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Russians Deliver MANPADs To Hezbollah?

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On December 4, the Lebanese al-Manar TV aired footage showing fighters of Hezbollah armed with man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADs). The video was aired as a part of “the Secrets of the Second Liberation,” a series documenting Hezbollah’s battles against terrorist groups in Syria.

Severeal media outlets and ‘experts’ claimed that the MANPADs seen with Hezbollah was a 9K333 Verba, Russia’s state-of-the-art portable air-defense system. In 2017, Russia equipped its troops in Syria with Verba MANPADs to address the threat of mini armed drones. However, the system was not exported to the Syrian Arab Army. Armenia is the only known customer of the advanced system.

In fact, the MANPADs seen with Hezbollah fighters in al-Manar’s footage appears to be the 9K310 Igla-1, a capable portable anti-aircraft missile produced by the Soviet Union in the 1980s. Hezbollah likely received this system from Syria.

Russians Deliver MANPADs To Hezbollah?

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Hezbollah’s Igla-1 was equipped with a thermal sight that looks like those of the 9K333 Verba. However, the sight’s design was different from the 1PN97M “Maugli-2M” used on the original Verba system. Hezbollah’s thermal sight was larger and round-shaped, like the Iranian-made RU9G\RU120G sights.

Another MANPADs that was seen with Hezbollah’s fighters in al-Manar’s series was the Misagh-2, an Iranian copy of China’s QW-1 Vanguard. The MANPADs was also equipped with a thermal sight.

Russians Deliver MANPADs To Hezbollah?

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Hezbollah’s possession of MANPADs is an open secret. Israel believes that the Lebanese group developed its air-defense capabilities in the last few years by acquiring medium-range systems from Syria and Iran. This is yet to be proven.


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Lone Ranger

West has armed the Mujhahideen, Al-ciada and isis with Stingers and the TOW among others but when Syria or Iran does the same with Hezbollah they are crying and raging… Double standards and hypocrisy.

Al Gathafi Did Nothing Wrong™

‘crying and raging’™


Lone Ranger



“Gathafi Did Somehing Wrong”: He believed more in Jew Sarkozy than in Russian S-300. That was very bad choice, that have costed him life and Libyans a country

Tommy Jensen

I dont see any possibility of Gadaffi and S-300. Assad never got any, and it took 10 years for Russia to deliver the contracted ones to Iran.


Iran was under UN sanctions and there was also US pressure on Russia not to sell Iran those S-300PMU. Yes, Russia have used that situation as wild card to get some favors from US and Israel. While situation with Gaddafi was radically different. He had plenty of money and was one of Russia’s best customers and they were happy to sell him ANYTHING. On top he was not under the UN sanctions or any other sanctions. Once he came to Moscow, Russians were offering him S-300 and everything else but he wanted upgrades for his T-72 tanks and bunch of SU-30 jets only. Not long after that he was killed.

Tommy Jensen

All right, thanks for info.


Back then clever turkish smuggler funneled soviet weapons from certain former cccp states including ukraine,where he now lives and runs a buisness,turkey now vying for it’s extraditon:


They need Buk m2 or m3 to prevent Israeli abuse of Lebanese airspace.

Lone Ranger

And TOR and the Kashtan.


Maybe thy can get some used ones or the equivalent from Iran. CIWS are fine if you have a large footprint like a ship or an airbase, I think Hezbollah wants to present limited number of targets in the open.

Ashok Varma

Hezbollah selectively and strategically displays its capabilities. But there have been ample reports about its growing air defence capabilities. It is an master of guise and ambush. The Zionists will be caught hapless like deer in headlights of Hezbollah.

Vox Populi

The Saudis have turned on the Zionist regime as well and even UAE is rethinking its failed policies.

Saudi prince strongly criticizes Israel at Bahrain summit calling Zionists murdering thugs.

Israel has “incarcerated (Palestinians) in concentration camps under the flimsiest of security accusations — young and old, women and men, who are rotting there without recourse to justice,” Prince Turki said. “They are demolishing homes as they wish and they assassinate whomever they want.”

