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MARCH 2025

Russia’s Modern S-500, S-350 Air Defense Systems To Enter Service Soon

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Russia’s Modern S-500, S-350 Air Defense Systems To Enter Service Soon

ILLUSTRATIVE IMAGE: The Russian Ministry of Defense

The advanced S-500 surface-to-air missile/anti-ballistic missile and S-350 medium-range surface-to-air missile systems will enter service with the Russian Armed Forces soon, the commandant of the Zhukov Air-Space Academy, Lieutenant General Vladimir Lyaporov, said in an interview published by the Krasnaya Zvezda daily on March 1.

According to the interview, a first group of officers will complete a training course to use S-500 in 2019.

“I would like to note that in 2019, the first group of officers will complete the academy’s course to use the S-500 systems. The systems are yet to enter service, but we expect them to do so in the near future,” he said. “In the end of the year, the center is expected to receive first S-350 Vityaz systems.”

Earlier, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shogu revealed that the delivery of S-500 systems to the military is expected in 2020.

The S-500 Prometey is designed for intercepting and destroying intercontinental ballistic missiles, as well as hypersonic cruise missiles and aircraft. It’s set to replace the A-135 anti-ballistic missile system, which is currently in use. The S-500 is reportedly able to detect and simultaneously engage up to 10 ballistic hypersonic targets flying at a speed of 18,000-25,000 km/h. The S-500 is a highly mobile system and has a rapid deployability.

The S-350 Vityaz is designed to protect important administrative and military facilities from airstrikes. It includes command post 50K6E, multifunctional radars 50N6E and launchers 50P6E with 12 9M96E2 missiles each. The S-350 can simultaneously fire at 16 air or 12 ballistic targets. Its range is 60 km while the altitude is 30 km.

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Zionism = EVIL

More pot plants, Russian junk weaponry is not doing too well. Let’s see if they ever use them in Syria as the Zionists attack next time and Putin will hug them.

Daniel Miller

Your opinion is irellevant since you seem to be a Pakistani gypsy witch is so bias that he thinks that its a big deal that Pakistan shot down a MiG21…


A MigG-21 upgraded by Israel. Doesn’t that technically make it junk Israeli weaponry?


No it doesn’t. MIG-21 is unique Soviet aircraft design. Historically unparalleled in its quality and longevity by any other known aircraft (many countries still use it).

While Israel hasn’t created a single production made fighter jet. So they can’t have any claims on one of the best aircraft ever created.


I think the US F-4 Phantom has seen the same length of service. I happen to like both aircraft. Totally different schools of design and doctrine, and they both happened to produce what I think outstanding beautiful aircraft. Classic aircraft.

As for Israel, they did produce fighter jets, the Dagger and Nasher Mirage clones, the Kfir which was a Mirage on steroids and the Lavi, which was Israel’s take on the F-16. But which ultimately proved too ambitious.


Not exactly Introduced 2 years after MIG-21 the F-4 Phantom is as far as I know only in service in Iran (and we all know why!) Because of sanctions Iran was not in position to replace F-4 And they also didn’t have know-how and resources to build new jet to replace F-4. Only recently they have built clone of US 3rd generation jet and they are flirting with Russia hopping to get SU-30’s one day…

Israel: Those jets were CLONES not Israeli design And “Lavi” (Israeli F-16) was NEVER produced (due to the US blockade) but sold to China


If Wikipedia is to be believed then Turkey and South Korea are also still using the F-4

As for Israel, I said the Dagger and Nasher were clones, but the Kfir was pretty much more then a clone. And yes, the Lavi never went into production, but it was an Israeli design nonetheless.


OK my bad! It is still 10 TIMES MORE for MIG !

Only ” Israeli design” was Lavi and it was NEVER BUILT. As I was saying(I must correct myself) Israel have “never built their own jets” except of those CLONES !

So formally you right since in this world even stealing and revers engineering counts as “building” jets. If not China would have hardly any jets as their own design.


Over 400 F-4 Phantoms were shot down in Vietnam.

Nothing to be proud of, when the Vietnamese were characterised as being third world by the US.


