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MARCH 2025

Russia’s Covid Game Of Elites

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Russia's Covid Game Of Elites


An indepth look at the recent coronavirus-related political and social developments in Russia by a regular SouthFront reader from Moscow.

Implementing President Putin’s directives, Russian federal authorities intensified their efforts to contain both the economic and social impact of the nation-wide coronavirus lockdown, and also some local authorities’ overzealous efforts. This move was impatiently awaited by the Russian society for a month.

It became clear in May that something went wrong in Russia. While in March one could still speak of insufficient medical statistics, of contradictory scientific findings, by now the SARS-COV-v2 situation has become clear.

Due to a variety of reasons, in March and April the world had to cope not so much with the spread of the virus, but rather a pandemic of fear and other processes which might collectively be called “coronacrisis”. One can thus identify three main challenges for humanity today:

  1. The coronavirus epidemic as such;
  2. The global socio-economic crisis;
  3. The pandemic of fear and mass psychosis which complicated professional assessments of the first two problems and, therefore, the development of effective anti-crisis measures.

Separately, one should note that many political forces and financial circles have used the situation for profit. This includes deal-makers of all kinds, from petty speculators and local officials to global elites and corporations. No, they did not “create coronavirus”, at least there is no credible data to this effect, but they nevertheless used it to their advantage.

Russia was not bypassed by these processes. What is more, Russia experienced them to a greater extent than others. It turned out that Russian bureaucracy is unable to deal with new threats and challenges. It uncovered the clannish character of a sizable portion of Russian elites. It revealed problems with executive competence of many regional and federal officials. Especially when it comes to the economy, health care, and social security.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin apparently found himself in informational vacuum, which was particularly evident in the first half of April. It seems that the negative socio-economic developments were triggered by Vladimir Putin’s seemingly correct decision, made in late March, to give regions extraordinary powers. It meant decentralizing authority in order to give regional officials authority to act according to the situation in their region. That’s how many other countries have done, including Germany where the outcome was a positive one.

However, Russian bureaucracy and “liberal” clans that have fused with official institutions and which view themselves as a “new aristocracy” are not the same thing as German regional officials. The gap between Russian elite clans and the population is huge. This is the reason for the clumsy and in some cases even criminal, profit-motivated actions by elite clans after they were granted extraordinary powers.

Modern liberalism, sometimes referred to as “neo-liberalism”, is an ideology promoting serving global monopolies and market speculators. These “liberals” top priority is increasing personal consumption with minimal intellectual or physical effort, using the margin simplification of modern technologies in order to satisfy selfish desires under the guise of post-modern sophistry. Thus they consume public resources while giving nothing in return. Rather, they stand in the way of humanity’s progress.

President Putin and his closest administration members realized by mid-April that unless action is taken at federal level, the situation could quickly transform from critical to catastrophic. It was necessary to reassert control.

On April 23, President Vladimir Putin ordered the government to mitigate the socio-economic crisis being provoked by the COVID-19 outbreak.

“The coronavirus epidemic, challenging the whole world, threatens the lives and health of people first and foremost, but it also impacts the economy, and the condition of entire industries, which is no less dangerous,” Putin said. “Our common crucial task is to mitigate such adverse effects and reduce inevitable socioeconomic losses.”

The president noted that this is exactly why the government made a number of decisions to support families, employment and households’ revenues, individual entrepreneurs, small and medium enterprises, and industry-forming companies, along with measures for disease prevention and bolstering healthcare capabilities.

“Nobody needs abstract promises that don’t affect people’s lives, and the effect of such decisions and allocated resources will be low,” Putin said, adding that the government and the Central Bank should promptly make the necessary changes to the regulatory framework.

“It’s not enough to announce that decisions have been made, dear colleagues. We need to work through all the stages of their implementation so that the help arrives on time so that those who really need it can take advantage of it.”

Earlier, on April 15, the Russian president announced a first package of measures to support the country’ economy hit by consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak and the following lockdown. The measures included:

  • Monthly state payments to small and medium-sized businesses for every employee in April and May, provided firms maintain 90% of their workforce. The payment is 12,130 rubles ($160) for an employee per month;
  • The federal government allocates a package of 200 billion rubles ($2.6 billion) of support for regional budgets;
  • At least 23 billion rubles ($307 million) of government support for airlines.
  • The federal government will reform the government-backed system of interest-free salary loans for firms. The reform is aimed at providing an easier access to loans by businesses.

As of April 24, the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) estimated economic losses at 4-6% of annual GDP. This was the first recorded outcome of actions undertaken by regional authorities and the economic bloc of the federal government, thanks to whom the economy had ground to a halt even in regions where the number of cases was in single or double digits. Even the RCB team of economic liberals was forced to acknowledge that fact, even as they opposed direct economic support of enterprises and the population.

“The Bank of Russia has substantially reviewed its baseline scenario parameters. GDP is forecast to decrease by 4-6% in 2020. The Russian economy is thereafter expected to follow a recovery path with growth predicted to total 2.8-4.8% in 2021 and 1.5-3.5% in 2022,” the press release says.

“The spread of the coronavirus pandemic in Russia and the restrictive measures in place to address it have combined with a drop in external demand and a further decline in the prices of oil and other export goods to make a substantial negative impact on economic activity. In this environment, Q2 GDP is set to decline.”

According to the press release, the deficit of the payment balance in 2020 will be $35 billion in 2020 and $20 billion in 2021, and a return to surplus is expected in 2022. The negative payment balance is forecasted for the first time since 1997.

The complicated socio-economic situation caused by the coronavirus crisis and its economic consequences of the national-wide lockdown revealed a conflict between the representatives of the formally “patriotic” part of the elites and the so-called “liberals” affiliated with the West and the global financial capital.

For example, the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina publicly opposes initiatives to introduce additional measures to stabilize the Russian currency market and prevent currency speculations amid the developing economic and social crisis.

On April 23, it became publicly known that the office of Elvira Nabiullina has sent the Ministry of Economic Development a letter in which it asked to silence ex-presidential adviser and the current Integration and Macroeconomics Minister of the Eurasian Economic Commission Sergei Glazyev. The letter claimed that Glazyev’s statements “carry reputational risks for joint government and Bank of Russia”.

A few days earlier, Glaziev proposed to levy a tax (0.01%) on purchase of foreign currency, as well as to fix the currency position of commercial banks and introduce a time lag between the application for purchase and delivery of currency. These measures (employed in multiple countries around the world) should help to stabilize the financial market and limit the impact of currency speculations (the tax of 0.01% will affect only actors that make hundreds of thousands speculative purchases).

Glazyev alongside other prominent economists that can afford the luxury of having own independent opinion describe the current economic crisis “a consequence of profound structural changes in the global economy due to a change in technological and world economic structures”. He emphasizes the need to implement stabilization measures and consistently accuses the Central Bank of giving control of the ruble exchange rate to financial speculators.

It was during this time that the public rift between so-called “globalists” and national-oriented forces was growing not only in the economic sphere. The Federal Government and the Parliament started to demonstrate that they do not support actions of the team led by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and forces which it represents. The bone of contention are the draconian lockdown measures, mass surveillance, and illegal fees for violations of the ‘self-isolation regime’ pushed by the Moscow city managers.

While many European countries started to ease coronavirus restrictions in the second half of April, the Sobyanin team was seeking to increase pressure and limitations under the pretext of the crisis. These attempts were being conducted under the cover of unprecedented propaganda campaign that included even threats to deploy troops on the streets of the city, tighten the ‘self-isolation’ regime (in fact the home arrest regime) and further, and statements blaming Moscow residents for failures of the regional authorities.

The threat to deploy troops on the streets of Moscow was made by Sobyanin in an interview with Rossiya 24 TV channel on April 23.

