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S-300 vs. F-35: Stealth and Invincible Are Not Exactly Synonyms

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Written by Andrei Akulov; Originally appeared on strategic-culture.org

How effective is the S-300 PMU-2 “Favorit” that Russia has just delivered to Syria? Especially when employed against the F-35 stealth fighters that Israel intends to make more use of when attacking targets in Syria? Who has the edge? This is truly a hot topic for the press right now. It would be better, of course, to avoid the military hostilities and leave this as a theoretical, unanswered question, because no definite answer is possible until a real shootout takes place. Stealth technology includes both active and passive measures that reduce visibility and the chance of detection. Some of those are classified, as are the specifications and capabilities of the S-300. This makes it much more complicated to offer predictions or conclusions. But the known facts can be considered impartially and objectively.

S-300 vs. F-35: Stealth and Invincible Are Not Exactly Synonyms

Israeli officials play down the significance of the shipment of the S-300 to Syrian government forces. “The operational abilities of the air force are such that those (S-300) batteries really do not constrain the air force’s abilities to act,” said Tzachi Hanegbi, Israel’s regional cooperation minister. “You know that we have stealth fighters, the best planes in the world. These batteries are not even able to detect them.” Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said in April that “if anyone attacks us, we will retaliate, regardless of S-300, S-700 or any anything else’s presence there”. The Pentagon has also cast doubt on the S-300’s effectiveness.

Let’s give the devil his due. The F-35 is a fine example of low observable aircraft with extraordinary capabilities. It’s a formidable weapon, but so is the S-300. If the worst happens, Israel’s high-end F-35I Adir aircraft will be checkmated by this Russian-made, state-of-the-art air-defense system.

A stealth aircraft is not invincible. It has its strengths and weaknesses. In Syria, Israeli F-35s will be up against a tight, integrated air-defense network with multiple radars trying to detect and track the target from different directions.

Excessive use of stealth technology restricts the combat capabilities of an aircraft like the F-35. A plane based on stealth technology does not perform exceptionally well in combat. It cannot carry many weapons because everything is hidden inside the body. Its ability to remain invisible is reduced as soon as the radar is turned on. Low frequencies can detect a stealth aircraft. A bomb bay that has been opened to launch weapons will also give the plane away.

The S-300’s 48N6E2 missiles boast single-shot kill probability of 80% to 93% for an aerial target, 40% to 85% for cruise missiles. and 50% to 77% for theater ballistic missiles. The Russian system uses the 96L6 all-altitude detector and acquisition radar, which works in L-band. It has a 300 km range and enhanced resolution. The S-300 PMU-2 version can detect and track 100 targets. The radar is said to be able to detect stealth targets.

Large wavelength radiations are reflected by “invisible” aircraft. Radar that operates in the VHF, UHF, L and S bands can detect and even track the F-35 without transmitting weapons-quality track. It is true that no accurate targeting is possible, but at least you can tell where the plane is.

The S-300’s vertically launched missiles can be re-targeted during flight. The explosion is so powerful that no kinetic kill is needed. Multiple killing elements will strike targets throughout the vicinity.

The IAF F-35s still need to be integrated with other assets in order to enhance their chances of carrying out missions. Just to be on the safe side, they will probably be escorted by electronic warfare aircraft, which are not stealth, thus giving away their position and providing the enemy with enough time to take countermeasures. Israel has only 12 F-35s, with 50 more arriving by 2024. The price tag for each is about $100 million. It’ll be a long time before they are in place and integrated into the Air Force. And twelve are simply not enough.

Besides, the aircraft still needs to be upgraded with the full operational capability of Block 3F and subsequent Block 4 software and hardware configurations.

Once the S-300s are operational, all other Israeli non-stealth planes will face huge risks any time they fly an offensive mission into Syria. It should also be taken into account that Russia will jam the radar, navigation, and communications systems on any aircraft attacking targets in Syria via the Mediterranean Sea, as Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu warned on Sept. 24, 2018.

Israel boasts a broad repertoire of standoff weapons, along with highly advanced electronic warfare systems and enhanced cyber capabilities. It also has very experienced and well trained personnel. Nevertheless, the S-300 in Syria is a deterrent to be reckoned with. Hopefully, the peace process in that war-torn country will move forward and there will be no escalation to provoke an S-300 vs. F-35 fight.

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The F-35 is the weapons of cowards. There are few things that it can bomb that is costlier than the F-35 at $145,000,000/plane. So, that plane is only useful to bomb tribal people with primitive weapons. What good is the F-35 in Syria? BIG WASTE OF UNITED STATES TAXPAYER as American go hungry.

You can call me Al

All F-35s have been grounded – https://www.rt.com/usa/440992-us-military-grounds-f-35/

Also more news – https://www.rt.com/news/441017-f-16-aircraft-explodes-belgium/

Good day for the World.

John Mason

Strange events, a coincidence? Ukraine ammo factory now this. Could be some covert operations underway, one would hope so. If something similar happens in israel then that would be the icing on the cake.

Feudalism Victory

Yes! Bomb them bring fear to your enemies.

You can call me Al

+ Nikki Haley resigns …… something is coming.

You can call me Al

Will you start ticking people, up OR down. Please.

John Mason

I do but I am selective, any hint of racism (israelis exempt), any hint of hatred (US/UK exempt), any hint of anything that is morally/spiritually over the top; they do get a tick, up or down. Anyway I have given you a few tick- all up.


Tit for Tat

America won the Afghanistan bogus sinister war with the Stingers given to Al Qaida,

Do America/Israel will lost the Syrian War engineered with Proxy Terrorist thanks Russian S-300 =================================================================


Zbigniew Brzezinski, architect of the catastrophe in Afghanistan, dead at 89

By Bill Van Auken

29 May 2017

Zbigniew Brzezinski, security adviser to Democratic President Jimmy Carter and a longtime proponent of an aggressive strategy for asserting US global hegemony, died Friday at the age of 89.

During his four-year tenure in the Carter White House, Brzezinski was involved in a large number of criminal operations carried out by US imperialism around the globe, from support for the Shah’s attempts to drown the Iranian Revolution in blood to the initiation of a US policy in Central America that led to bloody counterinsurgency campaigns that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands.

Unquestionably, however, the greatest of these crimes, and one for which he proudly took credit, was the orchestration and support of a dirty war waged by Islamist mujahedeen against the Soviet-backed government of Afghanistan at the end of the 1970s.

Born into an aristocratic Polish family that was forced to take refuge in Canada, where his father was a diplomat at the outbreak of World War II, Brzezinski’s outlook and policies were grounded in a ferocious hatred of revolution, socialism and the Soviet Union.

He was recruited into anti-Soviet operations while lecturing at Harvard University in the 1950s. He was among a delegation sent by the CIA through its front group, the “Independent Service for Information,” to intervene at a Soviet-backed world youth festival held in Vienna in 1959. He was described by contemporaries as the most anticommunist and provocative of those sent by the US intelligence agency.

In the early 1970s, Brzezinski was tapped by David Rockefeller to head the Trilateral Commission, a body created to coordinate imperialist strategy between Washington, Western Europe and Japan. The commission, made up of influential business and political figures, in turn, threw its support behind the 1976 presidential campaign of Democrat Jimmy Carter, then governor of Georgia and seen as a Washington “outsider” who could provide a fresh face after the debacle of the administration of Richard Nixon and that of his successor, Gerald Ford. Members of the commission occupied key posts in the Carter administration, with Brzezinski as national security adviser exercising overwhelming influence over US foreign policy.

It was in this position that Brzezinski authored one of the greatest crimes carried out by US imperialism in the 20th century, the instigation of a war in Afghanistan that has continued to ravage the country to this day.

In its obituary of Brzezinski, the New York Times acknowledges that “his rigid hatred of the Soviet Union” had placed him “to the right of many Republicans, including Mr. Kissinger and President Richard M. Nixon.” It adds that under Carter he directed US policy with the aim of “thwarting Soviet expansionism at any cost…for better or worse.” As an example, it states, “He supported billions in military aid for Islamic militants fighting invading Soviet troops in Afghanistan.”