I Wish people would stop using poor handling of military gear as evidence that that gear sucks. You give the best equipment to chimps, it will not look stellar. By this logic the T-72 was a deathtrap because Iraqi T-72’s were blown apart with no loses to American M1A1 Abrams during the 1st Gulf War. And yet the T-90, which is an improved T-72 is being seen as 1st class today.

The Americans in Vietnam were hindered by many things. Poor rules of engagement as Johnson was trying to wage diplomacy through gradual escalation. Poor doctrine as the Americans employed a pure missile approach, thinking that aircraft guns were no longer necessary. To which the Vietnamese (and Soviet) pilots responded by getting up close to the Americans where their missiles were of limited use. A total neglect of dogfighting training, which had American pilots ill prepared for the Vietnamese/Soviet tactics of getting up close. And of course most of the American missions were bombing missions, where they had to run the gauntlet of air defense missiles and interceptors. Bombers are always more vulnerable then fighters. And the North Vietnamese air defense network was dense, lethal and de facto run by the Soviet Union in all but name. So yeah, they did lose a lot of aircraft in that environment. Anyone would have under those conditions. Do note that as the war progressed the Americans changed their tactics, instigated the Top Gun training to prepare their pilots for air combat again and by 1972 they could bomb Hanoi, previously the best defended city int he world, with heavy strategic bombers, not even the most advanced model, without almost any losses.


The avionics were upgraded by Israel, that makes Israeli avionics junk.

Zionism = EVIL

You Zionist scum want death and destruction everywhere. Then you wonder why the world hates you. You devious retarded scum supplied the pathetic Indians with the dud SPICE bombs that destroyed Pakistani trees.


Didn’t gypsies originate in India?

Daniel Miller

arent Pakistanis littearly Muslim Indians?

Albert Pike

Sounds like you are little bit disappointed about Vladimir. I could have told you before. We have a secret united world goverment of the cabale since generations, but people do choose not to see it.

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist scum and the Jew corrupt oligarchs own the pimp Putin who has disgraced Russia after the Zionist cowards killed Russians and then Putin invites the corrupt criminal Nutter Yahoo for another arse kissing fest. The Zionist cancer must be eliminated if the world is ever to see peace.

Albert Pike

What about the Criquet Player, surely he must know that all the so called ‘Islamic Terrorist’ are in USraHells pay. So it’s not just in Russia, India, USA and China – it’s everywhere. Was so since at least 1918. Therefore it’s all a show – just the dead -if there are many- are real…

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Why do you think that its “pot plants and russian junk”?

Zionism = EVIL

Russia’s Zionist masters have attacked Syria over 300 times and downed a Ruskie IL-20 flying washing machine and what has Russia done? ZILCH, NADA, SEPHER, ZERO. Were the S-400 pot plants used ?

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Where the s-400 deployed and ready?


get lost idiot. Many brave Russians died to help Syria and fight the empire. Unles you or ypour family did more than Russsia to fight the NWO, you better shut up.


Junk weaponry is not capable of shooting down missiles like the Pantsirs have done to a high standard.


Their “junk weaponry” has won them the war. Without the s400 Israel and the US would have been able to first establish air superiority and consequently crush Assad with the help of their terrorist proxies. None of this happened….Thanks to superior Russian weaponry such as the s400 and others.

paul ( original )

I must admit that I have been waiting for years to see the S-500 system. Each year I follow the 9th May parade hoping it will make am appearance . May be this year I will get my wish. Trouble is at my age I am rather running out of spare years.


What sad day for Russia to disappoint well known anti-Russian troll.

For your NATO friends S-400 is already too much to cope with. With range of 600 km S-500 is OVERKILL ! You don’t even have HYPER-sonic weapons so no reason for Russia to speed up S-500 delivery. Even when it comes out next year there will be NO HYPER-sonic weapons on the West at all even in pre-production mode !


The S500 wil neutralize the US ICBM and SLBM force, rendering their nuclear triad ineffective. The S500 antiballistic missiles can develop velocities of 7kms per second.


Yes. But this character doesn’t understand that when Russia starts to mass-produce S-500 (coupled with already established hyper-sonic missile dominance they have) that will be the game over for any kind of U.S. and NATO dominance. So even if Russia starts producing S-500 next year this will not make US-NATO position any better due to the fact that they are behind Russia and China in hyper-sonic program. Strategic nuke Avangard and Kinzhal have started the gap. And with the S-500, Burvestnik, Poseidon next year the gap will only grow bigger.


