MOSCOW REGION, RUSSIA – AUGUST 23, 2017: Terminator-3 infantry fighting vehicle during a fire demonstration at the Army-2017 International Military-Technical Forum, at the Patriot military park outside Moscow. Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS
Russia’s BMPT “Terminator” armored fighting vehicle (AFV) has been spotted near one of the hottest frontlines in the Donbass region.
On April 15, Russian sources shared a video showing a convoy of the Russian Armed Forces with at least four BMPTs moving near the city of Severodonetsk in Luhansk. The AFVs were likely on their way to the nearby frontline where a fierce battle with Kiev forces is taking place.
While this is the first time the BMPT is spotted in Donbass, the AFV was seen near the Russian border with the region before the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.
The BMPT is built on the chassis of the widely-used T-72 main battle tank. It was developed by Russia’s Ural Transport Engineering Design Bureau based on combat experience gained during the Soviet–Afghan War and the First Chechen War.
The AFV is armed with four 9M120 Ataka missile launchers, two 30 mm 2A42 autocannons, two AG-17D grenade launchers and one coaxial 7.62 mm PKTM machine gun. It is also equipped with an advanced day and night capable fire control system. The navigation system used by the AFV is a combined GPS/GLONASS module.
The BMPT is powered by a V-92S2 1,000 hp diesel engine. It has an operational range of 550 kilometers and maximum speed of 60 kilometers.
More than 70 BMPTs are known to be in service with the Russian Armed Forces. It is unclear how many of these AFVs have been deployed in Donbass.
The BMPT was especially designed to support main battle tanks in urban terrain. The AFV will likely be of great help to Russian units currently fighting in Severodonetsk and nearby urban settlements.
Next Russian epic fail weapon lmao
I know, right? They failed so much that they only took a few thousand km of territory from the failed Ukrainian CIA project, while killing only a few tens of thousands of Ukrainian servicemen and while a paltry few million refugees fled the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project. Clearly a Ukrainian success.
And all of the above just in the first 81 days of the 2 days operation. =))))))) You, Russians, really still think you can get out OK of this mess?
Poor ol’ Ukrotard trotting out their strawmen. If you had to pick between the failed Ukrainian CIA project, which has lost tens of thousands of square km of territory since the US coup in 2014, along with millions of refugees and tens of thousands of dead servicemen, and Russia, which has backed up its claim that the next war against Russia would not be fought on Russian territory, which one is in a mess?
You know history? 1938, ’39, ’40? Germany fought also against the civilized world, on their territory, killing millions of people and occupying 3/4th of Europe also by claiming imaginary threats against them? And in a few years Germany seized to exist. So keep calm and prepare to beg for mercy.
It is actually You don’t understand the sub text of the war. Russia won’t kerp any territory and the ruling elite know it But they want Ukrainium spread into other locations and Ukrainia left open for resettlement.
Actually you’re an imbecile. Russia is fighting against the US on Ukrainian territory, keeping to their word that the next war against them would not be fought on their soil.
Sure. We have noticed how their epic fail weapons decimate Ukrainian military, infrastructure, command posts, epic assaul of Ukrainian armed forces to Snake Island etc. Imagine what would happen if these weapons start to work properly. However, we noticed more than few British, US and German wunderwaffen fails. Even Ukrainians (well at least those at the front lines, not armchair troll fighters who receive salary from Soros NGOs like you) admit that.