This is a deliberate distortion of the real role played by Washington, its military and the CIA in Afghanistan, under Brzezinski’s direction.

Brzezinski acknowledged in an interview with the French news magazine Le Nouvel Observateur in January 1998 that he initiated a policy in which the CIA covertly began arming the mujahedeen in July 1978—six months before Soviet troops intervened in Afghanistan—with the explicit aim of dragging the Soviet Union into a debilitating war.

Asked, given the catastrophe unleashed upon Afghanistan and the subsequent growth of Islamist terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, whether he regretted the policy he championed in Afghanistan, Brzezinski replied:

“Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter: We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam War. Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war unsupportable by the government, a conflict that brought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.”

Asked specifically whether he regretted the CIA’s collaboration with and arming of Islamist extremists, including Al Qaeda, in fomenting the war in Afghanistan, Brzezinski responded contemptuously: “What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”

In the four decades of nearly uninterrupted fighting that flowed from Brzezinski’s “excellent idea”—with nearly 9,000 US troops still on the ground and plans being set in motion to carry out another escalation—over 2 million Afghans have lost their lives and millions more have been turned into refugees.

In the aftermath of the Moscow Stalinist bureaucracy’s formal dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991, Brzezinski refocused his long-standing maniacal hostility to the USSR toward a strategy to assert undisputed US hegemony over Eurasia.

He was among the more influential imperialist strategists in shaping a policy of attempting to offset the long-term decline in the world position of American capitalism by resorting to Washington’s unchallenged supremacy in terms of military might. This turn would lead to unending wars in the Middle East and Central Asia designed to assert undisputed American dominance in the regions containing the lion’s share of the world’s oil and natural gas reserves.

In an article published in the September-October 1997 issue of Foreign Affairs, Brzezinski argued:

“Eurasia is the world’s axial supercontinent. A power that dominated Eurasia would exercise decisive influence over two of the world’s three most economically productive regions, Western Europe and East Asia. A glance at the map also suggests that a country dominant in Eurasia would almost automatically control the Middle East and Africa. With Eurasia now serving as the decisive geopolitical chessboard, it no longer suffices to fashion one policy for Europe and another for Asia. What happens with the distribution of power on the Eurasian landmass will be of decisive importance to America’s global primacy and historical legacy … In a volatile Eurasia, the immediate task is to ensure that no state or combination of states gains the ability to expel the United States or even diminish its decisive role.”

Expanding on this thesis in his book The Grand Chessboard, Brzezinski voiced his concern about the major obstacle to Washington pursuing such an aggressive drive for hegemony: the hostility of the vast majority of the American people to war.

He wrote: “… America is too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad. This limits the use of America’s power, especially its capacity for military intimidation. Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public’s sense of domestic well-being. The economic self-denial (that is, defense spending) and the human sacrifices (casualties even among professional soldiers) required in the effort are uncongenial to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization.” [The Grand Chessboard, Basic Books, pp. 35-36].

Four years later, on September 11, 2001, the “sudden threat or challenge to the public’s sense of domestic well-being” that the former national security adviser saw as a necessary precondition for launching a global campaign of American militarism was served up by the very forces that he and the CIA had promoted in Afghanistan. Al Qaeda, with its historic ties to US intelligence, claimed credit for the attacks on New York City and Washington, which were carried out by individuals who were able to move remarkably unhindered in and out of the US.

Brzezinski was a virulent opponent of revolution, socialism and any challenge to the existing capitalist order from the left. In 1968, during the mass protests against the Vietnam War, he wrote in the New Republic that students should be prevented from protesting by locking them up, adding that if the protests’ “leadership cannot be physically liquidated, it can at least be expelled from the country.”

In more recent years, particularly in the wake of the meltdown of the global capitalist financial system in 2008, Brzezinski has repeatedly warned of the “growing risk of class hatred” and the danger of radicalization among young people under conditions of unsustainable levels of social inequality.

In his 2012 book Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power, he wrote: “Populations of young adults… are especially explosive when combined with the revolution in communication technology.” He continued: “Often educated but unemployed, their resulting frustration and alienation” leaves them “susceptible to ideological agitation and revolutionary mobilization.”

In a television interview that year, he warned that a growing “sense of social injustice can be terribly demoralizing and, politically in the long run, very dangerous.”

While able to perceive this danger and issue his warnings, Brzezinski was no more able than any other representative of America’s capitalist ruling establishment to offer a rational, much less progressive, answer to the rising social and class conflicts that pose the threat of revolution.

John Whitehot

“America won the Afghanistan bogus sinister war”

America won nothing. US servicemen are dying in Afghanistan as we speak, because the US supported jihadists in the 80 ies.

And the whole “Stinger” matter is as bullshit as the “TOW” in Syria. Propaganda garbage made up for ignorant people, while wars are fought in much different ways and under different perspectives, which must instead stay hidden from the public opinion.


OK USSR won and didn’t left Afghanistan, Osama Ben Laden the US/CIA agent for the Al Qaida proxy is still alive…. where ? ? ?

John Whitehot

you can indulge in bullshittery all you want.

wars aren’t football games which are either won, lost or drawn.

there’s a whole spectrum of results, some (actually many) of them your bosses are unable to put in a database table.


“your bosses are unable to put in a database table” Who are my bosses ? ? ?

Ok the 6 Millions Holocaust victims is tragic,

but what about the other XX Century 197 Millions Victims ?

As long as we speak about Jews, we didn’t speak about the millions dead done by the US/UK ================================

GERMAN HOLOCAUST GERMAN GENOCIDE: 9-15 Million Germans Killed 1945 – 1953 Post WW2 “The Morgenthau Plan” EISENHOWER’S DEATH CAMPS “A Forgotten Genocide” – True Democracy Party http://truedemocracyparty.net/2014/01/german-holocaust-german-genocide-9-to-15-million-germans-killed-1945-1953-the-morgenthau-plan-eisenhowers-death-camps-a-forgotten-genocide/

=================================== http://necrometrics.com/all20c.htm Necrometrics

Estimated Totals for the Entire 20th Century

Site Index

Alphabetical Index

How many people died in all the wars, massacres, slaughters and oppressions of the Twentieth Century? Here are a few atrocitologists who have made estimates:

M. Cherif Bassouni, “Searching for peace and achieving justice: the need for accountability”, published on Law and Contemporary Problems, vol. 59: no. 4. [http://www.law.duke.edu/shell/cite.pl?59+Law+&+Contemp.+Probs.+9+(Fall+1996)] (Citing Rummel and SIPRI)

33 million “military casualties” (That’s how the article phrased it, but I presume that means military deaths.)

170 million killed in “conflicts of a non-international charater, internal conflicts and tyrannical regime victimization”)

incl. 86M since the Second World War

[TOTAL: 203,000,000]

Zbigniew Brzezinski, Out of Control: Global Turmoil on the Eve of the Twenty-first Century (1993)

“Lives deliberately extinguished by politically motivated carnage”:

167,000,000 to 175,000,000


War Dead: 87,500,000

Military war dead:


Civilian war dead:


Not-war Dead: 80,000,000

Communist oppression:


David Barrett, World Christian Encyclopedia (2001)

Christian martyrs only: 45.5M [commentary & context]

Stephane Courtois, The Black Book of Communism

Victims of Communism only: 85-100M

Milton Leitenberg [http://www.pcr.uu.se/Leitenberg_paper.pdf]

Politically caused deaths in the 20th C: 214M to 226M, incl…

Deaths in wars and conflicts, incl. civilian: 130M-142M

Political deaths, 1945-2000: 50M-51M

Not The Enemy Media [http://nottheenemy.com/index_files/Death%20Counts/Death%20Counts.htm]

Killed through U.S. foreign policy since WWII, as of July 2003: 10,778,727 to 16,861,695 (1945-May 2003)

Rudolph J. Rummel, Death By Government

“Democides” – Government inflicted deaths (1900-87)



Communist Oppression: 110,286,000

Democratic democides: 2,028,000

Not included among democides:

Wars: 34,021,000

Non-Democidal Famine (often including famines associated with war and communist mismanagement):

China (1900-87): 49,275,000

Russia: (1921-47): 5,833,000


258,327,000 for all the categories listed here.