“In many other large cities, the situation is somewhat different, first they introduce very soft, very democratic measures, and then they are forced to send troops into the streets. We don’t want this scenario, so we have the optimal mode of self-isolation installed in Moscow ,” Sobyanin said hinting that if Moscow residents continue demonstrating their dissatisfaction with the city managers’ actions, troops will be deployed.

As later events have shown, these actions had no impact on Moscow’s actual epidemiological situation, though the fines did enrich the city budget and organizations close to the mayor. Moscow government also tried to shift blame onto the inhabitants. For example, on April 24 , Deputy Mayor of Moscow Anastasia Rakova blamed Moscow residents for the regional authorities’ move to harden the imposed regime of ‘self-isolation’.

“Of course, what can I say, Moscow residents are tired. And they really became less responsible towards the compliance with the regime of self-isolation. More and more people go out on the street, use their personal or public transport. We were forced to take measures aimed at tightening the regime of self-isolation,” Rakova said.

Rakova added that there are more and more hospitalized and severely ill patients with COVID-19 in the capital.

“If last week the average daily level of hospitalization was 1,300-1,400 people, today it is 1,900,” Rakova said.

The numbers provided by Rakova originated from the Moscow COVID-19 HQ that on April 23 noted the increase of COVID-19 cases in the city and said that the situation was worsening.

Let’s take a look what happen in Moscow a week earlier that caused the increase of COVID-19 cases. For everyone, excluding Russian mainstream media and the Moscow COVID-19 HQ, the answer is clear.

On April 15, the Sobyanin team introduced a mandatory digital pass system triggering mass traffic jams and throngs of people waiting at metro stations while their digital passes (QR codes) to be checked by authorities. Hundreds of thousands of people (some sources say that over 1 million) struck in crowds.

Note: The pass for movement is a set of letters and numbers. The first four characters indicate the expiration date of the document, and the remaining 12 will identify its owner and the purpose of the trip.

Electronic passes are divided into three categories:

  • for trips to work or business trips – issued once valid through to the end of the month;
  • for trips to medical institutions – issued for trips to a specific hospital, the number of such passes per week is not limited;
  • one-time for trips for personal purposes that do not violate the rules of the self-isolation regime – issued for one day no more than twice a week.

Contrary to the public declarations of the city managers, the very first day of the usage of the digital pass system in fact contributed to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia and derailed the previous weeks of the ‘self-isolation regime’ and sacrifices of the country’s  economy.

The reason of the traffic collapse and the new wave of the COVID-19 outbreak spread was the demand of Sobyanin to conduct mass checks of digital passes. The Moscow authorities through its channels immediately laid blame for the consequences of their own actions on Police, in particular on the Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs branch in the Moscow Metro Colonel Shamil Sibanov.

It is hard to imagine that Sobyanin that has a wide and long experience of management of the social systems and his team of ‘effective managers’ did not foresee how the digital pass system introduction would end.

As a result of the April 15 incident and similar developments of smaller scale in the next days, tens of thousands people (the estimated number is 30,000-50,000) were likely infected.

The average incubation period of the COVID-19 disease is 5.1 days. In the case of a severe progress of the disease, the exacerbation occurs after 2nd-3rd day from the onset of symptoms of the disease. If the course is moderate, then exacerbation could occur on the 7-8th day. Accordingly, the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Moscow was expected to begin on April 21-22 and, according to an official data by the Moscow COVID-19 HQ, this happened.

In spite of the tragedy, the Moscow authorities continued to push their ‘digital pass system’ idea and even further expanded the digital surveillance and control measures over Moscow residents.

On April 22, they imposed an automated control of digital passes for personal, government and commercial transport moving around the city. Cameras for photo and video recording of traffic violations monitor whether license plate numbers are included in the lists of such passes. If the number is not entered in the digital pass, the car owner is being recognized as a violator of the ‘self-isolation regime’ and gets a fine of 5,000 rubles (~66 USD).

This applies to everyone, including military service members, special service officers and federal officials. Therefore, Moscow authorities insist that officers (including intelligence officers) and officials should provide their personal data to the united database managed by the regional authorities to avoid fines. This poses a direct threat to the interest of the state and creates conditions for leaks of sensitive data to Western special and intelligence services. There is no secret that a major part of the Sobyanin team, including Sobyanin himself, are directly or indirectly affiliated with the West. For example, the main consultants of Moscow mayor’s office, including the health departments, social welfare, and IT is Boston Consulting Group and people from openly pro-Western Higher School of Economics.

The positions of the federal government, security services and the federal legislative system were ignored. This measure also went contrary to the recommendations of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

All of these measures were adopted additionally to the already existing fees for ‘self-isolation’ regime violations.

Note: On April 2, Moscow mayor Sergey Sobyanin announced administrative fines for violations of the regime of ‘self-isolation’ in the city. The  document (a Moscow city law) was published on the mayor’s official website. The law provides for a fine for violators of up to 5,000 rubles (~ 65 USD), and for organizations – up to 500,000 rubles (6,410 USD).

This situation created an additional administrative pressure on city residents, especially socially disadvantaged groups of the population that had little resources to pay new fines, but still had an essential need to go to work, travel to the hospital, help relatives with the purchase of products and had other urgent matters to leave home.

The financial explanation of the current situation is that the Moscow city managers are just creating an additional instrument to solidify their own power and compensate economic losses from traffic rules violations fine and paid parking.

On April 22, Moscow authorities reported that the created digital pass tracking system already detected 230,000 cars without digital passes. This is 230,000*5,000=1,150,000,000 rubles (~15,333,333 USD) of revenue in fines for a single day.

The Sobyanin team tried to expand these flawed policies to other regions. The Moscow mayor was a mastermind behind idea to expand the Moscow style system into the entire country. For sure under his control and based on a smartphone app developed for the Moscow region.

Russia needs digital passes “so that we could see the traffic, its volume and the travelers,” he claimed.

“I believe [the system] can be extended… to control the movement of air, rail and intercity and inter-regional bus transport.”

It’s worth reminding these events unfolded between April 6 and 24. In other words, when Moscow’s mayor practically usurped power in the socio-economic realm in the whole country. The Coronavirus HQ headed by Sobyanin duplicated the functions of Prime Minister Mishustin’s government agencies. His influence on regional elites greatly exceeded that of Mishustin who took up his post only 3 months earlier. Moreover, Mishustin was not perceived as a political player but merely as an effective technocrat. Many governors copied Moscow mayor’s actions, viewing him as, at a minimum, the future Prime Minister.

President V.V. Putin only began to overcome the cloud of disinformation at that time. It apparently became possible after Putin was forced to adopt self-isolation and remote work after visiting the Kommunarka infection ward.

On March 24, President Putin visited a hospital for coronavirus patients on Kommunarka. It was the first repurposed Moscow clinic. During his visit, Putin was accompanied by the chief physician Denis Protsenko.

On March 28, Putin’s visible activity dropped off. It did not return to normal on March 30. At the same time, it was announced that Protsenko contracted COVID-19 (he recovered by April 15). Putin self-isolates. After that, in late March and early April, changes were made in federal laws which further allowed Moscow mayor Sobyanin revamp municipal legislation and de-facto take it out of the federal power structure.

It’s not clear whether the decline in Putin’s political activity in the first two weeks of April was connected to his health or whether it was a political maneuver. It’s hard not to notice that after April 15, and especially after April 23, Putin began to operate more actively. There were clear signals given that Putin was not pleased with Putin’s activity. In spite of draconian measures, the number of COVID-19 cases in Moscow grew. There was information about the catastrophic situation in a number of Moscow clinics, and that Moscow health care officials want as many fatalities attributed to COVID-19 as possible.

The situation reached the point of absurdity. Sobyanin and his team claim that tests supposedly don’t work, and therefore COVID-19 diagnosis ought to be given in accordance with symptoms. Deputy Mayor Rakova stated that all Moscow inhabitants with signs of respiratory illness would be considered as potentially coronavirus-infected.