Same thing was said in Syria oh Russia can’t save Syria they are losing soldiers they are weak and Russia ignores everything and practices patience and took back Syria who ever said Russia will take Ukraine in 2 days are you retarted no invading countries can take another country in 2 days america couldn’t take Iraq in years but atleast Russia is causing damage and not using its military might just it’s old equipment and they did great seeing that they are actually fighting america and nato not Ukrainian if it was the Ukraine omg it would of been over in 3 hours lol Russia knows what they are doing and they weighed all options it is the us that’s getting destroyed everything is sky high in prices truckers Are shutting there trucks down because 6.00 a gal diesel in top of China using covid as an excuse not to send supplies over to the us so think real hard boy that’s why usa is starting these wars because they are getting slapped in the face oh and don’t forget israhell who lost the 2006 war against a small group in 3 weeks it was one Lebanon vs 10 israhell let’s not forget how Lebanon detroyed the super power of the Middle East in 3 weeks so please wake up
Efectivamente: Rusia no hace las Guerras (EE.UU no para de provocarlas) PERO LAS GANA, Viva Rusia!!
Clearly a heart-broken NATO fanboy … cry us a river, dude. If you can’t cope with the reality of this military operation just gladly stay away. We are not in need of more cry babies.
I can understand why you people can’t handle reality, it would be quite depressing .
The less risk for russian fighters the better. Hopefully these toys will help drive out the ukronazis out of the Donbass region for good.
Next step for less risk is to use robots like “Uran-9” and “Nerehta”. Tested in Syria, may be it’s time to test somewhere else, who knows.
Yes. Hitler also was saved by his wonderweapons…..
It’s more the kill rate to clear lines and make advancing easier. Russia has played this special operation as minimum force to achieve Goals and objectives. I feel (who knows for real) that they may want to pick the pace up to close the final Kilometres in Donesk. Whilst also securing some solid bulk killing of Ukrainian Nazis. It’s common knowledge that a lot of Ukrainian Nazis are dying on the front lines now, accelerating and increasing this, can only be a good thing to contribute to the goal of de-natzification of Ukraine.
These “toys” likes the Javelin exactly like all the other russian tanks ;)
Russia needs to break out of Donbass and start an actual advance as soon as possible or they may just lose this war.
Or not.
Russia’s military armament is vastly superior to any US NATO junk because the Russian government cares about its troops. The Ukrainians were complaining so much about the horrible and useless NATO equipment that Zelensky had to pass a law that if any Ukrainian soldier criticized NATO weapons they would be court marshaled. The American M113 armored personnel carrier was described by Ukrainian soldiers as a death trap and a walking coffin with wheels. Gotta feel bad for these Ukrainian conscripts and soldiers that are being sent to the front lines to be killed as cannon fodder with minimal training and inferior weapons.
Can you please attach a link to your verified news source on this . Especially the laws being passed by zelensky!
Yea, it would be very good for debating those NATO-Ukraine loving idiots
NATo může milovat jen blb nácek, nebo terorista.
He has nothing, just speculation. You have to understand Putin is a closeted homosexuals wet dream. These homos in denial just gobble up Putin propaganda like it’s all 4” of Putins purple headed soldier. Then get confused between their sexualized Putin Fantasies and Russian military might. They would be much happier if the just came out as being gay, or Bi.
That would be helpful
US puppets “winning” with the M113 for sixty years.
Winston Churchill (1944): ”I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.”
A far better documentary is the ‘Ten Thousand Day War’ by Michael Maclear and Peter Arnett featuring impressive history and interviews from every important personage of this war. These include Westemoreland, Ky, Thieu, Robert ‘Blowtorch’ Komer, Frank Snepp, William Colby, Luigi ‘Louie’ Conein plus notable field commanders, journalists, and soldiers involved in particular battles from both sides. Bernard Fall even makes an appearance.
The Burns-Novick attempt was nothing more than a travelogue with a rock music soundtrack. They didn’t address historical background, the French, or any part of Vietnamese culture. They had no contemporary witnesses. This is typical of US ‘wisdom’ as even a superficial understanding of Vietnamese history would have revealed that the Vietnamese hate and fear the Chinese having fought them for 1000 years, until 925 CE, for their freedom. They are the only nation to successfully resist Kublai Khan and the Mongol Horde. US leadership could have asked what Vietnamese street signs meant and celebrated. Instead the US committed the first and worst post-WWII war crimes irreparably damaging US and Western reputations. US leadership and public learned and know nothing about the Vietnam War except to repeat the same brutally stupid mistakes in every other country in which they take an interest.
