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Russia’s Avangard Hypersonic Glider Warheads Are “Several Months” Away From Entering Service: Putin

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During a Valdai Club session in Sochi on October 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that new Avangard hypersonic glider warheads are just months away from entering military service.

“Responding to the development of anti-ballistic missile systems by the US, we are improving our strike capabilities. Some are already in service, others will be deployed soon,” the President stated adding that Avangard deployment will happen “within several months”.

Putin emphasized that Russia is the first in the world to develop such technology.

“We know for certain, it’s an obvious fact and our colleagues realize it, that we surpassed all our competitors in this area. Nobody has precise hypersonic weapons. Some plan to test theirs in 18 to 24 months. We have them in service already,” he said.


The development of a future ICBM with a brand-new payload type in the form of a gliding vehicle was the real technological breakthrough. The testing of Avangard has been successfully concluded. According to available information, Avangard can reach the top speed of Mach 20 and is one of the possible payload options for Sarmat.

The warhead can fly in dense layers of the atmosphere over intercontinental distances, while performing evasive dog-legs both horizontally (up to several thousand kilometers) and vertically. Specialists assess that the Avangard has not only an aerodynamic control system but also a propulsion system to be able to perform such maneuvers.

In spite of flying in a plasma cloud, the warhead can receive signals from its command center. It used to be an impossible task, since plasma blocks radio waves. Another challenge that was successfully overcome was the problem of heat insulation. It cannot be ruled out that the Avangard uses new generation high-temperature ceramic composites that use silicon carbide, capable of withstanding temperatures of up to 2,000 C. By mid-March it was announced that the first Avangard carriers would become the UR-100N UTTKh (SS-19 Stiletto) ICBMs that will most likely become part of the RS-24 Yars strategic missile system. About 30 of these missiles were delivered from Ukraine in the early ‘00s to cover natural gas debts. After the Soviet break-up, they were stored un-fueled. Once Sarmat is adopted, it too will carry Avangard warheads. The Russian MOD already signed a contract for serial delivery of Avangards, and they will enter line service in the near future.

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Nuno Cardoso da Silva

The US better starts getting used to being impotent in relation to Russia. As from now, all US threats will sound pretty hollow.

Zo Fu

Avangard is only a hardware. Any hardware can be copied, disabled by another hardware or just be neutralised by asynchronous measures. But what makes me worry is fact, that Putin is speaking about super advanced technologies instead of using 20 years old system S300 against Israel. You can have the best weapon in the world but with hesitating shooter it is useless. Putin is such hesitating shooter. Ukraine is occupied by NATO, Russia is encircled, one Russian ally after another is being destroyed and Putin with his superweapons is sitting and upgrading them instead of using don’t paying attention to the fact, that his house is already in flames.

It is the biggest problem of Russia and the problem repeats again and again. They were reluctant to stop Lenin and it caused millions of deaths. They were reluctant to stop Hitler and it caused another millions of deaths. Now they are reluctant to stop neocons and it will caused global extinction.


Dont worry I am sure Putin knows better than you. And half of your statement is not true.

Zo Fu

Blah blah blah. Putin knows..oh yes. The same like with Stalin . He was another “genius” who perfectly predicted Hitler’s attack on USSR and what is more important, prepared country for this attack so it was piece of cake to fight back, isn’t it.


Putin got the situation as it was in 1999. Given the circumstances, he is actually doing great.

Poor Turk

Zo Fu is a troll.


he is fully right, you rat


It is Russian Rocket Science that has not only negated Zionist/Yanki encirclement policy but also their trillion dollar programme to rule the seas and the world we live in


one thing is not enough to win wars. just therefore ruskies lost the cold war, too.