The motivation to categorize all individuals with respiratory symptoms as COVID-19 cases became more clear after it became known that several large sites in Moscow and Moscow region would be reconstructed as hangar-style hospitals.

Such hospitals are being built, for example, in Pavilion No. 75 of VDNKh. With a  surface area of 53 thousand square meters, it can accommodate 1,779 beds. This is an hangar with a single ventilation system where the beds are not separated by hard partitions. In addition to VDNKh, similar temporary hospitals for patients supposedly suffering from COVID-19 will be deployed in the Krasnaya Presnya Expo-Center, the Sokolniki Convention and Exhibition Center, Krylatskoye Ice Palace, and Moskva Mall on the Kashirka Road. They would have a total of 10 thousand beds, not counting 5 thousand additional beds being added to existing city hospitals. These hangar hospitals would collect all patients with signs of respiratory illness, including flu, pneumonia, bacterial bronchitis, allergies, etc., in other words everyone who was suspected of COVID-19.

It’s obvious that there is high danger of intra-hospital mutual infections. Considering the high contagiousness of SARS-COV-v2, one can assume that soon every patient in such hangar hospital would be COVID-19-positive. Billions of rubles were disbursed without proper evaluation of competing offers. The average cost of a single bed, according to open sources, would be about 650 thousand rubles (8,666 USD). In turn, a single COVID-19 course of treatment costs about 205 thousand rubles (2,733 USD), according to mandatory health insurance price tables. It’s more expensive than, for example, a chemotherapy round of treatments in Russia.

In accordance with the decision by Moscow government, these funds ought to be allocated for every patient admitted to a COVID-19 hangar hospital. This in a situation where tests supposedly “don’t work”, diagnoses are issued according to symptoms. As a result, there are massive opportunities for personal enrichment for a small circle of people.

One might object on the basis that lives are more important than money. Nevertheless, Moscow has dozens of empty hospitals. Many of them were closed only recently. Mayor Sobyanin closed 460 municipal medical facilities and reduced the number of ambulances and physicians by 37% during the last five years.

What is more, many existing hospitals repurposed as COVID-19 infection centers are using only 30% of their capacity. For example, the Voronovskoye Moscow Infectious Disease Clinical Center is operating at only 25% capacity. The Center, which has 800 beds, admitted only 233 patients as of May 12. A similar situation can be observed in the Kommunarka hospital where, as of May 13, there were only 317 patients as compared to its capacity of 1300 beds, not counting the 1000 beds that were additionally set up. The 15th Filatovo Hospital which was one of the first to take in COVID-19 patients, had 1340 patients as of May 12, while the capacity was 1740 beds.

Ordinary hospitals in the meantime greatly reduced or stopped planned operations and patient visits. It particularly concerns the cancer patients, heart surgeries, transplants, planned surgeries on children, etc. One can find a video on the Internet with a multi-kilometer chain of ambulances, caused not by a huge number of respiratory patients but criminally incompetent logistical organization.

Death rate is increasing not so much from COVID-19 complications but rather from poorly organized Moscow health care system, and also a decrease in Moscow inhabitants’ immunity who were forbidden to leave homes, participate in any form of physical activity in open air, and were subjected to massive informational stress.

Economic problems are becoming critical, with a sharp increase in unemployment.

None of these facts went unnoticed in the Kremlin. On April 30, 2020, there was unexpected information on how Prime Minister Mishustin allegedly became infected and is leaving for hospital treatment. His place was temporarily occupied by the First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov, a Soviet-school economist. Moreover, he was appointed as the acting Prime Minister by Vladimir Putin’s decree. In earlier such cases of illness or absence, no such decrees followed. Belousov is not only a widely acknowledged professional but also a political heavyweight. He may be compared, with qualifications, to such major figures as Maslyukov and Gerashchenko who led Russia out of the 1998 crisis.

Events continued to unfold. On May 6, there was another meeting that included President Putin and Acting Prime Minister Belousov. Following the meeting, the coronavirus control authority was de-facto returned to the government of the Russian Federation from Sobyanin’s working group. Moreover, the Moscow mayor was not able to force the government to extent quarantine until the end of May for the whole country. Deliberately promoted media hysteria concerning coronavirus dangers did not help either, nor did playing around with statistics. For example, during the meeting Sobyanin claimed that Moscow supposedly had 300,000 infections. Furthermore, he claimed that the number of hospitalizations in Moscow has not changed. Sobyanin’s motives are unclear. They may be based in political ambitions, but also on economic calculations.

Not having achieved his goal, Sobyanin de-facto ignored the president’s position and announced that Moscow’s self-isolation would be extended to May 31 with the regime being further strengthened through the addition of the requirement to wear masks and gloves under the penalty of fines.

Several regions immediately followed suit, apparently by inertia. They included the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, and Crimea. Which makes it all the more surprising to hear that the admissions of patients into hospitals was reduced by, for example in Kommunarka, a factor of three.

Masks and gloves are not provided for free, but rather are being sold by businesses affiliated with the Moscow mayor’s office. For example, the Moscow metro 50 rubles, or 70 cents, will buy you ONE very simple mask and gloves. The Rospotrebnadzor recommended term of wearing such mask does not exceed 2 hours.

On May 14, it was revealed that Moscow authorities bought the largest producer of masks in Russia. According to the available data, before the start of the crisis the cost of a single mask was 1 ruble (0.013 USD). After the start of the COVID-19 crisis, the cost grew up to 7 rubles (0.093 USD). At the same time, the cost of a single mask, which is being sold in the Moscow Metro (controlled by the local authorities), is 30 rubles (0.4 USD). The revenue from this business goes to persons and organizations affiliated with the city’s mayor.

On top of this, the Sobyanin team undertook additional steps to increase an administrative pressure on Moscow residents. In April, local authorities obliged people that receive administrative protocols imposing on them a forceful regime of quarantine (ironically described as the self-isolation) imposed on them because they may be suspected of being infected with SARS-CoV-2 to install a special application on their phones and tablets. The application monitors the activity and location (via GPS) of the user and demands him to make selfies (sent to the dedicated server) to confirm his location several times per day (in fact almost every hour). This move put Moscow a one step closer to becoming a real-life digital concentration camp.

On April 16, Moscow authorities officially announced a decision to label all people with respiratory symptoms will be diagnosed with “suspected coronavirus infection”. All of these people, whom the mayor team was able to locate and detect, became a target of forceful monitoring and administrative limitations. In fact, administrative decisions of these kind are imposed widely towards a variety of people, including children with sinusitis, rhinitis, otits, people with allergy or some chronic illness. The Sobyanin team did not stop on this and on May 10 introduced an update to the monitoring application. This update allowed it to impose fines on residents that fail to make a selfie within an hour after the request. Other reasons for fines are changes of the location, the shut off of application or the phone with the installed application (due to any reasons). The fine of 4,000 rubles (53 USD) is imposed for every such incident.

It’s hard to justify this measures by the need to contain the coronavirus outbreak or care about people. The two main possible reasons are vested interest of the local authorities that pump money into the budget and affiliated structures by this way or political games, in which the Sobyanin team is playing to damage actions and policies of President Putin and the federal government.

Reports appeared in Russian social media that Google proposed the Moscow authorities at least 0.5 million USD to promote information regarding the COVID-19 outbreak; in fact, to fuel the hysteria over the situation.

The next big event took place on May 11. President Vladimir Putin announced the work holiday would come to an end. As of May 12, the regime of limitations would gradually be shut down. Vladimir Putin announced this in his address to the Russian citizens at the beginning of meeting with governors. Then he announced a new and unprecedented, for contemporary Russia, packet of measures of support for ordinary citizens and businesses. These decisions were diametrically opposed to the ideas supported by the liberal clan that includes Nabiulina, Sobyanin, Siluanov, and others.

