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MARCH 2025

Russia’s Nuclear Underwater Drone Could Trigger 300-Foot Tsunamis, Headed For Battlefield By 2027

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

A nuclear-powered underwater drone capable of unleashing two megatonnes of hell to destroy enemy naval bases with massive tsunamis is under development in Russia, according to a state news agency.

“It will be possible to mount various nuclear charges on the ‘torpedo’ of the Poseidon multipurpose seaborne system, with the thermonuclear single warhead similar to the Avangard charge to have the maximum capacity of up to 2 megatonnes in TNT equivalent,” a source in the Russian defense sector told TASS on Thursday.

With the drone’s nuclear munition, the underwater craft “is primarily designed to destroy reinforced naval bases of a potential enemy,” the source explained.

Russia's Nuclear Underwater Drone Could Trigger 300-Foot Tsunamis, Headed For Battlefield By 2027

“Thanks to its nuclear power plant, the Poseidon will approach the target for an intercontinental range at a depth of over 1 km and at a speed of 60-70 knots (110-130 km/h),” another source revealed to TASS.

Meanwhile, TASS explains to its readers, “it has no official confirmation of this information,” however, being a government-owned corporation in Russia, it is likely this knowledge is coming from insiders to combat an informational war with the West.

Another unnamed source supposedly tied in with the Russian defense sector said, “the Poseidon drone will join the Russian Navy under the existing armament program for 2018-2027 and will be carried by a newly specialized submarine currently under construction at the Sevmash Shipyard.”

Russia's Nuclear Underwater Drone Could Trigger 300-Foot Tsunamis, Headed For Battlefield By 2027

The underwater drone is a new project under the watchful eye of Vladimir Putin. (Source: TASS) 

Russian President Vladimir Putin first unveiled the underwater drone during his state-of-the-nation speech in March to the Federal Assembly. Putin warned these drones could be armed with both conventional and nuclear munitions and would be capable of “destroying enemy infrastructure, carrier-led naval task forces, and other objectives.”

Efforts to contain Russia have failed, face it,” Putin declared in a two-hour speech to the nation, which included computer simulations of new arms including hypersonic systems, intercontinental missiles, and underwater nuclear drones.

According to Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Sergei Korolyov, the drone’s miniature nuclear power plant has successfully passed operational tests with the military. The chief naval commander said the new weapon system would “enable the fleet to accomplish a broad range of missions in waters adjacent to the enemy territory.”

In recent times, Putin has led an ambitious modernization program of its military in acquiring new weapon systems, which could be just enough leverage to ensure a rebalancing of power between Washington. On Tuesday, Putin stressed that Russia was forced to develop new weapons to guarantee a “strategic balance in the world for the next decades.”

This is more bad news for Washington, as it appears their strategy to contain Russia through sanctions and expanded NATO deterrence operations along the Russia border have not just failed but backfired. In response, Putin was forced to develop a wide array of new weapon systems that can bypass NATO’s defenses, including hypersonic weapons, and what we recently discovered: nuclear-powered underwater drones capable of unleashing significant tsunamis against enemy naval ports.

While TASS does not define who exactly the “enemy” is, we must add, it is the United States. War is knocking on Washington’s door, will the Trump administration entertain its new guest?


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Hah nice, with 1 Russian weapon, all the US multi billion $ aircraft carriers and destroyers and whole freets in minutes will just became a dozens of Rusted sea bottom Titanics.


They could even end up on land


I’ve been predicting these for years. It’s the logical step against those carriers and technological not all that hard. I think it’s one of the reasons why Russia isn’t building more aircraft carriers. It would surprise me if they hadn’t thought of this themselves more than a decade ago and have at least working prototypes operational.


Its not that easy and you will kill all the fish with that.


The only hard thing about it is keeping communications with it open. And I doubt they care much about the fish.


And wow Allah just destroyed some windows. He truly is the greatest. :’)


It was a warning only. Next time the whole land may be melt.


