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MARCH 2025

“Russians Fought As If Their Own Country Is At Stake”: Former SAA Soldier Gives Interview About His Experience In War

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"Russians Fought As If Their Own Country Is At Stake": Former SAA Soldier Gives Interview About His Experience In War

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On December 6th, ArabiToday, published an interview with a former soldier of the Syrian Arab Army who was there at the beginning of the conflict and ended his military service in 2017, according to a medical report.

He is called Muhammad, and he refused to be named, he also refused to say where exactly he fought. He lives in Homs and his family takes care of him.

“I was on many fronts in Syria, in the first few years we mostly retreated. I had a feeling that the entire world was against us: the US, Israel, Turkey as well as the Gulf States.”

“These countries provided the terrorists, those sons of a dog, with arms and ammunition. We would have won the war much earlier, if it wasn’t for their supporters and their sponsors who brought more and more mercenaries from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others to Syria.

We often found documents from these countries with the names of terrorists who were killed. But God did not give up on us. I liberated the Aleppo teams and they took me and my colleagues to the desert”

The last battle he participated in was not far from the Euphrates Valley [near Deir Ezzor city]. He was seriously injured during it, which is not uncommon, especially when there are large-scale military operations.

“I had to injuries during my period of service. I was lightly injured during a bombing, I broke my arm and lost a lot of blood (he showed his scars), but the doctors treated me, and I returned to the army. It happened two years ago.

The second injury happened in Deir Ezzor, they shot at me. The bullet hit my stomach and I lost my kidney. Some say that such an injury can’t stop some from returning to the fight, but the doctors did not allow me to keep going.”

When he was asked if he would return once more, he said:

“Maybe, but I was happy to go back to my family. Now everything is better. I don’t need to worry about them anymore.

We will have to rebuild our country, which was destroyed by the enemies of Syria, of God and the people. But our president, Bashar al-Assad is doing his utmost and has not left us in times of trouble. We will certainly not leave him now.

Muhammed believes that Syria will recover from the war soon and everything will fall back into place.

“As I said, the war is artificial. We did not fight against Syrians, we fought against the terrorists who were brought in and supplied from abroad.

There were also Syrians, but those betrayed their homeland and their people, who would not forgive them. Sunnis, Shiites, Christians, Syrians, Iranians, Lebanese and Russians all opposed the terrorists.”

We asked if Muhammed had fought with some of them, side by side, and he said “Yes.”

“In the desert, and in eastern Syria we fought together, and before that we fought in Aleppo. The Syrian people are our support, ours brothers are from Hezbollah and also the Russians.”

The outlet asked if he referred to the Russian aviation, or to Russian military advisers who have trained some of the Syrian Arab Army.

“I’m talking about those who fought with us. And the Russians fought as if their own country is at stake, God preserve them. They often followed us directly and supported our major offensive operations alongside the Russian aviation. I did not always see them, but to me it seemed that they were always somewhere nearby, around us. It is said that, when were, for example, retreating, the Russians were still fighting the terrorists. I do not know if this is true, but I believe it.”

[Most likely Muhammad referred to the Russian Special Operations Forces or Russian private military contractors, which particiapted in some of battles across Syria]

Finally, he was asked about the next he planned to do:

“Before the war I worked with my father in a cement factory. I now work in a factory as well. I earn about 50,000 pounds (approximately $97), but I do not despair.

I work a lot and thanks to my work and the work of such companies, the cities and villages destroyed by the terrorists are being reconstructed. In a way, I am still a soldier in the Syrian army, God preserve them.”

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Winnie Eldrup



There is no doubt that Russian special forces were and are still on the ground to assist ground troops and coordinate aerial support cos some or most of the SAA officers may lack the capability of coordinating pinpoint accuracy in terms of air strike with regards to terrorist meetings and formation. Cos at the beginning of the war the SAA lost many professional officers!


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b970b03a5b49656a7511226b9a071ebea2b2be4a06b7eee5f27946b2aafca6b.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/56b006a3249d839a06c587d8c8ad8f68c7bbfb7cb685a46cb613b96a5c73d0d5.gif

You can call me Al

Dont forget Hezbollah at least. I cannot find one in that format, sorry.


We bleed together.

Generalissimo R M Chair

I’ve prayed for Syria and for Russia and for the soul of this man in particular.

Whoso doth the will of the Father, that one is Christ’s own Brother, (Matthew 12:50) and I would be honoured to call him mine.

You can call me Al

OK Bro, now get me a Hezbollah flag in the same format please.



Gregory Casey

I salute Muhammed and all of the other Muhammeds of Syria, Iran, Lebanon & Iraq who, together with Boris & Vlad & Sergei have fought and vanquished the single greatest military force assembled anywhere since the Second World War by Washington, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, (dis)United Kingdom, France, Belgium & elsewhere across Europe. May the Blessings of God be showered upon the Syrian People and upon their Leaders throughout the past 7 years and may God show no mercy towards the forces of evil we watched almost succeed in shattering a People, a Society and a State that together have taught us that an indomitable human spirit can never be broken.

Concrete Mike

Here here!!! I second that. Real tommy here guys read it!!

Tommy Jensen


Generalissimo R M Chair

God Almighty Himself stood over this poor and persecuted people in their hour of need. His strong sword arm, and the mighty Faith of those who did His Will, Christian and Moslem and otherwise, kept this army of wickedness at bay and ultimately crushed it, though experts the world over declared it impossible.

