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Russian Warplanes Pounded ISIS Positions In Western Deir Ezzor

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Russian Warplanes Pounded ISIS Positions In Western Deir Ezzor

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Early on October 8, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a series of airstrikes on ISIS positions in the western Deir Ezzor countryside.

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said more than seven airstrikes had struck the terrorist group’s positions in the outskirt of Faydat al-Muin’a, a desert area located to the west of al-Mayadin city.

“There are cells and hideouts of the Islamic State [ISIS] organization in the area, and attacks are always being carried out against regime forces in the area there,” the monitoring group said in its report.

A few days ago, a wave of Russian airstrikes hit ISIS positions in Deir Ezzor’s desert. At least 30 terrorists, including a field commander known as “Abu Qatada”, were killed. Abu Qatada was allegedly responsible for the August 18 attack, which claimed the lives of a Russian general, a military translator and several Syrian soldiers.

Heavy clashes between ISIS terrorists and Syrian pro-government forces have been ongoing in the central region for a few weeks now.

In most recent episode of the clashes, the terrorists launched a large attack on Syrian military positions in the eastern Homs countryside. Pro-government troops repelled the attack without sustaining any serious losses.

According to a recent report by the SOHR, 49 terrorists and 41 Syrian pro-government fighters were killed as a result of central Syria clashes in the last week only.


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Let’s pretend some more…

Lone Ranger

Bring lunch and bodybags…



Peter Jennings

‘attacks are always being carried out against regime forces in the area there,’ Whatever could the SocietyOfHumanRefuse mean by ‘regime’?

They cannot be referring to the present system in Syria, who’s last election involved more democratic participation than any western election in recent history. Some chose to abstain from democracy, but they were foreigners anyway.


Well, Russian media always name Kiev govt as junta so that’s the MSM language. As Jefferson said, “Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper.”


kiev are fascist swines and criminal entities that loot their own people just like the americans do and the most of the EU


That medieval type demonisation shows how scared Russia is of smaller countries at her borders. It’s a sign RF doesn’t have much left in the actual form, the revolution is coming in Moscow.


the medieval definition is very appropriated for the Ukranian feudal society of big bucks and us robber barons and slimy ukranians whores in active duty like your weekend soldiers part time opera singers that gets nailed by a sniper while that bastard was shelling old folks running away for shelling their house get lost useless pathetic pos


How come from 100 billionaires in Moscow, there is not a single one ethnic Russian? What kind of slavey is that? :)

Lone Ranger

Hope it was worth it Pimpeo. U.S. is losing more CIA faglets than in the Vietnam war.


Let’s pretend Russia is doing something and didn’t gave up Idlib to Erdogan.

Lone Ranger

Idlib is getting smaller each day for Turkisis.


If we would take Russian propaganda as true, Turkey would have lost Ankara by now.

Lone Ranger

Russia and Turkey are not at war. They are carefully grinding in the jihadis. Thsts one of the reasons Erdogan is throwing them into the meatgrinder in Lybia, Yemen, Caucasus. Russian propaganda is 90% Truth 10% lies. U.S. propaganda is 90% lies 10% Truth.


That 90% true is when they talk about others and the rest of 10% – when they talk about themselves.

Lone Ranger

Better than what the U.S. is doing…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Is it really or just more of the same old thing, because I can’t tell the difference between them anymore.

Lone Ranger

I can. Action speaks louder than words.

cechas vodobenikov

bend the knee for your BLM masters…LOL


Kiss Lenin’s head, it will bring luck and vodka.

cechas vodobenikov

let’s pretend u racists in durakistan have a culture….”the banality of America: the radical absence of culture”. J Baudrilliard 88% Syria now controlled Assad govt LOL u incompetents so fear death, r so insecure u whimper and lose all wars—how is Afghanistan? Russian troops entirely won their war according to US historians—Gorbachev withdrew leaving another gringo quagmire for the stupid gringos to lose–accelearating the collapse of your plywood empire


Russian troops entirely won their war with sobriety.

Damien C

Syrian Observatory Hewbrew Rapacity

This Islamist supporting representative of the Syrian-Coup and propaganda darling of the militants should just stick to his dry cleaning business. Always under estimates Head-choppers losses and over estimates losses of the Armed forces of the Democratic Government of Syria


The Syrian military need to take this advantage and lunch a full scale operation to take iblib,they need to have to the Libya to start an operation as well and truly occupied Turkey…..They can’t manage to get truly involved or thr will power to go full scale in all three front.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

A few days ago the US was bombing Isis training camps located a mere 50 km southwest of Abu Kamal, which is Iran’s biggest stronghold in Syria, and now a few days later the Russians are bombing Isis locations just 50 km west of al-Mayadin, which is Iran’s second biggest stronghold in Syria, a coincidence or something else, I’d say something else. This part of the article for a start makes me think something else is the reason, there is no simple coincidence.

“A few days ago, a wave of Russian airstrikes hit ISIS positions in Deir Ezzor’s desert. At least 30 terrorists, including a field commander known as “Abu Qatada”, were killed. Abu Qatada was allegedly responsible for the August 18 attack, which claimed the lives of a Russian general, a military translator and several Syrian soldiers.”

But the Russian retaliatory airstrikes weren’t on Isis positions located in Iranian controlled southern Deir ez Zor, they were against Isis positions located in US controlled northern Deir ez Zor, which implies there’s been some coordinated cooperation between the US and Russia.

And another coincidence I can’t get over is this, Isis can freely operate just 50 km away from Iran’s 2 most secured areas of Syria, why is that, is it because the Iranians are completely and totally incompetent, I doubt that very much, so perhaps there’s another reason Isis is able to operate so freely right under Iran’s nose, and I suspect Iran’s opposition to the US presence in Syria plays a big part in Isis’s survivability in southern Deir ez Zor.


bla bla bla

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s obvious the truth bears no importance to you.

cechas vodobenikov

“we are really just 300 million used car salesmen that have no qualms about killing anyone that makes us uncomfortable”. Hunter Thompson one of the few honest amerikans

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