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S-300 Downs Azerbaijani UAVs Over Yerevan, With Clashes Ramping Up

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S-300 Downs Azerbaijani UAVs Over Yerevan, With Clashes Ramping Up

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On October 1st, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan reported that S-300 air defense systems are firing in the area of Yerevan.

According to Pashinyan, in the region of Kotayk and Gegharkunik, the air defense unit of Yerevan shot down 3 of 4 drones that invaded the airspace of Armenia.

Թշնամական չորս անօդաչու թռչող սարքեր են հայտնվել Կոտայքի եւ Գեղարքունիքի մարզերի օդում: Հայաստանի ՀՕՊ ուժերը արդեն իսկ ոչնչացրել են դրանից երեքին: Ընթանում է չորրորդի տեղորոշման եւ չեզոքացման գործընթացը:

Posted by Nikol Pashinyan / Նիկոլ Փաշինյան on Thursday, October 1, 2020

It is noted that this is the first combat use of the S-300 in a full-scale war, although proposals are being made that other air defense systems were also in operation.

A little bit later, Pashinyan said that the 4th drone had also been destroyed.

Չորրորդն էլ ոչնչացվեց: Հանդարտ, վստահ եւ դուխով: Հաղթելու ենք:

Posted by Nikol Pashinyan / Նիկոլ Փաշինյան on Thursday, October 1, 2020

There are videos of the S-300 firing on drones. It is also quite significant since it means the war is spilling further into the territory of Armenia.


Separately, on October 1st, Armenia and Azerbaijan announced from several dozen to several hundred killed and wounded on both sides, as well as several dozen units of various equipment.

The number of videos confirming these statements is significantly less.

In addition, Armenia and Karabakh declare that 3 planes, 2 helicopters and 3 UAVs were destroyed on October 1st. Azerbaijan denies losses in planes and helicopters.

There is still no significant advancement of the Azerbaijani army and Turkish-deployed Syrian militants. Combat operations are positional in nature. At the same time, the hostilities can be characterized as highly intensive with the use of practically all available range of weapons.

It should be noted that on October 1st the US and France have confirmed the accusations of the transfer of Syrian militants to Azerbaijan. Russia’s Security Council confirmed the deployment of Syrian militants to Azerbaijan earlier.

Below are videos of the fights.


The above videos were primarily from Armenia, with those below from Azerbaijan. Many of these show the operation of Turkish UAVs.

It is worth noting that some of the Armenian vehicles shown in such videos in a number of cases represent one and the same target shot from different angles, and among them there are wooden models that the Armenians build to mislead the enemy.


Below are infographics showing the losses Azerbaijan has suffered since clashes began.

S-300 Downs Azerbaijani UAVs Over Yerevan, With Clashes Ramping Up

Click to see full-size image

And the next one shows losses by Armenia according to Azerbaijan.

S-300 Downs Azerbaijani UAVs Over Yerevan, With Clashes Ramping Up

Click to see full-size image

Finally, Armenia said it had recalled its ambassador to Israel, after a weapons sale deal between Israel and Azerbaijan was announced.

Protesting against the Israeli weapons exports, Armenian foreign ministry spokeswoman Anna Naghdalyan said “Israel’s workstyle is unacceptable. The ministry has to call back its ambassador in Israel.”

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), a leading conflict and armaments think-tank, Israel provided Azerbaijan with some $825 million in weapons between 2006 and 2019.

Those exports included drones, loitering munitions, anti-tank missiles, and a surface-to-air missile system, information from SIPRI’s Arms Transfers Database showed.

Separately, in a video interview with Israel’s Walla news website on Wednesday, Azeri presidential aide Hikmat Hajayev said Azerbaijan was using “some” Israeli-made drones in fighting around Nagorno-Karabakh, without specifying how many.


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Kinda overkill to use S-300 for light recon drones, and is so stupid from Azrabijan to attack the capital, it’s as if they’re provoking Armenia to escalate further, they really want a war with Aremenia which has a way smaller military and with Turkey+Azrabijan wonder when will Russia step in…… think it’s only a matter of time

Lone Ranger

We dont know if it were light drones, more probably they were heavy combat drones since they fired missiles and killed at list one man on the ground.