Me (Matthew White, Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century, 2010):

Deaths by War and Oppression during the 20th Century: 203 million

Military Collateral* Democide Famine Total

Wartime 37m 27m 41m 18m 123m

Peacetime 0 0 40m 40m 80m

TOTAL 37m 27m 81m 58m 203m

* Collateral = civilian deaths that are generally considered to be an unavoidable, legitimate byproduct of waging war.

FAQ: How did you get these totals?

My estimate for the Communist share of the century’s unpleasantness:

Genocide & Tyranny: 29M

(incl. intentional famine)

Man-made Famine: 41M

(excl. intentional famine, but including both wartime and peacetime)

Communist-inspired War (for example the Russian Civil War, Vietnam, Korea, etc.)

Military: 7m

Civilian (collateral): 10m

NOTE: With these numbers, I’m tallying every combat death and accidental civilian death in the war, without differentiating who died, who did it or who started it. According to whichever theory of Just War you are working from, the Communists may be entirely blameless, or entirely to blame, for these 17M dead.

TOTAL: 87M deaths by Communism.

RESIDUE: 116M deaths by non-Communism.

John Whitehot

i don’t like the format of your posts

i mean no offence, but i can’t read them.


I am sure, truth hurts, and affects the eyes. I read them quite easily. While I do admit to having a 3 digit IQ.

John Whitehot

Iq is overrated. i scored anywhere from 99 to 150 in different games on the basis if i was lazy or not in that moment.


“Iq is overrated”

I am quite sure you believe that :P

John Whitehot

cut it shlomo. tell me one time you were able to outsmart me. iq aint shit.


“A stupid man’s report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.” ― Bertrand Russell,


You forgot the 33000 kids that die every day from preventable hunger and disease, due only to a lack of money ?


Health Cares and food for everybody on the Planet wouldn’t be a problem, there is only none intentions on purpose !

But to spend as much as possible for Weapons to kill is the priority, US are the World leader for that !

Starvation is the Oldest mass destruction weapons, Queen Victoria in Ireland or Churchill in the UK Colonial Empire were the worst ever

It’s in French’ but there is unbelievable photos Propagande et Holodomors oubliés https://www.agoravox.FR/tribune-libre/article/propagande-et-holodomors-oublies-180294


The Jewish Ethnic Cleansing Of Europeans https://holodomorinfo.COM

Britain’s Dirty War in Ireland, Revisited https://www.counterpunch.ORG/2018/01/03/britains-dirty-war-in-ireland-revisited/

GERMAN HOLOCAUST GERMAN GENOCIDE: 9-15 Million Germans Killed 1945 – 1953 Post WW2 “The Morgenthau Plan” EISENHOWER’S DEATH CAMPS “A Forgotten Genocide” – True Democracy Party http://truedemocracyparty.NET/2014/01/german-holocaust-german-genocide-9-to-15-million-germans-killed-1945-1953-the-morgenthau-plan-eisenhowers-death-camps-a-forgotten-genocide/


even the whites are poor now. And they still think they are better than the rest :P


because the US supported jihadists in the 80 ies.`

US still supports those terrorists, and sends them now to Syria,. You been sleeping have you…


“US servicemen are dying in Afghanistan as we speak, because” they fight and invade and conquer for globalists .

They die because they and those like them destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya, and created enemies who are fighting back, those you call terrorists.


This has the benefit of insuring there is no centralized power to resist our exploitation, and insures a steady supply of bodies to feed the grist mill.

They die because your government is responsible for using its terrorism, to sustain a war of hegemony, that the fools call a war on terror. Imperialism that has gone on much longer than the lies and bullshit of 911.

Bought and paid for, liar after liar, repubtard after libtard, they preach on any ole bullshit, and the herd bleats in agreement. And run like fools to the polls, voting in an oligarch, for those they are told are their choice :P


geo politics 101

John Whitehot

“They die because your government is responsible”

My government isn’t responsible of anything, i’m not an american.


You think that makes a difference dimwit?

John Whitehot

“You think that makes a difference dimwit?”

must be a difficult time for your kind, all that people laughing in your faces.


“for your kind”

see, I knew you were an idiot.

John Whitehot

“I knew you were an idiot”

you can’t. when is your exceptional intelligence going to admit it?

leon mc pilibin

Well loverman,when are you going to attack,as you constantly remind everyone? Can’t wait to see your cowardly pirates taken down.

al quaida

I imagine the stakes are high in terms of marketability also. If the S-300 fails to down stealth bombers, they may not be so appealing to future potential purchasers. Likewise if they DO successfully down stealth bombers then that may affect their future sales also.


It would be a catastrophic PR disaster for US/Lockheed Martin, fielding and exporting the worlds most expensive and hyped weapons system, the F-35, if it was combat compromised by the newly acquired Syrian S-300 PM air defenses over Syria, or out over Lebanon. Even more so, as the Israeli’s have been granted an exclusive F-35 after-market option among the F-35 clientele – no other client besides IAF is being allowed the option of integrating their own electronics/ avionics suites.

chris chuba

Both statements are true. It would be a big mistake for Russia to give the Syrians an inferior version of the S300. I read that this system is almost obsolete but may have been upgraded w/better RADAR. If it fails then we will get another chorus of ‘the Russians build junk that is useless against U.S. equipment’.

Promitheas Apollonious

at the first attempt to use them they been hit by S200. Of course the syrians cheated there and instead of a missile send a bird to meet it. If it was a missile I am sure they was going to fail but sending a bird…. that was a blow below the belt.

You can call me Al

We are ready- https://i.imgflip.com/2jd7ba.jpg

Promitheas Apollonious

YOU MAKE ME CHOKE from laughter. I thank you, I need that.

You can call me Al

I wonder if that is why the whole fleet has been grounded today ?.

Lazy Gamer

Attacker has a decisive advantage. How much time does Russia or Syria use to observe, assess, relay, make decisions, to fire upon something. In the current situation, a “patrolling” aircraft might suddenly switch to mission mode and dive in, release, bail out. All finished in a matter of tens of seconds. Defense has to always be alert. However, if the Defense uses its mobility, the tables can be turned. But it is risky and vulnerable from jihadis. If the defense is trigger happy, they might mistakenly fire on drones or god forbid a passenger plane.


In obtained air superiority it has decisive advantage. But, in this situation… If air control (military, not civilian) is good in its job, every airplane is tracked way before Syrian airspace with radars in NW and SW parts of Syria because those are the most anticipated directions of attack by the enemy (east direction is not that critical). All that data from air control has an AD unit, and the vertical chain of command is in the “finger on the button” for that plane you mention and you gave him a few tens of seconds. Reality is that we speak about one to maximum five airplanes on air strike. We do not expect WW2 air raids with about 1000 airplanes, and with 1 to 5 airplanes Syrian air defense can and will fight. And, like I said, if air control is good in its job you CAN NOT mistakenly fire on passenger plane, of course if THEY do not again use those airplanes to hide behind.

Cleverson Santos

Come on Israel… the world is watching and waiting… when will be the next attack…??? Let´s porve it!!!! The Iranians are walking freely, try to attack syria before o make some dirty deal behind the curtains with Mr. Putin… Try… try…

John Whitehot

“make some dirty deal behind the curtains with Mr. Putin”

lolololol. you never stop don’t you?


Its the normal 50/50 Hasbara troll technique as we know John. :)

John Whitehot

who knows if some of them will break the curtain of bs they’ve been forced on their senses and see the spectacular demise of all their kind in the future, like many honest people has already seen.

Concrete Mike

Some will some dont, they alone choose to sell their “soul”.

We cant make that choice for them.

John Whitehot

well put. we can say without doubt though, that everybody will have a chance to choose truth over madness.

Promitheas Apollonious

forgive him from trying. he need his dosage daily.

John Whitehot

it’s not my forgiveness that they need.

Promitheas Apollonious

Not really is a slap behind the ear, but that is not practically possible.

John Whitehot


You can call me Al

Oh, I thought he was taking the piss out of Nutty.

Brad Isherwood


Excellent News….Excellent. Days earlier Lazar lectured Putin on S 300 and Israel’s right to attack Iran in Syria, With Nosferatu saying the World should recognize Israel’s right to the Golan.