The new support measures include:

  • All families with children aged 3-15 may receive one-time payments of 10 thousand rubles (133 USD) per child, starting on June 1.
  • Individual entrepreneurs, small and mid-sized businesses in hard-hit industries as well as socially-oriented non-commercial organizations will have all tax and insurance payments canceled for the second quarter, with the exception of value-added tax.
  • Self-employed will have their income taxes paid in 2019 refunded. They will also receive “tax capital” at the rate of one minimum-wage annual salary to fulfill tax payments.

At the same time, Putin’s address left the impression of half-measures. It included announcements that governors’ additional coronavirus-related powers were being extended, giving them the ability to raise and reduce restrictions depending on the situation.

However, even that format had the effect of an exploding bomb.

Since May 11, when Putin announced the decision to ease coronavirus restrictions, Russia has become a target of a large-scale international media campaign designed to fuel the coronavirus panic in the country. Western mainstream media and Russian-language media organizations funded by the West or affiliated with it structures and persons released a coordinated series of articles arguing and speculating (with no evidence) that Russia is hiding the real COVID-19 death toll. An overwhelming majority of these articles refers to ‘anonymous sources’ or representatives of the ‘non-system’ Russian opposition (like Alexei Navalny) that seek to gain some hype without any real evidence.

An example:

The Russian Foreign Ministry descried these reports as fake news. Nonetheless, the interesting fact is that no article released in the framework of this new anti-Russian campaign criticizes actions of Sobyanin or members of the liberal part of the Russian elites. All of them are aimed against President Putin and the federal government. This campaign goes fully in the framework of the efforts of the Russia-based liberal clans to keep the coronavirus-related restrictions and further. In fact, Russian social media and news media are full of reports revealing that in many cases local authorities insist to add any person with a positive (and in some cases even supposedly positive) SARS-CoV-2 test to the coronavirus death toll.

Right after the president’s meeting with the governors, Tatarstan announced removing the pass regime and destroying all personal data collected.

The government of one of Russia’s key regions also signaled immediate removal of all the main limitations starting on May 12. One should note that the Moscow pass regime was based on Kazan’s experience, with Sobyanin himself closely collaborating with Kazan financial and economic elites. Tatarstan was followed by Bashkiriya and many other regions. The Federal Ministry of Health signaled that 33 regions were ready to remove the restrictions.

Moscow Region Governor Vorobyov, who closely followed the example of Moscow mayor and earlier also announced that the quarantine would be extended until May 31, delayed his announcement by four hours. But by 21:20 Moscow time he announced that “due to new demands of the epidemiological legislation the planned construction and production starts are delayed until May 18.” He did not mention the end of May.

It seems that Sobyanin and the liberal team needed a whole day to decide how to proceed. It seems they decided not to change the course of action and instead decided on a collision course with the president, possibly also with the intent of increasing social instability in Moscow. It is difficult to interpret these facts differently.

Interestingly, several unofficial media sources which are nevertheless seen as linked to the presidential administration began to openly accuse Sobyanin of an attempted coup d’etat. Thus the popular Kremlyovskiy Bezbashennik Telegram channel (reportedly linked with former adviser to President Putin -Vladislav Surkov) writes:

“it is entirely correct to write about the consequences of scandalous decisions made by Sobyanin which raise social tensions and which may lead to unrest in Moscow. But these are not mistakes by the mayor and no, he has not lost his mind. It’s all part of the plan being implemented step by step by the Party of Troubles which “Stag” described already at the start of this whole coronavirus bacchanalia. The HQ of the Covid-19 party and its frontman Sobyanin should be happy with the results of the investigation. The battle for Moscow has seen the use of the stratagem of seizure of power through destabilizing the situation an using the “street factor” in order to nullify the Constitution (in other words, the State) and obtain extraordinary powers during social unrest. Therefore as far as Sobyanin is concerned, the worse, the better. They’ll never get another chance to get power”.

If events continue to develop in this way, the last doubts that coronavirus is being deliberately used by certain elite factions in order to achieve certain political and economic objectives will scatter. It looks like that the initial plan of Sobyanin and his colleagues from the liberal clan was to de-facto conduct a creeping seizure of power in the country through the system of digital totalitarianism created under a pretext of the combating coronavirus outbreak. They achieved some successes, but the recent developments demonstrate that apparently this plan has not been 100% effective. The federal government and the Kremlin have realized the threat of the uncontrolled ‘lockdowns’ imposed by the regional authorities and working to compensate the social, administrative and economic damage of these actions.

Furthermore, actions of the Moscow authorities already significantly undermined the trust the Sobyanin team had among Moscow residents and caused a major negative reaction in the social media all across the country. The negative economic, social and medical impact of their actions are an open secret.

Moscow government and allied liberal clans are not about to give up or change their plans. Even modest attempts of the Sobyanin team to turn off the already set course met with a wave of criticism in the media controlled by the so-called liberal bloc. This week, a new media campaign was launched. It claims that Moscow authorities allegedly underestimate mortality from the COVID-19 outbreak.

Moscow risks becoming a center of socio-economic tension and political instability due to Mayor’s Office actions in delaying the gradual removal or weakening of administrative, social, and economic restrictions. Even when they are forced to remove them, Sobyanin’s team will do everything possible to preserve as many powers as possible during the pandemic. This may include the ability to limit the movement of citizens in the capital. In any event, one may confidently predict that the political tension between Moscow and federal authorities will grow. It may enable external forces which are interested in social instability in Russia to further destabilize the situation.


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Qoute: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.

Ok, ok, ok. In an sense I feel pity for Putin, because to be frank, and that is about one thing we do have seen and is expiriencing this days of uh…. epidemics, is the politicians inability to handle an dynamic complex issue/problem when is comes crashing down, and most of this eh….. politicians have little or no real expirience in anything else than been politicians, even an mafia boss is probably better qualifyed but that isnt enough this days, of where the majority of the morons jumps on the “do something, anything” bandwagon and instead of makeing shure they are on the right track, look to other nations aka an wise man would look for others expirience if possible before doing any move and educate one self in the problems so one is able and/or at least knowable about what can occure the polticians didnt do anything other than kick the “do something” into warp, hehe, drive and created cluster f….. everywhere.

Second, economy, you have to be an idiot to not see whats coming, of course this will have an impackt, but what thats said, do you have to go down the same stupid path as the other uh…. politicians with their “do anything/something” narrative so they can show of something, instead of just let it come, dont alter whats already working, dont tuch anything unless its highly vitale, why be hysterical in an world where everybody is crashing into an brick wall, Norway, witch have total lockdown is doing the worst thing imaginable, because one thing is the effect of what I call an Flu, hyped hysterically to be something its not, an slaughterer of millions as they initially prognosed it to be, but the same idiots, the club of stupid hags, and corrupted bitches and men, witch again have never learned anything apart from reading whatever pamflet they are given by their consiglieris, witch gets their sheets from various orgs ranging from bizzenizze, globalists, etc to AGW fanatics, and then the local county Govs etc, etc and then try to make an policy out of that, is by now become an farce. And orgs as our RockeFellas aka FHI is de facto running out Gov, and the MSM makes shure nobody diviates and keeps the hysterical hyping of this scamdemic alive and kicking, forced this stupid hags into total lockdown, and the outcome of this, is in uncharted terain, because this will wipe a lot of small and mecium sices Corps out of exsistence, this same stupdity is what rocks Russia, instead of looking to nations whom did NOT lockdown their country, witch never the less, due to an MSM whom is lying and faking a lot, hindering an viable debate and exhange of knowledge and expirience, instead is focusing on keeping this lockdown as one of the few vitale options we have, and that as some of us already know is an flat out lie, what kills people isnt the flu, its the dynamic fluid situation that nations Gov isnt capable to handle as they should have, but because of gross incompetance is making the situation much worse.