Wikipedia S-350E Vityaz 50R6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-350E_Vityaz_50R6 If you want specs read the Wiki. In few words: Medium range missiles modern replacement of older S-300. Compact and effective (5 minutes needed to stop the truck and louche missiles) and with only 3 people.

Started as cooperation Russia-S.Korea as future AA system. The cooperation was broken later on due to the sanctions…. So future networked AA system is S-350E + S-400 + S-500


S-350 medium range Vityaz is a good steep forward. Allows 12 of the smaller diameter 9M96E2 or other on each launcher. S400 also uses these with 3 inside a special large tube for closer in defense.

Zionism = EVIL

I want to see a combat assessment of Russian pot plants, not just hype. If Russia had trust in their systems, they would have declared a NO FLY ZONE in Syria, which is supposedly a sovereign nation and shot the Americunts and NATO jets out of the sky or at least given them pause. Russia could not even defend its poorly trained conscripts at Deir Azzor when US jets bombed and killed dozens of Ruskies.


You’re an idiot, inflammatory troll, and habitual liar. There’s been a Russian no fly zone over 70% of Syria for years. The US is allowed to fly east of the river to clean out their Isis Frankenstein monster. Now that that’s done. It’s time to get the US out and return that territory to the Syrian government.

– Russia ‘targeting’ US jets in Syria –


Zionism = EVIL

Butt hurt since yesterday eh :) Indian Hindu dothead dumbass…..


You’re a complete moron.

Jens Holm

He is 100% corrrect and its almost 100% kept.


The F-16 shoot down reports officially meet the US federal standard to initiate a preliminary investigation. Where it goes from here remains to be seen. I’ve drawn conclusions based on what’s available. If more evidence becomes available. It may confirm or change the conclusion that I’ve reached with what’s currently available.

“The US State Department is investigating claims Pakistan improperly used a US-supplied F-16 jet against India this week, Indian media claims. The jet has been a bone of contention between the two nuclear powers.”

– US looks into claims Pakistan misused F-16 fighter, as media war over Kashmir clash heats up –


“”We are aware of these reports and are seeking more information,” a State Department spokesperson said. “Due to non-disclosure agreements in Foreign Military Sales contracts, we cannot discuss the specifics of end user-agreements contained within,” Lt Col Kone Faulkner, a Defense Department spokesperson said.”

– India Shares F-16 Evidence With US to Highlight Misuse, Says Brigade and Battalion HQs Were Targeted –



Even India will not be buying anymore Russian aircraft and look to US and France. Only Turkey is silly enough to buy the S-400.


Troll alert ! Russia has bought 200 Russian SU-30MKI and hundreds of choppers only recently ! Hundreds of Russian T-90 tanks as well ! India has bought S-400, Turkey, China …Saudi Arabia and many others are interested also..


That was a stupid statement.

David Price

In bullet points Russia has no interest in starting WW3 Israel hides behind the natural baku valley in Lebanon pops up fires its missiles and retreats to occupied Palestine. Or using commercial or IL-20 plane’s as cover. It’s afraid and doesn’t try to target SS30 as Russia patience is not endless. Launch an F 35 at a SAM300 no why not?


Good point. I suppose nature of the conflict changes and new weapons (swarms of drones tactics ) will force Russia to have maybe even much bigger number of tubes for next replacement of S-350 one day.

Also engagement time will be reduced to the real time engagement once hyper sonic aircraft-drones start to fly around.

Human kind is doomed

About swarms of drones, maybe the future of anti swarm systems should be looked for into EW/ECM systems. Look what happened just several days ago with US drone being downed by Iran…


Agree I think that both will be used in the same time ( just like they do it today)

Drone in Iran is just another downed US drone…3rd I think… Iranian’s did that already in 2011 (with Russian EW system)

“Iran–U.S. RQ-170 incident” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93U.S._RQ-170_incident

Zionism = EVIL

Let’s get real, none of the Russian S-400 and S-300 pot plants have NEVER been used in combat. US and NATO and even the Zionists bomb Syria at will and what has Russia done? anyone please explain? Russia can not even protect its own flying dishwasher from Turkish F-16, just like India could not even use the SU-30 for the fear of losing them.