Russia lighting up IAF nearing Lebanon would be excellent . Israel would cry… Moscow could say “Stay the @ out….or else”


I am not saying World should recognize Israel’s right to the Golan. That is fake news LOL

chris chuba

“Large wavelength radiations are reflected by “invisible” aircraft. Radar that operates in the VHF, UHF, L and S bands can detect and even track the F-35 without transmitting weapons-quality track. It is true that no accurate targeting is possible, but at least you can tell where the plane is.”

From a technical point of view, it seems like you can overcome this by having multiple low frequency radar that, by definition, will be out of phase, couldn’t network their combined signal detection to increase the net frequency for weapons tracking. It would require both networking and digital signal processing to do this, do the Russians lack DSP engineers? I’m not claiming to be a genius, just curious if other people have an explanation.


Yes, the key bands seem to be on the left AND right ends of the spectrum from the standard radar wavelengths (UHF indicates very short wave functions as opposed to the L), probably because the ‘stealth math’ actually dates to the 1950’s when alternate radar capacities did not exist, the morphologically derived stealth characteristics must be based upon the middle range, and yes, now that AD systems can be readily linked, including fighter or FB jets at a distance from specialized ground radar, that capacity becomes important when thinking also from the POV of the newer SU models deployed in Syria vis a vis the F-35, which is now, btw, GROUNDED by the USAF (see RT article today).


I think the US has installed Flux capacitors on all the F-35’s which basically annuls every counter measure u just stated! No other country has flux capacitors! Below is a picture of the Block 4 update software module of the flux capacitor installed on all NEW US F-35 stealth aircraft proving more advanced tech! These literally make the aircraft invisible once a [classified] speed is reached! I’d say it’s game over for Syria and Russia now once this new Block 4 update (flux capacitor installation) is completed! U need to read up more, u dont seem to know what u are talking about!



Do you have any links verifying these claims? Such as a video showing optical disappearance proving that the technology actually works as you claim. And what makes you think that the Russians and others aren’t aware of these technologies and have developed counter measures, like thermal imaging, etc.?


Yes in fact i do! They achieved this invisibility in 1984 even tho the tech was originally invented 1955! Would u like a link to the video that proves this beyond a doubt?


Lockheed Martin says that the plane doesn’t have optical invisibility. Do you have a link from a credible source showing that it does?


Videos below were uploaded onto live leak 2 years a go and were only online for approx 11 minutes before they were taken down by unknowns! I got this video from the onion net via TOR!

Video 1 is video proof of the invisibility Block 4 update working in 1984 initial test but implemented on a test vehicle!

Video 2 is proof of 1955 Block 1a and inception of Optical stealth generator via Flux Capacitor!

https://youtu.be/imoqxNyPeu0 https://youtu.be/0e-ONeKj4h8


Video 1 is not video proof of the invisibility Block 4 update working in 1984 initial test but implemented on a test vehicle! It’s an excerpt from a Hollywood science fiction movie starring J. Michael Fox called Back to the future, and video two is an excerpt from the same movie.


Richard… ur reply to my video makes me believe u are a bot! who do u work for? Are u a 7 dwarf? :)


You’re a head case.


U were trolled and u tagged along! Ive screen shot ur comments and ill warn people that u are likely a BOT! I made these comments specifically to fish out Bots who have the inability to understand a sarcastic troll! Look at ur response after the 2 videos I sent u! Look at the comments u made before that! Richard, Uve been baited and fished out! A Screen shot has been taken to warn others!


I’m not a bot, but you’re clearly some kind of weirdo.


Who the hell thinks a “flux capacitor” is a real thing? U couldnt be that stupid if u were human! Your reply was very robotic! “Video 1 is not video proof of the invisibility Block 4 update working in 1984 initial test but implemented on a test vehicle! It’s an excerpt from a Hollywood science fiction movie starring J. Michael Fox called Back to the future, and video two is an excerpt from the same movie.”

No person would answer like that because the videos i sent CONFIRM the trolling and joke!

Something wrong with u unless of course ure a bot! And…… i think u are! U have no sense of humour and ur replies make u sound like u got a stick up ur ass! U sound like a Klingon from star trek! All logic and not a human bone in u!


Why don’t you tell people about the time that you threatened to anally rape Dutch National with an axe handle and the moderator started deleting your depravity?


That did not happen and u would need to prove that! However i did screen shot DutchNationals posts which ended him! He was supporting Al-Nusra and ISIS!

As for remembering DutchnNational (who was widely disrespected by all here), he has been gone a LOOONG time a go! My Disqus is set to private! U must be a bot! Nobody would remember another persons post from 2016 (before the battle of Aleppo) except for a bot!

RichardD, how would u know about any chat i have had with DutchNational? Explain urself! How? Are u DutchNational? Dutch supported the Kurds and NOT the SAA! U just blew ur cover! NOBODY would remember someone else’s comments from over 2 years a go! YOU ARE A BOT! U went from Doc to Grumpy in 2 posts! Things that make u go “hmmmmmmm”.


Not only are you a head case, but a liar as well. You’re wasting my time with your delusions and insanity.


I have proof. I screen shot all my conversations with dutchnational. Thats how he got OWNED. AND IM OWNING YOU. u dont waste my time mr robot


And when you tried to follow those links they were dead. And when you went back and looked at the original thread you found out why. Because the moderator blocked them because of your insane ranting about anally raping DN with an axe handle and other such depravity.

The only thing that you’ve proved by posting the screen shot of the F-35 thread is that I outted your lies and you went off the deep end with your nonsense about me being a bot. Any rational right thinking person can see that you’re a wack job with a screw loose.


Flux Capacitor is a lie? lol. Youre just too stupid to know the difference between a lie and a laugh!

Anally raping DN with an Axe? lol, oh my Lord uve come alive! Maybe u not a bot, maybe ure a psycho!

I did expose DN and im proud of that! those who know me here stood arm in arm with me against him! As fro the raping with an axe…. thats something i WOULD NOT deny if i did say it! But unfortunately for u i didnt! and without proof i guess ure up shit creek without a paddle! But between u and me, we both know i didnt say that! therefore between u and me, we both know who the piece of shit is! I got my eye on u RichardD! If u ever try to fuck this forum with ur BS, ill expose the shit out of u!

Feel free to expose me for the EXTREMELY bad things i have said about the Jews! I plead GUILTY to those (even the ones u might make up about me).

In the mean time RichardD, become more human! Loosen the collar, watch “Back to Future”, have a laugh at urself and dont be such an idiot all the time! We are watching u now!




You’re a sick and twisted lying pervert.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/


QUESTION: What do u honestly think about me verbally abusing a terrorist supporter??

1. DucthNational: A HTS and ISIS supporter! 2. I do not remember saying this! 3. Im GLAD i said this about a HTS and ISIS supporter! I’m more awesome than i realised! 4. U defend ur STUPIDITY regarding the “Flux Capacitor” with this? 5. Why do u feel the need to defend urself with a HTS and ISIS supporter? 6. ABUSING DutchNational would be regarded as AWESOME by this Forum! 7. PERVERT? Doesnt there have to be something sexual to make that plausible? Where was ur mind when u made this claim? 8. U searched a year a go? hahaha 9. U fell for a flux capacitor joke and when i FINALLY helped u understand the joke, u gave a robotic response! 10. EVERYONE has said youre full of shit regarding previous comments u have made! Look at the responses!

And Finally here is proof of DucthNational Supporting ISIS and HTS! AND YOU USE THIS AS UR DEFENCE??? ARE YOU THAT STUPID? THIS MAKE ME LOOK AWESOME! Not remembering this or even the fact that i said it makes me awesome! im literally abusing a terrorist supporter! You just keep losing! Youre not a good bot are u!



I think that threatening to anally rape someone with an axe and then repeatedly lying about it puts you in the same category as the terrorist who eats human hearts. You’re both criminally insane.


anally raping a terrorist supporter who supports only US proxies is bad? THEN IM GUILTY and proud of it! Thanks for reminding me how Awesome i am! Would be easier if u just put a gold medal around my neck for saying this about DN. i honestly forgot! Thanks for being my fan and following me!

