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The Saker: What just happened in Korea and when will we ever learn?!

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Written by The Saker; originally appeared at his blog

Okay, a quick summary first: one of the Russian athletes participating in the Winter Olympics has tested positive for Meldonium.  On two different probes.  There is no way to explain that away, Alexander Krushelnitsky did have Meldonium in his body.  But he was also tested for the same substance just before leaving Russia for Japan (where the athletes were training) and he was clean then.  So he must have ingested that during the past two weeks while already abroad.  Wait, it gets better!  The dosage detected is the equivalent of one dose only.  Not only that, but Meldonium increases blood-flow and helps athletes who engage is extremely high intensity sports.  Have you ever seen a curling match?  Finally, to be effective Meldonium needs to be taken regularly, not just once.

Now let’s sum it up.  A Russian athlete takes one singe dose of Meldonium even though he knows with absolute certainty that 1) this will detected (Meldonium is THE drug Russians athletes, including Maria Sharapova, have been accused of taking in the past) 2) that this will not help him at all 3) that no amount of Meldonium could help, even in theory, an athlete competing in curling (in fact, if anything, it could be harmful).

Needless to say, anybody and everybody involved in this issue in Russia understands: this is self-evidently a “provocation”.  Even British newspapers realize the enormity of the nonsense the US press is now feeding its zombified readers and listeners (you know, the kind of folks who believe that magic bullets can zigzag or that 2 aircraft can bring about the collapse of 3 buildings).

While, in theory, a jealous team-member or some other person hating either Krushelnitsky or Russia could have given him that one single dose of this drug (any non-clear liquid would do as would any food), this seems to well-timed to be just case of personal revenge or malfeasance.

The sad reality is that Russia stupidly waltzed into a trap and now there will hell to pay: good luck finding and proving that Krushelnitsky was given chemical without his knowledge!  In my opinion, it was a mistake to go Pyeonchang to begin with, but now the damage is done: Russia is the laughingstock of the AngloZionists who pulled of a very simple (all the Russian athletes drink the bottled drinks given to them the organizers, use the same dining halls, etc.) and very ugly (yes, Russians can be naive, very naive at times) trick.  One small bottle liquid in a room and, TADAH!!, there you got it: the evil Russians are cheating and lying again!  What else to expect for these semi-Mongolian orcs form Mordor?

When will we ever learn!?

In my many contacts with Russians I notice one recurrent feature: most of them simply do not understand that they are at war and that the war which is being waged against them has absolutely no rules.  Whoever put that Meldonium into Krushelnitsky’s room or bottle or snack took a tiny risk and yet that resulted in yet another major PR blow delivered against Russia’s image and the against the morale of the poor Russian athletes who are already competing with an (illegally) reduced team and in terrible conditions (Hats off to whoever came up with that plan: it was nothing short of brilliant, very low risk and very high yield)

Have you heard anything about the conclusion of the expertise on the engine of the SU-25 recently shot down over Syria?  I haven’t.  How about the investigation of the downing of the MH-17?  What about the bombing of the Russian airliner (Metrojet 9268) over Egypt?  Again, maybe I missed it, but I didn’t see anything.  So what about this drink, or toothpaste, of snack or whatever was used to give Krushelnitsky this one single dose of Meldonium, just enough to be detected – do you expect that we will find out who done it?

I don’t.

Yeah, I know.  The Russian hockey team beat the USA 4-0.  So what?! Was that really worth going to Pyeonchang?

I really don’t think so.  The Olympics are a stupid, useless, corrupt waste of money, a disgusting display of crude nationalistic fervor which has nothing to do with real sports and Russia ought to be the first country to leave them, slamming the door loudly, and organize her own, real, sportive events.  In fact, I believe that Russia is big, rich and diverse enough to pull out of all the zombifying and vulgar “entertainment” the West is so good at spreading worldwide (stuff like the Eurovision or mindless TV “talent” shows).  Alternatively, we can simply sit, down nothing and wait for the IOC to simply expel Russia from the next Olympic games, or even the entire Olympic movement, and then whine and sob about how unfair this all is, how innocent we are all, how much we care for de Coubertin and his Olympic spirit.  Is that really the better choice?

Each time Russia participates in such AngloZionist controlled events she ends up getting slapped in the face (remember the last Eurovision?) and walks away in impotent shame.  How can the Russians makes fun of the Ukie’s “Ukraine is Europe” when they themselves are constantly trying to play in the very same events, with the very same rules, organized by the very same people who all viscerally hate Russia to begin with?

