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MARCH 2025

Sabotage Attack Targets Gas Pipeline In Eastern Syria (Video)

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Sabotage Attack Targets Gas Pipeline In Eastern Syria (Video)

An oil field near the town of Deriq, Syria.

Early on February 27, unidentified saboteurs blew up one of Syria’s main gas pipelines in the government-held part of the eastern region.

The Syrian Arab News Agency said that the al-Jabbsah-al-Rayan pipeline in the countryside of Deir Ezzor was put out of service as a result of the attack. Work is underway to fix the pipeline.

“Firefighters and maintenance workshops immediately begin working to put down the fire and fix the pipeline in order to pump gas again,” the Ministry of Oil and Natural Resources said in a statement.

No side has claimed responsibility for the sabotage attack, so far. Over the last few years, a number of attacks targeted Syrian energy facilities in the eastern, central and western regions.

While ISIS claimed responsibility for some of the previous attacks, the perpetrators of the rest are yet to be identified. Many in Syria claim that the US was behind several of these attacks.

Sabotage Attack Targets Gas Pipeline In Eastern Syria (Video)

Click to see full-size map

Syria has been experiencing a shortage in energy and a serious economic crisis for the last three years. Damascus blames the currently situation on Western sanctions and the US occupation of natural resources in the northeastern region.


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Jens Holm

Assads do behave as if they have too much gas:)


You do behave like an ISIS Ziowahhabi terrorist if they have too much captagon.


NATO Coalition supported terrorism out of the Al Tanf area. The “unknowns” where paid a fee to do a job.

cechas vodobenikov

jens needs boyfriend—SF wrong site re-direct to gay S&M site

Servet-i Funun Literature

Assads do behave as if they have own country 😃😜

Peter Jennings

He is a president and not a dictator like nettyahoo. Netty wants it all, much like Hitler in 1930’s Germany.

At least some lessons were learned via the nazis.


Trumpet’s only achievement with saying he was “getting out of Syria”, was uniting the terrorist Ziocorporate regime’s Pentagon/CIA/NATO terrorists and Ziowahhabi proxies in using “anti-terrorism” to justify more US ops. like we have now under Biden.

Of course, the Syria govt. part of the country suffers the brunt of US-led terrorist attacks. SDF/ISIS/Al-Qaeda deal with skirmishes among their ranks.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Pity.if these attacks continue,probably Formula 1 Damascus circuit will be excluded from the 2022 season calendar.


The Turk-sponsored ISIS/al-Qaeda Idlib Rally is gonna be a bomb.

Servet-i Funun Literature

İdlib rally is one dimensional hence boring but Deir Ezzor Red-bull Air race organized by Usaf is real challenge,breath-taking.Get your ticket. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02c0d0e22c1090f1e143efb06dffce73e8e553823828d3f4c3f890893db34b39.jpg


Will the cars have all the different Jihadist flags painted on the hoods? And maybe some Toyota technicals with gun mounts in the mix. LOL

cechas vodobenikov

typical backward CIA/turkis behaviour


US terrorism,simple as that,they are global terrorists.Smedley D Butler summed it up.https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/115545.Smedley_D_Butler

Peter Jennings

If america had heeded his words and did something about the threat of coups, america wouldn’t be the shit hole it is becoming. All those rich elitists who planned and financed the attempted coup got off scott free. The US system was wide open for another coup when the public memory had faded. It seems that 2021 was that time.

If anyone was curious as to what would have occurred to america should Smedley Bulter have played along till the end, i think we are about to find out. Smedley Butler bought america and its people some time but it didn’t stop the rot.


the jews at it again -the jews are the beneficiaries of sabotage acts like this one and thus, the need to cause harm and destruction is so deep in the jewish genome that they just can’t help themselves. and given that they’ve been at these kind of crimes for some hundred years, it follows that they are hard to stop.

however, when the main parties in the region agree to finish off the jews, it will happen and they will be like the dodo-bird – extinct. what a larf.

Zyklon B

Just hundred years? They have been the definition of organized crime since their inception. In the Mafia they still even use Hebraic jargon and slangs.

Jews are literally racial flotsam incarnate; Spreading from nations to nations they’ve inherited the genes of the lowest criminal trash every civilizations had to offer. It is no wonder then that they are a people of cruelty and deceit. Even their traditions are based around endless revenge and a thirst for blood. Can you imagine celebrating the slaughter of your Persian enemies for centuries? Imagine the bitterness and cultural toxicity in that, transferred from generations to generations… Such is the stink of the Zionist cancer.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

If you have close contact with your god, you can ask her to do a little hocus pocus and the problems will be solved. But experience shows that lazy gods want illiterate people to do the shit jobs for them.

Hasbara Hunter

No side has claimed responsibility for the sabotage attack…while ISIS claimed responsibility for some of the previous attacks, the perpetrators of the rest are yet to be identified. Many in Syria claim that the US was behind several of these attacks….

The answer is very very simple:


Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Good news! Now you can take your mobile to paradise, remember to bring your mobile and battery charger to the grave. As a good atheist, it was great that Allah chose to have a conversation with me! But as Allah said, most Muslims chose to show her the stinky ass closest to her, without respect. Good Muslims hold their heads and hands high in respect for her. Therefore, she asked me to inform the uninformed about what she wants from her followers.

