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MARCH 2025

Russia’s Future Lider-Class Destroyer To Be Nuclear Powered And Have 19,000 Tons Displacement

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Russia's Future Lider-Class Destroyer To Be Nuclear Powered And Have 19,000 Tons Displacement

Concept image, Click to see full-size

The Russian Navy’s prospective destroyer has grown to a water displacement of 19,000 tons and is to be nuclear powered, according two anonymous sources cited by by Mil.Pres Flotprom.

The issue of the destroyer was discussed at the United Shipbuilding Corporation on February 21st, one source said.

At the same time, the dates for the start of the construction work on the ship have not yet been determined. The design bureau, Krylov State Research Center, will start it approximately around the middle period of the current state armaments program, thus the development and construction of the destroyer has once again been delayed.

According to Valery Polovinkin, scientific director of the Krylov State Research Center, the center initially offered two versions of the ship: with a displacement of 10-12 thousand tons and gas turbine powered and a 18-19 thousand ton, nuclear powered one. The scientist noted that the choice in favor of the second option is logical based on the concept of the revival of the ocean “big fleet.”

Technical design of the newest Russian Leader-class destroyer will begin in 2019-2020. This phase is planned to be completed by 2022, Mil.Press FlotProm was told in July 2018 by Deputy Admiral Viktor Bursuk, deputy commander of the Russian Navy.

The concept of the newest oceanic ship was formulated by the Krylov Center, and the preliminary design of the Leader-class destroyer was prepared by the Northern Design Bureau.

It is expected that the ship will have a displacement of about 19,000 tons. Its length is to be 200 meters and breadth of 20 meters. Equipped with 70 anti-ship cruise missiles, 128 anti-aircraft guided missiles and 16 anti-ship guided missiles, including Kalibr and Onix, the nuclear-powered destroyer will reportedly reach a speed of 30 knots and remain at sea up to 90 days without support. It will also carry a pair of Ka-27 or Ka-32 helicopters.

According to Global Security, the Russian Navy expected to receive twelve Leader-class destroyers by 2025.

Each destroyer would have a Redut-Poliment anti-ship weapons system as well as Pantsir-M and Palash antiaircraft artillery.

The destroyer’s nuclear-powered and possible gas turbine propulsion power plant would be manufactured in Russia and would allow the ships to travel at 30 knots.

The warships would be capable of combatting submarines and would also be equipped with two special helicopters and a modern sonar system.

Discussions and news of the Leader-class destroyers have been circulating since 2010. Since then, reports have occasionally surfaced with various specifications of the possible future destroyer, but those have changed substantially over the years.

The above-mentioned displacement and dimensions are also still unconfirmed. The latest numbers appear to be based on a Russian report from June 2016.

Russia's Future Lider-Class Destroyer To Be Nuclear Powered And Have 19,000 Tons Displacement

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Russia's Future Lider-Class Destroyer To Be Nuclear Powered And Have 19,000 Tons Displacement

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Prince Teutonic

Given the shortage of home buit Diesel engines it’s logical to go nuclear powered…


Lack of refueling bases world wide will prompt the Russians to power their blue water navy with nuclear power. Come on Russia, build the Lidder destroyer, and have the most powerful ships in the world!


Budget problems. Russia has ambition to build air carriers with newly built VTOL – JAK jets. So building Lider class and air carriers in the same time looks like mission impossible….or mission almost impossible?


Budget….mudget, Russia is playing it too safe, they can build the super Gorshkov and the Lidder sequentially. I do not see anything beyond the hypersonic weapons development, except lasers, the super Gorshkov and Lidder would be deadly, except for the fact the Lidder will carry far greater armament capacity. Russia can spend 1 billion PPP dollars on Lidder and come up with a vessel that would whip anything in the US navy.


Um… I would like you to be right…. I am definitely one of those who would love to see Russia as powerful as possible… able to stop decisively U.S. terrorist activities… But I am still not convinced that they will menage “super” Gorshkov and the Lidder (and air carriers) all in the same time ( even with the very good oil &gas prices …which are highly unlikely)

Russia is not “playing it too safe”. They simply still remember collapse of USSR and Yeltsin’s total collapse of Russian economy and hyper inflation and misery they’ve lived… They can’t brake their economy with another arms race… Asymmetrical response : Kinzhal, Burvestnik, Poseidon, Tsirkon (3M22 Zircon), Sarmat, Kalibr, S-500 are cheapest way to go in the new arms race.