1 thing = hundreds of hypersonic ICBMs X 20 Glider Warheads launched from roving platforms over 17,000,000 sq.klms. However, we now know Russia has more than 1 thing. “A world without Russia will not exist”


russia has no money for armatas, sure will be money for hundreds of such toys :DDDD

Nigel Maund

I am not sure I totally agree with what you say here. Putin is playing a very difficult game against, not as you think the United States, but the infinitely more powerful Anglo _ American Zionist Bankster – Corporatist Globalist Cabal headed up, behind a skillfully managed news curtain, by the Rothschild clan (who own “The Economist” amongst other notable MSM publications). This Cabal has been 200 years in the making and its roots throughout the world are deeply entrenched from banking, finance, ownership of all major corporations (all major brand names) through bankimg and offshore Nominee accounts and Trusts. This Cabal has all the dirt you can imagine on the majority of the world’s politicians and business leaders extending from tax evasion and fraud, to embezzlement, contract kickbacks, sexual deviance, use of prostitutes, paedophilia and so the list goes on. These Globalists leave absolutely nothing to chance. They control the US intelligence agencies such as the CIA, NSA,, FBI, DHS and so on, the key internet providers (Google, Facebook and Twitter), and all the Global organisations including the Bank for International Settlements ( The BIS), World Bank, IMF, UN, Tripartite Commission, Rand Corporation, Brookings Institute, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), They control the Global Mainstream Media which has spent over 100 years brainwashing the electorate. They control most Universities throughout the Western World, especially in the teaching of politics, economics, philosophy, history and even science.

Against this immensely powerful Global Octopus Trump and Putin are “walking on eggs” as they do do assassinations as well as Regime Change and they do not give a damn how many people die. The means justifies the ends in all circumstances. This is the Hegalian Dialectic they follow; vis: 1) Create a Problem; 2) Guage the Reaction; and then 3) offer the Proscribed and Planned Solution. The Rothschid;’s are Khazarian Zionists of the Ashkenazi tribe and therefore closely tied to Israel, whch with Chaim Wietzman and Arthur Balfour they co – founded, owing to their total control of the British Government. The key to taking down this Cabal is to destroy the US Fed for starters and this is precisely the battle Donald Trump and the Patriots are now waging. If the Fed is put out of business the US economy will undergo a massive turnaround. Also, the collapse of the Fed will inspire other contries to tae back control of the issuance of their currencies and their economies. Putin knows all of this and has been discussing same with Trump. The Globalists also know Trump and Putins agenda and also know their financial system is now in its death throes so a new system has t be ushered in. To achieve this, and to distract the electorate from their hand in creating this almighty mess over the last 103 years, the Globalists need WW3 to blame everything that is coming ( the greatest financial crash in world history) on Trump, Brexit and Populism and not on themselves as they just wish to restore their userous system under their Global Bank, Global Government and Global Currency that they totally control.

Given all the foregoing, your “hot headed” response to Israeli actions would be exceedingly unwise adn prsent the Globalist with precisely the Causus Belli they are looking for in Syria, Ukraine and North Korea. Putin is far from weak. He is a Chess Grandmaster and Trump is not far behind. You do not tackle a problem of this magnitude by being obvious in what you do. You have to deceive and not react as the Globalists expect you too. This wrong foots them and causes them to make blunders.


There’s quite a bit of whistling passed the graveyard in your post. The anglozionst power structure is locked in to vision that demands the capture, break up, and distribution of Russian resources towards US/ European benefactors.

Putin’s counter operations in the last four years have forced the time table for that plan up a decade or more. As a result we see vassals scrambling to adapt, with some even balking at the possibility of being used as battering rams or even buffers to protect the US. Just yesterday the world was shocked to learn that Israel & Saudi Arabia were allies ready to attack Iran. This morning we are witness to the spectacle of the US Congress hacking away wildly with a bone saw to free themselves of the very notion that they can be controlled with Saudi money.

Putin has every reason to allow the whole world to see just how insane US machinations are, to see how fickle and frail US promises are, to witness how utterly violent countries like Israel and England become at the spectre of the notion that Russia and her partners can indeed fight back against what they swore to the power brokers who own them that this plan was always inevitable.

We are perhaps days away from an Israeli attack on Syria’s air defenses. Not because they are dangerous to Israeli airspace, but because anything that challenges the *narrative-god* entity so worshipped by the anglozionst world view, the sacred notion of complete invincibility, that the pervayors of such a jingoistic epistemology would rather be dead than live in a world where it is not so.