You know SF, this eh…pidemic is an eye opener, first we have an ordinary flu, hyped to iditic heights, crappy gear to test people, and some of the medical solutions are even more dangerous than the so called virus, an massive propaganda coming from people whom benefits from this since they hold patents on their medicine like the ameriCunt CDC to the even more rotten WHO, and then the scam about vaccines, witch dont even work properly because of high mutation rate or whatever they claim it is, and so on, then what do you expect when you have all this coming down into an city, their health care system witch gets their info from already compromised so called experts, etc, where Britain is an “briliant” ex. and this systemic crash kills more people than the virus it self, and I recomend to go to OffG to read your self up, hell if you are Russian you sould, before you do anything else.

Yeah, then we have the Moscow majore ahole, witch is already displaying one thing, above all, no matter how eloquent he may be, how sharply dressed, how big house he may have or wallet, he have exposed him self to be an criminal and a person with limited abilitys to see anything else than the narrow reality the mafia scums have because of their crimes, and corruption of their own consciousness witch makes them to idiots, of course they will focus on some few aspects like realestate developemts because that is where the cash is, evolve them and you will be richer, but for everything else, this person is not able to fuction because of been to ignorant, since an persons ability to handle dyamic issues and symphtomes requires an much wider base than just been an rotten creep, with even more rotten friends.

And my only solution is frankly to hang that person in the red square, in public, and give oligarcs(mob) an offer they simply cant refuse or just hang them beside this idiot, because the one thing I do know about Russia, is the insane level of corruption, (yeah, 50 rubels or protocol, hehe) not that other nations is much better, but thats not an exuse to do nothing, you have to, otherwise the welth of an nation never comes to where it belongs, to the people. Anyway, thanks for the update.


AM Hants

I seriously wonder what people expect from President Putin. Compared to what other leaders provide their people, wish they could clone President Putin and his team. How refreshing, if each and every nation had Kremlin clines. Might even get world peace.

Jim Allen

Him to fix it. It’s what he does, isn’t it ?

Jens Holm


Jens Holm

Maybee. I would be on opium and grow cannabis in my garden too.

Putin has fixed only that Russia is a slow burning candle and not even beekepers there are able to make a new one.

Putin reinvented the dark … Or is the dark.

Maybee they should try a “Mother Russia” next time, if there is a next time.

AM Hants

So what is your leader best known for?

Does he lead a 11 time zone, nuclear triad, creditor nation?

Does he/she lead a nayion with healthy currency and gold reserves?

Does he/she lead a nation with a simple 13% flat rate, tax system?

Does he/she lead a nation with a vast wealth of natural resources?

Does he she lead a nation that is export dominant?

Does he/she lead a nation that invests heavily in infrastructure and industry?

Does he/she lead a nation that has paid off all debt and provided compensation to those, who were part of an Union of 15 nations or affected by that union? With no assistance from the other 14 members?

Does he/she provide free education, for the people, including University level?

Does he/she provide free health are for their people?

Did he/she take over a bankrupt nation, just 2 decades ago and turn it round?

Jens Holm

Mette Frederiksen is Leading one zone very well.

We have A + + + in Economy. Here we produce 5 times more then Russians having 11.000 pr capita where we make 55.000.

The reasons aree many and the budget is made by a majority of a sober elected Parlamant. One important reason is we by free education and reward has a vey productive middleclass, which Russia as Well as Arabistan and many others dont have because it has stupid low priority.

We yesterday have none dead by Corona after the chok with many.

Denmark also i number one in low corruption.

Danes are well known for learning people to decide and i dayli life more then most others.

Therefore We never would have a President for 11 timezones.

And we do have timezones. We Greenland as well as Faroe Island. Both has authonomy and own local parlaments deciding more then just local things.

Those 2 parlaments has 2 representatives each in the Danish Parlament having 179 members.

And Mette Frederiksen has said NO to Trump for selling Greenland to USA. 1) Greenland as number one should agree in that and 2) The Danish people cant send parts like that. NEVER.

A President of a big Denmark would never have the power Pr. Putin has. NEVER.

Our strenght are many competent deciders in horisontal and verical levelse all over like a spiders network in many more levels.

Thats structure reach all corners better. More Regional and local people knopw the local needs and can fulfill them. An important thing in this is, that we can elect the bad politicians away and has to have elections very forth year or if needed even more.

The public employed are same thing. We see the bas better and try to replace them from local level politicians.

AND by that we also include many more in everything by high knowlegde level in open debates with open information.

We try to include all and invest more to keep people OUTSIDE our jails. Even expensive we more often get criminals into nomal taxpayers and crime is in the low end by that.

Denmark are a consensus country. Mette Frederiks runs the business with only 25% of the voters, but she debate and negositate with the rest and make majorities.

Tempting to compare with Erdogan, which are not able to run the country with 49% of te votes and 51% AGAINST.

Denmark is not like that and like Putin. Parlamentarisme is finding good solutions for all. By that we do it more often then many.

By that we are flexible and maybee we make 5 soultions, where 2 is not bad and go back or try to find better solutions.

Finally I allow me to mention, that so many would like to emmigrate to here but so many are useless because they come from cultures, where they are no learned to decide.

We trust the Police and mainly are friendly to them. I have seen many Polacks comming to Denmark fro Jaruselski. The crossed the street and looked down. We are not like that. The police is a trusted part for almost all.

Its the same for Courts. Even the worst murderes and rapist get a lawyer and NONE is guilty until it is prooved with no doubt. I Russia You already is convited because Putin or Friends say so.

Before Corona we had no debt.Mette Frederiksen in consensus with 90% of the parlament has made a loan at 30 billion dollars.

Harry Smith

Wow! A+++ rating! What could be wrong? https://youtu.be/Kj2W_EqKzuw


Russia debt to gdp https://d3fy651gv2fhd3.cloudfront.net/charts/russia-government-debt-to-gdp@2x.png?s=rusdebt2gdp&v=202001221903V20191105 Denmark debt to gdp https://d3fy651gv2fhd3.cloudfront.net/charts/denmark-government-debt-to-gdp@2x.png?s=dnkdebt2gdp&v=202004220945V20191105 https://tradingeconomics.com/denmark/government-debt-to-gdp

AM Hants

Hahaha. Is that why you import so much and not not known to be a super power? Let alone nuclear tried super power. Still, you did give us Hans Christian Anderson and the Ugly Duckling.

Jens Holm

The point is we export for 125 mio. dollar then we import.

We also give You a lot more, which is spread and ezported to the whole world. But You dont see it, because its advanced parts of cars, sateliires, powerplants, watercleaning and fx medical care.

You got windpower in many parts of the world and now many producers. Right now its not as well as it should be because the Russians give oil, gas and fuel for free even for the americans.

Danish Novo Nordisk is the biggest producers of insulin for the world. Danes made Hitman and 50% of Skype.

We also have 2 companies producing some of the best hear aids in the world. You might need one.

I just try to tell You, we are doing very well pr capita. You seemes to be kept in the dark about it in a haigly biased way and dont understandm that education level and what we are educated for is very important. We learn to decide as well as we are rewarded by it paid by school, education, skill and hard work paid pr hour. The market decide that and no “Undcle Marx” or Muhammed didnt like Jews 1400 years ago.

Its no competition for me. I dont need that. Mainly I compete with my self only as You can in videogames doing the same again and then get a higher or lower score omproving what You can. Sometimes even a cup of coffee can make a hogher score.

So I dont care about being superpower or not. I care for the many very poor Russians even with lowered pension and tell, where things should be changed to the better in many levels and in the structure for the country.

AM Hants

Hans Christian Anderson explained it so well.

