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Russian Warnings About NATO’s Nuclear Escalation Should Be Taken Very Seriously

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Russian Warnings About NATO's Nuclear Escalation Should Be Taken Very Seriously

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Earlier this week, I argued that NATO’s latest actions in Ukraine (and beyond) are tantamount to a declaration of war on Russia. Attacks on Moscow’s strategic assets, particularly early warning radar stations, as well as Stoltenberg’s openly declared support for long-range strikes on Russia using NATO-sourced weapons, make it quite clear what the political West is planning to do. Men like Jens Stoltenberg are certainly not making any real decisions, but serve mostly as glorified spokespeople. However, his threats to the Kremlin finally show the true intentions of the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel.  To make matters worse, the latest statements of actual leaders of NATO countries show that the political West is desperate to prevent the Neo-Nazi junta’s defeat by raising the stakes to a direct confrontation with Moscow (i.e. WW3).

This leaves Russia with no choice but to be prepared for any eventuality. It recently held military exercises involving simulated usage of tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs). This is quite important, as the Kremlin owns not just the world’s most powerful strategic arsenal, but also fields the largest number of TNWs, including nuclear shells for its unrivaled artillery formations. Thus, if you thought Russian artillery couldn’t possibly be scarier than it is already, think for a second that this only relates to its conventional capabilities. So, when President Vladimir Putin says “you still haven’t seen anything”, that’s exactly how it should be interpreted. And normal people surely wouldn’t want to see such escalation. However, as the political West keeps sinking into utter madness, we cannot expect its leaders to conduct realpolitik and make sensible decisions.

On the other hand, while Russian leadership previously tried maintaining contact to avoid a disaster of global proportions, it now realizes that this is not only futile, but also counterproductive, if not even self-defeating. Accustomed to invading largely helpless opponents (think of a grown man barging into a kindergarten and punching preschool children), NATO has become completely detached from reality. Although it’s now after a near-peer adversary (the same analogy, just instead of those preschool kids you have a giant MMA fighter), the belligerent alliance still lives in the illusion that it’s vastly superior and that it will prevail. This is forcing Moscow not to engage in dialogue (as previously mentioned, it would be pointless), but to openly talk about the possibility of nuclear war with the United States and NATO.

Historically, the Kremlin always tried to keep talks about it behind closed doors, as is customary for those still honoring diplomatic etiquette. However, as the political West’s concept of foreign policy is now equivalent to banditry and piracy, this too has become futile. This is why Russia is now warning about NATO’s preparations for nuclear war. According to the Russian military and intelligence services, the belligerent alliance is secretly engaged in military exercises that involve preparations for potential nuclear strikes on Russia. Army General Vladimir Kulishov, First Deputy Director of the FSB and Head of its Border Service, actually said so in a recent interview. This includes not only a massive increase in NATO’s activity around Russia’s borders, but also the aforementioned nuclear drills that the belligerent alliance is trying to conceal.

“Near the Russian border, NATO’s reconnaissance activities are increasing, the intensity of operational combat training of the alliance’s troops is growing, during which scenarios for conducting combat operations against the Russian Federation, including the launch of nuclear strikes on our territory, are being worked out,” General Kulishov said in an interview with RIA Novosti, adding: “The situation requires taking appropriate steps to protect and secure our borders.”

Many in the political West might ignore or even outright reject his words, but it seems the Russian general didn’t even need to say anything, as EU/NATO leaders themselves are effectively confirming this virtually every day. Namely, after French President Emmanuel Macron supported the usage of NATO-sourced long-range weapons against Russia, US President Joe Biden joined the chorus of those who suddenly want to blow up the world. It should be noted that, although a mere formality at this point, this marks a disturbing change in rhetoric. While Washington DC previously tried maintaining a level of “plausible deniability”, it’s now openly talking about strikes on a country with the world’s largest thermonuclear arsenal. As second only to Russia in terms of its own strategic weapons, the US has a huge responsibility.

