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Russian-Turkish Agreement On Tell Rifaat To Be Implemented Next Month – Report

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Russian-Turkish Agreement On Tell Rifaat To Be Implemented Next Month – Report

FILE IMAGE: A member of the Russian Military Police is in Al Waer neighborhood, Homs

Russia and Turkey will implement their agreement on the northern Syrian city of Tell Rifaat in the beginning of July, the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Enab Baladi reported on June 18. The agreement is mainly aimed at allowing displaced civilians to return to their houses in the city.

Last week, the London-based al-Araby al-Jadeed outlet claimed the Turkish military will be deployed in Tell Rifaat side by side with the Russian Military Police, while the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Kurdish People Protection Units (YPG) will withdraw from the northern city.

According to Enab Baladi, local committees are currently registering the names of displaced civilians who want to return to their houses in the city under the Russian-Turkish agreement. However, Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups and fighters will not be allowed to enter the city at all.

The YPG, backed by the Russian Aerospace Forces, captured Tell Rifaat from the FSA on February 15, 2016. Back then, tens of thousands of civilians left the city due to the constant clashes between the YPG and the FSA. Later following the Turkish attack on the area of Afrin, units of the SAA and the Russian Military Police were deployed alongisde the YGP in the city and in few villages around it.

The Russian-Turkish agreement will likely stabilize the situation in the northern Aleppo countryside allowing to avoid further escalation in the area. It’s important to note that the alleged agreement will not allow the FSA to take over the city.

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Turkey… when you’ve finished your job in Northern Syria… return the Lands to Syria…dismantling US-SDF should be a Prime Target…


do you seriously believe that the turks will leave syria??? More important point to add….the turks are changing the demographics in each area they occupy…what does that mean?? well they are kicking out the native population and giving their houses and farms and shops to the turkish islamists.They are doing that in each and every town and village.Now sit back for a second and think about the consequences of those moves.

Consequence… if(and I doubt it), the turkish army leaves syria, all those areas formerly occupied by the turks are now in REALITY, HOME to the turkish islamists(I wont bother to mention all the different jihadi groups).Ever occured to you the next move by turkey then….if all those villages and towns are now inhabited by turkish islamists, well how does the saying go again; people have the right to selfdetermination, meaning choosing their government or affiliation to one.remember Crimea?remember Kosovo? and here is the real danger……those former syrian territories can now be (totally legal by the way) through a referendum annexed into turkey.And rrussia would be the last country that could say something negative about such a referendum.Crimea.Dont get me wrong, crimea was and is russian, with the big majority of people being russian there.But thats my point.If Erdogan changes the demographics in those occupied areas enough(amnesty, human rights watch etc.. all have said the same thing…native population is getting kicked out and jihadi groups allied with turkey are taking over their houses,farms,shops…remember Ghouta?? ALL those jihadi pricks that left ghouta have been givin the houses and farms of the native population in areas in idlib) then its their right to call out a referendum(dont get me wrong..i wish russia drops 100 of those MOAB over idlib and afrin), and this referendum will clearly show that the population that now lives in idlib and afrin area wants to join the national state of turkey.I see it coming.


You can very well be right… there are always two sides to a story…I think mine will be the better option for Peace in the Middle East….Otherwise it will just be the Continuation of War…


man i seriousl hope u r right….but thinking about history espeically countires like turkey,usa,england etc… it dont look to good…..I mean it seems like some kind of virus has taken over in the decision making of the world…I watched a documentation the other day, of a young syrian soldier about 22yrs old who lost an arm in the war and how he lives today.He lives in a small village,beautyful countryside, a wife, two kids, his mom and dad, all live on a farm with 3 hectars(30,000m2) with orange trees,hens and all kind of fruits and vegetables.Here is his quote ” I dont understand these people coming here on a killing spree, for what?what does one need to live and be happy.Look here, we have enough to eat, a wonderful wife, two happy kids.And all of that on 3 hectares.There is so much land for everybody to be happy.iam.”


It is that Virus that is causing All Problems… We need an antidote for the Virus

Mustafa Mehmet

/[op9ujmn.,#zaffdb;//////@@:lhf polkiy85y


LOL! Was that “F*ck ya, Hasbara-Troll” ?


Could be his computer has a virus. !#$%^&*WTF :)


Do you really believe that the TURKS will play for ISRAEL again? :) They will leave AFTERB they splashed your ISRAELI-lapdogs there , the YPG. Putin gives Erdogan weapons refused by the US-Congress and a good price on OIL and GAS and you and your USraeli dreams about Turkey returning to USA are vanished


” Russian-Turkish Agreement On Tell Rifaat To Be Implemented Next Month ” Well… Erdogan will see that agreements with PUTIN are kept, not like the Yanks that said no Turkish patrols in “their” KURDISH-YPG-town ……But normally should be SYRIAN Army and POLICE that patrol in SYRIAN cities

Wise Gandalf

Russia nicely overhands syrian territory to enemies. :(

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