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MARCH 2025

UPDATED: Heavy Fighting Reported. Russian Troops Moving Out From Kiev, Chernihiv (Videos)

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UPDATED: Heavy Fighting Reported. Russian Troops Moving Out From Kiev, Chernihiv (Videos)

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UPD: Powerful explosions are reported throughout the Kiev region. The AFU opened fire using multiple Grad systems. Hundreds of MLRS rockets are targeting  Bucha, Gostomel, Moshun, Irpen and Borispol.


On March 29, the Russian Defense Ministry decided to drastically reduce military activity in the Kiev and Chernihiv directions. This was stated by the ministry following the results of the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations.

“Due to the fact that negotiations on the preparation of a treaty on the neutral and nuclear-free status of Ukraine, as well as on the provision of security guarantees to Ukraine, are moving into a practical concerns, taking into account the principles discussed during today’s meeting, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation made a decision to drastically, at times, reduce military activity in the Kiev and Chernihiv directions in order to increase mutual trust and create the necessary conditions for further negotiations and achieving the ultimate goal – coordination and signing of the above-mentioned agreement.”

“We proceed from the fact that the relevant basic decisions will be made in Kiev and conditions should be created for further normal work,” was added.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will report in more detail on the decisions taken upon the return of the Russian delegation to Moscow.

The declared partial withdraw of Russian troops from the Kiev and Chernihiv is a clear sign of the Russian reinforcement on the Donbass front lines. Month after the military operation began in Ukraine, Russian military officials declared the liberation of the Donbass region the main task for its troops.

It is still unclear to what extent the Russian military will “reduce its military activity” in the declared regions and how this will ensure the security of Russian forces remaining on the outskirts of Kiev, where the AFU grouping, supported by foreign militants, successfully prevented Russia’s advance in the region for weeks. Russian troops faced stiff resistance near the capital, as Ukraine also announced on March 28 that it had retaken a large suburb of Kiev, Irpen.

The Kremlin hopes that the Kiev military “would have made the appropriate basic decisions.” However, the ongoing events in Mariupol have confirmed that Ukrainian nationalist formations do not obey Kiev’s orders. They will not miss their chance to take revenge on the “Russian aggressors” who remained near the capital. The notorious wild warfare of Ukrainian nationalists is not regulated by the Kiev regime, nor by any international conventions.

Meanwhile, footage reportedly showing Russian forces leaving the Kiev and Chernihiv regions heading towards Belarus was spread online.

Some Belarusian media reported that large columns of military equipment of the Russian Federation were spotted moving to Belarus from Ukraine for the second day. Russian units withdrawn from the Kiev region passed through the Gomel region in Belarus.


Some Ukrainian media also reported that Russian forces have partially withdrawn from Kyiv and Chernihiv, warning that the Russian army is regrouping in the east to concentrate its military power in the area.

UPDATED: Heavy Fighting Reported. Russian Troops Moving Out From Kiev, Chernihiv (Videos)

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While the MSM reported traditionally citing anonymous senior sources in the US administration that US intelligence is already observing the withdrawal of part of the Russian troops from Kiev, Department of Defense Press Secretary John Kirby declared that a small amount of Russian troops have been positioned away from Kyiv.

He claimed that “this is not a real withdrawal,” and, “we should be prepared to watch for a major offense in other areas of Ukraine.”

According to some reports that are yet to be confirmed, the U.S. and its allies are already discussing a potential additional $500 mln in assistance to Ukraine.


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“The results of negotiations”… Between T-80 an Javelin

Suk Me Kok

Between your butthole and your uncle dildo.


Russians redeploying to mop up the majority of the Ukrop forces in Donbas. Once they’re done in that region they’ll be back in Kiev.

flush goes the nation

Must 100% take Mariupol and the port areas. Flush out destroy the corrupt Nazis.


Here’s a former USMC officer’s take on what’s going on as well. I tend to agree with him because it’s my take on the situation as well. We know that Russia understands these strategies because we’ve seen them do it before in Odessa. https://twitter.com/RealScottRitter/status/1508813631311466496?t=FQc8yAgf2bRFIA5oN3d5NA&s=19


This is good, and it required no references to anyone’s mother, or another poster’s ass.


precisely my dear watson…


hopefully with better equipment, such as drones and converted equipment.

Abraham Lincoln

and Odessa as well.



Hell is in Ukraine for Russians

Yes so funny… 3 to 5 million$ per russian tank cost against javelin plus 3 crew members yes it worth the shot. In special when you can take out anything from 10 to 20 Russian soliders with a shot. Yes baby. Yes it worth the cost of a javelin missile.


former ukraine does not exist—your cia nazi hallucinations bring me joy!