Henry Kissinger (Washington Post): “For the West, the demonization of Vladimir Putin is not a policy; it is an alibi for the absence of one.”
Please provide a link to your claims. I doubt you can. I have no idea on military equipment quality. All I see is that since outdated NATO equipment came in to the Ukraine, Russian advances have stalled to a crawl, and they have fled from around Kiev and Harkive. Is this because of Nato equipment? Or something else?
The Russians did not flee from Kiev. They parked a large convoy in front of it and me no resistance. It was just a show of strength to prevent a full assault on Donbas and it worked!. The Uke Nazis in the east are being pounded into dust. The Nazi campaign to exterminate ethnic Russians is over. Ukraine is very close to being denazified.
What do you expect? A few intelligent people on the NATO side of things have already said publicly that it looks like the bullies in Brussels are willing to fight this war against Russia to the last Ukrainian. And despite that, they don’t expect the Ukrainians to prevail either. So much so that according to South Front, The Americans are removing the digital targeting apparatus from their M777 artillery pieces that they’re giving to the Ukrainians. The American figure that these artillery pieces will end up in a trophy case in Moscow. Thus, they don’t want the Russians to have any exclusive high-tech American hardware that they could reverse-engineer.
NATO armament is far more advanced, Russia relies more on numbers
The M113 APC was junk in the 1960s. US grunts refused to sit inside these rolling coffins.It doesn’t stop bullets, it catches them so that they bounce around inside. The aluminum hull burns wonderfully hot when ammo detonates inside. US military ridiculously spent millions maintaining this junk.
Actually the M113 is a tracked vehicle, but in modern war it is no less a death trap. Armour is 2 inches of aluminium: almost anything heavier than a rifle slug will penetrate it. High, flat sides. Many were blown apart in Vietnam where it was first used.
Imagine being a soldier in the Ukrainian military and you complain to your government and military leaders that the weapons you’re receiving from NATO are complete junk and your commanding officer tells you shut up slave go to the front line and fight. One more complain about these useless NATO weapons and you’ll be court marshaled. That’s exactly what’s happening in Ukraine. This just proves that anyone who claims they support the Ukrainian regime does not give a dam about the Ukrainian soldiers.
How can we grab more money from our stupid meek disarmed serfs? Why just send all our obsolete military crap to those fucking Slavs in Ukraine and then cry we are out of equipment! We love the kickbacks from Rockwell and Raytheon too.
Yup. The oligarchs party and have orgies with women while they tell Ukrainian boys to go run into the bullets
Actually they have orgies with boys, rather smaller than those they send off to die.
The fact that some ukrainian can make a video with his mobile phone and put it up on the internet shows how bad this war is organised. If the us would have attacked ukraine they would be back to stone age by now.
When Ukraine soldiers put up videos, they give away their position, they also provide additional info that can be useful. Russia wants the country intact when they are done, not reduced to a radioactive shell from a full on blitz with depleted uranium and phosphorous weapons. If it takes longer to get the job done so be it.
Who are the genocidal maniacs then? Gringos.
Looks interesting.
Russian military logistic problems have been terrible, just like during last years of Soviet dementia. Training level of Russian Army is far below NATO standards. Especially incompetence of NCOs and engineers is one of the main reasons why they have abandoned lots of vehicles.
Interestingly, it was the same opinion German army headquarters (WWII NATO) had in 1941. We all know how it ended. Let me remind you, not in Moscow but in Berlin. But hey, Russian tanks then were “far below German standards”. Those who lack knowledge of the history are likely to learn it hard way. Good luck with that.
A significant disadvantage of the NATO training is that it assumes the Ukraine troops would have air control and NATO would be able to communicate with the troops. That ability has been lost, from what I can tell Ukraine is working with WW1 communication capabilities if that.
