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MARCH 2025

Russians Visited Iranian Airfield To Examine Drones At Least Twice Over Past Month

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Russians Visited Iranian Airfield To Examine Drones At Least Twice Over Past Month

US government satellite image allegedly showing Russians examining drones at a central Iranian airfield. The image was obtained exclusively by CNN.

A Russian delegation visited an airfield in central Iran at least twice over the past month to examine military drones, the CNN reported on July 16.

Satellite image obtained by CNN show what US officials claims to be Russian examining the Shahed-191 and Shahed-129 combat drones at Kashan airfield south of Tehran.

Repeating the exact same claims he made earlier this week, US national security adviser Jake Sullivan told CNN that Iran is preparing to provide Russia with several hundred drones, some of which are weaponized.

“We assess an official Russian delegation recently received a showcase of Iranian attack-capable UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles],” Sullivan added. “We are releasing these images captured in June showing Iranian UAVs that the Russian government delegation saw that day. This suggests ongoing Russian interest in acquiring Iranian attack-capable UAVs.”

According to Sullivan, the June visit “was the first time a Russian delegation has visited this airfield for such a showcase.” The official added that a Russian delegation made a second visit to the airfield for a similar showcase again on July 5.

Sullivan’s claims have been already denied by both Iran and Russia. Yet, Washington appears to be determined to keep pushing these claims.

Iran, who made rapid advancements in drone technologies in the last few years, is today one of the world leaders in this field. The Russian military operates thousands of drones of different types, most of which were developed and produced in Russia. Still, it can for sure benefit from Iran’s well-established drone industry.

With the lack of any real evidence, the US claims appears to be meant to mount more pressure on Iran. Washington have been working to limit Tehran’s drone capabilities for a while now. Its most recent plan to do so is an Israeli-Arab air defense alliance.

By accusing Iran of supporting the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, the US is likely trying to push its European allies towards imposing more sanctions on the Islamic country.



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CNN Comedy News Network

“showing Russians examining drones” where exactly??? Desperate State Department freaks, they also can claim aliens were there.

btw I wish that’s true, but almost certainly just another total USACNNLGBT bullshit.

Last edited 2 years ago by CNN Comedy News Network

Yanks are full of shit as always but Russia should obtain drones from Iran in exchange for some air defense systems. I said many times Russians should have bought dozens of military drones from China before the war (CH series), Chinese are cowards to sell them now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Valens

I am going to have to disagree with you calling the Chinese cowards. China was the first nation to fully and unequivocally support Russia in its SMO and promise Russia financial support if they needed it. China has been ironclad in its backing of Russia. Russia would have had a much more difficult time if it did not have China’s backing. Also bear in mind that China still has over a trillion dollars in dollar reserves, bonds, etc. China is treading lightly and in my opinion very intelligently. Right now Russia does not need China’s assistance militarily but if Russia is pushed against the wall, China will certainly step up to assist Russia, they have a symbiotic relationship, if Russia falls, China will be next.


“if Russia falls, China will be next.” absolutely. Yet Chinese drone firm DJI (the world’s largest commercial drone-maker) stopped their operations in Russia (and Ukraine) after American pressure. They are already under US sanctions for some silly reason so they hope these sanctions will be lifted. But of course as we all know if you allow yourself to be blackmailed by criminals they’ll just keep blackmailing you forever….

S Balu

Valens China failed to learn from what USA did to Saudis,Pakistan etc


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia

Mate, the Chinks are only into money, they ain’t gonna do squat for anyone.


Currently the US is draining many of its war readiness surplus to arm the Ukrainians, at this point China would face a much weaker US with a senile pedo as its president.


Its partly the drugs and also its an ACT.


Lets be frank,china needs to grow a set so not to be bending over to usa dolla!


Russia wont fail no matter what and china needs to be extremely thoughtfull to that fact. The very least they should do is have a go and acknowledge usas bio-lab-rats and act too!


China has brought it up to the UN to seriously investigate the biolab documents Russia handed to them. But since the UN is controlled by the empire of lies, they brushed it off. In my opinion at the moment China is Russia’s most important and powerful ally hands down. As a matter of fact do not forget that just a few days ago North Korea formally recognized Lugansk and Donetsk as independent nations. North Korea is to China as Belarus is to Russia, they are basically joined at the hip. It had to be China who gave the green light or who suggested to North Korea that it recognize the LPR and DPR.