The prince also criticized Israel’s undeclared arsenal of nuclear weapons and Israeli governments “unleashing their political minions and their media outlets from other countries to denigrate and demonize Saudi Arabia.”

Alekai Mordechai

Having capable ADS and Spec Ops assets are fine.

But how can Hezbollah deal with Mossad, CIA along with Gulf Intels? Who by the way are having far greater coordination in military and intel arena right after “normalization”?

Which might translate to more assassinations’ and moles within the Hezbollah ranks? Do you guys realize that??

AI, autonomous systems (land and air) and regional intel feeds will be problem for Iran and Hezbollah for months to come.

Linda Wilson

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Icarus Tanović

And S-125 too with portable radar.


BUK- M3 because of anti-stealth radar (against Israeli F-35 I )

Vox Populi

The Russians and even Iranians have been tracking the so-called US “stealth fighters” for years now. The US has acknowledged that the Yugoslavs (Serbs) critically damaged a F-117 “Stealth Fighter” in 1999 using a Russian S-125 Pechora.

The story of how one of the U.S. Air Force’s prized F-117 Nighthawk stealth attack jets came to be shot down over Serbia during Operation Allied Force on March 27, 1999, is, by now, familiar. The loss of “Vega 31” and the subsequent recovery of pilot Lieutenant Colonel Dale Zelko is an episode that we have looked at in detail before at The War Zone. What’s less well known is that anotherF-117 was hit by a Serbian air defense system during that same campaign, but details of what happened have only recently become available


“The Russians and even Iranians have been tracking the so-called US “stealth fighters” for years now” You make it sound banal bat it is not… Also, only Russia and China have those radars. Iran uses Russian radar as far as I know….

Also you confuse some things. It is not problem to discover and “truck” stealth jets only by some advanced radar… The point is that air defense units that are the closest to the target have that ability to guide the missiles by its own radar …Specially if not networked with the rest of the radars of air defense system which is often the case in SAA air defenses) They need capable radar to be able to “lock on” the target for launching missiles…. “anotherF-117 was hit by a Serbian air defense system during that same campaign, but details of what happened have only recently become available” Not exactly. Serbs have been claiming for decades that another F-117A was hit and somehow has reached Hungary, damaged…But nobody was listening to them,. They took word of American liars as only possible truth…Serbs still claim also that they destroyed much more aircraft’s including Apache choppers and NATO F-16 than it was ever admitted by US & NATO. That day colonel Zoltan of Yugoslav (Serb) army had perspicacity to order modulating their radar waves on very long waves (on old UK radar) And that is how they have discovered stealth F-117A returning from bombing mission over Serbia. Also what many people don’t know is that Serb air-defenses were forced to use their radars for only very short periods of time (measured in seconds) not to be discovered by NATO air-force jets because of their own radar beam and destroyed.

Ashok Varma

Hezbollah has many tricks up its sleeve and it is perhaps the best armed, battle tested asymmetrical warriors par excellence in the world today. Hezbollah will acquit itself with astonishing achievements on the battlefield against the Zionists when push comes to shove. It has surely petrified its foes with its combat prowess and unseen capabilities. Hezbollah deserves nothing but respect.

Vox Populi

Hezbollah 3:0 is far better armed than most realize, no wonder the Zionists are petrified of its capability. In this photograph alone, the hunter-killer teams on all terrain bikes have 3 MANPADS, indicating a very robust arsenal.

Vox Populi

The ex-Indian ambassador to various Middle Eastern nations has written a very factual analysis of Israel’s precarious situation in the region as even Saudi Arabia launched a vociferous attack on its inhuman repression of Palestinians. Israel is universally hated by the Arab street and with Trump related to history, Israel’s future is looking dicey. Hezbollah and Iran now dominate the strategic equation in the region and that is causing Israel a lot of angst.

Israel gets boxed in as Iran issue surges

There is now a renewed sense of urgency that the Biden administration must prioritize its engagement with Iran

by Ambassador MK Bhadrakumar (Asia Times)

Ashok Varma

Ambassador Bhadrakumar is a very well respected Indian diplomat and reflects the thinking of the Indian intelligentsia. He also champions a non-aligned India as envisaged by the founding leaders like Nehru.