However, doubt Russia is losing sleep over little Denmark. How far does a nation bend over to keep the US sweet?

AM Hants

Russia slow burning candle, since 800 BC.

Remind me, how old is the United States of America?

klove and light

booowooooo….the Killer Virus lololololol

same Control program Modus as else where…………the Evil killing machine CORONA lolol

preparing the Dummies of the 99% for the REAL “medical Nightmare”………… 60GhZ 5G………

and Folks still arguing AGAINSt science………………60GhZ directly effects Oxygen molecules and hence it´s binding to the haemoglobin we use to Transport Oxygen around our Body….lolol….

for the Dummies………… Brussels banned 5G…. i guess the EU elite are all fucking crazy Right??? for the Dummies…………. Genf banned 5G I quess the City with over 120 international bodies are all also fucking crazy Right???????


Japan, where funny in their over over over crowded cities had no Problems with covid….oyeah by the way….5G is put on hold in Japan………just fucking coincidence

oyeah, austrailia… covid 19 deaths 98 !!!! guess just a coincidence that 5G is also put on hold in austrailia…..

man o man ..those fuckign coincidences…….lolol…..

Gary Sellars

Whoa… put down the krak pipe.

klove and light

wake the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk up

Tudor Miron

Some times I’m really amazed with stupidity of our liberasts. While they were actively pushed by their western masters to go for it (coup), they didn’t realise that Putin is luring them in. He gave them extra powers and seemingly distanced heimself from governing and they screamed – “now! Putin has lost it. He’s weak and this is our time!”. Than Putin starts to conduct almost dayly life meetings with governors and economical block of the government. He introduces various initiatives to give money to people, businesses etc., etc. This moves are ignored and nothing happens. Some people ask themselves – why is he doing those live meetings. They make him look very bad and poweless. But it seems that they have a very short memory span. What Putin was doing is allowing the liberasts to show the nation their true face and also to give tangible evidence for legal actions against them. Among Putin measures was extra payments to medical personel. On 11th he states that according to his data only 56% of medics received their payments. At the same time he gives a directive to increase those payments substantially and says “by 15th of may I will personally control how you fulfill this directives”. Than there are multiple reports that in many regions insteed of 50k additional payment per month medics receive something like 1-2% of that. Today the head of Federal investigating Committee issued directives to actively open criminal cases on each and every case of withholding payments and sabotaging president’s orders. We’ll see how it unfolds but looking at Putin’s governing for roughly 20 years teaches me that he doesn’t do something unprepared and without a long term plan. I do think that comprador ruzionic elites will loose their power this time. They were lured in like sheeps. Let’s see how it unfolds.

AM Hants

Seriously hope you are correct and for so many reasons.

Harry Smith

Please don’t be so naive. There are ordinary people all over the world and these people are divided in 2 groups: those who believe what their govt is saying and those who don’t. As for elites they are divided in many groups. And what we are witnessing now is just a fight between those groups for their place in the future global elites. But what the ordinary people are getting from all this stuff? In the best case some people are just away from the wars and riots. In the worse case they are part of elites war like Ukraine or Syria.


The Russian comprador elite were given the bait that that they cannot resist. Power and Money :)

Funnily enough I wondered a few weeks ago if this was a Putin plan to expose the pro-US politicians in Moscow, LOL.

AM Hants

Have you noticed that your Disqus Notifications have got stuck? No doubt we are not the only two.

Tudor Miron

Anna Maria, have you seen this https://youtu.be/x_lDNvwTx6Q? I know I may be late :) and you’ve seen it already but anyway.

AM Hants

Gosh, I have not seen that. WOW. Struck by the beauty of it, believing it was a Cathedral, before being shown the museum section. Also, isn’t there an underground station in Moscow, with a nuclear shelter and museum behind it.

Seriously loved the video and would love to find out more.

Thanks for the link.

Tudor Miron

This Sacred place – Main Cathedral of Russian Armed Forces was an idea of Putin and Shoigu. It was buid in two years. The meaning of this place is huge and goes beyond materialistic but it is very practical at the same time.

AM Hants

It is beautiful. Back in 2014,there was a documentary on Crimea. I think it might have been a Turkish museum in Sevastapol, but could be wrong. Every single person, friend ir foe, who died fighting for Crimea was remembered in the museum. Why does Panoramic Museum come to mind? Ironically, there was nobody from Ukraine to remember as nobody from Ukraine gave their lives in the various Crimea battles.

That and the Immortal Parade, were both eye openers, back in 2014.

AM Hants

When was the Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces opened? Was it just recently as memories are trickling back.

Sure I read about it last year, but, so much has happened and losing track of time.

Tudor Miron

The plan was to open it on May 9th Victory day. Due to covid it is postponed but Cathedral was ready in time.

AM Hants

I went to check it out, just as I asked. So sorry, owing to being wound up by the Corona Hysteria, forgot what else was going on. So sad it took out the 75th Anniversary, Russia had planned. However, what a tribute.

Not on computer, otherwise would have posted the link to the 2015 ribute Concert. Might have year wrong, but, so love the track that features these words.

“you know how much we want to live in that critical moment. In that critical moment I can forget all the bad. I can forgive everyone. Forgiving my saviour, is the only thing I know.

You know how much we want to live. To be a sleeping cherry, in a winter garden. And to blossom when spring comes. To become a tree for a new life… “

Tommy Jensen

All these yellow plates are gold?


My Disqus homepage stopped updating a few days ago. The same thing happened several months ago and I sent an email to Disqus and it was fixed shortly afterwards.

Harry Smith

Maybe it’s not about Disqus. SF moderators deleted my comment to the Tudor Miron.


It could be both. I’ve seen a graphic reply of your’s to me deleted before. I had a graphic reply deleted once. But 99.9% of my material here has no moderation interference. And the .1% may have been a technical issue, or it may have been moderation. I don’t know.

AM Hants

Quite a few of us it has happened to.


My Disqus homepage just resumed updating over the last 24 hours. It could be a technical issue, or it could be censorship. I didn’t contact Disqus this time. Hopefully the problem will stay corrected.

AM Hants

Cheers, mine came back around same time.

Tudor Miron

Hi Florian. Check my reply to AM. С Днем Победы!

Jim Allen

A very astute observation.

Gary Sellars

I say hang the fucking lot of those comprador bastards.

Jens Holm

There is not enough rope.

Jens Holm

The main problems for them as well as many arabistanis are, they dont raise people to be responsible ones. You always forget that part, when You mention west.

Here You also forget free speech and parlament actually says “talk about” it.

So even if those Ruzionics whatever takes over, they have no people as tools for the needed changes at all.

So its not verical rule in hieraki or chaos but to implement more adcanced systems, because we do live more advanced.

I will stop here for now, because its a waste telling them things, where people here write I lie about things all the time fx for My Denmark.

A start for morons like You would be to understand, that even You dont know about things, they do exist.

I do exist an make 55.000 dollars a year and Russia has a GDP as Spain.

Armata is same thing. Even its by You are the best in the world one or two are now tested in Syria. How can it not be used. Well anybody can make an Armata if there is too much money and even with gold one to look extra nice. BUt Russia hardly can efford to use it themselves.

Thats Russia. Gold glimmer but no good production line to make many. Russia cant even make a simple car for poor people. West can and You dont wonder why and are not even able to copy the systems, which does.

Because who does it ? Its not the inventers. It the ones, which produce and distribute.

Russia and Arabistan denies themselves to have such people and keepbad Leaders for decades even they are minus only.

We in west divide the power to many and by that we have many good leaders. Its strange 180 mio Russians onlý are able to produce one.

Russia should be a network and it should be many 1000s of bigger and smaller Putins. But thats not allowed for You. Election for even a sigle one is denued. They die, they are jailed, they are not choosen to be elected at all. And You can replace Putins, Assads and Erdogans – They have made the laws, You are raised to follow.