Nah Mihael. You’re missing the important point. 1st. Stalin murdered mio of people, especially Ukrainian Kulaks, and stole their crops, wheat everything they had and thereby caused Holodomor. (Starving and later in 1940 and 1941 also directly murdering and deporting the ukrainian civilian population to gulags). He stole also from russian farmers everywhere but extremely lot especially from the Kulaks. He sold all that food on the international market in order to buy weapons and upgrade the army with that money. (Note: This was long before there were any problems between NS Germany and Stalin-UDSSR). From this time the strong hate of Ukrainians against all communist systems is rooted.
2nd, in the war between NS Germany, the main advantage of the UDSSR were: US Lend-and-Lease system, sending trillions of worth in tanks, spare-parts, plans and guns from USA to Sowjetunion. Without that US support UDSSR wouldn t have been able to survive 1942 militariarly. Plus, also that should not be forgotten, USA and UK apart from military installations and factories also bombed NS Germany in an absolute inhumane way, directly attacking the civilian population with white phosporous on purpose, which is an absolute act of war-crime and genocide (see Dresden, Hamburg etc.)
Another thing not mentioned is that NS Germany never went so low to take of the gloves and never used it’s large reservoir of nerve-agents like the new produced Sarin-gas against the soviets or any war-party, so also here we see the difference betwenn the different sides. USA used atomic bomb against Japan. And white phosphorous against german civilians. Stalin used large partisan-armies to wage war behind the frontlines, which is also illegal accordind to international law, and had – thanks to the US – nearly unlimited supply of material including tanks, planes, artillery and spare-parts at his disposal.
All this were important factor letting the UDSSR win in the end. It managed to do so only with the maximum help from Canada and UK but especially USA and the hundreds of large atlantic ship convois sailing from USA and Canada straight to Murmansk.
But today, this exact thing, the USA Lend-and-Lease programm is giving these advantage to Ukraine andwill give it to all front-line NATO countries attacked or directly threatend with Putin-Russia attack. So cards not good this time for Russia. (Only if China shifts away from peacetime economy and switches to war-time economy and gives large streams of weapons to Russia, only then Putin Red Z(ombie)-Army can survive or even win this conflict in the long run. But without China massively engaging and accepting to give immense continous weapons deliveries to Russia, Putin is fucking, that’s for sure.
Just like T-34/76. Not even near the “best tank of WW2”. Nowadays even Russian tank warfare experts have admitted how much problems T-34/76 had. But still ignorants claiming it was best.
Your jealousy is obvious dude. Russians a grinding Ukies by the hundreds a day. Their military tech proved very effective. It seems you are the one being ignorant here. It’s of course your choice, even if it’s the wrong one.
of course t34 was not the best, but it was the best in quality/quantity ratio
Rusové mají vše špatné a všude prohrávají, nic jim nefunguje a Ukrajinská armáda všude vyhrává. Proto Ukrajina má už asi pátou mobilizaci a Rusko žádnou.
I’VE been around the weapons industry most of my adult life. A bunch of almost exclusive male engineering types. The one thing they all have in common is their kid like fascination with the killing machines they produce and ignorance of the destruction these weapon systems cause.
A new toy. War is the mother of invention. I’m surprised we haven’t seen attack swarms of drones. Biofrequency weapons. Android soldiers, and where is sky net.
That stuff will come out when the global economy crashes and people are violently attacking the government’s.
Yep, right now the really nasty stuff like DEW are only used on citizens of other nations and possibly the occasional domestic forest fire…
27.500 dead Russian soldiers so far. Everything going to plan!
Says Zelensky
No John, let’s be precise. 27 511,5 . That one (0,5) was only half dead. As big guy Zelensky has claimed with his hand on a Bible….errr…Talmud.
