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MARCH 2025

Russia’s New Deal And Western Reaction

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Russia's New Deal And Western Reaction

Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces

Russia is holding a national voting on amendments to its Constitution. Last Thursday kicked off one week in which Russians are asked to cast their votes on changes to the document. The formal date is July 1, but the polling stations were opened as early as June 25 in order to avoid too high turnout due to the so-called pandemic.

Vladimir Putin announced a set of amendments to the Constitution in his annual address to the Federal Assembly on January 15. The same day he ordered to form a working group to draft these amendments. The group was composed of 75 politicians, legislators, scholars and public figures and it submitted the proposals that formed the basis of the new Constitution. On March 11, the State Duma adopted the draft amendments to the Constitution in the third reading. On the same day, they were approved by the Federation Council.

The referendum was originally scheduled for April 22. The date coincided with Vladimir Lenin’s 150th birthday. It was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The draft amendments to the Constitution were submitted to a referendum in accordance with article 2 of the Law on Amendments to the Constitution adopted on March 16, 2020. Voters are given a yes-or-no vote on the full text of the new Constitution.

After Putin proposed constitutional changes, the amendments sparked significant debate both inside the country and beyond its borders. The proposed amendments to the Constitution affect various spheres.

The amendments, which can be described as ideological, received the great public response. According to a sociological study, the most important among them for Russians was the amendment to “on the protection of historical truth”:

“The Russian Federation honors the memory of the Fatherland defenders and protects the historical truth. Belittling the significance of the feat of the people in the defense of the Fatherland is not allowed.”

This amendment is extremely relevant in Russian society. This is due to various external factors. First of all, Russia’s neighboring states such as Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Poland issue resolutions condemning Russia’s position in the Second World War. This is accompanied by the demolition of the monuments to Soviet heroes in large cities, what causes great indignation among Russians and arouses great controversy at the international level.

Moreover, this amendment is gaining popularity due to the ongoing unrest in the West. In the USA protesters demolish monuments to prominent historical figures who formed the American identity – Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jefferson, and so on. The Russian government tries to prevent this in its own country, believing that the Empire collapses when it loses its ideology. Today, the strengthening of Russia as independent conservative ideological center may contribute to the further strengthening of the Russian position on the international arena.

Russia's New Deal And Western Reaction

Russian servicewomen march during the Victory Day parade. They were among 14,000 troops from 13 countries who took part in the event. Soldiers taking part had been tested and placed in quarantine ahead of the parade.

If this amendment is primarily of concern to the countries of Eastern Europe and has received little coverage in the Western media, the following amendment to the Russian Constitution has aroused great interest in Western Europe and the United States.

The proposals to amend the Article 72 of the Constitution gained wide resonance in the West.  The article says (the changes are in bold):

“In the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation are:

… the protection of family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; the protection of the institution of marriage as the union of a man and a woman; the creation of conditions for worthy education of children in the family, as well as for adult children responsibilities to care for their parents…”

Despite the fact that today same-sex marriages are not recognized in Russia, if the amendment is approved by a vote, the marriage between members of the LGBT community will be excluded at the level of the Constitution. Currently, there are no special laws prohibiting same-sex relationships or gender reassignment surgeries in Russia. At the same time, since 2013, there is a Federal law prohibiting the promotion of homosexuality among minors, which criminalizes public manifestations of non-traditional sexual orientations.

Conservative views on homosexuality are widespread in Russia, and recent polls show that most Russians are opposed to accepting homosexuality in their society. In particular, intolerance of homosexuality is present in regions with persisting traditional way of life, such as Chechnya or Dagestan.

Covering the proposal to introduce this amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, The New York Times wrote in March:

“President Vladimir V. Putin has proposed a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in what political analysts suggest is an effort to raise turnout for a constitutional referendum that could keep him in power but has so far stirred little enthusiasm among Russians.”

The Guardian in the article «Putin submits plans for constitutional ban on same-sex marriage» claimed that “[t]he move, announced by Putin in January, was initially seen as a way for him to hold on to power after 2024, when as things stand he will no longer be able to serve as president because of term limits.

Moreover, a flag of the LGBT community was displayed on the buildings of the US Embassy in Moscow to protest the proposed amendments on the first day of the national voting. The US move was followed by embassies of Canada and the UK. This is a concerted political action in direct contravention of Russian law on responsibility for propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations among minors.

The amendment to the Constitution excluding the possibility of same-sex marriage does not correspond to the newly imposed neo-liberal values labeled as the Wester-rooted. At the same time, believing its own values to be the only correct and universal, the collective West imposes them in various regions of the world, including in Russia. The promotion of liberal values is certainly necessary for the West to strengthen its world domination, but this often leads to negative consequences.

The reaction of the West to the amendment to article 72 primarily emphasizes that the introduction of changes to the legislation regarding LGBT communities serves as a distraction for the population, which will allow Vladimir Putin to remain in power after the end of his presidential mandate in 2024. Also, the Western community itself is much more concerned about the amendments to reset Putin’s terms than about the well-being of homosexuals in Russia.

By its ideological changes, Russia confirms the unacceptability of Western ideology for its society, while also making important changes to the country’s administrative apparatus itself, which will allow it to be strengthened.

Given that the West in general has a negative attitude to the figure of Vladimir Putin, primarily because of his success in governing the country and in strengthening Russia, the amendment to reset the terms of his rule is particularly frowned upon. Paragraph 3 of Article 82 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states:

“The same person may not hold the office of President of the Russian Federation for more than two consecutive terms.”

In this wording, it is proposed to remove the word “consecutive”, and to extend the effect of this amendment only to the current President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. This allows resetting the terms of Vladimir Putin’s presidency, and gives him the opportunity to run for the presidency in 2024.

Political analyst Nathaniel Reynolds wrote in a paper for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace:

“Putin’s use of more than 200 amendments was a “stunning trick” to mask the real purpose of the constitutional vote — allowing him to remain in office. It was a shocking exercise in political deception, even to the many regime insiders left in the dark.” Reynolds also noted: “A younger Putin recognized the dangers of such a precedent. He told a journalist in 2005 that if leaders change the constitution for their own purposes, there will be nothing left of the state.”

Moreover, Western media reproach that the attention of the population is not particularly focused on this key amendment. The Russian authorities are conducting a large advertising campaign of other amendments, primarily socially conservative ones such as protection of historical truth or a ban on dual citizenship for government employees. These principles, designed to unite Russians, are at the heart of the system of conservative Patriotic values of the head of the Russian state.

During his presidency, Vladimir Putin brought Russia to the international arena and significantly strengthened its position as a regional power center. Further strengthening of the country is unacceptable for the West that provokes strong criticism of this amendment. However, the abolition of the presidential term limit only increases the level of democracy in the country because people have a chance to vote for an actual president as many times as they want. The President can only be chosen through democratic elections, and allowing Putin to run in 2024 does not guarantee his victory. Moreover, most likely, the amendment to reset the time frame allows to stabilize the situation in the country for the next few years. If it is not accepted now, then a tough power struggle in Russia will begin today which will significantly destabilize the country.

On June 18, the Venice Commission criticized some amendments to the Russian Constitution initiated by Vladimir Putin.

The European Commission for Democracy through Law – better known as the Venice Commission as it meets in Venice – is the Council of Europe’s advisory body on constitutional matters. It involves all countries that are members of the Council of Europe, including Russia, and some countries outside this organization. Its role is to analyze the laws and draft legal advices to its member states.

Russia's New Deal And Western Reaction

Click to see the full-size image

European experts expressed concern that the new Constitution proposes to include the possibility of dismissal by the Federation Council of judges of the constitutional court on the proposal of the President.

‘’The proposed innovations make the constitutional court more vulnerable to political pressure, since the powers of judges can be terminated on the proposal of the President,’’ experts say.

European experts also recommended the proposed amendment to Article 79 to be changed or completely deleted. It proposes to affirm the right not to execute “decisions of interstate bodies adopted on the basis of provisions of international treaties of the Russian Federation in their interpretation contradicting the Constitution of the Russian Federation”.

This amendment provides for the possibility of not complying with the decisions of international courts, including the European court of human rights. Experts of the Venice Commission in their conclusion point out that by joining the Council of Europe and ratifying the Convention on human rights, Russia is obliged to comply with the decisions of the European court of human rights, and with article 46 of the Convention, which indicates that the execution of court decisions is mandatory.

On June 25, the representative of the European Commission Peter Stano made a statement that the amendment on the priority of the Russian Constitution over international law violated the international obligations of the Russian Federation.

In response to criticism from Europe, the Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs of Russian State Duma, Leonid Slutskiy, emphasized that this practice is widely used by countries, including members of Europe, and the amendment does not cancel Russia’s international obligations.

We have consistently explained and continue to explain to our European partners: the amendments to Article 79 do not nullify the international obligations of the Russian Federation, Russia has fulfilled them and will continue to do so. It is an issue of establishing the primacy of the Constitution, which fully complies with foreign experience. For example, there is much stricter primacy of national legislation over international legislation in European states like the UK and Germany, not speaking about the United States,”

Russia in its foreign policy has always defended the rule of international law in the world system. This international law should be based on consensus, and first of all should be represented by international institutions such as the UN. Today, Russia recognizes that international law is not more presented by an international agreement but by American legislation that applies anywhere in the world. The adoption of the amendment on the supremacy of the Russian Constitution over international law strengthens the country’s position and underlines its frustration with the current destruction of the entire world system.

According to social research, the most important for Russians is the amendment on the protection of the country’s sovereignty at the constitutional level. This amendment suggested to Article 67 is one of the most criticized abroad:

 “The Russian Federation ensures the protection of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Actions (with the exception of delimitation, demarcation, redemarkation of the state border of the Russian Federation with neighboring States) aimed at alienating part of the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as calls for such actions, are not allowed.”