Ashok Varma

China supported every US and NATO war in the middle east and NATO attack on Yugoslavia and kissed US arse even when they bombed its embassy in Belgrade and killed Chinese diplomats. China has now guts and only interested in dola.



Russia with the yobbo Yeltsin did squat either on Iraq or Afghanistan and now finds itself in NATO bullseye, the chinks are next.

Retired Troll

Chinese are no ones friends, they have no balls and are only interested in money. Russia and Iran are in totally different league of free, honorable nations and close allies.

S Balu



If ever the report is true which I personally doubt, Russians could be sdjusting its strategy adapted to the given dynamics on the ground and boost its confidence not by only relying on undefeatable hypersonics.


What’s wrong with you people!? They repeated the claim which basically means it’s true, then they doubled-down on the claim and finally gave you the indisputable proof to back their claim.

Didn’t you see the “Russian delegation transport” marked on the pic? What more do you need? Are you ever going to be satisfied? You wouldn’t recognize evidence even if hits you in the face. USG never lies!

Seriously, it’s one of my favourite grainy and out of focus USG provided visual evidence. I’d like to meet the analyst that recognized that blob is the 1- A transport and 2- It’s for Russians. I’ll probably kiss him/her/them/Xyr/Furren/icecream/…/bear/dammit!

Fort Detrick

Yeah I’m so disappointed in the US spy abilities after this one: Muricans tried hard to prove how they could easily spy on Iranians (and Russians) but they only proved their satellites are shite. They supposedly film ‘deep space’ (more like Bidens deep anus) but look at this Potato resolution. “Russian delegation vehicle”? Is it a bus? Train? Balloon? Wtf is that?


Yet I thought our newly launched baby experimental satellite is low resolution. Their attention to details is also astonishing, they even drew an arrow to point to a random place on the ground and said: “Hey, it’s 1.79m”!

1.79m not 1.8m or some other nonesense, mind you. And here I am, tears in my eyes and a bad case of headache for trying to see something, anything in that point. Damned arrow!

At least it’s not a grainy, lagged extremely low-res video of some blobs rubbing against some other blobs which they said it’s Iranians attaching an enormous limpet mine 2 meters above the waterline to a Japanese tanker while the Japanese on the ship said they were hit with a projectile. I mean it counts as something, right?

Last edited 2 years ago by Garga

The fact is some morons going to believe that… remember “Saddam having nuclear weapons”? The amount of BS they said at fuking UN to invade Iraq?

It is propaganda, it doesn’t have to be true my dude. It is not for us but their rtded apes in the Western world.


Remember when yanuqis killed a group of Afghan men because one of them was tall like Bin Laden?

Retired Troll

Regardless of whether Iran is selling Russia anything or not, it is these shameless NATO scum that have the gall to question Iran or Russia, when they are pumping billions in weapons in domestic Russian conflict. US criminals and Anglo-Zionist scum have killed millions of civilians around the world with incessant warmongering, terrorism, supporting illegal Jew regimes and Wahhabi terrorist pimps. Iran is fully entitled to sell Russia the whole farm if its wants to and these NATO losers can only whine.


US warcriminals only need pretext to attack Iran…


Not really, they have tried so many times and they failed every time so far. They are trying to “blame” Iran really (put a bad picture on them) and to slow Iran’s nuclear deal.

How would it be a pretext to attack Iran even? Iran is no longer under UN arms embargo even. The USA sells weapons to KSA (Wahhabi terrorists), UAE, Zion-stan and so many other shit countries such as Ukraine.


US is a coward and will never attack Iran as the Zionist scum will be wiped out. They will keep barking though.


Not likely, Iranians can defend themselves wit 86 million people, US cowards only attack small defenceless states with 30 NATO hyena pack and lose even then.


Russia can buy anything from anybody. She doesn’t need permission from NATO nor DC. That said, yes, she should buy the drones from Iran.


Exactly. What’s the problem here? USA and its vassals supply Ukros with shitloads of weapons (and brag about it every day), but Russia and Iran are not allowed to trade?