I tell you all now, the very gates of hell itself and all the devils therein will never triumph over the smallest man of Faith in the world.


I can see why, otherwise Russia would open hellgates comin from dagestan ….



It is. The US Coalition of Terror has been surrounding Russia for decades.


The Jews are behind the Syria war, as they are most wars. A return to the status quo with the remaining 60% of Syria cleared, not counting the occupied Golan. Would still be a big win for the Jews. Who will have suffered no damage, compared to huge damage for Syria that will take many years to recover from. And the Jews will just go on starting more wars and running terrorists against Syria at a reduced level.

What needs to be done is to win the Syria war and bring about the end of Israel and the end of Jews. A regional force with nuclear weapons should be stood up using a UN mandate to clear the IDF out of the occupied territories. And police the implementation of all of the UN resolutions that Israel is in chronic, scofflaw violation of, such as the right of return. So that Israel can be voted out of existence and replaced at the UN with a unified, dejudified Palestine. Judaism should be outlawed world wide, and the synagogues and yeshivas closed and demolished so that the planet is Jew free.


We need to Free Syria of Terrorists… then we need to Free Palestine of The Terrorist Occupiers so they may live in peace.

Tommy Jensen

Russia is grabbing more land masses EVERYWHERE, so of course Russian soldiers fought as if Syria were their own. Syria IS now their land. Thats why US/NATO is fighting in Syria, for freedom folks!!


Been to any evil blood sucking Jew baby raping rituals recently?


Oh! So that’s why?? Nothing to do with Greater Israel project or Genie oil??

Gregory Casey

It is quite clear to me that you are either remotely programmed to write the drivel that drips from your lips or, more likely, lobotomized by NATO

Generalissimo R M Chair

Or option 3, which is that he’s joking. Which he is.

Poe’s Law, folks.

Tudor Miron

Tommy, you should create some sort of sarcasm sign. I know that you used LOL and it didn’t help much but still there is a need to lable your posts for what it is – sarcasm.

Tommy Jensen

I dont know. It should be obvious. Its like explaining a joke, just forget it then.

Tudor Miron

I understand, but message board is not real life personal conversation where there are many ways that we use (some even unconsciously) to indicate if/when we are being sarcastic. There (personal conversation) are multitude of communication channels other than verbal and it works. Here things may sound obvious to you but it’s not necessarily so for others.


I agree, that is something Americans do, Scandinavians are more laconic.

Generalissimo R M Chair

Jokes and sarcasm are fairly easy to convey in person, but it gets a bit harder when the word is written and all you have is your reading voice putting it to you straightly.

Then again, with nato, Poe’s Law applies: the only difference between their actual policies and simple parodies of it is often whether or not the speaker actually believes what they’re saying.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Russian were fighting for their lives. The simple maths says a Saudi pipeline to the EU would have meant a minimum 30% reduction to Russia’s total export revenue, and that’s only a best case scenario, if the Saudi’s do what they normally do when fighting for market share [lower prices/overproduce] it would be even more than a 30% loss, and a Superpower can’t survive with a 30% reduction in revenue or worse. That’s why the cooperative Iranians are a much better option for Russia, they are the lesser of 2 evils. Iran would take over 30 to 40% of Russia’s market share, which is bad, but unlike the Saudis, they’d actually cooperate with Putin, we’d most likely see higher prices instead of lower prices, and that would mean the 30% reduction caused by the loss of market share, could be recouped by Russia due to the higher price both countries could get by cooperating. So that’s a pretty good reason for the Russians to fight in Syria, I would too if the US and Israel were trying to destroy my countries economy, and turn us into beggars.


You’re spamming the threads with stupidity.

Show us the math for this idiocy:

“The simple maths says a Saudi pipeline to the EU would have meant a minimum 30% reduction to Russia’s total export revenue”

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hey moron use wiki to prove me wrong, don’t ask me to enlighten you, I’ve spent enough time answering your chimp dribble, read my reply post to your chimp mate Tudor Miron if you want to know anything more.


You have no proof for your lies and idiocy. Because it’s complete nonsense that you couldn’t prove if your life depended on it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Go have a banana chimp, you’ll feel better.


You’re the idiot spamming threads with this nonsense:

“”The simple maths says a Saudi pipeline to the EU would have meant a minimum 30% reduction to Russia’s total export revenue”

You have no proof because you’re a head case, pathological liar and moron spamming these threads with idiocy.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Go have another banana you simple little chimp. I’m watching for your posts so I can rip them to pieces anytime you say something stupid, which is quite often. I’m going to do to you exactly what you think you were doing to me. But unlike you I’m not homosexual and immune to homosexual cruelty, if anything that sort of behaviour fires me up and makes me angry. So now I’m going to give you a taste of your own medicine and see how long it takes to break you, we’ll see which one of us is mentally unstable. I don’t like being cruel but I do love to fight, chimps like you make it easy for me to get into a fight and not feel guilty about it, I keep saying to myself, “you sometimes have to be cruel to be kind”, you’re the perfect example of this from my perspective and a valid target, let’s go to war chimp, but have a few bananas first, you’re going to need the energy. If you apologize to me, and also stop being obnoxiously cruel to other on this forum, I’ll stop treating you like a chimp, until you do you’re fair game for me.


