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MARCH 2025

Russian-Turkish Patrol In Idlib Attacked For 2nd Time Within Same Week

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Russian-Turkish Patrol In Idlib Attacked For 2nd Time Within Same Week

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On August 25th, a Russian military vehicle was targeted with an RPG along the M4 Highway, during the 25th Turkish-Russian Joint Patrol.

There are no fatalities reported.

Exactly one week earlier, on August 17th, a Turkish military vehicle was hit by a blast during the same 25th patrol.

The Turkish Defense Ministry noted that there had been an attack that caused material damage but no deaths. No further information was immediately available.

The Russian Defense Ministry said no Russian soldiers were hurt in the incident.

Following the attack, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan held a phone call with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

Just days prior, on August 14th, Russia said the joint military patrols in Idlib, carried out along the M4 highway linking Syria’s east and west, had been suspended over increasing militant attacks in the area.

It appeared that the decision had been reversed, as they began again on August 17th, but to renewed attacks.

When the patrols were cancelled, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said that ‘radicals’ have prompted a suspension of the patrols.

Most of these radicals that carry out the attacks are Turkish-backed groups that carry out attacks on both the Russian and their supposedly allied Turkish troops.

“Terrorists have stepped up the amount of shelling on government troops and nearby settlements, not ceasing their provocations in the ‘security corridor’ along the M4 highway. Thus, the joint patrols have been suspended,” Zakharova said.

The two militaries had carried out 24 joint patrols along the key M4 highway that links Syria’s east and west, with the latest along the Trumbah and Ayn Al Havron road.

The current 25th patrol appears to be still continuing, despite the two attacks within 7 days.

Two patrols had previously been cut short over security concerns.

The ceasefire reached by Ankara and Moscow on March 5th has largely held, with both sides saying there have only been minor violations.


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Why reporting this if you have fun to be blown away by those Zionist monkeys? When you get some Russian casualty we will have new bombings again maybe even offensive. But for what price and will it be worth it? When diplomacy gets involved in war, than war starts to look like real bullshit and nonsense.


The Turks are part of the problem.

Zionism = EVIL

Not part, but the problem.


Hypothetically (for the sake of conversation): Even if so?

So what alternative do you suggest? You all pretend that know everything by pointing at the problem but nobody is giving the solution to Syrian problem Except of course to fight to the last Russian that most pro Iranian bots never stop to suggest

Fog of War

Don’t waste your time engaging with this character. His job here is to derail conversations by starting fights through personal attacks and insults. Hes a disinfo agent.

Ashok Varma

He is a strange troll, very stupid and needy for attention. Hasbara for sure.


Faggot of War that hurts my feelings that nice person like you doesn’t like me…I am sad now.

Zionism = EVIL

The Americunt arseholes are desperate to inflict Russian casualties. The CIA inbred loser retards have upped the bounty for these cowardly attacks to $200,000 paid via Turkish MIT. These attacks will get worse unless the tables are turned and the Americunts are hit all over the region.

Kenny Jones ™

I really want to believe Russia has a plan but I don’t see it at this moment, if it was a tougher president who had some balls, he would’ve already unleashed the sun on Turkey, guess we’ll have to wait and see https://twitter.com/200_zoka/status/1298149862727352320?s=20

Zionism = EVIL

Coddling Turkey is proving very costly as like Pakistan in the 80’s, it is main conduit for Salafist terrorism in the region. The Turkish MIT is has literally copy and pasted the terrorism template developed by the CIA cunts for proxy wars using Wahhabi cannon fodder. The Paki general Muhammed Yousef describes the tactics well in the his book the BEAR TRAP. No army can fight for long with its hands tied. The old corrupt Politburo also had no balls and the USSR’s fate was sealed, despite the fact that the Red Army units in Afghanistan fought with tenacity and honor and are still respected by the average Afghan.



Thanks for the book recommendation, looks quite interesting!

Zionism = EVIL

You are welcome. I you can read Russian, then a book on GRU in Afghanistan is also good factual reading. The GRU is good military intelligence service and it had cast doubts in careful words about the aging inept Politburo spineless policies in Afghanistan and lack of will to attack the terrorist sanctuaries in Pakistan.



Sadly my Russian is very bad, only the few words my Russian friends told me, and they mostly spoke some Gopnik slang instead of “normal Russian”. Maybe i can find an ebook and machine translate it though! Thanks again!

Jens Holm

Russains use it when a chair is missing a leg.

If its cold they burn the books and the chair.

Jens Holm

And Jews invented Islam and the muslim economc systems too.


Hopefully a new deal with Iran will change things on the ground but I’ll believe it when I see it. Even the Iranians are more assertive in their responses to the Zioterrorists shooting down US drones without doubts and seizing Ziowahhabi ships when they can, while Russia seems to want “partnership and trade” with the Zioterrorists at almost any cost. Putin’s foreign policy needs to get rid of its stink of Zionism.