I do not think they need to focus on aircraft carriers since existing missiles outrange for most part the range of an aircraft launched from carriers. Coupled with strong air defenses it would make the Lidder self sufficient in being able to take care of business. Russia has almost 500 billion in gold and foreign reserves, its economy and tax base is not dependent on the sale of oil and gas as it was during the Soviet times and until a few years ago, so the possibility of going bankrupt on an arms race is non existent, especially when Russia has technological edge on newly developed weapons. A limited arms race with development of superior weapons and intelligent application of technology to military needs coupled with significant PPP buying power compared to the dollar, would drive US MIC beserk, trying to compete in brain power …..something they lack and struggle with. The US Treasury will find demand for its dollars dwindling, causing it difficulties to finance its debt….let alone compete in an arms race, broke and relying on an idiotic generation to carry it through its eventual demise.

Yes I would like to see Russia build eventually 10 super Gorshkovs and 6 Lidder battle cruisers along with 50-60 Sarmat missiles, 200 Avangard rounds, 32 Poseidon, a few hundred Burvestnik, 1000 Khinzhal and 2000 or more Zircon, 12- 16 battalions of S500 and 10 battalions of A256, another 100 Suk 35, 100 Suk 34, 80-100 Suk 57, 50 Tu 160, 10 Yassen subs, 8 more Borey subs, and 6-12 Husky multiple type of subs, along with Lada and improved Kilo subs.

Tony B.

You have no concept of how Russian finance works. It is a constant war with the Rothschild central bank which is not anxious for Russia to become even more militarily strong, nor does it want its civilian economy to be strong, unless assured that the nation is totally owned by talmudic Jews as it was under the soviet. At present, that ownership is a bit over half as far as western eyes can discern.


Rothchild Bank has minimal influence on the Russian central bank, if Putin thought it was necessary he could amend the constitution and severe the link to western central banks, giving Russia the ability to print its own money without giving account to anybody, and divert significant finances towards weapons acquisition and economic development. I think Talmudic jews would blow in the wind if Russians turn the screws on them.

Tony B.

I think not. Why would Putin NOT get rid of the debt at usury exchange medium, which cripples the economy of every nation which is stuck with it, while it is a conveyor belt of all wealth into the hands of the Rothschild bankers, if he had the power to do that? When it comes to money, banking and the economy, obviously the oligarchs fronted by Medvedev are still in charge in spite of the fact that Putin was able to take back some of Russia’s natural resources from some of the oligarchs.


Putin can do a lot of things, he can cancel all debts in lieu of western sanctions, nationalize all foreign interests that are waging economic war against him, ask Western Europe to pay him in rubles for their energy bill, and get rid of the linkage that exists the Russian central bank and western central banks. Medvedev and Putin will eventually die so would the oligarchs, the essence of the matter is that Russia is a strong superpower and it will not suffers the trauma and ignomities of the 90’s. Any nationalist Russian will not sub serve Talmudic interests, and not be as polite as Putin and possibly take a more draconian approach towards its enemies.

Tony B.

You are writing sheer nonsense here. Have you not noticed that Putin can do nothing that is not passed into law by the Federal Assembly of Russia? He is not even close to being a dictator as you imply. He is a wise man and makes excellent suggestions to his government but it has never once been shown that he has done ANYTHING outside the law, both Russian and International. Never has he been given carte blanche to do as he pleases. Furthermore the Medvedev/oligarch faction are NOT “nationalist Russians,” that is exactly why they are referred to inside Russia as “atlantacists,” meaning they are wholly owned Rothschild agents. You seem to live in a dream world. At least concerning RF.


No, I am not writing nonesense, I did not imply Putin was a dictator, the Federal Assembly of Russia does what is best for Russia, within the parameters of Russian and international law. I never said Medvedev and his faction of Atlantacists were national Russians, I said since Russia is a superpower and not prone to internal coups instigated by external interests, the Rothchild agents are operating in a vacuum. Do you know what black swans are? Do you think that the Russian federal assembly cannot create some black swans and direct them against the west under more militant nationalistic representatives?


There is a lot of doubt that russia will build an air craft carrier at all! Advanced Missiles tend to make them obsolete now!


Will Russian Navy Get LHDs with VTOL Aircraft ?

