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MARCH 2025

Russia’s Rostec Increased Production Of Tornado-S Rockets, Lancet & KUB-BLA Drones

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Russia’s Rostec Increased Production Of Tornado-S Rockets, Lancet & KUB-BLA Drones

MOSCOW REGION, RUSSIA – JUNE 25, 2019: A ZALA Lancet-3 attack drone developed by Kalashnikov Concern on display at the Army 2019 International Military Technical Forum at Patriot Park. Marina Lystseva/TASS

The Russian state-owned defense conglomerate Rostec has increased production of Tornado-S multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), as well as advanced weapons for the Russian military, including the Lancet and KUB-BLA loitering munitions, RIA Novosti reported on November 22.

“Rostec enterprises regularly develop and supply modern and high-quality weapons to the troops, a striking example is the Lancet and KUB unmanned aerial vehicles and Tornado-S MLRS, which have proven themselves in the special military operation zone [in Ukraine]. We fully comply with our obligations. under the state defense order, in a number of areas deliveries have multiplied. At the same time, we continue to develop our technologies and developments,” the conglomerate told the Russian state-run news agency.

In a message to the Federal Assembly a day earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Russian defense industry should bring forward developments to increase the potential of the army and ensure its mass production.

The Tornado-S is a deeply-upgraded BM-30 Smerch 300 mm MLRS by Motovilikha Plants. One of the main features of the upgrade is a special GLONASS satellite navigation system.

The MRLS can fire all Soviet-era 300 mm unguided rockets as well the modern 9М542 rocket, which is guided by a GLONASS-aided inertial navigation system and has a minimum range of 40 kilometers and a maximum range of up to 120 kilometers. The 820-kg rocket is typically armed with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead.

Both the Lancet and KUB-BLA were developed by the ZALA Aero Group, a subsidiary of Russian defense giant Kalashnikov.

The KUB-BLA, which is equipped with a GLONASS-aided inertial navigation system, has an endurance of 30 minutes. On the other hand, the basic version of the Lancet has an endurance of up to 40 minutes. The loitering munition is also equipped with an electro-optical targeting system.

The Russian military have been using these precision-guided weapon systems against Kiev forces since the start of the special operation last year with much success.

Despite repeated reports in the mainstream media about weapons production and supply issues in Russia, the use of all types of advanced weapons by the Russian military, especially missiles and drones, is only increasing.


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The Objective

Someone claimed that Wagner was trying to trick Ukraine with their allegations of inadequate arms supplies.

Some payback for Syrian Muslims. Praise be to Allah who brought this reconpense quite swiftly.

Die! Matherfuckers!


Last edited 2 years ago by The Objective
Chris Gr

So what does this mean? Many Wagners are prisoners so it is a win win situation for Russia.

The Objective

How do you mean win win? Wagner’s boss just cried that weapons are undersupplied and his people are dying by the hundreds. There’s no win here for Russia. I think the sheer number of Wagner deaths is what forced their boss to openly criticize the Russian military leadership.

And yes, those guys have committed barbaric acts against Muslims in Syria and Libya. They fought to deny the majority the right to vote its leaders. All Russian foreign intervention in the Muslim world have been to sustain authoritarian rule – which is the same thing America is doing to the Muslim world. And you want the Muslim world to sympathize or even support Russia in Ukraine?

Chris Gr

It is win win because both Wagnerites and Azovites are killed.

What majority? Majority of Wahhabis? Yes ok, Haftar and Assad are dictators but FSA and GNA were very flawed and the other factions were jihadists like LIFG and HTS.

The Objective

Don’t get me wrong. I do not support ISIS. In fact, I do not support ANY muslim groups that is allied with the U.S. in today’s world. No true Muslim would support such an alliance because the U.S. is our biggest enemy. This is why secularists are having a hard time winning free and fair elections in Muslim countries. People percieve them as allies of America.

