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MARCH 2025

Russian Warplanes Strike Militants In Northern Lattakia Following Attack On Syrian Army

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Russian Warplanes Strike Militants In Northern Lattakia Following Attack On Syrian Army

Russian Su-34 over Idlib, Illustrative Image

On June 3, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Force carried out a series of airstrikes on militants positions in the northern Lattakia countryside, according to the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS)-linked news network Iba’a.

A day earlier, the al-Qaeda-affiliated militant group Horas al-Din attacked a position of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the area of Ard al-Wata in the northern Lattakia countryside. The group claimed that its fighters had killed several soldiers of SAA and captured loads of weapons.

However, a military source told SouthFront that the SAA killed most of Horas al-Din fighters who participated in the attack on Ard al-Wata and revealed that only two soldiers of the SAA were killed during the attack.

Militants have stepped up their attacks against the SAA in the northern Lattakia countryside after the establishment of the Turkish observation post there last month. On May 31, the Turkish-backed Second Coastal Division of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) targeted two groups of the SAA in northern Lattakia with ATGMs.

Local observers believe that Russia will intensify its aerial operations against militants in the northern Lattakia countryside if they continue to violate the de-escalation agreement there.

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Syrian soldiers are canon food for Russia. No protection, no weapons. Alliance with ennemies.


finally you concince me, that israshit have the convicts as your self, repeating the same shit over and over, with internet time for payment.


Pay me. I would be glad to be paid for saying the truth, what your paid newspapers and mainstream madias should do. If I was paid, I will not say the truth.

Just expose me your theory so I can laught and easily prove it wrong.


what truth are you saying? All I see when ever I waste my time looking at what you write I see a hasbara attempting in a very pathetic way to pass western propaganda. The hillarious part is the name you using that is anything, but.


Only talking. What are the proofs ????


your posts are enough proof, of your programming nothign else is needed.


Is that an answer ?? XD.


is this a question?


My question is what is the reasoning of what you say. I don’t understand who are you trying to convince unless yourself.


Let me but in here. Your posts are the proof that you are anti Russian, even though they have helped to save Syria.


that he is anti russian is irrelevant, in this case. he is just a tool with a monotonous script given to her, that she repeats over and over again in all articles irrelevant what is the subject. Only a moron will do this and one with very low I.Q.

Thinking people are not so boring and monotonous.


Yes, her material is very boring and monotonous. XD Woops, I mean :D


i have a suspision, is just a wash out blonde, trying to draw attention to herself. :-)

At least is how she writes.


When someone collabore with the ones who burn my house, I don’t call it an help. i will rather say that Syria and Iran have save Russia from being kicked out of Syria and therefore from the Middle east.


I learn in early age following a moron as yourself down to his own level for two reasons is impossible.

First I cant lower myself to your level of moronic thinking.

Second I get tired very easily with idiots as your self.

As I said what you post is enough proof for any thinking knowledgable person to know you are single digit I.Q. writing from a script, given to her.


You remeber people who called others people “conspiracionnists”. These people can’t prove that others people are wrong so they start using so-called moral values. If I’m wrong, it’s EASY to prove me wrong WITH ARGUMENTS.



wrong about what? I dident say you are wrong or right, for that matter, that is your assumption. I just called you what you are. And kid this is not a debate that who ever talk the most win and his right.

I said what you doing and also in such a stupid low level mentality that shows also you have no selfrespect.


Why am I a zionist and not Putin ? XD.


and what do I give a shit about putin? am i his keeper or his lawyer? The one who obviously have a problem in his head is you so figure it out yourself.


I have no problem.


now now kid. If you dont, then you fooled every one here. You are one track mind that you sleep and wake with Putin in your head and your hate for him. Always trying to make arguments about your anti russian mentality as well about Putin like you matter or your opinion. You dont matter or your opinion.

Learn to see things relaistically and from the correct point of view other wise you just what I say you are and for the moment, is all you shown and you are.


The “anti-russian” propagenda just like the “antisemitism” propagenda. You can’t say anything because it’s anti-whatever. I’m not anti-russian, I don’t trust Putin. It’s different.

I don’t trust him because of what he is doing that shows he can’t be trusted.


i am not antisemitic I am anti asshole period. And yes you are anti russian as I said your posts is the only proof needed. As for trusting Putin what do you know of Putin and what he think or do to judge him?

From what you post you have marked yourself as a hasbara poster, one who post from scripts under dictation.


I know that Putin is friend with netanyahu. His gave to his jewish friend, the Crimean bridge contract. He didn’t gave S-300 to Syria.

Sure you are not antisemitic as you are a zionist.


I am a zionist? How you figure that out. Been a retard is obviously your family name and you know nothing kid, now forgive me if I dont give you any more attention, as you are waste of pixel space and my time.

John Whitehot

this is the proof that you don’t love the truth as you always state.

why? because you don’t sell what you love.

whahaaa, B5, hit and sunk.


That’s a very stupid argument. Everyone wants to be paid for what he likes to do !!! But, I’m surprised. When you can’t reason, you can’t reason for every kind of subject.