Repeatedly lying!? hahaha nice try but huge fail! I honestly did not remember but if i knew i said it…… then of course i would admit to it! Why would i worry about saying something about a terrorist supporter?

I have said far worse things that I DO REMEMBER about Jews and Zionists! Feel free to find them!

Saying this about him makes me PROUD as punch! Did u see how i exposed him? i WAS LOVED BY THIS FORUM for that!

But saying bad shit about DN isnt bad according to this forum! People here LOVE abusing Jews and Zionists and Americans to some degree!

BUT……. nobody is dumb enough to fall for the joke u fell for! i practically guided u 4 times until i had to send u videos!

U know damn well ur response was robotic! And i do what i do best! Exposing Shills like u!

People here know DN and that he is scum! Posting my abuse towards him makes me a HERO! Find someone who disagrees with the comment i made towards him!

You literally put a gold medal around my neck with that screen shot abusing DN! CHEERS!

But u still need to answer for ur bot like comments or at least admit ure an idiot!

Choose ur poison!



You’re a criminally insane lying piece of degenerate filth.

I wrote:

“Why don’t you tell people about the time that you threatened to anally rape Dutch National?”

You wrote:

“That did not happen …

As fro the raping with an axe…. thats something i WOULD NOT deny if i did say it! But unfortunately for u i didnt! and without proof i guess ure up shit creek without a paddle! But between u and me, we both know i didnt say that! therefore between u and me, we both know who the piece of shit is!”

Here’s the proof liar: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/ –


………anally raping a terrorist supporter who supports only US proxies is bad? THEN IM GUILTY and proud of it! Thanks for reminding me how Awesome i am! Would be easier if u just put a gold medal around my neck for saying this about DN. i honestly forgot! Thanks for being my fan and following me!

Repeatedly lying!? hahaha nice try but huge fail! I honestly did not remember but if i knew i said it…… then of course i would admit to it! Why would i worry about saying something about a terrorist supporter?

I have said far worse things that I DO REMEMBER about Jews and Zionists! Feel free to find them!

Saying this about him makes me PROUD as punch! Did u see how i exposed him? i WAS LOVED BY THIS FORUM for that!

But saying bad shit about DN isnt bad according to this forum! People here LOVE abusing Jews and Zionists and Americans to some degree!

BUT……. nobody is dumb enough to fall for the joke u fell for! i practically guided u 4 times until i had to send u videos!

U know damn well ur response was robotic! And i do what i do best! Exposing Shills like u!

People here know DN and that he is scum! Posting my abuse towards him makes me a HERO! Find someone who disagrees with the comment i made towards him!

You literally put a gold medal around my neck with that screen shot abusing DN! CHEERS!

But u still need to answer for ur bot like comments or at least admit ure an idiot!

Choose ur poison! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


“the screen shot of the F-35 thread is that I outted your lies”

DUDE / BOT: A joke is not a lie! Especially when i prove it a joke! EVERYONE KNOWS that the FLUX CAPACITOR is from the movie “back to the future”!

But u STILL ddidnt understand! haha u wanted VIDEO EVIDENCE hahaha! So i gave u a clip of the car in the movie vanishing so u could finally get that it was a joke! But ur dumb ass still didnt understand! HOW DUMB ARE U? Well, dumb enough that i think ure a BOT! And bots MUST be EXPOSED!

QUESTION: What do u honestly think about me verbally abusing a terrorist supporter??

1. DucthNational: A HTS and ISIS supporter! 2. I do not remember saying this! 3. Im GLAD i said this about a HTS and ISIS supporter! I’m more awesome than i realised! 4. U defend ur STUPIDITY regarding the “Flux Capacitor” with this? 5. Why do u feel the need to defend urself with a HTS and ISIS supporter? 6. ABUSING DutchNational would be regarded as AWESOME by this Forum! 7. PERVERT? Doesnt there have to be something sexual to make that plausible? Where was ur mind when u made this claim? 8. U searched a year a go? hahaha 9. U fell for a flux capacitor joke and when i FINALLY helped u understand the joke, u gave a robotic response! 10. EVERYONE has said youre full of shit regarding previous comments u have made! Look at the responses!

And Finally here is proof of DucthNational Supporting ISIS and HTS! AND YOU USE THIS AS UR DEFENCE??? ARE YOU THAT STUPID? THIS MAKE ME LOOK AWESOME! Not remembering this or even the fact that i said it makes me awesome! im literally abusing a terrorist supporter! You just keep losing! Youre not a good bot are u!



I think that threatening to anally rape someone with an axe and then repeatedly lying about it puts you in the same category as the terrorist who eats human hearts. You’re both criminally insane. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/ ——-


……anally raping a terrorist supporter who supports only US proxies is bad? THEN IM GUILTY and proud of it! Thanks for reminding me how Awesome i am! Would be easier if u just put a gold medal around my neck for saying this about DN. i honestly forgot! Thanks for being my fan and following me!

Repeatedly lying!? hahaha nice try but huge fail! I honestly did not remember but if i knew i said it…… then of course i would admit to it! Why would i worry about saying something about a terrorist supporter?

I have said far worse things that I DO REMEMBER about Jews and Zionists! Feel free to find them!

Saying this about him makes me PROUD as punch! Did u see how i exposed him? i WAS LOVED BY THIS FORUM for that!

But saying bad shit about DN isnt bad according to this forum! People here LOVE abusing Jews and Zionists and Americans to some degree!

BUT……. nobody is dumb enough to fall for the joke u fell for! i practically guided u 4 times until i had to send u videos!

U know damn well ur response was robotic! And i do what i do best! Exposing Shills like u!

People here know DN and that he is scum! Posting my abuse towards him makes me a HERO! Find someone who disagrees with the comment i made towards him!

You literally put a gold medal around my neck with that screen shot abusing DN! CHEERS!

But u still need to answer for ur bot like comments or at least admit ure an idiot!

Choose ur poison! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


I have proof to. Here it is. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/


.QUESTION: What do u honestly think about me verbally abusing a terrorist supporter??

1. DucthNational: A HTS and ISIS supporter! 2. I do not remember saying this! 3. Im GLAD i said this about a HTS and ISIS supporter! I’m more awesome than i realised! 4. U defend ur STUPIDITY regarding the “Flux Capacitor” with this? 5. Why do u feel the need to defend urself with a HTS and ISIS supporter? 6. ABUSING DutchNational would be regarded as AWESOME by this Forum! 7. PERVERT? Doesnt there have to be something sexual to make that plausible? Where was ur mind when u made this claim? 8. U searched a year a go? hahaha 9. U fell for a flux capacitor joke and when i FINALLY helped u understand the joke, u gave a robotic response! 10. EVERYONE has said youre full of shit regarding previous comments u have made! Look at the responses!

And Finally here is proof of DucthNational Supporting ISIS and HTS! AND YOU USE THIS AS UR DEFENCE??? ARE YOU THAT STUPID? THIS MAKE ME LOOK AWESOME! Not remembering this or even the fact that i said it makes me awesome! im literally abusing a terrorist supporter! You just keep losing! Youre not a good bot are u! QUESTION: What do u honestly think about me verbally abusing a terrorist supporter??

1. DucthNational: A HTS and ISIS supporter! 2. I do not remember saying this! 3. Im GLAD i said this about a HTS and ISIS supporter! I’m more awesome than i realised! 4. U defend ur STUPIDITY regarding the “Flux Capacitor” with this? 5. Why do u feel the need to defend urself with a HTS and ISIS supporter? 6. ABUSING DutchNational would be regarded as AWESOME by this Forum! 7. PERVERT? Doesnt there have to be something sexual to make that plausible? Where was ur mind when u made this claim? 8. U searched a year a go? hahaha 9. U fell for a flux capacitor joke and when i FINALLY helped u understand the joke, u gave a robotic response! 10. EVERYONE has said youre full of shit regarding previous comments u have made! Look at the responses!

