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MARCH 2025

Russia’s Arsenal of High-Precision Cruise Missiles Increased Thirty-Fold in 8 Years: Defense Minister

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Russia's Arsenal of High-Precision Cruise Missiles Increased Thirty-Fold in 8 Years: Defense Minister

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The number of high-precision cruise missiles in the Armed Forces of Russia since 2012 has increased by more than thirty-fold, and the number of their carriers has gone up more than twelve-fold, Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu said.

“We are equipping land, air and sea-based high-precision long-range weapons with accelerated pace. The number of its carriers has increased by more than 12 times since 2012, and the number of high-precision cruise missiles has gone up by 30. The time for preparing flight missions is reduced from a month and a half to three hours,” – the minister said at an operational mobilization gathering with the leadership of the Armed Forces.

Shoigu said that modern military equipment, created on the basis of digital technologies and with elements of artificial intelligence, have started being delivered to the troops, and weapons systems based on new physical principles were already on combat duty.

He said that in 2019 the Armed Forces received more than 6.5 thousand units of new and modernized weapons.

In total, by the end of 2020, in accordance with the May decrees of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the share of modernization in the troops will be 70%.

In November 2018, the official newspaper of the Russian Defense Ministry, Krasnaya Zvezda, reported that units were created in the Russian Armed Forces that are responsible for the use of high-precision long-range weapons.

“The Armed Forces have formed command and control units that plan the use of high-precision long-range weapons and prepare flight missions for cruise missiles of all types of basing. As a result, full-fledged groups of high-precision weapons are created that can use missiles for targets at ranges up to 4 thousand km,” the outlet outlined.

According to the outletthe basis of these groups in strategically important areas – the Baltic, Barents, Black and Mediterranean Seas – are ships equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles.

Furthermore, in recent years a breakthrough has been made in equipping the Russian Armed Forces of the with high-precision long-range weapons, they are being deployed on land, sea and air-based carriers.

Back then, Krasnaya Zvezda repeated the exact same information that Shoigu said now, that carriers had increased twelve-fold and the number of cruise missiles had increased thirty-fold.

Russia's Arsenal of High-Precision Cruise Missiles Increased Thirty-Fold in 8 Years: Defense Minister

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Louis IX

Could Russia use those to destroy Turkish force supporting Al-Qaeda in Idblib ?

Black Waters

They have too many choices, but i’m not sure which one will they use. I mean, there’s too many ways to make war.

But i’m not sure what are their plans. If it was for me i’ll have bomb them along time ago, bu that’s me.


You want Russia to start a war with Turkey?


In Reality, the Turks have already started a war against Russia.


Sure but I don’t believe we will see Russia escalate it.


They will if the Turks are stupid enough to escalate. They’ve already got hit once.


Russia will not allow Erdo to retake the M4 buffer zone either ,in my opinion. There lies the clash.


So basically Turkey is over-stepping and Russia is responding.


When we look at the complete Russian campaign in Syria , it has been noticeable that Russia gradually ratchets up the power of her weapons used in Syria. By the russians themselves and the SAA.

The Russian planners are mindful of not appearing to be the aggressor. It’s the US narrative of course that Russia is the bad guy, yet those who actually look at the facts as they are, and not as the Western Media and NATO propaganda say they are, can see the real picture as most here do.

The Russian strategy is to leave the door slightly open for wise diplomatic reasons whilst countering US,UK ,NATO aggression with more powerful weapons systems.

I have said before, that there is NO way that Russia can or will accept rabid jihadis to live in Syrian locations. The continual attacks on Russian facilities in Latakia cannot be allowed to continue. Ergo, the jihadi’s in Syria will die.


russia needs turkey on th same side as syria and iran and iraq and hezbollah so that the group of five can deal with the one big problem that really needs to be addressed ina serious and final way, viz. the illegal occupation of palestine by the jews. that is the issue that needs to be taken care of and for that to end well, the group of five have to be united and united they can exterminate all illegal occupiers that is around when idf has closed down operation.

israel, the most failed geopolitical experiment ever needs to be closed down completely and the land returned to the palestinians

Basic Guy

Russian people struggling to have a functional society (massive crime, alcohol problems, private debt etc) but wow more weapons

Black Waters

That’s acutally disinformation straight from the Washington D.C asylum. Alcohol problems aren’t an issue as they used to be. -Massive crime? Are you sure you aren’t talking about Ukraine or other country? -DEBT? Hahaha. Almost like a tiny grain of sand compared to the 33 TRILLIONS from the U.S gestapo. Of course they will arm themselves, there’s many treats on their borders, common sense dictates to protect yourself from agressors, not otherwise.


sure and in the disunited states of A you have the fly over states with no future no worthwhile lives for the majority except attending useless and underfunded schools and no healthcare except a bandaid for the visible tumour and joining the marines and a good probability of being body bagged home or cooking meth and 10 to 15 in the penitentiary. so shut up ’bout russia, a vast country with more assets than the disunited states of A ever had (although they are all gone now, larf larf).

