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Russia’s Weak Response to Finland’s Joining NATO

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Russia's Weak Response to Finland's Joining NATO

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Written by Eric Zuesse

On May 12th, Russia’s RT bannered “Finland’s NATO membership will trigger response – Moscow”, and reported that

Moscow has warned that Finland joining NATO would pose a direct threat to Russia’s security and its acceptance to the military alliance would prompt Russia to develop measures to ensure its safety. That’s after Finnish officials confirmed on Thursday their commitment to join the US-led bloc and announced plans to pen a formal application later this week.

“There is a current instruction from the president to develop a list of measures to strengthen our western flanks in connection with the strengthening of NATO’s eastern flanks,” said Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov during a daily press briefing on Thursday. …

He added that Russia regrets Finland’s decision to join the hostile steps taken by the EU and warned that Helsinki’s attempts to join NATO would serve as a reason to develop respective mirror responses. …

Last month, the former Russian president and prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, who is currently deputy chairman of the country’s Security Council implied that if Finland and Sweden became members of NATO, Russia might be forced to deploy nuclear weapons to the Baltic region in order to preserve “the balance of power.”

It wouldn’t “preserve ‘the balance of power’,” because U.S./NATO will then be in position to place America’s nukes on Russia’s border near its brain-center Moscow, whereas Russia isn’t in position to place its nukes on America’s border near its brain-center Washington DC.

If Finland joins NATO, then America will station its missiles on Finland’s Russian border, 507 miles from Moscow, and that is 7 minutes away from blitz-nuking Moscow.

During the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, America threatened to initiate nuclear war against the Soviet Union if the Soviet Union would position nuclear missiles in Cuba, 1,134 miles from Washington DC, which would be about 10 minutes away from blitz-nuking Washington (but would have required much longer to reach Washington back in 1962).

Consequently, Russia now is in at least as dangerous a situation if Finland joins NATO as America was in during the Cuban Missile Crisis when America was threatening to launch a nuclear invasion against Russia if U.S.S.R. placed missiles in Cuba.

Furthermore: unlike America and the Soviet Union during the Cuba Missile Crisis, when BOTH nations were willing to negotiate a peaceful end to that Crisis, Russia is willing to negotiate a peaceful settlement this time around but America is not and has repeatedly refused to do so. Clearly, America is heading for conquest.

Consequently, Russia must now, if it is to adhere to the standards that both Kennedy and Khrushchev adhered to in 1962, make absolutely clear now to Finland’s Government that if and when Finland will join NATO, then Russia will have no alternative to blitz-nuking not only Finland but simultaneously nuking all other NATO-member nations.

Well, there actually IS an alternative: Russia’s Government can cede its sovereignty to America and begin negotiations on a surrender to the U.S. Government.

Russia’s current vaguely worded threat against Finland is just a vague way of doing that. However, another alternative exists for Russia, but one that Vladimir Putin seems not to be considering, at all, even though it really is the ONLY sensible one for Russia to do, and it would adhere to the model that JFK adhered to in 1962. But let’s first review what has led up to this Crisis, so as to place the Crisis into its proper historical context:

Russia’s first strategy against further enlargement of NATO was to demand, on 15 December 2021, to the U.S. Government; and, two days later, to America’s main anti-Russian military alliance, NATO; that NATO would never add any new member-nations — especially not Ukraine. This demand was firmly rejected, on 7 January 2022, by both America and its NATO arm. Worse yet for Russia: after Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th, hoping thereby to prevent at least that country joining NATO, both Finland and Sweden were so scared that they might be invaded next, that both countries expressed in early April 2022 a desire to join the anti-Russian alliance, and were welcomed by America and its NATO arm to apply to join. So, even if Russia wins its war in Ukraine, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will have actually failed, because NATO seems now more likely even than before to increase — exactly the opposite of what Russia had been intending.

A more effective strategy by Russia might nonetheless still be possible. If so, I think that it would be something like this:

Russia will announce that its nuclear missiles will be targeted ONLY against the U.S. and its allies, including all NATO member-nations, no neutral or not-U.S.-allied nations. Consequently: Sweden, Finland, Ukraine, and any other nation that isn’t in NATO or otherwise treaty-bound militarily with the United States, will not be targeted by any Russian nuclear missiles.

In other words: any new NATO member-nation will thereby become a target added to Russia’s list for destruction in any WW III that might transpire between the United States and Russia.

