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MARCH 2025

Russian, Turkish Forces Established New Posts Near Saraqib In Northwestern Syria

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On January 19, Russian forces established an “observation post” north of the Syrian town of Saraqib in the southern Idlib countryside, according to the North Press Agency (NPA).

A military source told the agency that the Russian post was built right in the front of a Turkish post, which was established near the town of Afes to the north of Saraqib on January 17.

“The newly established Russian post is located around 3 km away from areas held by opposition factions in Afes,” the NPA quoted the source as saying. “ The post was established near positions of the Syrian government forces and their affiliated factions.”

The observation post will likely be manned by personnel of the Russian Military Police, or one of the special forces units which are active around the Greater Idlib region.

Russian, Turkish Forces Established New Posts Near Saraqib In Northwestern Syria

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter, Via Google Maps – TerraMetrics

In the last few months, Greater Idlib militants carried out a series of attacks on Syrian government troops in Saraqib city. These attacks were a blatant violation of the ceasefire reached on March 5 of the last year. The new Russian post may have been established to monitor these violations.

The Turkish military, which maintains more than 60 posts in Greater Idlib, is doing very little at all to stop militants’ provocations. Now, Russia is apparently preparing to step in.


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Mr T

Russia: strongk, oil and gas, nuclear weapons Turkey: weak, no oil and gas, no nuclear weapons

still Turkey in NORTH SYRIA and IDLIB…. :)


Putin walks on peaks between Turkey and Israel


Who cares,Trumps fraud,Putin’s the statesman:


Kim Jong Un is the true Leader of the free world

Mr T

putler is weak, al he cares is his castle and his young wife.

Turks digging slowly Ruskis grave


He took her in a dungeon under Kremlin wall

Black Waters

Enough of your propaganda you little fascist.




Idlib issue is just a headache for Turkiye. The sooner Turkish Army abandoned Idlib, the better.


Better move those factions from Idlib, in Eastern Syria to fight with the Kurds


Exactly. At least those factions would have done something worthy in their lifetime. Useful cannon fodders fighting with fake commies.

Mr T

fake kemalist Turk… Idlib is new Turkistan…


Turkish Army keeps abandoning observation points in Idlib. I enjoy your tears jihadi :) Arap özentisi naber?

Servet Köseoğlu

LMAO..He is Turkish version of Farbat..xD


Every nation has such aggressive people. Nothing to do:)

Furkan Sahin

i vote Mustafa Sarigul next election Care Sarigul <3

Furkan Sahin

Ali Babacan and Ahmet Davutoglu are Akp old one should not trust it may be that they are bad as Erdogan Meral Aksener she I am very unsure of do not bother to vote for Kemal he is too old Muharrem Ince is not good I think

Furkan Sahin

agree haha

The Objective

Syria and Israel discuss ejecting Iran from Syria. This negotiations was held under Russian auspices.


Link to info? Oh…. link comes straight out of your arse…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

He read it on SF, and so far there have been no denials from Russia, only Assad is saying the meetings didn’t happen, but coincidentally he’s just stood down alertness levels for the SAA, just as Israel and Isis are escalating their hostilities in Syria, mmmm, he should be going onto high alert in the current circumstances, not lowering alertness levels. On top of that Russia just admitted they were in Jordan with the head of the 5th Corps 8th Brigade discussing security issues that would exclude Iran from areas near the Israeli border. They called it an autonomous zone that would exclude Iranian interests and accommodate Israeli and Jordanian interests instead, which will mean Egyptian, Saudi, and UAE interests as well. I’ll provide the SF link to this story as well since you seemed to have missed it.

“Syrian and Israeli intelligence officials have held a secret meeting, the UAE-based al-Arabiya al-Hadath reported on January 14. The secret meeting, which was supposedly arranged by Russia, was held at Hmeimim Air Base in the costal Syrian governorate of Lattakia. The base is the headquarters of Russian troops in Syria. Al-Arabiya Al-Hadath didn’t provide details on when the alleged meeting took place, who attended or what was the main purpose of it. According to the news channel, this was the second secret meeting between Syrian and Israeli intelligence officials. The first meeting was held a while ago in Cyprus and was also arranged by Russia. The report is highly questionable as it came amid high tensions between Syria and Israel. Earlier this week, a series of Israeli strikes hit military positions in the eastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor. Dozens of Syrian and Iranian-backed fighters were allegedly killed. A senior Syrian intelligence officer was also injured. In 2019, Israel recovered the remains of Zachary Baumel, a U.S.-born Israeli soldier missing since a 1982 tank battle against the Syrian Arab Army. Russia facilitated the recovery efforts. Several Syrian prisoners were released from Israeli jails in return. While al-Arabiya’s report may be a mere propaganda stunt, it is possible that Russia is arranging Syrian-Israeli talks on specific matters like the prisoners, missing personnel issue. Syria engaged in peace talks with Israel on a number of occasions before. The last round of talks, which was held in Turkey in 2008, saw some progress. However, it eventually collapsed.”