Often Your knowledge base is lower then Ground Zero ever was. So Your Leaders do exact as You tell them. Many of You even bend over each friday not seeing what happens with Your behind.


The greatest achievement of Western Liberal Democracies is the ruse of freedom (freedom of thought, freedom to act, freedom to earn) of its peoples when they are in fact trapped in a system that limits them in exactly each of those spheres. 911 showed us how happily brainwashed westerners are. The war on terror drew in similarly sheepish populaces of western europe. Denmark and its people are no exception. they merrily fell for the US’s “islamo-terror” BS. Your comments differ to other western pseudo intellectuals in that you are openly racist cloaked in sophisticated Klu Klux Klan mentality that anything non-white is inferior yet your world of science (advancement) is based on the more recent Arab scientific tradition born in Spain (and itself developed from the Greeks), yet you only see a soceity, clean and “advanced” – advanced by the collective western imperialist banker control of humanities’ purse strings (because you equate poverty with mental/racial inferiority). When the system collapses, and it will, you danes will wallow in the same filth that brought Europe to its knees in the great Plague (they were too fkin dumb to figure that they shouldnt shit, pis bathe and drink in the same rivers) while islamic soceties had modern sewer systems.). There is a reason why the cradle of civilisation is in the middle east and not in Europe.

Tommy Jensen

Just to mention one thing. The water cycle is stated in the Bible docs 2500-3000 years ago, came to Europe/France end of 1600 and through Europe first in the 1700’s. Denmark lays in a waterhole paying today the worlds highest water price, jumped on the UN bs of scarce water resources which they cant find and when they found it, its polluted. Like your quite precise profiling.


Interesting. Sobyanin certainly comes across like a mole waiting for an opportunity to strike, with plans in place for a long time.


I don’t have my own information on the situation in Moscow, but let me humor you. So you say that Putin was playing games with this epidemic, just smarter than the libs–and that would supposedly be a good thing? Outside of war, pandemic response is the one issue where days, even hours, count, and where it’s vital that the whole country works together. Regardless of whom to blame, looks like it’ll still be a while until Russia gets there.

Tudor Miron

I know that you hope so (your last sentence) Lol. Yes, it takes time. After self defeat of USSR elites, my country was infested with comprador elites and yes, they work against Russia and yes, they still hold lots of power and influence. But you seem to fall onto usual trap of looking at “current states”. I suggest that you start looking at process in its development both in time and space. The wider your look is the better your chance of seeing where things are going.

Tommy Jensen

Look at the bright side of life dudu dudu dudududududu……………..

Zionism = EVIL

Yes it definitely could have been worse, look at Belgium:



As for Coronavirus, it’s no less dangerous nor contagious than influenza and pneumonia.

Tommy Jensen

Despisable and boring Kasparov. Escaping his homeland with fortune and unpaid taxes, smearing Russia daily from US. Buhhhh.

Gary Sellars

Kasparov is an Armenian Jew. He hardly qualifies as Russian.

Jens Holm

Russians all are like a mix of all kinds of dogs.

You blame people educating themselves well, so You look stupid and in a very visible version.

Instead of blaming people of that kind, You should learn, that school, education, skills and hard work should pay of paid pr hour.

Now go back to support the Russia ineffective making people even more stupid system tehn most, You desperatly try to compare Yourself with.

So come one, You have to be faster, faster. Russians also dies 10 years before us in West. And hurry up. Take Your Russian car fuel is cheep and arranged by Putin himself.

Harry Smith

Russians all are like a mix of all kinds of dogs.

Low educated and stupid person considers Russians a mix of all kind of dog. That’s all you need to now about Western elites supporters. Period.

Jens Holm

Thats my duplik about Kasparov named as bad because he is armenuans and Jew and even added he should be removing from tax.

Kasparov is well known in Russia as well as in West – here even today for having been in active opposion to Putin and therefore more or less fleed.


Jens Holm

Actually I had written it below once. Now its twice about Kasparov.

And Russiand are a mix. Zars as well as Your Bolshevics has done everything to miz all etnicities to create the REAL RUSSIAN.

You not even know the Stalin USSR programs for ot. We or most like me do in west.

Do I have to find it for You or do You dont care.

In Exile

Are you implying Jews are a distinct race and favor their own over any and all others?

Jens Holm

He left by political reasons being active opposition to Putin. So many of that kind has been killed.

He today work for improvements in Russia and other semilar places. I dont hear much from him, but I know his chess from Youtube.


Stealing money and preventing paying taxes isn’t in benefit of Russia. It just proved that he is like Browder and Khodorkovsky. All criminals. One has to be a special kind of stupid to think Kasparov has his heart and mind for Russians. Especially when he is working for Atlantic council and is constantly bashing Russia.



The only meaningful thing Putin should do is to take a hugely long stick, put it in Sobyanin’s arse and shake it vigorously. Good luck mr. President.

Jim Allen

Moscow’s Mayor is exhibiting conduct I’m quite familiar with. The format he’s using is the same format US Government is currently obsessed with using. Given US Government is a wholly owned subsidiary of The City of London, (the criminal Banking Cabal) the format is likely one given to US Government by the Cabal to use in the Agenda being advanced by Bolshevik Bolshevik Government in US today. (Bolsheviks come from Manhattan, we know who lives in Manhattan, financed by Schiff, and other bankers were sent to Russia. To weasel into the Government, get up sufficient political power to outlaw, and confiscate the people’s guns. Not in a hurry to reach a particular time sensitive objective, as this process is slow. Eventually succeeded, guns were confiscated. Now vulnerable being disarmed the Bolsheviks attacked, genocide. We know the outcome, and now Back in Manhattan, they were directed to do the same here. Are very close to repeating their work in Russia here at home in US. While the people stand silently by. The Globalists are the elite 1%, it’s expected there is Russians inside the Illuminati, which is the secret society within a secret society, Freemasons. The secret society Chabad Lubavitch, is connected to Freemasons, further there’s Russian’s with the bloodline that allows the joining Illuminati, it’s Committee of 300 rules the world. The Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal can access Russia probably in alimited way. I’m seeing enough circumstantial evidence to suspect this. If so, , an investigation, it won’t take the Cabal long to expand its presense if true. Time for Russia to review advice given by a gentleman with the name Yakov Kedmi. The Zionist Khazars, Atheists pretending to be God’s Chosen Ones hate Russia’s guts. Want it extra destroyed. Iran, too. Khazars been dragging that grudge with ’em well over 1,000 years. As Russia is well aware.

Jens Holm

So what about the 87% non Jews – Are they just as stupid as You.

Nothing wrong witt Jews in New York and other places. Most of them are nice people as the rest of living, where I come from.

I anytime will prefare to live more with Jews and less with someone like You.

In football You would not even try to hit the ball. Most like You will try Your best to hit others ball.

So red card from here and for the rest of Your miserable life.

Syria migh take You, if You take a war widow there.


Russia has bigger problem with Juden virus.

Anthony Papagallo

Don’t mistake my kindness for a weakness. I am kind to everyone. But when you are unkind to me, weakness is not what you are going to remember me for.

Al Capone

The Farney Fontenoy

Despite being one of the world’s few master statesmen, Putin is utterly hopeless on domestic politics. His understanding of the international arena is unparalleled, yet he can’t understand why Russians get outraged when he raises the pension age, and don’t even mention the Kursk. There was no “disinformation”, Putin devolved authority b/c he didn’t know how to handle it & didn’t really care what the regional governers did so long as they did ‘something’, incredibly, yet predictably, Putin did not forsee the would-be oligarchs immediately pounce.

Tommy Jensen

All right, always good to spot what bright people cant do and didnt do, being wise guy on what they should have done.


Tanzanians tested the virus testing kits with spoof samples from animals and fruit and they came back positive. It’s just like Teranos.


