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MARCH 2025

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s Latest Statements On Relations With The West

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Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's Latest Statements On Relations With The West

FM Sergei Lavrov

On May 23, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke at the Primakov Gymnasium about Russia’s position towards the Western nations. According to the minister, the restoration of relations will depend solely on Western countries. Judging by a new format for relations, which would be proposed by Western countries, Russia would consider this issue.

At this point, Russia will rely on its strength and cooperate with states that have proven their reliability. According to the minister, Western countries should calm down and recognize the existence of Russia. Lavrov also stressed that now Russia is trying by all means to decrease its economic dependence on Western countries. The inability to negotiate leads to a deadlock in relations and it will be very difficult for Western brands that hope to return to the Russian market to implement their plans. Lavrov said that now Russia should not hope for the return of Western goods, but should seek or create an alternative.

In this light, Lavrov suggested focusing on the Eurasian space, since it is a promising region of the world and Russia already has established contacts there, as well as a wide network of partners. A few words were also given to China; Russia sees a prospect in relations with China against the background of Western policy. The main focus will be on the development of high technology, nuclear energy and other areas. Plans for the development of the Far East and Eastern Siberia will be implemented in this direction.

Sergey Lavrov said that the West would be forced to admit that Russian interests cannot be ignored all the time, and also noted his indignation at the strong tendencies of Russophobia in Western countries. He also suggested that Western governments are fostering Russophobia in society.

Sergey Lavrov’s main theses are listed below:

  • Russia must end its dependence on supplies of from the West for critical industries.
  • If the West wants to offer any proposals for resuming relations with Russia, Moscow will seriously consider whether it needs it or not.
  • The countries of the West have signed off on the fact that they cannot and do not know how to live their lives in accordance to the UN Charter.
  • Russia will rely only on itself and on those countries that have proved their reliability and do not dance to the tune of others.
  • The West will be forced to recognize that Russian vital interests cannot be constantly attacked with impunity.
  • Russia’s economic ties with China will now strengthen even faster as the West takes a dictatorial stance.
  • The UN Human Rights Council discredited itself long before the current situation around Ukraine began.

The statements made by the Foreign Minister indicate that Russia is turning its back on Western countries and does not expect anything good from the restoration of relations. Although there remains some uncertainty and Russia still leaves minimal space for dialogue.


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Right on, well said Mr Lavrov ! F…ck America, f..ck EU !

Ashok Varma

Russia has found amazing level of global support, India and china with 3 billion people support Russia, 2.2 billions Muslims, most of Africa and Latin America, just a few non-entity racist Euro-trash, most under US savages occupation have no choice but to bark impotent Russophobia. JAI RUS!

The Objective

Russia wages successful all-out assault to encircle Ukraine troops in east. It now appears that Russia will capture more than 35,000 trapped AFU units in the Popasnaya pocket. Russians are advancing on a 250 kms front and AFU is collapsing promoting Kissinger to push for a peaceful resolution before Russian totally absorbs Ukraine as it now holds over 33% of Ukraine.

Karen Kobylanksi

In West’s new propaganda:

“When surrendering is now called evacuating & retreats are now known as moving back to take better defensive positions. English is a constantly evolving language.”


Facing mass defections! Ukraine Gov’t Files Bill to allow Officers to KILL Surrendering Ukraine Army Troops. Meanwhile Zelensky’s Jew family move to a $30 million mansion in Tel Aviv while Ukrainians die for a lost cause.

José Oliveira

Russia holds just 3 and a half oblasts. Ukraine has 24 oblasts of similar size. That means 3/24 = 1/8 = 12.5%. How you calculate “33%” must be a new kind of “magical math”…

As to the 35k troops, the best reports (Defense Politics Asia) show a smaller number than that in total on the Donbass cauldron, and if we’re talking about real encirclement, than that number is just 2k or 3k in Avdiivka, Severodonetsk, and near Popasnaya.

Also, the Russian advance is steady indeed, but it’s so slow that Ukrainian troops can go back from Lisichansk to Kramatorsk or even Poltava for a weekend of full week break, that when they go back to work the lines are still in the same place, specially in the areas around Donetsk or in the river front northwest of Severodonetsk.