Wouldn’t it be smarter for Him to tell Putin that instead of you?


that idiot is on captagon..! This kinda idiot will come up with all sorts of their fucking fatwa.. especially the one doesn’t tally with what he’s saying about God’s words.. This fake Muslim are pretty good in fabricating surah. This idiot is really acting as a mini god.. just like their indoctrinated wahbabism cult which is exactly like the talmudic Jews..

David Parker

“Allah” is Mohammed’s invention, most definitely not God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

David Parker

“Allah” is a fiction that Mohammed used to corral his collection of gullible murderers, of which it appears you are the modern version. If Mohammed wanted sex with a ten-year old girl, Allah would oblige him. The Jews wouldn’t follow Mohammed’s, so Mohammed made his puppet Allah say to kill all the Jews. The real God -Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – allows such evil cults to exercise the apostate.

neil barron

I STUPID, I STUPID so thats what you stand for ISIS !

You can call me Al

Personally I would develop along the line of China’s carrier killer.

The last thing anyone needs is an increase in radiation levels in the sea.


The fish and corals around Bikini are doing just fine.

David Parker

They aren’t doing so well around Fukishima and neither is Tokyo.

You can call me Al


For some reason, there updates stopped on the 8th, unless I needed to press F5.


Yeah, tsunamis cause loads of damage.


Suere. But cause tsunami with 2 MT bomb is impossible. :))


Drop one on the San Andreas Fault just outside San Francisco and you might get a huge one. But just a very big fast moving wave can be destructive enough.


you saw too much hollywood movies :D

Tommy Jensen

Denmark is the worlds cancer hole no.1, France is no.2. Funny isnt it? Not Bikini, not Tjernobyl, not Mexico city smog.

Why do Western countries get most cancer? Because its here the money is; cancer CEO´s, cancer treatments, cancer medicine, cancer science, cancer organisations. Third world countries have little cancer because they dont have money……..LOL.

neil barron

Idiot !! They don’t live long enough get the cancer that kills. Look at trees that have cancer they aren’t 30 years old.

neil barron

When was the last time you did a test ? So much for Manmade Global warming!!.

David Parker

I cannot find radiation levels published. Following are quotes from a native Japanese medial doctor, sorry I cannot find an online link to this article right now, but here is another: https://www.youtube.com/user/Tekknorg

*Japan’s Other Disaster: The End of Japan* By Shu Suzuki, January/february 2012

When the earthquake hit eastern Japan on March 11, 2011, an oil refinery in Chiba exploded. From my office thirty kilometers away, I saw a huge mushroom cloud from the refinery reach over a thousand meters into the sky. The Psalmist spoke truly: the earth was founded upon the seas and established upon the floods, denying man any stability outside of God and God alone. Everything was to change in the earthquake’s aftermath. We were witnessing the end of Japan. The impact on our lifestyle after the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear crisis was considerable. We tried to do everything as we always had, despite being continually threatened by radioactive contamination of our air, water, soil, and food. Severely damaged nuclear reactors have been emitting enormous amounts of radioactive substances, such as cesium-134, cesium-137, plutonium, and strontium. 1 The rain that falls from our sky is heavily contaminated. 2 Though the probability is fairly low, it is still possible for our damaged nuclear reactors to breach. If that happens, half of Japan will be seriously contaminated by fallout. A nuclear bomb contains only eight hundred grams of uranium, but a nuclear reactor contains a million grams of uranium. In terms of radioactive contamination, the breach of a reactor is a thousand times more serious than the detonation of a nuclear bomb. … Our greatest concern is the long-term somatic/genetic effects of radiation exposure, a matter virtually no media outlets here will discuss. A considerable area of Japan is becoming extremely dangerous for children and young people in this regard. The future generation faces a threat that few recognize because it goes largely unreported. … The Japanese government (including the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency) and the Tokyo Electric Power Company are concealing what is going on at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Their official announcements invariably contain contradictions that are readily detected. They frequently hide any “unfavorable” data on nuclear reactor emission rates, the scope of contamination, etc. During the Pacific War, most of the Japanese people were fed propaganda, being led to believe news that was fabricated to satisfy purposes of state. Sad to say, nothing has changed since then. Besides the nuclear disaster, future large earthquakes in the Tokyo and Tokai areas are expected, since the Pacific Plate moved by twenty-four meters when the unprecedented magnitude 9.0 quake hit Japan. This geological shift will trigger the movement of the adjacent plates (the Filipino, Eurasian, and North American plates), causing massive earthquakes in the Tokai and Kanto areas (including Tokyo).”