However, instead of being far more careful in its statements and actions, the belligerent thalassocracy is doing the opposite. President Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov have been warning against such behavior for years and continue to do so even now. Unfortunately, such sensible messages seem to fall on deaf ears. Worse yet, NATO not only keeps ignoring this, but is escalating attacks on Russian early warning systems through its Neo-Nazi puppets in Kiev. Such systems play no role in Moscow’s military operations in Ukraine, meaning that the Kiev regime certainly wouldn’t be bothering to use its forces and resources, already spread far too thin across the collapsing frontlines, for such attacks – unless ordered to do so by its puppet masters in the halls of power in Washington DC and, to a lesser extent, Brussels.

Obviously, NATO’s motivation to do this would be to diminish Russia’s ability to detect and track potential nuclear strikes. However, the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel seems to have forgotten about Moscow’s “Perimeter” (known in NATO as the “Dead Hand”) system that ensures retaliation even in the case that the entire Russian leadership is killed in a possible “decapitation strike” that the Pentagon has been openly talking about in recent years. In addition, the Kremlin’s world-class nuclear submarines also ensure deterrence even if the Eurasian giant ceased to exist. Its eight Borei-class SSBNs each carry 16 R-30 “Bulava” SLBMs, while every missile is armed with up to ten 150 kt thermonuclear MIRV warheads. To put that into perspective, the Hiroshima bomb was 15 kt. Do the math.


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russland ist ein großes land und groß genug um die expansionistischen pläne aufzugeben und die barbarischen truppen aus der ukraine abzuziehen sonst wird zuletzt teuer dafür bezahlen.


die nato ist ein so großes militärbündnis und jetzt schon groß genug, dass es die ukraine nicht auch noch zu ihrer expansion nach osten aufnehmen muss, sonst?


all die osteuropäischen länder haben selbst die nato-mitgliedschaft in nato und eu beantragt so wie zuletzt finnland und schweden es getan haben. jedes land das legitime recht, sich eine bündismitgliedschaft auszusuchen. daher kann man sowas mit so einen barbarischen expansionskrieg nicht vergleichen.

jens holm

thats right.

it make sense to copy or join people, which at least make many things better.


all die osteuropäischen länder haben selbst die nato-mitgliedschaft in nato und eu beantragt so wie zuletzt finnland und schweden es getan haben. jedes land hat das legitime recht, sich eine bündismitgliedschaft auszusuchen. daher kann man sowas mit so einen barbarischen expansionskrieg nicht vergleichen.

Allahists are Nazis

viel bla bla, paar stehsätze und floskeln. genau unsere transatlantiker. keines dieser länder ist beigetreten, weil die wàhler es wollten. es waren die von schwab und co. gepushten und bezahlten politiker, welche die erweiterung durchgezogen haben, um endlich den großen krieg gegen russland anfangen zu können. wollt ihr den totaaalen krieeeg? sie schreien schon in extase, wie ijre vorfahren anno 1943

jens holm

you ignores the changes fx not only deuthland as bundestate but the rest of too.

i see no extase but holding back. russia many times has told germany is weak in military matter too.

and it was not the grosse krieg as againt ussr at all.

ww2 starts in 1939 and until 1941 were more friends with hitler then any.

jens holm

thats no expansion. ussr collapsed it.

as usual the important trade is never mentiond even it has going on since russia began exporting corn.

ukraine and belarus was ment as buffers. none of them should be parts of nato and eu. ignored by russia as well.

jens holm

they should wait from 1917 and forever. none were asked but got evil father or mother.

and the borders are decided by ussr. dont blame others for that.


today marks the 10th anniversary of kiev’s terrorist air attack on the center of lugansk. 8 civilians, 5 women and 3 men were killed. no military targets in sight, this was pure terrorism and the beginning of the end for project ukraine.

remember inna kukuruza… hers may well be the face that ultimately ends in the launching of a thousand icbms. if the west is wise, it’ll allow the avenging to run its course, without further provocations that end in nuclear war.