Consequently, if  Finland or Sweden join NATO, then that nation’s likelihood of becoming annihilated if and when a Third World War starts, will enormously and suddenly increase, merely on account of that nation’s having become a NATO member.

Furthermore, Russia will simultaneously be announcing that if any nation wishes to have an assurance that Russia will never, under any circumstance, invade it, then Russia will welcome from that nation a request for such an assurance from Russia; and Russia will include in that announcement explicit invitations not only to Finland and Sweden, but to all other nations which have, at some time, expressed an intention or a possible future intention to join either NATO or one of America’s other anti-Russia military alliances, such as AUKUS. In this regard, Russia will also state that if ever Russia were to provide to a nation such an assurance and subsequently to violate it, then Russia would not only be violating its own tradition of rigidly adhering to international treaties that it has signed, but would also thereby be forfeiting any and all of its rights under international law, by doing so. In other words: Russia would, in advance, be surrendering to any country that it would subsequently be violating by its having invaded the country that it had promised never to invade. This inadvance promise to forfeit all of Russia’s rights under all international laws in any such circumstance, would be a surrender in-advance, under all existing international laws; and, consequently, under the arrangement that is being proposed here, there would be no nation in the entire world that has, or ever did have, so strict an international legal obligation as Russia would be having under this proposed arrangement.

Finally: this proposed arrangement will be offering, to all existing member-nations of NATO and of America’s other anti-Russian military alliances, a promise that if and when any such existing member-nation will quit that anti-Russian military alliance, Russia will be happy to — at the moment that this is done — automatically provide to that nation the same legal commitment never to invade that nation, as has just been described here. In other words: the proposed arrangement will be offering, to the entire world, a stark and clear choice between two options: on the one hand, being allied with the most aggressive nation in all of the world’s history — the nation that sanctions, coups, and outright invades, any nation that fails to cooperate with its goal to replace the United Nations as being the ultimate arbiter of international laws, by the United States as being, instead, the ultimate arbiter of what it calls “the rules-based international order” (in which all of those ‘rules’ come ultimately from whomever rules the U.S. Government).  Versus, on the other hand: building upon and remaking the U.N. into what had been the original intention for it by its creator and namer, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, which was for the U.N. to replace the historically existing (until now) rule-of-force by-and-between contending international empires, by, instead, a peaceful and democratic international order, in which there will be a “United Nations” which will be a worldwide federation of all nations, in which international laws will be produced by the global legislature of duly authorized (under each individual nation’s own internal laws) representatives; and adjudicated by the global Supreme Court, and enforced by the sole global possessor and user of strategic weaponry, the U.N. itself, so that penalties that are ruled by this global Court of international relations can be enforced against the Government of any nation that has been ruled by this Court to have violated the rights of any other nation’s Government. In this understanding of the U.N.’s proper scope of power and of authority, the U.N. will have no authority and no power regarding the Constitution or laws of any nation that apply only internally to a given nation, but ONLY to international laws, which pertain only to international relations, never to a nation’s internal matters. FDR’s objective was to make another World War — another war between empires — impossible, by eliminating all empires, and replacing all of them by an international democracy of nations. Russia, in the proposed arrangement, would be striving to achieve, for the entire world, what FDR had planned for the post-WW-II world, but which tragically became promptly changed and abandoned by his immediate successor, Harry S. Truman — the founder (on 25 July 1945) of the present global U.S. empire (and of its hamstrung currently existing — Truman’s — U.N.).

There still might be time enough for Putin to make that offer, not only to Finland, but to the world.

NOTE: Finland was an ally of Nazi Germany in WW II, invading the Soviet Union during 1941-1944, in Hitler’s “Operation Barbarossa”, aiming to conquer it and enslave the Soviet peoples to Hitler’s Nazi regime. This time, Finland would be serving the U.S. regime to conquer Russia. Unless, perhaps, Putin makes this offer, and Finland accepts the offer.


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A Rússia pode destruir várias nações com suas armas nucleares, porém ela deve saber que também vai ser destruída, com mísseis nucleares direcionados contra a Rússia de várias nações da OTAN. O mundo não confiar em Putin, é um mentiroso, falso, invadiu a Ucrânia fez essa guerra injusta. É um ditador paranoico, não tem coragem de debater com Zelesky. Putin conseguiu em 3 dias de guerra, fazer com que o mundo ficasse inimigos dos russos. Putin é ditador, ele acha que esta no século 19, ague como Hitler, tem o DNA de Stalin.


