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MARCH 2025

Russians Steadily Purging Kyiv’s Manpower And Equipment In Severodonetsk And Lysichansk

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Russians Steadily Purging Kyiv’s Manpower And Equipment In Severodonetsk And Lysichansk

Another Ukrainian warplane is shot down in Zhytomyr Region

As of the morning of June 6, the most active military actions on the frontline in the east of Ukraine are ongoing in the areas of Severodonetsk and Lysichansk.

Kyiv’s forces deployed there are fiercely resisting to the Russian advance despite the threat of being fully encircled. In previous days, pro-Kyiv sources even claimed that Kyiv units carried out a large counter-attack in Severodonetsk. Nonetheless, photos and videos from the ground demonstrate that Russian units control a larger part of Severodonetsk and are slowly developing momentum there.

The rear of Kyiv’s units in Lysichansk are being regularly targeted by Russian aviation and artillery. The entire countryside of Severodonetsk and Lysichansk was turned into a meat grinder that purges manpower and equipment of the grouping of Kyiv’s forces.

At the same time, Russian troops have not made any large attempts to develop advance towards Slovyansk from the Izum direction.

Tactical clashes were also reported around Popasnaya (controlled by Russia) and Bahmut (controlled by Kyiv). The only large route that links Kyiv’s troops in Severodonetsk and Lysichansk with Slovyansk goes there and remains under fire control of Russian forces.

Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry released a fresh report on the development of the Russian military operation in Ukraine (source):

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

High-precision long-range air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed industrial buildings of the smithy-mechanical plant on the outskirts of Lozovaya (Kharkov Region), where the AFU armoured vehicles were being rebuilt and repaired.

High-precision air-based missiles have hit 4 AFU command posts as well as 15 areas of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment concentration.

Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 73 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration.

The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 150 nationalists, 3 missile-artillery depots and 1 fuel depot near Kodem (Donetsk People’s Republic), 8 tanks and armoured vehicles, 1 Grad multiple rocket launcher, 1 field artillery battery, 10 special vehicles, and 1 US-made counter-battery radar station (AN/TPQ-50) near Seversk (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Russian air defence means have shot down 1 Su-29 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force near Slavyansk (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Also, 13 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been shot down near Yasinovataya, Stavka (Donetsk People’s Republic), Volcheyarovka, Boroven’ka (Lugansk People’s Republic), Balakleya, Glubokoe, Verbovka, Liptsy, Mikhailovka (Kharkov Region) and Tokmak (Zaporozhye Region).

Missile troops and artillery have hit 431 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, and 34 firing positions of artillery and mortar units.

The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 300 nationalists, 10 tanks, 2 Grad multiple rocket launchers, 17 special vehicles, 17 field artillery mounts and mortars, as well as 3 AFU misille-artillery weponas depots near Gorlovka.

In total, 190 Ukrainian aircraft and 129 helicopters, 1,127 unmanned aerial vehicles, 330 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,424 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 473 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,795 field artillery and mortars, as well as 3,446 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.


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Russia is on the advance in eastern Ukraine, with military experts beginning to wonder how long the Ukrainian military can continue standing up to the onslaught. The Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, fears that Ukrainian resistance could even be broken in the next four to five weeks.


Last edited 2 years ago by Pia
G2 man

You are absolutely correct, I have read the whole 6 page BND report which was intentionally leaked as the Germans and French are particularly fed up with feeding the Jew regime in Kiev. Only the Anglo-Zionists want the continuation of this fratricide as it is supposed to “weaken Russia”, which is delusional thinking. The report clearly states, as did I said initially, that Ukraine is losing 60% of its trained frontline units, while Russian losses are barely in 5%-10% range. The Russians are so confident that they have not mobilized reserves or brought in additional units. The Russian generals are leading from the front and the average Russian soldier is fighting with true grit. Ukrainian propaganda managed by the devious Brits and Jews is also failing big time.

Karen Kobylanksi

In Poland our puppet government is asking people to go in the forest and find wood to cook. There is no heat or bread. Hungary is friends with Russia and has no problem. Polish people are fed up with Ukraine and want peace.

