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MARCH 2025

Russians Reopen Chunk Of M4 Highway In Northeastern Syria

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Russians Reopen Chunk Of M4 Highway In Northeastern Syria

A part of the M4 highway between the towns of Ayn Issa and Tell Tamir in northeastern Syria has been reopened for civilian traffic. This chunk of the highway is located close to the contact line with the Turkish-occupied area. In previous months, the constant threat of attacks by Turkish-led forces disrupted the movement of civilian vehicles in the area. However, now, the highway is reopened under the supervision of the Russian Military Police. This step will contribute to the strengthening of commercial and social ties between the cities of Aleppo and Hasakah, and the stability in the region, in general.

The reopening of the M4 highway in northeastern Syria did not occur without incidents. Just a few days ago, on May 23, US forces briefly blocked a Russian Military Police convoy east of Tell Tamr. Pro-Damascus sources say that the US-led coalition may try to oppose the restoration of commercial and social links between the government-controlled part of Syria and the areas that remain in the hands of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.

At the same time, the Syrian Army, the National Defense Forces and their allies continued operations against ISIS in southern Raqqah, western Deir Ezzor and southern Mayadin. The anti-ISIS efforts were coordinated with the combing operation led by Liwa al-Quds and the National Defense Forces in the countryside of Palmyra. Despite this, ISIS cells still remain active on the both banks of the Euphrates and in the desert area between Palmyra and al-Tanf.

The Turkish military reportedly deployed an MIM-23 Hawk medium-range air defense system in the vicinity of the town of Almastumah in southern Idlib. Earlier in 2020, Turkey sent several MIM-23 Hawk systems to Idlib to support its attack on the Syrian Army there. Now, Ankara is apparently working to strengthen the air defense and EW capabilities of its contingent deployed in the area. According to different sources, the number of Turkish troops in Greater idlib varies from 7,000 to 10,000.

Despite the large Turkish military presence, radical groups have a freedom of actions in their attempts to consolidate their efforts to oppose the implementation of the de-escalation agreement in southern Idlib. Houras al-Din and the Turkistan Islamic Party, both groups allied with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, united their propaganda efforts in the push against the implementation of the de-escalation deal and the expansion of the Russian-Turkish troops within the agreed to security zone on part of the M4 highway in southern Idlib. Right now, these groups are conducting no notable offensive operations or attack on the Syrian Army. Nonetheless, they are actively recruiting new members and training them in the camps created across the region. In these conditions, a new round of escalation is just a matter of time.

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Karim Al Ahamadi

Free Syria from US, Wahhabis and Russia


and iran and israel


fk hato,fk cia,fk eu-epp,fk bush,cheney,clinton,odummer,they can fk one another in hell!

Karim Al Ahamadi

Israel is not even to be considered. Iran is not a occupier. Russia, Wahhabis and US are, even if not the same type of evilness.

Porc Halal

What about turkey?!…


Are you assfkd,dumb or both?if it wern’t for russia,there be no syria (period) soros/nwo trolls!


Correct, thanks to this fool Russia-Turkey(NATO) cease fire agreement, full attacks of terrorists to SAA is just a matter of time.


Bigger the fools yous are,seens those tactics are way ntelligent for any loser/soros-nwo-cia troll!

AM Hants

Slightly off topic, but, don’t the Skripals link into parts of the story? Plus, link might interest many.

SKRIPAL SHOWDOWN, NOVICHOK PAYDAY — LONDON LAWYER THREAT TO CALL SERGEI AND YULIA SKRIPAL TO TESTIFY IN OPEN COURT FOR THE FIRST TIME… https://johnhelmer.net/skripal-showdown-novichok-payday-london-lawyer-threat-to-call-sergei-and-yulia-skripal-to-testify-in-open-court-for-the-first-time/


I think if I were a poverty-stricken young man in the Idlib area I’d go for the training (and, mainly, food) and then some time before I was scheduled to get blown to smithereens by the SAA I’d steal a rifle and some supplies and bug out.


hey they won’t let you out of sight except if you visit the toilet. ISIS, and now the red necks in An-Tanf, are experts at shooting the backs of those who break and run from battle

Jens Holm

Its Babylon to me. None there seemes to jnow who they are fighting for and against and the poplation there hardly count a thing.