When will we ever learn!?

The reality is a simple as it is horrible: the AngloZionist elites have declared and are waging total, full-spectrum, war on Russia.  Oh no, not a military war (yet?), that’s the kind of war they lost so often that’s they don’t have the stomach for it, but an “everything else but military” kind of war: Russia is the Evil Empire, Mordor, and she must be either completely enslaved or completely destroyed.  Have you noticed how recent US movies are, once again, constantly showing evil Russkies (bandits, hackers, terrorists, etc.) again?  When all the European comprador elites got together in Munich, what was their unanimous message?  “Russia is Evil, Russia Is A Danger! We Will Fight Russia!”  It’s WWII,  the Crimean War, the Napoleonic invasion or the Northern Crusade all over again (all of the West pulling all of its forces together again), but fought with different means.

And the Russians really seriously believed that they could travel to Korea to enjoy an innocent and peaceful competition in this context?

When will we ever learn!?

There *is* and Evil Empire out there: the AngloZionist Empire.  And it wants to crush and subjugate Russia no less than the Nazis, the Masons or the Latins did in the past.  Same plan, different methods, that’s all.  Just because this time around they are militarily weak does not mean that their political ‘soft’ power is not still immense and that they cannot defeat Russia: they most definitely can unless the Russians finally wake up and start acting like adults who understand that they are, yet again, locked into a struggle for their survival.

When will we ever learn!?

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jerry hamilton

Russia is not a laughing stock. We are not that stupid.

You can call me Al

Exactly, I don’t think this article was very accurate at all.


Well, the Saker is just giving his opinion, not really an analysis… and the Olympics is a global stage that offers many people that dont’ pay attention to anything, a chance to wake up a little and ask WTF is going on? Russia has to play its part… not that it likes the role, but someone has to play it… someone on their team was bound to get this hit… and it offers the world’s public a chance to see how much of a farce it all is… the Saker has done just that by speaking about how one dose is meaningless and stupid… that alone helps push the issue …. you gotta keep it on the ‘front page’ or it disappears, especially here in the States with such a controlled media situation.. with decades of dumbing down and being doped up…

You can call me Al

I suppose you are right, but sorry I have a real problem when people generalise in such phrases as the West.

The Europeans are not similar in any way to the Yanks.


It’s true many institutions have become marginalized and lost their true meaning, like the Olympics per se. But that doesn’t mean we must start building everything from scratch. The struggle to take head of the world is unfolding and I don’t think Russia will give up. Yes, soft power reserve of the west is immense but pragmatism and realism will prevail as things will become more and more geo-economical than geopolitical.


Russia isn’t at the olympics. They are banned from the games. This athlete is competing as an individual not a Russia so how is this Russia’s problem?

Rüdiger Preiss

He’s still Russian and yes of course it is Russia’s problem because he is … wait …. Russian !!

jerry hamilton

Russia generally tend to laugh at the west’s ridiculous behaviour. I doubt they will see it as a problem.


And therein lies the problem. A cool head is an asset only if coupled to clear eyes. Western behavior may not be brilliant or subtle, but it is NOT random. Russia is faced with a _very_ powerful Empire hell-bent on its destruction; it’d be wise to pay attention.

jerry hamilton

Russia went into Syria knowing exactly what they were doing. America on the other hand have been very random. Saying one thing and doing another.


What is random about wartime deception? I’ve never said the US is all-knowing or all-powerful. Yes, many of their jihadists got a good beating; ergo they can’t get Assad’s head for free, using only disposable fodder paid by KSA. So they’ve moved in their own orcs, who’ve started killing a few Russians here and there. The Kremlin is visibly at a loss how to respond, and hopes we’ll all mostly forget about it, at least until after the March elections. Putin repeatedly declaring victory, only to be proven wrong/premature, has now become a running joke.

jerry hamilton

The American government is incredibly dishonest. However much you slag Putin off will never change that.


Yes OF COURSE they are; always have been and they’re not the only ones. And they really won’t be embarrassed if you point it out. They are also brash and relentless; there are mass graves full of people who underestimated them.


Putin declared victory. AGAINST ISIS.


Perhaps the deals already made? Only the U.S. (Deep State) is not aware of that… could be a possibility….these are strange days indeed…


and laughing lose. always.

jerry hamilton

The English language does not appear to be your best subject.


and? :))))))))))))))

io shit on your english, boy! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD


He’s competing as an individual …. he gets punished as an individual. Russia has no control over what he does.