DPR and LPR have admitted total losses some 13,000 KIA and WIA. The question here is how much more has RF units lost. We do know RF has at least 3 times more soldiers than DPR and LPR. Perheps their loss % is lower so perhaps RF units have lost around 25,000 of which 5,000 deaths.
That’s the Ukrainian casualty figures. Nice try liar
My family is military and mom worked for the Balistic Missle Organization, BMO. Me and my x wife met her boss, Col. BABBIT at her retirement party.
When Col. Babbitt found out about the background of my wife and me, he stated, we should join the organization and develop the next generation of defensive nuclear weapons. We looked at each other and thought that was insane because we knew he believed it.
At the time both sides an 10s of thousands of nuclear weapons with overkill ratios at least 20 to one. Later I was involved in research that concluded that a nuclear strike on a nuclear on a nuclear reactor complex would likely trigger a mass extinction event. So I had to rethink my kill ratio for mass extinction to 10,000 to 1. It only takes one. None of the mad scientists had a clue and most still don’t.
It only takes one. Indeed. Like one that hits Yellowstone national Park. Imagine that. Nobody ever accused single “scientist” of any true scientific approach to life, for example.
Actually that is the shot I fear most, the site is so vulnerable and the level of destruction from one shot, which would not have to be nuclear would set the US waaaaay back.
Both sides are fighting fiercely, both sides have big balls, but both sides are dying unnecessarily and both sides are Slavs.
I will agree with everything you said except the part when you said both sides are dying unnecessarily. Russia’s cause is a just cause they were given no choice by Ukraine and NATO but to completely demilitarize Ukraine. Ukraine crossed the red line and a great purge was necessary. Russia is doing such a thorough job at demilitarizing Ukraine that after the operation is over Ukraine will never be a militant nation again. They will be the new and improved but much smaller pacified, non-violent and landlocked rump state of Ukraine. The new leadership of Ukraine will be very friendly to Russia because Russia will control the entire commerce of Ukraine via the Sea of Azov and Black Sea.
Yes. They will be very friendly. Like the jews with the nazis.
Don t make so much words about what you imbecile want to say. In short: Russia wants to make the Ukrainians slaves. Enslave them, rob themof their honour, property, defences, land, culture, independence and make it a russian landlocked slave-colony.
And exactly because the Ukrainians know that, and hate communism, they are fighting this war against the aggressor Putin, and his red-handed bloody invader hordes.
Just to remind all the low IQ trolls here that 2 days ago US Defense secretary Lloyd Austin called Shoigu and begged for a ceasefire because the US knows that Russia is demolishing the Ukrainian army. Last desperate attempt to stall before the Ukrainian military capitulates. Anybody with half a brain understands that if Ukraine was remotely even putting up a fight the US defense secretary would not be calling up Russia to beg for a “time-out”. Nobody should be surprised that Russia is easily winning this war. The US and NATO are professional losers, they lost in Syria, they lost in the 2014 Ukrainian war, they just lost in Afghanistan and they’re losing badly in Ukraine again.
You and me we both have no idea what Austin and Shoigu were talking. Did Austin ask about Putin’s brain carcer or are both planning how to get Putin out off hook he is now. Generals don’t want nuclear war. The problem here is Russian Silovik War Party. These bunch of militants don’t understand that Russia can never become real Empire.
“These bunch of militants don’t understand that Russia can never become real Empire.” – Do you mean like the Holy Roman Empire which was not holy, nor Roman, nor true empire but just morelike heathen Germany (actually a bunch of Frankish homosexuals) enlarged at the expense of other people in Europe?
What a joke you are. Just read the official statement you lazy dimwit. Austin did in fact demand a immediately ceasefire. I also see this more as he was begging for it … you know … since Ukraine is winning and all.
Russia has no desire to call anyone at the US government whatsoever. The whole story about that phone conversation was done just because the US was desperately trying to reach out to Russia, hence the begging for anything to slow down / stop the slaughter of Ukie forces. Russia tired to reason with those morons in December, but they were to busy to take Russia’s warning seriously and now the time for taking is over. The US can beg, but I seriously doubt the Russians will do anything from their point of view. All decisions had been made already and from now on it is their way or the highway.