This amendment to the Constitution regarding the territorial integrity of the country caused a large condemnation by the United States.

Krista Wiegand, American expert on territorial disputes of the Center for Global Security Studies in Tennessee, claimed that “Russia does not want to play by international rules” and this is dangerous for Japan and Ukraine.

This statement is completely unjustified.

According to the Soviet-Japanese Declaration of 1956, ending the state of war between the countries, the USSR agreed to transfer the Habomai and Shikotan Islands to Japan on the condition that the actual transfer would be made after the conclusion of a Peace Treaty. Moscow’s position is that the southern Kuril Islands became part of the USSR, which Russia became the legal successor to, are an integral part of the territory of the Russian Federation legally based on the results of World War II and enshrined in the UN Charter, and Russian sovereignty over them, which has the appropriate international legal confirmation, is not subject to doubt. Today, it is not Russia that threatens Japan, but the opposite, as Japan claims “its northern territories” to be under Russian occupation.

A similar situation has developed on the Eastern borders of Russia. Since the accession of the Crimea to Russia is a fait accompli, Ukraine has no choice but to declare annexation and try to claim de facto Russian territories.

The amendment suggested to article 67 does not threaten any other state. First of all this amendment prevents separatism inside Russia.

Russia's New Deal And Western Reaction

The Guard of Honor of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army take part in the military parade marking the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War on Red Square in Moscow, Russia, June 24, 2020.

The creation of the threatening image of Russia is beneficial for the Democratic American establishment. At the same time, countries with territorial disputes with the Russian Federation reacted with more restraint.

Japanese government Secretary General Yoshihide Suga noted that changes to the Constitution are an internal matter for Russia. Political expert Ikuro Nakamura noted that the Japanese government believes that the changes to the Constitution are aimed at increasing Patriotic consciousness in Russian society.

Former advisor to the Greek prime minister for co-operation with the Russian Federation and Eastern Europe, Dimitrios Velanis, said:

“Russia has many times throughout its history experienced an attack or an attempt by other powers to occupy its territory. It was in almost all wars. From all these wars Russia emerged victorious and lost none of its territories. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory.”

Furthermore, the French Foreign Ministry proclaimed through its representative that “the constitutional change is a sovereign decision of the Russian Federation, which must fully comply with international obligations”.

It would be difficult to imagine the opposite reaction of the West to the proposed amendments to the Russian Constitution. They strengthen the country both insight and in the international arena, which causes fear in Western countries.

In response to criticism of the package of amendments to the Constitution, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev said:

“The West’s reaction to public discussions of amendments to the Russian Constitution is taking the form of an aggressive campaign bordering on interference in the country’s domestic affairs. The reaction of what can be described as ‘Collective West’ is taking the form of a hostile and aggressive campaign against Russia, which is bordering on interference in our domestic affairs.”

At the same time, Russian experts say that they expected a larger company from the West, and today’s criticism was much weaker than it could have been. Indeed, the US has demonstrated that it could lead strong anti-Russian companies, for example, by accusing it of interfering in the election of President Trump. The UK also conducted a strong informational campaign, which was called the “Skripal Case”. Today, Russia is faced with a choice, and its society is really experiencing great differences regarding the future development of the country. This moment is most favorable for external intervention and, if the West had the opportunity, it would be able to significantly influence the development of Russia in a way that would be beneficial to it. However, today the influence from outside is insignificant, which is primarily due to the weakness in the Western countries themselves. The crisis after the coronavirus epidemic, followed by large-scale protests in all countries do not leave the power for weakened world leaders. In addition, on a more global scale, while still maintaining the role of world hegemon, the US has never been so weak in relation to developing new centers, and it seems that it can no longer control the situation in various world regions, including Russia.

The amendments to the Russian Constitution demonstrate that the current Russian leadership has tried to pass the period of reconstruction after the crisis of the 1990s and the period of the rise of the 2000s. The Constitution adopted in Russia in 1993 was essentially an ideal document that would allow Russia to reconcile with the market system world. It was mostly designed to satisfy interests of Western puppeteers of the new post-Soviet Russian ‘democratic’ elites. Russia was as an independent state and an international actor was weak in 1991. 30 years later, a stronger Russia is embarking on its own path of development, different from the Western one. And the gap between the Western way and the Russian one seems to be widening. Therefore, a chance exists that in the bright multicolored future there will be place not only for the neo-liberal minorities-ruled West and the radically-conservative Islamic East, but also for a balanced center in Eurasia.


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This trick should not be concern for Westerners at all, it should concern only Russians.

Aaron Aarons

While the imperialist governments of the West should have nothing to say about anything, humanity is international and that includes the struggle for the rights of oppressed nationalities, races and ethnicities, and the struggles against other forms of domination, including capitalism and patriarchy.


“The Russian government tries to prevent this in its own country, believing that the Empire collapses when it loses its ideology” Russinan government aknowledge that they are an Empire.

Boris Kazlov

Russia does not have a significant military presence beyond its borders. Whereas Jew Yankistani has over a thousand military bases abroad and has divided the world in military commands: Africom. Centcom, etc. So who is the Empire?

cechas vodobenikov

Russian troops only exit in nations by invitation—there are some in Tajistan, Uzbekistan, 5000 is Armenia, stationed at the turkey border, some in Pridnestrovia, Abkhazia, and Syria, also by invitation


And who invited the little green in Crimea, Abhazia, Osetia, Transnistria, Chechnya?

Lone Ranger

The U.S., when they attacked them and or threatened them.

Lone Ranger

Aside from Transnistria the rest is part of Russia always was.


Grand Duchy of Moscow durin Ivan the Terrible 1525. So 500 years ago there was no Russia. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea134f07cc4cd4a3b0d95f72e9a780c037d2973c39eb68c8088124be98136995.png

Lone Ranger

There was. But there wasn’t a U.S…


USA doesn’t claim Britain as their teritory just because they have some origins there. And there was no Russia in 1500. Or you can show me a map of it from 1500. If it has Osetia, Abhazia and Crimea, you won.

Lone Ranger

Is that why they have miliary bases there and in half of Europe expanding? They are all a U.S. colony. Like I said U.S. didn’t exist before 1776. When will they give it back to the natives? Or Hawaii… Or the lands stolen from Mexico… How about Alaska…? :) I think you lost that one too bacon…

Zionism = EVIL

He is eating too much bacon again and his brain is turning to shit as usual. Sometimes he makes progress :)

Lone Ranger

He probably takes statins for his bacon cholesterol that can cause early onset of dementia…

Jens Holm

Europe is not expanding.

Russia is pushed back from where they came as thives.

Denmark even before the viking age had very good trade relations all the way around the Baltic Sea to the states there.

That goes for Sweden and Finland as well. Germans = same thing.


Other Empires has not been nice as well, but thats no excuse seen from here it was those kind of systems. And we do see those systems also are critiseized for the bad things they did and even are blamed for the good things, they also did.

Denmark had colonies and kept slaves there as well as we at that time also included slave transports. But more should excuse for that too.

Danes did not catch those slaves. It was local african countries, which catched most of them and also “deported” own citicens.

There is much more to evil then that. Gulag has been much worse then Solsjenitsoan ever wrote and Russians has punished and deported so many to integrate. So many etnicities are killed or died because their lives as nomads could not be controlled by the Bolsjevics.

You can say the same all over. Aborigins in Australia is a very good example too.

So You, Me and others has to relate to that and find a sober level and dont descriebe things as Russia alaway has been there. Thats simply a lie created by the Bolsjevics.

I wont blame pupils having learned that in school. Children has nop chopise and most of them like to learn and be proud about it. But if things mainly are lies and even totally fake creations, they easy can be found in sober versions, because “West” has a more open attitude to that kind of science.

So You have to change.

Its also hard for me to be blamed for slaves in West India making sugar and Rum.

I was not born then. My family many generations back are and were poor fishermen and peasants as farmers hands. Some emmigrated because they not even had food and close here.

Should I excuse for that. No way. But I know and understand a lot was wrong. In the other hand things happend 100 yars ago and more should be a forever excuse, where I should feel bad and pay them.

Those living there and in those days also should change attitude and also find the same level, where we will not do something like that again.

Its always forgotten, that Our Goverments or us or by us actually did correct fx slavery.

Denmark did not fight to keep Island and Norway. Now we arte friends. The Norwegians even took a Danish preice for King.

And how Hitler treated us. Well after WW1 and German lost we were neutral. WW1 was npt hours. We only took back the danish speaking areas by voting. It was fair compared to others taking all they could from Germany.

I am sure it meant a lot in the nazi world.

So You should do same thing and vote those 2 provinces back but also compensate Ukraine. Those pårovinces was a part of a deal.

Lone Ranger

What a load of BS you are really mentally handicapped. EU is not expanding really? Lol

Lone Ranger

Finland didn’t exist. It was part of the Swedish Empire. When Karl Gustav attacked Russia and lost, Finland was created as a buffer zone between Sweden and Russia. Germans genocided Poles and Baltic people during the crusades. Teutonic knights were killing everything that moves…. Once again you prove western education is worth shit…

Lone Ranger

Most the people in the Gulags were white anti commie Russians and Germans, not natives. Another fail by you…

Lone Ranger

You forget that Denmark sided with the Nazis during WWII. Danish king was a proudember of the Nazi party… Free Corps Denmark….aka the Waffen SS….

Lone Ranger

But good news EU is falling apart so is the U.S. Empire. Colonies and occupied stated will become countries and nation states again. UL was the first, more to follow :) Patriots FTW.