Basic Guy

sure i dont care about the us


You trolling right? Tell me that you trolling. You speak about crime rate? You? Russian crime is much much lower than US, especially when it comes to firearm violence, and they don’t have school shootings or mass shootings every week or so like in US. Russian debt actually is one of the smaller in the world, less than 15%, US debt however have reached galactic proportions. The poverty is US is huge, has one of the high percentage of homeless people, not to mention the bad health insurance which not everyone has access to. Russia despite having much smaller defence budget than US, the number of weapons that buys every year is similar or more than US because they are way cheaper and the state control the military companies from overpricing their products.


The last time that I checked the Russian murder rate is quadruple what the US rate is. If they had US style gun rights the murder and domestic violence rates would probably be much lower, the Jew genocide of 20 million Russians might never have occurred, and the population of Russia would be double what it is today.


Actually we both were wrong here, Russian crime rate in recent years are just below than US and they keep falling every year, the last 15 years have a significant decrease percentage every year and if this rhythm continues it would be much lower than US. Russia did seems so determined to fight crime and lower it as much as possible, while in US is increasing.



The numbers don’t add up. 10,000 to 15,000 Russian women get beaten to death every year according to domestic violence statistics. But there were only 7,000 murders in Russia last year? Somebody’s lying:



Just because you don’t like the numbers that doesn’t mean isn’t true, otherwise why should I believe US claims about their criminal rate as well?


I never said that I disliked the numbers. Russia evidently has a serious domestic violence problem. Are they under reporting it? There’s evidence that they are. Are all of these victims lying? In Russia they’ve legalized assaulting woman and children. Are you ok with that?

Even if Russia’s murder and domestic violence levels are the same as the US. Which I question. Because it’s legal to beat your wife and children there and it’s against the law in the US. Would you rather live in a society where it’s illegal to carry a concealed handgun for personal protection or in a society where wife beating is legal and concealed carry is illegal? I have a pistol permit.

Basic Guy

Why do you compare especially with US? The US is not better but they have the money to fix it, russia does not


Money to fix what? I don’t know what you mean by saying fixing but money US certainly its not something they can to spare and makes you think that Russia does not have money, they’ve got any resource you can imagine in their enormous country, they don’t need any help.

Basic Guy

Lolz, russias biggest gold mine is the oil industry and thanks to the corona virus the oil price is at a longtime low.

So soon the russians will be even poorer and the economy in even more trouble


two places where they will be most useful – one is tel aviv and the illegal settlement called israel and the second would be washington dc.

Maximus Decimus Meridius


Ivan Freely

The number of defense companies isn’t a good example. The difference is that Russian companies build to win wars while US companies build to make money. If this Cold War do last as long as the first one, then I’m expecting US companies will change their mindset. However, the obstacles the US is facing now is more daunting than yesteryear (i.e. high debt, aging workforce, rampant institutional corruption, failed society, etc…).



speech as from mouth Brezhnyev


Sieg heil


The problem for NATO and the IDF is that not only are these missiles accurate and long range. They’re also designed to be very difficult to intercept. Which makes stationary and slow moving targets vulnerable. Like ships, bases, launch platforms and troop and armor formations.

This gives Russia and it’s SCO and non SCO allies the abilty to destroy NATO and IDF taregets at a rate equal or superior to any damage that they may sustain from the Jew world order miscreants.


Let’s see Russian forces shoot one of those on IDF forces.


How many Jews have died and gone missing in Syria so far? Quite a few I imangine. More dying won’t be anything new.



Don’t worry about us, we can take the hits. What about the SAA? fighting the Jihadists can hardly be compared to fighting the IDF.


Israel and your proxy terrorists are losing badly in Syria. Judging from Saudi Arabia and Iraq, I don’t anticipate that Israel and the IDF will fare much better in a toe to toe with a regional coalition. But keep telling yourself how great and invincible you are. And when you get your ass whooped you can eat some humble pie and sue for peace.


We will see about that then, won’t we? keep telling yourself it’s still 2006 lol, we will leave nothing standing in an all out war.


That’s right, you won’t. And that includes yourselves! And that is the plan that the Rothschilds always had for you, sacrificial lambs. We will se about that won’t we?


I don’t fight for any “Rothschilds”. I fight for my country and my people, anyone that is a threat to us will be dealt with.


2006 was against Hezbollah before they got modern missiles. Hezbollah would be a minority component of a regional coalition. You had your hands full with Hezbollah, which isn’t even a national military and had no air cover. Against a regional coalition with weapons that make your’s obsolete you’ll be heavily outmanned and outgunned. If you want to do the Masada thing. Most of the world at best won’t shed a tear for your evil cult that’s so disliked. And many will applaud your deaths.


be sure, for nato and il these missiles are no problem.


They can’t stop Palestinian, Yemeni and Iranian missiles. They’re not going to be able to stop Russian ones.

Peter Bozich

With every passing day, Russia gets stronger, while the U.S and it’s vassals grow weaker. The West, a shit hole mired in debt, drugs and dick heads.


Let’s hope that Russia don’t shy away to equip those missiles with Nuke-warhead.


thirty-fold is not interesting.

interesting is .. .the number in the beginning. ;)

btw., i remeber, also the SF reported years a go, that russian manufacturers were not able to produce enough crusie missiles for syrian front. the caspian fleet had empty launchers after sveral waves of attacks.

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