Nothing but ideological drivel, spewed by an ideologue who can’t back up an argument with a single fact. 1. The West is not the world 2. Russia is a Democracy 3. 14000 people were murdered by Ukrainian Nazis between 2014 & 2022, Russian speaking people who asked Russia for help and to especially stop children being murdered because the Nazis target schools and day care centers. 4. Zelensky is a puppet and has no power, there is no point in debating him. 5. India, China, Brazil, Mexico and the whole of Africa are maintaining friendly relations with Russia. 6. Putin is not a dictator and even if he was related to Stalin and/or Hitler the son is not to blame for the sins of the father, or have you forgotten that??

Nada más que tonterías ideológicas, vomitadas por un ideólogo que no puede respaldar un argumento con un solo hecho. 1. Occidente no es el mundo 2. Rusia es una democracia 3. 14000 personas fueron asesinadas por nazis ucranianos entre 2014 y 2022, personas de habla rusa que pidieron ayuda a Rusia y, especialmente, que detuvieran el asesinato de niños porque los nazis atacan escuelas y guarderías. 4. Zelensky es un títere y no tiene poder, no tiene sentido debatirlo. 5. India, China, Brasil, México y toda África mantienen relaciones amistosas con Rusia. 6. Putin no es un dictador y aunque estuviera emparentado con Stalin y/o Hitler el hijo no tiene la culpa de los pecados del padre, o se les ha olvidado eso??

Chris Gr

Yes, this is correct.

José Oliveira

I’m sorry to others, but I have to answer to this guy in Portuguese. He is a very ignorant Brazilian person… probably just another victim of Western Main Stream Media (aka Empire of Lies).

Mari, por acaso fazes ideia do que aconteceu na Ucrânia desde 2013? Do golpe de Estado de Extrema-Direita contra um Presidente eleito, só porque ele queria renegociar melhores termos no tratado comercial com a UE? Imagina fazerem um golpe assim sangrento no Brasil só porque Bolsonaro ou Lula estão a tentar melhorar a sua posição negocial dentro da Mercosul ou da OAS?

Imagina que era proibido de falar a tua língua, os teus canais de TV eram censurados, o partido em que votas era ilegalizado, as pessoas do teu partido eram perseguidas, presas, torturadas, e desapareciam. Imagina que deixavas de poder comemorar uma data importante como o dia da independência do Brasil. Imagina que te proibiam de usar as cores verde e amarela. Imagina que do novo regime de Brasília vinha ordene para bombardear o estado federal em que vives. Imagina que essa guerra durava 8 anos e morriam 60 mil brasileiros. Imagina que esses bombardeamentos eram feitos com armas da NATO, e que a dispará-los estavam batalhões de NeoNazis. Pois é, foi isto que aconteceu na Ucrânia nos últimos 8 anos. Informa-te.

Existem relatório e mais relatórios, tudo documentado, tudo factual, sobre isto. Desde o Observatório dos Direitos Humanos, a Amnistia Internacional, a ONU, a Cruz Vermelha, e até a OSCE e o FBI têm bem documentada a “pandemia” de NeoNazismo na Ucrânia. Em 2021, segundo a OSCE (Organização para a Segurança e Cooperação na Europa) haviam 40% de Extrema-Direita no exército Ucraniano (102 mil soldados). Estavam a ser escolhidos a dedo! Estavam até a doutrinar crianças! Era o Svoboda, o Sector Direito, os batalhões Azov, Aidar, C-14, etc. Enquanto os partidos democráticos na Ucrânia foram proibidos, o teu “herói” Zelensky só manteve legal o seu partido e estes que listei.

Quanto à guerra, ela começou no Donbass (oblasts the Donetsk e Lugansk) em 2014. Esse povo revoltou-se contra o golpe de Estado de Extrema-Direita, e imediatamente os NeoNazis começaram a matar os revoltosos. Ficou famoso o crime em que queimaram pessoas vivas num prédio em Odessa. Nessa altura, a Crimeia, como é um local com gente de etnia Russa, pediu protecção à Rússia, cuja rápida actuação foi o que lhes garantiu a soberania, a autodeterminação, e a democracia. E sabes quem é que prometeu guerra na Crimeia em 2021 e novamente em 2022? O Zelensky!