And Finally here is proof of DucthNational Supporting ISIS and HTS! AND YOU USE THIS AS UR DEFENCE??? ARE YOU THAT STUPID? THIS MAKE ME LOOK AWESOME! Not remembering this or even the fact that i said it makes me awesome! im literally abusing a terrorist supporter! You just keep losing! Youre not a good bot are u! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


I think that threatening to anally rape someone with an axe and then repeatedly lying about it puts you in the same category as the terrorist who eats human hearts. You’re both criminally insane. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/ ——


…..anally raping a terrorist supporter who supports only US proxies is bad? THEN IM GUILTY and proud of it! Thanks for reminding me how Awesome i am! Would be easier if u just put a gold medal around my neck for saying this about DN. i honestly forgot! Thanks for being my fan and following me!

Repeatedly lying!? hahaha nice try but huge fail! I honestly did not remember but if i knew i said it…… then of course i would admit to it! Why would i worry about saying something about a terrorist supporter?

I have said far worse things that I DO REMEMBER about Jews and Zionists! Feel free to find them!

Saying this about him makes me PROUD as punch! Did u see how i exposed him? i WAS LOVED BY THIS FORUM for that!

But saying bad shit about DN isnt bad according to this forum! People here LOVE abusing Jews and Zionists and Americans to some degree!

BUT……. nobody is dumb enough to fall for the joke u fell for! i practically guided u 4 times until i had to send u videos!

U know damn well ur response was robotic! And i do what i do best! Exposing Shills like u!

People here know DN and that he is scum! Posting my abuse towards him makes me a HERO! Find someone who disagrees with the comment i made towards him!

You literally put a gold medal around my neck with that screen shot abusing DN! CHEERS!

But u still need to answer for ur bot like comments or at least admit ure an idiot!

Choose ur poison! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


Yes, you are criminally insane. And you’re wasting my time and South Front’s thread space wit your insanity.


….. ..anally raping a terrorist supporter who supports only US proxies is bad? THEN IM GUILTY and proud of it! Thanks for reminding me how Awesome i am! Would be easier if u just put a gold medal around my neck for saying this about DN. i honestly forgot! Thanks for being my fan and following me!

Repeatedly lying!? hahaha nice try but huge fail! I honestly did not remember but if i knew i said it…… then of course i would admit to it! Why would i worry about saying something about a terrorist supporter?

I have said far worse things that I DO REMEMBER about Jews and Zionists! Feel free to find them!

Saying this about him makes me PROUD as punch! Did u see how i exposed him? i WAS LOVED BY THIS FORUM for that!

But saying bad shit about DN isnt bad according to this forum! People here LOVE abusing Jews and Zionists and Americans to some degree!

BUT……. nobody is dumb enough to fall for the joke u fell for! i practically guided u 4 times until i had to send u videos!

U know damn well ur response was robotic! And i do what i do best! Exposing Shills like u!

People here know DN and that he is scum! Posting my abuse towards him makes me a HERO! Find someone who disagrees with the comment i made towards him!

You literally put a gold medal around my neck with that screen shot abusing DN! CHEERS!

But u still need to answer for ur bot like comments or at least admit ure an idiot!

Choose ur poison! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


You’re as criminally insane as this terrorist: https://nuclearpastor.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/syrian-heart-eating-rebel.jpg


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7b6c16ddb58a231cb2335de2760f1df786b871102b5af380d0dfc55109bf288.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23e455f0aaaa9059edc53338b83311b91c15d6090ef39c23ffb43c6ab0e04933.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e5906e31d3f39a3ce1e8445f9ac2718ec0a56ffc230c26141e1424e698d98df.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dee6935f903054c6c3606c1f39e52d9739ceab356f50088358fd07d87231ce5b.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aa93f8f4a9f6c59e92c4a9e048bb2828c8ced344d9601d3b18206130894880a0.png


It didn’t, really? You lying psych case. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/


..QUESTION: What do u honestly think about me verbally abusing a terrorist supporter??

1. DucthNational: A HTS and ISIS supporter! 2. I do not remember saying this! 3. Im GLAD i said this about a HTS and ISIS supporter! I’m more awesome than i realised! 4. U defend ur STUPIDITY regarding the “Flux Capacitor” with this? 5. Why do u feel the need to defend urself with a HTS and ISIS supporter? 6. ABUSING DutchNational would be regarded as AWESOME by this Forum! 7. PERVERT? Doesnt there have to be something sexual to make that plausible? Where was ur mind when u made this claim? 8. U searched a year a go? hahaha 9. U fell for a flux capacitor joke and when i FINALLY helped u understand the joke, u gave a robotic response! 10. EVERYONE has said youre full of shit regarding previous comments u have made! Look at the responses!

And Finally here is proof of DucthNational Supporting ISIS and HTS! AND YOU USE THIS AS UR DEFENCE??? ARE YOU THAT STUPID? THIS MAKE ME LOOK AWESOME! Not remembering this or even the fact that i said it makes me awesome! im literally abusing a terrorist supporter! You just keep losing! Youre not a good bot are u! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


I think that threatening to anally rape someone with an axe and then repeatedly lying about it puts you in the same category as the terrorist who eats human hearts. You’re both criminally insane. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/ —–


….anally raping a terrorist supporter who supports only US proxies is bad? THEN IM GUILTY and proud of it! Thanks for reminding me how Awesome i am! Would be easier if u just put a gold medal around my neck for saying this about DN. i honestly forgot! Thanks for being my fan and following me!

Repeatedly lying!? hahaha nice try but huge fail! I honestly did not remember but if i knew i said it…… then of course i would admit to it! Why would i worry about saying something about a terrorist supporter?

I have said far worse things that I DO REMEMBER about Jews and Zionists! Feel free to find them!

Saying this about him makes me PROUD as punch! Did u see how i exposed him? i WAS LOVED BY THIS FORUM for that!

But saying bad shit about DN isnt bad according to this forum! People here LOVE abusing Jews and Zionists and Americans to some degree!

BUT……. nobody is dumb enough to fall for the joke u fell for! i practically guided u 4 times until i had to send u videos!

U know damn well ur response was robotic! And i do what i do best! Exposing Shills like u!

People here know DN and that he is scum! Posting my abuse towards him makes me a HERO! Find someone who disagrees with the comment i made towards him!

You literally put a gold medal around my neck with that screen shot abusing DN! CHEERS!

But u still need to answer for ur bot like comments or at least admit ure an idiot!

Choose ur poison! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


I can confirm that you’re a habitual liar. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/


… QUESTION: What do u honestly think about me verbally abusing a terrorist supporter??

1. DucthNational: A HTS and ISIS supporter! 2. I do not remember saying this! 3. Im GLAD i said this about a HTS and ISIS supporter! I’m more awesome than i realised! 4. U defend ur STUPIDITY regarding the “Flux Capacitor” with this? 5. Why do u feel the need to defend urself with a HTS and ISIS supporter? 6. ABUSING DutchNational would be regarded as AWESOME by this Forum! 7. PERVERT? Doesnt there have to be something sexual to make that plausible? Where was ur mind when u made this claim? 8. U searched a year a go? hahaha 9. U fell for a flux capacitor joke and when i FINALLY helped u understand the joke, u gave a robotic response! 10. EVERYONE has said youre full of shit regarding previous comments u have made! Look at the responses!

And Finally here is proof of DucthNational Supporting ISIS and HTS! AND YOU USE THIS AS UR DEFENCE??? ARE YOU THAT STUPID? THIS MAKE ME LOOK AWESOME! Not remembering this or even the fact that i said it makes me awesome! im literally abusing a terrorist supporter! You just keep losing! Youre not a good bot are u! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


I think that threatening to anally rape someone with an axe and then repeatedly lying about it puts you in the same category as the terrorist who eats human hearts. You’re both criminally insane. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/ —-


…anally raping a terrorist supporter who supports only US proxies is bad? THEN IM GUILTY and proud of it! Thanks for reminding me how Awesome i am! Would be easier if u just put a gold medal around my neck for saying this about DN. i honestly forgot! Thanks for being my fan and following me!

Repeatedly lying!? hahaha nice try but huge fail! I honestly did not remember but if i knew i said it…… then of course i would admit to it! Why would i worry about saying something about a terrorist supporter?