Zionism = EVIL

Sadly, a few Russians have suffered casualties as the Russian Command in Syria just announced. It is the Turkish treacherous military that organized this attack as no Turkeys vehicles were hit by this remote IED or a RPG as the terrorists were given real time coordinates of the Russian patrol MRAPs by the MIT. Hopefully, Putin will wake up as the Russian military can not remain passive. It is time to carpet bomb the headchopper cunts in Idlib and Syria in general along with their sponsors.

The ministry pointed out that as a result of the terrorist attack, two Russian soldiers were wounded, as well as damage to an armored personnel carrier belonging to the Russian Military Police.

Ashok Varma

Putin failed to understand the treacherous nature of Turks and cut a bad deal.


Putin only have trusted India far too much the rest is OK more or less :)

Jens Holm

More then 265

Kenny Jones ™

Imo, everything good that will happen will happen until November, US elections

Zionism = EVIL

I would agree with that.

Kenny Jones ™

70 days. 1680 hours.


Putin said “US presidents come and go but their foreign policy always remain the same”. Seems this statement is absolutely true. No matter who is president, the US intel agencies control the foreign policy, either by manipulating intelligence or by strong arming presidents.

Kenny Jones ™

Yes but this year 2020 is different in every way, things will change, world balance is shifting

Jens Holm

Another stupid prediction. I can predict like that too. I will be one more year older and it probatly will rain now and then. My tomatoes will get exelent if it rains…

Kenny Jones ™

Prediction isn’t stupid, I knew from the beginning of the year that Iran would avenge against the US until the election, and that has yet to happen, they saved the best for the last, don’t leave this app until November ;)

Fog of War

For Iran to do anything this late will not be seen a valid revenge. Instead, the ZioAmerican public will view it as an unprovoked attack. Iran blew its wad by waiting too long. The window is closed now.

Jens Holm

if You say so, but that conflict has been there longer then I have lived with its up and downs.

Jens Holm

Thats partly true. The power in USA is split up in prtly indepnedent units. By that they make stability no matter what President and others say and do.

So today we see US miltary forces and intel compensating for his lasck of non sense.

But We normally dont see that in the open. Obama negociated well with the non presidential part and mainly the republican part was able to make compromised in consensus.

Whaever Trump is, he also is an isolationist and a no mtter what. Actually he was elected by promoses to take USA out from none usefull conflict zones. Parts of the republicans do support that old vision as the old days of the Monroe Doctrine.

That has been the opposite of the USA policy since the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour and Hitler mde the mistake declaring USA was too.


This is not attack coming from Turk controlled terrorists So why would Russia ” unleash” anything against Turkey? Turk drones have killed many Iranians and apart from EMPTY THREATS we have not seen anything from Iran as “revenge” ever. At the contrary! Toady there are no Iranians and their friends Hezbollah to support Assad at all in Idlib while their bots keep spiting on Russia all the time Iranian bots here keep attacking (I do not know if you are just another one) Russia not to be harsh enough with Turkey (while Iran is KISSING TURK ASS in the same time) And they attack Russia for not investing more special ops in direct combat, or bombing Idlib DESPITE Astaea agreement that was accepted by double faced Iran also ! So Russia is escape goat for Iran DOING NOTHING BUT KISSING TURK ASS and blaming Russia for everything under the sun!

To the present day Turk-Iranian relation getting only every day better (much better than Russian -Turk relations will ever be) While Iranian bots want Russia to start WW3 to kick out US and Turks out of Syiria so that they cen PRETEND TO BE SOME REGIONAL POWER.


1. Russia and Turkey enjoy the best relationship in a long time. 2. Iran doesn’t have a “great relationship” with Turkey, it’s a normal relationship. 3. Turkey never targeted Iranian forces or iranian equipment in Syria. They did however hit a palestinian group backed by Iran once in Syria but that is because they were embedded with Syrian forces. 4. You are right, these are not Turkish backed jihadis that are attacking the Russians and Turkish convoys but Turkish backed group has lost like 80-90% of Idlib to HTS (Al Qaeda) so Turkish influence is minimal and they are irrelevant. The only reason Russia puts up with Turkey is to divide Turkey and NATO.


1. Statement based on what ? Russia and Turkey were never in good relations and they never will be. This “marriage” is strictly out of mutual interest and nothing else!

Putin has offered some missiles to sell (in public) even to Trump. Does that mean that US in the best relations ever with Russia (also)?

2. Iran and Hezbollah are NOT helping SAA in fight in Idlib at all ! (that is my proof that Iran is in excellent relations with Turkey. And what is yours proof to confirm your own words if you have one at all?)

3.What sleazy comment! Turk missile hit Iranian(Turks KNEW it is Iranian) facility with Iranian and pro-Iranian forces inside. I have no way to verify how many were Palestinians and how many were Iranians wounded and dead. Many were dead!