Stop dreaming. Maybe by end of July or August we’ll see the closing of the Donetsk cauldron. But by then only the canon fodder will be captured/killed. The best Ukrainian troops are now retreating everytime they can, and there will be no more Mariupol where the soldiers are trapped between Russians and the sea.

As to Kissinger, he’s a fascist imperialist old pig. He is currently right, but so is a broken clock twice a day. That’t all I have to say about that assassin.

Russia’s SMO is limited. It will take time, and I doubt even Odessa is still a goal, let alone Kiev. But even if it is, and even if Russia’s limited SMO is successful capturing Odessa, how do you guys think the next years and decades will be, now with an even bigger border between Russia and Ukraine, and so much closer to Banderistan/NeoNazi nest? Terrorist attacks, constant provocations and shelling of Novorussia/Russia’s territory, and a constant threat of a counter-SMO from the Kiev-Lvov+NATO side.

Just like Azerbaijan did in 2020 to get back the land stolen by Armenia about 30 years ago. And Armenia, once the victor, now had to give all that land back. Of course there’s a huge difference in size/strenght between Russia and what will be left of Ukraine, while Armenia and Azerbaijan were similar rivals. But still, do you think the same guys that made 2014 coup, the Donbass war, the nuclear and biological threat, and violated both Minsk peace agreements, are now going to accept peacefully the Russian conquests? And of course I’m not just talking about that batch of crazy Ukrainians here. I’m also talking the ones that prepared all this situation from the CIA/Pentagon’s shadows.

Again, stop dreaming. This is a conflict for life, just like Israel-Palestine. At least until there’s a more radical “solution” that finishes one of the states…

This entire situation, even if SMO reaches all goals, is not something to celebrate. This just means USA was 100% successful in its primary goal, as stated in RAND Corporation’s report/plan: to de-stabilize that region and over-extend Russia. Right now (and again, even if SMO is successful), all that Russia is doing is puting water on the fire. But the fire-starter is still there with a match in one hand and an oil can in the other. Russia is still on the defensive position in the middle of the fire, and Russian men are still being killed in the Donbass, on top of the, AT LEAST, 2 thousand that already died, if we’re to trust the 1351 KIA announced by Russian MoD and add a few more after that.

As a well informed western, I understand the context and therefore, if peace talks are still blocked by Kiev/Washington, I wish you guys all the luck with Z. But stop dreaming, even if Z is successful, there’s nothing to celebrate. Then dollar is still dominating, NATO can srill grow in Russia’s northern border, and the trouble-maker is already talking about Taiwan. That means de-stabilizing Russia’s main global partner (China) or it means USA just wants the attention on that small island because they’re in the shadows preparing another “colorful revolution” in another Russian neighbour/ally.


Wait till the winter, then we two will talk a little.

THe Guardian

You are really good informed Western. And so do I. I can agree on your basic points, but can’t in your future prediction perspective.

Let see major questions about scenarios.

1. What will happen if West will go in war conflict with China over Taiwan or break relations with China on some deeper way? It will mean that China which has currently 2x industrial power of the west and neutral in this war and embargo will actively join to Russia anti Ukraine and Anti NATO conflict. I can tell you that neither Europe nor US are prepared for such war on Europe soil. We would loose. And also all sanctions that we have put on Russia wouldn’t have any sense because China can replace everything that West export in one or other way.

2. What will happen if there won’t be any deeper conflict that would involve China, means proceeding of current scenario of SMO? In this case Ukraine will further drain the economic power of entire combined west. With no prospect of win. Russia has much bigger reserve that we (west) are prepared to invest in Ukraine conflict. Current battlefield is ideal position for them. I believe this is primary reason why they dragging and holding back so much. They have 10.000 km of logistically safe Russia behind their back. If they decide, they can bring 5 millions solders on frontline in 3 months. Nothing would stop them. And how much can west (NATO) bring?

3. Can they conquer Odessa and western Ukraine? Eventually they could, maybe next year or even latter. As I understand they fight in this slow way to drain the power of Ukraine (by sending most capable and motivated solders on Donbas frontlines) and to let anybody to escape and/or join them. At least in eastern and southern part of Ukraine there are many pro-Russian people. In regards of western Ukraine I couldn’t bet on some guerilla fight. This happened already before and Russians have always pacified these territories in few years. With more or less terror and more or less candies.