Yes we like to be a US colony, we had enough of being a Russia colony. The fucking mongols plundered and raped everyone in Eastern Europe, we prefer paper green over little green.

Lone Ranger

Germans and U.S. raped more than Russia. Russia ends wars, rarely starts them. Enjoy being a bootlicker prosstitute… From whatever shithole you are. Probably from Ukropisstan. Majority of Europe is not on your opinion by the way. They want the U.S. out, for good. Poor trollstoy…


Probably Merkelistan and Macronistan, but the countries from the East EU want to form a belt to contain the neo-mongol empire.

Lone Ranger

Indeed, nobody wants to do anything with CIA and soros funded Ukropnazis.


Sure we do, we want to trade gas with Ukraine. You know, the one muscals have stolen from Siberia.

Lone Ranger

You are getting delusional now trollstoy… Russia cannot steal from itself. :) In fact its your shitty country ukropisstan that stole $5billion worth of gas. And the U.S. stealing oil from Iraq, Syria and Lybia… Prepare for cold winters, as soon as north stream 2 is operational this year Ukropisstan will go dry. North Stream 1-2 and South Stream are taking over. You can buy U.S. LNG for 4-5 times the cost with EU and IMF loans and selling out your colony you call a country… P.S. I forgot to add the U.S. would need at least 10more LNG tankers to deliver that many aside from that most the infrastructure is still missing. Only one polish and one baltic nazi harbour can process LNG in small quantities.


LNG is 30% higher than Russian gas, not 20 times lol. And btw, USA said it will sanction any insurance company that will provide insurance to that vessel. And EU doesn’t work without insurance. So you can say bye to Nord Stream 2 the same like you did to South Stream ;)

Lone Ranger

4 times* if it comes from the U.S. 30% if its European source.


I bet you have secret sources for that info. I believe you.

Lone Ranger

Just ask a Pole how much they pay compared to Russian gas… Why did energy prices tripple in Ukraine? Russia didnt raise the price 300%.


How do you get your info, have a Pole frind and call him, or visit Poland and ask random people how much they paid for the American LNG?

Lone Ranger

I watch the news…


You mean RT

Lone Ranger

Many news, RT included., CNN and BBC too.


Same shit, different colors. Btw that info with US lng being 30% more expensive is from RT.

Lone Ranger

In fact its 3-400%. RT got it wrong…


Pitty they didn’t ask you first

Lone Ranger

Well, nobody is perfect… :)


Don’t bee too modest. People will take advantage of you.

Lone Ranger

Like you..?


Yeah I took advantage of your kindness and won my potato talking with you.

Lone Ranger

Did you play Dr. Evil in the Austin Power movies…?


I’m not a cinefil but one of my secret dream career when I was kud, was porn actor.

Lone Ranger

You don’t say…

Lone Ranger

It will be finished, dont worry, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic and Denmark all support it. Nobody cares what braindead neonazis in Ukropisstan or americants in the delusional U.S. want :)


And which insurance company suicide just to work with that vessel for 2 months?

Lone Ranger

A Russian or a German probably. Dont lose sleepless nights over it :)


Sure EU works with Russian ‘insurance companies’ :)) that’s a very wet dream, Sergey

Lone Ranger

Why not? They are working with Russia on many fronts.


Many fronts? Russia is seling natural resources and they are seling back finite products, what other ‘fronts’ do they need?

Lone Ranger



It says 99% natural resources. Do you have any other data you would like me to translate for you?

Lone Ranger

It doesnt say that.


But what does it say? :)

Lone Ranger

That Russia trades on many fronts with Germany. And not just raw materials.


Indeed it trades many products with Germany, not only raw materials, just that raw materials make like 99% of Rusdian exports, the rest are zakuska, vodka, buckwheat and a few cans of caviar for Merkel.

Lone Ranger

You know that ain’t true…


It’s your list dude. The raw materials are tens of billions, the finite products are few hundred millions, less than a billion combined.

Lone Ranger

Was that Jaja ding dong math…?


No it was 5g interference from the big Rusdian antena from Cuba.

Lone Ranger

Very funny…

Lone Ranger

$12.7billion… That’s slightly more than 1% I would say… One does Ukraine export? Aside from stolen Russian gas, debt and neo Nazis…?


12 billion my ass, only if those assets are land meant for agriculture.

What does Ukraine export? Anything they want since they have free trade deal with EU. You got it? No taxes, dude. Anything they made is cheaper than products made in EU.

Lone Ranger



Awww look what I found on your site, less than 1% growth in 2019,more like 0.5% https://tradingeconomics.com/russia/gdp-growth

Lone Ranger

For one quarter… There are 4 quarters in a year…;)


Hahahaha! the quareters are not cumulative, each quarter of 2020 is compared to its corespondent of 2019. So let’s say you have 4 quarters of 0.5 each, then you have a year of 0.5… And not 2.

Lone Ranger

Wrong. You have 2% They add together.


Yes, they cumulate? Then Ukraine had 11% growth in 2019 https://tradingeconomics.com/ukraine/gdp-growth-annual

Lone Ranger

It says it shrunk 0.7% per quarter. So thats minus 2.8% Sounds legit to me.


Look at the graph, kid. It shows 2-4% per quarter in 2019.

Lone Ranger

2020-02-14 02:30 PM YoY Prel Q4 1.5% 4.1% 2.3% 3% 2020-03-20 02:00 PM YoY Final Q4 1.5% 4.1% 1.5% 1.5% 2020-05-15 12:15 PM YoY Prel Q1 -1.5% 1.5% -1% -1.3% 2020-06-19 12:00 PM YoY Final Q1 -1.3% 1.5% -1.5% -1.5% 2020-08-14 01:30 PM YoY Prel Q2 -1.3% -22% 2020-09-18 01:30 PM YoY Final Q2 -1.3% -22% 2020-11-16 02:30 PM YoY Prel Q3 -14% 2020-12-21 02:30 PM YoY Final Q3


So isn’t cumulative anymore?

Lone Ranger

It is. Ok make that 18% minus. Im generous…:)


Is that per quarter or per year?

Lone Ranger

18% per year.



Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

Correction 36%


And 2019 was?

Lone Ranger



And Russia?

Lone Ranger

Around 2% Germany 1% But its not on the same order of magnitude. Aside from that Ukraines growth was only due to loans and cheap Rusdian gas.


Good, you learned another thing today, the semesters are not cumulative, you should say thanks.

Lone Ranger

They are. You are welcome.


A semester is compared with a semester or with a year?

Lone Ranger

To put it into perspective how weak the Ukrop economy is. It has 4times the population and around 6times the territory of Hungary. Yet GDP ppp is almost the same…


So ppp isn’t per capita?

Lone Ranger

No its purchase parity. In fact I was generous the ppp stats of Ukraine are slightly better than that of Hungary. Nominal GDP is higher in Hungary.

Lone Ranger

It will shrink 22%…


Sure, 2020

Lone Ranger

Its 2020…


How much free time a socially assisted 35 old kid has?

Lone Ranger

Same as you do I guess…


I work online, colecting data.

Lone Ranger

Is that how you call being a govt troll? Interesting…


At least I don’t live on food stamps.

Lone Ranger

Me either. But being a globalist govt troll is probably worse than foodstamps. Just sayin…


You may be 35 but have the brain of a child, sorry for your parents. They have to take care of you at this age. I had talks with teenagers a lot more mature than you.

Lone Ranger

Thats a lot of passive agression… Are you on your period…? Dont blame me if I know economics better. I know glorious bandersitan… But facts are facts…


Lol here’s a lollipop for knowing economics better. And quarters are cumulative huh?

Lone Ranger

Indeed they are. Sorry Imnl out of lollys…


Then how much Ukraine’s economy will shrink in 2020 if it will be 22% per quarter?

Lone Ranger

Around 36% give or take. Which is realistic considering Germany will level out around 10%


Why not 76% I mean let’s be optimistic if we hate math, history and geography anyway. And reality since Russia has multiple bases in Cuba and Americans didn’t step on the Moon.

Lone Ranger

Font hate on me. Im not doing it. U.S. GDP will decrease 15-20%


And Russia will become a first world country.

Lone Ranger

It already is. Maybe Ukraine and the U.S. will join the club once they finished their civil wars…


I don’t think Kim Jong Un will allow them into his club.

Lone Ranger

Who knows, if the democrats win they will probably turn the U.S Into NK.


There are higher chances that Putin isolate the Russian Internet from the rest of the world. Which will be a pitty since they are good outsourcers.

Lone Ranger

If you say so…

Lone Ranger

It seems EU isn’t buying the majority but Russia. Aside from that Ukrop exports and economy are in a free fall. Hope they won’t ask Russia for a loan.lolz


So other things that hoping USA and Ukraine to fall… what good do you see in Russia?

Lone Ranger

You are getting tired. Your English is not as polished as a few hours ago :) Faith, future, humility, loyalty, conservative values. Defeating the bad guys, giving hope for the rest of the World. Science, literature, Aviation, space exploration. Just to me a few…

Lone Ranger

If you lie at least do it with more style…


That’s not a lie, that is sarcasm. If I would explain to you, you’d be able to understand it?

Lone Ranger

It’s a lie…


Ahh you got me. Are you a cop?

Lone Ranger

Don’t worry, you are good…


Thank you officer. I always dreamed to become a police officer. But I graduated.

Lone Ranger

That’s a hungarian joke…

Lone Ranger

Better luck next time…


I don’t need luck, I have skills.

Lone Ranger

Did papa soros tell you that? Cute… You are special…


I’m not that rich but thanks. Your asumption is a compliment to me.

Lone Ranger

On the other hand nobody works with Ukropnazis. Not even the EU or the U.S. Ukrop economy is shrinking. They are suicidal. But they wont be missed… Shlomo.