“Creation of the VTOL system, if now in progress and initiated in 2017, may lead to a flight of the first experimental prototype in 2022-2023 and the launch of the machine in series production in the late 2020s. If in 2021-2022 construction begins of the ULS” ————— They were talking about “semi-catamaran type” with displacement up to 44,000 tonnes…. ” air wing will consist of 46 aircraft” http://www.defenseworld.net/uploads//news/big/a_catamar_1538553050.jpg http://www.defenseworld.net/news/23461/Russian_Future_Semi_catamaran_Aircraft_Carrier_gets_New_Design_Concept#.XHMZLWTxuCk

“Russian Future Semi-Catamaran Aircraft Carrier Gets New Design Concept”

https://fighterjetsworld.com/air/fighter-jets-videos/russia-is-building-the-worlds-first-catamaran-aircraft-carrier/8571/ Russia is Building the World’s First Catamaran Aircraft Carrier

http://www.navyrecognition.com/index.php/focus-analysis/naval-technology/6463-will-russian-navy-get-lhds-with-vtol-aircraft.html https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-PJSNbM1qxS0/W6hjodArzXI/AAAAAAAAYwk/Y9WpZ4vhh5oGrNHWHs9dcfMTTI-ROxGqQCLcBGAs/s1600/screenshot-www.globalsecurity.org-2018.09.20-18-45-35.jpg


LHD’s yes! They are going to build those! But the Aircraft carriers of the traditional type will most likely not be produced! That is not me saying this! That is SPutnik news! The reason why? Missiles! Thats why its preferred to make smaller missile carrying ships!

John Whitehot

total bs.


Of course “displacement of 19,000 tons” tells you nothing “admiral” Teutonic ?! You understand jack shit about naval problems. Russia normally uses GAS TURBINES for ships the size of frigates or destroyers. But this ship is much bigger and she would be a “destroyer” only by name! Lider-class are CRUISER sized ships ! For comparison to give you idea US Ticonderoga-class “CRUISER” is HALF the size of the Lider class “destroyer” !!! Do you get it? Also Kirov class heavy missile cruisers are NUKE powered. So why would they use anything else for Lider ?!? It would take an oil tanker to trail down all the time this missile cruiser (called “destroyer” ) for fuel supply only. If that huge ship would want to go far away from Russia ….for a mission And that is extremely unpractical even irrational… So nuke engines…thus LIMITLESS range is only logical option for such ship.

As Jesus have already said Russia is not US and they “lack of refueling bases world wide” So any international mission in far away places would be very complicated.

Robert McMaster

You’ll be dead from old age before even one of these ships is built. The Russians design excellent stuff but are terribly slow to actually make them.


I didn’t say they will build them This was only hypothetical to get right angle on tech problem. They will build lots of “super” Gorshkov though… “Project 22350 M” Frigates Displacing 8,000 tons based on Admiral Gorshkov class To compensate smaller number of Lider class. Those “frigates” will be “destroyers” in everything but the name…

Robert McMaster

I wish I could be as optimistic as you are jako. I will hope your estimation of things is correct. But Russia futzes, twiddles its thumbs, temporizes, stalls, delays. When the situation screams: Go Now! Full Speed Ahead!


If (only) reading Western press for decades I would think that Russian’s are outdated hodgepodge under-financed army. I remember well them Western “experts” laughing their heads off on Russian navy “rusty buckets” and everything else in post Yeltsin era… In those days they were claiming that EVERY projects Russian have started that they will NOT be able to finish for luck of funds (SU-57 included) And they were wrong about everything. They still are.

Today Russia has superior nuke power to US & NATO combined. Tank forces by far are superior to US & NATO. And when it comes to hyper sonic weapons Russia has decisive overwhelming dominance. So in simple words despite Western propaganda Russia DOMINATES U.S. even in conventional power because of unstoppable hyper-sonic missiles.

Robert McMaster

You are right along the line. But the window of advantage is short and small. Means go nuts building stuff right now to stake out the strongest position.

Jacob Wohl

So scary, but the US Navy already has more destroyers, corvettes, and aircraft carriers than Russia has.


1 missile for each one.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Sounds more like a light missile cruiser class to compliment the heavy missile cruiser Kirov’s.


What “light” missile cruiser ?!? This ship (destroyer) is more than 2 times BIGGER than U.S. Ticonderoga class “cruisers”!!!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

In WW2 you had both heavy (CA) and light cruisers.(CL) The proposed tonnage of the Russian Leader-class (19,000 tonnage) if far greater than that of a destroyer, (that are normally not nuclear powered) but not as great as the near 30,000 tonnage of the Kirov-class battlecruisers. The Cleveland-class, (CL-55) WW2 light cruisers were roughly 12-15,000 tons. So I’m basically saying it ain’t a guided missile destroyer, but a nuclear powered naval cruiser class, but not a heavy cruiser like the Kirov-class. (rather a class of size down)


Russian’s already have everything distorted by calling 19,000 tons ship a “destroyer”.