The Iranian reaction (in words) on incident was very strong and full of threats towards Turkey. But ever since NOTHING happened (except those EMPTY WORDS )

4.Unfortunately I must agree with you in this last point completely. I am afraid that you are right . I would never trust Turkey in anything, I hope that Russians know what are they doing.


1. Turkish and Russian trade volume is around 60-70 billion USD all the while Putin and Erdogan vowed in late 2019 to increase trade to 100 billion by 2022. Turkey is also a massive exporter to Russia and Turkey benefits a lot from Russian turism. Not only do both enjoy a good economic relation but militarily also.

Russia has begun selling advanced systems to Turkey all the while involving them in different kind of “Peace initiatives” both in Libya and Syria. Not only that but Turkish and Russian forces constantly cooperate in Syria both militarily and with the intelligence agencies exchanging significant information with one another. Every good relationship is based on mutual interests… A good relationship is not defined by one way interests!

2. Correct, Iran and Hezbollah has not fought in Idlib (Not due to Turkish relationship to Iran but due to Hezbollah serving as security forces in Syria, not a spearhead offensive force). However, Iranian backed forces have joined the Tiger forces on Syrian front lines but as I said, they do not engage directly with Turkey. And you made the claim that they enjoy “Excellent relationship” with Turkey, the burden of proof is on you.

They have low economic trade turnover with one another, they never share intelligence with each other and their militaries do not cooperate. However a few months ago, Turkey striked Kurdish forces and Iran helped them locate them so theres that. Also, there are many areas where Turkish and Iranian interests align but they never cooperate so theres absolutely nothing to suggest they have an “Excellent relationship”.

3. Show me evidence of that? Perhaps an article to confirm that Iranians were targeted. I have never seen any article that says Turkey did any such thing, perhaps I missed it but I don’t know. Provide me with an article or anything that would confirm this.


1Do you have source for that to confirm the claim? PROOF PLEASE with years visible than talk numbers! The rest of your gibberish my dear Iranian I will not even comment. It is not that Russian trade with Turkey now is excessive and goes over the top. Including tourists.

They always had lots of exchange In Libiya and in Syria Russians are on OPPOSITE SIDE of the Turkey interests so what the hell are you talking about?!? They try to co exist not to enter in confrontation and that is “proof ” for what?!! That they don’t want war? Woooa why would they try not to start the war???!

2. I was not asking you for your FALSE EXCUSES and false stories that I do not buyI just want to establish the FACT that they are not helping SAA at all any longer ! Ha ! So you are CONFIRMING my own words and asking me for EXTRA PROOF?!

“they do not engage directly with Turkey.” Yes they don’t shoot even Turk RATS terrorists let alone Turks!

I never go in Turk bedroom and I can’t check if Iran is inside – but everything indicates that they are inside Turk bedroom !

So you dismiss the fact that they do not shoot at Turk terrorists as something minor and without importance and REVITALIZE everything to the max! You are professional Iranian bot in my eyes unlike Zionist-EVIL who is just bigmouth jingoist liar. 3. You are doing it AGAIN ! You were talking about the same incident except that you were claiming that they were “pro-Iranian” Palestinians. That was the situation when Turk troops were entering Syria in huge numbers and have used their drones for the 1st time in Syria ! The result was that SAA has lost quite lot soldiers and some tanks, but Iran had serious losses also! I am sure that many people can remember that situation also. It was not minor incident and Russia had to stop Turk F-16 to assist Turk drones against SAA. Even Hezbollah have had lost quite few fighters.

Jens Holm

Why dont You look Yourself. Dont You have internet.

I take a random: https://tradingeconomics.com/turkey/exports-to-russia

But I think @Inc2Get dont relate well to “other things”. One is lack of Tourisme to Turkery another is investments in Turkey and arms sales has lowered. And in GDP loans for buing S400s also count.


It was his claim , his numbers so he could at least provide link. It is not too much to ask for fuck sake. Charts you have provided CONFIRMS my claim that exchange with Turkey is going back to NORMAL . So nothing extraordinary ! But he wants to use regular trade as some proof. My “proof” is that Iran doesn’t fight against Turkey or their terrorist allays and he has confirmed that himself so I do not need extra proof as confirmation.

trade exchange between Russia and Turkey is within NORMAL with usual ups and downs !

Jens Holm

I agree in most of that. Iran has about the same problems with the Kurds in their corner. Here a minority of Kurds are very agressive and most of them not.

Servet Köseoğlu

1.There is no relationship Between Turkey and ”elena”..just business. Russians are greedy 3.rd level business-man who can sell ANYTHİNG for a few bucks.They are fussing up like old woman and showing-off their army,power who was donated with the help of Europen countries.They are tricking through their way lying and showing airy muscles.But time is the ultimate lie detector,you cant just fool it.Their motivations are trained with greed and hatred. Even in this forum south-front you should understand,feel the arrogance that puts such steel in their voice.ps:russia cant divide Turkey and Nato but he can dream..its free..