4. Can sanctions really harm Russia? Actually not in any way and I think that big part of Russian elite want the break with the west. They want o be independent and as much as possible self-dependent. At least in in the extent as they were before first WW. In the end harm for the Europe will be much much bigger then for Russia. Especially for their Eastern parts and Germany, because they will loose most perspective export market and excellent resource provider. Neither of which can be replaced in any way.


“to drain the power of Ukraine”

to exhaust America and the EU with their own sanctions! Everything will be slow until they are ruined by their sanctions! We have nowhere to hurry!

José Oliveira

It was a pleasure to read your answer. That the kind of discussion I like.

1) Europe has the means to re-industrialize. We’ve seen that during the pandemic. It will cost us in the first years, but it destroys China’s economy, whose industry depends a lot on Europe. As for the military front, Russia won’t need China in Ukraine, and China won’t weaken its defense positions near Taiwan, Korea, and Japan and all those american bases.

2) I agree with this point. I just don’t belive tgose 5 million. Even if that number was possible, in the near future we’re talking about conscripting veterans, or younger soldiers that are not combat ready. But modern war, as Tierry Meissan analysed well, is not about number of soldiers. Russia has the equipment to face one or two big Europe armies, but not all of them at the same time. If we’re talking about NATO in Ukraine in this scenario, then it’s all of them. Am I to believe the Russian battalions and artillery that took 3 montgs to encircle Avdiivka and haven’t conquered it yet, will resist all of those armies better trained and better armed?

3) I agree with your point 3. And that’s exactly what I was talking about: the after-conflict with guerilla and sabotage and terrorism will take years, if not decades. Russia waited 8 years to intervene in Donbass. How many years will Russia wait while it’s own territory (assuming Odessa becomes Russia) is attacked? That’s why I talked about a radical solution that destroys the rest of one of the states, in this case the part of Ukraibe that’s left (Banderistan). Since that part will NEVER be controlled by Russians, that final solution either consists in total war with even heavier losses for both sides, or the use of mass destruction weapons (ex: thermobaric on one side, MOAB on the other side, or maybe even tactical nuclear ones). That’s a horrible scenario, and my point is that there are lunatics enough (Banderists, NeoCon Americans) for this to be a possible scenario.

4) I agree Europe will be (already is) the big loser of the sanction war. But I completely disagree on what you said about Russia. Sanctions are already hurting Russia. Russia’s ruble is a champion, and Russia is very self-sustainable, but the impact still exists, and ordinary people suffering 20% inflation or unemployment is always a very bad thing. I heard that Russia is negotiating the ukrainian and ex-ukrainian grain export in exchange for the lift of some sanctions. If sanctions didn’t hurt, this negotiation wouldn’t be on the table.

As for Russian elites, I don’t know so much, but I think that there are two groups. The “Abramovichs” and the nationalists. The nationalists are now on their ideal scenario. But the “Abramovichs” are against this situation. They had a more western view. It will be interesting to see how this unfoils. Will they have power enough to influence Russian politics in a different direction (worst and most unlikely scenario)? Or will they be forced to re-invest their money/profit inside Russia (best scenario for Russia) to avoid being replaced by other oligarchs?

And then there’s Winter, of course, as someone else said. Living in Iberian Peninsula, that’t not a problem for me. While people in Northen Europe is freezing in December and January, I open my windows and let the sunshine in. Most of my electricity is already renewable, and the little amount of gas I use comes comes from Algeria. And if I need more heat, once in a while I turn on my pellet fireplaces. But I’m curious to see how the racist Baltic/Northern/Central Europeans (I remember how they treated me and my country during Eurozone Crisis, and I’ll never forget what they did to Greece) deal with the next winter. Perhaps I’ll prepare some popcorn while I enjoy karma happening…


