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Sadrists Of Different Directions On The Way To Unity

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Sadrists Of Different Directions On The Way To Unity

Muqtada Sadr

Written by Damir Nazarov

While the Gaza Strip is drowning in the blood of local residents due to the barbaric aggression of the Zionists, the Iraqi political environment for the most part again demonstrates apathy and disregard for the tragedy in occupied Palestine. Sunnis cannot choose the speaker of parliament, and Shiites are preparing for parliamentary elections.

The Sunni problem is reflected in the ambitions of the two leading leaders of the Sunni component, Al-Halbousi and Al-Khanjar. In the Shiite camp, there is a split within the coordination structure, due to the desire of Mohammad al-Sudani to be re-elected, which forced former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to intensify his efforts to return to the key post of Iraq. It is already known that Maliki’s ambitions caused strong disagreements within the ruling Shiite political bloc, but in addition to the leaders of the Islamic DAWA Party, another former prime Minister, Haider Abadi, who replaced the outgoing Maliki, became active. Thus, the coordination structure may split into three camps.

In this whole situation, the Sadrists, led by the charismatic leader Muqtada Sadr and Harakat al-Nujaba, a well-known resistance faction, stand out with a plus sign, which more than others showed a desire to join the holy war against the Zionist occupiers.

Sadr is fighting an uphill battle on several internal fronts, and his victory will lead to a dramatic improvement in Iraq’s position on occupied Palestine. The head of the Sadrists set two tasks, 1 – to remove Sistani and his loyalists from the position of control of Najaf, and 2 – to replace corrupt Shiite politicians of parliament with followers of the Sadr brothers school. On the first point, Sadr launched a campaign against a local cleric, a Saudi citizen, for Sistani’s possible successor to the post of “chief marja”.

Thus, Sadr demonstrates his religious authority and willingness to revive the confrontation of the old schools inside Najaf, where Muqtada is a new symbol of the religious and philosophical trend of his father (Ayatollah Sadiq al-Sadr) and uncle (Ayatollah Baqir al-Sadr), and representatives of the “traditional marjiat” line of Ayatollah Khoy are his main opponents. As for the second point, Muqtada understands that a straightforward approach cannot be used in the fight against corrupt officials from the ruling establishment, so the Sadrist leader is ready to make tactical alliances with former enemies, such as Maliki and influential figures of the Shiite area, such as Hadi al-Ameri. The head of the Islamic DAWA party has already hinted that he is not against such an alliance.

So, some political contours have been outlined, Sadrists and DAWA are ready to join the political struggle and come to grips with the reform of the country. It is difficult to say how strong such an alliance is, but it is absolutely clear that Muqtada Sadr’s intentions to restructure the government are extremely serious. If al-Sudani is the main irritant for Maliki, then it is important for Muqtada to remove officials from Asaib al-Haq, led by their leader Sheikh Khazali (Muqtada’s longtime opponent). If we saw the Sheikh Khazali – al Sudani tandem, then why can’t we believe in the Maliki – Sadr alliance?

With regard to Harakat al-Nujaba. The other day, the leader of the organization, Sheikh Akram al-Kaabi, was captured on video, where he and his brothers launch UAVs at Zionist positions. Thus, Sheikh al-Kaabi proved his sincere intentions with real deeds. His faction continues to support the Palestinian struggle and ignores all the compromises that a number of other factions of the Iraqi resistance have succumbed to.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the political activity of the Sadrists, DAWA and the military activities of Harakat al-Nujaba, demonstrate the revolutionary influence of the Sadr family school, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the younger generation of Iraqis. The activities of the martyrs of the Sadr brothers will not be forgotten and representatives of this ideology will certainly implement the plans and ideas of the deceased Ayatollahs.

P.S. It is certainly worth noting some negative moments in which Kataeb Hezbollah was noticed. In his attempt to fight against the mainstream Sadrists, Kataeb Hezbollah’s spokesman Abu Ali al-Askari made a ridiculous mistake. At the time of Sadr’s criticism of the silent Ayatollah Muneer Al-Khabbaz, Abu al-Askari pointed out that “Najaf should remain hospitable to everyone, and Shiites should come whenever they need to stay, and no one should bother them.” However, after a short period of time. The same al-Askari criticized Saudi Arabia for its land support of Zionism, with various goods. The so-called Ayatollah Khabbaz is a citizen of Saudi Arabia and, by the way, did not say a word about the need to help the Palestinians. Nevertheless, representatives of Kataeb Hezbollah defend his presence in Najaf and criticize only his hosts in Riyadh ….. Absurd.


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i am terrified that civilized muslims may teach me morality


weird article.. wtf

Icarus Tanović

definitely yes.

Icarus Tanović

but what do i know.

most of the time i can’t even jerk my dyck and have to ask my dead mother for help.


i remember this video years ago a bunch of iraqis were shouting “al sadr! al sadr! al sadr!”


this is the age old problem religion getting in the way of sense, imperialists have always found it easy to divide and rule because of it, we have the situation where many sunni actually ally with imperialists like they have in syria, if they spent as much time fighting the real enemy as they do attacking other muslims we may get somewhere.

Just me

politicians = conflicts…… politicians should be used in the conflicts they provoke.


how much knowledge does the author have about iraq and shia marjia? when i was 12 i had more knowledge than him, judging by this poor article.


i am counting. third article by this author about iraq and they get worse and worse.

Last edited 2 months ago by JamL

unity across the ummah my brothers. the zionist entity will be shivering and pissing itself

Damien C

muqtada sadr is an american agent and puppet and always has been

he is into sectarianism and division always when it looks like an iraqi consensus this asshole fucks it up

he was a godsend for the yanks in the iraqi invasion always mouthing off but only attacking iraqi resistance fighters

you think he’s a threat then answer this how come there has never been 1 single attack on him never ever

he’s a traitor tramp


exactly ! 100% true damien. muqtada al-sadr, ali al-sistani same as maliki and hoshiar zebari are traitors of islam and worked as poodles of the us invaders and are deep in secterianism. death to all of them !!!

Last edited 2 months ago by Teresa999

the american enemy planted the seeds of division, and continues to water them with poisonous hatred. it is an american export.

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