If the USA as a country for example was held to the same standard as Russia for the actions of US individuals they should have been banned from competition decades ago for the actions of Clemson University, Pro football in general, pro baseball, pro basketball, the eight US olympic athlete that have lost medals due to doping, lance Armstrong and his entire team as well as the millions of gym rats, bouncers, cops and soldiers that use steroids every day.

Ever wonder how many Iraqi and Afghan civilians have died due to ‘roid rage over the last 2 decades?

Isabella Jones

“When will we ever learn!?”

I keep saying the same thing. When will people who claim to support Russia ever learn to understand language and how it works on the mind, on perceptions and self-image?

Why do you persist in lumping Russia in with a non-defined non official vague, unreal area called “Eurasia”?

The mind when reading – once we are adults – scans, takes the first syllable, or the first and last letters and completes the word in light of pre-existing perceptions. Eur… means Europe. To all who read this, Europe is partly the EU – a political power block, – but mainly the core countries which occupy the Western Atlantic Spur of the Northern Continental Massif on which the nation of Russia is found, and which she dominates. The term “Eurasia” has been popularised by the philosopher, Dugin, who however, stated that it has only one meaning, and that is Russia’s never ending battle with the West, which seeks now as it always has, Russia’s total destruction. “There is one only meaning of “Eurasia” and this is it” he says., However, for reasons known mainly to themselves, [apart from those of us who are awake to the uses Edward Bernays and Madison Avenue puts language to ], The West has decided it has the right to name either the entire continent, or bits of it. I say this as it is so common to see the word “Eurasia” used in conjunction with “Europe” and “China” for example, as contrasting concepts. For example one can read “Russia is trying to become dominant in Eurasia, whereas Europe counters this idea”. If “Eurasia” includes Classical Europe – then Europe is already covered. I fact, pan-Europeanism was coined by Count Coudenhove-Kalergi – a half Austrian half Japanese aristocrat with too little to think about ” in order to [a] form a mass of people with no national characteristics or identity to make them easier for white aristocrats to rule and [b] to “counter Russian hegemony”. Clearly, “Europe” means in the main Germany, with backup from France, Italy, Greece, Austria, the Netherlands and Brussels!! These were the original, core “Europe” and they are what we know as “Europe” now. Asia is the same, it meant “East of here” i.e. Greece. The West has never accepted that Russia exists between Europe and the Far East, and is still trying to fit her somewhere that suits it’s agenda. I read so many articles in which “Russia” is meant by the word “Eurasia”. The moderator of the EEF said “Russia is the only country in Eurasia”. One Russian writer referred to “Europeans of Slavic goup” meaning Russians. The Encyclopaedia Britannica, written and published and owned out of Chicago, USA, refers to “The European Steppes ” where once existed The Russian Steppes. The EB tells us that “there is no such place as “The Taiga” as taiga is merely a Russian word meaning “wood”. Eat your heart out for your idea of a national symbol, Mr. Putin !! Now Germany has immensely distressed the very stupid Poles because they thought they were Europeans, and it turns out this means that Germany can and will totally destroy an ancient, iconic forest in order to mine for —lignite– the most carbon dirty useless version of coal around. Are the Russian steppes to meet the same fate? The thing is, every country that self identifies with Europe gets a name in Eurasia. Every country that acknowledges it is part of “Asia” [few Asians do, actually, its another Western construct] gets a mention. But which country is ignored here? Which one is not referred to, as if she doesnt exist? And when even her friends do this to her, why are you surprised that so many Russians seem to have a dreadful sense of inferiority, that they accept the contempt metered out to them by Anglos and Euros, and take it in silence?. Not one word has been heard from Russia denying that “Russia has a European half”, nor of rejecting the use of the this pernicious word “Eurasian” – Russians seem not to realise that to be silent is always always always taken to mean consent. They want to be seen as “Europeans” because they think this is the only way to be accepted as less than a load of thuggish peasants, as they have been portrayed. They accept being spat on by the IOC because so many of them appear to think they deserve no better. When even her friends promote use of a word to describe her which mentions one of her worst Historical enemies, yet maintains a silence on identifying “Russia” why are you surprised that they think they are “Children of a Lesser God” ??


Why would Russians want to be seen any longer as Europeans? Perhaps it is wiser to identify oneself a bit more with Asia instead of Europe…..Asians are Smart & Modest..