I’ve outed your lies, false accusations and stupidity repeatedly. You’ve disproven nothing that I’ve written. Game, set, match. You lose loser.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You did point out that I’d made a mistake claiming that the Turks had killed Iraqi soldiers protecting them true, as I said I’m human and make mistakes, but that’s the only thing you did, nothing else, everything else has just been chimp talk. The fight can’t be over yet, it hasn’t even started. The loser of the fight we’re about to have is the one that ends up looking the dumbest by saying stupid things, they have to end up so ashamed of the stupid things they say that they stop posting here altogether, that’s what I’d call the loser. I want to make you lose now chimp, I want to punish you for your cruelty, I want to teach you not to do it anymore and try to become a human, humans only act cruelly after they’re attacked, not before, and humans don’t get angry just because someone questions or disagrees with them, we only get cruel when we’re repeatedly accused of lying. Eat lots of bananas chimp, you’re going to need them.


Where’s the proof these idiotic lies moron:

“most ballistic missiles go much faster than that, especially those new Iranian ones, mach 15 or 20”

“The simple maths says a Saudi pipeline to the EU would have meant a minimum 30% reduction to Russia’s total export revenue”

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I gave Tudor Miron the data to work out why I make the 30% claim, and he has no problems with the numbers I stated and the timeline it was relevant to, why can’t you? He’s not a chimp and can work it out, but you on the other hand are nothing but a chimp and have no idea what anything means. Go back and look at his response to me if you can’t work it out for yourself, he did the hard work for you. silly little chimp. Mach 15 to 20, you have to wait for someone else to ask me and read the response to the question, or maybe just use the wiki, even a dumb chimp like you could do that couldn’t you.


This was my response to Tudor on the oil issue:

“This person is an idiot. The Saudis don’t need a pipeline to sell to Europe. And even if they had one and gained market share there, they’d give it up somewhere else. Which would be filled by someone else. If Russia didn’t sell to Europe, they’d sell to someone else. It would have next to zero effect on the Russian economy. A 30% contraction would never happen.”

“Short-range ballistic missiles, traveling less than 1,000 kilometers (approximately 620 miles)”

– Worldwide Ballistic Missile Inventories –


The only ballistic missiles that Iran has that approach Mach 15 or 20 are medium range ballistic missiles in the mach 7 to 14 range. Which they’re unlikely to use for a 200 or 300 mile flight across Iraq. Other than that they have a very limited low earth orbit satellite launch capability that requires Mach 20 speed. Which they’re also not going to use to hit Isis targets in Dier Ezzor.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“This person is an idiot. The Saudis don’t need a pipeline to sell to Europe. And even if they had one and gained market share there, they’d give it up somewhere else. Which would be filled by someone else. If Russia didn’t sell to Europe, they’d sell to someone else. It would have next to zero effect on the Russian economy. A 30% contraction would never happen.”

Yes they do, high prices in the EU, stable market, political influence and shipping costs are halved, stupid chimp. The pipeline is the only reason for this war in Syria, NOTHING ELSE, stupid chimp. But it’s not for the money either you stupid chimp, it’s to destroy Russia’s economy and get rid of Putin.

“Short-range ballistic missiles, traveling less than 1,000 kilometers (approximately 620 miles)”

On June 18, 2017, Iran reportedly launched six Zolfaghar missiles into Syria towards the Deir ez-Zor region.4 Reports citing the IRGC suggest that the missiles were fired from bases in the western provinces of Kermanshah and Kurdistan and flew over 600 km before reportedly hitting their targets. The missiles targeted Islamic State militants in response to an attack in Tehran on June 7. The strike was the longest-range missile launched by Iran in combat since its war with Iraq in the 1980s. IRGC officials said the strike not only sent a message to the Islamic State, but also that, “The Saudis and Americans are especially receivers of this message.”5 Some reports also point to a mix of missiles being used in the strike, including the Qiam, a Shahab-2 variant.6 That’s from your link chimp, didn’t you read it. More wike info The course taken by ballistic missiles has two significant desirable properties. First, ballistic missiles that fly above the atmosphere have a much longer range than would be possible for cruise missiles of the same size. Powered rocket flight through thousands of kilometers of air would require vastly greater amounts of fuel, making the launch vehicles larger and easier to detect and intercept. Powered missiles that can cover similar ranges, such as cruise missiles, do not use rocket motors for the majority of their flight, but instead use more economical jet engines. However, cruise missiles have not made ballistic missiles obsolete, due to the second major advantage: ballistic missiles can travel extremely quickly along their flight path. An ICBM can strike a target within a 10,000 km range in about 30 to 35 minutes.[citation needed] With terminal speeds of over 5,000 m/s, ballistic missiles are much harder to intercept than cruise missiles, due to the much shorter time available. Therefore, ballistic missiles are some of the most feared weapons available, despite the fact that cruise missiles are cheaper, more mobile, and more versatile. 5,000 m/s = 18,000 kph or 11,000 mph. More Wiki info An intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) is a ballistic missile with a range of 3,000–5,500 km (1,864–3,418 miles), between a medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) and an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Classifying ballistic missiles by range is done mostly for convenience; in principle there is very little difference between a low-performance ICBM and a high-performance IRBM, because decreasing payload mass can increase range over ICBM threshold. The range definition used here is used within the U.S. Missile Defense Agency. Some other sources include an additional category, the long-range ballistic missile (LRBM), to describe missiles with a range between IRBMs and true ICBMs. The more modern term theater ballistic missile encompasses MRBMs and SRBMs, including any ballistic missile with a range under 3,500 km (2,175 mi). Did you read it chimp? that explains everything so don’t argue anymore. If you don’t understand what it means because you’re a chimp, I’ll explain, the shorter the distance it has to go, the bigger it’s payload can be, there is no real set definition for SRBM or IRBM/MRBM, only the ones chimps like you try to make up. When the missile goes up it has to go fast to break orbit, when it comes back down it doubles speed, you stupid chimp. With all the shit you’ve linked me I don’t think you’ve read anymore than the first 2 or 3 lines of anything you’ve sent me, you’re a retarded chimp. You link me things that just prove you’re a moron and can’t even understand what you are linking me, you should read it and understand it before you send it. Qiam + Zolfaghar are not the missiles sent either, the ones sent were newer secret variants that have been developed since those earlier versions, reports from Iran and speculation by the so called experts tell us they are, but we don’t have the evidence to know what they really were at all, only Iran and Isis does, they may even turn out to be totally different to what the Iranians have told us and the experts believe. No more replies from me to your retarded posts, they’re not worth my time, I’ll just keep picking on your posts instead, Go have another banana stupid chimp.