Looking at the graph, they are growing faster than Russia.

Lone Ranger

Hahaha. Sure…

Lone Ranger

Slower* Not that they would have an economy left Only Russian gas and oil, and EU and IMF loans keep them afloat. Question is how long…


I didn’t make ilusion thay you was able to read a graph. So yeah, slower. Russia sanctined economy rose 1% in 2019 while Ukraine’s 3%.

Lone Ranger

2%* Which is better than that of Germany I may add… Ukropisstan doesnt have an economy. Loans and stolen Russian gas make up most of that 3%. And now they even lost that little. I doubt anybody in the EU will waste more money on braindead ukrops especially now… And Russia will reroute the gas within 6-12months… Oy vey…


Putin himsef aknowledged 1%

Lone Ranger

Not for 2019.


Yes 2019, 2020 is negative you silly.

Lone Ranger

Nope, 2019 was 2% Not as negatíve as for the U.S. or Ukropnazis.:)


How was for US?

Lone Ranger

Around 3%. But it’s a fake number since the U.S Is not a production based economy. But a debt based one. FED is pouring unlimited money(loans) to Wall Street, Banksters and Fortune 500 companies These than sell back and forth their own stocks inflating the price creating an illusion of profit. But we both know Facebook isnt worth a $100billion, it’s all a bad joke. Good news the house of cards is collapsing.


And if everything is fake, collepsing, junk toys etc why y’all so obsessed with them?

Lone Ranger

I’m not at least I try not to. But as history shows us, a collapsing empire can cause the most damage, there were exceptions in history but on avg it’s a dangerous time. And the U.S. is doing a lot of horrific things especially since 9/11. But it has accelerated since 2008. They are on borrowed time…


What do you see worse after 2008? Iraq was in 2003.

Lone Ranger

Georgia, Ukraine, Lybia, Syria, African campaigns… Oh almost forgot, cartel wars started in 2006. Also CIA run of course.


Georgia and Ukraine were attacked by Russia.

Lone Ranger

Wrong. Georgia attacked an ally of Russia South Is Seth is, they killed UN border patrol troops and started ethnic clensing the local population. Only after that did Russia engage and defeated the U.S. backed Georgian ay in 5 days. Shortly after that they went home, didn’t bomb Georgia to dust and didn’t occupy them for years le the U.S. usually does.

Russia didn’t invade Ukraine, if they had there wouldn’t be an Ukraine today. In fact it was the U.S. whom toppled the legitim govt of Ukraine and started a civil ear against ethnic Russians in the east because they weren’t accepting Porkyshitko ad the new president.


I don’t know, little green look like invasion to me. And if Russia have the right to be in Georgia just because Osetia is ally of Russia then USA has the right to be in Syria bevause Kurds are allies of USA.

Lone Ranger

They did invade, but not first. Russia is not in Georgia at present. Syria is a state and a UN member. Kurds dont even have a country… Aside from that it was Russia and the SAA who saved their ass from the Turks.


Georgia and Ukraine are UN members too, and like Syria they were invaded by foreign powers because ethnic minorities asked for help.

Lone Ranger

Ukraine wasnt invaded ( except for the U.S. toppling the legitim govt) And east Ukraine didn’t ask for help either. South Ossetia asked for help not Georgia, after they were invaded by U.S. backed Georgia killing UN border patrol troops. Aside from that U.S. doesnt give a shit about Kurds. They let them to be genocided by saddam three times, in 1988, 1991 and 1998. Turkey also started to genocide Kurds in Syria and was stopped only due to SAA and Russian intervention. U.S. is only there to guard their stolen oil fields. Same as they guard the opium fields in Afghanistan. They did the same in Vietnam. Nothing new…


Cool story mate but that with the Russian secret base from Cuba is even cooler.

Lone Ranger

Do you get paid by the number of posts? Did you earn your daily potatoe ration yet or should I carry on?


Thank you for feeding my family, goid sir.

Lone Ranger

You are welcome. Albeit If I would were you I would look for a new job…


Why, i have this job for 6 years, pretty relaxing.

Lone Ranger

Bad mojo for you…


Not all of us are priviledged to work at the Russian base from Cuba.

Lone Ranger

You should try it I’m slurping a mojito and Papa Putin just padded me on my back…lol.


A like mojito but i’m more a line or two in the toilet + few aftershok shots at the bar kind of guy.

Lone Ranger

I don’t take drugs. I wouldn’t do if I were you. Did you know that cocaine can damage your heart valves and kidney? It takes a few years but many develop heart failure as a result. It can be cured but who wants a heart valve replacement with 45…?


Thanks mate, it’s just a hobby. We all die after all. Besides them lil sluts that become nasty when high.

Lone Ranger

Oh you are really bad :)

Lone Ranger

But who knows maybe if Ukropnazis stop the genocide in East Ukraine Russia will sell them enough to not freeze to death during winter.


Nahh, gas warms the body, killing colorado terrorists warms the soul.

Lone Ranger

Except you are the terrorists…


Zakharchenko, Motorola, Givi and many other heroes are screaming from under the ground: Hungarian boy, you care of us more than Putin did, we salute you! And I envy you for that

Lone Ranger

Putin cares. He sent in around 80 convoys into east Ukraine with food and meds sofar. For free. Both for ethnic Russians and ethnic Ukrainians. What did kiev do? Stopped pensions, trade, bombed schools, hospitals, residental areas, power generators. How did Russia respond? They kept Ukraine alive with cheap gas and oil. How dare they not let ukrops starve to death, how dare they… That evil Putin…oy oy… You are nothing more than cannonfodder and useful idiots for the U.S.


Putin could show strength there but he shat his pants when he saw the list of sanctions.

Lone Ranger

Not really. He only realized more people would die in a full on war. But for the past 6 years the whole World could see what D.C. and Kiev is doing in Ukraine. Genocide and ethnic clensing. Not a good PR for either countries… Kharma is catching up…


Ukraine is doing genocide, ethnic cleasing where more precisely? In Donbas? Cause they are not in control there.

Lone Ranger

They don’t have to be in control. They used grads, heavy mortars and long range artillery for years. The new President is a bit less bloodthirsty but he ain’t in full control unfortunately.


If they used those on civilians the cities would be empty by now.

Lone Ranger

Many fled but many stayed. Russians have a different mindset. Don’t forget they survived the Napoleonic wats, the nazis and Lenin and Stalin too… Not that easy to break them.


Since they were raped by the mongols multiple times, what else could hurt them?

Lone Ranger

I can’t follow your logic… Aside from that Ukrops and Russians are genetically the same people. Even Poles and Russians have very little difference genetically…so if their forfaters were raped, your’s were too… In fact that’s true for every European till the German border. That’s how far Mongols got…


Not really, only around Novogorod region they are as tall like the Ukrainians or Belorussians, the rest of Russia are the little green. Here’s some half mongol people: Boris Eltsin, Vladimir Putin, Dimitri Medvedev, Alexey Miller, Sergey Shoigu.

Lone Ranger

Thats not true and is also racist. Little green man are probably taller than you…


Why is that racist, Muscovy Ducacy was a vasal state of the Golden Horde.

Lone Ranger

No it wasnt. Russia defeated the mongols. Only two countries beat them, Hungary and Russia. Saving Europe…


Muscovy was officialy vasal of the Golden Horde and they didn’t have any of the actual Ukraine teritory in 1500. This is official history in Russia.

Lone Ranger

You shouldnt get your history lessons from corn flakes boxes. Ukraine didnt exist before 1918. And Russia defeated the mongols.


No, I should just believe my imagination like you.

Lone Ranger

You spelled historical facts wrong tho…


Do you have a link with Russia before 1500?

Lone Ranger

Kievian Rus… Gran Dutchy of Moscow. Same entity under different names. Same as England turned into the British Empire than GB than UK…


Any map?

Lone Ranger




You couldn’t find any?

Lone Ranger



So Kiev eas the capital of Russia not Moscow.

Lone Ranger

Indeed, Kiev is a Russian city. Or was at least.


I agree, Ukraine is the real Russia, the so called Russia is just a neo-mongol empire. The same as Taiwan is the real China and so called China is land occupied by the Communist Party.

Lone Ranger

Not according to history. Ukraine didn’t exist before 1918. Kievian Rus was Russian but moved their capital to Moscow and St. Petersburg due to safety reasons. After Russia quit WWI due to the bolshevik revolution, Lenin gave away Ukraine to weaken Russia. except for the western parts that are Polish and Hungarian and a small section in the south that is Romanian the rest is ethnic Russian, culturally, genetically. Most Ukrainians speak Russian, even Porkyshitko speaks Russian and all the other politicans except a few neo nazi ukrops… So you see Russia created Kiev and Ukraine, not vice versa. Ukraine means border region… Its about the same difference as germany amd Austria. Not much… Only a few radicals.

Lone Ranger

Taiwan is only a small Chinese colony ruled by the U.S.


Small but though. China is afraid to aproach them.

Lone Ranger

They dont want to kill tens of thousends of people. But according to a war game by the RAND corporation(Best think tank in the U.S.) China could take if with moderate losses. But I think they are playing longterm. Why start a war now when the U.S. Empire is crumbling, but they can wait for years even decades they waited for Hong Kong for 200 years and they got it now…


But they tried in the past and git their arses owned.

Lone Ranger



In 50 and something.

Lone Ranger

Oh the Korean war. It was a tie. All sides suffered heavy casulties. Especially koreans.


We were talking Taiwan not Korea.

Lone Ranger

Yeah but the only war the U.S. fought with China was in Korea 1950-53.


I said that China attemp to invade Taiwan failed miserably, I didn’t mention US. Taiwanese manhandled PLA alone.