Very good observations from both “Oliveira” and “The Guardian”. It boils to either”Have a half full glass of water” or “Have half empty glass of water”. “Saker” is definitely …”half full” in his understanding of Russian Allies “special operation” in Novorossija. PCR (Mr. Roberts), perhaps the World’s best political analyst, points out certain drawbacks of Russian Allies “Z” and “V” operations, such as “slowness”, influences of Russian 5th columnists in Russian political administration, not to mention economic, underestimation of Ukie’s, propaganda built of Ukie’s nationalism (nazism), forgetting to prep. alternative (maybe federalist) Ukra administration, still believing in “diplomacy” of their Western “Partners”? All such drawbacks indeed encourage US & Western powers, to deliver more weaponry, “trainers & advisers”, inflict more outrageous sanctions and hits in Russia face and ignorance of Russian and Novorossijans reasons – all may lead to Russia nowhere to go, but to commence their defense w. tactical nukes, which would prompt West to the wanted full major nuke attack on Russia directly – and, despite Rand’s and some US Generals opinion of winnable nuke War, well -END is near folks!


“Also, the Russian advance is steady indeed, but it’s so slow that Ukrainian troops can go back from Lisichansk to Kramatorsk or even Poltava for a weekend of full week break, that when they go back to work the lines are still in the same place, specially in the areas around Donetsk or in the river front northwest of Severodonetsk.”

Do not ever snorr the coke You sell.

You sound as a travel agency sell merchant to the safari type call of duty soy boy Chuck Norris wannabe foreign fighters.

Taveling from Lisichansk to Poltava in a weekend break?

Are You for real?

Ashok Varma

Biden: To counter China’s successful effort in bringing 800M Chinese out of poverty, the US will execute a comprehensive plan to push 300M Americans into abject destitution.


This is the primary objective of all US diplomats.


It has always been the case that the losers in the US/NATO always Demand a ceasefire when the US/NATO is losing badly. :)

The US proxi terror conflict in Syria is the last obvious example.


Couldn’t say better. Hypocrites, faggots and ukrainians say: we need peace (love to everyone, hugs, pink unicorns and other crap) forgetting about 8 years of murders on Donbass. Honest people tell: we need victory, and then will be peace. Indians are honest ones.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

8 years of killings in Donbass far surpassed in 3 months of war.




Meanwhile in the violent Seppo’s world, another local war is going on…

US Gunman kills 19 children, 2 teachers at Texas elementary school

Another daily mass shooting in American banana republic and the victims this time are toddlers


It is interesting thou how the shooter is always killed by police. Who know what really happened there. They show people his mug shot (which they always have) and tell you what he did. Case closed after that. People get shot and killed in the US every day, even children or women. But you hardly notice this. But in a country where you can buy guns and ammo on every corner people don’t really care who dies from what, I guess.


Yeah mate, the stupid Seppo’s are bringing democracy and human rights to their own dumbarse population and the world. Welcome to Seppo Disneyland.


The word “always” is a good indicator that the writer is struggling to make an informed judgment. Help is available.


South Front should not permit people under 14 to comment here.

Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

Don’t go to hell, you don’t have to listen to them, you don’t have to perceive and be equal to them, but let them pay


Ukraine, within its current borders, is already a thing of the past according to Henry Kissinger. “Ukraine in the form in which it was, I think, will no longer remain. This is already the former Ukraine, as Poland is taking over western regions by soft power and stealth.” The Russians have taken over the industrial regions and Ukraine can not feed itself.


Not all of America is bad the brainwashed democrats are the real issue Donald trump had good relations with Putin and the east the EU and nato are the real aggressors in this conflict


Yes, it would be smart for every country to create as much of its own domestic products and logistical supply chain as possible.

jens holm

Not at all. I can be.


What do you by that? I do not get it.


Food products are domestic at 80-90%. Heavy industry products also. Main problems are machine tool manufacturing, processors for civilian needs (military is using quite old 65 and 90nm processors, they don’t need better), creating new routes for natural resources. Looks like EU made the decision to kill their own industry for benefits of masters from Washington, they will have less consumption of hydrocarbons in near future. There are perspective markets of India, South Korea to sell spare gas, oil and coal. I know about plans to build 2 new gas pipes to China (“Power of Siberia-2” and 3) and 1 to India (TAPI — Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India); more sells of LNG (by domestic built tankers manufactured by newly built “Star” shipyard); delivering coal to India; wider recycling of oil and gas to products inside Russia. So we definitely can find customers, but EU will not find new resources. Just imagine if we put embargo on resources for western sponsors of nazist regime in Kiev.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

TAPI starts from Turkmenia, not Tajikistan.