Just ask if you have any trouble to find the statement with Austin’s demand for ceasefire. I think you should be able to find it on your own. As for me, it took about 10 seconds and I wasn’t even using g**gle.
NATO is being humiliated and embarrassed in front of the whole world. Russia a few months ago literally blew up an entire NATO training camp killing 168 foreign NATO trained mercenaries from the UK, US, Canada including NATO advisors and what did NATO do about it? Jack shit because NATO is petrified of Russia. Russia has taken the entire Sea of Azov and half of the Black Sea from Ukraine and soon they’ll take Odessa and there is nothing NATO is going to do about it. All you globo-homo LGBTQ NATO troll fanboys just have to realize that NATO nations are not good at war. Your countries are good at chopping the testicles off of little eight year old boys and stitching inflatable rubber dildos on vaginas. How can you possibly think you can win a war fighting against real men like the Russians or Chechens. One Chechen fighter has more testosterone than a NATO brigade. lol
Love your optimism. And you are absolutely right about the difference between the “”men” of the West and the real men of Russia. The degenerate West is finished. Sad but true.
Yes and no – the medias are pushing their homo-globo agenda yes. But that’s merely propaganda. Do you think that in the european ghettos from France to Germany, Netherlands and Sweden the youth are weak ? No, they ought to fight to survive the gang-wars, the evil government-treatment, the poverty, the prisons and all the other shit. Some of them break, get drug-addicts, or die in fighting. But the survivers are strong and brutal. Lots of violent subculture everywhere. (Same as here in the USA with the gang-wars). The difference is in the treatment.
These hardcore people are treated by the western government as scum. But that doesn t mean they do not exist, same goes for the hooligans, and bikers.
You are right with your claim that lots are now done, because they didn t realized the judeo-communist biological weapons attack at them, disguised as “vaccines”. But some of them did. Also nearly all true national people, from USA to Germany to Netherland, Skandinavia, Austria etc. did of course, not take the jewish death-jabs, and are – as they know that the jews massmurdered mio. of their (the nationalists) fellow countrymen, more then willing to fight this pest on two legs (resp. the Jews). Jewish media tries to promote and make the western men homos, weak weeping like chickenfucks, but life situation, collapsing economy and asylum-influx and ghettoization brought back lots of hardships and also the violence back into the field. So I guess Putin-Russia fell too much to its own jewish-partners propaganda. And Putins army and youths of vodka drunkards – are they so much better… obviously not.. otherwise he would not need to import chechens and syrians to the russian forces in Ukraine to do the streetfighting.
So yes, the defences of the western countries are weakend, but are far from implosion or something like that. The tide will turn soon into the direct opposite, when the economy collapses and the people realize that the jews and all their judeo-bolshewic agents, which are the so-called ‘politicians’ will be hunted down hanged or shot directly. I am very glad to be able to live through that time, and likely will be able to slaughter as much as possible of these demonic treacherous worms, and burn them out of the flesh of my country. Time is near, as after the collapse of the economies in USA and Europe most people will from this be forced to open their eyes, and realize that the jews were behind it all from the very beginning, and have drilled and wormed themselves into every government, economy, juristic and health system and whatever media high-position, and from their directed everything on full purpose directly into the abyss, while at the same time murdering mio. of innocent christian men, women an children, with the mRNA-ratpoison injections.
The real war is going on is: the International Jewry vs. Mankind
And the sooner people realize this, the sooner the world will become resistant, and eradicate that diabolic force from the face of the earth, and return to be a place of god-fearing, nature-respecting honourable people and nations.
I am well aware of the Jew problem. And that is probably true of most people commenting here at SF, although most don’t like to talk about it. Just look at the 3 Jewish presidents Ukraine have had since the US led coup in 2014. Yes, it is obvious that the Jews are deeply involved in everything that is going on, not just in Ukraine, but everywhere! I agree with most of what you are saying.