Jens Holm

Turkey in Syria and Iraq are their private agenda and not supported by Nato. Turks hardly can get any repairs to their military forces.

Nato also are not in Syria at all. You vertainly are infected or are not allowed to know.

USA, France and UKs are in Syria.

NATO are asked in by the shiit Bagdad Goverment to help them fight ISIS which came out of hand. They also give dayli help to make good Iraqian forces.

Here USA has its own agenda against Iran but Iran dont see that, because they bobarded us in Nato invited by Bagdads with Ballistics.

Now learn. I am so tired writing, what You are misinformed or even worse about.

Jens Holm

Russia do as theit agenda says and not what You think and hope for.

They keep Assads safe in the seat to have bases and influence there. The rest is own turf for Assads.

Its much better for Russia to have the reduced “real Syria”. Its smaller, more homegene with no Turkmen and Kurds.

They also has accepted that USA has “their” part even maybee half of the oil and has for the pay to Russia is there. Its accepted because they have no choise.

Iran – whois Iran. Astana is Sotji with no moskitos

Kenny Jones ™

If you think Iran used even 1% of its power in Idlib you’re mistaken, very obvious Turkish bot


ha ha ha ha after being called “Turkish bot” I can be called anything now! If I was “Turkish bot ” I would immediately have Zionist EVIL here offering me his services of cheap prostitute like he does to all Turks making them compliments and offering to them all ‘they need’ Anyways I am only pro-Putin, pro-Russia “Turkish bot”I know so far.

Porc Halal

and all this in the name of financial income from economic and military agreements that could end up being too unprofitable for the Russian side to be worth the effort …


Putin is a weakling and is a danger to the Russian Federation as events in Belarus are unfolding. He is not in a position to challenge Turkey.

Fleecing Rabbi

Putin is our man. Mazal Tov!


Putin is wise man for not trusting ANYBODY ever (Iran included) He is KGB that is in his blood and Russia plays nice with everybody till they show true colors

No Iranian fighters to support SAA in Idlib. That is the fact ! Friendship with Turkey is stronger than “friendship” with Assad.

Ashok Varma

A hasbara troll would say that.


your Hindy mommy would ask her Muslim friend for more love She would say: I want your big Muslim ***** up my arse ! She ”would say that”.


You are Turd so your opinion on Putin is of no big importance. Russia can wipe away Turkey if ever was forced to do it

Ashok Varma

Putin is getting very unpopular in Russia too.


Ha ha ha Turk and Hindu brotherhood well in that case Putin is doomed for real !

Rhodium 10

The problem is that Russia dont have on ground to retake M4 the IRGC army or the Houttis…they have the SAA and NDF…which have poor equipment, bad training, and full of useless conscripts!..only Tiger Forces is a reliable force to fight HTS but nothing else! and it is not enough.

Zionism = EVIL

Very good analysis. The SAA is a typical Arab conscript military, with a few good units like the old Tiger Forces and the 4th Armored Republican Guards led by Maher al Assad who can fight aggressively, the rest seem passive and poorly led. The biggest strategic mistake was when Putin stopped the Iranian and Hezbollah offensive that was on the verge of success in Idlib. With Russia playing footsie with Erdogan, Iranian militias have moved on to clearing Deir Azzor and Eastern Euphrates.


We can all see how much Deir Azzor and Eastern Euphratesare “cleared” thanks Iran, ha ha ha ISIS is runing all over the place!

Jens Holm

Those are not cleared at all. Many systematicly has spread too much and lost even big wars. Hitler did.

All agree Hitler as a minimu lost faster forgetting keep.


Tiger Forces is enough, they have been enough since 2015, they have made vast strides and captured 60% of Syria alone. Russia is the one holding them back.


So it is always only “Russia” guilty? And whose initiative was to create Tigers, whose special forces have trained Tigers?! Iranians maybe? No Russians!

Russia was ALWAYS supporting Tigers from very start including general H.S. ! It was Russian special forces who accompanied Tigers in their first actions ! It was Russian bombs clearing the way for them! You all pro Iranians are only criticizing Russia for just about anything that is absolutely sickening.

Where is Iran now to support SAA in Idlib if you are so anti-Turkey? There are no Iranians at all ! ZERO ! Kissing Turk ass! That is your battle field now.


Lol I don’t support Iran. All I’m saying is, this whole mess could’ve been resolved back in 2018 if Russia had not initiated “peace talks” and stalling. Yes, Russia basically saved Syria but the war isn’t over and people are getting tired of this BS. They just want to live.


You certainly doesn’t sound like that. There is also category of “useful idiot” and all categories enbetween. Talking anti Russian is pro NATO by definition or pro Iran when it comes to Syria.