Jens Holm

It has been known for many months, that the Saudis now support Israel as well as the non Shiit part of Lebanon more.

You certainly are in a hard censured area or a jail with no internet.

I only agree in USA in some matters certainly are insane. Trump certainly dont improve that impression.


Well said.


the key parts of your comments are:

They were reluctant to stop Lenin and bolsheviks and it caused millions of deaths. They were reluctant to stop Hitler and it caused another millions of deaths. Now they are reluctant to stop neocons and it will caused global extinction.

reluctant – tis is basic part of russian mentality. therefore i write repeatedly, russians have no chance. they do always the minimum and never optimum. extremly laizuy nation. thea are able to see tomorrow, but not further. therefore is the whole rusian economy in so shitty condition. big gas station… tomorrow we can sell oil, gas, aluminium, nothing to do for overtomorrow.

russia never grew up to the role of position with big responsibility.

Naija Lolade

This anglozionist cock sucker again replying probably its own comment that he went in the back to open with another fake id. How many ids do you operate ? Just one world to counter you and your secon fake IDs..

Russia does not start a war, in-fact they hate it and always try to avoid it but they surely know how to end it. Ask mongolian empire, Napoleon and Nazi…

Sooner or later you will ask the anglozionist empire.


i am not him

you discuss abiut something else, what i did not write

Naija Lolade

How u forget so quick.. U re a known troll on this platform.. “Damascus Is Looking To Acquire S-400 Air Defense System: Syrian Foreign Minister” That heading was the first time i countered you… U have gone to open another id and replying again right ?


and? discuss the actual comment, microbraintroll

viktor ziv

Yeah big gas station delivering people and supplies to ISS, selling rockets to Nasa, deploying nuclear powered submarines, etc. If Russkies are capable to do all high tech stuff from gas station, imagine what will they do if they build institute, lets say in Tomsk. ;) Kind reminder to those nuclear trigger happies, THERE IS NO WINNER in nuclear AFTERMATH. Everybody looooooose. One 50Mt TNT hydrogen bomb (half of the Tzar) thrown over south pole is more then enough to push mankind into Had. There is enough warheads for each of us to be killed 100 times.


yure. as i wrote, ruskies has nothing. some rockets, some weapons,. this is the best way to be loser.

S Melanson

I think you are exaggerating. There are only enough warheads to kill all of us 20 to 30 times over. So stop your fear mongering, a strategic thermonuclear exchange is not going to do much more than delay a day or two those planned shopping trips to Walmart. Walmart will survive so everything will be ok.

Nuno Cardoso da Silva

Zo Fu, you may be partially right, but I think I prefer a timid Putin to a trgger happy Putin. That may mean that the West will not be stopped as soon as we would like, but stopped it will be.


this is the big problem of your world, mind. putin, putin. correctly should be rusian army, russian governmen. not 1 guy, but the country.

Jens Holm

Well it improved not many days ago. The opposition is out of jail until the next election :(


“Any hardware can be copied”

BS you are showing your ignorance.

If any hardware could be copied, the US would have copied the missiles used by the S300, instead of continually upgrading(new paint) their old missiles.

Nigel Maund

Nuno read my extensive commentary to Zo Fu below. This will answer many questions, I hope!!


US spent all their money on floating carriers that are outdated and easily sunk . Useless vs major countries like China or Russia.

Jens Holm

No, they are not.

You say because You cant effort Yourself. You are blured upstairs.


Exactly, the US has bankrupted itself with corruption and waste. It seems to happen to most empires, they degenerate, and it’s not just at the top, most average Americans are little more than mindless fat blobs these days.


Jens Holm

You might put in Your memorycard Yoursekf

Tghe rest is nor exacrly a RAM Jet as well.