Human kind is doomed

“Russian S-400 and S-300 pot plants have NEVER been used in combat” Do you really believe that segments of S-400/300 systems weren’t deployed in defense from Israel’s multiple aggression with stand of munition? If so, why they don’t attack like they use to, with planes over Syria???


NATO does not have any weapons measuring up to hypersonic missiles, the new Russian generation strategic weapons supersede NATO’s capabilities for present and future, the S500 will further erode NATO’s nuclear deterent if enough S500 are deployed they will defang NATO’s ability to carry out any effective nuclear strikes.


Basically we say the same except that you say it better. :-) Being more eloquent and more fluent in English than I am…


You speak fine English .


jako, was being somewhat sarcastic :-)

Madd Bassist

“NATO does not have any weapons measuring up to hypersonic missiles”

I’d be willing to take you up on a bet about that.


Name some NATO weapons that surpass hypersonic missile capabilities. Name some NATO weapons that would successfully engage Russian IADS.


It is a mid life upgrade of the S-300. The 50R6 Vityaz missile system or S-350E is a Russian medium-range surface-to-air missile system developed by GSKB Almaz-Antey. Its purpose is to replace the S-300PS and S-300PT-1A.

Robert McMaster

Yeah Jako but they don’t produce the S-500 serialy. They suck at making stuff. The dribble out a few demos across a few years. Me and my relatives could probably bang together a few S-500 regiments if they’d just get out of the way. A few Yansens too.

For Pete’s sake.


When you sober up and say something that makes sense we might even have conversation

Robert McMaster

The opinion that Russia lags in construction of well designed military hardware is soundly based and widely expressed.


You Anglo-Saxons are only left to be a “Super Power” in big mouth and nothing else…. Even your only true super weapon which is propaganda (MSM+Hollywood) is failing you… Reckoning time is at the hand…

Robert McMaster

Is there some computer programme that stitches together this drivel?


No system will offer 100% protection. Lets say it had 90% success rate that still means enough nukes would get through.


90% success rate against 16-1700 warheads means that over 1550 warheads will be destroyed, however, the idea with the S500 is to intercept the missiles before their terminal stage where MIRVS get deployed. If US, delusionally attempts a first strike capability most of their warheads will not reach their targets, and since US Trident and Minuteman warheads have relatively low yields, they need to allocate more than one warhead per target.

Zionism = EVIL

BS, Russian weapons can’t even protect their flying dishwashers from Turk or Pakistani F-16 who have been knocking them off at will. Some of us have seen and operated Russian junk, especially airplanes that are not worth pissing in. Russian weapons are low tech, designed for third world armies and dumb Russian conscripts like the AK-47 which was a poor man’s equalizer.


Considering the history of Russian claims as opposed to factual operational use, that is highly unlikely. The US and the west in general are leap years ahead of Russia in technology. Russian economy is smaller than Italy and Russian R&D is non existent.


What pile of nonsense! Name ONE french missile that outmatches Russian equivalent missile?!! What is the name of the french hyper-sonic missile or glider? Oh sorry I forgot! There are PLENTY of Russian missiles you do NOT even know how to produce! Where is the french laser? And where is the french 5th generation jet ? Name one french fighter jet that can win combat against SU-35? Russia is still FLYING ALL YOUR ASTRONAUTS to ISS right?! US is buying Russian engines for their rockets right? Judged by the experts T-14 Armata is better tank than Leclerc or any other. Etc etc So Russia alone can after her own collapse practically get up and resist whole Western NATO alliance and that is nothing?!. That speaks volumes how rotten and cowardly is Western civilization And that explains why you have need to humiliate Russia Because you are permanently humiliated yourselves by your infinite erosion and decay of the Western world, that brings you every day lower and closer to total collapse!

Jens Holm

You dont get much do You. Even You are right, the others You mention can mass produce them almost as they wish.

But in Your world You might remember the T34. It wasnt the best tank in the world. It was the best to the price and much better and faster to produce then the German ones.

That won “The East”.