Hasbara Hunter

Good News! Now you & your HasbaRat-assbuddies can take a free copy of this Shitlist to Hell…


HasbaRat Checklist:

Servet Köseoğlu, Narine Joa, Adam Dipshit, Tzatz, Proud Hindu, Leif Oskar Letterstrøm, אהרון (Aaron), Göktürk, Azazel Pedowitz, Natasha, Free man, <>, Jake321, Prof. Larry Rabiesowitz, Avi Schwartz, Toronto Tonto, Critical Thinker 911, Jens Holm, Occupying Pig Meat, Jacob “the Nose” Wohl, Simon Bernstein, Neil Barron, DutchNational, Roger Smellyman, Frank Behrenstein, Baron Von GoatBanger, Joe Dirt, Smaug, Mountains, Lord of the Wankers, Just Watching, Hamster, retiredSOFguy, Terry Penis, Vidura, Total Pinocchio, Derapage, Fatime Oomayadin, King Tudor777, Velociraptor, Ajdin Aksoy, Superfly, Serious, أبو ياسر, NOD



Servet-i Funun Literature

You need to update your checklist:Servet Köseoğlu changed his alias to Servet-i Funun Literature.Ps:Some people downvotes him but when they realise the account they take their downvote back to continue pretending ”ı even dont read” trick.Please inform your crew.Best Regards, Your lovely Hasbarat.

Hasbara Hunter

By way of deception thou shalt do war: You are Tricksters…Deceiving Shapeshifting Parasites jumping from Host to Host….

Servet-i Funun Literature

Correct also you should add my teleportation and Molecular Manipulation ability 😀.

Hasbara Hunter

Don’t you love keylogging?

Zyklon B

Never attempt a career in comedy my goy. Stick to watching animes and fapping to hentai. That’s the safe way…

Servet-i Funun Literature

All-right,captain nemo…xD

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Allah likes that you have your smelly ass closest to her. She does not like your bad breath.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

IS supporter list Hasbara Hunter Nederland Kenny Jones Steve Standley ruca FlorianGeyer johnny rotten Zyklon B J Roderet Lupus Alejandro Bonifac Cray Brand Peter Moy Albert Pike Faisal Al Al Mahdi Lone Ranger Furkan Sahin

Servet-i Funun Literature

İnteresting ı am on the both list…LMAO.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Then you are multicultural. Without external enemies, Islamists love to kill each other.

Servet-i Funun Literature


Zyklon B

Thats more like a hall of fame my goy

Peter Jennings

It’s the new role for the Isreali Secret Intelligence Service known as ISIS. As their invasion and takeover of Syria is a failure, the new tactics is to hide out in the desert and attack pipelines when noone is looking. It’s poignant as the attack on Syria and other countries is all about oil & gas pipelines.

How the mighty have fallen. From attacking whole cities, to attacking undefended pipelines in the desert.


Mistake was made at the beginning of the war when Syria and later on Russia/Iran concentrated on freeing territory west of the Euphrates; maybe they should have concentrated on the Eastern perimeter and secured it. The terrorists in the major districts are still their plus territory lost to Turkey and the US. What a major fu..up!

Zyklon B

Not a fuck up at all. The Syrian Government has the safety of its citizen as its primary interest, so they had to focus on the major urban centers. Next were cultural icons like Palmyra, which were also of importance. Its unfortunate for the oil fields, but Assad has his heart at the right place. The traitorous Kurdish scum will get what’s coming for them.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Why isn’t this article/map telling/showing us exactly which pipeline was blown up, and also where it was blown up, are they intentionally hiding something from us, something they don’t want us to know, LOL, sorry SF, not all of us are mindless morons, some of us still have a few functional brain cells left. The attack was against Syrian owned infrastructure, and it did take place in Syrian Government held areas, but they were actually Government held areas of US controlled northern Deir ez Zor, mmmmmmm, was that supposed to be a secret, sorry SF. Locate the town called Abu Khashab and look a few km south on the highway, that’s where the pipeline and and storage facilities are located. Yes this attack occurred in SDC/SDF occupied northern Syria, where the US and SDC/SDF are supposed to be controlling all the oil and gas, not Assad, so SF isn’t telling you the whole story here, not even half of it, naughty naughty. Now does this mean Assad controls the gas and infrastructure near Abu Khashab, or is he just buying gas from the US/SDC and using his own pipeline to ship it to his refineries on the coast. I’m not sure but I suspect Assad’s just buying it from the SDC and using his own pipeline network to transport it. Syria’s pretty desperate for oil and gas so it may be vital to maintain sustainability, so as much as it’s a kick in the teeth if it’s true, Assad has to buy his own gas, he may not have a choice.

For every dollar the US makes from stolen Syrian oil they have to spend 3 dollars to get it, so it costs them 3 dollars to make one dollar, no wonder Trump wanted out.

report form syrialiveuamaps,

“E. Syria: an explosion struck today a gas pipeline in area of Abu Rashab (SDF-held area in N. Deir ez-Zur province). Assad’s Oil Minister says this is the result of an attack. Pipeline belongs to Al-Rayan network linked to Banyas Refinery on the Coast”.

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