Lone Ranger

Ukraine 43% of R1a DNA Russia 46.7% R1a DNA R1a is nordic.


Nordic can be asian too. Eskimos are nordics.

Lone Ranger

R1a are scandinavian nordic. Aside from that its inuit not eskimo.


Maybe you try basics of economy before self styling of a genetician?

Lone Ranger

Truth hurts, I get it…


I see you get it a lot.

Lone Ranger

Yeah, ukrops are delusional… But what can people do aside from telling them the Truth.


You are obessed with Ukraine and Russia. Weird for a pretended Hungarian.

Lone Ranger

Stating facts is not obsessed. Weird you pretend not be be an ukropnazi on soros payroll…


*staging facts :)

Lone Ranger

I know you do. But dont worry Im here to correct you ;)

Lone Ranger

But thanks for admitting you are an ukropnazi…


No I’m not but if a muscal calls me that, that’s an honor

Lone Ranger

A Hungarian calls you that, and you are. No its not an honor, cockroaches have no honor aka nazis…


Yeah, hungarians are in love with russians especially great donbas supporters

Lone Ranger

Some are.

Lone Ranger

Tell that to the thousends of civs you killed… Kharma is coming for Ukropisstan and their handlers…


I ain’ killed nobody boy, I’m a laptop guy. Those cockhroaches in Odessa burned themselves with deir own devices.

Lone Ranger

Did Porkyshitko tell you that? Oh boy… I guess they strangles, stabbed, shot and beat themselves to death too… Aside from that that was only the start. Nazi paramilitary units shot and killed random people on the streets of Odessa. Aside from that they are shelling sivs with heavy artillery for 6 years. Longer than nazis did in WWII.

Lone Ranger

By the way these sanctions are unlawful. Only proves how weak the U.S. is, they cant take competition. Neither from the EU, nor Russia or China. They are official at third world level.


If US is 3rd world, Russia is not in top 100.

Lone Ranger

Wishful thinking… Russia is better off on all fronts.


Except at dignity when they cry for being sanctioned like little bitches.

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazis and Americans shouldnt use the word dignity. Its like vampires and holy water, a bad mix… Russia isnt crying. You do with your useless sanctions…


Please don’t cry Natasha, the sanctions are here to stay.

Lone Ranger

Doesnt matter. They are actually boosting Russian economy now. Aside from that its a farawell to the U.S. Empire.


Russia was number 5 in 2014 and IMF warned that it coud take the place of Germany by 2020. Well they took care if Her, now it’s on 11 behind Italy. So farewell top 10 economies.

Lone Ranger

They are still number 4-5.


My info was gross GDP not PPP but thanks, I will read more about this.

Lone Ranger

PPP is what matters. Purchase parity shows the real strength of an economy. GDP is only a steril number inflated by fiat money laundering.


Sounds legit but there is another factor, USA still has a middle class, Russia has so many billionaires that is not much left for the rest. So we can’t really put this people together and calculate that ppp. I mean look at Russian buildings, they don’t afford to paint them.

Lone Ranger

Where exactly? Most U.S. cities are falling apart. 60% of Russian civilian infrastructure has been upgraded since 2000. Every country has run down places but Russia is doing pretty good amongst developed nations. Russian middle class is increasing while U.S. middle class is being wiped out. Avg debt per capita is $6000 in Russia vs $64,000 in the U.S. Unemployment is also much lower in Russia.


Ahhh the debt again. Who cares about the debt, Russia companies were hit with sanctions that they can’t take loans thus can’t have the debt. The debt is a priviledge. And yrah, again everything is falling apart in USA. What Soviet Union was hoping in her short life.

Lone Ranger

Debt is a privilege? Lol you are really delusional… Yeah remind me where did the Soviet Union had 27 tent cities like the U.S. does today. I U.S Is the only developed nation without a universal healthcare. 40million Amercans have no health insurance. At least 200million have no full coverage. 50million are on foodstsamps. Yeah real superpower right behind India…


There is half of Africa there, is hard to civilize all of them.

Lone Ranger

Wiping out or civilizing? Not sure what the U.S. and France tries in recent years…


What has France to do in US?

Lone Ranger

In Africa. Neocolonialism I guess.


Like the lil greens in Crimea?

Lone Ranger

Crimea was part of Russia since 1767. Has a majority Russian population. Whom voted three times between 1991-2014 to secede from Ukraine. If not for the U.S. toppling the govt in Kiev it would still be a special case. But since the U.S. violated agreements about not to meddle in Ukraine or expand to the east all agreements are null and void in regard of Ukraine. Russia cannot annex itself. Crimea went back to the rightful owners. Should have done it in 1991. But yeltsin was…


1776… And I thought USA is a young country. Also Kurds want to secede from Syria, that would make USA legitimate there.

Lone Ranger

Kurds never had a country tho. And they have no relation to the U.S. either. They didnt have a Referendum, nor a country accorfing to the UN Charter. Aside from that U.S. cant form any territorial claim to another country, 8000km from the U.S. border.


According to UN Crimea didn’t had referendum either.

Lone Ranger

Is that why they sent UN observers to monitor it? Oy oy…

Lone Ranger



Well I apreciate this info, it’s really useful for me. Still not as useful as if you had a link with the official Russian bases in Cuba. However thanks.

Lone Ranger

Unofficial bases…


Unofficial basses means secret bases. Even secret bases have a word or two about them on the internets. Just show me a link so I can know I’m not talking with a skyzo.

Lone Ranger

Really… So you can list me every secret base on the planet in every country…? And that’s a sure thing?100% I think your talents are wasted here on South front…


So they are secret after all. How do you know about them, are you some inteligence agent?

Lone Ranger

I’m actually Putin… But I’m bored during the evenings so I come here for trollhunting. Hope you don’t mind…:)


No sir, what’s your weapon of choice?

Lone Ranger

Competition chocolate eating.


I summon the ex-president of Ukraine then. He’ll give you a lesson.

Lone Ranger

I hate the guy even more since Roshen chocolates are pretty good ;) The only think he does right, chocolates and candy…


If you hate him that means he did a good job. Yeah, I like em too. Actually I have some right now.

Lone Ranger

Did a good job at killing civs and destroying Ukraine… Indeed. Good for you Im stuck with regular milk chocolate…


That’s Putin job but he failed miserably. Ukraine is too big for the little mongol to crush.

Lone Ranger

You are projecting… Its kiev backed ukropnazis trying to genocide east ukraine, not vice versa. But it seems the glorious bandera einsatzgruppen cant handle peasants and miners…


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-europe-38905110 if this is a civilian… then good for Ukraine tht Donbas ‘civilians’ are so greedy they kill each other.

Lone Ranger

He was a homeland defender. He was killed by the SBU in a terror attack.


Good, that means the terror attack failed.

Lone Ranger

Im not crying Karen. :)


Good girl.

Lone Ranger

Maybe with ukropnazi standards you are…


Good one.

Lone Ranger

A crumbling Empire can only sanction. Too bad its a laughing joke now…


Sanction is a though term for anyone who does business with them, we don’t do business with. It’s their right to do business with whoever they want.

Lone Ranger

You make no sense same as the U.S. establishment…


Well they halved the Ruble, didn’t they? Putin is begging 2 times per year for sanctions to be lifted. So they make perfect sense to me.

Lone Ranger

Ruble is adjusting to the falling oil price to minimize losses. You got that wrong, EU is begging Putin to lift counter sanctions :)


Like what, polish apples and french chese?

Lone Ranger

That too, and some other stuff. EU suffered $200billion sofar. Russia around $40-50 billion. Difference is Russia found new markets for its produce the EU hasnt.


New markets for what? Products were not sanctioned, only banks and individuals.

Lone Ranger

Wrong. There were some goods and produce put on that list.


Like buckwheat or zakuska or vodka?

Lone Ranger



Which of those are sanctioned?

Lone Ranger

Some agricultural produce. Foreign industry. Some banks. Weapons.


Wtf is foreign industry? Lol kid if I’d be your dad I’d spank you.

Lone Ranger

Tourism… Really for what? My dad didn’t spank me for 35 years. And I don’t think you could :)


For saying foreign industry as a grown up boy. Maybe I wouldn’t. I’m not interested in that.

Lone Ranger

Thankfully. Why? is foreign industry a dirty word or what? We call it that here in Hungary.


That explains it.

Lone Ranger

Read the list again…

Lone Ranger

But I guess you listed the main exports of Ukropisstan… My bad…


You don’t have anything to list, don’t you?

Lone Ranger

I just did. Sorry if you cant read…


Love it. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eb884df060fe915ad2dad2a6cc3211bff1663ce1067250089ec01636946efd28.gif


You sound like a piece of Bandera trash going by your language.


I’ll take it as a compliment. Thanks.


Sure, like Russia had Siberia 300 years ago. Will they set it free?

Jens Holm

It seemes Your past is totally erased by You censurship.

You have a lot of dirty laundry there too. Maybee he want to sell You some soap and maps and history books about that too.

Turksih people was never there too according to You. Tatars never had any influence.

Lone Ranger

Ottoman empire conquered those lands from Europe… They lost it to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and later to Russia. ottoman empire lost most it’s conquered territories after WWI for siding with the Germans. It seems your Danish education system is not up to date…:)

Lone Ranger

Only censorship is in the west. Tell me how the U.S. and Danish forces liberated Stalingrad, Moscow, Kiev, Budapest, Warsaw, Vienna or Berlin….lolz

Jens Holm

There is no censurship about that at all.

The isiosyncrasy was the Great Bolsjevic army was stripped for almost all qualified Leadership and replaced by Stalin hardly having any contacts withe the restructured forces.

The troops were places in a new intermistic line in formations classic to defeat by Germans by the warfare systems made by Clausewitch and others. 95% procent of thecover there was digged trences, houses of wood and camouflage net.

