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MARCH 2025

Russian Warplanes Carry Out New Wave Of Airstrikes On Northern Hama. Putin Says Military Operation In Idlib “Not Expedient” (Videos)

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In the afternoon of April 27, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a series of airstrikes on terrorists’ positions in the vicinity of the town of al-Lataminah in the northern Hama countryside.

Earlier, Russian attack helicopters targeted terrorists’ positions, vehicles and gatherings in al-Lataminah and the nearby town of Kafr Zita.

These intense airstrikes appear to be an attempt to deter the terrorists, who launched a barrage of Grad rockets at the Russian Hmeimim airbase a day earlier. The attack was a major violation of the Russian-Turkish demilitarized zone on Idlib, which was reached last September.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said earlier that a large-scale military operation against the remaining terrorists Idlib “is not expedient now.” However, the president didn’t rule out the possibility of such operation in the future.

“I don’t rule it [a military operation in Idlib] out, but right now we and our Syrian friends consider that to be inadvisable given this humanitarian element,” Putin told reporters during a press conference in Beijing, according to the Moscow Times.

Putin’s remarks indicate that Russia is still committed to a peaceful solution in Idlib in coordination with Turkey, despite the recent attacks, which were carried out by terrorists hiding there.

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Jaffar al-Majmuni

There is just one way to make peace with them. You may think what you want about americans, but they knew it, when they called their revolver “peacemaker”.


Planes and artillery are good “peacemakers”.


Yes so make peace with Idlib, and dont make the same stupid mistakes that nato does. ALQaeda and AlNusra are not nato, its a proven Truth, WAllahi(swt).


Do you know Imam Baqirs(as) Five Definite Signs?


And Imam Khomeini(rh) wrote a letter to Hafez telling him not to fight with Muslim Brotherhood.

Even AlQaeda told Zarqawi not to start a sectarian war.

Sectarianism is forbidden in Shia or Sunni Islam.


Wars are not about religion. The people who profit from war use religion as a tool to convince people to fight and die for them.


Athiests dont need to worry about anything, they can go back to sleep, be a work slave, it doesnt matter.


Some of the guys I joined up with got killed and crippled, I lived on to become a work slave. I wouldn’t swap places.


Well its ok to avoid sectarianism especially sectarian fighting, but its not allowed to flee from nato.


You are right, the only road to peace is on the bodies of the Americans.


The Washington proxies in miserable.


Putin says ““I don’t rule it [a military operation in Idlib] out, but right now we and our Syrian friends consider that to be inadvisable given this humanitarian element,”

He saying “Syrian Friends” when he does not even talk anymore with Assad, forcing him into the Idlib deal, grooming Opposition leaders as a backup if Assad does not comply with Putins orders, forcing Assad into accepting the new constitution, and selling it out to enemy number one of Syria Turkey.. That rivals even western leaders in lies and hypocricy.

But yeah, fanboys always be blind fanboys. Putin, Erdo and Bibi must be laughing their asses off.


“when he does not even talk anymore with Assad,” You got a source for that lie?

Astrid Watanabe

check out global research, April 7 or thereabout.


It took a while, but I found it April 17 by Andrew Korybko. The story is mostly about why Russia isn’t giving free oil to Syria, now that Iran has stopped giving them free oil. The author says that Putin has not talked to Assad since Syria shot down the Russian plane. That would make sense if Russia and Syria had an agreement about coordinating their air defenses and Syria did not inform Russia before it fired its missile.

It might well be true, but Korybko makes the claim without any source?

Korybko is like a western journalist, lots of claims without any proof.

I’m a skeptic and simply don’t believe claims, especially political and economic claims without proof.

PS thanks for the tip.


I support Putin 100% on this, attacking Idlib is counter productive.

Why cant people just listen to him.


You mean blindly believe the BS he makes up for political reasons to appease Turkey? If you are the type who badly need to avoid using your own brain and blidly believe and trust a leader, thats your own fateful decision. But dont ask others to be sheep too.


It’s about winning a war, we can leave the boastful strutting to the Americans.

You can call me Al

Out of curiosity more than anything, how can they be counter productive ?


There is a downside to attacking Idlib of coarse. Western propaganda against Syria and Russia, possible tomahawk and more Israeli strikes, many more SAA and civ casualties.

You can call me Al

Fuck Western propaganda. Any damage has already been done.


In the world outside the west, in places like India and Indonesia they get to see a more balanced picture of events. And what they see is western aggression and Russian peacemaking efforts. They are winning the propaganda war, but we cannot see that because we are closeted in our western world.

You can call me Al

I am sure you are right Sinbad, but my government is a colossal joke, not just inside the UK, but Globally as well.

You have Brexit fiasco of course, but then that Williamson (Defence Minister, sacked today) threatening Russia and China (laughable), then the Skripal Chemical poisoning farce and the immediate blame game on Russia, our currency crashing and all of it’s knock on business conundrums -> it is never ending…..our blind backing of the US decisions at our own detriment.

Madness, shear madness I tell you.


Timing is vital in offensive warfare, and it’s suicidal just to charge well prepared defences. The time to start the Idlib offensive is when the enemy makes a mistake or is otherwise distracted, and my guess is that the wait is about American military starting an operation somewhere else, perhaps Venezuela, Afghanistan, or somewhere in Africa. Perhaps there is a big distraction coming from inside the Saudi regime, since the Yemen war is not going well. But it could be that there is some developments among the Kurds/SDF that favour the Syrian government. The attack must happen at the most expedient time for SAA.

You can call me Al

I say they should go now, but OK, we shall see.

The righteous shall win either way.


Because this guy is a headchopper lover. A big Al Nusra fan. ’nuff said.

Raptar Driver

He is Supreme Commander and chief of the Russian armed forces, who needs to listen?

Hasbara Hunter

Sure…a Peaceful solution for Idlib…once all Hostages & innocent Civilians are out…Carpetbomb Idlib…Fertilize Idlib-Soil with Western Headchopping Terrorist Excrement…can grow crops on Fertile Idlib-Grounds afterwards…now that’s one Peacful Solution…


Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said earlier that a large-scale military operation against the remaining terrorists Idlib “is not expedient now.” However, the president didn’t rule out the possibility of such operation in the future.

Translation: We’d like too, but for now being nice to Turkey is more important. And I agree. Trying to split Turkey from its alliance with the US and use it as a pressure lever against the SDF, a far bigger threat to the territorial integrity of Syria, is a far greater strategic issue then the occasional nuisance coming from the Idlib Headchopper reservation.

Raptar Driver

Never going to happen, Turkey is a Trojan horse to keep Russia off balance.

Peter the Great said “never trust a Turk” but no worries, he was just Great.


Never is a long time. Turkey has tried to get accepted by the west for a long time, but has always been rebuffed. Now that the west is in decline, and the east is rising it makes sense to join the winning team. China offers wealth and prestige, the west offers violence and chaos, which would you choose?

Raptar Driver

It would seem so but the Turks are a tough bunch to figure out.

Xoli Xoli

Turkey is interfering in Syrian. Bomb Idlib and arrest all Jihadists wives and children.Idlib is terrorists breading ground .

Xoli Xoli

Attacking Idlib will break Purin and Erdogan fake friendship. Erdogan black mail Putin with S-400 deal and let USA backing for more closeness out of fear of losing desert dat Erdogan.


The last guy who tried to blackmail Putin was Prince Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud, aka Prince Bandar Bush.

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