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MARCH 2025

“Russians Will Pay a Price”: Washington Threatens Moscow Over Deployment In Venezuela

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"Russians Will Pay a Price": Washington Threatens Moscow Over Deployment In Venezuela


On March 29, US Special Representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams said that State Secretary Mike Pompeo would soon come up with a practical response to a recent deployment of Russian military specialists in Venezuela.

“We have a very nice options paper of the various things that can be done in US-Russia relations. There is a lot of things that are on the list. So, The Russians will pay a price for this,” Abrams said.

President Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton warned countries “external to the Western Hemisphere” against deploying military forces in Venezuela or “elsewhere in the Hemisphere” in a statement made on the same day.

He added that the US would consider such military deployments to be provocations and “a direct threat to international peace and security in the region”.

“We strongly caution actors external to the Western Hemisphere against deploying military assets to Venezuela, or elsewhere in the Hemisphere, with the intent of establishing or expanding military operations”, he said also accusing Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro of trying to remain in power by using “Russian military personnel and equipment”.

According to official comments by Russian and Venezuelan sides, Russian specialists, who recently arrived in Venezuela, had come there to discuss defence industry cooperation between the two states and not to conduct any sort of military operations. However, it’s apparent that the deployment of Russian specialists were aimed at strengthening positions of the Venuezuelan government amid continued US-backed regime change attempts.

According to reports in mainstream media outlets, the deployed Russian contingent included Special Forces operators and cybersecurity personnel.


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You can call me Al

Try it Yanks – you have nothing at home now, as you try and invade the World; should be a doddle for a 100 to take you down.

Dušan Mirić

The USA is already under siege of real Americans

Promitheas Apollonious

have the natives rise and none hear of it? There are no real americans, beside the natives to america.

Dušan Mirić

Well, all I can is to agree with you. I just attempted to subtly tease some of monster minds behind war drums, like “exceptional” ones, white supremacists…

Promitheas Apollonious

so you making a racist remark against the racists in usa. What are you a negro? I may not agree with anything they preach but you are not on the right path in what you try to explain of state.

Dušan Mirić

If you think so Promitheas

Dušan Mirić


Promitheas Apollonious

it was a question not a statement of fact, so at the moment I ask not concluded anything. Your posts are very balanced and to the point hence the question dont take me wrong.

Dušan Mirić

…because it is far easier to be a bully than to negotiate. They should learn something from Montenegrans, the latest NATO purchase. They have saying that the courage is to defend yourself from the attack but it is чојство (it is hard to me to interpret this word, it is something like humanity) to protect others from yourself.

Make sense

They are not American they are native. Do not contradict yourself you liberal fool

Promitheas Apollonious

whose native moron the settlers who arrive in north america and genocide the natives?

Italo Vernazza

They are reaching their terminal phase, I’m afraid…

Concrete Mike

Screw you yanks you do the same to every hemisphere


Actually there is very little the US can do..

Promitheas Apollonious

history proven otherwise. they can still inflict a lot of destruction, unless someone give them a lesson they never forget.


OK, so don’t cry when some other option is implemented.

Prince Teutonic

Unfortunately that doesn’t apply when dealing with psychopaths!


It depends. My understanding is that they are self-serving cretins. If Russia can intimidate them by somehow letting them know they will all be tracked down and destroyed, then I think they can be relatively contained.


“””We have a very nice options paper of the various things that can be done in US-Russia relations.”””

Paper options just like paper dollars, they are empty and can be circumvented and defeated. What happened to the US military? Russia sends military personnel in Venezuela, US response is based on options written on some paper…..blah, blah, blah. Why does not US send military personnel to establish Guaido?


The US parked their military up Russia’s ass in Europe and laughs when Russia talks

And S400 failed again in Aleppo yesterday haha


hey white trash – doubt there is a reason for any scum from over there to gloat – think about it and compare a dysfunctional country, moronistan (aka usa) with a well functioning europe where healthcare is for every one without extra charge and then russia, the country in the world with more commodities in the ground than any other country in the world. and moronistan – a failed state sold the the squatters in palestine! honestly ain’t much to be proud or gloat about, rather the contrary. find a rope and do the government a favour will ya.

Promitheas Apollonious

just block the idiot and stop giving him credibility by answering him.


Thats what I did months ago..

Harry Smith

@verner Please don’t speak with him like this. The Ukrainian troll just wants to get some extra bonus of pork fat and horylka.