It even was worse, because the modern concrite line all the way from Murmansk to the Black Sea hardly had soldier in it. It was a very clever system against the Nazi warmachine.

And the big canons from there was taken down and also not in the new Molotow-Ribbentrop line. It was because of a dispute between Sjukov and Stalin.

By the german attack most of the fronline soldiers hardly ared to defend themselves against the Nazis, because they got not orders about it from Stalin by telefone and no radio.

That resulted in germans took in millions of soldiers, where most as well as civilians was killed there.

It also gave the Germans 100.000s and 100.000s of weapons as help for their own lack of capasity.

So things are quite clear. Russians being in alarm since 1930 and even more in war alarm since 1933 were very good helpers to Hitler and Co.

Lone Ranger

And that has to do with the original comment? Take your meds Jens…

Lone Ranger

West and censorship go hand in hand. Falsifying history as well.

Jens Holm

Funny enough that Russia sold Germans so much in materials and food, so they before Russia was able to take France, Begium, Holland, Denmark, Norway and the Balkans. ………………………………………………………

USA was in Chamerlain mode and as for WW1 they hoped to be not involved in WW2. They had normal trade wot UK and Germany.

in 1936 they had 400.000 soldiers and most of them were the national guard, which was country defence.

They not even had local transportation inside USA and ceratinly jardly a single vessel for tranport of troops, their equipment and well as food.

The main transport was done by transporter nations, whcih You saw when it was european ships sending help to Murmansk.

The rest of the vessels was for UK needing everything and paying for it.

I also wonder why we should support Communists, whcih plan was to take the whole world TOO, more then Germans? ……………………………………………

It seemes You have forgotten You before the Barbarossa took 3 baltic countries, were treating finland very hard and fx also took half of Poland. Did they really feel themselves liberated. I dont think so.

Lone Ranger

I.S. sold Germany a lot more, so did Britain and France. Russia comes only after that. And only till 1941. While many I.S. companies like Coke, Kodak, IBM, Ford, GM, Alcoa or the Chase Manhattan bank kept supporting the Nazis till the very end… Prescott Bush and his buddies funneled and white washed Nazi money at the Chase Manhattan bank, he was convicted for treason and his assets frozen but after the war ended he got everything back…

Lone Ranger

Baltic states sided with the Nazis,were openly Nazis still are to this day. Finland the same, except they aren’t Nazis today. If not for Russia Poland or Polish people wouldn’t exist today. Many felt thankful, and there is enough pics and videos to prove it. You only have to Google it. Poles welcome Russian liberators.

Jens Holm

Russia is named after Kiev Russia and 500 years old. Since then it has taken land from others and kept by neocolonialisme of the worst kind.

We should have more aboit how many Indians Russian Tzars and Bolsjevics has killed.

Here Ukraine is a very good example. Many like the Khazars not even exist anymore.

Lone Ranger

It isn’t named after. Kiev is named after Kievian Rus. Russia was around in various forms since the 9th century AD. Ukraine didn’t exist before 1918. Khazar empire was an evil entity of fake jews trying to destroy Russia and the rest of Europe. Hungarians and Khabars were their warriors but after the Khazars treated them bad in.multiple ways, they left the Khazar empire and it collapsed, deservedly I may add. Russia never had colonies contrary to the Danes, Brits or the U.S. Most the natives still live in their original lands and do well inside Russia. Many have their own oblast, country within a country with limited autonomy. Compared that to the natives in the U.S., most of the exterminated the survivors forced into arid places in the desert in concentration camps. Better luck next time Jens…

Jens Holm

If You turn on a flashlight Im sure there will be dark.

Lone Ranger

Another great quote for your Xanax diaries…

Zionism = EVIL

Crimea is Russian territory since the advent of Orthodoxy in Kievan-Rus.

Well, let’s take a historical perspective; Ukraine is an integral part of Russia since the advent of Orthodoxy around a millennium ago. It was named Kievan-Rusfor a reason as all important events of Russian religion and politics originate from Russian Ukraine. The Zionist infested so-called West must understand that, to Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country. Russian history began in what was called Kievan-Rus. The Russian religion spread from there. Ukraine has been part of Russia for centuries, and their histories were intertwined before then. Some of the most important battles for Russian freedom, starting with the Battle of Poltava in 1709 , were fought on Ukrainian soil. The Black Sea Fleet — Russia’s means of projecting power in the Mediterranean — is based in Sevastopol, in Crimea since it was won over fromthe defeated Ottomans. Even such famed dissidents as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Joseph Brodsky insisted that Ukraine was an integral part of Russian history nd, indeed, of Russia


That’s like saying that Britain should be part of USA because USA has its origins there. Or Lisabon part of Brazil.

Zionism = EVIL

US is part of Britain, the limey cunts control the rednecks.


US part of Britain and Russia part of Ukraine.


I didn’t say USA is not an Empire, it’s even greater. Failed howaboutism :)

Lone Ranger

Thats whataboutism and it does not exist. Its a term coined by the CIA in the 70s to shut down counter arguments in a conversation. Which makes the conversation one sided. But I guess they had to resort to that, they couldnt fight back being unarmed aka mentally handicapped and delusional…


Whataboutism was when the Russian little lies get owned. They point fingers on another direction.

Lone Ranger

According to Disney news…


Well you believe that secret Russian base in Cuba from the ‘Golden Eye’ movie, don’t you?

Lone Ranger

Its not secret, and its there. In fact more than one base…



Lone Ranger

Unofficial, sorry. But they are there. A naval and a missile base.


So Golden Eye movie was a documentary in fact.

Lone Ranger

Golden Eye movie was filmed in Puerto Rico…


But it was about a secret Russian base in Cuba. Btw how they go unspoted by satelites, are they living under earth?

Lone Ranger

U.S. knows its there. Like I said its no secret. Same as you know about Area 51. Its just not advertised…


If it’s not secret where can I read about it?

Lone Ranger

Try to call your handlers at the Pentagon….


Called and they said only aliens had that info until now.

Lone Ranger

It seems you have to troll harder for that Majestic 12 Ultra clearence :)


Yeah, it’s a false flag meant to cover that actually Russians went to the Moon and shaken hands with the aliens.

Lone Ranger

No, the real story was that Stanley Kubrick directed the fake Moonlanding at Area 51 in return the Air Force financed his movie, 2001. Kubrick at the end of the movie thanks for the help of the U.S. Air Force.:) You have to give credit the man was a genius.


Nice plot. Hollywood should make a movie of it. Have you found any link about the Russian bases from Cuba?

Lone Ranger

I think they have. It was partially mentioned at least in two movies and a videogame. Aside from Kubrick hinting at it from time to time… Havent searched for it. Does your superior need exact coordinates?


No I was curious since you said that’s not secret. I guess there are satelites for those coordinates.

Lone Ranger

Im sure your superiors have nice HD pics of it :)


Since is not secret it should be at least a wiki page about it.

Lone Ranger

Are there a wiki page about ukropnazis helping isis? But it’s true. Many things aren’t in wiki…


Ok, any link. Not wiky.

Lone Ranger

Nyet. Whoops…

Lone Ranger

Only one got owned is you baneratroll…


Sorry did you mean bandera?

Lone Ranger

Yes, I wish I could disable auto correct under Android…


You must be Russian since you have a Bandera obsession, normal people don’t use that slur.

Lone Ranger

Im Hungarian. Im not obsessed with dead nazis, that would be the cia and ukropnazis…


I don’t think Hungarians use Bandera as a slur.

Lone Ranger

Only in case of Ukrops… Well, I do and I was born and raised here to Hungarian parents.


And talk about ukrops and banderovites with your friends, don’t you?

Lone Ranger

Not really. They arent into politics.


Ok Sergey, I believe you are a Hungarian that hates Bandera Ukrops.

Lone Ranger

Most people hate them Shlomo…


Most Eastern countries hate Russia. Btw only Russians confuse fascism with nazism. In Russia you learn that USSR fought Fascism, we learn that USSR fought Nazism. Fascism was Italy.

Lone Ranger

I never used the term fascism with you. Aside from that Im still Hungarian. Wrong, only a minority of poles, baltics and ukrops hate Russia the braindead bootlickers nazi type funded by soros and the CIA. Rest is pro Russian. Most hated nation in Europe is the U.S. nowdays.


Sure you didn’t use it. Nice to see you use the corect term, Sergey. You are able to learn. I’m proud of you.

Lone Ranger

Thanks Shlomo.

Lone Ranger

By the way Italian troops were at Stalingrad. So Russia fought both.


You refered as fascists to Ukrainians which saided with the Nazi Germany not with the Fascist Italian which were useless in that war anyway so nice try, Sergey.

Lone Ranger

Im pretty confident I never used the term fascist in regard of Ukraine. I always say ukropnazis or nazis or neonazis. Not that it would matter… Nice try Shlomo…


I believe you Ivan. You also said you are Hungarian. How come you obsess so much of Russia?

Lone Ranger

Well Shlomo… I never obsess at least I try not too… I just try to spread some Truth and objective facts, for the betterment for this World and Mankind. Contrary to you Im doing it for free.;)


Ahh the Truth keepers, you are the most dangerous for us, I will ask my boss how should protect myself against the imense radiation of truth you are focusing on my fragile brain.

Lone Ranger

Put a pic of Soros and Pimpeo on your desk. Should be enough protection :)


But if I had Deripaska, Abramovich and Lev Leviev on my desk I would live in Kremlin.

cechas vodobenikov

your stupidity is farcical

Jens Holm

He is right. You are on sleeping vacations, which we sometimes name as go as You please.