Because the lab was wrong. After fireing of managemnet there were no problems.


This is a fairly lengthy article. I only read the first several paragraphs. It appears to be well written. I had trouble communicating with President Putin. So maybe there is an effort to isolate him. As far as the neo liberals. I wonder how many of these people are Jews and Zionists with western NATO Zionist Jew world order affiliations and anti Russian goals? I’m guessing that a significant proportion of them are.

I think that a common sense approach to the coronacrisis, and any other crisis for that matter, is proportionality. Which is clearly lacking in the coronacrisis. Where the response is disproportional to the problem. And is being used as a Hegelian order out of chaos pretext for implementing social, economic and political changes .

I’ve been watching Alex Jones’ material on a daily basis and fact checking his source material. He makes a credible case that omnicide is the end game. Where the SCO is on this I’m not sure. Though they’re showing troubling signs of going along with it.

Alex Jones’ blame shifts away from Jews and Zionists, I don’t. I call it as I see it. There needs to be a purge of Jew world order Jew and Zionist omnicidalists from governments and commerce to quell this threat to humanity.


This is an infographic that Alex Jones uses to identify who his globalist omnicidalists and satanists are. It looks to me to be saturated with Jews and to be almost entirely Jews and Zionists. I’m going to start going through the list of names one by one to identify how many of them are Jews and Zionists. I don’t see a lot of Chicoms here. Though it wouldn’t surprise me if the Chinese are playing these people in a self defense move.



“In a column entitled “Ruling Class Journalists”, former Washington Post senior editor and ombudsman Richard Harwood described the Council and its members approvingly as “the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States”.

Harwood continued: “The membership of these journalists in the Council, however they may think of themselves, is an acknowledgment of their active and important role in public affairs and of their ascension into the American ruling class. They do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy for the United States; they help make it. () They are part of that establishment whether they like it or not, sharing most of its values and world views.”

However, media personalities constitute only about five percent of the overall CFR network. As the following illustration shows, key members of the private Council on Foreign Relations have included:

several US Presidents and Vice Presidents of both parties;

almost all Secretaries of State, Defense, and the Treasury;

many high-ranking commanders of the US military and NATO;

some of the most influential Members of Congress (notably in foreign & security policy);

almost all National Security Advisors, CIA Directors, Ambassadors to the U.N., Chairs of the Federal Reserve, Presidents of the World Bank, and Directors of the National Economic Council;

many prominent academics, especially in key fields such as Economics and Political Science;

many top executives of Wall Street, policy think tanks, universities, NGOs, and Hollywood;

as well as the key members of both the 9/11 Commission and the Warren Commission (JFK) Harvard economist and Kennedy supporter, John K. Galbraith, confirmed the Council’s influence:

“Those of us who had worked for the Kennedy election were tolerated in the government for that reason and had a say, but foreign policy was still with the Council on Foreign Relations people.”

Princeton University professor and former CFR member Stephen F. Cohen described the Council as “America’s single most important non-governmental foreign-policy organization”, whose primary role is to “define the accepted, legitimate, orthodox parameters of discussion.” According to Cohen, “the CFR really is what the Soviets used to call the very top-level of the Nomenklatura.”

And no less than John J. McCloy, the longtime chairman of the Council and advisor to several US presidents, recalled about his time in Washington: “Whenever we needed a man we thumbed through the roll of the Council members and put through a call to New York [i.e., the CFR headquarters].””

– The American Empire and its Media –





“Rose was born to a Jewish family”

– Gideon Rose –


“Applebaum has stated that she was brought up in a “very reformed” Jewish family.”

– Anne Applebaum –


“His father is Jewish”

– Richard Engel –



So let me see if I got this straight: all Bad Things happened while Putin ws allegedly self-isolating, and was being “disinformed” — if only the Good Czar knew. Russia knows for the longest time that its state apparatus isn’t really functioning, that it needs to put its own house in order; but as long as the money kept flowing, it never was the right time to do something about it; Time is on Russia’s Side after all.

Except with this epidemic they dropped the ball big time, and messed up the country for we’ll have to see how long. It may be my limitation, but I just don’t get the relentless drive to look Westward no matter the dossier. Covid-19 is a serious but solvable problem, at least for a moderately developed and cohesive country: after initial mistakes, once China figured out what was going on they got serious, and solved it in a month. Korea: done; New Zealand: done. Even freaking Albania got copied the Taiwanese model, and apparently now have it under control.

It is debatable I guess to which extent Muscovites deserve better than they’re getting, if they elected an anti-Russian city administration. What did they think was going to happen?


Je suis Moscow!

The decisions were perfect!

For the us spy author: you, american spies had no chance to walk in moscow and meet the betrayers in conspiracy places!


I read the entire article. A similar situation exists in the US. A lot of citizens in the US are ignoring the practicality of proportionality and are buying into the fear mongering, hysteria and obvious lies. The solution to a problem needs to be proportional to the extent of the problem itself. When the so called solution is disproportionate to the problem it seeks to solve. Then it’s excessive and unnecessary. And risks as is currently the case, doing more harm than good. With the cure being worse than the disease.

The only good thing that can come out of this, if it’s managed properly. Is for NATO to be weakened to the point where it can no longer pursue the Jew world order hegemony drive forever war against humanity. And for it to be replaced with an SCO led elimination of poverty in the developing sector so that we can get the population growth and planetary security situation stabilized to improve life here. And our ability to normalize relations with positive ET civilizations and become one ourselves with extended lifespans, and better health and quality of life.

Alex Jones makes a strong case. And I think that he’s correct in a lot of his assessments. That criminally insane Jew world order omnicidalists want to use the coronacrisis for a 95% population cull, and then extinction of our species to be replaced with a Satanic cyborg slave species cast system. To the extent that he’s correct. Managing the coronacrisis so that a positive rather than a negative outcome is achieved is very important. This requires the identification, location and purging of Jew world order omnicidalists from positions in government and commerce.

When a large percentage of the population is supporting an obviously self destructive disproportionate response to the coronacrisis. Then the saying that never underestimate the power of a lot of stupid people acting together becomes a factor. Which translates into the people creating the excessive response problem that is doing more harm than good getting reelected, and being allowed to stay in office to continue policies that are detrimental to society. As the economic collapse to the fake coronacrisis is demonstrating.

There are several issues that illustrate this. A lack of support for recall elections to get lockdown politicians out of office prior to scheduled elections. A lack of demonstrations against the lockdown policies. And polls, to the extent that they’re accurate, showing support for the lockdowns. This raises the question of what is driving this self destructive behavior on the part of so many people? The answer goes beyond bad people in government to media control and censorship suppressing truth about the scam. And governments allowing lying Jew world order media organizations monopolies such as Google, Facebook and Youtube, that are used to further hysteria and fear mongering to brainwash the public to support policies detrimental to their own well being. Without taing antitrust and other actions against these destructive Jew organizations and their Zionist collaborators.

Even with the brainwashing. A lot of the citizens knowingly supporting the scam will change their support to opposition as their lives deteriorate from the negative effect of the excessive response to the coronacrisis problem that they’re supporting.

Tommy Jensen

Its cowardice. These citizens refuse to see reality and you cant make them change their position in any way. They will run all the way to the cliff in the butt of Obama and his ISIS team as they represents the power and money which is the only thing they are interested in..


You have a point. They trust the government and msm when they shouldn’t. Because they don’t want to deal with the ugly truth.


Thank you for this update and clarification of the odd and conflicting reports and statistics about Russia, Putin, coronavirus numbers and political intrigues. I will include it in the next news compilation. http://www.johndayblog.com Do take 5000 units vitamin-D per day long term and eat your vegetables! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e592e66c91a750ccf10e5be3959d715e91f902e270952db8508a07f5346fd6ab.jpg

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