Peter Bozich

U.S.A a third world military, Russians put one S300 in Venezuela and that’s all it takes to scare the yankie doodles.


In case it has not dawned upon you, Russia and Israel are not at war.


Because those Russian pussies hide in holes when Israel wipes the floor with their “allies” LOL


Russia could wipe and clean Israel like a dirty dish, if it wanted to send them into oblivion.


Yeah right lol

They lose every time


Yea right, one Sarmat ICBM would do it.


Easily shot down by Arrow 3


Israeli POS, is that why US deployed THAAD in Israel? THAAD is a POS as well. Or Russia can do a Poseidon directed at Haifa, equipped a neutron bomb.


They can’t even stop their trash air defense from getting destroyed by subsonic munitions lol


HaHa big ole US scared of 100 Russian troops in Venezuela!!

J Ramirez

S400 is not there for the terrorist Jews, It’s there for the terrorist Americans should they want to get frisky. GFY


For God’s sake, are they that scared of a 100 of Russians?

Promitheas Apollonious

nope they are shit scared what is behind the 100 russians.

You can call me Al

Just remember what 300 did and that was against real men !!



I am lost. What are you talking about? What am I missing? I searched but found music.Please, send me a link. Thank you.


Maybe he is talking about Leonidas and the 300 Spartans that stood against the Persians at Thermopylae


It is a movie.



The movie is about a historical event that took place during the 6th century BC, it is somewhat fictional and deviates from reality…..given the Hollywood penchant for nonesense.

Promitheas Apollonious

the movie it is fictional yes. the event is not.


Sadly, what actually happened is a comic by Frank Miller was based on the historical events, and the movie was based on the comic book.

I have been to Thermopylae and there are monuments in remembrance.

Tommy Jensen

Its a true story about how Assad defeated Obomba.



True dat!


Thank you very much!!!

You can call me Al

Spartans or 300 film.




and so on and so on. One of the films that show men, how they should be.

+ it is a fantastic film now.


Thank you. I’ve quite forgotten about it. Great!!!

Tommy Jensen

Exactly how we Americans always have been fighting, and how America became a winner nation of winners. The art of no compromises against the usury banners from ME, NK and Venezuela.


Yeah, I remember how you lost 300 tanks in Groznii and soldiers crying like babies

You can call me Al

I am thinking of the fantastic film you wank stain. Now fuck off.

PS What the hell has Groznii got to do with me, I am English.

You really are a knob.


No English would believe you are English with that poor English

“WE ARE RUSKIES” – you nailed it

You can call me Al

Yes you are correct. I give it up now.

Real Anti-Racist Action

There is a top of the line Russian production movie called Furious (based on a true story) that just came out a few years ago, the real history of Kolovrate. Like the Russian equivalent of the ethnic-Spartan 300. It is a good lesson for any thinking about infringing on the right and home lands of the Russian people. It is one of the best films I have seen. Thumbs up to Russia’s movie industry for not only doing a good job but telling a real historic story without Hollywood lies. MOVIE TRAILER BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTHmSiswINw&vl=en

Peter Williams

«Нас мало, но мы в тельняшках!» “We are few, but we wear telnyashkas!”


Yes, North american are shaken now like chicken now, and they are planning to use nuclear bombs to eliminate 100 Russian in Venezuela.


High ranking US officials stated on more than one occasion that if US is attacked conventionally they would resort to these low yields nuclear weapons they are building, 5 kiloton range.

This type of response is indicative that US armed forces lack the capability to fight Russia or China in a hot war, in spite of having a defense budget dwarfing theirs.

Tommy Jensen

Putin is right. Politicians comes and go but the bureaucracy stays the same. We are back to the Obama/Morell days where “Russia should feel the pain, just feel the pain”.

Whatever. its nice to see Pompeo, Bolton, even Trump and shitty Elliot browning their pants. We again owe Russia for this laugh, all of us.

This Is Bad

The only people who managed to invade or “Russia” in history was the Mongol Golden-Horde they got their asses kicked afterwards. Dragged back to East – Asia. You know one thing History has taught leave the Russians alone. At this rate it is quite clear the West is itching for a War, it will happen it may not be now but it will.