Cia trying to water down russian military power,just another cia gimmick artists conn job, who cares,let them sweat over and over about it either way you look at the equation.


of course agreed x 1,000,000. over 30 NATO countries shipping weapons to Ukraine to kill Russians but Russia can’t buy drones from Iran lol these people are f4cking insane. Whining little bitches.


U.S.: “We give Ukraine this and that and we’ll give them more oh yeah so exciting”

also U.S.: “How dare you Iran!!!”

Last edited 2 years ago by MickeyMouse

Its ridiculous and shows what a bunch of two faced clowns they are.


Reminds me of a few people I’ve met that love to criticize and pass judgement on everyone and everything and when you answer back they give you that gay liberal “how dare you” lol.


This may come as a surprise but russia allready has their own drones which are even developed beyond usa dare have the balls to ever mention,such as their subliminal 6th gen/unmanned jets, there is one in the base towards ukraine,word has it allready achieved succesfull missions,cia can go to hell for truth cares,usa have a sevcere inferior complex issue with heterosexuals,whilst iran may be masters in drone technologys,there may be means to culminate towards free trades with iran and if purchasing iranian drones is feasably viable to enhance the military,my guess then why not?


As far as anyone knows, the Iranians might even be offering a deal just so they can test them in actual combat, sort of like a live fire exercise…kind of like how Russia used Syrian experiences to improve it’s arms, spot flaws and try improvements. I’m sure Iran would like to see their actual performance under fire, so to speak. Then again, this whole report might just be the usual…and likely is. Why would both deny it? The JCPOA is dead, I believe.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman

Offering Iran a test opportunity against NATO weaponry would be sensible. Indeed Russia should offer that opportunity to anyone who wants a crack at NATO systems. Ukraine is basically a live testing ground now, its why you see low numbers of modern weapons used. Hopefully as more NATO weaponry is used, found ineffective and exhausted in product range, then non NATO countries will feel more comfortable with confronting NATO to ensure their own security and interest. NATO has basically opened up its military designs for everyone to inspect. Additionally Ukraine is good at getting them to open the doors as each tranche of weapons proves ineffective in altering the course of the conflict. The Ukrainian mantra – if only we had the next level of weaponry!


Iranian stealth drone vs. Norwegian NASAMS in 3 2 1 ?!?


First of all this piece of sh#t network CNN who the F34ck do they think they are to even complain that Russia is going to buy drones from Iran…Motehr#fucker over 30 NATO nations are sending all their weapons to Ukraine to try and kill Russians. This is the reason I f43king hate the media in my country. CNN, FOX news MSN they’re a bunch of whining little bitches owned by dirty little zionist jews acting like little victims when they’re the biggest war mongering criminals and weapons dealers on the planet. F3ck CNN. Russia should be making huge announcements that they’re buying many drones from Iran and soon China as well.


Drones are good for spying,regardless against russian air defense systems they are useless,but heres the clincher against any nato armed milita they most certainly would fit the bill and save a bundle, question remains will Russia take up an offer to give these iranian drones a try out,then why not?

Muhammad your Prophet

Terrorist minds think alike. Especially desperate ones like Vladimir Putin and Ayatollah Khamenei. The shitty Russian army has no drones left. A few hundred more from the demented Ayatollah won’t make a difference. The Ukrainian forces would have to destroy the Iranian fleet while they’re at it. Two terrorist states destroyed all at once. Ukraine will be credited for saving the world.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Yamil Perez dumb Faggot

Filthy cockroach from Zelensky shitter, your masters from Washington and Tel Aviv are global terrorists and you are their cheap gay whore and a pathetic loser shit troll.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez dumb Faggot
Muhammad your Prophet

Looks like another angry Putin faggot just lost it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Your the poof wannabe hetero,with your little cry baby emojis,harden the fuck up gimp!

Yamil Perez dumb Faggot

Crazy moron your mother lost you in a toilet when you stupid turd dropped out from her gaping butthole…. aaaand now you need more crying smileys lol

Here, take some of these instead for you and your family 🚽🐒🐷🍌🥒🍆

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez dumb Faggot
Muhammad your Prophet

This Putin faggot doesn’t want to give up. He has too much gay pride in him. He’s projecting. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dear Prophet, you are ridiculous

Best regards

poko midgelkad molo nazi

do you prefer cherry flavored sperm in Oklahoma trailer parks? in oregun we lgbt produce blueberry sperm


Your language is too lgbtq like dud,you can’t achieve anything in life with a lame attitude like that, wheres the truth dud? Seems to be you have a severe inferior being issue with your isis god,asswipe!

