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Russian Warplanes Rain Hell On Southeastern Idlib, Eliminate Several Terrorists

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Russian Warplanes Rain Hell On Southeastern Idlib, Eliminate Several Terrorists

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Russian warplanes carried out early on October 5 a series of airstrikes on militant’s positions in the southeastern Idlib countryside.

The airstrikes targeted the outskirt of the town of Ballisa and Agr Hilltop, both of which are under the control of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and other al-Qaeda-affiliated groups.

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), 9 terrorists were killed as a result of the airstrikes.

“These strikes came 22 days after the last Russian strikes on [Idlib’s] de-escalation region,” the monitoring group noted in its report.

Idlib’s de-escalation region, commonly known as the demilitarized zone, was supposed to be established around the governorate last year. However, HTS and its radical allies refused to implement the plan, which was agreed upon by Russia, Turkey and Iran.

The Russian airstrikes were likely a response to the repeated violations of the ceasefire in Greater Idlib. HTS and its allies are carrying out provocations on a daily basis, in what appears to be an attempt to sabotage the ceasefire.

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Another great day. I can’t wait for the 3rd phase! Apparently it will cover NE Latakia and the Al-Ghab plain

You can call me Al

Do not forget around DaZ as well !!.

Icarus Tanović

What is this you Wahhabi CIA scum? Two directions. You better surrender and live like normal people, and not like cattle.

You can call me Al


Icarus Tanović


You can call me Al

Exactly . LOL.

You can call me Al

Lovely jubbly.

Tudor Miron

“Keep on working, Brothers!”(c)


Seen a couple of articles about the way the Russians approach dropping bombs from planes. It’s a very different philosophy than the west. F.uk.us use fins and cameras and lasers, etc…,. The Russians system figures out exactly where, when and how fast the plane needs to be to hit the target when the bomb is released.

Dumb bombs smart Bombers!


The Russians’ use of systems like the SVP-24 is very cost effective but sadly lacks the ability to compensate for changing wind conditions after the bomb is released. That’s why Russian bombs almost always land near the target but rarely score a direct hit. Luckily this is still often good enough, but if the Russians want to increase the effectiveness of their strikes, they’re going to have to fit bombs with guidance kits and steer them in flight with lasers or GLONASS. More expensive, true, but there’s just no substitute for a bomb that steers itself during free fall.


Russia uses both types of bombs, and I would think that the SVP-24 strikes would use larger bombs to ensure that the target is destroyed in any environment where collateral damage is not an issue. The accuracy is said to be circa 5 metres or so ,I think.

Russia will likely have countless thousands of ‘dumb’ bombs in storage from the USSR era.

Want not, waste not. The job still gets done and US Coalition of Terror mercenaries die.


Yes there is it’s called peace, just don’t expect F.uk.us to bring it about.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Florian’s right about the “countless thousands of ‘dumb’ bombs in storage from the USSR era”, the Russians have already released info concerning their use of older ordnance, and they’ve readjusted their military budget expenditure to be nearly or completely cost neutral due to their nearly exclusive use. When that old ordnance reaches it’s used by date it has to be destroyed which costs Russia money, but dropping it on terrorist heads cost them no more than it would if they were dropping the new generation stuff, the Russians are killing 3 birds with the one stone, Killing terrorists, Getting rid of old ordnance cost free, Training Russian pilots in real combat situations, So the Russians are just replenishing their old arsenal with a new one now, and it’s costing them nothing to get rid of the old stuff to make way for the new stuff, win win win. Hyperglide cruise missiles, DOB thermobaric bombs, the best anti missile and anti ballistic technology in the whole world. You may have missed all the US military press releases warning the US government that Russia, China, and India were all surpassing the US in new generation missile technology, and begging them for more money so the US could catch up. And just because you don’t see the Russians dropping new tech weaponry on the stone age terrorists it doesn’t mean they don’t have it, the newest cruise missile test by the Russians resulted in radioactive debris being released into the atmosphere just a few months ago, you may have missed that news but the rest of the world didn’t. Just remind yourself of Russia’s true capabilities by watching Putin’s last address to the nation speech, and then google search new Russian missile technology, you might get a shock, search for new Chinese and Indian missile technology too. The Russians have made more advances in missile tech over the last 30 years than the US has, just compare the 2 countries best missile defence systems, Patriots versus S-300 or S-400, leave alone the new S-500, that’s why the US is buying the Israelis David’s Sling [anti ballistic], Iron Dome [AA systems], because they’re better systems than the obsolete systems the US uses now. But bombs are bombs and missiles are missiles, and you were specifically talking about bombs, but since the Russians, Chinese, and Indians only seem to be concentrating on improving their missile tech now, and not the old bombs they used to use, I think the use of bombs in any new modern warfare will be heading the same way the dodo went, and become more and more obsolete in use, except for use against primitive.stone age enemies that is.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s great the Russians have rejoined the action but I’d like to know the real reason they have, it’s not because of repeated ceasefire violations by HTS, because HTS and the other terrorists aren’t even part of the ceasefire agreement, that only applied to the so called moderate opposition. And the moderate opposition aren’t breaking the ceasefire at all, they’re actually behaving themselves for the first time ever, so they’re not giving the Russians the excuse they need either. And the fact the SAAF hasn’t been using fixed wing aircraft over Idlib since they accepted the UN deal, suggests to me that their use has been heavily restricted by the new UN deal. Civilian casualties are a priority according to the new deal so perhaps fixed wing aircraft can now only be used against specific targets and only under certain circumstances. Which brings me to the next point, the Russians according to opposition reports aren’t doing much damage at all with their recent air activity, it mostly seems to be just reconnaissance operations by the Russian Air force, so what are they gathering intel for ? I wonder if SAAF fixed wing aircraft are going to make a reappearance in the next day or two, assisted with the latest precise info on terrorist locations, which would then allow them to safely attack the designated terrorists without incurring too many civilian casualties or hitting MO positions. It still looks like that OB post at Al Uraymah is about to be isolated in the same way the one at Murak was, there’s heaps of HTS and Al Nusra fighters in the area and supposedly no MO at all, just civilians, and most of the pro Assad civilians have left the area already, so the civilians left are mostly the family members of the terrorists themselves anyway, so it’s the perfect spot for a combined ground and air assault by the Russians and Syrians. I won’t bet any money on it, but I think we may be looking at the prelude of a SAA ground operation in the next few days, and everything’s pointing to south western Idlib being the next location, and it’s looking like they’re just about ready to do it right now, God I hope I’m right. Due to the recent UN/Syrian deal and recent political developments in Turkey, Erdogan’s really starting to look like a dead duck now, so I can’t imagine anyone seeing him as a viable future political partner anymore, and maybe this sudden return of the Russian airforce to Idlib, after 22 days of abstention, is Russian recognition of this new political reality, hopefully it is. So maybe now when I say go Assad, go SAA, and go SAAF, I can also start saying go Russia too again, because it’s been a while since I added go Russia too, but I think I’ll wait just a few more days before I say it again, just in case this new Russian activity isn’t related to a new SAA ground invasion at all, and related to something entirely different. I did say I wouldn’t bet money on it. My fingers are crossed, what will I be reading in the news tomorrow, good news, bad news, or no news at all, which would be nearly as bad as bad news, I’m nearly peeing my pants in anticipation. Go Assad, go SAA go SAAF, go Russia, wipe out the terrorist pockets one by one, and start tomorrow if you can, since Erdogan’s already threatened to do the same thing to the terrorists [his own terrorists] in Idlib, and we don’t want him getting there first, times running out.

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