Avangard is cutting edge weapon that will assure Russian technological superiority in hypersonic weapons development and deployment over US. Avangard has the flexibility of being used as a conventional or nuclear weapon.

paul ( original )

Both Turkey and Israel have recently shot down Russia aircraft. The Israelis indirectly by a trick. These are attacks on Russia. Don’t you agree? Though there has been a response I would say it falls far short of retaliation let alone retribution. So what I am getting at is may be Russia is rather too much in the mindset of deterrents. When these fail it kind of appears that there is a lack of an aggressive response .

Tudor Miron

Paul, westerners (many of them) have really short memory span and seem to be unable to learn from history. I do not intend to offend you but you’re talking out of fear (unconscious) – biting for faints is not a sign of strength but a sign of weakness. Strength is being able to do what you do and achieve your goals despite attacks that are intended to distruct. Ponder one thing – Americans say “Do or die”, Russians say “Die but do”.

paul ( original )

I am not offended. But the idea that there is a long game in play and that in the fullness of time the objectives will be achieved is for me only partially convincing. You may consider me uninformed but to my understanding Stalin was far too complacent prior to being attacked, being caught largely off guard and ill prepared. I don’t discount your point of view on Russian nature. But an alternative interpretation ,which has merit ,is that Russia only wakes up to danger at the eleventh hour when the enemy is literally at the gate. Say only fifty miles from Moscow and indeed in the suburbs of Stalingrad.

Tudor Miron

It does have merit, don’t want to deny it. But who knows – may be it would be worse if Russia did it differently. We don’t know it but we know that Russia is still here. BTW, when I talk about mentality etc. thats not about race – that’s about civilisation, idea that is inclusive for many nations and races.

paul ( original )

Yes you are right, alternatives could be worse. I think we have someway to go before the situation becomes clear one way or another. In my mind I only hold any sort of opinion on these matters with a sort of probability. In the case of our discussion I am rather fifty-fifty in my thinking. As for Russia mentality I think this is one of the things that will be attacked and undermined.

Tudor Miron

“As for Russia mentality I think this is one of the things that will be attacked and undermined.” (с) – Here you touch one very important matter. This is called 1st principle of governing https://youtu.be/wrjNqYEAuBE This principle of the most powerful but takes longest to implement. This is why this attack is ongoing for many centuries and even thousands of years. Not only against Russian civilization but against humanity in general. I would say that in the west it is almost done already. In Russia it is not over yet but a lot of damage is already done.

paul ( original )

Yes in the West the state of mind is totally scrambled. I don’t see any way out. It’s why I rather wish Russia would get into direct conflict as may be the only way of purging the mess.


russians (many of them) have really short memory span and seem to be unable to learn from history

e.g., why you lost the cold war?????


Are you Putin’s yachts from the rt comment section. You kinda smell like him.

Jens Holm

He is not manioulated hooligan and think by himself. That might be the whole difference.

Jens Holm

Dont expect much from there.

“Westerns collapsed Russia and stole the Colonies of Russia”.


Gandhi was asked by an American reporter what he thought of western civilization. Gandhi replied that he thought it would be a good idea.

The simple fact is, your time of living off the rest of the world is coming to an end, back to work for you.

Jens Holm

We have to have some economics. It wouldbe nice, if You have something better.

Denmark is and example of a good and peacefull mix grown up a little by a little. I didnt make it, but so far I am for updating this system, becuse it gives most of us a good life – even the ones, which in almost all other systems (incl. USA and Syria) would be very poor.

We also are a good example among many, that very high taxes dont delay production. The main reason for that is, that the we get tax back by social wellfare creating jobs by education and investments.


LOL I really laughed at that.


you can laugh, but part of european history is part of my life. how many russians do you know? do you speak russian? how many russian books, poets did you read? how many russian modern and folk songs do you know?


I really loved the Lady with the Dog, mostly set in Russian Crimea.


i will be glad, when the last white leaves australia

Jens Holm

Bewrling is not Moscow. Russia only was that big because of stolen land.

Abnd they just went on after WW2. Russsia seemes to learn nothing apart from military strength.

It cant adapt productive improvementst all.

Concrete Mike

Thats what the empire wants an aggressive russian response..then they can say see we told you about russian agression its true!!!!