And you just add to the confusion with distorted comparisons. I have impression that you deliberately pretend to not understand mu comment. My only problem in your comment is when you calling 19,000 tons modern ship “LIGHT” missile cruiser. The (19,000 tonnage) if “far greater” than that of a US Ticonderoga cruiser! The size of Lider cruiser is anything but “light” comparing to any other MODERN cruiser standards! Comparing Lider with WW2 ships is inappropriate because for example by WW2 standards Kirov’s would be small battleships comparing to the biggest in WW2 battleships. Everything was MUCH bigger in those days thus comparing them directly is wrong!

Conclusion: Officially Lider is only “destroyer” so all this I was saying was RHETORIC example. I don’t agree with your comparisons logic with WW2 cruisers or Kirov’s… By that logic comparing the size to Kirov’s to size of Ticonderoga “cruisers”…. They could be called “destroyer” or even “frigates” because 3 TIMES smaller than Kirov’s!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well lets look at it another way, the 28,000 ton (full load) Kirov-class are classified as “heavy nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser,” (aka battlecruisers) so the 19,000 ton Lider-class could be said to be heavy nuclear-powered guided missile destroyers.(battledestroyers)


i don’t know a lot about Russian shipbuilding capabilities but can they build a ship of large displacements now ? i thought Ukraine built all the big ships .


Depends of how “large displacement” we are talking about. If we are talking about US super carriers with 100 000 tons I honestly don’t know. Carriers are being built with modern MODULAR tech approach and Russia has that technology now (so size is not so limiting). Their problems are more in terms of sufficient number of qualified personnel , dry docks of that size and equipment (they are resolving all those issues as we speak) They are talking at the moment about starting “Lider “class destroyers of 20 000 tons which is size of heavy cruiser and over 250 meters long (carrier is slightly above 300meters)!(No navy has such big ships (apart from carriers and Russian even bigger Kirov class)) Now that is in my book very “large displacement” It is Western propaganda mainly that tries to blow up out of proportions some difficulties and glitches of all kinds that Russia faces…

I’m sure that nobody knows that US has the same problems of some lost know how and lost production capabilities. Anything can be solved it takes MONEY and time.

Ukraine as country can’t build any ships (even smaller) any more It was USSR building air carriers in Nikolaev shipyard-Ukraine but that is now totally lost know how today in Ukraine


I really hope they do build this ship i love most of Russia’s ship and equipment designs , though i think russia doesn’t need an aircraft carrier it’s such an abysmal trap and a hugh waste of money since Russia is mainly taking a defensive doctrine, Russia just wants to focus on improving Russia and civilian lives , unfortunate that the west keeps on provoking, i believe that yes russia has the capability to build such ships if they put their minds on it but does russia need them ? i think building more frigates/corvettes and subs is better .


I think that Russia expects power vacuum once dollar collapses and US naval power dwindles (similar to the collapse of USSR situation) So they want to fill in that vacuum with their ocean fleet Let me update you in regard of air-carriers. Russians intend to build LIGHT-carriers about 40 000 which is less than half size of US super carriers. They would have more aircraft’s than much bigger 59 000 tons “Kuznetsov” has now. So those are small carriers really.

They would have haul built with Semi-Catamaran Hull Design approach. Here… Read the article if you want more info:

“Russia’s Krylov Light Aircraft Carrier Project Features Semi-Catamaran Hull Design”



Russia has no choice but to respond to US-NATO asymmetrically only. By spending money less possible… to preserve her own economy and intern stability (unlike USSR) and resist to the military & propaganda pressure of US-NATO.

They are building mostly corvettes and still sufficient number of frigates while subs program was never stopped

Soon they will start new generation of AIP subs that will be big improvement to Lada class (latest class) Nuke subs are produced to the size of the wallet… Being expensive they produce them as many as they can. Production never stopped …Borrei and Kazan (Yasen M) class attack subs are produced as we speak.

Terry Lawrence

Looks like a big target to me. Many smaller ships with cruise and hypersonic missiles enable you to protect a lot more territory and are harder to destroy.


And your West has TWO EXTREMELY SLOW and short range anti ship missiles (one French and one U.S.) While hypersonic missiles you talk about for the moment ONLY Russia has them! And 3M22 Zircon/ Tsirkon are not even operational yet !

ONLY known anti-hypersonic missiles system on the planet that is about to come out this year is RUSSIAN S-500 and they will be built in this Lider-class ships naval version to defend against FUTURE Western hypersonic missiles (if and when West learns to build them)!

So what danger we are talking about?!

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