They can bluff as always. First they wanted to drag Moldova into this conflict. Preparation were already on the way. Then there was that whole peacekeeping idea floating around. Poland was about to enter Ukraine, but so far nothing happened. All they did is amass troops and stage a fake military exercise to intimidate Russia and Belarus. But both are not especially bothered by it, since they know NATO is not that stupid to be blown up, if they would actually dare to stage something.
It is like they say, a barking dog doesn’t bite. NATO is only barking but had never the balls to do anything, as they now the Russian response would mean the end of NATO. Every member country would opt out in a second before declaring war against Russia, which at that point would be nothing more than a suicide wish.
Looking forward to the Russian winter to see how the nato mercenaries and their friends deal with frozen conditions in east Ukraine I know they are Not up to the job .so expect many western nato mercenaries to surrender or simply go home come winter time. All of their so called technologies will be of no use to them come the Russian winter remember the German army in 1942 and there after. The long march home to west Europe and Canada lol
And don’t forget that Putin probably will cut off the gas supply to the Europeans in the autumn if they still want to play war with him and his brave soldiers. The master tactician of the Kremlin is now playing the long game and has all the aces up his sleeve.
What ever will happen during this war from now on one thing is sure: at least during these first 80 days Russian military big ego has been humiliated badly. Now no honest Russian or pro Russian can’t brag of either their army or Spetsnaz. Their wet dream is now over.
We will see how it fares with “honest Germans”. Althou, that may be an oxymoron. Still I value your opinion as of a member of a nation that was defeated in a world war. Twice.
A nation (germans) that had the courage and greatness to fight against the forces of evil, the eternal jew. Whereas most other nations succumbed to the jews schemes and were not able to get rid of them and burn them out from the flesh of their countries. Germany took the beating and sacrificed mio. of its best men and women in order to give time-window to the whole world to prepare and get knowledge about the Jews and their evil plans. This worldwide mRNA genocide, currently taking place, in which jewish pharmaceutical global corporations, together with jewish media global corporations and connection with jewish-bought western governments and their fake-juristical system and criminal judges and other stooges force mio. of christian innocent men, women and children to accept the jewish death-jabs and agree to commit suicide, all this shit would have happened already 50 or even 80 years ago, had not Germany and Adolf Hitler stopped the International Jewry and its camouflaged world-surpression and enslavement system called judeo-bolshewism / world communism from taken over europe in the 1930’s. NS Germany shed light on the Jew. NS Germany exposed the ‘Children of Satan’ (like Jesus said), and left hundred thousands of books and lectures on how to recognize jews, how to detect their schemes and evil tricks, how to fight them etc. And like Jesus, NS Germany was crucified and blamed as evil (by the jews and their roman-dogs later US and UDSSR-dogs).
In old prophecies is written that Jesus will return after about 2000 years to earth, but this time not as a peaceful guy, but with a flaming-sword and that he will hunt down and do purge against the children of satan and all evil-doers.
And from Einstein (the jewish scientist) we no that space-time is an important thing. As if anyone wants to meet somewhere, you always need to know WHERE andat WHAT TIME you want to meet in order to meet successfully somebody.If one ofthe two above mentioned things’place’ or exect ‘time’ is not known that you cannot meet, or do fix points in a system.
Therefore in prophecies and cryptographical things names for space can as well mean time or both. And now look at it closely. When did Jesus revive and returned from the dead ? On EASTERN. Eastern is a time in April. But, as we have just learned, in this universe, because of logic (Einstein) time in prophecies and cryptographical things, same as in mathemtics may also mean space resp. A PLACE.
So jesus returned ON EASTERN but that might also mean AT EASTERN – resp. a place called EASTERN or IN A TERRITORY OR REALM CALLED EASTERN.