GNA is a legitimate government supported by the U.N. itself (at least officially). What reason do you have to call them terrorists? Is every Muslim opposed to dictatorship a wahhabi? What exactly do you mean by a Wahhabi? You’ve just been brainwashed into viewing all anti-Western Muslims through the lense of terror as taught to you by the Western media. One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. Your “humane” and “civilized” West has killed more people than any other empire in history. The U.S. military is far more evil than ISIS. It’s killed more than any other armed body in the world.

Chris Gr

You are not wrong on what you write. I am not supportive of secularism and dictatorship either.

The Wahhabis are LIFG in Libya and HTS in Syria. GNA and FSA are failed projects though. Moderate but failed.


Barbaric acs against Muslims in Syria and Libya? Are these Muslims by any chance the “moderate” kind that the US supports? The ones that moderately chop your head off with a blunt knife? If we’re talking about these “moderate terrorists”, the ones that John McCain supported, then Wagner was doing the world a service in getting rid of them. The manner in which they were disposed of is irrelevant. If it means they were disposed of with extreme prejudice, then i guess karma is really a bitch.

The Objective

You cannot jumble everyone into the same basket just because they oppose you. Syria is infested with all kinds of forces – some good and other are pure evil. The civilians bear the brunt of the war and they are the people I worry about. Not everyone in Syria was fighting Russia. I’m not saying that Russia should stand and do nothing and be killed. But they had, and still have the power to bring this war to an end – IF they are willing to ask Assad to make concessions to accommodate some opposition demands. Once an agreement is reached between Assad and the opposition, anyone who refuses will be treated as a terrorist by both sides. That’s how to end the war. I’m not saying Assad should hand over power to ISIS or any other militant with the same mentality as ISIS. I believe that any ISIS-like Jihadist is trained or at least armed by the U.S.

Chris Gr

You are 100% correct on this, however, US left them for SDF.

Nose, Nose

Apparently, the Wagner guys haven’t “committed” nearly enough military successes against the muslim terrorists in Syria and elsewhere. As if those “muslims” in Syria were for any better rule than Assad, who imho pussyfoots around the issue.

Chris Gr

LIFG and HTS are Wahhabis and GNA and FSA are failed projects. Just.

Mr. Guldar Tate Esquire

And how many “Syrian Muslims” have been killed by other “Syrian Muslims”? The fake Muslim proxies working for the US and Israel in Syria have been beaten back and they won’t get any further. Only death remains for them. Count your troops. How many Ukrainians have been killed in comparison to Russians? Count your troops again. Even the Mossad said the Ukrainians have taken several times more casualties than the Russians, so keep crossing you fingers and hoping Russians get slaughtered while Ukraine is losing an entire generation of men.

The Objective

Hey, I used to support Russia. If not for the Syrian war, I would pray for the Russian forces fighting the U.S. proxies in Ukraine as the U.S. is a bigger evil. But Russia is the major reason why millions of Syrians are still wondering around the world. Fine, the war has happened and hopefully is coming to an end. But Russia could push Assad to accommodate some opposition demands just to end the war. Perhaps federalism or a similar arrangement. But no, Russia wants 100% dictatorship reinstated in Syria – something the Muslim world cannot accept. Were Russia to do this earlier, the U.S. would have zero excuse to be in Syria and would’ve been forced to leave. Russia does not want to end the Syrian war except on its terms.


zionist agent and a monkey idiot.


I think Russia alongside Assad had enough of your “moderate” head choppers

The Objective

Unfortunately, you are wrong. Any power involved in the Syrian war will be destroyed except for those fighting in the true interest for the Muslim world (its mainstream body). ISIS and others are just Khawarij and deserve to be killed.

Nose, Nose

The “true interest” of the muslim world is to chop everyone else’s head off. As written in that mouldy book of that child rapist whom you call “prophet”. No, we don’t want any of that shit.

Chris Gr

You have one right there. Russia supports Ba’athists and Nasserists and commies there.