Zelensky foi eleito porque prometeu paz. Mentiu!! Em vez disso estava a preparar “limpeza” étninca final no Donbass com uma força ofensiva de 150 mil tropas (as que a Rússia está agora a desmilitariza e a desnazificar). Zelensky violou os dois acordos de PAZ de Minsk. Zelensky ameaçou, provocou, e aliou-se à pior escumalha que existe na Ucrânia: Banderistas (ou NeoNazis ucranianos) cujo “herói” é um monstro chamado Stepan Bandera, que foi cúmplice no Holocausto Nazi, matando Russos, Ucranianos Judeus, Polacos, etc. A Ucrânia de Zelensky votou nas Nações Unidas a favor da glorificação do Nazismo. Os bombardeamentos, feitos por estes monstros, recomeçaram no Donbass uma semana ANTES da Rússia decidir intervir. Segundo a OSCE foram milhares por dia, e há mapas dessas violações do cessar fogo que mostram que os alvos eram zonas civis das cidades de Donetsk, Lugansk e arredores.

Perante isto, não quero que concordes com tudo. Quero só que tenhas a mente aberta para perceber que há um contexto ANTES do dia 24-Fevereiro-2022. Que há justificações para o que a Rússia está a fazer. E que se só te “informares” na imprensa mainstream, continuarás a ser vítima da maior campanha de propaganda e mentira (e branqueamento/normalização de NeoNazis) de toda a história da humanidade.

Já que falas Português, aconselho este blog, que faz um colecção dos melhores textos que se têm escrito nestes quase 3 meses de Operação Militar Especial, com factos e a verdade sobre o regime que andas a idolatrar: Estatuadesal

José Oliveira



Destruccion mutua asegurada, eso es lo que nadie quiere. Nadie puede estar seguro de que no lo destruirian y Rusia lo asume.


quina menjada de “cervell” que pateixes, deixa la droga o cambia de camell.

Crazy cnook the fruitcake

5 attempts to cross a river and losing over 80+ vehicles that’s just sad russia no wonder your scared of Finland too


There weren’t 80+ vehicles.


The idea that the US is actively planning a decapitation nuclear strike on Moscow and seeking positions to do so is unrealistic. The missile issue is most likely not as severe as some believe. Ukraine had a large population that was being primed for war with Russia, creating vast security threats that Finland will never be able to pose. Ukraine can be assessed to be at least ten times greater as a security threat than Finland, which is why Russia is more focused there. Finland has no extremism problem or vast population, it will most likely be held by US and British forces that can be managed by radars and missile forces whereas Ukraine was a much worse problem.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clubofinfo
zog usnato whores

Finnish scum are not human

Johannes Ekhman

You sound just like Himmler.


We all are in our heads right now, we don’t know what Russia’s real plan is as of right now. BTW, about nukes – it is not the 50s or 60s anymore and the systems have changed. A nuclear war = we all fuked. The US doesn’t have a good system to shoot down those nukes from Russia.

Dead Hand: was a fail-safe (or rather, fail-deadly) system of launching whatever Russian nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles survived the aftermath of an American first strike. A Wired article described the system’s abilities: “It was designed to lie semi-dormant until switched on by a high official in a crisis.

If the US goal is to attack Russia with nukes – they are going to destroy the world as well.

Side note: Has any of those two agreed to host the US nukes?

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

When you are in nato do you really have a choice?


Fair, fair point.


Absolutamente correto. Helsinke está mais próximo de São Petersburgo que Karkov de Moscou. Se a Rússia não aceita as Ucrânia por causa do risco nuclear mais ainda é a Finlândia um risco da mesma natureza. Pelo visto Rússia está capitulando à política expansionista da OTAN. Deve admiti-lo públicamente.

The Saint

Another Eric Zuesse article and another serial abuse of red font and italics, replete with entirely redundant points.

Tom Bombastadillo

Hmmm, and I was wondering why I stopped reading it partway through.


Honestly who cares what Finland does. Paranoid bunch who wanted to pass off as ” too Kool for skool” and “not afraid of Russia”. Well previously they could have feared russian soldiers, they will fear russian nukes from now on.


It’s not what Finland does, it’s what kind of weapons is allowed into their country. Like the author says, in 1941, Finland allowed the Germans to traverse their territory. This time, they’re letting the Americans traverse through.

Johannes Ekhman

You carefully tried to forget Winter War and Molotov Ribbentrop Pact.