I know. The whole world knows. The zionist will be reminded in a way they don’t like. It is encouraging to see their desperate attempts to start a war ignored for now.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Russia should turn the tables non-violently. Stop playing games Russia and deliver the S-400 system to Venezuela. Ship the S-400 system to Iran. Ship the laser defense systems. Supply best-Korea with S-400. Deliver Lebanon with a full set of S-350 systems. Ship surface to surface large missiles to Syria for self defense. Supply Iraq with S-350 missiles. Give people their Freedom back oh Russia…

Promitheas Apollonious

and you should learn to think before posting all the BS you do and what russia should do. Stop watching holyshit movies and most importantly stop thinking like a moronic american. What you suggesting will bring more troubles and wars than solving anything.

You can call me Al

Hey, hey – bit harsh isn’t it ?. He is only saying what we would all want in a perfect World.

Now if you would like to talk Brexit, we can both push the extremes of harshness and use profanities is we like. What a fuck up !!.

Promitheas Apollonious

not harsh, just plain honest.

You can call me Al

Yeah, alright, fair play, at least you are honest.

Promitheas Apollonious

to be honest with you, I dont really care about brexit, or ever given attention to what ever Uk is doing internally. not my business or concern.

Real Anti-Racist Action

The ability to defend ones air space does not create wars. It prevents them. Global war is already here because nations do not have the ability to defend themselves. Only a Zionist wishes nations to remain defenseless. I assume you are a closet Zionist. Explain to me how people having the ability to safeguard their own airspace causes wars?

Prince Teutonic

“RUSSIANS WILL PAY A PRICE” – They are paying all the time so nothing would really change…

Promitheas Apollonious

may I ask what exactly they are paying because from the point of view I see it, up to this point I have not see them pay, on the contrary they have a lot of profit of all is happening.

Prince Teutonic

I meant sanctions US is throwing at Russia again and again. And also “assassinations” of Russian troops in Syria carried out by US proxies (ISIS for example)…

Promitheas Apollonious

the sanctions hurt european countries most of all and open for american companies russian market so dont be naive and see what really is happening.

Prince Teutonic

I would agree sanctions are not hurting civilian sector much but military one certanly. Remeber few years ago Russia was denied to buy already signed deal for French Mistral ship. Also Russia was buying composite materials from US for it’s civilian airline industry. There is also ban on electro-optical instruments vital for drone and jet manufacturing. Ukraine also stopped shiping gas turbine and diesel engines for building large vessels…

Promitheas Apollonious

you live in the past my friend. The russians have compensate for that, way before the sanctions. In any case I have not seen any hurting as far russian military goes on the contrary.

Harry Smith

We already can produce our own composites for SJ-100. Thanks to USA we have new Russian hi-tech industry. Gas turbines are now producing a plant in Rybinsk, as far as I remember. Anyway somewhere in that region. Thank to sanctions. And most of electro-optical US instruments, in the reality, are produced in China. But Russia has a very developed electro-optical segment. You can google for “shvabe”.

Tommy Jensen

That means Russia is left with Chinese diesel engines in their military and cant do a s..t against the free and civilised world.

Xoli Xoli

Bolton and Pompeo are biggest threat of USA.Their control Trump to achieved brainwash evil desires.Teir biggest threat to Europe and USA failed regime.

Xoli Xoli

Russia must deploy more troops and weapons because USA is also encircling Russia in Europe. USA is in Estonia,Latvia,Ukraine,Poland ,Germany, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China sea.Arm Venezuela with lethal weapons as USA armed terrorists in Syria. Their said non lethal but their weapons are discovered every day in Syria. Give Venezuela anti ship missiles, anti aircraft messiles and sea land mines.

Xoli Xoli

Pompeo is gray.Bolton is just a tea maker wringle face joystick of Trump.


That’s ass backwards. Bolton is Adelson’s emissary to Trump – the court Shabbos Goy – selected for his unswerving loyalty to … the Tribe. The Orange Satan is Adelson’s errand boy.

Tony B.

Trump is being blackmailed for his incest with his daughter by Mossad. All his high office picks are actually Mossad picks. It’s pretty obvious.


It’s a tough question where he is being blackmailed or is just servile for other reasons (e.g., loyalty). But blackmail would more likely come from his association with Jeffrey Epstein, a Mossad asset that ran/runs the Lolita Express and Lolita Island, where he hooks up “powerful people” with children and presumably records them. It could also be business interests (ability to call or not renew loans, etc.). And campaign contributions. Maybe Ivanka as well.

Whatever it is they clearly control him, and Adelson is his handler (Adelson appears to be the main public handler of US Republicans).

Tony B.