So Russia is ” stopping” Syria from getting liberated? While Iran is busy kissing Turk ass?

Why don’t SAA can’t get rid of the ISIS at least than? Why can’t they do something on Arab resistance to US-Kurd occupation ?

Iraq obviously can, so why is it so impossible for SAA and local Arab tribes?

Again Russia stopping everybody?! Again Iran contribution to Idlib liberation is at ZERO yet everybody keeps accusing Russia about love story with Turkey. Strange!


Hahaha dude chill. I’m not Anti Russian, matter of fact, I mean more Pro Russian than most westerners. I don’t support Iran, nor the Mullahs. Iran was the one who taught the jihadis in Palestine how to build tunnels which in turn Hamas taught the Jihadis in Syria. Iran also directly cooperates with the Talibans. I’m not a big fan of Iran, actually hate the government but that doesn’t mean I’m blind to Russian foreign affair of ignorance. For instance, The war in Ukraine was questionable at best according to be but Russia acted upon seeing a NATO backed coup which I agree that is perhaps the right decision from Russian perspective because NATO would deploy Nukes in Ukraine towards Russia. So now that Russia got Crimea, the war in Ukraine serve no purpose at all. Why is the wall still ongoing?

Zelinsky made a public statement saying he would grant amnesty for all Donbass and Lughansk and Donetsk fighters, so why didn’t Russia accept this and instead kept the war going? Because Russia looks out for Russia. Same thing in Libya, Russia could’ve acted when NATO invaded the country and destroyed it but didn’t.

Same thing in Syria now. Russia helped a lot from 2015-2018 in Syria, defeating ISIS, taking back important Syrian cities and helping Syria capture more than 70% of Syria. But now, for 2 years the war is going nowhere. The inaction from all sides is nothing more than a pain in the ass. Russia is better than NATO and western countries so I expect more from Russia than the imperialists in NATO. I want Russia to be better because they have stood on the right side of history since the cold war.

Fog of War

Putin is not in Syria to win. He has two main purposes. 1) To prevent the Jihadis from getting too powerful and Turning on Israhell or other US puppets. 2) To prevent the Syrians from actually winning and finishing the war. The war will be dragged out till Syria agrees to the NEW UN/ Zio designed constitution.


ha ha ha ha how could I be angry at such extremely stupid idiot accusing Russia of supporting terrorism to DEFEND CREATORS AND SPONSORS of TERRORISM ISRAEL like any terrorist has EVER attacked Israel! nobody can be as stupid as you NOBODY! You are Master of stupidity Faggot of War !

Jens Holm

Russia do fight all johadist they can in Russia – and not only the Tjetjenian ones. Russia are a kind of neutral to Israel and by that also dont support Jihasist against Israel. Russia certainly dint support Hesbollah and Iran and their version of terrorisme or close to.

The Russians have their own agenda in Syria. Its keeping Assads in power, so they can have a good stepstone there. Its one of few successes, they now has two good bases and one with a much improved harbour as well as several othe rsmall strongpoints as well as they are advicers for Assad.

I can only see the result for now is a very big step back for Assads. They have lost a lot of errain to Turks as well as SDFs has remained as “non enemies”. Russia has had no succes in making any kind of unification with the SDFs because Assads dont dare to give them even a milimater of normal selfrule, which make normal progress in so many countries.

So Golan is after that mistake, where they lost Afrin by totally stubberness by Assads. Russians made years of negodiations with them. Why should YPG having peace there and many refugees fedendig the area well asgainst Turkmen and other terrorsists go back, be unarmed and join Assads.

That was what Assads demanded. The old Damaskus officies should be opened a before and the YPG soldiers should be soldiers of SAA, where they dont have the same agenda as well as the YPGin their own light weight style are not the stupid low educated forced Assad infantery.

So it became NO WAY and Turks by proxis took it and many from there were expelled or evacuated.

Before that YPG fighted hard to unite SDF by taking Al Bab. They got no support from Assads, NONE and not even some few grenades by the Assad artillery nearby. Instead Assads advanced well covered behind the YPG lines as freebees.

You can say it was a clever decission by YPG to try to Take Al Bab from east and west not even supported by the mainly US airforce.

But here Assads could have moved them closer connected to Assads and away from the americans. By that YPG got soanked hard by both even they killed many from ISIS as well as many of their own died,

Israel will never give up Golan no matter what Neocolonialistic borders was made by UK and France. 2 wars against them with overwhelming power has shown, te lines there are permanent well defendent lines as well as Assads dont deserve that part at all. The bordes was random made as well.


Why do you attack Russia than? Russia is only democratic country defending some traditional values against West going completely mad.It is extremly difficult for Russia to resist so many enemies without any support or anybody to trust. So they do the best they can (even if sometimes far from good)

“Zelinsky made a public statement saying he would grant amnesty for all” He can’t grant even that he will wake up next morning as president let alone an “amnesty”. That man is US puppet and powerless president. Also all that story about “amnesty” is ploy just to get the control over the territory and once they have it They would immediately start producing accusations of “war crimes” and false witnesses to put as many fighters in prison as possible or to force them to run away to Russia and never return. So step by step they would get rid of all who took weapons in their hands leaving only old people in the region.

