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MARCH 2025

Russian Warplanes Are Now Using Guided Glide Bombs To Hit Targets In Ukraine

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Russian Warplanes Are Now Using Guided Glide Bombs To Hit Targets In Ukraine

Smart bombs K08BE (left) and K029BE (right), Source: GNPP Region.

The Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) have apparently begun to use guided glide bombs to hit high-value military targets in Ukraine.

On March 17, Russian sources shared a photo showing a K029BE guided glide bomb loaded on a warplane of the VKS, most likely a Su-34 fighter bomber, before a combat mission in Ukraine. The letter Z, one of the symbols of the ongoing Russian special military operation in Ukraine was painted on the bomb.

The K029BE, which entered service with the VKS in 2019, was developed by GNPP Region, a subsidiary of the Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV).

The smart bomb is guided via an INS [inertial navigation system], aided by a GLONASS satellite guidance system. The 1,525 kg bomb is armed with a 1,010 kg warhead that has a smart fuze with three detonation time-delay modes.

The bomb has a maximum range of 50 kilometers and can be dropped from an altitude of up to 15 kilometers. It has a CEP [circular error probable] of less than 10 meters.

A lighter version of the K029BE dubbed the K08BE also entered service with the VKS in 2019. This version weights 505 kg only with a 390 kg warhead. The K08BE has a range of 40 kilometers and can be dropped from an altitude of 14 kilometers.

The K029BE and K08BE were developed to allow VKS warplanes to engage and defeat high-value and highly-fortified targets from a stand-off distance. The guidance system of the bombs allows the pilots to fire-and-forget.

The use of guided glide bombs like the K029BE and K08BE will lower the losses of the VKS. Russian warplanes armed with these bombs will be able to attack their targets inside Ukraine without entering the range of Ukrainian air defense systems.


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Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Close the skies. I want WWIII. Throw the babies at the ruski tanks Save my ass, someone. Pretty please 💞 Im your best most honest most patriotic President ever 😈💯🍷

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC


Yamil Perez

We could use those high tech bombs to smoke out Palestinian children. Little hand rubbing intensifies…

Black Flag

UPAB-1500V = 1500 kg. That is big bad boy. Will make a big mess of anything it hits.

Last edited 2 years ago by Black Flag

How about those dug in and reinforced artillery placements and troop concentrations that have been blocking and tormenting Donetsk for the last eight years?

steven harry

hope they hit more Nazis

jens holm

Send my danish tranny spec ops unit to Kiev. I havey purse, high heels, dildo, lipstick and hormone injections ready.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Condolences to the fallen CIAisis and Azovisis operators. May they rest in pieces…

steven harry

Amen to that

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A glide bomb a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Muhammad your Prophet

You mean a high value target like the S-300 missile defense system that’s kicking Putin the terrorist cockroach’s ass? Isn’t it a little too late for that, Scooby? If they didn’t target it during the initial invasion then now the S-300 is as entrenched in Ukraine as it is inside Syria. In other words Putin is fucked.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

S300 is surely great system but i dont think they have many full operational units left now. Many were knocked out in initial strikes, don’t worry about that. Also – defense capabilities against ballistic / cruise missiles are far worse than of later versions (S400 or even S500), so i expect their life shelf is rather limited in this combat.

Muhammad your Prophet

Ukraine already has another S-300 coming from Slovakia. It’s already on the way. One S-300 misile defense system is bad enough for Putin the terrorist cockroach. Another one is what they call a double whammy.

Michel LeBlanc

Oh so now all of a sudden russian gear is good since ukrainian orcs have them?

GTFO goal post moving troll. How stupid do you think we are.

Ukraine is a filthy hapsburg genocide program from 100 years ago.


I think russians heard my military academic suggestion. Now they are on the good tracks. 1 of this get rid of an entire company if placed right. It can penetrate 40 meters deep and burn 1000 banderist cocaine shit like hell in less than 1/100 seconds. That it is what can be called a VOLUME FIRE ! Welcome to the ukrops K’O’BE !

steven harry

Well said mate

Universal Order


Last edited 2 years ago by Universal Order

Russia should have more of these smart weapons. Ideally jets could always stay out of range of MANPADS if they had a variety of bombs like this. Another option are drones and loitered munitions (i see Russia ramped up the use of those weapons big time, which is good).

Adam Kafei

I’d rather have “dumb munitions” dropped from planes with advanced targeting systems, long term it’s cheaper and, with modern modelling capabilities, I expect entirely possible to achieve, “smart bombs” are silly expensive, especially in a chip shortage, plus it’s a waste to blow up all those materials if you don’t have to.

Hungary Guy

Mariupol is taken by RUF

Universal Order


Universal Order

Hajrá Magyarok. Hajrá Magyarország.

Hungary Guy

“Z” “V”


Is that true?, if so it’s a great news


Whoever said Russian air defense systems aren’t the best in the world. Russians having a hard time suppressing their own systems. And these are like 4 generations behind. How’s NATO gonna cope? Western war planners must wonder how a conventional war against Russia could ever be won. These guys built systems too good to be destroyed, even by them. That’s actually scary.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wizzy

That’s I’ve been thinking and I’m sure this is one of the key elements for the Ukrainian armed forces not being defeated yet, but the Russians are getting closer.

Gorgeous George

These Ukronazis are on the same level as ISIS nazis. They hide behinde women and children. If you can use them without danger to civilians send two of these toys instead one.


Russian orthodox churches are being attacked in Berlin, and Germany has shut down multiple Shia mosques after Israel forced them to because apparently they’re “where Hezbollah members have meetings” they trashed multiple innocent Shia homes and found no evidence of such claims.

Iran also leaked the Mossad chief personal data, and threatened the rest of Mossad bases in Iraq. They told Iraq if they don’t destroy and shut down the rest of the bases, Iran will do it.


Like putin is gliding russia into a 3rd world country?

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

We are already there. Following in the footsteps of the crumbling americant empire. Praise Pepe.


That isn’t a Su-34. Those are single boggy wheels on the main gear.

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