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MARCH 2025

Russia’s Investigations About US Biolabs Concluded

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Russia’s Investigations About US Biolabs Concluded

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According to Russia’s parliamentary investigative committee, Washington would be working to create an “universal’ genetically engineered bioweapon”.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

Finally, the Russian investigation about American biological activities on Ukrainian soil was completed. A special parliamentary committee had been formed to carefully analyze evidence of crimes such as the production of biological weapons in military biolabs found and neutralized by Russian armed forces. The parliamentary group worked in partnership with experts linked to Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops for over a year. The results indicate that in fact Washington maintains illegal bio-military activities.

Investigators pointed out that the US would be working towards the creation of a kind of “universal biological weapon”, genetically modified to cause serious damage, comparable to that of a “nuclear winter”. The data collected by the Russians indicate that Washington plans to develop weapons capable of damaging not only enemy soldiers in a war scenario, but also animals and even agricultural crops. With this, the objective would be to completely destroy the country affected by the proliferation of these pathogens, also affecting the civilian population, food security and the environment.

In practice, the secret and anticipated use of this type of weapon would guarantee American forces a virtually insuperable strategic advantage in any conflict scenario, making it impossible for the enemy side to defeat American forces due to non-military reasons. The investigators made it clear that the possession of this type of weapon would completely change the contemporary nature of armed conflicts, which generates a wide list of military, legal and humanitarian concerns.

“The United States aims to develop a universal genetically engineered biological weapon capable of infecting not only people, but animals as well as agricultural crops. Its use involves, among other things, the goal of inflicting large-scale and irreparable economic damage on the enemy (…) The covert and targeted use of such a weapon in anticipation of a positive inevitable direct military confrontation could create a significant advantage for US forces over the adversary, even against those who possess other types of weapons of mass destruction (…) The possession of such highly effective biological weapons creates, in the view of the US military, the real prerequisites to change the nature of contemporary armed conflicts”, the report states.

The scientists, however, emphasized that the existence of this American project does not diminish the seriousness of the use of conventional biological weapons, such as “smallpox, anthrax, tularemia and the plague, all of which can be modified to enhance their deadly properties. Added to this is the objective difficulty in determining the true cause of outbreaks of infectious diseases, which can be both natural and artificial”. Thus, there is a considerable number of risks to monitor and control simultaneously.

Although many biolaboratories have been neutralized or destroyed due to the special military operation on Russian borders, the American bio-military program remains active, with several laboratories around the world operating advanced research in order to develop such weapons. There are even some recent reports stating that the US would be once again having such activities on Ukrainian soil, in the regions occupied by the neo-Nazi regime.

The Russian team explains how these programs are a US fascist legacy. Many Axis’ scientists were captured during World War II and, instead of being arrested and punished, were given positions by the US government in secret programs to develop advanced scientific military research. As a result, Washington created one of the most complex military research systems in the world, backed by German and Japanese scientists who were already studying such topics during the 1930s and 1940s.

Russian researchers also mention the fact that the absence of clear and advanced international regulation on such matters increases the American ability to act abroad by producing and spreading biological terror. Using humanitarian, health, and scientific arguments to develop research, the American armed forces and companies linked to the government build laboratories where such illegal activities are carried out.

“The lack of international control over such work provides the United States the opportunity to act in other countries without being restrained by moral and legal norms and humanistic principles, and to ignore the demands of the public”, investigators added.

Finally, the scientists recommend that the biological issue be treated by the Russian authorities as a matter of central importance in the defense and security agenda. It is urgent that efficient measures be created for the detection of genetically modified pathogens, as well as for the early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases caused by these agents. The report proposes the creation of a “control mechanism” for the research in biotechnology and synthetic biology as a way to reach a solution to the problem.

Indeed, Russia has long warned of the Pentagon’s serious biological weapons problem. The subject has been ignored by western countries and by international organizations, which seem not to understand the level of danger generated by this type of attitude. The development of biological weapons should be investigated and promptly condemned by all countries, even those that have good relations with the US, as this poses an existential risk to many people.

