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MARCH 2025

Russia’s Roscosmos Unveils Nuclear Powered Space Ship For Interstellar Travels (Video)

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Russia's Roscosmos Unveils Nuclear Powered Space Ship For Interstellar Travels (Video)

A screenshot from Roscosmos’ video

Russian space agency Roscosmos has revealed the concept design of the new space ship, which will be powered by a compact nuclear reactor.

According to Roscosmos, the craft will be capable of “interstellar” travel – which means flying between stars. It is hoped the spaceship will be able to carry passengers and crew once a material is developed to protect them from the radiation.

The Russian compact nuclear reactor technology was revealed in March 2018 when President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia posses a group of new state-of-the-art weapons, some of them developed thanks to this technology. MORE HERE Some of them, like the hypersonic missile system Avangard, are already entering the mass production.

An interesting fact is that the design of the space craft presented by Roscosmos looks similar to one, which was shown in the epic science fiction film “Avatar” (2009). This already caused a wave of jokes in the Russian media.

Russia's Roscosmos Unveils Nuclear Powered Space Ship For Interstellar Travels (Video)

A screenshot from the epic science fiction film “Avatar”

In fact, some of the Russian state corporations are know for their mistakes in design, which may cause some funny situations or just show a poor quality of the design work by their PR departments. These failures allow media outlets to speculate that Russian military technologies may be fake or even does not work. However, these speculations have repeatedly appeared to be far from the reality.

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I wonder what speed the plasma thrusters can accelerate the spaceship to? 1/2 the speed of light reaches Alpha Centauri in 8 years. And Pluto in 11 hours if it’s safe to fly that fast in the solar system.


This is a joke. Don’t buy it.

H Eccles


.. and just what are you gonna do when you get there?


An interesting fact is that the design of the space craft presented by Roscosmos looks similar to one, which was shown in the epic science fiction film “Avatar” (2009). This already caused a wave of jokes in the Russian media.

Russia cannot show you the exact technology of the space craft. They can show you the animation only.


OR, is it really just a nuclear weapon disguised as a space ship propulsion system. I would suspect the latter based on Russian history.


either way its a win win


It’s not a win for America with Russian nukes in space…comrade.


North American’s needs to suck it up…buddy.


That’s the whole problem – the liberal progressives are sucking up the trash of the world and expecting great things to happen – they won’t. We don’t need Russian nukes in space, overt or covert.


Nope – suck up the reality that revived Russia can stand up for itself.


The Russian Federation and the preceding Soviet Union are completely different political entities.


And Putin is still a Russian commie sympathizer like he said “I have not torn up my communist party card”.


What rubbish. On number of occasions Putin has made direct public critiques and remarks on the overall political and social failings of Soviet Union era system. Likewise, Putin has strongly advocated for general re-introduction of the pre-Soviet traditional and conservative elements of Russian society – ie Orthodox Church. Putin was child of the Soviet system – no doubt like many others he has very complex ambivalence about world he grew up inside of – so do you throw away all of your past experiences, and learn nothing from them?


Russia will eventually prove that USA did not land on the Moon.

Rocketman ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ



H Eccles

I think they already have. Heres a quote from above.. “…. once a material is developed to protect them from the radiation”

So the one that was developed to go to the moon is of no use then..??

Rex drabble

Well done.The truth is often in plain sight.According to the USA 3mm of aluminium and about 5-10 mm of plastic are enough to protect you. They could have saved billions by lining a cardbord box and used that as a landing module

H Eccles

Hi Rex.. it depends on the type of raidiation. 3mm of aluminium is good for alpha and beta radiation.. but crap for gamma radiation. You need someting heavy like lead for that.


correct, but not for the ordinary Joe. Not even for the woldwide public opinion. Only for those with brain…..

Raptar Driver

They are in on the hoax otherwise they would have done this already.


Nope. USSR´s elite was in on the hoax. That was that way because global oligarchy managed to infiltrate top levels of USSR and made it fall apart. Russia under Putin is not in, but simply anouncing that US did not land on the Moon 50 years later would not do the job. They have to do it by other, more serious means.

Aen RaBeon

Hoax? Holocause is a hoax.


Russia is taking the lead in science because most westerners are simply to dumb to get out of the way of an oncoming train.


Methinks its because Western universities and even Silicon Valley are too busy punishing white men and promoting women and minorities because of social justice. What’s important is not creative thinking but adhering to the right identity group think.


Also in America a mathematician working for a bank, earns 10 times the money of the a guy working in rocket science.

Promitheas Apollonious

the crystal in the front of the design, I fail to understand its use.


The pic is from a Hollywood movie.


Interstellar travel? I suppose they have developed warp drive also. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e56e4278df152a53d55ed3227c78cf357fb637a452bbfce6b8bb0f51c3b5e9d6.jpg

H Eccles

so folks… just how are they gonna dissipate the heat generated by the nuclear reactors?


