zion state disappear the sooner peace will prevail in the Middle East.

Richard M

Is this the river’s main channel? Or just the branch near Saker Island?


The Saker Island tributary isn’t that wide. That bride looks like it’s on the main river to me: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b7f83fe491ab01f6b1f781118b4f83285379089e6ffd642dabdf948fb89c14e.png


Excellent pictures and videos.


So I was right earlier that there was no bridge at all, it has just been constructed.

Melotte 22

We are impressed with your intelligence.


So you should. The many ranters here could only start namecalling when I showed there was no bridge close to a week ago.

Says much about the level of intelligence of most of them.

None of them has the guts to recant their ranting and say you were right.


of course YOU are hiding behind a mask and a fake name …..

Boris Kazlov

Why fake? Holland is a NATO country, albeit minuscule.


And you also stated that the river was no less than 400 m across, instead of the actual 200 or less at some points. So don’t dislocate your arm trying to pat yourself on the back! :DDD

Boris Kazlov

Depends on what you call a bridge, it was not the Kerch Strait bridge, but there were means to transport troops obviously, dumbass

Tudor Miron

TV coomentator clearly says that bridge will be used to transfer mil. equipment nedded to libirate those areas from terrorists and when this is done THAN it will be used to deliver aid to civilians.

Tudor Miron

Building this bridge in 2 days (considering current water speed of 2m/s) is impressive.

Behold a Pale Horse

IN WW2 the Russians would punch through German lines using hundreds of tanks. Just get on with it.

John Whitehot

germans wouldn’t do any different

Cheryl Brandon

Russian engineering was qucik and sturdy and real practical now Syria is now united with Iraq almost. Keep fighting. Those Russian Corp of engineers are really quick with their construction work in the midst of war! Well done Russia.

DJ Double D

If it is for military purpose, is it little bit too late or is there yet a surprise to come if judging by the current map, SAA seems to have almost been cornered?


Sure beats watching Major General Zahreddine single-handedly pull rowboats over to Sakr Island.

I do believe that was him. Confirmation?




SAA has been blocked to go northeast or to take oil fields in Omar. I think this is too late, but let us see what is the plan that Russia-Syria-hezbolah-Iran have.

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