Isabella Jones

I agree with you re Russia but NOT that Russians should “identify oneself with Asia”. To start with, I can assure you that to tell Russians they are “Asian” is asking for a punch on the nose. Secondly, and more importantly, what you are proposing here is to remove ones’ locus of identity from oneself to something external to yourself. People do this – and they are losers, failures, people who keep comparing themselves to others, who keep trying to “keep up with the Joneses”, who want a bigger car because the Smiths just got one, who go hungry and starve their kids just so they can wear designer clothes and go to the latest “in” place for their holidays so their family, “friends” colleagues, will approve of them, like them, envy them. And in the end they collapse in exhaustion liked and respected by nobody. You have to find your identity from within – from yourself, your heart, your essence: your values, character, beliefs. As people in Vladivostok would say when I would ask “Are you Europeans, Asians – in considerable exasperation “Look, we’re just Russians, OK?” Not Europeans, most certainly, and not Asians, no way. Just Russians. ” And that’s how it should be – thus anyone not Russian who supports and loves Russia will do exactly as her people request, and identify both the country and the people as they ask – as Russia/n.


Russians are Russians…. Chinese are Chinese…. South Koreans are no North Koreans…… I was more talking about tectonic plates and all that….

Isabella Jones

Agree, Europe is looking as though she could be sinking in the form in which we knew her. She made the critical error of hitching her wagon to a fading, failing star [US]. The thing about the word “Eurasia” is, it doesn’t matter what you mean by it, the word carries too many years of too much emotion, history, anger, fear, distorted admiration – it cannot be safely used. For example, why did some brother Republics of Russia, along with Russia, call themselves “the Eurasian Economic Union” instead of the B.R.A.K.K.s co–operative??? The “Eur… of Eurasian gives membership, ownership, to Germany and France [“Europe”] instead of just unemotionally listing the member Republics and making a non-loaded word sound from the acronym. Just as they did with BRICS for example. Russia must always do this – keep out any subservience to a long time and current bitter enemy, keep away any suggestion of being subservient, and just use unemotional, unencumbered, objective, sounds when she makes names, accepts being named. The Chinese have a saying “the beginning of wisdom comes with the proper naming of things” Exactly.


I liked your whole story…….perhaps the Melancholy & Tragic in the Russian Spirit complicates too…..

Isabella Jones

LOL. Well, it certainly doesn’t help :-)

Thank you Merijn.


You hate yourself? Is that it?


Nope, I don’t hate…. hate is bad for the heart….but I’m starting to dislike you a little bit……But that is only because I suspect you of being one of’m UndercoverAngloZioNazis…..and I really dislike AngloZioNazis…..


Hahahaaa, i don’t give a flying fuck if you like me or not. I think you are either under 25 or not very smart. Your comments are not really original and show a simple look on the world…..


You are going a little too hard, if one of the athletes kept a sealed bottle that they can test then ya it would prove quit a bit. Fact is truth actually doesn’t matter for the western audience, they could have just said it with no proof and most Americans would believe.

You can call me Al

Absolute bollocks – Europeans (the people) have already laughed it off as farce and / or a stitch up – hence some media outlets totally renewing their so called news articles and others just ignoring it in many cases. Now the BBC and the likes are taking vengeance on the Russkie fantastic ice skating beauty’s saying it is unfair that they do the amazing twisters and turns IN THE SECOND HALF of the routine, because their ugly old skanks cannot do it and she gets more points…….boo hoo…………AGAIN, the people have reacted and the same results can be found.

You may be right about the Americans though.

Douglas Houck

Russia is in the Olympics because they want to be part of the world community, and rightfully so. This is an obvious outside plant of the drug Meldonium, but most likely will never be solved.

According to TASS: (http://tass.com/sport/990979) “During training, I drink only water and it is unlikely to contain anything illegal, if only it was not added to it in the hotel” the athlete continued. “We have our own version of [reasons for the incident], but we will voice it only as part of the investigation.”

“During my entire career, I passed many doping tests, and all of them were negative,” he said. “Until 2015, I had no idea that I was taking meldonoim, the doctor just gave us pills and we took them. After the ban, they just stopped giving us pills containing this substance.”

Russia has to take responsibility for its past practices, but should not succumb to this outside pressure. Unfortunately, it is not going to be easy.

Again from TASS: (http://tass.com/sport/991140) “Having weighed up the pros and cons, I decided to withdraw my case from CAS. I believe that a hearing would be useless under the current rules,” the statement reads.

