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Russian Troops Use Verba MANPAD In Damascus Countryside (Video)

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Russian Troops Use Verba MANPAD In Damascus Countryside (Video)

A screenshot from the video

A video has appeared online showing how Russian troops use the modern 9K333 Verba MANPAD against a unknown target in the countryside of Damascus.

According to some sources, this was just a test launch aimed at showing the air-defense capabilities of the check-points set up by the Russians in the Eastern Ghouta region.

Earlier this month, Russia deployed 9K333 Verba MANPADs to positions of its service members monitoring the de-escalation zone from possible threats from the air.

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Joe Doe

SAA should get such weapons

John Brown

They will.


Looks like a Stinger to me. Finally caught up ?


they had igla for a while


Talk about the depth of ignorance

Pavel Pavlovich

Igla was already better than Sting in your ass. This is an Igla S on steroids.


It’s called stinger for a reason. :P

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This is the 9k38 Igla s /SA-24 Grinch shoulder fired Surface to air missile, the were many of these that were looted in Libya in 2011 , there is even a video of the PKK shooting down a helicopter with one of these weapons. Just keep being stupid and thinking with your tiny little mind, things out there are more advanced than US has, which it relies on allies to design.

Bio_ Hazard

It’s the Verba


You mean the allies rely on US designs. If the Russians couldn’t catch our Blackbirds they sure can’t catch up to us now.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No , I mean the Allies design , the US pays billions in licences even that is included in the military budget . They pay to make each weapon since they are paying for a licence, even technology they use all under licence from elsewhere, the Abrams was designed in Canada like many other vehicles.


Not when it comes to some of America’s best aircraft, ships or guns.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Everything the US has only accessed through is it’s NATO partnership , the US gives it military ordinance designations and those are only for US purposes. All the same equipment exists but with it’s original designation , countries you assume are pacifists and weak are capable of creating the worlds most dangerous military equipment and weapons.


Not true NATO needs US for everything from fighter jets to basic equipment.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Basic equipment such as assault rifles and vehicles those are designed and built in Canada , No. 2 weapons supplier to Saudi Arabia is Canada and holder of all licences for Colt, US pays for the licences to produce them for US military use only.


Many more are designed and made in USA oh and it wasn’t Canada that made the stealth fighters and Mach 3 spy planes.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Stealth technology is old but it can be easily beat today using old radar systems stacked with modern systems , basically old WW2 Radar can spot Stealth planes. Mach 3 spy planes are from the early 60’s and they are old tech nothing new therein development in the late 50’s


lol ww2 radar can’t detect modern stealth. The Russians had the most intense radar nets around the USSR but our U2, F117 and SR71s got through without much trouble. No one in the world had the resources and expertise to build a Mach 3 spy plane when the call came, no Russian missile could catch up to it.


Close, both verba and stinger add ultraviolet sensors to their infrared detection abilities. Stinger might have slightly more range. Nothing wrong with an upgraded igla.


Can be used to down Zionist warplanes? Probably drones too right?

Julius Meinel

Good idea to play CEPHEI electronic music as background for these videos. Keep up the good work SF.

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