I have said far worse things that I DO REMEMBER about Jews and Zionists! Feel free to find them!

Saying this about him makes me PROUD as punch! Did u see how i exposed him? i WAS LOVED BY THIS FORUM for that!

But saying bad shit about DN isnt bad according to this forum! People here LOVE abusing Jews and Zionists and Americans to some degree!

BUT……. nobody is dumb enough to fall for the joke u fell for! i practically guided u 4 times until i had to send u videos!

U know damn well ur response was robotic! And i do what i do best! Exposing Shills like u!

People here know DN and that he is scum! Posting my abuse towards him makes me a HERO! Find someone who disagrees with the comment i made towards him!

You literally put a gold medal around my neck with that screen shot abusing DN! CHEERS!

But u still need to answer for ur bot like comments or at least admit ure an idiot!

Choose ur poison!



Here’s a screen shot of your lying depravity. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/


….. QUESTION: What do u honestly think about me verbally abusing a terrorist supporter??

1. DucthNational: A HTS and ISIS supporter! 2. I do not remember saying this! 3. Im GLAD i said this about a HTS and ISIS supporter! I’m more awesome than i realised! 4. U defend ur STUPIDITY regarding the “Flux Capacitor” with this? 5. Why do u feel the need to defend urself with a HTS and ISIS supporter? 6. ABUSING DutchNational would be regarded as AWESOME by this Forum! 7. PERVERT? Doesnt there have to be something sexual to make that plausible? Where was ur mind when u made this claim? 8. U searched a year a go? hahaha 9. U fell for a flux capacitor joke and when i FINALLY helped u understand the joke, u gave a robotic response! 10. EVERYONE has said youre full of shit regarding previous comments u have made! Look at the responses!

And Finally here is proof of DucthNational Supporting ISIS and HTS! AND YOU USE THIS AS UR DEFENCE??? ARE YOU THAT STUPID? THIS MAKE ME LOOK AWESOME! Not remembering this or even the fact that i said it makes me awesome! im literally abusing a terrorist supporter! You just keep losing! Youre not a good bot are u!



I think that threatening to anally rape someone with an axe and then repeatedly lying about it puts you in the same category as the terrorist who eats human hearts. You’re both criminally insane. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/ —


..anally raping a terrorist supporter who supports only US proxies is bad? THEN IM GUILTY and proud of it! Thanks for reminding me how Awesome i am! Would be easier if u just put a gold medal around my neck for saying this about DN. i honestly forgot! Thanks for being my fan and following me!

Repeatedly lying!? hahaha nice try but huge fail! I honestly did not remember but if i knew i said it…… then of course i would admit to it! Why would i worry about saying something about a terrorist supporter?

I have said far worse things that I DO REMEMBER about Jews and Zionists! Feel free to find them!

Saying this about him makes me PROUD as punch! Did u see how i exposed him? i WAS LOVED BY THIS FORUM for that!

But saying bad shit about DN isnt bad according to this forum! People here LOVE abusing Jews and Zionists and Americans to some degree!

BUT……. nobody is dumb enough to fall for the joke u fell for! i practically guided u 4 times until i had to send u videos!

U know damn well ur response was robotic! And i do what i do best! Exposing Shills like u!

People here know DN and that he is scum! Posting my abuse towards him makes me a HERO! Find someone who disagrees with the comment i made towards him!

You literally put a gold medal around my neck with that screen shot abusing DN! CHEERS!

But u still need to answer for ur bot like comments or at least admit ure an idiot!

Choose ur poison! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


Your lies make me believe that you’re a liar. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/


……. QUESTION: What do u honestly think about me verbally abusing a terrorist supporter??

1. DucthNational: A HTS and ISIS supporter! 2. I do not remember saying this! 3. Im GLAD i said this about a HTS and ISIS supporter! I’m more awesome than i realised! 4. U defend ur STUPIDITY regarding the “Flux Capacitor” with this? 5. Why do u feel the need to defend urself with a HTS and ISIS supporter? 6. ABUSING DutchNational would be regarded as AWESOME by this Forum! 7. PERVERT? Doesnt there have to be something sexual to make that plausible? Where was ur mind when u made this claim? 8. U searched a year a go? hahaha 9. U fell for a flux capacitor joke and when i FINALLY helped u understand the joke, u gave a robotic response! 10. EVERYONE has said youre full of shit regarding previous comments u have made! Look at the responses!

And Finally here is proof of DucthNational Supporting ISIS and HTS! AND YOU USE THIS AS UR DEFENCE??? ARE YOU THAT STUPID? THIS MAKE ME LOOK AWESOME! Not remembering this or even the fact that i said it makes me awesome! im literally abusing a terrorist supporter! You just keep losing! Youre not a good bot are u!



I think that threatening to anally rape someone with an axe and then repeatedly lying about it puts you in the same category as the terrorist who eats human hearts. You’re both criminally insane. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/ —


.anally raping a terrorist supporter who supports only US proxies is bad? THEN IM GUILTY and proud of it! Thanks for reminding me how Awesome i am! Would be easier if u just put a gold medal around my neck for saying this about DN. i honestly forgot! Thanks for being my fan and following me!

Repeatedly lying!? hahaha nice try but huge fail! I honestly did not remember but if i knew i said it…… then of course i would admit to it! Why would i worry about saying something about a terrorist supporter?

I have said far worse things that I DO REMEMBER about Jews and Zionists! Feel free to find them!

Saying this about him makes me PROUD as punch! Did u see how i exposed him? i WAS LOVED BY THIS FORUM for that!

But saying bad shit about DN isnt bad according to this forum! People here LOVE abusing Jews and Zionists and Americans to some degree!

BUT……. nobody is dumb enough to fall for the joke u fell for! i practically guided u 4 times until i had to send u videos!

U know damn well ur response was robotic! And i do what i do best! Exposing Shills like u!

People here know DN and that he is scum! Posting my abuse towards him makes me a HERO! Find someone who disagrees with the comment i made towards him!

You literally put a gold medal around my neck with that screen shot abusing DN! CHEERS!

But u still need to answer for ur bot like comments or at least admit ure an idiot!

Choose ur poison! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


You’re a criminally insane lying piece of degenerate filth.

I wrote:

“Why don’t you tell people about the time that you threatened to anally rape Dutch National?”

You wrote:

“That did not happen …

As fro the raping with an axe…. thats something i WOULD NOT deny if i did say it! But unfortunately for u i didnt! and without proof i guess ure up shit creek without a paddle! But between u and me, we both know i didnt say that! therefore between u and me, we both know who the piece of shit is!”

Here’s the proof liar: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/ —


………..anally raping a terrorist supporter who supports only US proxies is bad? THEN IM GUILTY and proud of it! Thanks for reminding me how Awesome i am! Would be easier if u just put a gold medal around my neck for saying this about DN. i honestly forgot! Thanks for being my fan and following me!

Repeatedly lying!? hahaha nice try but huge fail! I honestly did not remember but if i knew i said it…… then of course i would admit to it! Why would i worry about saying something about a terrorist supporter?

I have said far worse things that I DO REMEMBER about Jews and Zionists! Feel free to find them!

Saying this about him makes me PROUD as punch! Did u see how i exposed him? i WAS LOVED BY THIS FORUM for that!

But saying bad shit about DN isnt bad according to this forum! People here LOVE abusing Jews and Zionists and Americans to some degree!

BUT……. nobody is dumb enough to fall for the joke u fell for! i practically guided u 4 times until i had to send u videos!

U know damn well ur response was robotic! And i do what i do best! Exposing Shills like u!

People here know DN and that he is scum! Posting my abuse towards him makes me a HERO! Find someone who disagrees with the comment i made towards him!

You literally put a gold medal around my neck with that screen shot abusing DN! CHEERS!

But u still need to answer for ur bot like comments or at least admit ure an idiot!

Choose ur poison! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


Since my first comment i said “flux capacitor” and u took the bait! What does that say about u Richard?


It says that I outed your lies and stupidity. Like this. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/


…… QUESTION: What do u honestly think about me verbally abusing a terrorist supporter??