Excuse my French “Fuck the right side of history”

That doesn’t pay the bills and doesn’t feed the Russian people

Normal country should always take care of her interests above all. Russia doesn’t have friends in Syria.

Russia supports Assad as SECULAR president while Iran supports Assad only as Shia Muslim representative. I am sure that under normal conditions Russia would want to have Sunni representative (of Syrian majority) but today Assad doesn’t have alternative. The “inaction” is “pain in the ass” because you want amusement while Russia has some other prosaic objectives which you don’t understand? That is exactly what is all about: Nobody is suppose to know what is Russia doing and why!

They don’t wan to let the enemy know their game.

Jens Holm

I more or less aree. The Russians has their own agenda and probatly a lack of capasity. Their “good ideas” for sol´ving the things in Syria and the other places there dont do it.

I am sure Trump is laughing making a new front in the SDF zone. Trump seemes not need something to laugh about:(

Rhodium 10

Man…Hezbollah retake Saraqib and village around it in just one night…SAA would have needed no less than a week and with masive air support.


Are you saying that Tigers are not good?!? That is far too exaggerated to even start a conversation.

Jens Holm

Its the complements around them, which too often has low quality. Its a very limited ressource.

Tempting to compare with the Tzars as well as YPG/SDF.

The Tzars has the best Kavallery in the whole world by feudal sons. But when they died by cleaning and killing many from Germany and Austra-Hungary, they were impossible to replace.

Its the same for Kurds. Many as a start was exelent vetrans form both sides of the borders and did very well. They even was upgraded by USA, but a little by little those hardheaded veterans died and the replacers are second class compred to them. The good thing is, there are many – sometimes forced – replacers. But thay aré not operating as bright in guerilla mode anymore – they cant.

Assad are typical bad soldiers because they have bad commanders and are raised as not thinking by themselves or only thinking for their own benefit. Most of them even are catched in hard corruption as well.

General show it. The ones direct in the front doing direct visible command are relative good ones, but being in the front do, thay too often gets killed. In the o¨ther par there are Generals, which has no idea about warfare and whats going on.

YPG is strong because they are raised having many small and relative independent Leaders which act fast and well.

When ISIS took Palmyra hopefully for the last time, the replament troops arriving didnt repair the defence lines, because no one ordered them to. If it was normal troops they by auto would say : This is no war position for defence and dig and ragin barricades.

There was the armed repacement and the milisia infantery. Normally those fight together and help each other. But here none ordered that as well. The socalled real troops felt themselves about those low class milisias, so when ISIS attacked well covered in a well annonced sandstorm, both armed groups could not defend themselves well.

As I recall it the Assad troop leftovers retreated or fleed 50 kilomater west to an old airbase and ISIS took about 30 armed vehicles and a lot of weapons and supply.

I allow me to add that the good troops, which actually was there before them was moved anywhere else. Keep wasnt the plan – or what. It was stupidity which was the plan.

Rhodium 10

I said that Tigers are good but not enough


OK mr. expert we do not agree

Damien C

Is someone taking the piss with the RPG claim?

That is a BTR80 it weighs nearly 14 tons An RPG may damage it or penetrate its armour if the correct contact is made but its not going to lift it 6 feet in the air! Thats a Syrian road seperation concrete devider they are 4 1/2 feet high that BTR was lifted into the air its wheels clearing the devider and landed down on top of it.

A BTR80 wheel is 30 inches 2 1/2 feet top to bottom that one is only half way down the wall for perspective look at the soldiers at bottom of picture against wall No RPG can lift that weight that distance and that height


If you look at the road surface there is what looks like a impact spot,i would say land mine or radio controlled IED.

Zionism = EVIL

My initial estimate was a radio controlled IED. The Turks are in constant communication with their headchopper proxies.


radio controlled IED by Iranians to throw a bone between Turks and Russians while they innocently watch

Fleecing Rabbi

Good job for us.


that IED can be anybody from US, NATO, IsraHell terrorists etc. etc.

ANYBODY could be behind that attack because all they have their motive to piss Russians off!

Zionism = EVIL

As I had posted a week ago and now confirmed by both Russian and Iranian media:

Iran and Russia conclude various defence agreements.

Moscow (11:25 P.M.) -Iranian Defense Minister General Amir Hatami stated that Tehran and Moscow have set a precise program to strengthen defense relations, after the illegal arms embargo imposed on his country was lifted almost unanimously by the UNSC with only an isolated US and Dominican Republic objecting.