What Re they going to do Nuke them? Antagonise them?Threaten them for the satisfaction of duicitous journalists with ulterior motives as transparent as plastic bags?

Karl Pomeroy

Fortunately, Turkey might veto Sweden and Findland’s entry into NATO.


Finland has a 1947 peace treaty with Russia that guaranteed it would remain a neutral country. Breaking the peace treaty could be interpreted as restarting the war.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

Zhirinovsky was right, 2022 will not be a peaceful year it seems



Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6

Russia and particularly Putin is a cowardly shitshow and the laughing stock of both supporters and foes alike… only the most professional Putinyahoo whore will deny this lol

John K

Flaunting your stupidity ? I’m impressed.


“Russia isn’t in position to place its nukes on America’s border near its brain-center Washington DC.” Hasn’t this author heard of Submarines? The artic circle isn’t that far with Hypersonic weapons. Also, Finland and Sweden haven’t joined NATO yet and unlike the idiots in the West, the Russians don’t broadcast their intentions. That is why their currency is the best performing in the world atm, and the US is going bankrupt. Russia has said that any expansion in this area will result in the deployment of Nuclear Missiles in the Kalingrad Exclave. This is no small threat for many cities/US vassals. This author doesn’t deserve the title.


How Putin should have played it: – install and recognize Yanukovich as the legitimate head of state of the Ukrainian government in Kherson – legitimate government wants to reunify with the motherland – accept – Ukraine is a member of the Russian federation – Zelensky’s insurrectionist Junta and his Nazi terrorists occupy Ukraine illegally – declare the great patriotic war 2.0 to crush the Nazi invaders of Ukraine and Moldova – prepare to strike anyone who arms or aids the terrorist invaders of Russia – “You are either with us or you are with the Nazi terrorists” – accept help from the free world to defeat the fascist aggressor – shame the US for not helping Russia in the fight, slam the evil empire – liberate Ukraine and Moldova and achieve a globally celebrated victory against nazism

Putin is weak and unfit to rule.


Cut the crap. Russia has nuclear armed subs right off the Atlantic coast putting their missiles closer to Washington DC than if land based missiles were stationed in either Finland or Ukraine.

MAD is alive and well.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

US probably does too, and having nukes in finland too would give them twice advantage, so russia would need to balance that out somehow

Edgar Zetar

Seems you will never get it. Russia is not USSR so USA goes all over with Rusophobia, demonizing Rusia. During Cold War USA use Eugenetics and Fifth and Sixth column to infiltrate in the elites of every european western country, they trained and raised the next generation of their descendats (sons USA Man and native Woman or viceverse) on a on on “Atlanticism” and almost every country in EU felt to this policy Also did this all over the world where USA have had big influence during Cold War. Now almost every Goverment of Western Civilization is full controlled by USA in the elites ruling families, the burocrats and the strategist who only selected allied people to “Atlanticism” can become Country Leader. Also use Economic power and soft power to rule over civil population. You can easily name countries, all NATO countries, Phillipines, Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia you name it the Country… USA is the biggest empire on earth’s history, so please try to discover how they achieve this and how the Goverments who were fully infiltrated by USA can roll back external influence and recover their countries to their native population and get rid of the HEGEMONS and enslavers of the Free World. So expect FINLAND, SWEDEN and all infiltrated country would follow EXTERNAL POLITICS and not the people wellfare.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Chris Gr

We, Europeans, should stay away from Atlanticism and these bullshit.

Edgar Zetar

Chris Gr. Why do you use WE?… you should use I “brain washed” European… Chris Gr you are not common european people, regular people doesnt want to go to war and die so some other folk gets rich with your blood.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Chris Gr

Sometimes war is necessary. I am not a brainless pacifist.


Turkeys president Erdogan does not want to send his sons to defend Finland and Sweden in future wars with Russia, if these northern lands decide to join Nato. Also there are 10000 Russians living in Finland and also hundreds of Kurdish “refugees” waiting there…


Nah a more humane way is to just infiltrate and murder a couple US-corrupted pols in Sweden and Finland. The rest will get the message. They don’t care for their populations, in fact they are enemies of their peoples.

Last edited 2 years ago by Juan
Edgar Zetar

You cannot imagine another answer just go and kill somebody who you dont like…. have to use your imagination, there are too many alternatives to rollback and get rid of the fifth column not just killing them, the great purge on Russia and China is the example how Mao and Stalin get rid of the Fifth and Sixth column in their countries. There are a lot of options in the table, just kill people is the worst option you can take.