Last edited 4 months ago by Armadillo

russland ist ein großes land und groß genug um die expansionistischen pläne aufzugeben und die barbarischen truppen aus der ukraine abzuziehen sonst wird zuletzt teuer dafür bezahlen.

Ru should Arm The Houthis

im gegenteil, ihr pfeifen werdet teuer dafür bezahlen. und ihr habt schon damit angefangen: die brd hat billige zuverlässige energiequelle verloren, einen grossen treuen markt verloren, und dafür bezahlt ihr losers noch milliarden und milliarden and militaerhilfe an die ukraine (dieses geld werdet ihr deepen nie wieder bekommen, aber was ihr bekommen werdet sind mehr asylbewerber aus der ua). ihr nazis hatte schon 2 weltkriege verloren, und nun die dritte steht vor der tuer. arschloch sau

Last edited 4 months ago by Ru should Arm The Houthis
jens holm

another russian version.

next time i hope you use harpo marx. i didnt speak much


another retarded version.

next time i hope you use your mom. i didnt speak much

Crocus Shooters Executioner

i thank god each and every day for russia’s nuclear arsenal of godly justice!!! amen


no one is scared of russia and their threats.

if your gonna do something russia, then do it. otherwise just bend over for your zionist masters.

Nuke The Planet

don’t worry there will be a nuclear war and you and your family will most likely die right after the impact or shortly after from radiation poisoning. it’s time to start praying to whatever god you believe in and prepare for your final moment.


i’ve already resigned myself. too many morons in the us and eu begging for it.

jens holm

russia try to export umbrellas, sunglasses and icecreme to here.

United Paedos of Joe Biden

funny you say that with zionist dicks in your ass and mouth

Last edited 4 months ago by United Paedos of Joe Biden
United Paedos of Donald Trump

nobody is scared of paedophiles like you, unless they are defenceless children in iraq, syria, afghanistan, libya, yugoslavia, vietnam, korea and 80 other defenceless child like nations!!!

AM Hants

only idiots would say that. russia has more nuclear warheads than all of nato combined. russia also has hypersonics in active service, unlike and nato member. then there is the world’s best air defence system, that nato cannot penetrate and funnily enough, that is also russian. still at least luxemburg might send its forces to give ukraine a helping hand.


watch ‘the day after’……you will be. and those were only 1980’s nukes.

French Fries

russia needs to either preemptively strike the usa or ukraine to prevent global war. with the americans out of the way the world will be a lot safer for everyone. if this is too much to ask for russia and china then at least its time to use tactical nukes on ukraine and turn this failed nation into a permanent buffer zone. the other option will be for russia to wait until their own country will be in ashes and then complain about it.


the radar arrays being hit by ukraine allow russia to monitor aircraft at great distances. the ukrainians are preparing the battle field for the arrival of f-16s.although the f-16 is nuclear capable, this is not what ukraine will do with them. nato already has everything it needs to deliver nukes. what ukraine is doing in striking these radar arrays deep in russia is preparing the battle field for the arrival of the f-16. it is not assisting nato in blinding russia from strategic nukes.

US Empire Of Misery

nah they are actually going to nuke russia and break up their country if russia doesn’t act. people keep saying that nato is some kind of charity organization and would only give ukraine helmets and medical equipment. today nato is giving ukraine everything except for tactical nukes. tomorrow could be different. it’s time for russia to act or face the consequences. ukraine with the help of nato is already destroying targets deep in russia wake up.

jens holm now based

by now it’s already a hot war between nato and russia(+china). there is no way for nato to win an atomic duel with russia+china. ru should shoot first and ask questions later

jens holm

my new me ‘d wrote this 99%

jens holm

its not written by me

jens holm

who are you, why you keeps using my nik?