So what about the sunken Kursk. What about the very complicated Armata, which thay hardly can effort to buy themselves. Kutnesoff with its smokes and then repaired in an almost sunken not so dry drydock. The russian soldiers are better then those is west: Hard to see.

So You forget Russia also have many with minus on themselves.

And You also make double standards blaming USA and others they are too many places (where You are not) and then even blame them for being low. You even humanialte the western world and its economics even Your systems in almost all matters are worse.

China more or less are affiliated with us. You are not. You are the same even have great ressources of oil, You hardly are able to make cheep plasticbuckets.

Very optimistic that China bigger will solve anything apart from You can name them as americans, western puppets, zionists, apstates and like that.


You have been imbued with a lot of fake news propaganda, FYO, Russian economy is on the cusp of overtaking Germany’s economy in PPP terms, 4.15 trillion. Russian R&D is focused in employing emerging technologies to make real killing machines that surpass and redefine existing strategic and tactical parameters. As far as the west being leap years ahead of Russian technology, it is a pipe dream the west likes to wallow, they will have a very hard time developing hypersonic weapon counterparts and any attempt to catch with Russia in strategic terms will necessitate huge expenditures the west does not have, driving it deeper into debt. Also, the west is brain power challenged, hence perverse sociological and cultural trends lead a lacking soul to posses a lacking mind.


In racket and space technology the Russians are well advanced because of the heritage of the Soviet Union. What they lack is the financial and industrial strength to produce goods for their people instead of importing them. There is a great progress from the 90’s but not enough to support the military might that todays threats call for. At the same time they have to cope with the problems in welfare of the Russian people, there is still a lot of poverty and away too many oligarchs living provocative lives.

Zionism = EVIL

“F-16 manufacturer Lockheed Martin to file law suit against false Indian claims & expresses annoyance over the factually incorrect claim of shooting down of Pakistan’s F-16 by IAF. Says all F-16s on Pakistani inventory are well accounted for!”


i agree with u but i do think there is a reason for speed! We dont really know what the US has! Everyone assumes they know but i dont think they do! WHAT IF the USA already has hypersonic cruise missiles? Please dont say “they havent” because thats just pro russian bullshit! u dont know! Russia is playing DEFENCE while the USA plays offence! USA usually invents shit first and Russia usually comes up with a better version of the same thing or a counter to it! Thats how its been throughout history!


“Please dont say “they havent”

OK … I won’t :-)


i already know what comes after the dollar collapse! Do u?

lets see what u know!

hint: not the Yuan and not any currency!


I couldn’t care less “what comes after the dollar”. Demise of Empire that’s what it comes! I have protected myself from crisis so I don’t care from financial side. It is your arse on the front line not mine… It was just comment but I really don’t care what is going to happen to US. Your country has done so many bad things around whole planet. Time to pay… Also to note…your reactions are always erratic.


there will never be a collapse! You obviously havent read up on this!

Google “IMF SDR”

Im Australian! Not American! Also i support Russia and syria but what i dont want is China to be the world leader and they will not be!

I have told people that there is no such thing as a “good empire” All empires steal resources!

But the best empire ever has been the USA! Maybe it depends on the country u are from! But if u live in Eastern Europe, u will notice that the Soviet Empire fucked Eastern Europe! Not the USA!

For example Romania is far better now than it was 30 years a go!

Socialism and Communism sound good in theory but they always fuck a country!

Anyway, after the collapse of the US dollar there wont be any reserve currency anymore! Because eventually all currencies end up destroyed! China, the USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan etc etc have all signed onto the IMF’s SDR credit system!

The SDR’s are going to be the new credit system made up of drawing rights!


The fact that china’s economy has shrunk and USA’s has grown means that future SDR’s will have a greater percentage for USA than China! This is why whoever takes over Venezuela is so important! Its about the SDR % for the future!

Nothing will collapse! U are acting silly here! This new credit system has been in place for over a decade!


Here u go! LEARN!

They are going to use SDR’s because China and all nations have agreed to it! China and USA were going to have the same % of the SDR pie! This has now changed! The USA will have 70% of the SDR pie now because of what has happened to China’s economy! China has cheapened their currency so it holds much less value! They have been buying gold (same as Russia) but oil is also important! USA has unlocked its oil and is going to take over Venezuela! Saudi Arabia will back the USA! It doesnt matter if USA is in debt because China bought the debt hahaha! all will be fine but Elites will still rule this world! like always!