Jason De Larue Samuel

Hi friends i think isreaHell must desappear and all humanity will be safe

Promitheas Apollonious

why? if israel disappear that will eliminate the zionist control over UK/US and most of europe? Beside the fact israel it is expendable, for its masters and owners.

Albert Pike

‘Israel it is expendable…’. There is a coalition between the Zionists and the Millenarists, therefore Israel has to be there – otherwise Moshiach can’t fall of the roof…

Tony B.

Israel is just another Rothschild cabal agent, just like most nations in today’s world. Fight the CAUSE and the SYMPTOMS will dry up and blow away.


Yes, but why the population of jewish ethnicity in occupied Palestine have been waiting for the lie of “greater israhell” to come true and supported it. Does it not make them complicit?

Tony B.

Interesting question. I suppose that depends upon the desires of the individual person living there. It is true that many Israelis protest against the genocide of the original Palestinians but it is also true that some of them sit in comfort watching the “show” of the so-called IDF slaughtering Palestinians as though it is a sport – think the Roman colosseum.

Promitheas Apollonious

learn the facts then we speak again. The ones who control are in UK/US israel as I said is where the stooges and expendables live.

Albert Pike

I am not disputing your message, that the ones who are in control are somewhere else. It’s just not the Zionists alone, which are on the mashiach King of Zion trip – because unfortunately so are the hardcore CHRISTIAN evangelist believers of the 1000 year paradise to come. To hold this coalition of hell together they needed this place called Israel (from a certain point on in the scripture timetable its inhabitants are indeed expendable) – otherwise the bible fake can’t work…

Promitheas Apollonious

yes only to be destroyed, so the scriptures they wrote and sold to the idiots, come true.


That is very correct.

Jason De Larue Samuel

If this state desappear all of friends and lobbying will be destroy .peace

Promitheas Apollonious

we disagree, if I understood you correctly.

Jason De Larue Samuel

Sorry my english is so bad

Jason De Larue Samuel

Do u speak fucking french

Promitheas Apollonious

we all started with bad english, practice bring perfection as they say, dont give up.


So what happened to “freedom of navigation”?

Prince Teutonic

My guess is some of the options they consider are connected with Syria. Maybe another faked chemical attack in Idlib and consequently missile attack on Assad or maybe attack on Wagner mercenaries or Russian instructors…


nope ..to brazen.. Remember when Russian forces were killed in Dier Zor together with 60 odd Syrians by Western airstrikes and the Americans claimed it was a mistake? Days later the Russians fired 2 Cruise missiles at a secret terror facility killing 30 odd Americans , Israelis, Saudis, Turks working with ISIS. If Russian instructors are killed in Syria, something similar will happen..


The United Snakes say all this stuff and get humiliated quicker every time. They thought both hemispheres were theirs up to last week. Assad stays, Iranian revolution stays, Maduro stays. This week Syria should re-take Golan Heights. Soon Palestine will have its land back.


moronistan (aka usa) is facing another humiliating defeat and they sure as a klucking bell don’t want that trumpeted across the globe but it will be – think afghanistan, think syria and think venezuela and think north korea and the dumb-beats in washington dc really would like to contain this last feck up, venezuela, from a broader public. the corrupt and criminally insane junta in washington really and truly is at its wits end.

Boyko Nikolov

NATO advance on Russia is forcing Russia to go simetrical on USA treat. AEGIS ashore is big treat for Russia. Imagine what Russian ashore with options to lunch Kalibr NK will mean to USA. Russia ainai going to take action against EU. In last 10 years Russia stated that they will target USA if under attack of USA. So EU is relatively safe if we don’t do anything stupid as for example providing USA with fields to operate from. Then tactical nukes will follow. Russia ain’t going to use direct force against USA/EU. So is up to USA to make their decision on Russia and the existence of the world.

Tommy Jensen

US is forcing EU to receive tactical middle range nukes and even training EU to use them. Poland and Romania are willing to do anything for a few dollars.


Whoops, sorry but I do not see the usa in a position to decide on anything, not even on their own country. Usa is just the army of mercs serving the zio-mafia. These hysterical screams from the front runner boys, like bibi, trump, pompeo, indicate that even the masters are in a panic mode.

Promitheas Apollonious

United Stupid Assholes, is a controlled colony, it does not get to decide the next move. her masters do and are not based on usa.