Eidahoho – with ho ho.


Willing Conscience (The Truths

The highway to hell is being reopened is it, so who’s going to use it, only the people brave enough or stupid enough. All the out of control fires in the area will mean reduced visibility for the road users, and then they have terrorists forces stationed just 2 to 3 km from the highway itself, and they’ll probably be taking pot shots at the passer by’s every now and again [just for fun], so I don’t think too many families will be using the highway to go anywhere, I know I wouldn’t be.

LOL, What a load of BS this next part is,

“At the same time, the Syrian Army, the National Defense Forces and their allies continued operations against ISIS in southern Raqqah, western Deir Ezzor and southern Mayadin. The anti-ISIS efforts were coordinated with the combing operation led by Liwa al-Quds and the National Defense Forces in the countryside of Palmyra. Despite this, ISIS cells still remain active on the both banks of the Euphrates and in the desert area between Palmyra and al-Tanf.”

LOL LOL LOL, How can the National Defense Forces [NDF], and the IRCG do their jobs properly when they’re fighting amongst each other, 2 days ago soldiers from the Iranian IRGC came to blows with fighters from one of the NDF militias and 5 IRGC soldiers were wounded, so it’s not making it any easier to wipe out Isis if the soldiers/militias meant to be doing it are sometimes fighting amongst each other. :[ I suspect it was probably one of the local Sunni NDF militias that came to blows with the Iranians because the Shia NDF militias never oppose IRGC forces, only the local Sunni NDF militias and local Sunni residents do that.

“Houras al-Din and the Turkistan Islamic Party, both groups allied with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, united their propaganda efforts in the push against the implementation of the de-escalation deal and the expansion of the Russian-Turkish troops within the agreed to security zone on part of the M4 highway in southern Idlib. Right now, these groups are conducting no notable offensive operations or attack on the Syrian Army. Nonetheless, they are actively recruiting new members and training them in the camps created across the region. In these conditions, a new round of escalation is just a matter of time.”

SF wrongly assumes that reopening the M4 highway is actually in Syria’s best interests, but it is, reopening the highway and legitimizing the Turkish presence isn’t what Assad wants at all, that’s just what Turkey and Russia want, if Assad did actually want to reopen the highway he wouldn’t be doing trade deals with HTS and Al Nusra, they’d be doing deal with the Turks instead, and the SAA wouldn’t be targeting Turkish backed SNA/SLF/FSA/NFL in Idlib with their artillery like they are now, they’d be attacking HTS and Al Nusra fighters instead. The article rightly stated that HTS and their allies Al Nusra haven’t been attacking the SAA recently, but they also speculated on the reason why they’ve halted their hostilities, and I think they’re wrong about that, HTS may be doing what the article said they are but I actually think Turkey’s going to be the party they come to blows with, not the SAA. If Assad really wanted the highway reopened like the Turks and Russian’s do he wouldn’t be doing everything he can to sabotage the deal, he’d be doing everything he could to hasten it, but shooting the Turkish backed opposition instead of the terrorists isn’t how you do it, and making trade deals with the terrorists instead of doing deals with the Turkish backed opposition won’t help either, they’ll both do exactly the opposite, they’ll delay the reopening. So does that mean Assad’s a real moron who’s just stupidly cutting his own throat by doing what he is, no it actually means that anyone who actually thinks Assad really wants to reopen the highway is actually the real moron, Assad’s actually a genius [except for when he deals with Iran]. I think Assad’s finally realized there’s a golden rule he should apply to some situations concerning Putin, if Putin tells him a deal with the Turks will be in his best interests it really means the opposite, and he’s right, not one deal that Putin’s ever done between Turkey and Syria has ever worked out in Syria’s best interests, NOT ONE. F–K REOPENING THE HIGHWAY, IF TURKEY WANTS TO DO IT IT HAS TO BE BAD FOR SYRIA, that’s the new golden rule Assad should apply to any deals he makes from now on, even the ones his Russian allies want him to make.


Behind the Secret Service Curtain there must be serious reasons for this impotent fumbling around by Russia + SAA + Iran desperately avoiding the massacring of all terrorists in Idlib..

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