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban responding to Zelensky: “I don’t care about the United States and Ukraine. I am a Hungarian by nationality, and I do not want to lose my country because of an idiot who made a massacre in the center of Europe, and with whom, with Russia.”


Yes, but Orban is looking after the interests of his own people.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Zelensky is looking after the interests of his Zionist handlers. Ukrainian Orthodox patriots need shove 200 tons of cocaine up his Jew faggot ass and Tos him. The Jew agenda is to kill the Orthodox Slavs.


Jews love when gentiles kill each other. They laugh about it in the back room.



Mene Mene

The anti-Russian vermin on this site are now being decimated by the moderators. Once they’ve got on top of them they will be coming for all you deranged anti-semitic scum. Enjoy your sandpit while it lasts.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mene Mene

They haven’t come for any of us you inbred mamzer jew fuck. Go suck some donkey cock you talmudic LGBT jewish faggot.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Evelin
Mary Dahl

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Last edited 2 years ago by Mary Dahl

I wish my country have leader like Orban. Unfortunately we are only UA colony, thanks to Trudeau, the Biden poodle


Unfortunately, Trudeau is not a Biden’s puppet as Bidden is a puppet himself. Trudeau is a puppet of her Lizzard “Majesty” queen Elizabeth and British Jewish Cabal.Ottawa is run from London, not Washington.


Trudeau is a puppet of Klaus Schwab and the WEF.


A magyarok többségének nevében mondhatom: nagyon örülnénk ilyen miniszterelnöki nyilatkozatnak, de sajnos ilyen nincs! :(


Too bad Russia can’t seem to take advantage of this in-fighting by NATO allies and actually advance against the Ukrainians, that would really cause issues.


Where can I read the full report?


The Ukranian have reestablished control of the current city they are fighting over, when is this crumbling of their military going to start?


lol reestablished what? in your twitter victory induced dreams?


You are

G2 man

To put it mildly, the Ukrainian Jew Nazi regime is in real trouble despite BBC staged “battles” Russia is doing some serious damage and as German BND accurately stated, ” AFU is being deteriorated to a level that in 4-6 weeks it will collapse”.

The Russians are slowly and surely grinding down demoralized AFU, despite $120 billion in NATO weapons, that are being destroyed and captured as fast. The Russian long range cruise missile strike from the Caspian destroyed over 120 tanks delivered via Poland. The Ukrainians even arrested the foreign media for filming the massive fires and total destruction of the tank repair facility in south Kiev.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man
hunter bidé lab pork !

the ukro nazi ss unicornium nato faggots arrested the media of the nazi ss lgbt parazites of the draculs !! so they gonna report zelosnky put 200 tons of coke in the anus !!!


Can you rephrase that perhaps?

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Translation: Ukraine is full of Americunt Unicorn faggots and Zio-Nazi parasites who are sucking the blood of Slavic people and Zelensky is a Jew crackhead gay porn actor who has 200 tons of cocaine up his ass.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace
Mene Mene

No, then.


Seems to me that Russia is fighting against liberal, gay, insect eating, expensive electrical eco engine “not everyone can have a car”, fascist totalitarianism e-pass control system. If only it weren’t Slavs that they are fighting against.

G2 man

Well the Americans have trained and sent a gay transgender battalion which has a rainbow faggot flag inside a yellow and blue start of David shoulder patch. Quite amusing actually, wonder how long these LGBT propaganda “soldiers” will last against Russian firepower. It is mostly for western propaganda much like the BBC staged “battles” taking place in the Don Bas. Not a word of truth in desperate Ukrainian propaganda. It is also good see a cheerful, healthy and confident President Putin. According to the Anglo-Zionist pathetic propaganda, “President Putin was supposed to have died of cancer”, the Russian army had run of missiles and Russian troops had deserted. The western MSM disinformation about operation Z has reached total comedy level. The little Jew mutt Zelensky has lived up to his clown image.

Karen Kobylanksi

Poles get OK to gather firewood as energy prices soar and people starve

WARSAW, Poland — Poland’s authorities are reminding citizens they can rummage forests for firewood to heat their homes as energy costs continue to soar and food shortages hit.

Opponents of the country’s US installed puppet government called the firewood reminder a sign that it’s fumbling the economy.