The Objective

On whose side are you exactly?

Chris Gr

Libya = Senussi order, Egypt = Wafd party, Syria = Aramaic Democratic Organization and Kataeb

Romanian whore

It’s extremely simple, but very hard to understand for a muslim tribesman. If Wahabis would have succeed in Syria, all others would have being left without….head. Allawite first, shia next. What happened with Yazidis are a very compelling fact.

The Objective

I’m not talking about wahhabis. I’m talking about the average Syrian Sunni Muslim. Sunnis and Shiites live in peace even in Saudi Arabia. What makes you think Sunnis will start chopping off the heads of Shiites. We’ve lived together for centuries and what you are claiming hasn’t happened. Will it happen now? Every Muslim country today has Shiite citizens. Are they chopping their heads off. To the contrary, Sunnis are actually helping some Shiites regain their rights. Azerbaijan is a good example.

ISIS is the enemy of both Shiite and Sunni. But Russia only uses ISIS as a cover to fight its real enemy (the broader Muslim community). This isn’t different from what the U.S. does. Suddenly, we hear a lot of propaganda about “Alqaeda-HTS”. When has Alqaeda became Russia’s problem? Perhaps the Russians are helping America avenge the fake 9/11. To justify their blood lust on 4 million people taking refuge in Idlib, they constantly remind us how HTS = Alqaeda. they want to destroy the enclave regardless of the suffering it’ll bring to these worthless refugees.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Objective
Nose, Nose

I’ve heard enough “average muslims” claiming that ISIS is the one right way to run a muslim state, and seen way more than enough “average muslims” go to join ISIS to have had enough for a lifetime. I am also painfully aware of so many “average muslims” who pillaged and murdered their way through large parts of Europe and India that their victims are even more numerous than those of communism. From my point of view, the only good muslim is a dead muslim, and I’d be happy to help them on their way to their big whorehouse they call “paradise”.

Chris Gr

You mean Turkey has helped Azeri, Iranian and Iraqi Shiites against Armenia, PJAK and ISIS for sure and they are rumored to help the Houthis against the Saudis.

Nose, Nose

Let me tell you that Russia and China are so far the only countries that seem to have half of an idea about what to do with “muslims”, although I head that India is slowly wising up as well.

Chris Gr

SNA are not supported by the US though. SDF do. And FSA.

The Objective

Whichever way you look at it Russia is an evil player in Syria. Their intervention made things worse and they haven’t even won the war yet. They haven’t won because they CAN’T get the U.S. out. And as long as the U.S. has mliitary bases in Syria, the Assad regime is never safe.

Chris Gr

The US couldn’t get Assad out so they are the losers.

The Objective

If you spill the blood of ONE true Muslim, it does not go unpunished. That’s Allah’s promise and He has always fulfilled it throughout history. So, while you are fighting ISIS, be careful that you do not spill the blood of a Muslim that is dear to Allah. Because you will definitely pay. Russia disregarded civilian safety in Syria BECAUSE THEY ARE MUSLIMS and their lives are worth less than the lives of Ukrainian civilians. I know this by comparing how executed both wars. this is why I’m 100% certain that Russia has invited disaster upon itself by invading Syria.

From now, things won’t go right for the present Russian government. The U.S. too has been paying for its crimes against Muslims, but only the keen observer would notice it. However, Allah will destroy both the U.S. and Russia, most likely in this generation – looking at the pace of events. It’s Allah’s promise that He’ll bring to ruin any country that destroys even a single Muslim community. Both Russia and the U.S. already did that.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Objective
Florian Geyer

‘ Thou Doth Protest Too Much’ , The Objective.

I have known you since the Syrian War started and, in my opinion, you are writing from a script. The ‘Russia Bad ‘ Script you now ‘ troll us with is now your objective, and its all rather sad.

Chris Gr

It is not just Muslims. lol


Well done. Drones are the future.

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