You didn’t even begin to explain how a Saudi pipeline would decrease Russian export revenue by 30%, because you can’t, because it wouldn’t. If the Russians don’t sell oil to Europe, they’l sell it to China or someone else. Any increase in Saudi sales to Europe would be offset by a decrease in sales to other buyers.

You also didn’t provide proof of Iranian mach 15 to 20 missiles that they would use to hit Isis in Dier Ezzor. Because you have no proof. Your unfounded allegations about secret weapons isn’t proof. It’s speculation devoid of proof that proves nothing.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Here’s how you do it chimp, use dates from pre 2014, it should be obvious why. Find out Russia’s total export revenue per year. google search. Find out how much of that revenue comes from oil and gas. google search. Find out how much of that oil/gas revenue comes from sales to EU countries. google search. Work out how much money Russia makes from the oil sales to the EU. calculator or google. When you work out the percentage of total revenue the EU market for oil and gas makes for Russia’s total annual export revenue, you’ll see just how dependent they are on that stable high priced market, losing just half of it means the 30% I claim, a trade war with the Saudis means more than a 30% loss, and that’s what they would have if the Saudis built their pipe. Do the maths chimp and google search, it’s easy, even I can do it. As to the Iranian missiles no I don’t have any proof, neither does anyone else, except for the Iranians of course, but since most ballistic missiles travel at mach 15 to 20 why would you think the Iranian ones wouldn’t, why would you think they’d go slower than everyone else’s ballistic missile, for all you or anyone else knows, they might go even faster. You dumb chimp, you must be running out of energy, go have another banana, I think you need it now.


On the oil issue. You’re contending that if the Saudis gained market share in Europe at Russia’s expense. That Russia would suffer a 30% export revenue loss from it that would catastrophically effect the Russian economy. When you know, even at your near double digit IQ that Russia would simply sell to someone else with little or no revenue loss. So all that you’re doing posting this nonsense is making a fool out of yourself.

You admit that you have no proof for your mach 15 to 20 Iranian missile claim. And then double down on your lies by claiming that most ballistic missiles travel at mach 15 to 20. When only a small percentage of the most powerful and longest range ones do that are only a small percentage of the total number of ballistic missiles in use.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Tell me one country that has ever done what you say the Russian’s would simply do if the Saudi’s invaded their EU market, even just one. It’s never happened, everyone fights to retain a market NO ONE gives it up willingly and then looks for new buyers, NEVER. The EU has the highest prices for Russia. The EU is a stable market. The EU panders to Russia for their oil and gas, political influence. Shipping costs are half or less with pipes, ships trucks and trains are expensive, most other markets the Russians would have to either ship direct or sell cheaper. But the most important thing is this. Russia and Saudi Arabia have been engaged in a decade long trade war, the Saudis were over producing and under pricing over that period, we experienced the lowest prices for oil and gas during that period, but it was cutting the bottom line for all oil and gas producing nations, especially the ones heavily dependent on it for a revenue source, Russia was heavily dependent and still is very dependent but due to Putin’s good management over the last decade, he’s managed to lessen their dependence on oil revenue just a little. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar are solely dependent on oil/gas revenue and were the hardest hit by the Saudi Russian trade war. The Saudis run deficits for many years, in the end it was 450 bill 3 years running and their cash reserves were going down quickly, from one of the biggest cash reserves ever for any country to starting to go broke in just a decade, that ended the trade war and prices have been goin up ever since. Tudor did a check and found in 2017 the 30% was down to 18.9%, but when he used an earlier date 2014 it was 30%, but you could even use dates up to 2016 to get close to the 30%, the 100 bill oil/gas deal with China last year must have dropped my 30% by a whopping 10%, some of the percentage drop is due to Putin’s excellent management of the domestic economy. Check wiki again, most if not all ballistic missiles have terminal velocity of mach 15 to 20, and in my original post to you about it, I stated that the US AA systems were useless against them, and that their anti ballistic system was practically useless too, best missile speed mach 4.8, not much they could do against a target travelling at mach 15 or 20, even the Russians would have a hard time, a very hard time.