I copied this from Wikipedia : The Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India (TAPI) Pipeline, also known as Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline, is a natural gas pipeline being developed by the Galkynysh – TAPI Pipeline Company Limited[1][2] with participation of the Asian Development Bank.[3] The pipeline will transport natural gas from the Galkynysh Gas Field in Turkmenistan through Afghanistan into Pakistan and then to India.[4] Construction on the project started in Turkmenistan on 13 December 2015,[3] work on the Afghan section began in February 2018, and work on the Pakistani section was planned to commence in December 2018.[5] The abbreviation TAPI comes from the first letters of those countries. Proponents of the project see it as a modern continuation of the Silk Road.[6][7]


People need trade. Not every country has everything at hand. But since US banks are heavily involved in price manipulation of many important resources, you have to do something about that first. US has been a pain in the ass for that matter. But since the dollar is loosing its grip on the world, trade will be what it was meant to. Just look at the price of gas. Since EU needs it badly but won’t make any long term contracts the price is spiking due to big banks speculating on that matter (easy money). World has enough gas for everyone. Biggest mistake of EU was sanctioning Russia. Now EU is learning the hard way what it means to trade on rigged markets. They never appreciated what they had with Russia. But slowly they are folding already and wanting things to go back as they were. Still … judging by EU’s incompetence the lesson was probably not learned at all.


With US facing recession and high cost of living, Americans not interested in Ukraine

WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans are becoming less supportive of punishing Russia for launching its invasion of Ukraine if it comes at the expense of the U.S. economy, a sign of rising anxiety over inflation and other challenges, according to a new poll.


Just copy Iran.


Iranians are already giving their Russian allies pointers on sanctions busting. Russia like Iran will come out with a self-sustaining and self-reliant economy. The Russians and Iranians are already engaged in 130 joint projects from cars to food. People should not forget that Iran and Russia have over 250 million people and mega resources. After Russia, Iran graduates the highest number of engineering and hard sciences graduates.

Retired Troll

Good! I’d like $2 gas and peace again, thanks. Russia can have Ukraine.


UN Human Rights commission was and is a joke. To the average western dummy, if it has human rights in the title then it must be benevolent. But anyone with any amount of skeptical and thought knows that it is largely a purveyor and protector of United States western cultural. To many of the average western people they feel wherever United States culture is it must be a good place. Where it isn’t must be a bad place. I can assure that United States western culture is frequently not well received by billions all over the world. And these billions are not concerned if Westerners think they are bad or lesser. Russia has inordinate amounts of natural gas/petroleum and food items to export. In plain terms electricity and life sustenance. The western world actually thinks you can just cancels this? How can anyone be this foolhardy? Countries and billions around the world will buy this tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. You think they will go hungry and let industry and their jobs erase because United States doesn’t like Russia? If you think electricity and food are in such abundance that you just cancel out one of the biggest global suppliers then you have been very fortunate to have so much. But maybe this abundance one day will not so plenty for you? Maybe forcing the world to your way won’t seem so important?

jens holm

So why do we have to keep people out from here? It must be because you are stupid.

The worst one is You think those billions prefare You for Us.

You cant even see Ukraine as that. Anything is better then Your kind. This is not about nazis at all. 35 million non nazis defend themself with 1 mllion nazis. They are united and determinant.

Last edited 2 years ago by jens holm

They appear united but only due to the Clown of Kiev banning all political parties and censoring or lying about everything that is happening in the past, present, and future. The reality in Ukraine is civilians being duct-taped to light poles and having shit stuck up their ass, too bad if isn’t Nazi faggot Jack or his boyfriend Michigan Man. Journalists being disappeared, civilians being executed, conscripts and convicts being thrown onto the front lines is the norm in Ukraine. A significant amount of Ukrainians actually left the country and the conscripts with sense are surrendering. This is the optimal scenario given the refusal of Zelensky to accept the hard but fair conditions as only the most hardcore Hitler-buttocks tattooed zealots remain fighting. It’s still funny to me reading the Wikipedia and MSM articles about the withdrawal from Kiev after negotiations were deemed fruitless, it will be remembered as the most ominous moment for the criminals in the capitol – say hello to the Donbas meatgrinder and a forceful demilitarization of filthy fascists. The world will always respect and support the people of Russia and the Donbas for their valiant denazification of the Kiev junta and their refusal to bend the knee to the Empire of Lies.