Free man



You do not know that for sure; to say it in such categorical way.

Free man

The Russians are smart.


“The Russians are smart” but you aren’t… In political and war games everything is permitted. Hezbollah is key player in counterbalancing Israel in the region. Russia would never neglect relations with Hezbollah and automatically weaken her position to the NATO-Israeli interests. Russia is playing with everybody double game, thus avoiding of being cornered or blackmails by smaller players.

Captain Freedom

yep, they fell from the sky, just like the Kornets in 2006

Free man

As I wrote, the Russians are smart they won’t give Hezbollah such missiles. If you don’t understand this, you probably don’t understand the Russian policy in the region.


russia or syria or iran – the important thing here is that hezbollah have access to somegood grade manpads, which will make the jews in palestine think twice before doing something stupid along the lebanon border or in the golan heights.


Could be used against Choppers.


And all other lower flying aircraft under 5 km altitude

Kenny Jones ™

3 zios disliked your comment lmao


I keep asking myself,where were iran and hezbolla at the early stages where they could have shut the destruction of syria,way before Putin even put boots on the ground what 4 years later? Just saying:

Tommy Jensen

They were there. But they were still too small to keep up with US/Turkey/Nato 70 Allies and their ISIS assets. It first ended when Soleimani travelled to Moscow and told that US/Brzezinski was about to invade and take over Russia’s Naval base in Syria.


Strictly speaking, Hezbollah is a defensive force focused mainly in Lebanon. Uprooting from their home state and allocating resources to a totally different fight wasn’t something they could do in a month. It wasn’t until ISIS became an existential threat to Lebanon itself that the argument could be made that Hez had to act. The ability of the Syrian gov. to control the insergentcy on its own wasn’t obviously in question until 2013.

Jim Allen

Iran was in from the start, but has only advisors, and other technical assistance until recently. There’s several militias fighting beside SAA, and i suspect Hezbollah had fighters in all along, all Syrian allies have increased their role’s over the duration. Russia had been supplying arms, upgrades to existing weapons systems, and a training upgrade to SAA, the militia’s, adding a couple Spetsnaz, IRGC, increased it’s presence , as did Hezbollah. This led to the US Coalition, and it’s pet “enemies” first defeat. SAA has fought it’s own war, assisted by it’s more than capable allies that now include Iraq. All have interlocking military, and trade alliances, and all have the same connection to Russia. Iran had S-300 systems way back ,S-125, S-200, and Medium range systems. Iran made advances in metallurgy, steel manufacturing, machining, heat treating, hardening, etc., Aluminium production, Copper extraction, and has large deposits of iron ore, bauxite, cement, gold, other precious metals, Lithium making the country self-sufficient, in addition to oil, and gas reserves. A large agricultural base as well. Leaders in electronics, drone, and military technology, of all kind. Guided missile technology, and production is on par with Russia, as they share technology, also in medical science’s. Iran now exports it’s military hardware, and there is demand for it, and fills demand Russian production can’t meet. Iran expects to have EW, and hypersonic weapons in service soon. Iran’s the regional power, and strong. Russia sent Iran S-400 late last year, an heavy version of S-300 Tor, and similar systems. Iran is looking at buying Su-30, or Su-35 fighters, with Su-57 being kicked around, possibly as a licensed production project. Su-35 radar can track “stealth” aircraft, S-400 radar as well. When these systems are integrated as they’re designed to operate, S-400 radars are used by all. S-500 will be taking that position as it’s electronics are that much more advanced, and all systems recieve infinite upgrades. Syria recently recieved 2 dozen upgraded MiG-29, Russian trained Syrian pilots to fly them. The reasons why the Syrian war is holding are very apparent right now. None of Syria’s allies are going to borrow money to prosecute this war, and the war is not a regional conflict, it’s world war. The West is escalating, doing everything it possibly can to destabilize Russia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Donna’s, Chechnya, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Bolsarno is losing his grip on the country, the people are sick of Western friendly puppet Governments. Chile’ is another. US is determined to turn it’s NATO allies into enemies. Germany in particular. Turkey has worn out it’s welcome in NATO, the Sultan’s loose cannon, playing both sides in the attempt to gain advantage, at the expense of his allies, and close trading partner has worn real thin. Despite Ergodan being a rabid Freemason, and de-populationist, his fellow Zionist Khazars aren’t fond of him either.