And now look at the world-map. Which place on earth, which country sounds closest to that. Eastern in German is called OSTERN, food is call OSTER-EGG, or meal – OSTER-ESSEN. So what we look for is a place or Realm of Oster. Is it France resp. Frank-Reich(realm) ? No. Is it German-Realm, Deutsch-Realm, no ??? Is it Russia, Rus-land, Land resp. Realm of the Rus ? No
Is ist Austria, in german : Oster-reich = Realm of Oster, YES !!! Land of Rebirth, Österreich, Austria that’s it.
And WHO was born their – nearly exact 2000 years after Jesus dead ? Who was biorn their on Eastern in April ? Who was then indeed running with a flaming sword through Europeand hunted down the Jews and all other evil-doers allied to these monsters !!??
Nah ? It was Austria-born Adolf Hitler (born 20th April) and his forces, who hunted them and kicked them out from their high-positions everyehere.
But most of none-european mankind (including lots of americans and russians) was to stupid to realize the coming and instead aligned themselves with the forces of Satan and Evil and fought to stay enslaved and be slaves forever. Then when also this time Jesus was crucified and killed, God abstained and let mankind go, to see and live through the end – in order to realize what evil really is, and that it means total annihilation of mankind and human race, if you stupid man not start to realize who the Jews are. If you not realize the existence of Satan and his forces, and start fighting him, you will be erased from the face of the earth by his demons and diabolical schemes and tricks and poisoning within an eye-blink. Now we have it, and we all better wake up – before it’s too lake. God will not come for a third time to save us. This time it is up to us – eighter Victory – or Death !!!
In the end times – Jesus said – the childrens of God ( all truely god-fearing people) need to be as clever as the snakes) in order to survive, and defeat the Devil and his hoirdes ! We had more than 2000 years to learn, to view the schemes, the doings and the tricks of the DEViL, we can see the wandering jew through the times, and all his horrendous gigantic crimes, massacred, mass-poisonings and lies, and we now need to be ready to that fight, our mind needs to be sharpend like a sword, our shield is the trust the light of God, which is the truth – and that – like the Mujahideen, we – as god-fearing people, will stick to the truth regardless what is coming. We stick to the truth, no to our bodies, we rather die and sacrifice our flesh in fight against this most disgusting enemy of mankind of all times (the Jew) then succumbing to his satanist demands.
That’s what we all now need to make sure with ourselves and loved-ones. This dark century will come to an end – and not everybody will survive, but that’s not what should make us sad, instead be happy and realize that you are blessed to live in this highly exceptional times of heavenly glory and take it as a heavenly exercise and exam you need to succeed with in order to move up in the development from better animal to true man. Those who want to be animals, or gene-modified robot-slaves of the jews.. let them.
We cannot save everybody. But always speak out the truth, do not allow yourself to be deterred by the jewish threats, and if they come after you fight them to the death. If there is no other way then better hug death, and stay with the truth, than hugging Jews and accepting their lies and slave-system.
No fear we need have, instead will will strike fear into the hearts of the enemies of God, and in such a fight God is with us always. Time is near my friends.
Adolf Eichmann, we have seen thousands of ZATO mercenaries killed, dozens from current battles.
They are all special forces from their respective countries.
Russia is winning with only old men from Chechnya and semi retired professional soldiers.
Love it! The Terminator tank. This may be exactly what is needed to deal with the ukrops problem.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086DKSHQ4/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_glt_fabc_3GJTJDA1W7Z4Y4TN1NFE Seethe harder you terrorist losers.
Video from recent RU failed river crossing. https://youtu.be/ovHdiXuALfU
Next year test Armata vs Turkish and HTS terrorists in Syria.
Breaking News…The EU just drafted a plan to begin to pay for gas in Rubles lol. Russia has the EU by their tiny little balls lol.
Terminator is remotely controlled but what gives it a special edge is that it can raise its weapons at higher angles
Official, Nato weapons are useless