1. DucthNational: A HTS and ISIS supporter! 2. I do not remember saying this! 3. Im GLAD i said this about a HTS and ISIS supporter! I’m more awesome than i realised! 4. U defend ur STUPIDITY regarding the “Flux Capacitor” with this? 5. Why do u feel the need to defend urself with a HTS and ISIS supporter? 6. ABUSING DutchNational would be regarded as AWESOME by this Forum! 7. PERVERT? Doesnt there have to be something sexual to make that plausible? Where was ur mind when u made this claim? 8. U searched a year a go? hahaha 9. U fell for a flux capacitor joke and when i FINALLY helped u understand the joke, u gave a robotic response! 10. EVERYONE has said youre full of shit regarding previous comments u have made! Look at the responses!

And Finally here is proof of DucthNational Supporting ISIS and HTS! AND YOU USE THIS AS UR DEFENCE??? ARE YOU THAT STUPID? THIS MAKE ME LOOK AWESOME! Not remembering this or even the fact that i said it makes me awesome! im literally abusing a terrorist supporter! You just keep losing! Youre not a good bot are u! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


I think that threatening to anally rape someone with an axe and then repeatedly lying about it puts you in the same category as the terrorist who eats human hearts. You’re both criminally insane. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/ –


anally raping a terrorist supporter who supports only US proxies is bad? THEN IM GUILTY and proud of it! Thanks for reminding me how Awesome i am! Would be easier if u just put a gold medal around my neck for saying this about DN. i honestly forgot! Thanks for being my fan and following me!

Repeatedly lying!? hahaha nice try but huge fail! I honestly did not remember but if i knew i said it…… then of course i would admit to it! Why would i worry about saying something about a terrorist supporter?

I have said far worse things that I DO REMEMBER about Jews and Zionists! Feel free to find them!

Saying this about him makes me PROUD as punch! Did u see how i exposed him? i WAS LOVED BY THIS FORUM for that!

But saying bad shit about DN isnt bad according to this forum! People here LOVE abusing Jews and Zionists and Americans to some degree!

BUT……. nobody is dumb enough to fall for the joke u fell for! i practically guided u 4 times until i had to send u videos!

U know damn well ur response was robotic! And i do what i do best! Exposing Shills like u!

People here know DN and that he is scum! Posting my abuse towards him makes me a HERO! Find someone who disagrees with the comment i made towards him!

You literally put a gold medal around my neck with that screen shot abusing DN! CHEERS!

But u still need to answer for ur bot like comments or at least admit ure an idiot!

Choose ur poison!



You’re a criminally insane lying piece of degenerate filth.

I wrote:

“Why don’t you tell people about the time that you threatened to anally rape Dutch National?”

You wrote:

“That did not happen …

As fro the raping with an axe…. thats something i WOULD NOT deny if i did say it! But unfortunately for u i didnt! and without proof i guess ure up shit creek without a paddle! But between u and me, we both know i didnt say that! therefore between u and me, we both know who the piece of shit is!”

Here’s the proof liar: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/ —


……….anally raping a terrorist supporter who supports only US proxies is bad? THEN IM GUILTY and proud of it! Thanks for reminding me how Awesome i am! Would be easier if u just put a gold medal around my neck for saying this about DN. i honestly forgot! Thanks for being my fan and following me!

Repeatedly lying!? hahaha nice try but huge fail! I honestly did not remember but if i knew i said it…… then of course i would admit to it! Why would i worry about saying something about a terrorist supporter?

I have said far worse things that I DO REMEMBER about Jews and Zionists! Feel free to find them!

Saying this about him makes me PROUD as punch! Did u see how i exposed him? i WAS LOVED BY THIS FORUM for that!

But saying bad shit about DN isnt bad according to this forum! People here LOVE abusing Jews and Zionists and Americans to some degree!

BUT……. nobody is dumb enough to fall for the joke u fell for! i practically guided u 4 times until i had to send u videos!

U know damn well ur response was robotic! And i do what i do best! Exposing Shills like u!

People here know DN and that he is scum! Posting my abuse towards him makes me a HERO! Find someone who disagrees with the comment i made towards him!

You literally put a gold medal around my neck with that screen shot abusing DN! CHEERS!

But u still need to answer for ur bot like comments or at least admit ure an idiot!

Choose ur poison! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


This is the type of criminally insane depravity that you wallow in: https://jafrianews.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/syrian-fsa-terrorist-eats-out-heart-of-a-soldier.jpg


. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7b6c16ddb58a231cb2335de2760f1df786b871102b5af380d0dfc55109bf288.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23e455f0aaaa9059edc53338b83311b91c15d6090ef39c23ffb43c6ab0e04933.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e5906e31d3f39a3ce1e8445f9ac2718ec0a56ffc230c26141e1424e698d98df.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dee6935f903054c6c3606c1f39e52d9739ceab356f50088358fd07d87231ce5b.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aa93f8f4a9f6c59e92c4a9e048bb2828c8ced344d9601d3b18206130894880a0.png

chris chuba

He is just being a bit of a troll. You are correct. The article is just saying that the F35 has passive sensors. So does the Su-30/ Su-57.


lol, he is very upset he fell for this! He claims he “EXPOSED my LIES”! hahaha I think this guy (RichardD) is a few cans short of a six pack!



chris chuba

Back to the Future, having a bit of fun with us?

All I was saying is that multiple low frequency radar signals can be combined into a single image with digital signal processing. I’ve worked with DSP engineers in the past. It’s the kind of thing they do but I’ve never asked them about this type of application and don’t work with any now.


hey, its all good! i was having a bit of fun yes! but what happened after that was crazy! Some guy took everything i said seriously! And hasnt let go of it!

As for ur comment, its interesting but way above my head! It’s why it prompted me to have fun!


You see F-35 has a radar that hides it from passive radar when turned on. But this is all a decoy. Remember Putin, Erdogan and Natanyaho drink whisky together in Moscow. The real issue is Syria wrote a contract to buy Bavar-373 that was soon to be delivered. Lets see the delivery of S-300 as really is. It is an excuse to integrated newly delivered Bavar-373 into Russian air defense who has been allowing strikes, To plug in these systems that is under Russian control, completely removes any Syrian independent decision to launch a missile and effectively disable Bavar system.

John Whitehot

a radar that hides you from passive radar. how’s that called? passive-aggressive radar?


lol at your post, and that which liked it….

Fred Dozer

I see the Israel not entering Syria airspace and launching attacks while over heavily populated areas. If a F-35 gets shot down there would be many civilian casualties. This is how Israel operates.

Feudalism Victory

Bottom line use the s300 immediately shoot down foreign planes inside syria tomorrow. Just say unidentified planes are fair game inside syrian airspace. Enough turn the other cheek bullshit.


The S-300 system is a formidable stand alone system, though not invincible against peer opposition. It can be attritted and overwhelmed by peer opposition. However, theater variables need to be taken into consideration. Stand alone S-300s or other advanced antiaircraft systems guarding a remote desert disc craft R&D site. And S-300s as part of an integrated multi layered air defense network approaching or at the level of the Russian homeland. Are a much more difficult piece of equipment to negate and neutralize. And in Syria, the later is the case. They can draw on most or all theater radar and sat com data, and rely on in theater fire support to protect and continue their operations.

Syria has new Mig-29s on order to augment it’s existing fleet. And while these are not an optimal long range multi role fighter. As a homeland defense fighter close to basing in and near homeland airspace, which is what you have in Syria. They are potentially a force multiplier that will allow the Syrian armed forces to deal effectively with not only the IAF and IDF, but NATO forces in and over Syria as well.

The Syrian Air Force doesn’t need to be a quantitative peer with NATO to assist in backing NATO out of Syrian airspace and land. NATO and it’s terrorist proxies have already been backed out of most Syrian land and airspace. NATO losing aircraft and personnel to state of the art qualitative peer opposition would alter the military balance of power on the planet. The more that NATO pushed the issue. The more equipment and status they would, and are losing. That’s not in the US best interest. Which is why the Pentagon hasn’t been pushing the issue.





Former Syrian Air Force Pilots



Current Syrian Air Force Inventory


– Syrian Air Force –



Wonder why the globalists have not yet shot down some civilian planes in Syria like they did in the Ukraine.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x