The problem with this sort of threat is that the Americans nowadays only have two settings–“subordinate” and “enemy”. If you’re not a fairly reliable stooge, you’re an enemy. If you’re an enemy, the US will do whatever is within its power and not too counterproductive to mess with you. Russia is already considered an enemy, the US already will do anything it can to nobble them without putting too much strain on its relationships with Europe or starting an actual direct shooting war. So its threats are empty. If there was a consequence they could readily inflict, they’d be inflicting it already. This is one of the problems with having no real concept of diplomacy.

Pave Way IV

“The problem with this sort of threat is that the Americans nowadays only have two settings–“subordinate” and “enemy”.

This is the precise definition of psychopathy. Is it any surprise though? The neocon Khazar Mafia sees the rest of the world exactly like this and they have been running foreign policy here (in the US) for decades. They have infected the checks and balances within the U.S. government to stop them. Getting rid of them today would be absolutely useless – they would just be replaced by some other group of psychopaths.

U.S. leaders are too stupid or too purposely oblivious (being psychopaths themselves) to psychopath-proof the U.S. government. And Americans would just keep voting psychopaths back in to power, anyway. It’s like trying to cure your smallpox by choosing a different pair of shoes to wear, then concluding that you failed because you chose the wrong pair – so you need to make ‘a better choice’ next time. Sad and pathetic if we were safely isolated somewhere away from everyone else, but Uncle Sam is walking around in your grocery store licking the produce, handling the fresh fruit and coughing on all the other shoppers. Eventually, someone is going to get pissed enough to do something. I can hardly blame them.


I suspect eventually another group will push the current ruling Elite aside and reorganize.


By “US leaders” you mean the political pimps of the international mafia that strut their stuff on the TV/Twitter/online/media. Those people are not leaders. They never were, and they can never be. They are pimps whose only claim to leadership is the ability to smack around abused girls when they say they want to quit being prostitutes. They are not even real men. The industry leaders are not “leaders” either. They only got where they are because they got pimp money from their CIA friends to kick-start their enterprise.

The real leaders are something else entirely.


I get your point. May I suggest you call them with their real name: the zio-mafia masters; (the rotschild&co, the Roman club, the Builderberg club). And let’s face something else: bibi, hillary, trump, bolton, pompeo… are front-runners. They are employees of the club.


Correct terms to use are: ZioMedia ZioBanking ZioWorld Zionists Kahazars KahazarMafia etc…

This Is Bad

You laid it down perfectly. The United States has no “Allies” by mere definition of that term. Only Vessel States. Thus has been very apparent in the previous years with the ongoing conflict on the Ukraine. The EU has been straining it’s Economic trades and business cooperation with Moscow under Washington’s command, I have no idea how sovereign nations can be so fickle and submissive, you’d swear it’s some kind of ‘mass simulation’. Contemporary Europe has no independent Foreign policy on core Global affairs they just keep playing Washington’s card. It’s really ridiculous


By cheating and terror.


…”the Americans nowadays only have two settings–“subordinate” and “enemy” Absolutely! You reminded me of two concepts that are running along in conflict: “Love and Respect” and ” Might is right.”

Black Waters

The U.S is trying to cover their corruption and collapse by blaming others, they did this to themselves, they should pay the price. (they’ll pay the price, whether they like it or not)

J Ramirez

Russia should threaten Washington over deployment in Germany, Fair is fair ;}

Real Anti-Racist Action

Yea, so much for the ‘War of Liberation’ it is way way past time to set the natives free. Time for the occupying armies to leave Germany forever. https://scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/07f13f50199bdf67dce042be85fbe098/5D2C8D8A/t51.2885-15/e35/38543663_248628245989916_4796942676756791296_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com


This sounds like schoolyard lvl screaming. I really don’t know what more they can do. Plus, declaring the western hemisphere off limits if lunacy. My take.


All the “armchair warriors” should know: The days of long range easy wars are over!

cechas vodobenikov

empty threats from the collapsing empire


China has arrived with tons of humanitarian aid. Pompeo ready to threaten them too?

Promitheas Apollonious

why not farting is free and pay no taxes unless of course you are a cow or a sheep.


The degenerates in Washington are going to blunder into a whole lot of pain.

Ishyrion Av

US claims it owns the western half of the planet. And the other half too. Fools!

Real Anti-Racist Action

Every multi-racial empire has claim such things. Babylon and Rome were no different. Neither was the Mongol’s nor Persia. Neither the UK nor France. The Houthis strategy of protecting ones tribe from another people invading yours is the Houthis recipe of success.

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