Vox Populi

Israeli Harop drones as the debris has shown.

Lone Ranger

They fired a missile, thats for sure.

Vox Populi

This conflict is gearing to escalate and will change regional dynamics. Despite a week of border clashes, the Azerbaijan military led by Turkey has failed to secure large portions of Karabakh land and a stalemate always favors the defender. Operation Barbarossa against the USSR went well initially, but failed to capture Moscow and led to ultimate German defeat. Turkey and Azerbaijan may be exposed to retaliation if this conflict continues. Russia and Iran are not exactly shrinking violets.

Lone Ranger

Glad they realized they have the S-300. Better late than never…

Ivan Freely

Probably waiting for the appropriate time to use them.

Vox Populi

S-300 is a capable system if deployed properly by capable operators. SU-30 are primed to be used soon.

Lone Ranger


Putin Apologist

At least four Su-30 have been delivered to Armenia thus far.


Great Khan

The Great Khan will appreciate a clash of F-16 vs SU-30. Khan’s horses are on the Sukhoi.


Why do you talk about yourself in the 3rd person?


If experienced can fighter pilots can fly them, the Su-30, effectively almost immediately, or do they need months of training?

Toni Liu

It depends on the enemy fighters, numbers, intels, and other thing to be effectively


No need for months of training. Su-30 were delivered before this war broke out and they have already trained with SU-30.


SouthFront seems to have focused on this conflict for some reason

Ivan Freely

What would you want SF to focus on? LGBT bullshit?

Great Khan

‘LGBT ideology’ rooted in MARXISM & NAZISM, Poland’s new education minister believes


Is Karabakh the only active conflict in the world?

Great Khan

The Pakistanis just killed 3 Indians in Kashmir, but no one cares about curry boys.


Yemen, Syria, Libya, ISIS in Africa, China/India, Pakistan/India so many places are hot.

Great Khan

Ukraine not count?


its a little passive lately


it is the biggest and most dangerous today


Exactly not proxy armies, sponsored rebels in this conflict but two nations formally at war, one backed by Turkey (NATO) and the other backed by Russia (CSTO). Escalation in this conflict is very scary.

Jim Allen

That’s funny coming from you.


why is that?

Jim Allen

Your intense focus on the Middle East conflict to the exclusion of all other related issues worldwide.


I write in almost all the articles available here. You should address the question to SF on the reason for the geography and topics of the articles.

Vox Populi

Southfront is good strategic and military affairs website and that is purpose, it covers most major events.

Great Khan

Donald Trump infected with Covid and may explode.


Nah. For some strange reason, powerful people never die from COVID.


There is one simple fact: Karabakh is invaded by Armenia in 1988 and no country in the world have recognized that region as part of Armenia so far. The region, however, is still internationally recognized as an integral part of Azerbaijan. Azeris were either massacred or deported from Karabakh during Nagorno-Karabakh War. Look at Khojaly massacre if you’re interested in: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khojaly_massacre Now they’re trying to take their lands back militarily because no solution was found via dialogue since early 1990s. They lost their hope for negotiations. Hence, majority of Turkish people are supporting them in this conflict.

Great Khan

Great Khan agrees.


Thank you.


I thought this problem was because of the USSR taking a piece of Armenia and giving it to Azerbaijan, and a piece of Azre and gave it to Armenia?


Why would they do that? Aren’t Russians supposed to be pro-Armenian in this case regarding their common religion?


Armenia current government is not Russia friendly, and has been closing Russian schools and Russian media for a time now and was pursing relationship with the west. And that doesn’t suit Russia, so far Russia is neutral with a soft support to Armenian and religion has nothing to do with this conflict even if it’s uttered by many.

if push comes to shove and Armenia is attacked Russia will defend Armenia

Putin Apologist

If the Armenians didn’t invade Nagorno-Karabakh until 1988 who built the fourth century Armenian Christian monastery there?


Great Khan

Turks built the largest Mosque in Moscow, so they are entitled to Moscow ? Your logic smells of mamtu.

Random Dude



That’s not even a remotely comparable argument, as they built it because of immigration in modern years not because the land was historically Turkish. Also it’s not the largest Mosque.