John Whitehot

“Everyone wants to be paid for what he likes to do !!!”

That’s why your kind was never better than others like they think.


” Why people always try to prove you wrong without any arguments unless “you are a zionist” posted by Serious in this thread.

” Syrian soldiers are canon food for Russia ” also posted by Serious.

Are you one of those who we see wandering up the road mumbling to themselves or is there another reason for your erratic posts Serious ?


I have blocked this guy. Don’t waste time with him.


Good idea. The ‘blame Putin ‘ narrative from his masters is a desperate attempt to fracture the SAA coalition I suspect and his posts always have been somewhat tedious and morose.


He is here to corrupt minds.


Israeli migrants in Daraa and Golan Heights have buildup underground hospitals, depots, tunnel networks and underground basements.

Chris P

Thank you for your Input Napoleon, we could not do it without you.

Elisabeth Jenders

“Militants have stepped up their attacks against the SAA in the northern Lattakia countryside after the establishment of the Turkish observation post there last month.” It seems that Turkish protection emboldens them!

So please, Russians, keep them better in check!


Eliminate them is better policy than keeping them in check. But then again was and is russian policy that has turkish on the ground of Syria protecting and directing her isis assets, on the ground there is it not?


Russia is collaborating with Turkey and USA and israel on behalf of Syrians who are dying so that Russia keep their naval bases.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

“Militants have stepped up their attacks against the SAA in the northern Lattakia countryside after the establishment of the Turkish observation post there last month.”

Is anybody astonished?

Let us all hope that the long game strategy of Sy/Ru/Ir is to flush that MB Turk dungpile back into the cesspit out of which it oozed.


Long game strategy is only Iran strategy. Iran helped Hezbollah decades ago. ANd Hezbollah is the only organization who defeat israel.

Russia has no strategy unless pleasing israel and the west.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

We are not privy to the Russian (or Iranian, or Chinese for that matter) grand strategy. All we can do is watch it play out. Meanwhile, it’s fun to throw shit at Turkey. Which behaves like Israel.


They are both tribes khazar blood, so is not a surprise they behave similar and they are uk/usrael favored children both of them, that make one wonder.


You do write some abject nonsense at times Serious. Its as if you have a split personality :)


or many writers on the same account, which is the most possible explanation, unless he is on behavior modification drugs and has multible personality issues.


Yes, I suspect a multi account as if not he/she has a split personality :)


People can be very insightful in some areas while being complete nonsensical, or even complete asshats in others.


When that becomes an identifiable pattern , it become a problem of probity.


Are you serious?


Let us all hope also that Russian bomb will “miss” the target and hit newly established Turkish observation post.


The first who say the truth must be killed.


Why people always try to prove you wrong without any arguments unless “you are a zionist”, “you are whatever”, “blah blah blah”, …. instead of talking about their own theories and prove their theories right ???? XD.

Because they have no theory or wrong theory. It’s only convenient for them to “prove” you wrong so that they can sleep better. XD.

If they talk about their theory, they take the risk that reality shows it wrong. When you keep being “against” and doesn’t talk about your theory you take no risk.

That’s why some zionists came with fake ISIS account try to convince people with very weak arguments. But, they never talk about ISIS strategy which is to be a mean to invade and occupy Syria. If they start talking about their strategy, it’s very obvious that they will lose because reality shows the opposite of what they say.


leon mc pilibin

Treacherous Zionist puppet scumbags,send them to their master in HELL Russia,and do the world a favour.


I am sure your and my wish will come but Rome was not Built in a Day and a huge amount has been achieved by the SAA and allies in Syria against the US Coalition proxies and also directly .

A lot more than the most powerful country in the world + NATO ( in monetary and volume terms) has achieved against the Talliban after 16 years and counting, who have no heavy weapons to speak of, no friendly air force, no massive logistics etc.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pxtQhOFqAU Wings of Russia. MiG-25 and MiG-31. Best In Class (Part 1 of 2)

Click on YouTube icon for better view. Mig-25 speed: Mach 3.2 (3,920 km/hr), Service ceiling: 37,000 m This is 1970 technology. The 2018 technology of Russia is classified and is so advance that no body can Imagen. The US technology is 50 years backward than Russian technology.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

There is a distinction between “not thought of” and “so advanced.” Going back 75 years it would be the distinction between a PzIV and a T34. Clearly two different ways of thinking about things, with the T34 (and its long family of derivatives) definitely Russian and the PzIV (and its long family of derivatives) being definitely “Western.” The Russians now have T90+ and the “West” M1A2+. We can expand that principle to EW, AA, artillery, infantry weaponry, aircraft, Navy, etc.. In several categories Russia is clearly a generation (or two) ahead. We retired military — who started their careers at the winding down of VN — do not think of Russia as superhuman, but we do have a profound respect for it. (Especially those of us who’s Operational Area was designated inside the Soviet Union.)

Apparently, unlike the mouthbreathers who are now running the show.