Do not play the same game russia. Make your own rules.

paul ( original )

Disagree. If there was an aggressive Russian response then the West would be crying off and asking for mercy. This isn’t just some name calling game. The West may think it is such a game. When it realizes it isn’t then may be they will back off.


BUT … you all believe, russia is the almighty. So russia should welcome the agression of NATO, shouldn´t?

Jens Holm

They fx say: Russia – Change Your economics, so You help Your own people.

They also say, that all the liberated countries in Eastern Europe as well as Asia never should be take over from the theft of USSR.

Thats agression. I doint see that at all. Even russia as the only one lost WW1 3 ´times, they learned nothing after WW2.


Russia does what makes sense for its benefit, retaliation against Turkish F16’s would have been easy instant gratification with the long term of possible conflict with a NATO member, and possibly the entire NATO. Russia skipped the instant gratification mode, and worked to make Turkey an ally in the Syrian conflict. Russia was willing to sell Turkey S400 and make Turkstream a countermeasure to the Southstream EU had cancelled. With Israel, I am sure there Russia does not want Israel for an ally, they have a retribution package ready for them. Retribution’s do not have to be necessarily military, there are many ways to render retribution, Russia considers seriously the after effects of such retribution’s.

paul ( original )

What you say makes sense. You outline what you think Russia is doing and characterize it as a solid long-term strategy. All this may be correct. In the end the resolution may be as you outline. I certainly don’t know. All I can really say is that I am not so sure that what you say will transpire. May be Russia’s patient long term approach will only lead to more kicks in the teeth later on. I don’t say this because I know anything. In fact none of us do. But this is what I expect.


The possibility of kicks in the teeth is a very remote possibility, since Israel and US have been neutralized in Syria, in Europe it is even more remote, considering NATO has some rational brains behind it. The reality of the matter is that US is a military paper tiger, realizing its inadequacies and abstaining from the possibility of military actions and focusing on sanctions.


big words from mouth of one homeless


Big words, perhaps for the intellectually challenged. Your more the goway im bating, or dindo nuffin kind a guy.


jusus never wrote truth. never.



Jens Holm

I dont see that at all. They just dont talkabout You as You are the navel of the world 24 hours.

Sometimes You are very unimportant.

paul ( original )

All these announcements appear to me as being in the nature of bolstering the deterrent nature of Russia weaponry. They say clearly that if Russia is attacked it can defend itself. But I don’t think this is where the threat resides. The USA and NATO do not plan a direct attack. Not in my estimation anyway. Rather they intend exerting pressure at the edges, getting other to fight proxy wars and economic strangulation. The process is to erode Russia over time. In fact it would be better ( for Russia) if the conflict was open and direct. Then it could inflict a decisive blow that would send the West back reeling.

I think this alternative erosive warfare of the West is something Russia is less well positioned to confront. I know other might point out all the measures Russia is taking such as developing ties with China and moving away from the Dollar. Yes these are good moves. But in the end I think at present the West is still a threat in the way I have described .

Zo Fu

West economy running on endless debt will eventually win every cold war style confrontation or “race in arms” if you wish. Because economy is a “weapon of choice” nowadays. But what is more worse then race in arms is race for “information superiority” as information and disinformation are the most precious commodity today. Russia is outgunned and outnumbered by Western media 1000:1 and by Western economy 100:1. And once your citizens are brainwashed and unhappy with their economy situation, your guns are useless. IMHO Soros’s army has bigger value then half of the NATO. And Rothschil’ds central banks and IMF has bigger value then whole NATO. It is the purpose of US dollar and banks “too big to fail” by the way. US government is creating unlimited debt and the whole world bears the consequences paying those debts and facing economy crisis. And when this crisis struck, Soros’s minions will came and they will not point on Soros, Rothschild and Global Elites and Deep state. They will point at local government and overthrow it. That’s what happened to all Russian allies since USSR collapsed.