Lone Ranger

Where exactly? Russian doctrine contrary to the U.S. doctrine doesnt have full spectrum global dominance written in it…

Zionism = EVIL

Russia historically, like China is not an expansionist power. Most of its wars since Peter the Great have been defensive against the Euro cunts like Napoleon, Hitler and other arseholes that invaded and then with the treacherous Turk opportunists who sometimes collaborated with the Czars to attack the Persians.

Lone Ranger

Indeed. Spot on.

Fog of War

” Russia historically, like China is not an expansionist power. ” How did it get to be the biggest country on the planet then ? Bad luck, mistakes, unintended consequences ? Russia did its fair share of invading also.

Lone Ranger

Russia didnt have to invade, most the lands in Siberia were uninhabited. The few tribes still live there like they did for thousends of years.


I quoted the article, it’s in the beginning.

Lone Ranger

Than its a fake quote…


You comment so much, that you don’t have time to read the articles.

Lone Ranger

Wrong. You dont understand what you are actually reading…


And why are you obsessed with me?

Lone Ranger

Im not, you are the one who keeps replying. Im only replying to your replies…since you are wrong.


No worries, I don’t mind :)

Lone Ranger

Excellent :)

Lone Ranger

U.S. Empire collapses*


I quoted the article, it was not from my mind.

Lone Ranger

It meant the collapsing U.S. Empire…


The US Empire is collapsing since Lenin.

Lone Ranger

No, since the establishment of the FED in 1913. They had a good run robbing the World but since they cant rob anymore the game is over…


Well I could agree with you on that, Woodrow Willson was one of the highest traitors in the history of the US. But no matter how low US falls, Russia is lower.

Lone Ranger


Black Waters

Exactly, the U.S gestapo can’t say shit about anything or anyone, they are to this date a brutal regime.

Aaron Aarons

It is a shame that Putin and his supporters have decided to force Russian voters to vote on a package of amendments that combines positions on wildly varying issues, some of which the left can support but many of which are attempts to embed reactionary, patriarchal social positions into the constitution. If I were Russian, I would have to vote to reject the package overall.


Since you’re not Russian, you are farting against the winds of change.

cechas vodobenikov

“only in amerika is the father vestigial: the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine”. G Gorer “Putin’s great innovation was that he reduced the wealth and power of the oligarchs by half: he did not admire the patrimonial relationships that had created by Yeltsin”. Ivan Zeleyeni NYU professor (New Left Review 2015)


You’ve mentioned the ‘Patriarchy’ twice now. The fact that the authority of the husband as the head of the household has been taken away in Western society, is one of the reasons why it is crumbling. Good job Russia, keep those family values strong. Their isn’t much hope left.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Maybe Putin could call himself a King, and then pick his ministers forever, like they do in the West.

In the West, we get to vote for people who the royal families say are eligible to serve them.

Freedumb and demockery, Western style.


Who is th King of the West who picks his ministers forever?

Lone Ranger

Rotschild family and their toyboys at the FED and Soros empires.

Jens Holm

Well about that royalty its easy to understand. When they are kept well not deciding much, we dont get bad presidents we cant repplace.


The point is this : ” … people have a chance to vote for an actual president

as many times

as they want.

The President can only be chosen through democratic elections, and allowing Putin to run in 2024

does not guarantee

his victory … ”

So, what is wrong with that ?


At least Russians get an actual president.

Zionism = EVIL

and the dumbass Americunts have a buffoon criminal for POTUS who now has a warrant for his arrest.

Lone Ranger

Nothing wrong with it. Its democratic aka the will of the people. The two term system was developed by banksters for safety reasons in case a smart Patriot would take over. As we could see 8 years is not enough to bring back a country from the abyss. Putin needed 8 years to stabilize Russia and another 8 to make it a superpower again. Interestingly globalists wont make a peep if one of their good ol boys are the one in power with one term after the other like FDR, Ben Gurion, Adenauer, Merkel or Bibi…

Jens Holm

Its ANOTHER 8 years and AN OTHER. .

USSR collapsed 30 years ago.

Your version of superpower is a relative. They are the same but declining in most things.

Lone Ranger

Indeed, the U.S. is the new declining Soviet-Union.

Zionism = EVIL

Americunt unraveling will be far worse as the dumbass rednecks are armed and the Jew cunts pull their chains.

Jens Holm


Is the difference. 1 american produce the same as 5 russians..

Lone Ranger

Was true 20 years ago. Not anymore. Debt to GDP ratio U.S. 135% Debt to GDP ratio Russia 11% Forex reserves U.S. $120billion Forex reserves Russia $570billion. Debt per capita U.S. $64,000 Debt per capita Russia $6000 I.S. runs a trade deficit of $7-800billion a year. Russia runs a trade surplus of $200billion a year. Most the U.S. GDP is virtual anyways with the FED printing money and giving it to Fortune 500 companies, Wall Street and banksters at zero interest loans which they never repay, and buying up their own I flayed stocks creating an illusion of profit. But it’s only smoke and mirrors. Small Germany with 80million people exports more than the whole I.S. combined…

George King

Jens, Denmark or at least outside of Copenhagen the social compact is the glue that holds it together. My travels inside of Denmark show a large discrepancy or contrast between the larger cities and small to midsize cities and countryside’s. I find the same in the UK and there is no mistaking the collapsing of the social compact taken place.

Just where were you born, grew up and current residence? I find something odd not only in your weak grasp of English language (comprehension) but also thought patterns that I am familiar with in my travels throughout Denmark from coast to coast spending a week or more in my destination travels and business.


FDR had 4 terms,just think if that pissed Court Jester Boris Yeltsin was President you wouldn’t hear damn thing about Russia.

Fog of War

” So, what is wrong with that ? ” Its time for some new blood, the west is onto how Putin operates and has adjusted accordingly. Also, if Putin is allowed to be elected multiple times, so can someone else who is more western leaning. That would be a tragedy for Russia.


No they can’t because under the new rules any fuutre president will have two terms.

Fog of War

So Putin allows himself some more terms in the powerful position of President. Yet, when he leaves that same position will be watered down while giving more power to the easily corruptible Russian congress ? Based on what happened, and is happening, in the the US and other Western nations, this would be a horrible idea.


Good article, especially the last part about having a center-ground ideology between ultra-traditionalist and ultra-liberal parts of the world.

It is my hope that the rest of Europe will gradually move away from the dissentigating USA-Canada progressive block and move towards a more center-ground ideology with Russia. Not holding my breath for the likes of the biggest NATO lapdogs like the UK or Germany, but it is already happening with countries like Italy and Hungary.



Zionism = EVIL

The good thing about Russia renaissance has been the invigoration of its intelligence services, which are doing a great job, especially the GRU, which should further increase cooperation with allies like Iran,China, Syria, Venezuela, Serbia, Cuba etc.

Jens Holm

Those are not Russian allies. For China Russia is the tail of the dog too.

Rhodium 10

Who are the Russian allies?…Israel?…the US Police dog in Mid East?…Turkey?..The Islamic tool to desestabilize Russian etnic Turquic population?….Belarus?…another Cain brother like Ukraine….

Zionism = EVIL

BTW, the Russian servicewomen are the most cheerful and cutest of all :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/638705586b2b53aca2384144367e6a3c7ca0305cd6c1e7578ba7c8c56674f3ba.jpg


Apparently that was code for “Only DPR”

Lone Ranger

Swap Russia with the U.S. and it’s legit… Remind me who owes China $2trillion, and who has a trade deficit to China worth $600billion a year is it Russia or the U.S…? Who is buying up who? What did I hear….? Did you say China buying up the housing market, Silicon valley, harbours and even Hollywood..? Oy gevalt… What’s next are the Oscars political too…? I think I’m fainting….:)

Jens Holm

I feel fine about most of the chinese buying. But You sdeemes to forget, that we are not allowed to buy anthing in China.

You also forget China for many years has been helped up by favorite trading and if they dont stop selling us things too cheep, its no free market.

The results already are visible in USA as well as EU. We raise inport taxes to equalize into fairt trade.

Western Economies is based on free trade, so its companies agains companies by ownership by the stockmarkets.

So You ignore that part of the picture.

And Yes, the system allow us to print more money and debts. Too much can become dangerous but in the orther hand give time for changes instead of collapse.

As I have explained many times before debt also is equipment for production and investment. So if the production grows it can pay back and make more profit.

Some here also dont see that if USA or others should collapse, they are in big triuble themselves. Who should China sell al its product to, if there are no money to buy.

By that We and China never will let USA collapse. WE will help them to decline a little and a little more as well aas helping others up by loand(fx by IMF or EU).

We are not in simplified one string economies. Its as if You come from that, which we had many many years ago.

Lone Ranger

I’m glad you are ok to selling out to China. Most prostitutes are on the same opinion….

Lone Ranger

Because Chinese aren’t retarded dodo birds like you. They learned their lesson from the opium wars. It’s payback time… I wouldn’t call it free trade, if U.S. doesn’t like competition they simply sanction everybody. That’s cronyism. They even use their military…


Those bastards even sanction their own so called allies,a company in my town who have done contracts for Nordstream2 have been threatened.

Lone Ranger

China will simply shift it’s focus to the EU, Russia, India, Africa and South America. They won’t even notice the U.S. is gone. The debt had already past the point of no return. U.S. state debt is at $24zrillion. Derivative bubble around $600trillion, you read that right… Every asset in the U.S. both govt and private and the land and resources are only worth $90trillion. U.S. could sell the whole country in fact they are doing it and it’s still only a drop in the sea. There is no coming back from this, the U.S. economy will reset or collapse soon and whatever happens the Brett on woods agreement and the superpower status is coming to an end. Brace yourself Jens…

Jens Holm

Russia is no center-ground ideology at all. Its not even an ideology.