BAYRAKTAR flying over you watching you. Be good girls now otherwise booom job done

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

No bayraktar videos for weeks. lol dream on faggot. 35 destroyed and more to come :D 70 million $ down drain

Your Mouth Yankee toilet

Idiotic monkey crap from your clueless filthy mouth – you don’t know shit about anything especially military, javelins are irrelevant so far.

But keep talking with yourself while everyone else laugh how pathetic and stupid you bitch are 😀

Hohol - Muscal : 1 - 0

Alo, mama? Is me, Ivan Jr. I’m in Ukraine, mama, they told us we are going to train in Belarus and they sent us to capture Kiev. They say they will release me if you come pick me up. What? Are you in queue for sugar? You can’t talk? Mama, noo..

Hunter Biden your Pimp

Your mama is in brothel in Poland servicing Yankee sailors, you little tranny whore should help her instead of whoring yourself to Hunter Biden for a few cookies.


Hohol you’re momma is being used by the Ukies in Mariopal. They stripped her naked had her bent over a pool table and well you don’t want know the rest of this do you…


The cost of a javelin missile? Are you trying to be funny? Ukraine is a welfare state created by Klaus Schwab and America. They don’t buy any javelins so they don’t care the cost of them.

flush goes the nation

Stupid tax payers in USA pay for them.

Michel LeBlanc

Canadians too, i know what im paying for , wtf am i supposed to do about it dipshit? Not pay my taxes?


I upvoted you, but the truth is Canucks gladly pay for whatever they’re told to pay for.

Michel LeBlanc

You fucking beggar you dont even pay for your faglin missiles.

I pay for them you peice of shit and dont forget who pays your bills, me and the other taxpayers outside of your shithole weak ukraine.

You are such a tool.


LOL 😂 your funny.


LOL you are retarded. And illiterate.

Shithead changed his name again and laughs at his own moronic joke. You are a joke.


Between the prostitute u call mummy and the entire rusky battalion u fascist-capitalist feudalist paedophilic and GENOCIDAL anglo-saxon MAGGOT ! CAPISHI SCUM? 😀


U must be kidding xD. Kiev already accepted almost all

Hohol - Muscal : 1 - 0

Yes, they accepted Russians to run



Javelin is simply ineffective gay trash



CIA bot


Joe Biden




jens holm


Lic Me

Sucki suck suck


Actually it’s Ukrainians who use more T-80 than Russians. The vast majority of Russian tanks were variants of T-72.


You should update the map you just published, the arrows were pointing into Kyiv instead of Belarus.

Hohol - Muscal : 1 - 0

The current map is a shame.


Your shitty failed existence is a shame.

Hohol - Muscal : 1 - 0

Got Khrakiv yet? Too big city, too big country, heh?


You learned english from a guy with Down syndrome? No, just an ordinary ukro. Same shit.


Big country couldn’t get Donetsk in eight years. Big country smaller than it was in 2013.


Perfectly logical move. I’ve been repeating for days that Northern part of operation should be largely reduced at least for now. Supply lines are way too long, too exposed, and such a large territory demands significant forces to garrison (not to mention population is more hostile than in the south). There are more important frontlines. I wouldn’t withdraw from the salient west of Kiev tho, they should just entrench their positions.

Last edited 2 years ago by Marius

I have been repeating for days, Russians must go home.


Why? They are winning all Alons and also theyare right. God bless nazi Hunters!


I have repeating for many years that in order to have Peace, Prosperity for all and Love on Gaia the fascist-capitalist feudalist paedophilic and GENOCIDAL anglo-saxon SCUM MAGGOT race must be deleted totally from this plane of manifestation ! Amen!


They are in their new home. Everything east of the river is going to be theirs. They’re just there shopping for housing right now.

Michel LeBlanc

They are home asshole.


Kiev is their home.

Hohol - Muscal : 1 - 0

You should replace Shoygu

Ukraine uber anus

You should replace Bandera. In hell.

Stepan Bandera in Hell

No, I like it here. But all Ukrainians and their fanboys are welcome to join me. We’ll throw a party like it’s 1943!


Now Ukrops will enter a few empty destroyed villages and proclaim “glorious victory”.

Hohol - Muscal : 1 - 0

No more “Denazification”? Who even said that?

Joe Bidens Dementia

Denazification is going just fine, go ask Azovites in hell.


The Azov wannabe Hitlers are almost wiped out! Good Job, DPR, Russians and Chechens! Grats!


when the ukrop hyenas surrender accept that east south and Crimea now Russia then the impotent poodles can attempt to rebuild their US COLONY

Hohol - Muscal : 1 - 0

No more “denazification”? Maybe Putin was converted by Azov.