This is the second story you missed,

“This trend will be strengthened in case of the Saudi-Israeli rapprochement, with the participation of the United States and Jordan, and in coordination with Russia, seeking to create a reality that leads to stability in Syria without Iran. If Russia abandons its desire to manage the security arrangements in southern Syria alone in exchange of guaranteeing its interests by reconciling the various factions and integrating them into The Fifth Corps, this could lead to establishing of an autonomy project in the South that would serve Russian interests, meet the requirements of Israeli and Jordanian security, and gain American contentment.”


The Objective



so it is not your, but Saudi arse, sorry… Lets put all that under the “rumors” since there are no official confirmations from Assad or Russians. If true (that they have secret contacts with IsraHell) than Israeli bombings should stop eventually….

The Objective

Yeah, maybe you and I will agree on that one … that Israeli bombings will stop if the news of a Russian-Israeli-Syrian meeting is true. The good news then will be, Iran is purged from Syria. If this happens, it means they’ll be booted out of every single country in the Middle East.


The Objective

I’m not talking about Zionists or Jihadist. I’m talking about Syrians. Before Iran entered Syria, there were no repeated Israeli bombings. As soon as Iran infiltrates the country, Israel started bombing Syria almost every week. I just want the war in Syria to come to an end. I don’t care if Turkey wins or losses in Syria. The peace and unity of Syria is more important than the interests of any external actor – Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood included. Iran leaving Syria will be the first step to peace. Israel will stop its relentless bombings. America will relax some pressure on Syria. I agree with Russia’s recent actions for a diplomatic end to the war in Syria. Russia’s diplomatic maneuvers not only stands the chance of ending the war, but also makes it more likely for the Western world to pump in billions of dollars in rebuilding Syria – something Russia cannot do alone.


I want the war in Syria to come to an end. Everybody normal wants f*cking end !!! after 10 years of war life in Syria will become hell that nobody will be able to repair. Iran doesn’t have best Syrian interests at heart if they start attacking Israel from Syria.

The Objective

I have told you many times that you are living in a delusional world about Iran. I have supported Iran for long, but when I realize the true nature Shiites, I backed off. You will also understand one day if events continue like this. Just take this latest news about Russia for example

“Russia will not allow Syria to be arena for Israel-Iran conflict, says Lavrov”

“Our dear Israeli colleagues,” said Lavrov, “if you have facts that your state is facing threats from Syrian territory, report the facts urgently and we will take every measure to neutralise the threat.”


It seems you are not on the same page as the Russian leadership about Iran.


“Russia will not allow Syria to be arena for Israel-Iran conflict, says Lavrov”

I have said that myself to be Russian position, before Lavrov even said it. Russia have invested too much in Syria to permit anybody to ruin that. I don’t think Assad wants it also. Not to mention China. Syria needs stability so that they can start to re-build economy. So, I have impression that Iran will try to find locals-Syrians to aggress IsraHell instead … Because Russia can’t deny right to Syrians to fight against Israeli occupation… If it continues in that direction it can wreck Russia – Iran alliance in Syria and in general….

The Objective

Hopefully, Russia succeeds in its efforts to end the war. That’ll be good for all Syrians.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The new OB post might stop the Turks attacking the SAA because the Russians are stuck in the way, but it’ll also give the terrorists more incentive to try their luck against the Russians, I’m sure they’d like to claim a Russian scalp or two to put on their mantle pieces, so I hope the new OB post is heavily fortified and well supported.

Diana Cornwell

I don’t understand you Military-obsessed men. You can’t see the forest for the trees.

Turkey fosters Jihadi terroristic Islam, supports ISIS in Idlib and fights on their side against the Syrian army.

Yet you armchair generals think it’s OK for Russia to sell S-400s, nuclear power plants to the Turks and cooperate with them in Syria when the Russians ought to demand the Turks to simply vacate Syrian territory?

Each day the Turks stay in Syria is one more day the Islamist terrorists get more arms and logistics supplies uninterrupted.

I think you are all hypocrites with ulterior motives if you refuse to see that.

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