AM Hants

owing to nato, controlling the satellite that sent the information to ukraine, to hit the russian nuclear defence system, nato has declared war on russia. whatever they say, only they are too stupid to admit it. russia is wise and will nukes as a last resort, as she has many other options to cause just as much damage, but, without hurting the populations of her enemies. unlike the west, who would have no problems taking us all out.

jens holm

i hope so.


the radar arrays ukraine is striking allow russia to monitor aircraft at a great distance. ukraine is about to get f-16’s. it will use them to launch conventional weapons against the russian rear to frustrate russian logistics.


although the f-16 is nuclear capable, this is not what ukraine will do with them. nato already has everything it needs to deliver nukes. what ukraine is doing in striking these radar arrays deep in russia is preparing the battle field for the arrival of the f-16. it is not assisting nato in blinding russia from strategic nukes.

jens holm

thats right.

it was told with a smile they c o u l d be rebuild to nukes. c o u l d.

AM Hants

unlike russia, nato members do not have any decent nuclear defence systems and russia can hit us quicker than we can hit them. we are at war with russia, but, nobody has debated it and nobody have told there people. as they completely violate international war (the west).

United Paedos of Joe Biden

bahahahaha we ll see how the paedophile f-16s go in ukrainazia and if they fly at all!!!

Last edited 4 months ago by United Paedos of Joe Biden

one more failed wunderwaffe

AM Hants

have they sorted out the oxygen problems? remember when the pilots refused to fly the old toys?


i’m censored again. sf you do no one a favor by banning my input.

United Paedos of Donald Trump

funny how jimmy savile and jeffrey epstein like character always crying about censorship, when everybody knows only russians are being censored not united paedophiles of joe biden and united jimmy savile kingdom scums!!!

Last edited 4 months ago by United Paedos of Donald Trump

bottom line is that nato will not go first strike nuclear on russia. nato knows that mutually assured destruction remains guaranteed. this war will be decided with conventional arms.


this war’s already been decided with conventional arms. ukraine’s goose is cooked.

AM Hants

the guy in charge of the bbc at the time, moved over to the new york times. funny, how these people running things all have the same perversions in common.

Ru should Arm The Houthis

everyday 1500+ nazis demilitarized. soon there will be no more nazis to fight for the failed cia project called ukraine

Last edited 4 months ago by Ru should Arm The Houthis
jens holm

in which country?


there goes jens again, clicking his ruby red slippers three times and wishing upon a star.

AM Hants

when president putin launched the smo, it was to denazify and demilitarise ukraine. doing the same to nato has come as a bonus.


when ommission becomes a lie: look not further than this article. lord cameron initiated the current escalation asking to use brit missile on russian soil. his little shit dog macron followed with nato’s troop on the group.. meanwhile, neocons of the world repeated their bullshit, including baltic hyenas, blinken & stoltenberg.. all in grand scheme tp pull the usa into the conflict.. but it failed

jens holm

thats right. several states are slided by putin to something for something and blinken and leyden as well.

AM Hants

cameron, the bullingdon club member, together with the polish guy and boris. took us to war with libya, because gaddafi was going to dump the $us for the gold backed african dinar. he could not get permission for syria, but, was desperate to keep his mates happy there. so now the idiot, who nobody voted for, thinks he is man enough to take on russia. he should stick with the pig’s head, from his oxford days, rather than try and play with the adults.

jens holm

nato’s preparations for nuclear war dont exist and are russian made to make inernal fear.

i wonder how child abuse is in that too. how any belive german laws are replaced to nothing ??? the new ones was not good. b that they mainly are replaced to the old ones,

"R" the peace-WarrioR

mr. bosnic summarizes the almost whole context. but, those microns of radionuclides encircling the planet 138,000 feet, since 1950s atmospheric tests are not known to come down. but us-hegemon are repatriations for wars-invasions so stated military exports, is paying for chem-trails also contaminating alongside plastispheres nano-particles and hydrocarbons, microns–about making the first class space-ring around planet, ought be taken into consideration !

AM Hants

the 1% who want to erase at least 90% or us

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