The territory is ethnically Armenian also.

Great Khan

Great Khan tells mighty truth.




Great Khan

Gross cost $ 170 million.

The central Moscow mosque (Moscow Cathedral Mosque) was demolished and rebuilt and is now one of the biggest in the country. Its minarets are 72 meters tall and its central dome is 46 meters high. It will be the second largest Muslim prayer facility in Russia after the Salawat Yulayev mosque, which is being built in Ufa to cater to Russia’s growing Muslim population, estimated at 18% and rapidly rising..

The new Moscow mosque has nearly 20 times as much space as the old building and will be able to accommodate up to 10,000 people. The mosque has seven elevators, airconditioning and is disabled-friendly.


Waste of money, but just part of Erdogan’s plan to Islamize Europe. Which is why the asshole must be stopped wherever possible.

Random Dude

also immigration:)))


Armenians have been there for thousands of years, Azerbaijan’s only claim to the territory is Stalin’s cartographers drawing the lines.


Exactly, and the thousands of years of Christianity in the disputed lands would result in the rape and murder of another genocide in yet another Ottoman inspired ethnic cleansing of Armenians.

jack blacke

I love your fairy tale.

Random Dude

facts are facts. believe or not, fact doesn’t change

Captain Freedom

Why didn’t you mention the Azeri pogroms against Armenians that started in 88? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumgait_pogrom https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baku_pogrom btw the khojaly massacre was preceded by the massive bombardment of Stepanakert… You act like the armenian atrocities were always unprovoked. I’m not really taking sides in this conflict since it was the central governments fault that anything like this could happen, but you should be more honest…


Actually i haven’t heard about those ‘pogroms’. Looks like both sides have committed crimes against each other. The best solution would be partitioning Karabakh by half or such. Since Armenians are the ones opposing it, they should be ready to suffer. It’s them to be blamed in this situation.

Captain Freedom

maybe its the best solution… but I think neither side would accept it. The politicians want the war to escalate and to create instabilty in the region

Jim Allen

Given you hadn’t heard of the events of 88, perhaps a little trip back through history may offer a new perspective. This issue didn’t begin15 minutes ago, and making judgements based on incomplete information is considered unwise, at best.


You really are a complete moron.



Blocked, bye parasite.


In all of those videos we can only see the trajectory of missiles because of their burning fuel, there are no interception in the videos. Probably they have missed the targets or there were no targets at all(?).

Great Khan

Wrath of the Khan is on the old fat Orangutan.



ASSAD must go curse strikes again!

Great Khan

Assad is a young man of 50, the orange monkey is fat and old 75 year old.

Great Khan

He has good eyes, his wife is beautiful.

Putin Apologist

A Rose in the Desert.


Great Khan

The Great Khan likes.

Putin Apologist

We all like, brother, we all like.


and during Assad’s rule, Syria was recognized as the “Switzerland of the Middle East”

it is beyond me how evil the predatory cabal is, to destroy such a place

Random Dude

Here is a fresh video. Since yesterday the artillery has been disabled by the drones, logically Azerbaijan was supposed to move the infantry forward, hence Armenians gathered the infantry to counter them. That was a Big Mistake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taEQcL4Q6mU

Lazy Gamer

Faq. People deployed as infantry must separate from the group. lol

Random Dude

But for some reason the all run into a building and gather there, as if a drone won’t find them there:)))) No experience, and poorly trained.

Ivan Divandeler

Typical armenian lies. First they broadcast this, then they said remove the broadcast on the telegram. There is nothing shot in the middle, no residue. Nothing.

jack blacke

nice name turkish bot

Ivan Divandeler

Thanks, If the missiles had hit something, they would have been telling the story quite frankly by now. They would show us the evidence by broadcasting it on TVs. Stop what I am, look what I said Is not it?


About time they used the S-300. I recall Azerbaijan claiming their S-300 system had been moved to NK and subsequently destroyed, which is obviously false if it’s still being used in Yerevan.

Potato Man

Finally, Armenia said it had recalled its ambassador to Israel, after a weapons sale deal between Israel and Azerbaijan was announced.