Magnus La Magne

There is no true opposing sides in the world theater All governments essentially play the same game The antagonism between east and west is mainly theater which keeps elites on both sides in power The supposed powerdifference is meaningless, budgets mean next to nothing, true power can’t be measured by anything but war and everyone is to much of a coward for that Comment all you like about toys, paper money, supposedly evil Jews etc etc In the end everyone is doing the couch potato enjoying the status quo 24/7

Jens Holm

Again You show where well You only understand the muslim or communist part of the western economics at all.

Where are the succes for Your primitive rigide principals ? Not in Russia. Not in Muhammed Economics. Not at all.

And You can see it on our living standards – IGNORED TOO.


I don’t think you understand western economics.


What you said was true, but today we have the Internet, and the Americans cannot totally control the news anymore. The tyrants time is ending, in less than a decade Mexico will have more power than the USA.

Evola Yockey


Jens Holm

That right. If Russia want to be bigger, they shoulddevellopanything else then Marz Engels and oligarks like Putin.


Marx and Engels were both German, idiot.

Jens Holm

Nationallity is no excuse. Theyboth were communist and their ideas spread out givin some hope for the poor in the world against the rich and greedy ones.

Ypu use Internet made for CIA here. Dont You. Western Economics kind of started by some jews in Mecca as a base. You have to begin with the idea and then can build out from there and make something better, then it was.

Everyone knows Capitalisme has very bad sides too, but all also know, that the Engels Economics driven by centralizers in fx Moscow and Bejing collapsed.

China learned after that and the chaos og Mao and has taken some good parts into theirown way. A learning by that could be some social structures and things such as kind of equal rights, pension, schoools, hospitals are driven fine in a socialistic system.

But effective production is needed to be driven by relevant school, education, skills, hard work and paid pr hour.

Effective production cant be commanded in details from some Cremling Center. We have seen exact the same in the Japanese Zaibatsus. The (family nepotisme) Leaders dont put in needed Leadership to improve themselves as well as they cant know whas going on i details in Sumitomo, Mitsui, Mitsubishi, and Yasuda.

So You have to put out the leadership, where it is needed being flexible and effective as well as producing several 1000 different products just because they fx have iron in it – like cars, taperecorders, hammers and needles.

Or semilar in all kind of clothe from to inside cqars, carpets and socks.

The above Leadership has limits. True some Sovjet Comaninates has had succes, but the proce and income pr worker and family all the time was very low having a lot of waste as well as it could not corret even vital mistakes, becauise they were not be Cremlin having too unrealistic non-insight.

In the Capitalistic world You add and subtract. You try a lot of new things and also make very big mistakes. Its like You pay for 7 bananas and get 10 back. The loosersin that often are kind of compensated in a lower level and might have succes next time.

Thats why the economics in capitalisme is build in. Interest is the risk. You can win a lot by taking changes, but You also can loose by that risk.


You are right, but American efforts to destroy the Russian economy have failed, and they have spent years trying. So the fear is the US will resort to a full scale war. If you read between the lines in the financial press, and American statements, it is pretty obvious an economic collapse is imminent. If the US does not attack Russia within 2 years, it will lose the ability to do so. So the next 2 years are critical, and warning the crazies off, is a good thing, it might make them hesitate to push the button

John Whitehot

“just months” is different than “several months”.

seems that journos are unable to keep their wits when it comes to translate and publish Putin’s statements to the press.


animated mangas about big dildos are not evidence. i would like to see ral video about start, whole trajectory and hit of target by those miracles :))


That’s what you say, this is what your rulers say.

A. Wess Mitchell Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs

Contrary to the hopeful assumptions of previous administrations, Russia and China are serious competitors that are building up the material and ideological wherewithal to contest U.S. primacy and leadership in the 21st Century. It continues to be among the foremost national security interests of the United States to prevent the domination of the Eurasian landmass by hostile powers. The central aim of the administration’s foreign policy is to prepare our nation to confront this challenge by systematically strengthening the military, economic and political fundaments of American power.

Read the whole thing here.



this can be also ideaological bullshit to threaten americans, who will not protest against huge military budget


Before you use a word, you should understand what it means.

Idealogical based on or relating to a system of ideas and ideals, especially concerning economic or political theory and policy.



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