OKAY GODDAMIT!! For the love of God smoke a joint, take a shot, Xanax, get a fucking snuggie, whatever you do to keep from snapping when you hear the demons. It’s very early in my day and YOU, the both of YOU, have already set the tone right at WTF?×hopeless= pull this shit together guys. Whether one is a liar or loose with his figuring or the other is pedantic as hell or calling legit bullshit, obviously theres some debate between both of you as to whose lil weenie is a little bigger. When this shit is over trying to predict loss of revenue over a pipeline and the precise speed of Iranian missiles, while the type still unclear?, relative the soundbarrier, would it please if for just this once, everyone agreed both your dicks are far larger than the ruler and thus results are inconclusive. It’s not a draw though, you both won!!!

Lastly….chimp? 827 times!?!? FFS man, I don’t know if its word choice, the overwhelming frequency, or what but the thought of wearing you as a suit or at least a leatherface mask while road tripping made some happiness return. And at least concede you’re probably, maybe, trying to use a simple formula for something that is far to complex to boil it down like that and hope to have any real precision.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s my post after smoking a few joints, I wouldn’t dare post without having some, they’d kick me off the forums otherwise. Your post is borderline trolling, beware you might be the next person to be put on my chimp list. Why the hell have you bothered to read all my posts and then added up how many times I said chimp, surely you have something better to do. Are you’re smoking too many joints, taking too many shots, and taking way too much Xanax, you have to get your life back, reading other peoples old posts are no way to live your life, go out and enjoy yourself, unless of course you like spending hours trawling through old posts and adding up the amount of times someones used a word, I think that’s a borderline compulsion disorder and you should be just a little worried about it, I would be.


This isn’t surprising and helps explain your mental issues.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re insane, get help now.


Coming from a proven habitual liar your false accusations are meaningless.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re insane get help.


You’ve completely lost the debates with your lies and stupidly posting material that disproves the points that you’re trying to make. and then lying and saying that it does when any rational right thinking person can see that it doesn’t. And now you’re reduced to spamming the threads with repetitive false accusations. You’re a real loser.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re insane for sure, check out what I did to your last post. As I said, you misunderstand everything, you’re just plain dumb. I’d be embarrassed by your last comment if I’d posted it. Read it again carefully and say I’m wrong you dumbass.


You proved that you have no proof of mach 15 to 20 missiles up to 2,500 km by posting missile speeds below that. And then tried to explain why you can’t prove your point because it’s all secret data. I’ll go with published reports from credibility sources. Not disinfo and conjecture from a proven liar and scammer who by his own admission is a drug user who has antisocial mental issues.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

This is my last post to him.

“Tell me one country that has ever done what you say the Russian’s would simply do if the Saudi’s invaded their EU market, even just one. It’s never happened, everyone fights to retain a market NO ONE gives it up willingly and then looks for new buyers, NEVER. The EU has the highest prices for Russia. The EU is a stable market. The EU panders to Russia for their oil and gas, political influence. Shipping costs are half or less with pipes, ships trucks and trains are expensive, most other markets the Russians would have to either ship direct or sell cheaper. But the most important thing is this. Russia and Saudi Arabia have been engaged in a decade long trade war, the Saudis were over producing and under pricing over that period, we experienced the lowest prices for oil and gas during that period, but it was cutting the bottom line for all oil and gas producing nations, especially the ones heavily dependent on it for a revenue source, Russia was heavily dependent and still is very dependent but due to Putin’s good management over the last decade, he’s managed to lessen their dependence on oil revenue just a little. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar are solely dependent on oil/gas revenue and were the hardest hit by the Saudi Russian trade war. The Saudis run deficits for many years, in the end it was 450 bill 3 years running and their cash reserves were going down quickly, from one of the biggest cash reserves ever for any country to starting to go broke in just a decade, that ended the trade war and prices have been goin up ever since. Tudor did a check and found in 2017 the 30% was down to 18.9%, but when he used an earlier date 2014 it was 30%, but you could even use dates up to 2016 to get close to the 30%, the 100 bill oil/gas deal with China last year must have dropped my 30% by a whopping 10%, some of the percentage drop is due to Putin’s excellent management of the domestic economy. Check wiki again, most if not all ballistic missiles have terminal velocity of mach 15 to 20, and in my original post to you about it, I stated that the US AA systems were useless against them, and that their anti ballistic system was practically useless too, best missile speed mach 4.8, not much they could do against a target travelling at mach 15 or 20, even the Russians would have a hard time, a very hard time”.

And this is his reply.

“You’re harassing truthers here with your voluminous lies and stupidity. Because you’re a moron, truth hater and idiot. All that you’re doing is making a fool out of yourself and denigrating the threads with your idiocy”.

I can’t help but call him a chimp, he doesn’t act like anything else.


If you take the time, and I don’t blame you if you don’t, because this guy has obviously got a screw loose. You’l see that he spams these threads with loads of disinfo and stupidity. And tries to cover it up and make it look legitimate by posting long comments with sourced material that doesn’t prove his point. And then falsely claims that it does. Like his last post where he posts missile speeds below mach 15 to 20 to “prove” that:

“most if not all ballistic missiles have terminal velocity of mach 15 to 20”

And when you point this out, he goes into attack mode with stupidity and false accusations about gay, transgender, primate, fruit, bodily functions and other such depravity.

I just got tired of it and decided to thoroughly expose his nonsense that he churns out for what it is.