Open the front door and let the cold space air in of coarse. :D

H Eccles

i’ll put that suggestion into the ‘possible’ basket for now..


Thanks, here is another: Also doing a few very close orbits around Neptune might cool the craft down. :) See my reply above about dissipation of heat.


The concept of “air” does not exist in outer space as far as I know. You would need an atmosphere, or some other source to produce that effect there. But the low temperature of the environment could be put to good use somehow.


I was just kidding about the air remark, wanted to see who was paying attention. In vacuum of space heat can be given off by radiation, but not by convection ( movement of heat through the molecules of a gas, etc.)

Rex drabble

I wonder that too.If the nothingness of outer space is cold,which I believe it is,then it can absorb heat.

H Eccles

Not sure heat gets absorbed by a vacuum.. On earth huge amounts of water is used to cool down nuclear reactors, which is then dumped into nearby lakes and seas. It would be interesting to see how the Russian have resolved this fundamental problem/issue.

Promitheas Apollonious

search thorium reactors you may find your answer.

H Eccles

what answer??… that thorium reactors don’t need cooling down??

Promitheas Apollonious

study what I told you then come and answer me your question. Dont be lazy .

H Eccles

got better things to do..

Promitheas Apollonious

then dont make any questions and do the better things, you have to do.

H Eccles

no one made any questions to you.. as for the better things, i’ll do that whenever i please

Promitheas Apollonious

moron you posting in an open site do the maths and been defensive to cover your ignorance it does show.


No, most of the huge amount of water is used to condense the steam back into water. A nuclear power station is merely a steam engine that uses heat generated by nuclear reactions rather oil or coal based reactions.

H Eccles

“No, most of the huge amount of water is used to condense the steam back into water.”

and then what??… put into a bottle and stored in the managers fridge?


The boiler water, which is highly purified and ph balanced goes back into the boiler. It’s a closed system.


H Eccles

This is becoming tedious… where does the coal come into it??

and btw your condenser seems ot be leading somewhere out of the side of you diagram.. not really a closed system.. is it?


Christ are you really that dense. He gave an example of a closed system.

H Eccles

it’s llike talking to the inbred..


Says the window licker.


You really don’t have a scooby do , do you.

Gnome Sane

Radioactive water is not dumped into nearby lakes and streams….lol. Reactor cooling water stays in the closed system and cooled via heat exchangers/condensers.

H Eccles

well.. when you stop laughing try to do a bit more research… the water that’s used for cooling is returnd to the lakes and seas.. (Radioactive water and streams was added by you)


Heat isn’t absorbed by space, it is dissipated.


Ever stood near an open fire? Did you notice that you got warm? That’s called radiated heat, and all warm bodies do it, including you.

Does the Sun overheat? Space has a temperature of about minus 270C so you need a big fire to keep warm.

H Eccles

sure.. but we’re talking about the vacuum of space.. not my cosy living room..


So how do you reckon the heat from the sun gets to earth and warms you up? Heat is transferred 3 ways, conduction, through solids like leaving the poker in the fire. Convection in air or water, and radiated transfer which works in air and space.

Your living room gets warmed up mostly by convection and radiation.

H Eccles

that’s fine.. but how does any of this relate to cooling down a nuclear reactor hurtling through the vacuum of space?


“radiated transfer which works in air and space.”

Just like the Sun and all the other stars, which are fusion reactors.

Drink Brawndo.

H Eccles

no I’m not with you.. who mentioned fusion??

put away your comic books… it’s not helping


I love it when a space cadet thinks he knows it all.


Of course if we didn’t really ever get beyond the Van Allen Belt then it’s a gigantic hoax and the Russians are in on it, much as I admire their foreign policy and leadership.

Rex drabble

Why would Russia care if the USA makes a false claim about it? What you can do is more important than what you profess to have the capability to do. So Russia gets to another planet first.great,they have nothing to fear and USA will have to make excuses.I like it!

Rick E.

What’s amusing and ironic is that Russia is developing space travel methods and possible vehicles capable of deep space travel, when here in the USA our government has to buy their rocket engines from Russia! Wow!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

“The Russian compact nuclear reactor technology was revealed in March 2018 when President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia posses a group of new state-of-the-art weapons, some of them developed thanks to this technology.”

Most salient of the provided information.

Compact reactors for various applications. (land, sea, air and space)

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Reads like Russia is saving the U.S. taxpayer $ billions by suggesting travel between Earth and Mars would be unfeasible for human beings with present times technologies.

Raptar Driver

Piss off assholes, I hope you go down, no money for your cheap news.

R PLobo

This is not a joke. What is a joke is that the US – who pioneered the study of atomic rockets in the 1950’s and 1960’s is now a shadow of it former self. Nuclear powered rockets is the way to go – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_thermal_rocket


The US is only interested in making money, when the greatest reactor designer of the 20th century, Alvin Weinberg came up with a better, thorium reactor, the US uranium industry got him fired. Worshiping money has turned America into a depraved failing state.

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