Stepan Bandera in Hell

No my son, they are converting our own brave boys to Ruskie imperialism!



A good portion of Azov is rancid taco meat, currently being shovelled into trash bags.


I find it amusing how they negotiate about Crimea and Donbass, while Russia holds almost whole Herson and Zaporozhie regions. I don’t see much chances Russians ever leaving those places. I wonder what will happen with Karkov, Dnipro, Nikolaev and Odessa aswell. Other regions are not interesting.


Was Kiev ever a target? To take a huge city like this would require massive prep bombing and way more troops.


The Russian troops who died trying were merely pawns being sacrificed for the Donbas objective. This was the plan all along.


So Donbass was always the objective? Ukrobots claim that it was conquest of the Ukraine, but nobody ever believed that.


As I have said before Russia’s taking Kiev would be like the Dominican Republic taking Haiti. Who would want either of those s*** holes


Calculated gamble I guess. If it works great, if doesn’t we’ll go to plan B. This is plan B.


There is no evidence to support that Anglosphere media claim. The Russians seemed to have assumed some degree of reason on the part of the Kiev regime, which was an error. The CIA project is quite content to have their forces in the south completely destroyed rather than comply with any Russian security requirements. The entire weight of Russian forces will no go against the southern Ukrainian forces, and a new paradigm for negotiations will be created.


Not really, it just diverted the Ukrops


Them Ruskies never tell the truth Orwell called it double speak. Its likely a cover so they don’t have to call it a retreat or tactical retreat.

Demoralized terrified Russians need some RnR.

Are they going to call their moms when they get back to Belarus? I hear there are a lot of very worried Russian soldier moms waiting for and fearing a phone call. Poor women losing a son for Putin’s ego would be devastating.


Illiterate imbecile farting from his shithole mouth

General Death

Rissian moms have their own wars at grocerries

The maharaja

Ya but their moms will know their sons had balls and fought. They will never know the feeling of having a son who was afraid to fight. Your Mom on the other hand and those like you who have never fought will never know that feeling. You will always be one of those who sits it out afraid to see what he is made of. Your mother will have a very different feeling about her son. The word is coward. I can tell you as someone who has fought and someone who has children you would be so much worse to stomach then the loss of one of mine who went out with their boots on. Yes a coward would be the greater hurt. A keyboard warrior in a time of so many conflicts… that must be a tedious position to hold the position of a coward.


That’s funny, a Neal and Bob deep state shill talking about Orwell. That is funny. You are who 1984 was written about.


The Ukrainian moms are in Poland, and their sons will be worm food. Banderpites are quite content to have tens of thousands killed, and lose all of Donbass in the name of, whatever kooky rubbish they believe.


Lets not mention the poor ukranian mothers, whos vast majority of their sons were obliterated by the russians…. btw where were you ukranian supporter, when they called for you to come as volunteers to fight the ruskies??


Why doesn’t Russia just take Kiev and Western Ukraine? That’s for the same reason that the Dominican Republic doesn’t absorb Haiti into its country. Nobody wants the s*** holes. Only the Poles would do that… And well that didn’t need to be explained does it.


Russians are fleeing like frightened flies from Northeast Ukraine. If they only had the same bravery to charge forward at the same speed. Murder them boys. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin
Dummy Perez

It’s funny how obsessed and deranged you are.


*Sick actually. Imagine someone being so mentally sick to spent 20 hours per day, EVERY day , on the site he hates, among people he hates (and who hate him) only to spam retarded garbage and talk with himself… a sick, deranged and disgusting creature: he belongs in cage under some mental asylum for animals.

jens holm

Babe we both join them tomorrow together. Dont forget to bring your pink dildo with little swastikas.


So the Russians chose not to level Kiev, and psychotic Banderpites call it a win. Creating new reality in the fruit-fly world of the Ukrotard.


Ukrop-Nazi do not deserve peace, the need to be extinguished


See, this is why people have to be very reserved and not show public support for Russian troops, as Putin can just order them back and any moment and then they are left to the neo-nazi terrorists for revenge… If Russia allows for a defeat, not only have they failed at destroying their enemies, they’ve made them stronger.

Last edited 2 years ago by Redguard
The Objective

It seems Kiev does not want Russian forces to withdraw from the Kiev region. Both sides are aiming for a bog down game. Question is who can bog down the other side more.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Objective
Cherry Chugga

Rotation. Let those boys have some well-earned r+r! The brothels of Belarus will be busy tonight!


Through humanitarian aid Washington and NATOs sent tones of ATGMs and MANPADs to Ukranian terrorists.


