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SAA Artillery Shelled Turkish Military Posts In Greater Idlib, Wounding Turkish Soldiers (Photos)

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SAA Artillery Shelled Turkish Military Posts In Greater Idlib, Wounding Turkish Soldiers (Photos)

Illustrative image.

On June 23, at least two Turkish service members were wounded in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib by Syrian Arab Army (SAA) fire.

The Turkish service members were wounded when the army artillery shelled their post which is located on al-Barden hill in the vicinity of the town of Kansafra in the southern Idlib countryside. The post’s fortifications were also damaged as a result of the shelling.

Enab Baladi and several other Syrian pro-opposition news outlets said that the Turkish post was targeted with Russian-made 2K25 Krasnopol 152 mm laser-guided shells. These claims are yet to be confirmed.

After the strikes on Kansafra’s post, the SAA artillery targeted the vicinity of a second Turkish position located near the town of al-Atarib in the western countryside of Aleppo. No Turkish casualties were reported there.

The Turkish Ministry of National Defense is yet to address the SAA artillery strikes. Usually, the ministry acknowledges fatalities only.

These strikes were most likely a response to Turkey’s continues support for Greater Idlib militants, who violate the ceasefire in the region on a daily basis. Ankara’s support is critical for the survival of the militants, including those fighting for al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). The terrorist group is the de-facto ruler of Greater Idlib.


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lol a black guy raped you somehow ?, ahahah

JC Denton

twpter??? Such a creative and catchy name, this is the kind of name you choose when you want attention and make your platform look LEGIT. I also have no trouble pronouncing that at all.

Peter Wallace

Slowly brewing until one side or the other will no longer be able to contain themselves .. I wonder with all the massive additional Turks and equipment added since the ceasefire whether the SAA will be able to contain an all out war. They were getting hammered by the Turks last time losing men tanks and equipment at a higher rate than before when they were crushing the terrorists .

Marcelo Rodriguez

Es muy probable que en un nuevo enfrentamiento entre la SAA, sus aliados y el apoyo aéreo Ruso, contra el Ejército Turco y sus milicias proxies sea mucho más intenso y masivo, ya que desde hace bastante tiempo el Ejército Sirio viene acumulando fuerzas adicionales para tratar de recuperar la mayor cantidad de territorio en Idlib y noroeste de Siria, este es el momento oportuno para que Siria expulse a los ocupantes extranjeros de su territorio.

Often Targeted

Looks like Turkey must prepare for an all-out war in Syria. Abandoning 4 million Sunni Muslims in Syria and another 4 million in Turkey is just unthinkable at this time. The Turkish military must be ready to engage Russia in Syria. Just like the Taliban, True Sunni Muslims don’t back down out of fear even when the enemy has overwhelming fire-power. Throughout history, we have defeated many enemy forces that number 10+ times more than us and better equipped. In most of our battles, the enemy is always better armed and outnumbers us severally, but we still crushed them on the battlefield. That’s Allah’s help, and it will be witnessed in Syria when Russia tries to find out if Turkey is another Ukraine. I trust the Turkish military, Erdogan and his comrades have done the necessary preparations. We’ll do our part by offering supplications to Allah for our brothers on the battlefield facing these arrogant Christian bullies. It’ll be an experience Putin will regret if he makes any false moves. This is not Cremia!

American Supporter of Israel

Lol the regime is practically begging Turkey to restart Operation Peace Spring. Just 4 or 5 bayraktar drones wiped out 2000 of them along with hundreds of tanks and vehicles.

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