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MARCH 2025

Sabotage Attack Destroyed Russian Military Warehouse In Crimea

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Sabotage Attack Destroyed Russian Military Warehouse In Crimea

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On the morning of August 16th, large explosions took place at a temporary warehouse near the town of Dzhankoy in the northern Crimea. This is the second such incident in the Crimea in the past week.

Explosions at a temporary ammunition depot near the village of Mayskoye thundered around 6 a.m. Moscow time. Two civilians were injured as a result of the incident. One of them was hospitalized.

The Russian Ministry of Defence declared that the explosions were the result of a sabotage attack. It resulted in damage to a number of civilian facilities, including a power line, a power plant, a railway track, as well as a number of residential buildings. The local substation is considered one of the key energy hubs of the Crimean peninsula. It caught fire as a result of the explosions, but the fire was quickly localized.

Residents are being evacuated, to ensure the safety of people, they are being taken out of the five-kilometer zone. The forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Defense, Rosgvardiya, emergency services are involved to eliminate the consequences of the attack.

The high level of terrorist danger was declared in the northern region of the peninsula since the beginning of the Russian military operations in Ukraine. After the incident, a state of emergency was not imposed in other areas.



On the same day, clouds of smoke were reported over the military airbase in the village of Gvardeyskoye in the Simferopol region of Crimea. According to the local reports, several explosions were heard on the territory of the military facility. The situation in the area remains calm, no evacuation or other measures were taken. Crimean officials have not yet commented on the incident.

Earlier, on August 9, explosions rocked Russian military air base “Saki” near the town of Novofiodorovka in the Republic of Crimea. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the explosions were the result of detonation of several aviation munitions. The Ministry declared that the only considered reason was violation of fire security measures.

After the Ukrainian military deployed foreign weapons supplied by Kiev’s Western allies in the southern regions, they were given the opportunity to hit Russian military and civilian facilities on the Crimean peninsula. However, the Kiev regime is well aware of the dangerous consequences and Russia’s military response to any attack on Crimea. At the same time, Kiev may use groups of saboteurs who remain under the control of Ukrainian security forces on the peninsula to attack the Russian military. In particular, Ukraine still has influence over some Crimean Tatars with radical views, who have been used for years as political puppets of the Kiev regime.


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These things should not happen. They wont change the wars outcome but help motivate the ukrainian soldiers and the western support and prolong it.

Confused Observer

Makes Russian military look like Moscow Mouse.

Michel LeBlanc

No it doesnt, its looks like a war to me.

You idiots cant even see the forest for the trees.

Stuff like this in war happens, and its idiotic to say this shouldnt happen. ITS WAR DUMBASS, and the ukros certainly dont follow any rules.

Maybe you should rectify your confusion before posting more idiotic crap.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michel LeBlanc

Hey guys anyone know what happened to Wagner s twlegram group? They haven t post anything the last 4 days

Michigan Man


Yes, they are in pain, lots of their higher-up are dead now due to the UKR HIMARS missile strike, which destroyed their main HQ base and killed up to 78 of them including higher-ups. And because the location was revealed by a standart clumsy communist russian war reporter, the Wagners are now very afraid that on their telegram website or anywhere else more high-value positions might be revealed through fotos or hints which they not know about yet. They are still in complete shock. That’s likely why they refrain and refuse to allow any new posts to be made. They now learned and double-check everything before posting it. These subhuman communist mercenaries scum got what they deserved but can t handle it and went into hiding now. Question answered ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

of course it will change the war outcome, if this continues. this must stop, and if russia, after now 6 months of war, is uable or unwilling to destroy all western supply routes and infrastructure in western ukraine, than the western arms and ammo supplies will go on and on and this war will not end for long.

Pamfil Military Academy

Military Academy agree 100% on that. Putin is a nightmare for the army planners.


Totally agree! All supply routes should have been destroyed. Why does Ukraine destroy all Kherson bridges and railways, even endangering the dam, yet Russia can’t destroy the bridges and railways in Ukrainian territory?

Muhammad your Prophet

When are they going to destroy the Kerch Strait Bridge? The shitty Russian army is garbage. Crimea belongs to Ukraine. And Vladimir Putin is a terrorist human cockroach who should put a bullet through his brain and get it over with. The world will be a much better place for it.

Tommy Jensen

The bridge is in International free waterways under the International community who decides what they wants do with this usury bridge.


Well why don’t you try it you rancid maggot?


the world will be a better place when you and your kind are wiped out much more thoroughly than in 1933-1945


Yeah, so if you can’t win a fight on the battlefield like a honorable warrior, you become an shameful terrorist.