Inflation in Poland is now at nearly 34%, with fuel prices surging to over 8 zlotys ($1.87) a liter. The CIA installed [puppet government of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki blames Russia’s war in Ukraine for driving up costs, calling it “Putinflacja” — or “Putinflation.”

But critics of Morawiecki’s party, Law and Justice, say the war is only part of the picture. They argue costs have been driven up by seven years of the ruling party’s social spending policies, including cash handouts to families with children and the elderly. Poland has one of the highest poverty rates in eastern Europe and its economy was already in recession after the expulsion of a million Poles from UK and EU after Brexit. Poland is now occupied by US forces and is the main conduit for NATO weapons being rushed into Ukraine.

Billions in European Union funds could help ease the crunch for many, but they continue to be held up over an ongoing squabble over Poland’s judiciary. The chief of the EU’s executive arm, Ursula von der Leyen, was in Warsaw Thursday to tell Polish leaders that the money will flow only once Poland reforms its judiciary and complies with EU demands.


Ursula von der Leyen,

God I hate that satanic whore who did the fake turn and film like gasp in Bucha, she was already gasping before she turned, the idiot. Hollywood stunt 101

Ursula von get Layed. Sounds like some domina character from SM porns. Althou she is merely another puppet of a globalist cabal that got her by cojones through unreleased indictment regarding her shady deals with supplies for German military. And by the way, Germans themselves say that SM Ursula is unbelievable stupid person, put in a position by her party’s handlers only because she is a woman and pliable as clay. Interestingly, most of those who may be portraited as globalist’s cannon fodder are the dumbest and the most sordid specimens of humanity, if human at all. Maybe they are actually bionic robots controlled by some demons from who knows where. They appear quite empty, don’t they?

SM Sparviero

I feel really bad, then, as the Bialowesja forest was already cut more than she deserved, tripling in the last years the ‘wood harvesting’. That’s the only preistoric forest last until today in Europe.


It’s actually the star of napham (demonic) 6 points. David never used this star. It’s another jewish lie. There is no star of David, only star of demonic napham.


Its a Kabbalist symbol connected to “Solomon Seal ” and derived from ancient Egypt so its an occult symbol used as a “charm ” to sway the public.


Oh, so giving up territory and retreating is considered purging now, sure, okay. In that case, Russia is purging a lot lately.


retreating? lol from where? who retreated from izyum and popasna and lyman and mariupol and svetlodarsk and half of severodonetsk and the left bank of the severy donets so far? Those are the strategic areas dummy, not some back and forth positional battles to keep the dummies occupied in kherson and kharkiv. *bonk on your head*

The scariest part is Russia hasn’t even mobilised more than 10-15% of all its man and fire power, despite the propaganda of running out of tanks and shells and men (LOLOLOL)


The irony of your username is comical, the Western media are quoting the Ukrainian information supplied as fact, it’s laughable. Its like believing what Comical Ali, also known as Baghdad Bob was saying in Iraq, the west is dealing in bullshit. I’ve not seen one Ukraine tank that’s been destroyed but hundreds of Russian ones, its all bullshit Ukraine are being put through a mincer because American decided it was a good move for their arms industry and wanted regime change in Russia. Ukraine has brought it on itself by electing an Idiot and leaving the far-right to dictate policy. This started with the CIA led “revolution” of 2014. America has become a pox on this planet, reserving the right to do anything that they believe is in their best interest, they are so fucking thick that they keep shooting themselves in the foot, no toes left I’m afraid.


“This started with the CIA led “revolution” of 2014.” Ah yes, the “Revolution of Dignity”, as they would have it.

Meanwhile, have you seen Victoria Nuland? The hideous beast is becoming increasingly engorged on the blood of the idiot Ukes who voted for a Jewish comedian in stilettos..

Last edited 2 years ago by paleyellow

Sure, yeah, I am starting to question the truthfulness of these releases. First off, there is no such thing as an SU-29, oops, they made up the wrong aircraft destruction. 2nd, the Russians are claiming to have destroyed twice the number of tanks that the Ukraine had at the start of the war and that includes any given to them by other countries. 3rd, Russia has been pushed back and is now no longer moving forward. This release should serve as a demoralizing release if read by Russian troops and supporters.