So you are lecturing with other people’s knowledge now?

And what makes you think that one can’t easily find those and all other videos without you?! I’m (like many people) on RT every day. The story you are trying to sell was sold to you. It is just one of many possibilities. Nothing more and nothing less. What exactly is going to happen none of us really knows. So spare me please..


lol! i read! i already know whats going to happen!

U have already proven how much u dont know on things u “claim” to know about! (SU-57 and Universal launches) REMEMBER what i PROVED u dont know??

Do u know how i KNEW and you DIDN”T know??


You should believe me more than u believe yourself because i have Destroyed comments u have made and Proved u were wrong!


You are teenage lunatic. Erratic behavior is not not occasional exception …it is your general condition.

I will never waste another word on you.


“ignorance is bliss”! keep being ignorant Jako, u will maintain happiness that way!


That is very true !!!!


Russian weaponry lately has not looked stellar as even Modi credited Russian aircraft.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has indirectly admitted the superiority of Pakistani military and western aircraft in the ongoing confrontation between the two countries triggered by the February 14 suicide attack on Indian forces in the Pulwama district of Occupied Kashmir.

“Today, we badly felt the absence of Rafale fighter jets [in our air force fleet]. If we had Rafale, the scenario would have been different,” Modi said while speaking at the India Today Conclave 2019 in New Delhi on Saturday.

The country today has felt the need of Rafale: @narendramodi #LetsConclave19 #ModiAtConclave19 Watch LIVE: https://t.co/d03xPxVC10 pic.twitter.com/W53sajSEAM

— India Today (@IndiaToday) March 2, 201


Do you have clue what are you talking about?!?! Modi is pro Western lobbyist and puppet and MIG-21 is 60 years OLD jet that has won great victory against modern fighter jet !!

India has bought 200 SU-MKI only recently and HUNDREDS of Russian choppers and you want to convince me that they are badmouthing against Russian aircraft’s?!!? You must be effing kidding me!

Rafale doesn’t stand chance at all against SU-30MKI in one to one air combat not to mention SU-35. In “Red Flag” exercises Indian pilots were regularly winning all the close combats against F-15 (US didn’t want to try the F-22 against them) One Rafal costs almost 3 new MIG-35 and would NEVER survive direct confrontation against those 3 to justify its price!

I personally believe that in direct combat Rafal is not even better against one MIG-35! Even though it is much more expensive jet.

MIG-21 is 3rd generation jet that has shot down 4th generation modern F-16 ! Can your Mirage III (from 1960) win against F-16 ?! Oh sorry I forgot that crap stopped flying LONG TIME AGO !!

There is ongoing Indan $15 billion tender to by 114 jets and I already know it will NOT be Rafale ! It may not be a MIG-35 but it will definitely not going to be Rafale !! Because India has refused French offer the firs time this same tender was on….and they have bought only LIMITED number of Rafale’s because too expensive! So that is practically NO answer for new tender.to Rafale!


The S-400 was only rolled out in 2007 Paul. Surely you know Russia builds weapons for defence, not profit?

paul ( original )

I am not complaining. In fact I was expressing my excitement that the S-500 will arrive soon. I have taken a particular interest and followed its development as close as I could ( information is scant). There have been several occasions when it appeared to be ready, but the dates passed with nothing visible. In fact President Putin in a speech may be over a year ago now urged the completion of this project.


You can be rest assured that Russian systems will never be used in combat in your lifetime and beyond! India had over 242 SU-27/30 but kept them on the ground for the fear of being shot down by superior US F-16 and Pakistani/Chinese manufactured aircraft like JF-17.

Robert McMaster

They can’t make stuff worth shit.

