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Russian Warplanes Launch Over 100 Strikes As Fighting Between Army And ISIS Rages In Central Syria

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Russian Warplanes Launch Over 100 Strikes As Fighting Between Army And ISIS Rages In Central Syria

Russian SU-24M jet fighter armed with laser guided bombs takes off from a runaway at Hmeimim airbase in Syria. (Source: AP)

Russian warplanes launched over 100 airstrikes on ISIS terrorists in Syria’s central region in the last 72 hours, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on December 4.

The London-based monitoring group said heavy clashes between ISIS and government forces are taking place in the region, mainly in the Aleppo-Hama-Raqqa triangle.

“Military operations are underway in different areas in the Syrian desert between regime forces and loyalists on one hand and ISIS on the other,” the monitoring group said. “The violent clashes are mostly concentrated in frontlines of Aleppo-Hama-Raqqa triangle, while fighting subsides in Deir Ezzor and Homs deserts.”

According to the SOHR, these clashes have, so far, claimed the lives of 19 Syrian service members and at least 22 ISIS terrorists.

ISIS terrorists have been launching attacks from their stronghold in the central region, the Homs desert, on a regular basis. These attacks target government troops in eastern Homs, eastern Hama, southern Aleppo, southern Raqqa and western Deir Ezzor.

A recent ambush in Deir Ezzor by the terrorist group claimed the lives of six fighters and a field commander of the al-Quds Brigade, a pro-government Palestinian group.

Syrian government forces and their allies have recently stepped up their operations in the central region. Nevertheless, ISIS terrorists are not backing down. ISIS terrorists allegedly receive support from U.S.-backed fighters based in the nearby region of al-Tanaf.

Russian Warplanes Launch Over 100 Strikes As Fighting Between Army And ISIS Rages In Central Syria

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The Objective

It appears the Syrian Arab Army is exhausted from years of fighting. Even with intense Russian air support, the death count is at 19 vs 22 – a difference of just three. Imagine what happens if there wasn’t any air support. It beats me how ISIS is so effective in surviving intense air strikes. Maybe the US is providing them intel that helps the terror group avoid being hit by Russian planes.


They hide in the mountains, launching waves of attacks on Syrian transports, logistics etc in hit and runs. Much similar to what the Talibans do. The only way to stop this is through massive and large scale operation to clear the desert. Syria has had the chance to clear it for years now since Idlib has been rather peaceful and this has been providing an opportunity to launch a wide scale operation. Also drone surveillance in the desert.

Free man

As the objective said the SAA is exhausted, it doesn’t have the manpower needed for such a mission.

Lone Ranger

Wishful thinking Shlomo.

Free man

A Jew calls someone he does not know Solomon. LOL. Watch out, the bad guys with the vaccine are already on their way to your mom’s basement. LOL.

Lone Ranger

Thanks for the tip Shlomo… Now back to your cold matzo ball soup…

Free man

Ashkenazi Jews are considered the most successful in the United States, what went wrong with you? actually now I understand why the Americans didn’t agree to accept you.

Lone Ranger

Successful at what? Using the rest as cattle? Dry up your salty tears Shlomo ??

Free man

I’m quoting a research, but it’s obviously doesn’t refer to you. loony jew ranger

Lone Ranger

Mossad or Soros resarch…? No hit Shlomo. Better luck next time ?


Successful at stealing other peoples land.

Lone Ranger



Actually you are partially right. They do lack the man power needed BUT, since Idlib operations have been stalled for the past 1.5 years, why the hell haven’t they used up the troops there? There’s like 20-40k troops around Idlib. They could Redeploy from Idlib to Central Syria while there is not fighting in Idlib and launch an operation there.

Free man

In case of withdrawal of forces from Idlib, apparently the ASS fear the jihadists will take advantage of the situation and attack in Idlib.


More what cia/usa done to syria like it: Taliban uses conventional basic arm weapons,its usa/isis who destroy infastructures!


You count the bodies,thought not,30+ sorties not 100,deep state creepstream lie as usual.

ISIS wreaked havoc across the eastern Homs and western Deir Ezzor countrysides; however, since the large-scale Russian and Syrian bombings this past Summer, the terrorist group has shifted their operations to central Syria in order to resume their attacks against the government.

It will work,isis will be decimated eventually,syria has experience and courage and grit:

Lone Ranger

Better luck next time Shlomo…

Rhodium 10

ISIS attacks small outpost of SAA and NDF…usually these troops dont fight and use to flee and die while are fleeing…ISIS travel through that territory in pick ups and wear clothes like SAA or NDF…so it is difficult to find out who is a terrorist cell or a NDF group…for other hand..ISIS use to evade IRGC post because they know that IRGC and Iraqi PMU are hard enemies…thats why Israel and USA dont want them in Syria in order to save its proxies Geopolitical terrorist.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I’ve always thought the quicker Damascus starts hitting it’s own oil fields the faster ISIS will be defeated and leave and then the RuAF won’t need to periodically mow the lawn and de-weed.


Yes thats what needs to happen,otherwise it will go on and more SAA men will die,its ok bombing them but it needs a very big ground attack to engage those rats on the ground and dig them out of their rats nests.

Lone Ranger

Condolences to the fallen CIAisis and wahabimossad operators. May they rest in pieces…


May they rest in the deepest pit of the eternal burning hell ???

Lost Empire

Russians airplanes lunched over 100 strikes against isis rats and the result is a misery 22 shitty isis ? dead? Also 19 syrians soldiers have been killed in the fight. A big trouble for the exhaust syrian army. They are too stretched to fight in many fronts. I wonder what and where russians bombed. 100 strikes and only 22 terrorists have been killed. How many bombs and missiles did they shoot? And how much all this did cost? What a “wonderful” result


Scouts on the ground are eyes for those bombers. If they do not give good GPS-GLONASS coordinates and if they do not verify all their “targets” from closer distance where they can exactly see those Zionist-jihad rats piled up in one place, than all this bombings are wasted opportunity in majority cases. Those scouts are to be blamed the most for not doing their job well. Also I doubt that they after the bombings, know exactly how many they have killed.

Lost Empire

I agree with you, but russians can’t waste all this manpower bombing the desert or empty houses. Thay should copy Israel in this. When they bombing they always hit the score. What to say about it? Jews have the best intelligence


“the best intelligence”.? Yes… but not because they are specially “good”. They have US ,UK (and most probably NATO) satellites and reconnaissance data at their disposition all the time. They have tons of drones (because they receive billions of US military aid every year among other things and because they produce them 100% in Israel) to do their 24/7 permanent reconnaissance of Syria, Lebanon. With such huge tech support any country would be “good”

Lost Empire

I completely agree with you also in this your detailed exposure. It’s all true, but the fact is that Zionist, vith mondial finance and broadcast in their hands controls America. American soldiers, for the Zionist are only cannon fodder, but the problem is that yankees are too brainwashed to understand it

Bill Wilson

They don’t have to target fighters and their hideouts when blowing up critical roads, bridges and culverts inhibits ISIS’s ability to travel the shortest distance to cause mischief or acquire supplies. ISIS no longer has heavy earthmoving equipment on hand to fill bomb craters or push dirt into wadis to create a level surface were bridges and culverts were blown away so it’s logical to force them to take other routes where their movements can be monitored for interception.

Icarus Tanović

Just Napalm them, so they’ll be thinking twice next time.

cechas vodobenikov

recent report in US military times: nearly 200 US pilots died in training accidents 2013-2018…157 plane crashes…they admit low morale and incompetence among pilots and maintenance crews…not enough LGBT diversity apparently

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