You’re harassing truthers here with your voluminous lies and stupidity. Because you’re a moron, truth hater and idiot. All that you’re doing is making a fool out of yourself and denigrating the threads with your idiocy.

“Check wiki again, most if not all ballistic missiles have terminal velocity of mach 15 to 20”

No, most ballistic missiles do not have a terminal velocity of mach 15 to 20. You never posted anything from wiki stating this. Only most ICBMs have that velocity. And some intermediate range missiles. Almost everything else below that range, which is the vast majority of ballistic missiles, doesn’t have mach 15 to 20 speed. Copy and paste it with a link to disprove me. You can’t so you won’t because you’re a liar and an idiot.

You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth, as liars like you habitually do. You falsely claim that almost all ballistic missiles are mach 15 to 20. But you can’t prove that Iran which has one of the largest ballistic missile inventories in the world has even one, not a single one.

This is the world’s ballistic missile inventory. 114 out of 170 listed missile types have ranges of 2,500 km or less like Iran. I couldn’t find a single missile in that range with mach 15 to 20 speed. And there are a lot more missiles with ranges below 2,500 km than those above 2,500 km.

– Worldwide Ballistic Missile Inventories –


Anyone spewing your volume of rubbish has a screw loose upstairs.

You have zero proof that a Saudi pipeline would contract Russian exports by 30%. Because it wouldn’t. The Russians would just sell to someone else if they lost market share in Europe. Just like they did with Ukraine. Your lies and stupidity prove nothing. Only that you’re an idiot. You can’t post proof that a Saudi pipeline would catastrophically damage the Russian economy because no qualified analyst would publish such nonsense. Only comment board wack jobs displaying their lies and ignorance like you post such drivel.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Can’t stop can you chimp, and why do you always link sites that are useless, that’s the worst site to use to find out what the terminal velocities are for any ballistic missiles, not even flight speeds included for well known missiles, wtf. YOU ALWAYS DO THAT, PICK THE WORST SIGHTS

SRBM ….. Shaurya Place of origin India Speed Mach 7.5 (9,187.8 km/h .. OTR-21 Tochka SS-21 Scarab Place of origin Soviet Union Speed 1.8 km/s (1.1 mi/s; Mach 5.3)

MRBM … Sejil-1/2/3 Used by Iran Speed Mach 14 (4300 m/s

Agni-II Place of origin India Speed ~mach 12 or 3.9 km/s (Agni-II .. DF-21/CSS-5 Mod 1 Place of origin China Speed Mach 10 .. Shahab-3 Used by Iran Speed 2.4 km/s at altitude of 10–30 km in final stage which is about mach 7.

No terminal velocities listed. ……. I’m not doing any more work for you dickhead, there’s the flight speed for just a few but terminal velocity is even faster. The reason you can’t find much info is because there isn’t much, only from old crappy obsolete missiles that aren’t usually even in production any more, even some of the ones I’ve put up are useless now and have been superseded by newer and better and faster ones. Maybe the short range Ballistic missile don’t go as fast as the big ICBM do or have as high a terminal velocity, but they can still beat any AA system out there nearly all the time regardless if their flight speed is only is 5.3 or 7.5 and the terminal velocity is only mack 7 to 10. The Iranian ones used to hit Isis were the newest missiles Iran has, and were a mixture of both SRBM’s and MRBMS Zolfaqar and Qiam missile variants. But they could have been completely brand new missiles altogether for all we know, only the Iranians know for sure and they’re not really telling us. But they are showing us exactly what they can do, and you’re arguing with me about their capabilities when they’ve just shown us all exactly what they can do, you stupid chimp. You can say I have no proof of anything, I’m just speculating, and your right, there is nothing to prove me right or wrong, there is hardly any available data for any of the newer missiles made over the last decade and none at all for anything developed recently, it’s usually a secret. As to why I say these new missiles are capable of at least mach 10 to 15 for even possibly the short range missiles and 15 to 20 for the MRBM’s is this. look at what they do when they improve each missile, each newer version has been getting faster and faster each time they design a new one, then look at the available info on what we do know [which is 2 or 3 versions old], they aren’t getting worse or slower, they getting better and faster all the time, that’s what ballistic missiles are good for, high terminal velocity, that’s what makes them just about impossible to defend against. Now the Sejil-1/2/3 used by Iran has a speed of Mach 14 and they’re old news now, why do you think the newest and best Iran has to offer would go any slower, I’m pretty sure the new and better ones would be going even faster. They did use them to demonstrate to Israel and US just how good they’ve become at designing missiles, I’m sure they used their very best to impress them don’t you. Lets see what those missiles did, they launched without being detected, they hit their targets accurately, and they weren’t able to be stopped by any Israeli/Turkish/US defence systems. All of them would have been worried if they’d detected an Iranian missile launch and seen the missiles heading roughly their way. If they were detected why weren’t the US service men at least warned of an possible strike against them, they had no idea Isis was the real target, they would have assumed it was them. Israeli and Turkish high altitude long range radars should have picked them up some time after launch and warned the US, but they didn’t, that means they were stealthy and undetectable, at least until too late. NOW JUST F–K OFF YOU DUMB INSANE LGBTQI CHIMP YOU’RE WASTING TOO MUCH OF MY TIME Not one more reply to your insane posts, I’m just going to pick you like the scab you are.


You’ve given up on trying to justify your nonsense about a Saudi pipeline severely damaging the Russian economy because it’s such sheer stupidity that no rational person believes that type of idiocy.