Last edited 2 years ago by ATLGA
Ashok Varma

The basement dweller Jew Clown Zelensky has given NAZI orders to Uki soldiers to be shot for surrendering or fleeing from the battlefield, which is happening quite a lot recently as even the evil senile Jew Kissinger said, Ukraine must ceded territory to Russia, accept Russian legitimate demands of face total destruction. The Jew bastard Zelensky stealing billions from aid is pushing Slavs to kill each other, the easiest way to end this fratricide to turn the coward Zelensky into Kosher pickle.


They have also been saying that soldiers killed on the battlefield have either deserted or are missing so they don’t have to pay death benefits to the family. That’s taking corruption to a new level.

Ashok Varma

Zelensky, a Jew and a small time comedian in the USSR, all of a sudden has been propelled by global Zionism and the military industrial complex to preside over the slaughter of Slavs. Zelensky, corrupt and perverted to the core will be fine. He’s protected by British and American special forces. The family is reportedly living in an $8 million mansion in Israel. He owns a $34 million villa in Miami Beach, and another in Tuscany. Average Ukrainians were lied to, robbed, and in many cases, murdered, by the Kiev Nazi gang he presides over – oligarchs, security service (SBU) fanatics, neo-Nazis. And those Ukrainians that remain (10 million have already fled) will continue to be treated as expendable.


“The world will always respect and support the people of Russia and the Donbas for their valiant denazification of the Kiev junta and their refusal to bend the knee to the Empire of Lies.” => Indeed.

Karen Kobylanksi

Which planet are from? and what language is spoken there ? I no understand your comments.


Planet Telaviv.


I like that !


They didn’t think they could cancel the oil and gas . The plan was to collapse Russia economically, break it up into smaller parts then replace or bribe the politicians and take the oil and gas for nothing. It works in other countries there was no reason to think it wouldn’t work in Russia.


Mr. Lavrov, If you are hoping that the current governments of the west are going to come back down from Mars, and become human again, you may well be in for a long wait. If you are hoping that everyone will stop putting up with their crap, whether they do so or not, you might not have to wait quite so long.


Cool guy, he is a diplomat.


What happened in Libya 2011 should have told anyone with a BRAIN what Occidental intentions are. But Russia with Lavarov as FM and Medvedev as President were involved with the deal for the Mistral Ships with France which of course Russia NEVER received.


Yeah, Libya followed up with Syria….like, okay, they weren’t being obvious.


And more recently essay of coups in Belarus and Kazakhstan.


Russian troops have reached the Bakhmut-Lysychansk road, taking positions on it about 2km north of Soledar. Ukrainian forces struggling to contain the advance and according to surrendering UAF soldiers, their entire units are being wiped out by Russian MLRS that bomb round the clock.

Russian forces advancing from Svitlodarsk direction as well, pushing retreating Ukrainian forces hard and trying to cut off UAF stragglers. Ukrainian 14th brigade in the region has over 3,500 troops and today all that’s left are three companies…

14th brigade, 6th battalion, 4,5,6 companies.

1 company according to ukro site is 180-200 soldiers. Ukro stated that AFU has suffered 70% casualties in this sector and the Russians keep coming.


Brilliant moves by US/EU/NATO. The strategy is really paying off guys.

The Objective

Ukraine loses largest NATO arms convoy to Russian precision missiles

According to German reports, the Russian military bombed with long-range, high-precision missiles, launched from the Black Sea, the largest US-European arms deal before it reached the Ukrainian army fighting in the east of the country.

The shipment was on a train that was pulling dozens of wagons, and before it entered the railway station in the city of Malyn, northwest of Kyiv, Russian missiles hit it, destroying it, and subsequent explosions caused damage to more than 200 nearby buildings, as well as completely destroying another building, without causing any casualties among civilians. German military officers speaking on the condition of anonymity said that several NATO advisers and Polish personnel were also killed in the Russian strike.