After the laughable military response against Ukraine, no one gives a shit about what Russia has to say.

Johannes Ekhman

It’s safe to say when remembering the landscape, the forest swampy Finnish terrain that Finland would be even more difficult for current Russian military than taking whole Ukraine. The only choice for Russia would be missiles – terrorizing peaceful Finnish civilians.

Akram abu Abs

Targeting all non neutral countries is Putin’s checkmate AFTER Ukraine is sorted. But Turkey may veto Sweden and Finland from joining NATO, saving their skins…

Edgar Zetar

Do you understand why Turkey joined NATO during cold war? Turkey sees Russia as an existential threat so they joined NATO. So, Turkey just want to play his cards and balance their country between Regional Powers.

Chris Gr

There was Soviet Union back then. But now Erdogan has become like Iran.


Finland’s Nazi alliance with Germany in WW2 drove the peace treaty in the late ’40’s that Finland remains neutral in perpetuity, meaning ‘forever’. This was also renewed when the Soviet Union dissolved and the Russian Federation came to be. If Finland trashes the treaty it is as succinct as a declaration of war. Is this what Finland wants? Is this what NATO wants? I should think not. Because they know what this would mean. And even though the Dementia ridden Biden is on his kick of power surely there are cooler more realistic heads in Washington and for that matter NATO that would prevent this from happening.

Russia is already able to cut their legs from under them by simply turning off their high reliance on Russian oil, not to mention gas.

Let’s hope this is just posturing and cooler heads prevail… because this does not bode well for Anyone. Meanwhile the bully of the West Biden is thousands of kilometers away from caring anything of the EU, the Nordics, Ukraine or UK. He cares nothing for the people, but if the risk were to be on his doorstep I think it would be a totally different story. Hell he doesn’t even care for his own civilians or military with what happened in Afghanistan and the people he left behind there.

Why is the EU and the UK so willing to follow the US when clearly they do not have a sensible leader.

Tom Bombastadillo

My understanding from alt news reports is that the current Finnish leaders are total globalist puppets who were vote-rigged into office in the same manner as many other ‘Western’ leaders. That might be why his admin is so blind to Finland’s legal history–like Zelensky and his globalist masters, they don’t care about laws or the people.


UK Boris Johnson was at one point an American citizen He gave up his American citizenship to apply for prime minister post

Johannes Ekhman

It was Stalin’s aggression 1939-40 that pushed Finland to seek help from Germany after French was beaten. Hitler and Stalin were Allied from August 39 to June 41.


Joining NATO doesn’t mean hosting nukes, or does it?


The geography of the northern baltic portion of Russia makes Finland a poor launching point for an invasion deep into the populated areas of RU. And also Finland doesn’t amount to a big threat, as far as an offensive military. I would not sweat this unless Finland intends to or is open to hosting nukes.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

If US wants nukes in finland, i dont think they will have a choice. Do they?


Any news about Charkov?


Yeah, why not just make Finland in to an glassed parking lot, just dont forget Leningrad is just in pissing range from Helsinki, increasingly how a lot of Hurrah Patriots like Faker and in Foreman Mao of Alobama is extatic, in their lust for just pulverise the pesky Finns, and cencure any debate on the fact that maybe, just maybe the Finns have a reason (39), but even there I find the present Globalist/Neo-lib and UssA backed neo-CONs have highjacked the week bitches whom runs Finland a.w.s, just like Sweden and Norway, where WEFfers are overrunning our nations parliament, witch is what runs this show and not us, the people. I hope all parts notice that, in this times of highten stress and prospects of destructions witch would not benefit anyone, ex. the Imperial banana republic UssA.

Habtamu Abay

If NATO has real plans to attack Russia, certainly, not only mainland USA but also all sattelite states in Europe, every carrier group, sub, etc will be showered with the uninterceptable hypersonics. Media bragging is one thing and fighting real war is another. Can the collective West intercept Mr Zircon, Mr Kinzhal, Mr Avangard, Mrs Poissdon, bla bla…?

Last edited 2 years ago by Habtamu Abay
Sgt. Based

Sometimes idiot propagandists start to believe their own bullshit.

Look at the Ukies losing hundreds of men per day while still going to the media calling for the complete capitulation of Russia

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