Anthony Paul Mapes

Again a article mentioning Masons and not citing any dam proof, agreed with the article until then and instantly imagined the writer sitting in there faraday cage and adorned Ina tinfoil hat!


This is the same Saker who was always lecturing us “Putin is so wise not to be provoked, Russia will react at a time of its own choosing, etc. etc.” Now the consequences of this policy are starting to dawn upon him. Whatever the thinking is in Moscow, in Washington, where it matters, these were always seen as signs Russia can be successfully intimidated, so full speed ahead with squeezing the Russkies. Now it’s open season any season.

Once upon a time, Iranian scientists were getting bumped off one by one, never mind Tehran’s pleas that they were only working on a legal civilian energy program. Then a bus full of Israeli tourists got whacked in Bulgaria by … somebody, and somebody else got the message the two sides can play this game. Terroristic? No doubt. But the assassinations seem to have stopped, and I’m not sure how that could have been achieved otherwise. You _have_ to address to aggressor in his mother language.

Tudor Miron

My friend, I will say it again – just wait and see what heppens. Fairly soon btw.


this fairly soon you write almost for two long years… and we see only decline of russia….

Tudor Miron

Decline? On your planet may be :)


You are right. on my Planet Earth Russia declines. :))))

Boris Kazlov

Planet USAIPAC sees decline in Russia, wishful thinking, Stupid idiotic murikans unable to understand that Russia is a social republic allocating funds for education, free medicine, infrastructure, contrary to USA where trains derail and capsize at a mere 125 mph, what a joke, keep shooting yourselves so we don’t have to spend our own bullets.


Russia is a social republic allocating funds for education, free medicine, infrastructure,

boy, i was several times in ussr, also in russia. i exactly know, how big stupidity you wrote. ;)

in russia infrastructure???



Decline in the USA is bigger


Boy, if russia needs to decrease militra udget by 30%, there are BIG, BIG problems. In teh last 15 years there was no intensive modernization of inddustry. The machie park is old, nio money for new ones. This is decline, although for outsider looks as stagnation.


A PERFECT reply. The Great Game means ‘alpha’ rules. In other words when someone ‘punches’ you, you MUST ‘punch’ back. Russia once knew this- which is why across most of the Cold War, no-one messed with Russia.

But today Putin is the ‘muscular vicar’ who loves to turn the other cheek, and when ‘punched’ dribbles “can’t we all just get along?”. But that simply means Putin grooms the other side to become even more of a violent bully.

I know Putin is confused because of American leadership issues. Hillary ran on a war-mongering ticket, and to the great relief of all decent Humans, lost. Putin still thinks, because of this, that Trump is still ‘different’- a bellicose pseudo-right-winger who purposely wants to have a bark louder than his bite, for the sake of ‘appearances’. This is a dreadful mistake. The Deep State has taken full control of Trump, and their new puppet is being made ‘fit for purpose’. Trump is to provide the ‘mad’ route to the Iran War.

Recall how Tony Blair’s 911 came out of the blue, after Blair failed to get America to engage in a ground war in Blair’s Kosovo atrocity? Supreme dim bulb Bush rolled with the blows, and figureheaded a new age of American aggression.

Trump needs his own ‘911’ and plans are being enacted to give him that ‘excuse’. Putin’s perpetual weakness in the face of USA evil is used to ‘convince’ certain people in the West to jump on board.

The entirety of Putin’s current play is ‘containing’ the war mongering of Israel and KSA- as Putin falls for the Deep State design of making it seem as if these two nothing states are key to major events in the region. But while the Deep State considered trying to use KSA to kick start to Iran War- it has a million other options that Putin is doing nothing to discourage.

By hook or by crook the Deep State will have its Iran War long before Trump’s first term is up. Only Russia could stop this, but as even Team Saker is now noticing, Russia is too busy allowing itself to be demeaned and humiliated in every way on the world stage.


I don’t think the Kremlin understands the American leadership system remotely well enough to successfully analyze it. Though what you say brings up an instructive point, in that Little Bush also ran for president on a program of a “humble foreign policy” after the Clintonian expansionism, and how did that work out. You have to go by what comes out of the Beltway black box, and these days that’s clearly a full-spectrum assault on the Russian Federation–sovereign Russian territory was already invaded when the FBI stormed those consular compounds. It’d be prudent to prepare accordingly.

Boris Kazlov

About time to show the paper tiger who is boss.