This was also the statement of the city’s mayor, Oleksandr Sytailo, and was reported by the Ukrainian News Agency. The received news spoke of a shipment carrying several modern armored vehicles, cannons and tanks, mostly American and German.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Objective

Russia needs to develop some attack satellites to destroy US spy satellites. The USG will howl but that’s too bad. Supplying Ukraine with satellite information to kill Russians must be addressed.


Russsia first neads some good spay satelites not thoes from usssr that are obsolet. They are lacking in situation awernes. Also the orlan 10 dron is good in recons, but they nead at least 500 atack drons, that woud finish this war al redy or at least, ukro army woud be in big retreat.


They don’t need satellite’s to destroy enemy satellites they have S500’s ( anti air systems ) that can destroy them, they also have laser weapons that can blind them without destroying them.


they already test one few month ago…

Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

90 bayraktars destroyed by the Russians. we raised gasoline prices in America by 300% (remember Biden’s words “Putin did it”) As well as record inflation in the EU countries, and complete dissonance regarding sanctions, the 6 package has stalled, and we are being paid 100 billion euros for gas. So the successes are much more than one Popasnaya, Mariupol and the Kherson region, part of Zaporozhye and others, and a bunch of captured fascists fed by NATO. And if we take into account that Ukraine screamed that they were the best army in Europe, then the rest of Europe is doing even worse. And their weapons are burning here for a lot of money. Oh, and would not forget the food crisis in Europe and the USA, anything else? In Russia, EVERYTHING is there, both food and energy, in Russia we pay $ 40 per 1000 cubic meters. And parallel imports will bring every luxury. And there is no more petrodollar, the Sheikh of the UAE called Moscow a second home. But the gas ruble is getting stronger, 49 countries are already paying for gas to OUR banks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians
Ashok Varma

That is why Russia is running the biggest budget surplus and the Rouble is going higher and higher. The US morons have scored a home goal again as Russia is earning more money every day due to higher oil and gas prices and most countries now pay for in Roubles. The Rouble, Yuan and Indian Rupee are now considered global currencies replacing the deadbeat USD.


Russia is doing well against US/EU and other us vassals. Eu seems to be in the process of suicide on the road of becoming irrrelevant in the world politics. What a pity, I would say as an eu citizen.

Last edited 2 years ago by ceasar

We need some hard expensive times here in France. If middle class people get poorer, they will vote better and it will clean some irrational things.


maybe you are too optimistic. sometimes hardship creates confusion and semi competent leaders—biden, oboma, Mugabe, hitler

Klaus meier

Die RF kann ja den Titan Export stoppen und somit Gegensanktionen wirksam einsetzen. Also nicht nur Westprodukte ersetzen, sondern sanktionieren.


only when nations outside EU and US allies are strong enough militarily and economically, and technologically, can there be fairness from EU and US allies


If Russia can’t produce 4nm and 3 nm chips on their own, all is for nothing really.

Ashok Varma

So now it’s time to sit back, relax, and watch the Decline of the West.


duky chip in brain placed by CIA or emperor gates?


Is that how you console yourself? The life does not consist of only “4nm and 3 nm chips”. 😊


There is nothing wrong with chips using 28 nm. They work the same. The smaler litography sizes are only needed if further increase in cpu performance is needed, which nowadays is of no benefit. It is only for niches where this is required, for desktop computers/laptops such is of no measurable benefit.


Is that why Lada will be produced with no electronics?


the twighlight of the decayed anglo amerikan ogre can now be celebrated—-as the Chinese expression , at sunset the shadow cast is longest expresses the desperation of the amerikan barbarians…..but when darkness descends your medieval civilization will be dead and light will be enjoyed by civilized peoples… Z

Muhammad your Prophet

Sergey Lavrov is Putin’s Himmler. He’s just as deranged as Vladimir Putin himself. What’s the latest psycho babble from this demented cockroach? He’s so deranged that it’s hard to follow all the moronic psycho babble he talks about.


Go work, rotten mummy.

Tzipi Noser

You Jew rats are very angry, what gives Schlomo?


Can’t blame Russia at all. It’s the only wise thing to do.


The angloZionaZi empire of shit must be destroyed and the way to do it obviously is to flush the worthless IOU fiat filth Saudi Mercan toilet paper dollah and its gimp €urodollah. If the Natostanners want “stuff” then they need to pay with “stuff”, gold or Roubles. Shame that it took Russia all these years to figure out that the “partners in the West” are demonic scum.