In an interview with Russian and Iranian media, Brigadier General Hatami said that important discussions were held with the Russian side in the fields of regional and international cooperation and military relations. The Iranian defense chief was filmed inspecting the S-400 system, which is believed to be one of the first weapons that the Islamic Republic will be acquiring once the arms embargo expires in October. Other Russian arms deliveries expected are SU-30 and YAK-130 aircraft, T-90 tanks and latest coastal defence and SAM systems.

The Iranian Minister of Defense confirmed that he was briefed on the most important Russian military achievements during his visit to Moscow


The Iranians actually have the manpower to make a difference on the ground in Syria if they had the will to deploy them,they could roll right over those turks and terrorists and liberate Idlib,the SAA must be very tired after years of combat,look at what the Cubans did in Angola against the Apartheid Nazis,they shipped thousands of Cuban troops, tanks,jet fighter aircraft air defence systems and long range rockets and heavy long range artillery,that was the end for the Apartheid forces,this could be done in Syria,this is where they were stopped in Angola.https://youtu.be/mfrcjKr96TA?t=119

Zionism = EVIL

Iran is in a process of rearming and reorganizing the regular army (Artesh) into smaller high tech rapid deployment units and will be sending more manpower to regional allies. It will take another six months or so. The allied militias are now in a massive recruitment drive as well as mostly Sunni tribes are joining in with SAA. Hezbollah is now also at a manpower peak. The policy will be coordinated with Russia and after the Americunt selection farce is over.

Jens Holm

Thats mainly total lies. You even expect the enemies will be sitting passive on their hands:)

Telling a restructuring only will take 6 months even prepared for years is barking madness.

Is it those ancient minijets or upgrading T70s. Well that too.

The difference is how to fight different being organized better. Thats not in the Iranian minds as long as Qaum is running things.

Jens Holm

Iran has no logistics as well as armed forces to do such things at all. What they have hardly even would arrive to Idlib.

If they attacked Turkey, they would meet the Turkish armed forces well prepared for own defence. It might look like the slaughtering with Saddam, when he attaced them – noth ways.

So go on. You might be supported by right wings here in Europe. There motto is, that as long as You kill each other there, Youwill not come here.


So what are you telling me the Iranians don’t have ships and aircraft to transport forces to Syria? Bollocks!!! if the Cubans could do it the Iranians can.

Jens Holm


Ashok Varma

India is also receiving the S-400.


There you are! HINDUS hate MUSLIMS and terrorize them in Kashmir !

Ashok Varma

You are one of the most stupid hasbara trolls yet! Now get lost.


So it is “Hasbara” to SAY TRUTH huh? Don’t you kill Muslims in Kashmir and Pakistani soldiers al the time? It is in the news all the time! If they are liars than I am also!

Jens Holm

It has no relations to those missiles and other stuff.

India dont need weapons for that. If anything they need political changes and replace the rabiate hindus.

Jens Holm

He is not asvanced an by that a troll. Dont underestimate Your enemy.

Jens Holm

Again no information has reached You. They buy new stuff against Chinese in Kashmirs.


you “had posted a week ago “SU-35;SU-57, S-400 ( Bastion’) coastal defenses” For people who understand jack shit on weapons that is the same But for any other person who knows basics you are jingoist liar ! And on top you are not even embarrassed now to claim that you were saying the same. Which confirms that you are liar and person without any decency who can not be trusted.


you are LIAR ! you have posted that Iran is buying “SU-35, SU-57, S-400, coastal defense, and T-90” now you are changing again you are full of shit as usual


The turds are responsible,but russia is also to blame for that stupid ceasefire,what are they waiting for more dead Russians?


Give the effing ANSWER please! What is to be done? What would you do? To whom Russia can trust and for whom Russia should fight? Behind this diversion could be literally anybody! How the hell can you be so sure that it is Turds?: Just because you don’t like them or you are some Greek NATO bot throwing a bone? Plenty of countries would be interested to do this not only Turds!

Servet Köseoğlu

AK-47s for everyone. (All hail!)…you cant erase emotions….

Fleecing Rabbi

Meshuggenah Turkie?

Servet Köseoğlu

boys screamed,girls screamed..so ı made him scream and scream and scream..you can not erase emotions…

Fleecing Rabbi

Girls should scream.

Servet Köseoğlu

fortunately they can

Fleecing Rabbi

Turkeys killing Ruskies MAZAL TOV! our plan is working.


Do you speak now as yourself (Iranian ) or as Jew terrorists because those words can come from both sides easily. I know that both sides are on Russian side in public at least as long as Russia doesn’t turn their back

Lazy Gamer

Wut? lol Israel does not have any ground presence in Idlib. Maybe in Daraa or SDF areas. Even the perpetrators are silent, you must be talking out of your ass. Is this Israeli arrogance or false flag/hasbara psy ops? Lets assume the two go to war. You think it will be limited in idlib? There are a number of fronts waiting to explode. Other parties(including Israel) will stand to lose in some of their interests.


he is not talking ‘out of his ass’

he is just Iranian and all that was suppose to be sarcastic. I find him very boring

Lazy Gamer

Schrodinger’s dillemna then. Was the rabbi sarcastic or not? ? But judging from past posts, the evidence points to a behavior that does not seem sarcastic but rather delusional patriotic or trolling(talking out of his ass).