From _Faith for All of Life_, January/February 2012, pp. 8-10




Well man detonating 2 megatones warhead underwater it can make even bigger tsunamis, 300 feet is some 90 m high, which is insane yes, depends on what depth will that 2 megatons be detonated, they say the drone can cruise on depth on 1 km under sea level, but if you want to deal some good damage you will want to detonate that on some let’s say 200 or 100 m below the fleet more or less that will bring instant destruction by the very blast very strong and the tsunamis are after that, I guess the tsunamis waves are for let’s say if you want to flood a city at bay, like Los Angeles or New York and others,but that big tsunamis are needed if you really want to sink down a whole fleet of warships and aircraft carriers etc.

David Parker

There was just such a blast at the Bikini Atoll back in the ’50s. I don’t recall that it did very much damage to the fleet, it only sank three ships that were at anchor. There was no tsunami. Nothing swept over the Bikini Atoll. However, I am sure the Russians have this figured out to a gnat’s eyelash. Let’s hope trump shits in his pants and starts trying to get along instead of using us as Israel’s bulldog to attack everyone Netanyahu is scared of.


Exactly! These stupids are not eble to distinguish between tsunami and waves.

Concrete Mike

That was an airblast dude…not same effect at all


There were lot of underwater blasts.

David Parker

“Suspended 90 feet below the sea, anchored beneath an auxiliary craft in the midst of the target ghost fleet, the detonation of Test Baker marked the first-ever underwater nuclear explosion when the 23 kiloton device was detonated on July 25, 1946, at the Bikini Atoll lagoon, Marshall Islands, in the Pacific Ocean.”

https://www.cnet.com/pictures/an-atomic-anniversary-for-the-bikini-atoll-pictures/ I was wrong about the date, but you didn’t even bother to check before entering your uninformed comment.

Concrete Mike

Ok I was wrong maybe confused it with another test.

Happy? Took you 2 days…what did you do on your day off??

And no i didnt because its not that important and its not my background.

I wonder what the optmimal depth would be . You would want to push the water just beyond its laminar flow limit as it somehow gains volume past this point. Shape and type of bottom would affect it as well.

For example there is a place called fundy bay out here where its like a funnel, a big blast in the right place would probably wreck my house upstream.

So im thinking seafloor conditions+depth/ shape were not optimal for tsunami formation.

It would be something interesting on a smaller scale

David Parker

I work for a living, don’t get on the computer every day.


Better give nukes to the muslims.

Tudor Miron

You’re not Muslim. According to your nick, you’re brain washed dead rat walking.


poisoned with captagon..!


learn math and sience and create them if you can.


How?! You need money first.

David Parker

We already did: The Pakistanis certainly are not Christian.


Muslims don’t need it..! which will kill lots of innocents just to kill a bunch of idiot retards like you.. it’s a sin..!


Nice! Give the anti-russian mass media a reason to promote any tsunami related news with the title: BREAKING NEWS! The russians created another tsunami and is heading towards you!

Promitheas Apollonious

only if you provoked it will come to you. So dont worry be happy as for the as*holes who destroying humanity they have it coming for a way too long time.

You can call me Al

“Lucian” does have a point on this, understanding how the Yank vermin think and work.

David Parker

The “Yank vermin” are the demonic scum who call themselves government. We the people of the US do not think like this, we have no interest in war, we do not like the high taxes and the counterfeit federal reserve notes, etc. We can do about as much to change things as you can, so exactly what do you propose? Yes, we have guns – bolt action and semi-automatic – against all the weapons of mass murder that the establishment has. The FBI and “Homeland Security” and the local cops and sheriff’s deputies are nothing more than an occupying army ready to kill anyone and everyone to preserve the established system of taxation and spending and currency inflation. I have no doubt that the US Army, Marines, USAF will attack any constitutional local militia who attempt to organize: That was the point of the OK City government bombing: We will blame you and destroy you.