Onward to the implosion of the chosenite bankster PonZi shitter and its Pentacon genocide machine

Last edited 2 years ago by Martillo
Joseph similia

Competing world powers

It’s just as the bible said it many centuries ago. Predicted in Daniel chapter 11, the pull and tug of the King of the north and the king of the south. Two great powers on earth both under satanic influence have been battling for centuries, both have the same purpose and that’s world domination exclusive of God Jehovah’s sovereignty. Furthermore, they want people’s worship as Revelation 13 describes.

These two great powers will come to to an agreement of peace the bible prophecy predicts. When the political system thinks they have succeeded in enslaving mankind, the bible says:

” Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. 4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves, 5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness.” 1 thessallonians 5:3-5.

Satan the devil is behind this struggle of the great powers on earth. His plan is similar to the political system objective, ” rule or ruin”. Diabolical objective is to distract people from the real source of peace and good health, which is no other than God’s kingdom- Revelation 11, 13, and chapter 21.

The Universal issue is: ” who has the right to be rightful sovereign of the earth and universe”.

It’s not really about jabs from pfizer, it’s about total control of the Earth’s inhabitants in whatever means possible and strangle all aspiration and hope of God’s kingdom and it’s rightful ruler for the earth , Jesus Christ appointed by Jehovah God.

We need to pray for God’s kingdom to come soon and judge these beastly powers that disdain Jehovah’s appointed king in heaven, none else but Jesus Christ.

“Your will be done on earth as in heaven, your kingdom come.” Matthew 6.

Peter Jennings

Since Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, every thinking person considers the UN Human Rights Council to be a sick joke. Much like every other current UN dept.

To all those pushing this sick joke, the game is up. You will lose. The people are rising.


Much respect for Sergey Lavrov. His seven rules listed above are easily understood. Language used can be easily understood by working men and women. Much much different from language used in American politics and MSM (main stream media).


The entire existing dynamics around us was transformed into something inconceivable to everyone. Long live Russia


I just think Russia needs to re-state its original position and force a public humiliation agreement with NATO and the west, and maybe get everyone down to Mariupol to sign it :) and in plain simple language – NO FURTHER EXPANSION OF NATO !! Sign here________________ 😂

But I just want to add, that I love their “special operation” strategy, especially the tech they’re using haha, they’re playing one of the best 5d games I’ve seen in modern times. It’s funny watching the little videos here and there of it all. Because we all know they have some next generation clandestine weaponry just waiting to be revealed when and if the time is required, but not right now, they’re playing with the old stuff first haha – Love it.

War is multi-dimensional, and I can see Russia has moved into the phase of “natural attrition”.. This is the long drawn out phase, to test their enemies metal… to just numb them and let them run out of bullets and the will to fight.. Add abit of disinfo, some instructions on how to surrender, some morale boosters about new weapons from the west arriving soon, and then some videos about those weapons being captured and blown up, a morale speech or two from Zelensky for good measure hahaha… great game guys.

Ukraine are so fucked, they’re surrendering because they don’t understand the Art.

If I was Russia, id finish the demilitarisation of Ukraine as stated, whilst simultaneously building new trade opportunities with China and India. I would also immediately increase the costs to all EU nations that utilise Russian energy. Fuck them. They don’t give a fuck about Russia and neither should you.

And just for good measure, maybe take a walk over the Finns border as a reminder to STFU 🤫,the two faced motherfuckers.


cosmic dwarf

That the UN and its sub-organizations have become a bad joke has been apparent for a while. Still, it’s chilling to see the top diplomat of a major nuclear-armed state saying that openly. Trust is earned, and without trust there is only suspicion and conflict. The West’s spoiled elites have been drawing down on their credibility for a while now, to the point where the balance is well into negative territory, and still they don’t seem to realize what a tenuous position they’ve put themselves into (together with those they rule over). God help us all.


It is a predictable defeat for the jewSA against kosher Russia. Both are run by the same side, kike bankster mafia. It is all about the jew World Order. This is bolshevik judah’s last full assault against the jewSA run by their lackey Biden, to finish it off for good.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bob
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