And your complete FAILURE to provide 1 example of a single mach 15 to 20 missile with a range of up to 2,500 km from 114 types out of 170, which probably accounts for 80% or more of all ballistic missiles is a further expose’ of your premeditated lies:

“most if not all ballistic missiles have terminal velocity of mach 15 to 20”

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re insane, get help.


You’re the liar with mental issues, not me. No one believes the idiotic rants and stupidity that you’re polluting the threads with. You’re another Jen Holms with better English and just as nonsensical.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re insane and need help.

Tudor Miron

Thats a very narrow view and your numbers are misleading i.e. fake.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Are you another chimp calling me a liar are you, you should learn to use facts to prove I’m wrong, not just say I’m misleading people or lying to them, that’s not going to prove anything either way. If anybody wanted to prove me wrong it’d be easy to, the wiki has all the info required to either come to the same conclusion I have, or possibly disagree with it. Anybody wanting to find out the truth about what I claimed could do it in just half an hour or so, and you don’t have to be genius to work it out either, just some simple maths and a bit of readily available info from the wiki, or any other source you liked for that matter. Here’s how you do it, Find out Russia’s total export revenue per year. google search. Find out how much of that revenue comes from oil and gas. google search. Find out how much of that oil/gas revenue comes from sales to EU countries. google search. Work out how much money Russia makes from the oil sales to the EU. calculator or google. When you work out the percentage of total revenue the EU market for oil and gas makes for Russia’s total annual export revenue, you’ll see just how dependent they are on that stable high priced market, losing just half of it means the 30% I claim, a trade war with the Saudis means more than a 30% loss, and that’s what they would have if the Saudis built their pipe. Now if you bothered to do the few simple things I suggested, I know the maths will prove me right, and if you think there’s anything at all unsound about what I’m stating, please post a reply and say why you think I’m wrong or lying, but don’t just call me a fake. 10 years ago Russia’s domestic economy was very weak and highly dependent on imported goods and services, but when Putin became aware of the US/Israeli inspired Saudi/Qatari oil/gas pipeline to the EU, he began quickly reforming Russia’s domestic economy, and he hasn’t stopped since. He not only increased primary production, he also diversified the amount of available products [fruit, vegetables and animals] for domestic consumption, and he did it through government initiatives and incentives, he also increased domestic manufacturing with more government incentives, helping make Russia less dependent on foreign goods, especially high tech stuff. He also made many new mutually beneficial but slightly interdependent trade deals with countries like Egypt and Turkey, to help minimise any damage a loss in import revenue would have in case the other side won. So if my 30% assertion is a little off, like down to about 25% now, it’s probably because Putin’s reforms, and he’s been at these reforms for a decade now, but I think I’ll only be off by a few percentage points, you can’t change an economy very quickly no matter how hard you try. Apart from a 30% decrease in Russia’s export revenue, they’d also lose a lot of political influence with a lot EU countries, just what the US and Israel also want, but also very devastating for Russia, especially during a financial crisis.

How much money do you think Russia could afford to lose from it’s export revenue, before it actually started affecting their ability to maintain their superpower status, do you think a 10% reduction over a decade would be enough, I think possibly yes, you might not, what about 10% reduction over 2 decades, I think definitely yes, but again you might not, so what about a 10% reduction over 50 years, surely you’d have to agree that would do the trick, show me any other country in the world during our entire history that was able to suffer that and still survive intact. Germany did but that wasn’t 50 years of financial decline, only 30 or so, and Germany stopped paying back the money it owed and spent it on themselves, so it’s not real a fair comparison to make and I hope you don’t. Russia nearly lost its superpower status during the Yeltsin years if I remember correctly, but Putin saved the country and did what he had to do, and that’s exactly what he’s doing in Syria now, protecting his Superpower status by maintaining his financial stability and protecting the EU markets from the Saudis. I say the Saudi pipeline to the EU would cut Russia’s export revenue by 30% if it was ever built, and I also say it would only take a decade before the Israelis and the US wouldn’t have to worry about Russia at all any more if it happened. Show me how you think I’m wrong, faking it or lying, I’ve given you my take and you have all the info on the wiki or whatever you like to use to prove I’m wrong or lying, knock yourself out.


I’ve proven you wrong over and over again, because you’re a habitual liar and idiot.