Lets agree to disagree Everything I ever said critical about Iran or Iranian bots he would down vote. What kind of “rabbi” is that?!

So from the same “past posts” I have opposite conclusion, he is not Jew but pretending to be Jew.

Hi is Iranian

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re right he is a fake, and there’s plenty others too, but most of the other trolls are usually Turks pretending to be Jews, so are you sure he’s not really Turkish, I suspect he’s more likely a Turk than Iranian,

“Turkeys killing Ruskies MAZAL TOV! our plan is working”

That something a Turk would be more likely to say to stir up trouble.


Why would a Turk go that far to cover his identity with false trail and down vote something that is not in Turk interest? They never do that, they lack the sophistication and any subtlety.

I was critical of Iran’s (I am only one doing that here) non action and non support for SAA when it comes to Idlib and he would down vote me immediately together with other usual Iranian “supporters”. The way I see it he is one of them. On top, see the number of up-votes he has, with his idiotic comments (those up-votes are rigged to the max – he is true pro bot)

Just check the comments which he down votes and if others who down vote together with him are pro Iran (like Zionist EVIL, and not usual Turk names) than make conclusion for yourself…

Why would Turk ever down vote my criticizing of absence of Iranian support for SAA in Idlib ? You have your own intelligence and i am sure that if you follow the game carefully you will know exactly who is who maybe much better than I do

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m not sure about the guy you’re having a beef with but all the other trolls with Jewish avatars are definitely paid for Turkish trolls, there’s at least 3 or maybe 4 of them. No Iranian would say this,

“Turkeys killing Ruskies MAZAL TOV! our plan is working”

but it’s something a Turkish troll would say to stir up trouble on a pro Russian site.

You’re not alone when it comes to being critical of Iran, I also have a different opinion to the mainstream, they were a great help right up until the end of 2018 but now they do nothing but cause Syria trouble, so I want them out altogether now, they’re nearly as bad as the US and Turkey as far as I’m concerned.


Look to be perfectly honest i don’t care about that troll. He is an asshole and if he is Turk than he is most definitely an asshole! I am glad not to be only one to be critical about Iran though. The less they were fighting the more they were bitching against Russia. And today situation is becoming absurd! Nobody knows what the fuck those people do in Syria because they are not helping obviously

So what the hell is their excuse to stay in Syria ‘cui bono’ in this situation? Definitely not Assad and Syria! Syria is MAJORITY SUNNI COUNTRY so what excuse Iran has to stay and poison the atmosphere? Maybe local Sunni would make peace with Assad without so many Shia foreigners there?

Troubled Syria only has problems with US and IsraHell because of them and no fucking use or their help at all !

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They need a return of investment now that’s why they’re still there, all the deals Rami Maalouf setup for Iran are designed to return Iran’s financial investments as quickly as possible, but hopefully Assad starts treating those lopsided deals the same way he just treated Rami.


”The ceasefire reached by Ankara and Moscow on March 5th has largely held”: What does this mean? Shooting an RPG is no ceasefire

Servet Köseoğlu

There is no one seriously injured..hopefully..at the end of the day we are firstly-aiding our ”brothers”.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/50a6a4241407979fb39d5c4a9342b0db1848ef22d04c05dbb91007f9cfa34643.jpg

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Turks are taking flak from everyone now, Assad’s stalling on the small table talks and delaying the rewriting of the constitution, HTS is politically taking over most of the territory that the Turkish backed factions once controlled, and now even their own proxy forces are attacking them and their Russian counterparts while they’re trying to reopen the highway, so in actual fact the only people that are really on Erdogan and Turkey’s side are the Russians. If you think that Russia helping the Turks reopen the M4 is a good thing then think again, it’s not a good thing at all, it’s in fact just about the most harmful thing that could happen now. Most Americans/westerners are totally blind to the truth about Syria but sadly they’re not alone, the pro Russian supporters are just as ignorant when it come to their own sides disloyal behaviour, imagine being so brainwashed that you’d somehow believe that reopening the M4 would be a positive thing for anyone except for the Turks and their terrorists stooges. Has Assad said even once that he wants the highway reopened, NO he hasn’t, and HTS doesn’t want the highway reopened either, and even the Turkish backed terrorists don’t want it reopened, just the Turks and Russians want it reopened, mmm, so are there any guess as to why none of these opposing groups want the highway reopened, the Syrian government, HTS, Turkish backed terrorists, but Russia and Turkey do want it reopened, resolution 2254 is the answer.

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