But he was also tested for the same substance just before leaving Russia for Japan (where the athletes were training) and he was clean then.

Who trust russian test laboratiries, is completely idiot.

Tudor Miron

Another fart in the puddle? Keep showing how dumb you are? They were tested by WADA, Russian test labarotories have nothing to do with it for long time.

You keep refusing to answer my simple question. Where are you from and what nationality you are? Keep hiding? :) Afraid of something?


You, primitive moldavian fart always

just now in own face


Peter Stein

He is from Israel and trolls for a miserable living Actually its a sad story with him

jerry hamilton

While they are corrupt, they are not as corrupt as America. By way of example… The FDA, Monsanto and Rockefeller’s modern medicine. If you prescribe natural cures instead of drugs, they will kill you.




jerry hamilton

Good link. There you have it. Russians are very bad people.



Sure, everywhere are such examples.

But in russia is this issiu an organized crime. Maffia.

Btw., i did not wrote, that russians are bad people. I wrote about corrupt system.

jerry hamilton

Every country is corrupt. Looks like Netanyahu’s corruption is about to get him kicked out. Thing is, he is nowhere near as bad as Clinton.

Tudor Miron

Those who went to Korean Olympics deserve what they get – they are being used to wipe the floor. From the start IOC was probing them – you go without flag and anthem as independent athletes, showing to the world that Russians are ready to crawl and beg for another dollar or two. Agree? Those who agreed were in for some pleasant surprises – IOC started to create new humiliating (specific for Russians) rules. “You agree to this, OK than we make it worse, agree to this? OK than worse again. Presumption of innocence? Nah, not for Russians”. Provocations will keep happening but those athletes made their choice – participating in ridiculing their Motherland. We’re reaping what was sown starting in the mid 80-s.


Though I’m not sure I’d place the blame with the individual athletes, for whom time is _not_ on their side. But the way you put it aptly reminds one of that film, what was it called again, oh of course, The Empire Strikes Back.: “Hey, Han Solo was not part of the deal!” “I just changed the terms of the deal. Pray I do not change them further.”

Honestly, anybody who has ever begged for a girl’s affection should know what to expect: you’ll be used, abused, and then dumped all the same because she just wasn’t that into you.


Hahaha, how denied you, when i wrote, that all of them will go. And why should not? They invested own time, own money. Russian state is only parasite.

Tudor Miron

Says who? Little troll that hides his name, origin and nationality?


You again attack me, and do not react to facts, i write.


Facts ? what facts ?

Tudor Miron


Facts? The only actual fact is that someone said something, the rest is an opinion at best.

All that is going on is just a case of selective justice – entire western teams are said to suffer from asthma and another terrible illness :) and are allowed to ingest prohibited (by WADA) drugs. How about this one on the left? Clean athlete? Is it even a girl?

viktor ziv

I remember Ben Johnson(CAN) winning 100m over Carl Lewis(USA) for small margin. What a race this was! Few days later Ben was stripped of the gold because of “some” supstance. MSM cover this big time. Ben couldn’t hide tears. Ben never raced again. 25 Years later Carl admitted he took forbiden supstance but yet again he is still the gold winner! Those games are farse, just like Nobel price is.


The one on right is ever so much prettier.

Boris Kazlov

Yeah, I wish she would be grabbing my pole

Tudor Miron

Keep hiding behind keyboard? :)


Look …The stupid moujik miron…The orange eater who is too blind to see the parasitic worm called russia.

Boris Kazlov

Parassitic worm planted the red flag on the Reichstag, next time will plant in your ass.


Tipical russian fag. But it’s normal, since all their nice women are cheaper sluts in the west. You’ll sell your mama for a few vodka rubles and yes russian who live there ARE parassitic worms i.e. no brain and fags.

Boris Kazlov

Just ask the sluts in Berlin how it feels being surrounded by a million untermenschen Russian soldiers, LOSER!!!


Hey nato sex-slave you have parasitic worms in your aids infested dead and rotten brain… At least learn English if you love to suck anglo cocks so much… or even better: go blow your boyfriends John and Abdullah then go suck Hitlers anus in hell you braindead pile of shite.

Ariel Cohen

What’s wrong with your adulterated English velocirapist? Was it too difficult to make the switch from hebrew?

You can call me Al

What about going against all odds and all adversity, under a stupid banner that even stipulates that they are from Russia. What about both Americans and Ukrainians amongst others that have made them feel welcome and a Ukrainian actually hugged one of the Russians showing the numpties what sport is all about.