Dick Von D'Astard

U.S./UK led Nato attack.

Kushner is the GOP mole

a terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist…


same mistakes again, again and again. after the krimean airfield attac, still no full airdefence coverage of main targets and still no complete securement. unfortunately, there is still a lot of incompetence and amateurishness in the russian armed forces.


air what? these are age old sabotage tactics

Russia took a lot of ukrops in after the coup in 2014

these people can be double agent or even people with families in Kiev and so easily blackmailed

if the ukrops had something good against russian AA, they would be shooting at russian troops, not using terrorism and sabotage


Ukraine does not have the capacity to carry out these attacks. But United Snakes can. Maybe some testing with satellite laser weapons.


no satellite, just under payed morons with bombs

this obviously reflects bad on the russians, that are so gullible to leave their ammo depots and air bases open for dogs and cats to enter and exit

nonetheless, as soon as Rosgvardiya tightens the security, these incidents will disappear

look at the Moskva for example…they made a big mistake and someone sabotaged the ship and make the ammo explode ( yes, there was no battle with bayraktars and bullshit missiles involved )

but since then, no other ship of the Black Sea fleet has been sunk ( except for the ones destroyed in Arma 3 )

Nato is laughing at you

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


It’s impossible to stop drone-carrying-explosives attacks.


Hey guys anyone know what happened to Wagner s twlegram group? They haven t post anything the last 4 days

Dick Von D'Astard

Insanity Joe & Co are edging towards a bigger conflict at the point where they are losing in Ukraine.


When a monster like Kissinger calls you a monster ( and stupid too ), then things are really bad. These drug addicts act on impulse and rage and have no analytic capabilities and, above all, no exit strategy.

Mark my words, these imbeciles will take us straight into a nuclear armageddon.

Max Schmidt

so now the trolls will have something to talk about for the next few weeks, a small sabotage damage lol, their achievements are so embarrassing.


no, its not small when thousands of tonns of ammo blow up. again and again, wtf who is responsible for that?

V for Victory

So, we have 3 different ‘accidents’ eh? It’s time that the airbases and ammo depots will be better guarded, or Russians would be just smoked by such actions. It’s clear there are sabotage actors in Crimea, perhaps infiltrated, or just using drones.

And to see such MLRs just near the railway, without any sentinel or screen about them, it’s really embarassing. Everyone could attack them.

Michigan Man

@V for Victory Like many others, including lots of very pro-Putin commentators here posted already. We need to realize that the air-bases and depots got hit by UKR 300 km HIMARS missiles which the US has silently delivery to UKR already, and that the ru propaganda just hysterically tries to re-paint this obvious fact to its dumb followers as ‘accidents’ or ‘ explosions causes by sabotage’. O come on … wake up folks ! How stupid are you !?? It’s so obvious. At Saki base even the missile impact points , crates etc. were very very clearly visible in the satellite images.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man


Last edited 2 years ago by Zani

These attacks sound more like the work of HIMARS as opposed to sabotage.

Jimmu Tenno

Son himars guiados por satélites, si los rusos no atacan esos sistemas mediante guerra electrónica suprimiendo las señales van a seguir recibiendo golpes OTANeros , ucrania ya no existe, por ende ahí están los ingleses y norteamericanos acompañados de todos los rusofobos Por alguna razón el estúpppppido Putin está dando tumbos patinando en barro y sangre ucronazi y OTANeros, la respuesta es exterminar los centros de mando del la OTANera que opera en Ucrania


these desperate pitiful gestures recall the incompetent amerikan attacks on wedding parties in Afghanistan—irrelevant—Russia is superior and victorious….if zelensky appoints jens as minister of stupidity and tratz minister lgbt relations—monkey pox


Tactical nukes please. !!!!!!!!!

lucas grijander

These are the actions that the GRU and the spetznaz should be doing in Ukraine. Instead, ukrainians are doing thes in your face. Shameful behaviour of te FSB and the russian armed forces. A 3rd wolrd army in all aspects. Luckyly you have nujes, otherwise, even turkey or Finland could invade your country and defeat the russian army.


I have to say that I had my suspicions a week ago after seeing satellite images of the airfield damage. Sabotage should be the main line of investigation as I’m sure it has been. The FSB must find those involved without delay hunt them down! It seems that they have access to various military and other essential facilities this is most concerning! Also a response must be made to these terrorist acts. I would suggest that the foreign mercenaries who have already been before a court in the LDPR should have those sentences carried out as a reprisal for the Sabotage incidents in Crimea. Don’t forget lives were lost during the Crimea Sabotage incidents. Also Kiev itself and I’m suggesting the government apparatus there should be subject to a sustained and targeted military action and that the nato glove puppet himself zelensky should be the subject of this action


The last video is telling: the idiots have the material in a densely packed (and fairly disorderly) heap. If one box of ammunition explodes, the whole pile goes up.