Even during Donald Trump’s presidency tons of Javelins where send to Ukraine. They were being armed to teeth. Latest shipment of weapons were just a charade from US and EU. This the intel should have known from the Russian side.


I must be honest. Only worth mentioning as pro-soldiers where the Ukrainian and Chechen fighters. Saw images of Russian soldiers who were not older than 18 years old – children. Looks like operation was a total failure. Odessa not even touched. Donbass failure. Mariupol still not captured (after 1 month). No javelin protection…still! Strategist on the Russian side have failed misserably. However only that seemed to be working properly are the missiles ….but you can not win a war only on that.


I must be honest. You’re full of shite. Russian soldiers are professionals, what 18 years old what garbage. A lot of captured Ukros are kids. Or some fat, old farts. You watch too much CNN crap or just trolling (probably this idiot with 1000 names).

Rhodium 10

This summer Ukrainians need passport to swin in Azov coast and its 3 cities!

Edgar Zetar

I point my bet in Russia right now… even in retreating Russia have my bet on them.

Edgar Zetar

If you are an Ukranian civilian get the hell out of Ukraine with your family and loved ones, even try to go to Belarus. Now the hell will be released upon Ukraine

Putin’s Classic 8D Chess Moves

Classic Putin manoeuvre. Sitting on the toilet as Russia signs PISS deal on “trust” and then gets hit with the Trust in the Ass. We saw it in Syria. We are seeing it in Ukraine. Starts off strong, then bends over and squats lol


They are gonna finish up the job on East Ukraine, then come back to Kiev and clean it up.


Winning a war you must have an advantage. If Russian tanks had anti tech for Javelins on their tanks this would have a total different outcome. Ukrainians barricaded itself into civilian buildings and shooting at everything coming below. This is almost an impossible mission, especially if houses held civilians. Second, technology such as infrared and heat cameras and carbon dioxide sensible cameras could easily have shown positions of Ukrainians. Drones guarding troops positions with heat cameras could have saved many lives warning of approaching troops. Russia stormed in the beginning not knowing what was waiting for them. They were ambushed by Ukrainians who were armed to the teeth. The Russian intel had obviously failed miserably.

The Objective

What Javelins moron? Vast majority of Russian losses are from artillery, mostly Grad. You watch shitty YT videos with bunch of fags posing near destroyed tank, but most of these destroyed tanks are actually Ukrainian. Tanks are not even crucial in this war. You idiots just write random nonsense pretending that you know something about anything.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

How do they say they kicked Putin’s ass in Russian?


This war is not Ukraine vs. Russia but whole EU, especially Poland and Washington vs. Russia. The Maidan coup was made by forces orchestrated outside Ukraine. The far right movement just grew and grew after that. This Russia should have known and WHY wait to the last minute before they did something? This I can not comprehend. Act before it happens not when bomb is about to explode.


Let me say it right now, if Russia doesn’t finish the job it started, this problem will be reappearing again in the future, and will become an headache for Russia. Take for example the situation in Syria, Russia and its Syrian allies were winning, then Russia agreed to create a safe zone in Idlib as per negotiation with Turkey, and look at how it turns out today. Cleaning up Ukraine of its western backed criminals as per Putin stated goal should be the only alternative, otherwise it is just kicking the can down the road, the problem will lay low for a while then will resurface again at a later time. There is this saying, let me say it en español: no dejes por manana, lo que puedas hacer hoy. — > don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today.


It’s a grave mistake on the Russian part to slow down offensive around keiv. It’s pressure they make them want to negotiate and thinking of neutral status stand,all you did is giving the Nazis and Ukraine military around keiv the mean to regroup and move equipment that could reach your station troops with heavy artillery. They should have bolcake the main city and created great buffer. How can NATO nation and Russia provide a guarantee of security to nation at the same time . I haven’t heard of this in history, especially a nation NATO just use to spark a warabd have been trained to fight you. I must htis whole situation to me is rediculus. I mean I could understand the ideal of not moving troops around keiv especially if keiv agres they would not launch any sort of attack on troops around keiv region. But I must say this rediculus,I say keep the whole Ukraine military tied up else where and send a reinforcement of 60 k to 100k to the east and move further on the enemy.


Putin has a license to hunt what he chooses when and where he chooses he does not need Kiev at this time or maybe he does not want to expose his troops to radiation or maybe urban combat is foolish. A cat likes to play with it’s Nazi pray.

Gerhard Umlandt

Putin is waging a hobby-war. It doesn’t work like that! I would flatten the Ukraine. And I wouldn´t hesitate using nukes, if necessary.

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