What about the Russian audience (there and at home) in their colours with their flags, cheering away plus the neutrals who cheer them on, or a vast proportion of the viewership supporting them because they turned up, against all odds.

The article is stupid and your comment in naïve. They have seriously damaged the European and Yank governments and hammered the MSM outlets that dare insult them in any way, shape or form.

I mean no insult, BUT you and Saker really have missed the point – big time.

Tudor Miron

No problem Al, I understand that opinions may differ and that’s OK.

You can call me Al

Cheers, but feel free to bollock me, if I step out of line.


Russia has to play the game with it’s fellow Empires (The Amerincan Empire & Western-European Empire) if it expects to win but it can play just as dirty/covertly as C.I.A.,MI5 or any other western intellegeince agency.


First of all a bottle filled with Meldonium sounds better than a bottle Polonium….The only Real Evil Empire out there is the AngloZionist Empire. And it wants to Crush and Rule The Whole World, Their Fourth Reich… they are nothing but NAZIS, the Knights Templars with their ZioNazi Brotherhood…. goin’ back to the days of Babylon, the Pharaos, Julius Ceasar, Crusades, the Extermination of ALL Indiginous People and Replacing them with their OWN GENES!!! By Raping them, Murdering Them, Torturing Them and making sure that there Offspring will Rule the Earth…. For All this is according Darwin’s Laws…Survival of the Fittest….aight….Every time the Same plan, Different Methods, as long as “Lower Forms” of life are Destroyed (in their Sick, Twisted, Satanic, Psychopatic & Demonic Eyes). Just because this time around the AngloZioNazis and their MASON Brotherhood are Militarily Weak does not mean that their political ‘soft’ power is not still immense ( For they made sure they Spread themselves Worldwide) and that they Want to Destroy Russia like they tried in the Gulags with their Filthy Brotherhood of SCUM!!!!: they most definitely CAN & WILL!! unless the WORLD finally Wakes UP!!! And Destroys these Sick EVIL BASTARDS for ONCE & FOR ALL….BECAUSE FEMA, CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND GULAGS WILL BE OUR FUTURE IF WE LET THEM!!!!


polonium is russian delikatess


Would you like some ?


I use more gentle substanmces to eliminate russian spies :p


……………….Like a spell-checker for instance ?????


special poisons. such, that the low level russian technical niveau is not able to recognize.


Thankfully your wit is completely harmless as are all your Zionist posts.

Substance abuse is obviously an issue for you Velociraptor.


” Villa Matrix is an established private premium rehab centre in Israel focused on treating various addictions with specific and effective, traditional and modern therapies for patients in need of individual care with problems of alcoholism, narcotics, internet, eating disorders, gambling, dual diagnosis and other destructive compulsive behaviours. “


you are welcome there, mossad agent


You are spinning in ever decreasing circles of insanity now. Do please carry on ant hopefully you will spin into a Black Hole.


You are spinning in ever decreasing circles of insanity now. Do please carry on and hopefully you will spin into a Black Hole.


Yep! Again I’m in a complete agreement with every singly idea you presented in the article. Will Russians ever learn? I think they have done it already. but … , hm … , all good things to those who wait. Yet, what I’m surprised at is the level of barbarism, the driving force of Western ‘civilization’. It goes far beyond any threshold of tolerance.


Personally I do not care about any sports or World Contests of any sort. They all become politically partisan and are in fact just ‘ Bread and Circus’s ‘ to give the masses the trivia they crave.


True, but there are special occasions like a 4 – 0 win


That was a form of combat, especially from the US side who were obviously very angry indeed :)


Honestly i’m the same. I might make an exception for the 2018 world cup tho.


I have never been to a football match in my life and have no ambition to go to one :) There are far better and educational things to see in Russia than grown men kicking a ball around .

A Joyce

Glory to Russia


Russia winning against America FOUR to ZERO in hockey , made it absolutely worth it , with all respect Saker……..Hockey is as military as any game gets, the US coach was so upset he wouldn’t shake hands with the Russian coach, breaking tradition, that was worth it.

Tudor Miron

Sore loosers? Is that how they say it in US?


“Spoiled sport” is an other, lacking in any “class”.

Andrea Howard

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Boris Kazlov

Refused to shake hands, that shows what a bad sport they are, not a humiliation for Russia. We are at war, and the game is deadly, either Russia disappears as such, or USAIPAC ceases to be an empire. May God protect our sacred motherland and send her victorious.

jerry hamilton

Looks like Netanyahu is about to leave the building.