What sort of military discipline is that?

Iron Zion 🦾🇮🇱

We will win 🦾🇮🇱🦾 Our word is our honour. Terror will die and our Ukrainian brothers will breath once more 🦾🇮🇱🇺🇦🦾


A swift end to agree Putin’s demands would easily be accomplished by just turning gas off. Maybe all this is to accelerate demise of the west as growth is Asia and all part of cunning plan for one world gov? Remember these globalists don’t think in terms of nations plus the fighting is assisting with depop plan.

Pamfil Military Academy

Militay Academy also agrees 100% with this statement. You earn a virtual medal. Sadly but true, Putin is a nightmare of this war for the russians. His political ambitions will cost dearly.

Pamfil Military Academy

So, peoples are imbeciles, on the both sides. Seems smartphones are more attractive than AKM’s which is a disaster for any war planner. Here comes many of the so-called ‘communist’ era measures which if where used now, russians would be near Kiev now. About one, I talked about many times before, the commie armed civilian defense, aka in Romania Patriotic Guards, which if used it would reduce the sabotages by at least 70%. Ukropizdan rely on those from the beginning and they proved excellent to fill the gaps and slow down the russians. But one another ‘measure’ of the commie era was the role of the ‘politic commissars’, which btw have in theirs attributes to ensure no ‘improper’ behavior of the soldiers would jeopardize the battles. Smartphones and the inability to control them properly on the frontlines comes here as well. Sorry, but all tiny errors in wars always have major consequences.

Michigan Man


Yes the ‘political commissars’. Hope you not forget to mention that they were all jews, and killed more russian soviet soldiers than Hitler killed in all the long World War 2. These facts need to be made public and become common knowledge !


yup, these devices are easily compromised. And even that’t not a requirement for things to go wrong as by default the whole ecosytem is built to erode privacy.

Take a picture on your smart phone. Your settings are set to upload your pics to the cloud (i.e. google for most people). Those raw images contain all sorts of ‘useful’ metadata embedded in file. Eg.


Now does the avg soldier know this? I sure hope so. But what if there are a few dimwits in the company?

Last edited 2 years ago by November

I think the last sentence isn’t correct: “Ukraine still has influence over some Crimean Tatars with radical views, who have been used for years as political puppets of the Kiev regime.’

I think it’s Turkey that’s exerting influence. Ukraine had made an EXCEPTION about the Crimean Tatars added to the autochthonous people whose language rights would be protected, after Turkey requested it!

Erdogan is meeting Zelensky on person on August 18th. Turkey’s announcement said they had a partnership on a strategic level! Something’s VERY fishy here. I knew it from the very moment Russia allowed Ukraine to open the ports, which isn’t something one does if he wants the enemy to stop fighting!!! (the higher the enemy’s income, the longer he’ll keep fighting)


Does SouthFront have to yank out every observation that is cogent but may be contradictory to some of their links when there is the need for clarity in dissenting viewpoints?…

It’s so terribly “American uncouth”!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Alexandr Hertzen University

in Russia we prefer the truth the the stupidity of amerikan non-thinking

Ukropistan cunt

There is no bigger tragedy for parasytes than when nobody hears their lies and deceptions lol


Is the official report trying to say that those military storage facilities were unguarded by soldiers ? (that would explain how a crew could spend the night placing C4 all over the place) Or, if there were Russian soldiers there, they survived unharmed, but some pedestrian walking to work on the other side of the street was injured ?

Russian vacationers, returning from Crimea and telling their first-hand stories, will cause as much damage as the explosions.


I wonder if this is a US kinetic weapon or some such. Looks like the US is attacking Russian targets directly now (like with the AMRAAM attacks). I doubt it’s sabotage

Joseph K

I am certain these Special Forces Sabotage Ops are British S.A.S. Ops, or US Special Forces. All it is is terrorism to grab headlines in the West. Putin needs to take the gloves off, and utterly lay waste to Banderite Ukrainian Regime Command and Control Centers. If the Russkies know where NATO Advisors and Command and Control Centers are in Kiev Area, a definitive statement needs to be made, they need to be utterly wiped off the face of the Earth with coordinated missiles strikes and if necessary bombing runs, that will take the cocaine right out of the nose, of Bloody Elensky.

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