Muhammad your Prophet

The Putin faggots here at the Southfront troll farm are all out today. Maybe that disgusting looking picture of Vladimir Putin riding the horse is still giving them an erection.

te qifsha nanen

ur mouth is still giving hunter biden an erection

Muhammad your Prophet

Hunter Biden? Didn’t you ram it up his ass once?

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Hunter Biden

Nah it was your mama…

poko midgelkad molo nazi

how often r you sodomized by uncle homer 66 years ago—me sodomized by step daddy Leroy jones when I was 9

poko midgelkad molo nazi

I agree–we amerikants require penis removal surgery—-our females obese ugly masculine

Muhammad your Prophet

The Putin faggots are more faggots than ever these days now that the shitty Russian army turned out to be so fucking pathetic. They’re projecting.


Iran’s future is looking bright. Iran is about to join BRICS and when they do all the illegal sanctions imposed on Iran by the U.S. and the EU will no longer matter. More importantly Iran is forging a military alliance with Russia and China and this will guarantee its safety against the dirty little war mongering Israeli government that has been salivating to attack Iran for decades now. Russia’s SMO has turned the tide on the empire of lies. Look at all the little EU puppet politicians that are resigning or trying to hand in their resignation like the prime minister of Italy Draghi. Love it….Slava Fetuccini Rolletini Tortellini

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6

State Department using their mouthpieces to lie.


When Iran captured that special US drone a few years back, it jumped their drone technology ahead by a decade……I notice the 131 looks to be a cross between it and the shape of the B-2.


To be in the position not only to hijack usa drones but also take them viav remote proves indeed iran is ahead of the technology curve in these frequencys then usa ever were,absolutely shamed usa too! Usa are the nothing burgers of the century,all their new masterpieces of war are worse then before!


Come on southfront. This is bull****. Biden goes to Israel and Iran suddenly becomes the best uav supplier of Russia. Cannot you see the pattern?

As for Russia, it is true that they have started very late in the game, but they have an impressive catalog of drones for every use. And don’t ever think they don’t have the industrial facilities to produce them in bulk.

So I don’t see the point of buying drones from Iran. Instead it benefits the zionists to assert that Iran is a part in the ukrainian conflict. They can start their media campaign to demonize Iran, in order to prepare for a war.

It is crystal clear that they want war with Iran.


Good post,right on the money.


Damn, those drones have stealth design. Lots of changes on the battlefield, Poor infantry.


Sullivan is a jealous gimp,why? He ought to know of all militarys Russia relys only in Russian(period) That may change in the future but right now there are no china weapons either disposing of natos!


exactly its ridiculous since the U.S. and over 30 NATO countries are sending weapons to Ukraine to kill Russians.


US should eat shit and die! Sullivan looks like a gestapo from the WW2.

Joseph Day

Wow, you can clearly see, cough, cough, that’s a russian transport vehicle.


recent US delegation sent to Pygmy Kingdom to consult with superior military tacticians


Russians are not in Iran for the drones, to use them, but to equip them for strikes against US troops in Iraq and Syria. If the US continues striking civilians in Eastern Ukraine, Russia will strike US Toops via proxies in Syria and Iraq! Playing the same game!!

Rodney Loder.

Doesn’t matter much how much money and weapons are sold or givev to Zelensky the number od idiots willing to use them is limited, true forced recruitment is Zelensky’s operatiinal standard, however nobody wants to diefor a jewish pig, not even another jewish pig, Freemasons are the same that’s why the homosexual Sid Loder transferred his identity on to me.


China’s the one with the most powerful drones. They’re holding off until the real war starts.

poko midgelkad molo nazi

Russians collaborating with Persians—the end of nazi amerika…I will double my prozac


That’s funny as hell. The Pentacon mob can’t even see the pile of shit under their noses bobbing in the Washing town sewer as they lose one judaic bout of genocidal attempted expansion after the other.

To Odessa



They should make Shoigu sell his Dacha and use the proceeds to buy some drones for guys on the front lines.

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