Carol Davidek-Waller

Participation in he Olympic Games was left up to individual Russian athletes rather than the state. A brilliant solution to an impossible situation. Just before the games, 28 athletes who challenged accusations of doping were reinstated. Expect more of this. Russia has all ready announced it aims to reform both WADA and the IOC, the necessity of which is obvious to everyone. Meldonium was not on the list of prohibited drugs until a few months before the summer Olympics. It was placed on the list at the insistence of the US. The drug was marketed under a different name in Russia and can be used to treat medical medical conditions such as irregular heartbeat which is how Sharapova was entrapped. Asthma medications also benefit performance but are not banned. Use only requires a doctor’s note. The Norwegians are alleged to have packed 6000 oses of these medications, along with their spandex to the Olympics.

Igor Dano

Author omitted to name jews, zionists, kagans, nudelmmans, nutanyahus. I do not know why. Anglozios are only a half of the gang.

You can call me Al

The so called Anglozios and as you say, the jews, zionists, kagans, nudelmmans, nutanyahus = less that 0.01% of the people so fuck them and fuck the stupid article above; it is wrong in s many ways, just one of the Sakers ridiculous rants in-between his mostly fantastic articles.


The Saker is a faker. Apparently his Ruskies are the losers. Soon we will come for more of you in Syria and elsewhere. Where is your “PUTIN thing” anyway?


pet, better known as the pest


….Soon “WE” will come for more of you … who the heck is We? the American government, bankrupt! the Israelis, they always get somebody else to fight for them the Brits, ha ha ha please let me know who is the referenced WE

Samantha Green

Saker admits to the symbolic unimportance of Olympics, and of sports in general to empire competition; so this is at most a very minor skirmish that is not worth his time, ours, or that of the apparent drugger. ABORTION RIGHTS IN PYONCHANG! Hey, isn’t this a military site? what are sports doing here?

Weldon Cheek

Wish i had the means to move to russia myself,im im bish but think russia is an excellent country!


I FULLY agree the olympic games “are a stupid, useless, corrupt waste of money, a disgusting display of crude nationalistic fervor which has nothing to do with real sports”. The best part of this text. The comparison with mordor and orcs is a bit pathetic. Big chance they framed the Russians, but i believe doping has become an integral part of proffesional sports, not only Russians do it, but most participants…


A little bitter perhaps but all it took was ‘one bad apple’ to ruin it for the entire Russian barrel. Have any athletes from any other nations tested positive? Is there any other ‘doping nation’ on Earth?


I most sympathize with your opinion The Saker. As a Greek living in the Beast’s Lair (London), I am used to what you just see now. Greece has been forever been humiliated and I found, to my amazement, that I could knock the stuffing out of them. Knowledge of History and some other subjects did help. First of all I do not own a TV set. I therefore do not pay the TV licence fee. The end result? I do not fall for their increasingly stupid Propaganda. You must have noticed that after the Fall of Yugoslavia that the next victim would have to be Greece, The suspicious Death (two different types of Cancer) of the Most popular Archbishop Christodoulos was an early sign. He warned us that they come for us He was o Sovereigntist. Also the suspicious downing of a Sikorski Helicopter with the Patriarch of Alexandria and 22 monks and Priests. My suspicions are: is Greece in that situation to encourage Turkey to feel safe from the west side to act the way it acted so far? Is FYROM primed to be taken over by NATO and Germany today for the long sought goal of 100 years ago? Berlin to Baghdad Railway project?. That also blocks Russia from gaining Markets and access to the world via the Aegean. And the Greeks accessing the Russian Markets for their products. A quick example: a look in the supermarkets show that clemantines come from Spain, South Africa and Morocco whereas the Greek ones are falling under the trees, rotting. My solution: Do you want the Olympic flame ? here is my cigarette lighter, be my guest. No light from Olympia. Organise Orthodox games in Olympia and Olympus. O Games from states that compete freely for the spirit of it. I would even insist calling ………..(Oh The horror) …..Persia (Iran for the ignorant)

Do the AngloZionists want to play dirty games ?? I can help. Who better than the Eastern Roman Empires (Byzantium) decedents? Yes Me.


The Orthodox games is a cool idea. As you said, nations that compete for the spirit of the sport would be most welcome. In that sense it would make sense to be permanently based in Greece, where that spirit first took hold.

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