Me&Myself None

“State-of-the-art” ? – But these MANPADS were useless against Turkish drones during the Azerbaijan/Armenia war. Hezbollah may be better off throwing rocks than using these junks.

Lone Ranger

Armenia wanted to lose. Their whole air defense system was offline Su-30s included. They thought Russia would fight the war instead of them. They were wrong.


Junk is your comment…All Turk drones were on 6 km altitude above the reach of any MANPAD And they were flying that high exactly because of the MANPADS, which can be very dangerous for any aircraft flying within their range.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans have Bulgarian proxies buy weapons from Serbia and provide them to their fascist proxies; one can speculate


“Bulgarian proxies buy weapons from Serbia”!? And why would they complicate when US buys directly from Bulgaria (Soviet design Fagot ATM) from Serbia (mortar ammunition, AK’s) from Croatia (ammunition for AK’s) and other things and sends them to SDF (bought from money earned with stolen Syrian oil , or from Pentagon black budget )

Random Dude

Serbs need money they would sell anything to anyone. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d68d9c274b9b52ff29bbf9d758beddb96cbea3dacf03afb38217237c929a3f.jpg


So why are you mentioning only Serbs (hidden bigotry)? Have character at least and show that you hate them openly and not attacking with perfidy like back stabbing bitch. Most of Eastern Europe sells Soviet design weapons. It is just that those from the Balkans are the cheapest. So US buys there. And how about your country of origin (not EU country where you live now) do they “need money”? I bet they do, that’s why your parent(s) have escaped from there. Which country doesn’t need money? And if it is US buyer why would Serbs or anybody care, what will be used for? Do you think that other weapons sellers have such moral dilemma? If you do than you are more than naive.

Random Dude

Whoah!!! Somebody got triggered:))) Somebody is a poor Serb, trolled by all neighbors. Even semi country Kosovar coppers are trolling Serbs there. Once very prideful nation, now the joke of Balkans. LOOOL!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6870222aadae02599259552e1580708c2f9398a3d4ea8e583eb9db12fef609d2.jpg


I am disgusted by sleazy back stabbing attacks of low lives like you. And as Orthodox Christian (which I do not hide like you hide being Muslim) I do support all Orthodox if attacked for no reason. Like you did just now. I will attack you even if you go against other countries (the same sleazy back stabbing way) like bitch and not courageously like man should.

Random Dude

My bad, you are not triggered at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeCXooh8AXE


Where did I say I am not “triggered” boy? I even used word “disgusted” to show you how “triggered” I am. Every normal human being should be “triggered” about some things of moral value from time to time. If not than we will look like you, superficial and thinking in simplistic way, hiding emotions, being insecure, thinking that everything is some kind of competition and game. But life is not the game, life is shit most of the time, because world is dominated by simpletons like you. So sure of themselves and so eager to show off by jumping on some silly conclusions and to impress others. So those who dominate this planet have very easy jobs with dorks like yourself to manipulate masses.

Random Dude

All by myself https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60fff021e4bcf0ed19814d7c1c27f2ed28908cfa8c39f7cc51020288bd920dd0.jpg https://media4.giphy.com/media/3oEjHK9eViS9JOb22k/giphy.gif


You must be some teenager under 18 year old. Go away child.

Random Dude

I am a 12 year old boy. I can still taste Irinej’s “blessing” deep in my throat. Too bad he got infected. Wanted to be “blessed” by him couple of times more.


I have no clue what are you on about .. Fuck off kid!

Random Dude

Irinej did that to me already


Frankly, Hezbollah is full of surprises.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Better if they delivered them to the West Bank.


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chris chuba

The only way to know for certain would be if the IDF launched maniacal bombing attacks on Lebanese villages like they did in 2006. I’m certain the U.S. would portray defending your own airspace as an act of terrorism.

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