Furthermore, the case demands even more attention with the investigations pointing to the effort to create new pathogens, capable of infecting and damaging humans, animals, and plants, aiming at the total annihilation of a country and its population. Therefore, it is urgent that discussions and measures be taken at the UN, before such weapons begin to be used on the battlefield, generating an unprecedented level of violence and damage.


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“IOLABS” in the title is missing a “B” in front of it.

Icarus Tanović

What a monstrosities you are…

Joe Biden

Jens Holm was created in one of these CIA biolabs in Denmark, CIA abducted Danish orphans and infused them with monkeypox.

They tried to create intelligent monkeys and use them for military purposes but the experiment failed so badly… and now we have Jens 😐


Well, Monkeypox/Mpox was indeed first identified as a distinct illness in 1958 among laboratory monkeys in Copenhagen, Denmark… and they did use Danish children for experiments !

Last edited 1 year ago by ...
jens holm

I have certificate as expert toilet cleaner

Erik Nielsen

Well, as you can see from the article there is more to come. Imagine a world where you meet Jens Holm clones EVERYWHERE.


This is very scary stuff


Wow yanks are insane


They always were when they set off the first atom bomb their own scientists explained that it might cause a chain reaction and destroy the planet, they set it off anyway.


Didn’t you know that? that bitch Nuland was caught with her knickers down at the UN when this matter was brought up by the Russians,she had to admit they had such labs in Ukraine but she tried to whitewash it,these people are not only insane they are bloody evil.

Russia won the war a while

penis biden socking his cuck again


USSA is the disease, along with its gimp vassal the evil EUSSR, the Bear and the Dragon and their multipolar future is the cure.

Meanwhile Odessa awaits liberation this summer. Z


Dr Mengele is alive and kicking.


What is surprising, is that nobody works on antidots. I don’t mean vaccines, but some antidots which can help stop spreading, infections, protect plants and animals and humans. It is amazing that this illnesses exist for decades, but nobody discovered antidots – to stop poison.

Biological agents meantioned in article, so easy to escape, hard to control.

Romanian yankee kurwa

There was and still is the policy of not make research in such areas. Not directly, but indirectly. Like is the cancer issue. The jumerican cabal bandits and theirs asslickers Bruxelles mobsters don’t fund research in that specific areas. I can tell you from direct source (i have relatives which were working in ‘commie era’ in antibiotics researches) that now NOBODY in EU colony are funded to research NEW ANTIBIOTICS. ZERO ! It’s an intentionally measure to population control. Also, there was a grade IV antibiotic which pass all tests in 2018, I think (i now forgot the precise name) but was never allowed to be produced and used. Because the 2020 Covid(iot) agenda was on the run…..my relatives still working in the health department and told me there is a specific EU politic to not develop new antibiotics. Any pros candidates who apply for such a theme in academic sphere is completely ignored and/or not accepted.

Last edited 1 year ago by Romanian yankee kurwa

If I tell you that I was victim of doctors or nurses in my country, not once but few times, that that bi@tches pushing their agenda right in face of patient …

I want to say I understand NATO and EU and USA have depopulation agenda.

But I was thinking, why other countries not doing anything to create antidots. That worries me, on which side they stand for.


Any complaint at the UN will fall on deaf ears


Biological weapons differ from chemical and nuclear in several significant ways. Fall out, danger area can be predicted and calculated when chemical and nuclear munitions are used. The calculations take into account weather. Biological agent spread can not be quadrated, with the agent latching on to another organism which then becomes a carrier. Explain to a wolf or a bat that they are not to cross a countries’ border.

As proof, consider the spread of COVID first within China, the the world, with no way to stop it, until sufficient percent of the human population obtained immunity.

Erik Nielsen

All right, so the solution to the “problem” is more research, more attention, more detection measures, plus “discussions, chatting and measures to be taken at the UN”.

As Putin said today: “We have not even started yet to defend Donbass”. Go home with your hard on Russia.

Last edited 1 year ago by Erik Nielsen
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