Are you a Mossad dis-info operator or what!


dont bullshit your hasbara propaganda around. before war ukraine had around 2000 tanks, 3000 ifv/afv and 8000 armored transporters. so if russia says, they destroyed around 3500 pcs. of all of that, whats around 25%, so thats more than realistic.


It’s retarded and plain suicidal for AFU not to abandon this cauldron and retreat to more defensive positions.

Muhammad your Prophet

You mean despite the fact that the Putin cockroaches have placed all of Russia’s reserves into action to see if Vladimir Putin can get a propaganda victory. Because even the shitty Russian propaganda thinks he’s completely full of shit by now.


*yawn* you are pathetic and ukrops are losing, your propaganda is wearing thin

choke on your vomit, you raging ukroturd fucktard

Muhammad your Prophet

Looking at those maps it says that the Putin cockroaches were destroyed in Kiev. Don’t you see it too? Or was it just a moronic diversionary tactic where the terrorist Russian president sent the Russian soldiers to Kiev to burn to death?

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

The publication 19FortyFive cites the opinion of British military consultant Nicholas Drummond, who calculated that more than 100 years after the first tanks took part in hostilities, 73,000 tanks are in service around the world.

“Most of the cases happened with the fact that Russia is the tank queen of the world, approximately 13,000 tanks,” the newspaper writes. It follows that parts of the T-80 and T-72 are in reserve. But if necessary, Russia could increase “huge tank forces.”

The second place in the total number of tanks is occupied by North Korea. It is armed with 6145 tanks. According to the author of the publication, in the usual case, we are talking about a “paper tiger”, since there is too much demanded equipment, including the T-54/55 and T-34, although Pyongyang also reports the presence of advanced vehicles in its arsenal.

The US with approximately 6,100 tanks came in third in the rankings. 19FortyFive writes that the backbone of the US armored force is roughly third-generation M1 Abrams that are undergoing modernization. These vehicles fit the tank classics.

America’s empire of lies has lied here as well. Russia has 69,000 tanks frozen in underground bases!!



Ukraine has been and remains corrupt and morally bankrupt with evil spread throughout and being spearheaded by the Nazi battalions. Ukraine hasn’t woken up to see that the wrath of God is upon them. May God bless Russia and may He bring relief to the innocent civilians throughout Ukraine and the Donbass, as He applies His wrath until they wake up, start understanding and seek wisdom. They were driven into this state by an evil US government agenda but ultimately, they allowed it to happen and are now paying the price. Turn away from those ways people of Ukraine. Turn back to God and wisdom and use that for the good of everyone, not just Ukraine. If not, you will continue an horrendous suffering until you learn.


Anglo-american invaders, Poles, Israelis and all other EU and Turkoid vermin are coming to realize their investment into a war against Russia will be a waste. Russia will crush the Polish and all other NATO invaders in Ukraine (western Russia) and cremate them. :)



The Clown of Kiev and the NAZIS will learn this the hard way. Biden losing this war will not go down well in the 2022 elections either.


Suicide mission to go up against Russia in the skies. Hence why Natostan doesn’t even consider. At least for suicide. Snake island has gone silent 🤫 ; as was a horrendous Ukrainian loss, considering resources they don’t have.


Ukrainian troops are being slaughtered. At least 500 KIA, probably 1500 wounded. At least 100 pieces of hardware destroyed. Outgunned by an order of magnitude. I would be surprised if the AFU is an effective fighting force by the end of the month. I could be wrong.

Johannes Ekhman

Russia’s losses in Ukraine have already been staggering, even if the pace has slowed since the disastrous early days. It’s hard to be precise because official Defense Ministry figures have not been released since March 25, and even then inevitably undercounted, with 1,351 Russian service members reported to have been killed.

Shit country makes shit military

Losses have been most likely around 5,000-6,000 killed and 20,000-25,000 wounded so far. DPR and LPR had lost 3,000 killed and 12,000-13,000 wounded.

Shit country makes shit military

Russian lower rank officers and NCOs are poorly trained. That’s why time after time high commanders have to visit frontline hot places – and been killed.

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