You can call me Al

Like millions of others, like you I bet; we make generalisations.

I call it the country but always mean the administration / government -> including my UK crap.

John Mason

Announcing this weapon in advance especially to the enemy, NATO/US usually means that you already have it operational.




Its called desinformation, propaganda, and if we’re being honest, it’s not even good propaganda and this web is full of it. Try it yourself, read articles older than 6 months and you will laugh on full mouth. Here is a small example also from this site: https://southfront.org/israel-giving-kurds-air-force-fight-baghdad-reports/

Tudor Miron

This is good that you openly show who you really are. Dead rat walking.


Disinformation indeed – so just how any different avatars have you used to comment on SF in the same last six months?


Good point Bob.


2? But it does not matter.

You can call me Al

Little Russ, Dutch National, Serious ?……plenty to choose from.

Hideo Watanabe

Truth is stranger than fiction. You don’t know until you find the truth. http://p.booklog.jp/book/120197/read


Jacek Wolski


Joe Ching

do u mean america’s nuke sub uss colombus’ splitting the s.korea warship cheonan and america’s haarp tectonic weapon’s causing the once in a thousand years japan earthquake and nuke crisis were real news?

Joe Ching

in this era of barbarism, many people survive on ignoring truth. what u have is by far the front runner in truth. i will try to catch up with you, after i sort out truths in asia history and culture, after being distorted and trashed by western barbarism. then after i straighten out history and culture, i ll use ur finding in my pursue of asia peace, as the truth u r presenting here will be come a game changer in all the warmongers of the world. for example, has anyone considered environmental impact if one of those express-delivery eastwing 21 chinese rocket cracks open the containment of the nuclear reactor core in a nuke carrier?


There is a 2 line Rider in bold at beginning of the article, which explains why dumb shits like you must be flushed back into the sewer from hence you crawled. All you achieve when you slither out of the gutter is leave a bad smell for a short while before you are re-united in the cesspit with all your rotten stinking Turdish faeces; Ya Yanki ISraHelli Troll

John Mason

Not wrong, all news and information outlets are a form of propaganda just as well us humans have the ability to analyze and decipher the difference between what is acceptable and what isn’t.

chris chuba

I have now plowed through the Start treaty but I believe that there is a requirement to announce new weapons systems in advance.


this weapon does not exist

Manuel Flores Escobar

This weapon exist and have its main target the Naval base of Northfolk and San Diego.. in case of Nuke war…bye bye US air carriers…


That, or…………….., they’re trying to pull a Star Wars on the Americans, force them to spend a shitload on money on something that doesn’t exist, trying to bankrupt them.


E = 10power to (1.5×R + 4.8)

Since detonation of 1 ton of TNT releases 4.184×109 Joules; we can convert these units to equivalent tons of TNT.

so, barba papa, the believer of russian supermacy and truth! you can calculate. 8.5-9 magnitude earthquake causes – in optimal case – tsunami with 30-40 m high waves. R = magnitude

check it, how many megatons are released? and compare with this shit article.


In the Cuban Crisis, the USSR-subs on the East-Coast of the USA had NUKE-torpedoes. Now they are “guided torpedoes”. The Russians and from them the IRANIANS have supersonic underwater-MISSILES (!!!) … and the USA still shoots bullets into buckets to see how to make it. because the bullets, no matter what form they had, get deformed or break in pieces. The Americans PRESUME that the underwater-missiles eject a ionized gas on the pick that keeps an “anti-friction blanket” between the rocket and the water. That’s almost the same as it was with: USA still played with Silvester fireworks and the USSR sent Yuri Gagarin into Space :)))


Ah sorry, because of a minimal FAIR-PLAY, I have to remind here that the Americans were on the Moon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tkB3raSbyo

neil barron

Final proof is there still idiots on this earth and you haven’t left yet?



New Israel is Muslims

Russia would be genius if they did this during a war. Algore would even claim credit.


I really have for many years expected that long ago, remote controlled nuke mines were already anchored in the Ocean beds of Atlantic and Pacific to do this. TDK







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