Sergeant First Class. safe to assume, from what you saying, you seen battle.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Enough that warmongers I hold in utter contempt.


I hear you there, same here. I wonder all this posters here that wish for a confrontation, between the powers in ME, if they realize the effect that will have globally and to them, before opening their mouths and sugest all this idiotic acts they do.

John Whitehot

did you make the model in the pic?


Sorry I am not so free to make models. This is a picture that I have had.

John Whitehot

pity. years ago i was doing them, nice way to build something while learning (researching the model you were doing was an important part).

the one in the pic is imho rather well made.


Look in the footage then you will see the real one. The model just give the idea.

John Whitehot

why has it been removed?


Because people are interested in the real one which I have mentioned in the footage.

John Whitehot

are you still with us? is anybody home?

the real one has been removed, not the model.

You can call me Al

Some bloke I worked with made them as well – incredible things; beats my old airfix harriers hands down.

Chris P

Get a job and you will have extra money to buy one and attend anger management classes. That is real, not a model. Look at the cockpit and you will notice the special glass. do it and let me know. ;)

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Wow. Great kit. I like models. How do I order one of those?


Don’t be child the real MIG-31 are in service with Kenzal hypersonic missiles.

You can call me Al

Chill out Rob – just some banter + no offence but the 1st picture is a model – http://www.britmodeller.com/reviews/staff/mike/mig-31/mig-31bm-3.jpg

Look at the site name.


Of course.

You can call me Al

But if you look at the comments – the model is cool and we shall get one….. nothing more.

hope springs eternal.

Thank you Rob! A wonderfully made video..learnt lots.

Icarus Tanović

Very good, Napalm them a bit.


https://www.rt.com/news/418448-russia-may-sell-s400-us-chemezov/ All countries want higher operational range, fast and effective Air Defense Missile Systems. The Russian S-400 Air Defense Missile System is better than Patriot and THAAD Air Defense Missile Systems.

The Russian system can detect airborne targets at a range of 600 km, and hit them at 400 km, whereas for the Patriot and THAAD those ranges are 180 km and 130 km respectively. The speed of the target is another key factor. The S-400 can hit a mark that moves at up to 17,280 km/h, while the Patriot and THAAD can only manage 7,920 km/h. Furthermore, while both systems have similar reaction speeds of less than 10 seconds, the S-400 is faster to deploy, going from travel to combat mode in about five minutes, whereas the Patriot takes 25 minutes.


lololol same bs as always……..one more time…..the jew satanics CONTROL russia,us , eu, saudi etc….. how dumb can u folks be….all tbhis wishing and quessing…. first question? who ALLOWED the turks to invade syria? santa claus? who allowed each time when SAA attacks east of euphrates that they get bombed merciless by nato? easter bunny? who is asking the only true friends of syria(being persia and hezbollah) to leave? pamela anderson?

LEARN HISTORY THATS 5th grade……russian revolution 1917….it was the jewish takeover by the jews…its in all history books no matter if youre in the us or europe or austrailia..FACT and its a fact too that in the course of this”revolution” 20 million + native true russians got butcherd. thats not a fucking quessing like u people about some secret chess plan by russia in syria..thats facts of history well documented and even said publicly by them fuckin jews……..

syria is a country now divided..not by some jihadi prick motherfuckers with no airforce or satelliets etc… but by several foreign well equipt armies..bei it nato..usa,france on one side, be it turkey again nato on the other side, and satanic israel on the other side….thats a fact…..

sorry folks u still do not understand the BIG PICTURE.. a one world government with jerusalem as its capital under jewish satanic leadership…and they are allllllllll in to it including russia,us,europe,china etc…. which countries do not see israel as legitimate…?? does are the countries being attacked now…persia,syria,hezbollah(lebanon),houthis in jemen etc..

You see the jews always only had 2 possibilities to achieve this.. 1.make israel bigger 2.make the world smaller take a wild quess which one it will be

russia is playing its part, just as the us is, and the others….. Just imagine for a second that russia would play ball on the open…then it is not possible to wage a nuclear war for such donks as you without knowing that something is fishy and stinks….so now they have people screaming for one or the other side..just like on this site… never heard the phrase………2 sides of the SAME COIN!!! its the agenda that counts folks….nothing else….but hey if you folks still wanna belive the jewish satanic brainwashung…then do so…but it´ll come the day(not so far away) when the missles start flying, when the mushroom clouds start climbing high up into the atmosphere…..and after the devastation they will get you folks to knee down before satan arihman who will come and who will end the war, which will make him a hero for you folks in the usa,in russia,germany,france,china etc. because you people seriosly believed on one side or the other. think think think think think think.

peace love and harmony

Bernie Garland

I think your spot on with what you say,fair play,and folk need too think,thanks

Ariel Cohen

Like cockroaches that keep creeping out and infecting the household, these terrorists need to be crushed. Maybe time for a few MOABs? or fuel- air bombs like the ones used against the Taliban during the invasion ?

Wise Gandalf

Northern Latakia had been liberated 2 years ago!



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