We have Our own relations to USA and also EU. Thats non of Your business.

We will change if we see Russian cars in Our streets again.

Lone Ranger

Enjoy being. U.S. colony destroyed by pedos, rapefugees and libtards…

Jens Holm

Same as yesterday. You have no substance in Your comments and try to repair it with “pedos, rapefugees and libtards”.

Much like You can put vodka on a ruusian car and forget there hardly are any.

The ideology is “keep in power no matter what” and You will remain rich just as the rest of the plundering unproductive oligarcs.

Lone Ranger

You are projecting as usual… You know I’m right. It’s the simple objective Truth. Try to handle it.


Actually, you have nothing to say, you give no points you are just shouting slogans, makes you seem pretty dumb.

Lone Ranger

Dont be so hard on yourself, its not worth it…


Want to buy a Lada?

Tommy Jensen

Russia cant close their toilet door to the world and stay there in solitude forever.

Russia has International obligations and if 100 mio Americans are without work, have Corona virus and only have 1 cup of soup/day, Russia has an International obligation to open up its borders to all of Arctics resources and also Russia’s goldmines, so an American also can get a little gold, because we are in a green global village together, where we show empathy and freedom for each other.

Russia cant just keep it all for yourselves when other freedom cultures are suffering!


Go ask Uncle Sam for some handouts.

Jens Holm

He j0okes about it, beacuse several versions here are so funny stupid seen from his perspective. I agree with him.

Maybee Baron Munchausen could be the next President for Russia and You did not see the difference.

Putin might even be Potemkin DNA has replaced Uncle Marx and Cousin Engels.

Lone Ranger

Swap Putin with any U.S. President since the CIA killed JFK and it’s legit.

cechas vodobenikov

your ignorant lies r farcical—your own narcissism researcher observe that 85% have zero empathy…largely confined to the rural South—40% less than 2 decades ago when Riesman described U as “mean and bitter (Konrath 2019) Twenge 2017 “amerikans do not remember, they do not feel: amerikans live in a materialist dream”. Moisede Ostrogorski—-a nation of insecure sexually repressed bullies–Gorer, Sennet, Boorstin, Freud, Slater etc…”amerikans are not at all happy; they feel themselves lacking in something. It is as if all the sensitiveness has dried up in amerikans. the crystallization of love is impossible in the US. I admire their kind of happiness but I do not envy it–it is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. Stendhal fascist idiots like u r ignored by Russians and civilized peoples—the self uglified puritanical amerikan w zero individuality “the people of amerika accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives nearly without precedent in the history of western civilization”. Yuri Bexzmenov LOL according to recent polls u shallow automatons are despised in all nations w the exception of Canada where only 59% report that they approve of u pitiful neurotics

Tommy Jensen

All right. But then we have threesome, gangbang, trekking, steaks, bikes and rock music you cant hear in any other place. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gdvgjLvi6c

cechas vodobenikov

Russia will not allow u fascists to plunder our arctic resources nor travel through outr territorial arctic route—the consequences r well understood by your oligarchy—u r too cowardly to challenge North Korea

Jens Holm

So far You cant even devellop Your the resssources You have now and sell them to us.

Lone Ranger

Sounds like the U.S…

Lone Ranger

Thanks for the laugh Tommy :_)

Jens Holm

So funny. Assad¨could go to the Mountains in Sibiria as well :)

Lone Ranger

And you could go to a mental asylum but in Denmark lunatics run the country and sane people are locked up…

AM Hants

Oh yes they can. Do you give away all your personal property, because your acquaintances demand it?

Besides, Russia were more than generous when selling Alaska to the US. Guess they never showed them how to fish, though. By the way, did they ever receive the gold from the sale?

Jens Holm

Fact in numbers says he is right.

Facts are Russia at that time were Neocolonialists of the worst kind and stole the whole Siberia from the people living there all the way down to Iran, China and Korea.

Sp true. The Russians sold the stolen Alaska to USA, which at that time bough and took what they could(fx war with spain).

And about fishing. One of the biggest problems for USA at WW2 being forced into WW1 as well as WW2 was, that USA has no use for fishermen and vvessels for transportation because the many european nations all did that well for them.

The trade by them were very low and also is today. They mainly followed the Monroe Doctrine saying Sout and Middle America was theirs.

AM Hants

Lol. Remind me, how do nations turn into Empires?

Lone Ranger

Fake news… You are mixing up Russia with the U.S. and British Empires…


The plebiscit is bullshit, the article is bullshit, putin is bulshit.

AM Hants

Ever thought the BS might be you?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

If the “West’ is cribbing, then it must be good for Russia.

Demockery and freedumb is so full of doo-doo.

Jens Holm

We are not worried anbout Russia having the biggest dwarfs in the world and world record in free parking space.

But the world is changing and we have to change vital things too. So we mainly are worried about the Chinese influence. In one hand it makes th cake to share bigger, but in the other it insist and demand in more indluence.

Looking at the licing standars I anytime will prefare Our living standars based on school, education, skills and hard work with incitaments for any other system.

Some long list for somethinbg better as a link from You.

We are well aware our systems are not perfect but we also can change them, because many are raised to take responsability.

About Corona it should be a lesson with a follow up for changes. More money should be used in the preventing sectors as well as for clima and better energy and energy productions.


If we take this as gospel, RF church gospel, the Russian Federation lasted maybe 2 decades before nature called time – the US empire maybe 5 dec, UK’s 2-3C, Romans5C – time’s becoming shorter shouts corona, too bad for humanity the dumbest species on the planet that never knew love. Oh well.

Lone Ranger

CIA trolls and hasbarats are crying and raging. Good job Russia :)

Zionism = EVIL

The deadbeat Americunt arseholes and Zionist parasite are losing leverage over a rising Russia so the bullshit propaganda is now in desperation mode.

Lone Ranger

Let them cry and rage. May their tears refresh us all :)

Jens Holm

Russia is not rising at all. Are You referring to their pension, heslthcare, corona or what?

Lone Ranger

Glory to Mother Russia. Eternal Glory forever and ever. Protector of Mankind. King of the North. Amen.

AM Hants

This article came across as soft psy-op. At the end of the day it is a Russian domestics and nought to do with the West.

Is Russia an European member? Yes, it’s territory spreads from Asia to Europe, but, Russia in not part of the EU/European Club and not subject to being subservient to their desires. Neither is she some US state or vassel.

Good luck Russia, protecting yourself and moving forward.

Neo Onh

VVP is the president not only of Russia but of the planet Earth. His only mistake is that he has not liberated Novorossiya yet from the Kiev nazi regime. I think he will do this soon though!

Swift Laggard II

Russia’s political model is a failure. Any system that does not renew itself through a constant change of leaders will stagnate as been shown countless times in history


Ou yeah.. Best way forward is a change of leaders every week..

Swift Laggard II

you can change them every week if you want. I never met people anywhere as stuuupid as I have met on southfront


:)) to a stupid person – everyone looks stupid..

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans r ignorant and unteachable”. George Santayana

Traiano Welcome

False. Not even constant change can save a system from inevitable decay.

The only such system that exists is Nature itself, nothing man-made has these eternally changing yet eternally stable characteristics.

Fog of War

Funny, but Putin never proposes a constitutional amendment to remove the Russian banking system from under the Rothschild’s federal reserve system, and to allow Russia to print its own debt free money. I wonder why king Putin avoids that obvious amendment ?

Lone Ranger

Russia is virtually debt free with $570billion in reserves. Also with a flat income tax rate of 12%. Does this sound Rotschild run to you…?

Fog of War

Does Russia print its own debt free money ?

Lone Ranger

They print their own money, and its partially gold backed. But its not zero interest rate.

Fog of War

Who are the interest payments going to ?

Lone Ranger

I guess to the bond holders. Mostly the Russian state since the national bank is state owned.

Fog of War

No, only 50% of its profits get channeled back to the Russia state. Where does the other 50% go ? Also, the Russian central bank is fully Incorporated into the BIS central bank system, its not a free entity whats so ever. Therefore, my question stands, why doesn’t Putin change Russia’s banking system to the Chinese model and print its own money debt free ?



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Bank_of_Russia#:~:text=The Central Bank of Russia is a member,National Reinsurance Company (RNRC)%2C biggest national reinsurance company.

Lone Ranger

I dunno. But they must be doing something right because their debt to GDP ratio is 12%. While Forex reserves are at $570billion.

Fog of War

” I dunno. ”

Finally, we agree. There is no excuse for Putin not to switch to the Chinese model, a model used forever prior to the ((( Federal reserve system. ))) . That is why he will always be suspect in my mind.

Wolfgang Wolf

EU = shithole clown fiesta… who cares…


I have no problem with these amendments, per say.

As a Russian lesbian (that was married in the US) and has no ties to the “LGBT+ radical cult”, we are fine with just living life. Now I do understand the true reasoning behind the presidential term amendment, as Russia has not had a good track record with trustworthy politicians in the past. We basically have Gorbachev and Putin that made Russia great.

I am indifferent on the presidential term reset. We, the people get to vote for or against changes to the constitution. It is in our power. Claiming it is not constitutional is a big fat lie.

The only people protesting such a thing seems to be Russophobes, and people scared of a rise in power of Russia.

cechas vodobenikov

ya staboy


That’s fine, I’m not here to fight grammar fascism. Much of the modern world can’t be bothered with such a thing any more.

cechas vodobenikov

the virulent anti communist Soviet defector mudak, Yuri Bezmenov remarked, “the people of north amerika accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives nearly with precedent in the history of western civilization” self uglified people should not believe they can dictate how civilized people govern themselves–I’ve heard amerikans claim that the chelovek golobuys r harassed in Russia—loscht

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