Tudor Miron

OK, lets work with your claim: “I say the Saudi pipeline to the EU would cut Russia’s export revenue by 30% if it was ever built”. In reality, half/50% of Russian oil/mineral gas exported to Europe would amount to 18.9% of total export. Here goes your 30% being a “little off” as you put it. I would not go into details regarding your claim that pipe line of yours will result in a loss of 50% of European market. How large would that pipe be? :) Is Russia able to continue being a superpower if it looses 30% (as you claim) – I’m not fond on endless posts. I will just suggest to look around – from 2014 Oil prices dropped from over 100 to over 30$ + sunctions = significant loss of revenue. At list comparable with your assumptions. Now compare Russia’s international role in 2014 and now. You westerners seldom can comprehend that it is not about money only. That’s why I say “narrow view”. Claiming that pipeline is the reason behind Russians fighting hard in Syria is a good example of sort of tunnel vision or better say kaleidoscopic view of world events.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m glad you took the time to check. All my calculations were done many years ago, perhaps as many as 3 or 4 years ago, and I had dozens of posts on SouthFront and Al Masdar explaining everything in detail, I’m sure my maths was sound at the time, I triple checked everything. Since then Putin has worked hard to strengthen the domestic economy making it more resilient and less dependent on imports, this would have resulted in the 30% dropping by just a few percentage points but not much more. The figure you’ve provided me with sounded a little low 18.9 until I realized my old equations had never accounted for the 100 billion oil/gas deal the Russians did with the Chinese, that’s only come on line over the last 12 months or so. That 100 bill deal wasn’t included in my original posts as it wasn’t even in public knowledge as far as I know, and I’m sure most of the 11.1 percent difference between your figure and mine could be accounted for by that. Putin’s reforms may have accounted for 2.1% and the 100 bill deal the other 10%. When Putin sent his soldiers to fight in Syria the number was 30%, that’s why my post said they were fighting for their lives. Just so you don’t think I’m a liar or stupid, I’d ask you to repeat the same process you used to come to the 18.9% figure, but instead of using current dates in your searches, use dates that correspond to just after the Russians intervened in Syria, I’m 100% certain you’ll come up with a new figure of just over 30%, maybe 31%. Now in my original post I said this, ” The simple maths says a Saudi pipeline to the EU would have meant a minimum 30% reduction to Russia’s total export revenue” I’ll repeat this part “would have meant”, so even if your new figure of 18.9% is right, and I’m not doubting you at all, and not even going to check you, it still makes my comment no less relevant or untrue, at the time Putin sent the soldiers into Syria they were facing a possible 30% reduction in revenue if the Saudi pipeline was built [please recheck with new dates].Things have changed since then, but at the time 30% was the figure Putin was facing. Even a 10.0% reduction in revenue would be devastating for the Russian economy, a 19% reduction would be worse, the 30% reduction he was facing at the start of the intervention could have meant the end of Russia as a superpower in less than a decade. That was the real intention of this war. But as much as the real intention of this war was to completely destroy Russia’s economy, you’re right, it was never really about the money, this war in Syria is just a proxy war against Russia, and Syria and Assad are just collateral damage, the real goal is to remove Putin from power, destroying Russia’s economy was the only way to do it. May I ask you, do you still think I’m a liar or stupid, or just making things up. Please recheck with relevant dates and reply.

Tudor Miron

I agree to your numbers on the time. My numbers were based on 2017. I still don’t agree that loosing 10-19-30% is devestating to Russian economy. Look you say that in 2014 they were facing 30% possible losses (in case Rats win in Syria). In we did experienced comparable losses – due to huge drop of oil/gas prices and sanctions that greatly restricted ability to finance in western institutions. Yet, global posion of Russia is actually stronger in 2018 than they were before 2014 (Before double front nato attack – though ukro nazi in Kiev and though irregulard armed forces of US/UK/Israel – daesh/nusra and rest of those rats.). What I’m talking about that huge losses did happen yet Russia is actually better now despite what happened. In other words its not only about money. Money is just a reflection of human productive resources/earthly resources etc. Quality of governing, global politics (Don’t think that West is homogenous and united in some way – far from that) and actual level of awareness of billions of individuals engaged in this “game” – that will determine степень кровавости грядущих событий определяется совокупной нравственностью участников процесса.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I also used to post a lot concerning the low world oil and gas prices at the same time I was posting about the pipeline. I claimed the Pipeline was just an extension of the trade war that had been going on for years and keeping prices so low. I also used to claim that prices would start going up and that the Russians would eventually win out. In my last post to you I mentioned the domestic reforms Putin put in place to help counter his imports deficit and help buffer the economy against the possible 30% loss due to the pipeline itself, but Putin had already begun some of those reforms before the Saudis even proposed that pipeline, he was already buffering his economy against the revenue losses he was already experiencing due to the trade war between the Russians and the Saudis. I also did heaps of articles pointing out just how broke the Saudis really were and just how unsustainable their trade war was, running 450 bill deficits every year had me predicting they could only last another 6 or 7 years with the reserves they had, I hate to brag but I was sort of right about that too, it just happened a few years before I thought it would, the Saudi’s couldn’t sustain overproduction and low prices any longer, and had lift prices, even though the US and Israel still wanted them to keep them low, that’s what we’re seeing right now the Saudis lost the trade war against Putin and had to lift their prices, my numbers for this were also triple checked. So thanks for your reply and honesty, and for double checking my numbers with the new dates, you may not care, but you’ve gained a lot of respect from me for that one simple little action, thankyou. You may have seen some of my obnoxious chimp posts I’ve sent to some of other SF posters, rest assured I won’t be calling you a chimp, you just proved to me your not. Dialogue like we’re having coupled with some simple fact checking changes the world, even if only bit by bit, calling people liars and fakes never changes anything, I wish a few more SF posters were a bit like you, hell, I wish a few more SF journalists were a bit like you, they also act more like chimps than humans most of the time. Thanks for your reply.


This person is an idiot. The Saudis don’t need a pipeline to sell to Europe. And even if they had one and gained market share there, they’d give it up somewhere else. Which would be filled by someone else. If Russia didn’t sell to Europe, they’d sell to someone else. It would have next to zero effect on the Russian economy. A 30% contraction would never happen.

Tudor Miron

In fact, that just the way Russians fight. https://youtu.be/MTk9wDHPZKs And yes, defending Russia they would be much more fierce than they are in командировка in Syria.

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