David Price

I’ve seen rumours of a SaM system upto S800 already under construction . Let’s hope that you see that my friend. What month is Russia having its Airshow this year? Near Moscow as imI coming from Ireland ??

paul ( original )

Yes I saw that report as well. I think its source was a Russia member of parliament. I am sure the S-500 is on its way and will be on station around Moscow quite soon. This being the site of the initial deployment if I am not mistaken. I am expecting to see the S-500 at the 9th May parade in 2020. At that time I will have exhausted my biblically allotted time. Hopefully there will be some bonus extra time but I am not going to tempt fate. There is a large exhibition which is held annually at a proving ground about fifty miles from Moscow. This comes later in the year but I don’t know exact dates. I think it usually comes around the end of summer. So a nice visit if you do travel.

David Price

Sorry for the late reply Thanks for the information


can’t be soon enough and trust it will be used to evict the squatters from the land they illegally occupy and that the world will close down the squatters concentration camp a la dachau so that the squatter’s depalestination-program can be stopped and that the land can be declared judenfrei aber nicht palestinen-frei.


Maybe this one can shoot down subsonic cruise missiles because the S400 can’t Hahaha


You mean like the Pantsirs which have already shot down over half of all those slow moving Cruise missiles the US fired!!

Zionism = EVIL

To be honest Russia has done fuck all to stop Zionist raids in Syria, even helped them when they killed Russians. Turkey has made a complete fool out of piss weak Russia, just like Pakistan has shot the Ruskie junk out of the skies. Putin is a Jew shill and too cowardly to act. Russian junk weaponry has been exposed since the CIA backed Jihadis killed 13,700 Russians in Afghanistan and sent them running like dogs. In Syria, the Ruskie losers have only lost about 200 men and a dozen aircraft yet and are pissing everyone off by their weakness.


You are living in the past, mate. The Russians have won the Syrian war….period. The jewish raids are ineffective. They are unable to gain air superiority due to advanced Russian systems. They are only a little more of a bother to Syria than the palestinian rockets are to Israel. Any serious attack on Russian bases is guaranteed to cost dearly to the jews. Why do you think Netanyahu is constantly flying to Moscow??? Trip after trip. Russian weaponry has the capability to paralize the jewish military machine in a matter of minutes. If push comes to shove. If the jews dare to go nuclear, that is the end for them as a race.

Joseph Swanson

You keep telling yourself that, perhaps you will talk yourself into believing what you are telling yourself.

Zionism = EVIL

The Ruskie junk again came out looking like shit as usual. Even a PAF JF-17 took out a SU-30 in mid air dog fight. “F-16 manufacturer Lockheed Martin to file law suit against false Indian claims & expresses annoyance over the factually incorrect claim of shooting down of Pakistan’s F-16 by IAF. Says all F-16s on Pakistani inventory are well accounted for!”

Pakistan just lined up all their 45 operational F-16 at 3 major air bases at Sargodha, Shorkot and Kamra to show that all their F-16 are in good working order. Only the Ruskie crappy media is ranting on about Indian airforce and the Mig flying dishwashers. Let’s face it, like we have been saying Russia is a third world dump and in any case in Zionist pockets. The Israelis have hot Syria over 300 times and what did the famous pot plant S-300 or 400 do? FUCK ALL!


Patriotic, you are not at all patriotic. You are a Zionist dreaming in technicolor. If the jews had air superiority, the Syrian war would not have been won by Assad. The reality is different than your childish imagination. The reality is that Netanyahu needs Russian permission to go after Iranian sites in Syria. And the jewish leader is on his knees begging Putin to allow him to do so. How many times in the last few months did you see Netanyahu in Moscow? Why do you think he is there? Let me help you out here…he is there to talk to power. Real power.

Joseph Swanson



Why would they target a cruise missile with an s-400? Think about that bird brain.

Robert McMaster

Oooh. Some new Russian military system.Russia designs a lot of neat stuff. Russia sucks at actually making any serial stuff. Takes them a long time to fabricate thhings. Like SU-57s. Or Borei submarines or Sarmat missiles. A long time. And then few. Temporary.

Hypersonic when we see them. Talking about it ain’t doing it.

Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.


It is the question of limited funds. They must choose wisely in their projects. However, they produce superior weapons. Unlike the US. Prime example being the disastrous f-35 project. Only a money maker, otherwise useless. Inferior in so many ways.


Do S 300 delivered to Syria work properly, or Syrians are too “dump” to operate them as some claim in this site?


More likely it is you who is too dumb to know about military strategy, mate.

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