Okay correct me if I’m wrong here, I remember reading reports about how Israel jets (F-35) were using Azerbaijan airports to attack Iran. As long as I remember both Israel and Azer deny that report but what we seeing now, I believe they did that. If so would Iran be more willing to help Armenia? I have seen (those) videos of Iranian (letting/sending) weapons to Armenia.


Yeah, now we all know why Russia is sitting idle by and will not to anything, because Russia isnt trustwurthy at all, and like in Syria, depite their claims, Syria is stil becomed balkanaised and have lost 1/3 of their country, because of the corruption and lack of moral coming from the Russians and Putin witch was the man responcible for the prolongment of the Syrian was and stil is, precisly because of ISISrael and TurdIans involvement with their happy head chopping, of course, modeRats witch they conviniently have moved to Azerbaijan, and you wounder why ISIS never attacked ISISrael, yeah, am afraid the same teason against the Armenians witch was conducted against the Syrians by Russia/Putin will happen here to.

Again, the so called eh…. counter info warriors are out this days, huh, Turds, you smell as much as the HasbaRats do.


Jim Allen

Who’s crack pipe you smokin’ ?

Porc Halal

If the azeris would not make any gains within a week from the start of hostilities then they are fucked since they will lose many of their human and weponery resources…after that armenians will strat their ofensive…i wonder how this will turn for the evil forces behind azerbaidjan … then this evil force (to name turdistan here) will directly intervine so do france and (maybe) russia…man, it will be ugly…

Porc Halal

PS…should I mention here that armenia and armenians are sensitive topic for france??…watch out turks!


On top of that, 500-1000 Greek special forces are moving incognito as we speak to help our brothers the Armenian people against the hordes of mercenary turkisis jihadies.

Porc Halal



And they are not getting payed a single cent for it, they just want to eradicate the vermin that is the turkophones.

Porc Halal

“For all who take the sword will perish by the sword” … so be it … and by this I wanted to say that azeris will take their side (piece of sword)

Toni Liu

It seems armenia just make the NK as meat grinder for azerbaijan if the war still continue but they will choose not attacking part of azerbaijan so this time it will be stucked like before unless turks and israeli started pumping more weapons and terrorist from syria to be able help them take many part of NK


would be quite useful for conclusions to oppose those infographics with the alleged casualties against the known numbers of military hardware that the armies there are known to posses and operate.


The S-300 system will be destroyed very soon. Not only is it unprotected but it will be overwhelmed when large number of drones fire towards it.

Jim Allen

That it’s unprotected is doubtful. It would be the first strike to a force advancing against the defensive forces to gain air superiority, given it’s the biggest threat to enemy air attack, that’s been seen so far. If Armenia has competent pilots in its Su-30 with the clearly operational S-300, it will be difficult to achieve air superiority, and likely costly. That S-300 is undefended is a ridiculous assumption, no military in their right mind would leave an asset of this nature without defense. Upgrades to the system, if I recall include some defensive capability. Also it’s not known what Russia supplied with the S-300, and this systems age is of no consequence. Russian military hardware is built to be infinitely upgradeable. The relationship between these countries is indication of the equipment having the latest upgrades. Russia has been supplying military hardware to countries it’s close to to maintain balance in the conflicts surrounding it. This will certainly hold true for this conflict as well. Russia has been actively arming all enemies of the West for several years now. I should think Russia won’t intervene directly in this conflict as it has not in many of the other conflicts started by US Coalition. These are designed to cause Russia to divide it’s forces in action to defend the smaller countries against the US/NATO forces. Russia refuses to engage in these provocations, but has provided the means for the countries to defend themselves. Arms, advisors, training, and hardware upgrades. That the line is unchanged since the start of festivities, it appears Armenia is capable of holding it’s own against the superior numbers. At least for the time being.


Good post but it does not answer Inc2Get question; can S300 designed to take down a fighter jet and its defences, be overwhelmed by, say 100, small drones each carrying one munition or two? Seems like enough will get through to destroy target.


What kind of drones was it? Using S-300 to down drones doesn’t sound economical. S-300 missiles isn’t cheap.

James Adams

Armenia needs to start a bombing campaign of Nakhichevan with the intention of liberate the territory.

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